Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY)...

New Skirts t AVo now have on sale about 100 now skirts jn lllack Navy rev White Pitney Checks nun Plaids nt 85 to 810 Big line of pleated and circular style skirls iu lllack Innrtmn- m serges nt 85 8lfiO 87fi0 mud 810 The very popular solid Grey Oroy Checks and Grey Plaids < 8B to 10I White pleated Mohair skirt nt 85 to 8750 SON STANFORD r jTANFOHI KY AlHIl 61006 IHUSSIAN Corn Curo removes corns In t our lOc Pennys Drug Store PERSONALS I Miss Mum SINGLETON la quite sick Mil It It GENTRY m in Lexington J Miss MAIIIA WAURUN continues very ill SENATon U I HUIUILK went to St j l Lull Tuesday MRS J S NICE is vsiting her moth ¬ er at Cave City MR Joust Luu ELKIN of Lebanon t was hero yesterday JUDQB M C SAUKLEY attended th Casey circuit court Misa BEKDA FADS is assisting in the 1 telephone exchange HKV It K MAIIONY attended court at Liberty this week It ftrt3 SAMUEL HElD of Ilustonvillc is threatened with pneumonia Miss EILA DUNN of Boyle was the guest of Mrs J W Haughman STKAUII and J J Beldcn Somerset a few days ago LICTcn WITHERS of the Gilbert Is ill with pneumonia IpontT tMISS VIRGINIA PICKETT continues ill J somewhat letter than sho was MR A II C DINWIODIB the clover liveryman of Hustonville was hereycs tenlay MRS A G EASTLAND of Louisville attended thefuncral of Mrs Mary Jane Owslcy MIss FANNIE Knnn of Crab Orchard Is with Mrs Alice Newland at East Iternitadt Miss MADELINE TRUII who spent the I winter In Cincinnati returned home WednesdayMiss DAWSON went to Louis ¬ yule yesterday to visit her sister Mrs C1 Dorsey Mss WIUJAM FIELDS of Lexing ¬ ton was the guest of her father lion LackeyJ SINE went to Boston Ncl son county Wednesday to work for the I order of Muccabcea MRS JAMES F HOLDAM went to Crab Orchard Wednesday to see little Mason Morris Jr who is very sick MR G > McCoLLUM mine host of the McCollum Hotel at Junction City was here between trains Wednesday Mn I W GILL of Wichita Kansas spent several days with his little friend Master Raid Conway In the West End MESSRS A J HAYDEN of Boyle and S W Moss of Garrard were sub stantial callers at this office Wednes ¬ day MR 11 B KINOSOIVINO of Mt Sterling was hero this week adver- tising ¬ the looming town of Chautcau Ind Tcr MR H BRIGHT FERRIIX pungcr has teen transferred from W II Truylors distillery to the John B Thompson dis ¬ tillery nt Harrodaburg MRS It C WARREN loft yesterday to visit hereon Mr Ashby M Warren at Mobile Ala Judge Warren accom ¬ panied her as far as Louisville MR J W Ilurc1u SON cashier of tho Dank of Brodhcad was on Wed nesdays train bound for Louisville to take tho 32nd degree in Masonry FOSTER HelD PHILLIPS Is tho name of a handsome little fellow that has taken board and residence at the homo of Mr and Mrs James M Phillips Jr lie arrived Tuesday morning MR SAMUEL W MENEKEB who now reside at Alton III had the mlsfor f nail At time line to step on a rusty ono r his condition was critical but by care ¬ ful nursing blood poison was obviated He is slowly recovering MR WILLIAM Swore of Fayctte was hero this week to see his sister Ed Ballard who continues very- hadtapleasanticall of i has one the 1 Js best subscribers for many years LOCALSI C I ASK to see tho white embroidered I parasols at L M Buoy Co s BRING your buggies to me if they need fresh paint or now rubbers E T Pence I Tim Baptist Aid Society will meet with Mrs E J Brown this afternoon fiat 230 MONDAY is county court day and horse show day as well A big crowd will likely be here t I ys Fitnsii fish and tomatoes Saturday Mrs W S Jones GARDEN seeds seed sweet potatoes i at W H Bigginse JUST In fresh supply of International Stock Food E T Pence BIG line of buggy harness just opened See It J C McClary ALL plantslettuce rad dishes etc for sale Ed Hubbanl MR A P RRAC Tsold a lot of ginseng plants tho other i ay ut G ccntd each banquete lamp 25 per cent oft for 10 days Geo II FarrisS MISSES VANDEYEER ivitethe ladies to see their display of pattern hats on Friday April 6 T MR S IL ALDRIDGE has broken dirt for his new home on Portman Avenue lie will build a pretty cottage LONDON Laurel countys thriving capital is growing Three boys were born there In less than an hour Tues ¬ day morning WE will have a nice display of pat ¬ tern hata at our Easter opening Friday April 6 Tho ladies are cordially invit ¬ ed to attend Misses Straub MONEY Trustee the fund Mr W 0 Walker tells us that money for the jurors who served last court has arrived and he is ready to disburse- It T G A WALTER who waa here from Kingsville Tuesday told us that he had enlarged his store at that place and added a big lino of furniture and trunks n Tile L N otTers a rate of one cent n mile plus 25c to the Confeder ¬ ate Veteran Reunion at New Orleans April 25 2G 27 See Agent J S Rice for further particulars- ROWLANDpare DP Rowland of Danville died at the home of her sis ¬ ter Mrs I S McElroy at Columbus Ga where she was visiting A hus ¬ band and several children survive Tho burial will occur at Danville at 330 this afternoon T Soin OUTMr J W Acey has sold his livery outfit to Land Buchanan who will take charge Tuesday next Mr Acey will likely go on the road but will continue to make Stanford his home Land Buchanan will continue their junk business and will move it to the stable IT is generally believed that Fred Newland son of Mrs Alice Newland now of East Bernstndt has been foully dealt with Ho has been missing since March 19 at which time he left a hotel nt Gadsdcn Ala saying he would re ¬ turn in a few moments His brother and partner have made a diligent search for him and have olfered a large re- ward but no trace has been found Great sympathy is felt for tho family in their trouble No WAITIKGThe program render ¬ ed by tho Schubert Company is entirely devoid of waits Pleasing tho people is a trade with this famous organization and they know tiresome waits are not a part of an enjoyable program Al ¬ though their program is bright and en ¬ tertaining and contains a great deal of pure fun It Is so refined in character and the laughs so wholesome that it is endorsed and patronized by themostse ¬ lect people everywhere Hear them ftt Waltons Opera House April Hi under auspices of the Graded School Tim fiscal court was In session Tues ¬ day and Wednesday The levy was fix- ed ¬ at 42 cents to be used as follows IGc tor maintaining tho turnpikes 2c for interest on the outstanding bonds 3c to go to tho sinking fund 8c for county roads and 13c for ordinary ex- penses ¬ Tho office of supervisor was dispensed with and certain citizens on tho pike will look after the spreading rock and gravel and other work nec- essary ¬ nt so much per mile Capt B F Powell Major Ike Shelby and other good men offered to do this at 3 per mile on pikes in their respective neigh ¬ borhoods Mr A C Dunn who filled the office nf supervisor most accept- ably ¬ was employed to look after the spreadingof the rock from J R Bcaz leys rock crusher An order was made to take the sense of tho people at the November election on n 10000 court house t Special For This WeekA- pril 3rd to 7th inclusiae Ladies Full Bleached Sleeveless Vests tapered neck nntl arms size i to 0 The real value of which ig10c caoh Wo will offer them in lots of 4 no more no less to v n customer at 2oo for the 1 10 dozen in this lot and qnly on sale this we kI Dont wait and cxpfct to tier them later I FOR good disc harrow single or dou ble corn planter get my prices T D NewlandS WE fosale the Sir Walter Raleigh Seed Potatoes at 75c per bush ¬ el P G Warner Son Fon RENT The storeroom on Lan ¬ caster street jest vacated by Garlan- Singleton Apply at this office FOR SALE OR REtrrDr J K Van Arsdales residence Possession given at once Apply to L IL Hughes Stan- ford ¬ KyI REMEMBER the picture show at Waltons Opera louse Tuesday night next The ladies of the Baptist church play it here AXMINSTEK Velvet Tapestry Jute Ingrain druggets carpets matting rugs wall paper lace curtains win ¬ dow shades and all kinds of furniture Tribblo PenceS IK you want to rid yourself of that tired feeling try Whites Concen ¬ trated Crab Orchard Water It will do the work For sale by W B McRob crta G L Penny W N Craig Stan- ford ¬ and C W Adams Hustonville WANT DAMAGES Hon B B King of Moreland and a Mr Cox have brought suit for damages in the sum of 75000 against Mr W J Sparks of Rockcastie They claim that Mr Sparks is quarrying rock on their land o GRAHAM Mr Graham aged about GO died in the East End and was buried Wednesday lIe moved to this county from Bell several years ago and lived on the W T B White farm He is survived by a wife and several grow children MANY A LAUGH Pleasing the e is a trade with the Schubert Symphon- Clnb and Lady Quartette and their program contains lots of fun of a re ¬ fined nature as well as a wealth of fine music Hear them at Waltons Operji House April 14 ON account of a misunderstanding in shipping gas for the moving picture machine the Edison Kinetoscope Co No 2 had to caricel its engagement hero Tuesday night It will be here next Tuesday night however and a large crowd will likely witness the per formancU it will give You will be given opportunity to vote for a new courthouse to cost 40 000 at the November election the fiscal court having ordered that the sense of the people be taken on the proposition That we need a new courthouse there is no doubt and it is to be hoped that tho proposition to build 9ne will carry by a big majority ROUTES No 1 2 and 3 from Stan ¬ lord commenced counting the mail tho first of this month The carriers will count three months and if they handle the required amount the routes will be permanently established Therefore It behooves the patrons to patronize these routes by buying stamps and money or ¬ ders from the carriers BLACK Dr J M Black who mar ¬ ried Miss Anna Fish of the East End died of pneumonia at Knoxville at 830 yesterday aged about 35 No arrange ¬ ments had been made for his burial when wo went to press but it is proba ¬ ble that the remains will be laid by the side of those ofliis wife who died less than four months ago in the Crab Or- chard ¬ cemetery Tlieladics of tho Christian church are cordially invited to attend the foliowing prayer services of the Stanford Auxil- Iary ¬ to the C W BM Monday April 9th with Mrs J G Carpenter Su- bjectOur ¬ Children How Shall we Make Them Strong Against the Ene ¬ mies of the Cross of Christ 1 Leader Mrs T A Rico Tuesday April 10th with Mrs John S Baughman Su- bjectOur ¬ Young Women May they Realize tho High Calling of God in Christ Jesus forThem LeaderMrs John S Baughman Wednesday April 11th with Mis W B OBannop sub ¬ ject Things Whch urn BeforoMay we Reach FQrward to more Workers- and to Greater Work Leader Miss Ophelia Lackey Thursday April 12th SubjectOurbe WorkLeaderMrs I BereaBank court of Madison county to go over the countys books eight years and will begin work on them at onceI e e s PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Clews eat ImutlTxi lh tuft IVomote s Iniuritnt growth yHair Cum seal dimM ft a rr Krttidtlluit Dnirrlitl LOOK I i hiltI stylesItIUI them MUM JONKK AXUKUXO- NIruiichvriivlUe Ky Attention Farmers I I hiivejuit rfcplwcl n cur lonil or M ton of Tim Old HomcMtnul Kertlllr It him n worldwide reputation U unexcelled iu it crop It sells on lie merltK For the luiidH sake glee It it trial- F11CNrtuuroN Klngnvllle Ky Strawberry Plants For Sale II hoes the following varieties of Htruw 11111118 for 1111 Hiiverlund lluluiclc HIIll llIrylrlillclwlllfJ other vnrietlei SOc Mr 1X II pur 1au I also 11111 or II dozen pigeons that I will Moll clioim If ullilre taken J L JOHNSON KlngKVllle Ky GALTON 12910 Sired by OambettA Wilkes S19K with Jill with records from 2 05 to 2 30 claimed to be the greatest tire In tho world lit him lIallY Field fgramlam of 3 with records from 2 ISJ ti 2 IT by Enfleld 220 else of 0 In 2 30 and dams of 60 In 2 30 or better Sod dam Qulckttep by Kentucky Prince Jr sire of J Q 2174 Lemonade 2 27K and the dumi of 15 In the 2 30 Hit Srd dam by Old Joe lire of the dam of J Q 217sf leadlDgfamilies brlno Chief and geeleyi American Star Gallon Is a dark bay 15 IX hands breeds large tiDe style action and Only 0 of his colts have been handled for speed a short timer one took a mark of 2 29 the oth ¬ er flee worked trial from 2 18 to 2 30 Ills then ring one of his colts having won a 875 pre- mium ¬ at the Ilustonvllln fair over the Comment unnecessary as ho Is so well aty ballon will stand at my stable 2 miles west of Uuttonvllle on liradfordsvllle pike at 110 to Insure a living colt Money due If mare Is trnled after bring bred Orass af ¬ ter May lit at 4280 per month Phone In residence W M DODD Uustonvllle Ky HUMMER JR Day stallion 15 hands a good Individual with abundant speed He Is by Hummer 211fSpalpeen talneer 2il5 f Speedoh19H 15 In 230 Hummer tin a von renowned Electioneer and save one Is the only son of Electioneer living that Is out of a George heentuckythat greatLord HAPSBURG 509 hy1m ful Ito Any one wishing a very high bred coach horse to breed on standard bred mares for getting style speed and action should see this hon- eJESSE ALVERSON goodbreedrr at ¬ sure a tiring colt Will alto stand my two Jacks at 10 to In sure mares and 510 by the season from April 1 Lit July 1 for jennets Mares grazed at 8240 month which In nil clUes must be paid before they are removed Care taken to prevent accidents but nut responsible should soy occur Mares traded or parted with makes season money due J K BAUOIIMAN Hustonville Kr THE WARFIELD Trial 224 Trotting Dark bay stallion 15 334 hands foaled August 1901 bred by Village harps East New York Sired by Dare Devil 24828 record 2oo sire cube Beau Ideal 2I5j Son of Mnmbrino King 1279 sire of Lord Derby Nightingale Metallas The Questor Lord March Lady of the Manor HeiratLaw King Charles Mock ¬ ing Boy Mercees all with records under 208 First Dam Naughty Girl bys Rex Americus 23200 2nd dam Duerma by Mambrino King 1279 3rd dam Dotlet by Nutwood GOO 4th dam Topaz by Strath more 6 ih dam Millard by Albion Gth dam Ned by Edwin Forest 7th dam La ¬ dy Turner by Mambrino Chief dayslaSt half mile track He is sound good head ed good gaited good wind good feet and legs and kind andeasy to handle in har ¬ daylie our farm near McKinney at 816 to insure a living colt- Mares traded off or bred to another horse forfeits insurance and makes season money duo Lien Retained on Colts Until Season is Paid We will also stand the imported jack CONQUEROR- At ss to insure a living colt He 154 years old lufr hands high black with white tine bone and action and a treat jackbefore 11s MOWENSSONMcKinneyKy = iWaists 1Vo have just placed on sale a big assortment of Taffeta tin butai silk waists with either short or long sleeves at 83 to 8050 Plain tucked Inp waists in Black or White at 83 White Hahutai silk waists with val insertion trimming ° at SK50 to ghCO Taffeta silk waists in Black and colors at 85 to 8050 EVERANCE KENTUCKY 1 r Stanfords Largest i SHOESTORE I Department almost as large ns the whole of nny other store dew 41 voted entirely to SHOliS r Greatest Variety To Select From h Superior styles and Standard Qualities QUEEN QUALITY i for Woman 1IANAN tC SON and W L DOUGLAS makes i for men brands acknowledged to be the best See tho choice z styles we are showing in Patent Gun Metal and Tan Leathers and White Canvas Visit our SHOE DEPARTMENT we shall boglnil to show you whether you want to buy or not i i CUMMINS F t MCCLARYL s + tlrllllllllrlIIIII II + flllllll ++++ IIII III II White Embroider ¬ d ed Parasols i + Are theI Rage this seasoni We have just received a large assortment of them Prices 150 to 500 You are yt cordially invited to inspect our line i LMHUEYCOI i + Dry Goods Notions Shoes 5 and 10 Cent WareS Opera House Block Opposite Court House 1 STANFORD KENTUCKY f + + ltttII ++ ++ t III ++ tt + K + f tflltIllttt lne h p di icl < f

Transcript of Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY)...

Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) … Skirts t AVo now have on sale about 100 now skirtsjn lllack

New Skirtst AVo now have on sale about 100 now skirts jn lllack Navy

rev White Pitney Checks nun Plaids nt 85 to 810

Big line of pleated and circular style skirls iu lllack Innrtmn-

m serges nt 85 8lfiO 87fi0 mud 810

The very popular solid Grey Oroy Checks and Grey Plaids

< 8B to 10IWhite pleated Mohair skirt nt 85 to 8750


IHUSSIAN Corn Curo removes corns Int our lOc Pennys Drug Store


Miss Mum SINGLETON la quite sickMil It It GENTRY m in Lexington

J Miss MAIIIA WAURUN continues veryill

SENATon U I HUIUILK went to Stj l Lull Tuesday

MRS J S NICE is vsiting her moth ¬

er at Cave CityMR Joust Luu ELKIN of Lebanon

t was hero yesterdayJUDQB M C SAUKLEY attended th

Casey circuit courtMisa BEKDA FADS is assisting in the

1 telephone exchangeHKV It K MAIIONY attended court

at Liberty this weekIt ftrt3 SAMUEL HElD of Ilustonvillc

is threatened with pneumoniaMiss EILA DUNN of Boyle was the

guest of Mrs J W HaughmanSTKAUII and J J Beldcn

Somerset a few days agoLICTcn WITHERS of the Gilbert

Is ill with pneumonia

IpontTtMISS VIRGINIA PICKETT continues ill

J somewhat letter than sho wasMR A II C DINWIODIB the clover

liveryman of Hustonville was hereycstenlay

MRS A G EASTLAND of Louisvilleattended thefuncral of Mrs Mary JaneOwslcyMIss FANNIE Knnn of Crab Orchard

Is with Mrs Alice Newland at EastIternitadt

Miss MADELINE TRUII who spent theI

winter In Cincinnati returned home

WednesdayMissDAWSON went to Louis ¬

yule yesterday to visit her sister Mrs

C1 DorseyMss WIUJAM FIELDS of Lexing ¬

ton was the guest of her father lion

LackeyJSINE went to Boston Ncl

son county Wednesday to work for the

I order of MuccabceaMRS JAMES F HOLDAM went to Crab

Orchard Wednesday to see little Mason

Morris Jr who is very sickMR G > McCoLLUM mine host of

the McCollum Hotel at Junction City

was here between trains Wednesday

Mn I W GILL of Wichita Kansas

spent several days with his little friend

Master Raid Conway In the West EndMESSRS A J HAYDEN of Boyle

and S W Moss of Garrard were substantial callers at this office Wednes ¬


Sterling was hero this week adver-



the looming town of ChautcauInd Tcr


teen transferred from W II Truylorsdistillery to the John B Thompson dis ¬

tillery nt HarrodaburgMRS It C WARREN loft yesterday

to visit hereon Mr Ashby M Warren

at Mobile Ala Judge Warren accom ¬

panied her as far as LouisvilleMR J W Ilurc1u SON cashier of

tho Dank of Brodhcad was on Wednesdays train bound for Louisville to

take tho 32nd degree in Masonry


of a handsome little fellow that has

taken board and residence at the homo

of Mr and Mrs James M Phillips Jrlie arrived Tuesday morning


reside at Alton III had the mlsforf nail At timeline to step on a rusty onor

his condition was critical but by care ¬

ful nursing blood poison was obviated

He is slowly recoveringMR WILLIAM Swore of Fayctte

was hero this week to see his sisterEd Ballard who continues very-

hadtapleasanticall of i

has one the 1 Js bestsubscribers for many years


I ASK to see tho white embroidered

Iparasols at L M Buoy Co s

BRING your buggies to me if they need

fresh paint or now rubbers E T


I Tim Baptist Aid Society will meet

with Mrs E J Brown this afternoon

fiat 230

MONDAY is county court day and

horse show day as well A big crowd

will likely be heret



Fitnsii fish and tomatoes SaturdayMrs W S Jones

GARDEN seeds seed sweet potatoes i

at W H BigginseJUST In fresh supply of International

Stock Food E T Pence

BIG line of buggy harness justopened See It J C McClary

ALL plantslettuce raddishes etc for sale Ed Hubbanl

MR A P RRAC Tsold a lot ofginseng plants tho other i ay ut G ccntdeachbanquetelamp 25 per cent oft for 10 days GeoII FarrisSMISSES VANDEYEER ivitethe ladiesto see their display of pattern hats onFriday April 6


MR S IL ALDRIDGE has broken dirtfor his new home on Portman Avenuelie will build a pretty cottage

LONDON Laurel countys thrivingcapital is growing Three boys wereborn there In less than an hour Tues ¬

day morning

WE will have a nice display of pat¬

tern hata at our Easter opening FridayApril 6 Tho ladies are cordially invit ¬

ed to attend Misses Straub

MONEY Trustee the fundMr W 0 Walker tells us that moneyfor the jurors who served last courthas arrived and he is ready to disburse-It


G A WALTER who waa here fromKingsville Tuesday told us that he hadenlarged his store at that place andadded a big lino of furniture andtrunks

nTile L N otTers a rate of one

cent n mile plus 25c to the Confeder ¬

ate Veteran Reunion at New OrleansApril 25 2G 27 See Agent J S Ricefor further particulars-

ROWLANDpare DP Rowland ofDanville died at the home of her sis ¬

ter Mrs I S McElroy at ColumbusGa where she was visiting A hus ¬

band and several children surviveTho burial will occur at Danville at330 this afternoon


Soin OUTMr J W Acey has soldhis livery outfit to Land Buchananwho will take charge Tuesday nextMr Acey will likely go on the road butwill continue to make Stanford hishome Land Buchanan will continuetheir junk business and will move it tothe stable

IT is generally believed that FredNewland son of Mrs Alice Newlandnow of East Bernstndt has been foullydealt with Ho has been missing sinceMarch 19 at which time he left a hotelnt Gadsdcn Ala saying he would re¬

turn in a few moments His brotherand partner have made a diligent searchfor him and have olfered a large re-ward but no trace has been foundGreat sympathy is felt for tho familyin their trouble

No WAITIKGThe program render¬

ed by tho Schubert Company is entirelydevoid of waits Pleasing tho people is

a trade with this famous organizationand they know tiresome waits are nota part of an enjoyable program Al ¬

though their program is bright and en ¬

tertaining and contains a great deal ofpure fun It Is so refined in characterand the laughs so wholesome that it isendorsed and patronized by themostse ¬

lect people everywhere Hear them fttWaltons Opera House April Hi underauspices of the Graded School

Tim fiscal court was In session Tues ¬

day and Wednesday The levy was fix-


at 42 cents to be used as followsIGc tor maintaining tho turnpikes 2c

for interest on the outstanding bonds3c to go to tho sinking fund 8c forcounty roads and 13c for ordinary ex-


Tho office of supervisor wasdispensed with and certain citizens ontho pike will look after the spreading

rock and gravel and other work nec-


nt so much per mile Capt BF Powell Major Ike Shelby and othergood men offered to do this at 3 permile on pikes in their respective neigh ¬

borhoods Mr A C Dunn who filled

the office nf supervisor most accept-


was employed to look after thespreadingof the rock from J R Bcazleys rock crusher An order was madeto take the sense of tho people at theNovember election on n 10000 courthouse


Special For This WeekA-

pril 3rd to 7th inclusiae

Ladies Full Bleached Sleeveless Vests tapered neck nntl arms size i to 0 The

real value of which ig10c caoh Wo will offer them in lots of 4 no more no less tovn customer at 2oo for the 1 10 dozen in this lot and qnly on sale this we kIDont wait and cxpfct to tier them later

IFOR good disc harrow single or dou

ble corn planter get my prices T DNewlandSWE fosaletheSir Walter

Raleigh Seed Potatoes at 75c per bush ¬

el P G Warner Son

Fon RENT The storeroom on Lan ¬

caster street jest vacated by Garlan-Singleton Apply at this office

FOR SALE OR REtrrDr J K VanArsdales residence Possession givenat once Apply to L IL Hughes Stan-ford

¬KyIREMEMBER the picture showat Waltons Opera louse Tuesdaynight next The ladies of the Baptistchurch play it here

AXMINSTEK Velvet Tapestry JuteIngrain druggets carpets mattingrugs wall paper lace curtains win ¬

dow shades and all kinds of furnitureTribblo PenceS

IK you want to rid yourself of thattired feeling try Whites Concen¬

trated Crab Orchard Water It will dothe work For sale by W B McRobcrta G L Penny W N Craig Stan-ford


and C W Adams Hustonville

WANT DAMAGES Hon B B Kingof Moreland and a Mr Cox havebrought suit for damages in the sum of75000 against Mr W J Sparks of

Rockcastie They claim that MrSparks is quarrying rock on their land


GRAHAM Mr Graham aged aboutGO died in the East End and was buriedWednesday lIe moved to this countyfrom Bell several years ago and livedon the W T B White farm He issurvived by a wife and several growchildren

MANY A LAUGH Pleasing the eis a trade with the Schubert Symphon-Clnb and Lady Quartette and theirprogram contains lots of fun of a re¬

fined nature as well as a wealth of finemusic Hear them at Waltons OperjiHouse April 14

ON account of a misunderstanding inshipping gas for the moving picturemachine the Edison Kinetoscope CoNo 2 had to caricel its engagementhero Tuesday night It will be herenext Tuesday night however and alarge crowd will likely witness the performancU it will give

You will be given opportunity tovote for a new courthouse to cost 40000 at the November election the fiscalcourt having ordered that the sense ofthe people be taken on the propositionThat we need a new courthouse thereis no doubt and it is to be hoped thattho proposition to build 9ne will carryby a big majority

ROUTES No 1 2 and 3 from Stan ¬

lord commenced counting the mail thofirst of this month The carriers willcount three months and if they handlethe required amount the routes will bepermanently established Therefore Itbehooves the patrons to patronize theseroutes by buying stamps and money or ¬

ders from the carriers

BLACK Dr J M Black who mar¬

ried Miss Anna Fish of the East Enddied of pneumonia at Knoxville at 830yesterday aged about 35 No arrange¬

ments had been made for his burialwhen wo went to press but it is proba ¬

ble that the remains will be laid by theside of those ofliis wife who died lessthan four months ago in the Crab Or-



Tlieladics of tho Christian church arecordially invited to attend the foliowingprayer services of the Stanford Auxil-Iary


to the C W BM Monday April9th with Mrs J G Carpenter Su-bjectOur


Children How Shall weMake Them Strong Against the Ene ¬

mies of the Cross of Christ 1 LeaderMrs T A Rico Tuesday April 10thwith Mrs John S Baughman Su-bjectOur


Young Women May theyRealize tho High Calling of God inChrist Jesus forThem LeaderMrsJohn S Baughman Wednesday April11th with Mis W B OBannop sub ¬

ject Things Whch urn BeforoMaywe Reach FQrward to more Workers-and to Greater Work Leader MissOphelia Lackey Thursday April 12thSubjectOurbe

WorkLeaderMrs I

BereaBankcourt of Madison county to go over thecountys books eight yearsand will begin work on them at onceI

e e s


Clews eat ImutlTxi lh tuftIVomote s Iniuritnt growthyHairCum seal dimM ft a rr

Krttidtlluit Dnirrlitl

LOOK I ihiltIstylesItIUIthem MUM JONKK AXUKUXO-NIruiichvriivlUe Ky

Attention Farmers I

I hiivejuit rfcplwcl n cur lonil or M tonof Tim Old HomcMtnul Kertlllr It him nworldwide reputation U unexcelled iu itcrop It sells on lie merltK Forthe luiidH sake glee It it trial-

F11CNrtuuroN Klngnvllle Ky

Strawberry Plants For Sale

II hoes the following varieties of Htruw11111118 for 1111 Hiiverlund lluluiclc

HIIll llIrylrlillclwlllfJother vnrietlei SOc Mr 1X II pur 1au

I also 11111 or II dozen pigeons that I willMoll clioim If ullilre taken J L JOHNSONKlngKVllle Ky

GALTON 12910

Sired by OambettA Wilkes S19K with Jillwith records from 2 05 to 2 30 claimed to bethe greatest tire In tho world

lit him lIallY Field fgramlam of 3 withrecords from 2 ISJ ti 2 IT by Enfleld 220else of 0 In 2 30 and dams of 60 In 2 30 orbetter Sod dam Qulckttep by KentuckyPrince Jr sire of J Q 2174 Lemonade2 27K and the dumi of 15 In the 2 30 Hit Srddam by Old Joe lire of the dam of J Q217sfleadlDgfamiliesbrlno Chief and geeleyi American Star

Gallon Is a dark bay 15 IX hands breedslarge tiDe style action and Only 0of his colts have been handled for speed ashort timer one took a mark of 2 29 the oth¬

er flee worked trial from 2 18 to 2 30 Illsthenring one of his colts having won a 875 pre-mium


at the Ilustonvllln fair over theComment unnecessary as ho Is so wellatyballon will stand at my stable 2 miles

west of Uuttonvllle on liradfordsvllle pikeat 110 to Insure a living colt Money due Ifmare Is trnled after bring bred Orass af ¬

ter May lit at 4280 per monthPhone In residence

W M DODD Uustonvllle Ky

HUMMER JRDay stallion 15 hands a good Individualwith abundant speed He Is by Hummer

211fSpalpeentalneer 2il5 f Speedoh19H 15 In 230Hummer tin a von renownedElectioneer and save one Is the only sonof Electioneer living that Is out of a George

heentuckythatgreatLordHAPSBURG 509hy1mful Ito Any one wishing a very high bred

coach horse to breed on standard bred maresfor getting style speed and action shouldsee this hon-eJESSE ALVERSONgoodbreedrrat ¬

sure a tiring coltWill alto stand my two Jacks at 10 to In

sure mares and 510 by the season fromApril 1 Lit July 1 for jennets

Mares grazed at 8240 month whichIn nil clUes must be paid before they areremoved Care taken to prevent accidentsbut nut responsible should soy occurMares traded or parted with makes seasonmoney due

J K BAUOIIMAN Hustonville Kr

THE WARFIELDTrial 224 Trotting

Dark bay stallion 15 334 hands foaledAugust 1901 bred by Village harps East

New York Sired by Dare Devil24828 record 2oo sire cube Beau Ideal2I5j Son of Mnmbrino King 1279sire of Lord Derby Nightingale MetallasThe Questor Lord March Lady of theManor HeiratLaw King Charles Mock ¬

ing Boy Mercees all with records under208

First Dam Naughty Girl bys RexAmericus 23200 2nd dam Duerma byMambrino King 1279 3rd dam Dotlet byNutwood GOO 4th dam Topaz by Strathmore 6 ih dam Millard by Albion Gthdam Ned by Edwin Forest 7th dam La¬

dy Turner by Mambrino ChiefdayslaSthalf mile track He is sound good headed good gaited good wind good feet andlegs and kind andeasy to handle in har ¬daylieourfarm near McKinney at 816 to insure aliving colt-

Mares traded off or bred to anotherhorse forfeits insurance and makes seasonmoney duo Lien Retained on ColtsUntil Season is Paid

We will also stand the imported jack

CONQUEROR-At ss to insure a living colt He 154 yearsold lufr hands high black with white

tine bone and action and a treatjackbefore11s MOWENSSONMcKinneyKy


iWaists1Vo have just placed on sale a big assortment of Taffeta tin

butai silk waists with either short or long sleeves at 83 to 8050

Plain tucked Inp waists in Black or White at 83

White Hahutai silk waists with val insertion trimming°

atSK50 to ghCO

Taffeta silk waists in Black and colors at 85 to 8050




Largest i


IDepartment almost as large ns the whole of nny other store dew 41

voted entirely to SHOliS


Greatest Variety To Select From h

Superior styles and Standard Qualities QUEEN QUALITY

i for Woman 1IANAN tC SON and W L DOUGLAS makes ifor men brands acknowledged to be the best See tho choice zstyles we are showing in Patent Gun Metal and Tan Leathersand White Canvas Visit our SHOE DEPARTMENT weshall boglnil to show you whether you want to buy or not i


MCCLARYL s+ tlrllllllllrlIIIII II +flllllll + + + + IIII III II

White Embroider¬


ed Parasols i+

Are theI Rage this seasoniWe have just received a large

assortment of them Prices

150 to 500 You areyt

cordially invited to inspect our




Dry Goods Notions Shoes5 and 10 CentWareS

Opera House Block Opposite Court House1


f+ + ltttII + + ++ t III ++ tt+ K+ ftflltIllttt

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