Integrated Software P roject Fundamentals in project management

Integrated Software Project Fundamentals in project management Jean-Louis Binot 14/09/2015 1 Fundamentals in project management


Integrated Software P roject Fundamentals in project management. Jean-Louis Binot. 1. Objectives of this session. 2. IT Applications and IT Projects. 3. Challenges of IT Projects. 4. 5. Organizing an IT project. Project Management & deliverables. Agenda. Objectives of this session. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Integrated Software P roject Fundamentals in project management

Fundamentals in project management1

Integrated Software ProjectFundamentals in project management

Jean-Louis Binot


Fundamentals in project management2

Objectives of this session

Explain why project management is important for Information Technology

Present the role of project manager and the fundamentals of project management

Explain the requirements of this course in terms of project management

Introduce project management templates which will be used in the course

Provide exposure to professional expectations concerning IT applications & projects

Some of this material is also included for future reference during the execution of the Integrated Project


Fundamentals in project management3



Challenges of IT ProjectsChallenges of IT Projects22

Organizing an IT projectOrganizing an IT project33

IT Applications and IT ProjectsIT Applications and IT Projects11

Project Management & deliverablesProject Management & deliverables44

Agile MethodologiesAgile Methodologies55

Fundamentals in project management4

Why Project Management ?

In a company, IT supports the business through IT applications and IT services

Implementation of a new IT application, or rolling out of IT services, is done through IT projects

IT projects are difficult to execute, and require a specific discipline to succeed: Project Management

Project management is a management activity, which can involve large teams and budget. The role of project manager may be part of a typical IT career path


Fundamentals in project management5

An IT Application

Is a computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks

Automates business processes in order to produce business benefits, in four possible categories: Increase sales and hence revenues

Reduce costs and hence increase profits

Increase quality of product / service & customer satisfaction

Ensure compliance to regulations

Needs to store, retrieve, and process data in order to achieve that automation and thus typically involves some form of database


Fundamentals in project management6

Example of a large IT project: Vehicle order mgt


Sales person

Benefits: reduce costs &increase customer satisfaction

Challenges- Project size (300 M€, 30

countries)- Performance: < 2 secs in Europe

- Interface with ERP system- Accurate ETA- Complexity of algorithms- Data accuracy, availability

- Customisation



New built

From stock

Production planning

Factory Stocks

Car sale + ETA


CustomerSales person Customer

Logistic routes

Hub Distributor Vendor

ERP (Enterprise Ressources Planning)orders, car status over Europe, car allocation to order

route optimization, ETA calculation…

Fundamentals in project management7

IT applications support the business

All important IT application issues will have business impacts

Application availability & reliability matters (must “keep the lights on”) Bugs have business consequences

Application performance matters Delays also have business impact

Respecting deadlines matters Many deadlines are “business critical”: they can’t be moved without impact

Data accuracy matters Impact of data errors goes from inconvenience to critical liability

Easy of maintenance is important Business will want new functionalities. Maintenance cost can eat 60% of IT budget


Fundamentals in project management8



Organizing an IT projectOrganizing an IT project33

IT Applications and IT ProjectsIT Applications and IT Projects11

Project Management & deliverablesProject Management & deliverables44

Agile MethodologiesAgile Methodologies55

Challenges of an IT projectChallenges of an IT project22

9 Fundamentals in project management

Is there a missing level ?

IT added value in the enterprise : a maturity model


TransactionalIT acts as “order taker” fulfilling requirements specified by businessIT only focuses on technology and operational efficiency

Incompetent IT is not even able to execute on business requests

PartnerIT interacts with business to understand and specify business requirementsIT may recommend alternate solutions

ConsultativeIT understands both business and technology issuesIT is proactive in recommending solutions for competitive advantage

Strategic leaderIT is viewed as a strategic leader within the enterpriseIT is a partner in the planning and execution of the business strategy

The added value of IT depends on its capacity to support the business

10 Fundamentals in project management

The difficulty of delivering IT projects


How many projects realy succeed ?The Standish group (IT project management research and consulting firm) delivers each year a “Chaos report” surveying project success rate

The first report (1995) was a landmark:

16% success 31% failure 51% challenged

Fundamentals in project management11

More recent Standish data (2012)


Slight improvement in project success rate, but still many failures

2004 2006 2008 2010 20120%





Project results

Successful Failed Challenged

Better results with agile methodologies for small projects

Fundamentals in project management12

Why so many project failures ?

Requirement issues

Architectural or technical mistakes

Lack of organization or discipline

Difficulty of integrating / managing all aspects

Difficulty of managing consensus within team

Competition for scarce budget, resources, and time from other projects

Difficulty of managing consensus between stakeholders

Management pressures

Psychology and politics …


You will face at least these challenges

Fundamentals in project management14



IT Applications and IT ProjectsIT Applications and IT Projects11

Project Management & deliverablesProject Management & deliverables44

Agile MethodologiesAgile Methodologies55

Challenges of an IT projectChallenges of an IT project22

Organizing an IT projectOrganizing an IT project33

Fundamentals in project management15

What is a project ?

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service (PMI) Temporary: it has a definite start and a definitive end

Unique: it is not repetitive (not production nor maintenance)

A project has three main dimensions

Time (respect of deadline / schedule)

Cost (respect of budget, which can be “fixed price”)

Quality (of the delivered product / outcome)

A project involves many additional domains, such as Scope, human resources, communication, risks, procurement, integration…


16 Fundamentals in project management

The project life cycle








Project selection- which projects include in yearly plan (portfolio)?- for IT provider: whichbids to work on ? Opportunity profile Business case Risk analysis



Project definition Updated business case Technical solution High level plan Project costs estimate Updated risk analysis

Selection of supplier & contracting Milestones Specific clauses Subcontracts Updated risks Updated


Follow-up cycle Schedule / plan Estimates Quality Staffing Skills & coaching Scope mgt Customer mgt Risks & counter Financials

Closing internal, client, subs

Organizational learning


Project organization Project governance

internal, client, subs

Handover from opportunity phase

Project Baselines scope, schedule, cost


The scope of this Integrated software projectcovers the Project Delivery phase(with a limited set of deliverables)

Project delivery follows a systematic delivery cycle

14/09/201517 Fundamentals in project management

Project proposal

Project initialization

Project execution

Delivery control

Project closing


OrganizationalLearning cycle Project review cycle

Structure the project & start in orderly fashion- Avoid cost leakage- Avoid costly mistakesApproval based on

accurate estimates

Improve efficiency(estimates, reuse, KPIs…)

Consistent approach to reduce mistakes and increase efficiency (standards, templates, coaching)

Deliver on time, on budget, with quality

Orderly close projectPresent resultsReflect on lessons learned

Student teams

Delivery coach

Project Delivery cycle

Fundamentals in project management18

How to structure your Integrated Software Project ?

Several types of IT projects Application development Application Rollout / Service rollout ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Consulting …

For application development, at least two approaches Classical approach (planning & control): analysis, architecture, coding, tests Agile methodologies (flexibility & closeness to user): sprints

We will follow the classical approach, to highlight project management tasks. Agile methodologies require more experience (a.e. in architecture).


19 Fundamentals in project management

Integrated software project: calendar & phases


Final deadline (end of phase 4) and dates of reviews are fixed. Duration of other phases is indicative. Project teams may adjust them. Final project defense will occur in May. A project freeze is foreseen for Christmas and exams A protected week is foreseen in February to focus solely on the Integrated Project

14-09 21-09 28-09 5-10 12-10 19-10 26-10 2-11 9-11 16-11 23-11 30-11 7-12 14-12 21-12 28-12 4-01 11-01 18-01 25-01 1-02 8-02 15-02 22-02 29-02 7-03 14-03 21-03 28-03

Tests et closingRequirements Architecture & Design Development Christmas & exams Development

14/09KIck-off +

Intro Pr Mgt

12/10End phase 1

9/11End phase 2

06/03End phase 3

14/12Project freeze

01/02Project restart

12/10Review 1

9/11Review 2

29/02Review 3

21/03Review 4

30/11Review technique

03/04End phase 4

08/02Protected week

19/102eme séance

Pr Mgt

26/10 & 16/11Atel ier

Gestion de groupe

5/10Atel ier


21/9Start phase 1

Fundamentals in project management20

Challenges by phase: requirement analysis

Old joke, still true Customer may have only a high level view of

his needs and be unclear He is often not IT/process literate But he has to accept system and pay bill

Challenges for IT project Elucidate requirements (first in NL) Detect incompleteness, inconsistency, risks Formalize functional requirements and data Obtain sign-off in reasonable time frame


Fundamentals in project management21

Challenges by phase: requirement analysis ./.

You are given requirements, gathered from real users for a needed application

They have been collected and written with care; however: Like all initial requirements, they are written in natural language, not formally specified

They may be incomplete

There may be inconsistencies

There may be ambiguities

Some requirements may require more expensive solutions and may lead to design compromises

Your first task is thus to analyze, understand and clarify the requirementsto produce a reasonable functional & non functional Requirements deliverable Try to structure requirements in a meaningful functional description facilitating design & coding


Fundamentals in project management22

Challenges by phase: architecture & design

Functional specifications state what the proposed system is to do, whereas architecture & design is about how the system is to be constructed.

This phase is critical to the success of the project : Do not rush into coding without some reasonable system architecture and data design

A sound architecture provides a basis for dividing coding efforts and roles among the team

It also facilitates the integration of results

Reuse (of available libraries), portability, scalability, performance, are important aspects

Guidelines / coaching are available


Fundamentals in project management23

Challenges by phase: coding

Coding is subject to competing constraints Highest cost comes from maintenance, and applications are long-lived; typically original

developers are no longer around => need for software quality

To be competitive, the project must meet deadline and cost targets=> need for speed and efficiency

Typical industry requirements for the coding activity Reuse (libraries of routines, frameworks)

Coding is a teamwork effort (agree on libraries, interfaces …) Quality (correctness if possible, but also testing) Standards (documentation, naming conventions…) allowing maintenance


Your application must have sufficient quality

Your application must be delivered for the deadline

Coding guidelines will be provided

Fundamentals in project management24

Challenges by phase: testing

Testing must be documented (test plans, test results) Unit tests are typically each developer’s responsibility Other tests are ideally done by other people Acceptance test criteria by customer should be agreed upfront


The classical “V” of testing

No official acceptance tests this year.

Final system tests are mandatory documented (tests script, tests result)

cover functionality, performance, scalability

Unit tests strongly recommended

Testing was underestimated last yearMore focus will be put on quality this year

Fundamentals in project management25



IT Applications and IT ProjectsIT Applications and IT Projects11

Agile MethodologiesAgile Methodologies55

Challenges of an IT projectChallenges of an IT project22

Organizing an IT projectOrganizing an IT project33

Project management and deliverablesProject management and deliverables44

Fundamentals in project management26

Role of the Project Manager

Project : The mission of Project Manager is to deliver the result of the project On time Within budget With quality

Manager: The Project Manager is not a content expert nor an administrator. His job is to manage the project Planning Assigning tasks, delegating Monitoring and controlling Assessing risks, making decisions, anticipating Leading and motivating a team Communicating and negotiating


Fundamentals in project management27

Project Management standards

Standards provide methods, templates… to assist the project manager in properly managing a project

Several important international standards exist, a.w. PMI: Project Management Institute

(publishes the PMBOK: Project Management Book of Knowledge)

Prince 2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments)initially developed for the British government, now recognized as an international standard

They also provide certification of project managers


Project execution

14/09/201528 Fundamentals in project management

Main project management deliverables

Project proposal

Project initialization

Project closing

OrganizationalLearning cycle

Project review cycle

Start in orderly fashion- Avoid cost leakage- Avoid costly


Approval based on accurate estimates

Improve efficiency(estimates, reuse, KPIs…)

Consistent approach to reduce mistakes and increase efficiency (standards, templates, coaching)

Deliver on time, on budget, with quality

Capture project objectives, scope, budget, deadlines, in the Project Statement, supported by the

Initial Project Plan and Initial BudgetSets up the project organisation

Manages the projectMaintains Actual Plan, Actual Costsand follow-up (Action lists, minutes)

Presents and explain theProject Status, with

Actual Plan & Actual Costsat regular reviews

Closes the project andreports on

Project completion


Delivery control

Student teams

Delivery coach

29 Fundamentals in project management

Activities & deliverables : initialization stage


Activities Clarify and manage project objectives (scope,

deadline, budget, assumptions, etc.)

Define project organization

Break down the project into tasks, assign them, monitor performance, detect deviations and take counter-measures

Manage project costs against budget, make forecast of cost evolution, detect deviations and take counter-measures

Clarify and confirm user requirements

Deliverables (mandatory in red) Project statement (also called Project Charter)

included in Project Statement

Project plan (= planning baseline) high level view (phases) in Project Statement

Project Budget (= cost baseline) high level view (phases) in Project Statement

Functional analysis of requirements (*)



(*): This is a simplification.In a real-life project, requirements would be first clarified and signed-off with customerbefore proceeding to functional analysis

Fundamentals in project management30

Project Statement– typical agenda

The project charter summarizes initial mission of the Project Manager and is his first important deliverable

Project purpose and business justification

Specific objectives of the project

Background and stakeholders (key people having stake in / decision on the results)

Project scope: in scope, out of scope

Project schedule, including main deliverables, phases, milestones

Project budget

Communication plan (reviews, steering committees), resource plan, quality plan …

High level risk management plan (risks & counter-actions)


A template is provided

31 Fundamentals in project management

Project Organisation – typical roles for a large project


Project Manager

Business Modeling

Team Lead


Architect Lead


FunctionalTeam Lead /Testing lead

FunctionalAnalysts /


DevelopmentTeam Lead



Project OfficerQuality


Fundamentals in project management32

Project organisation - Integrated Project

In your case: small team (4 or 5 people)

2 roles: Project Manager & Team Member

Project Manager role need to rotate to all team members per phase

Project Manager hands out project management deliverables to the next one(do not rebuild plan & budget files unless you need to correct mistakes)

Team members are assigned to tasks as you see fit (e.g. “technical area experts”…)

Project Manager also has team member tasks !


Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Middle Phase 3(after Christmas)

Phase 4

Project Manager: Person 1

Project Manager: Person 2

Project Manager: Person 3

Additional rotationfor 5 people team

Project Manager: Person 4

Fundamentals in project management33

Project planning

What is a project plan ?

PMI: a formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control…which document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines

The Project Charter refers to the document that the project sponsor and project manager use to agree on the initial vision of the project (scope, baseline, resources, objectives...) at a high level.

The project management plan is the document that the project manager builds to describe in more details the planning of the project and its organization

PRINCE2: a statement of how and when a project's objectives are to be achieved, by showing the major products, milestones, activities and resources required on the project


Fundamentals in project management34

Project planning: how is it done ?

The choice of tool is not the most important issue

The purpose of a project plan is to exercise control on your project, by telling where you had planned to be, where you are, and what is the deviation between the two

in order to detect issues and take corrective actions to bring your project back on track

To measure deviations you need two versions of the plan The initial plan (baseline) cannot be changed once established. Often limited to high level milestones

The actual plan status includes as many details as appropriate

The initial plan is typically confirmed at the end of the requirement analysis phase Baseline means it is the reference for evaluation of progress. It must be kept for that purpose

Some deadlines are usually already fixed during the project definition / contractual negotiation

Details of your plan may be revised after architecture; any revision must be approved by the reviewers


Project planning: how is it done ? ./.

“How much time are you going to take for this phase ? I don’t know…”

Time planning is linked to estimating In order to plan, you need to count:

break down phases into tasks, assign efforts and duration to each task, and total the result

You may also find useful indications from standard practices in the industry (cfr later)

The way to break down will depend from your activity Example: how do you plan for reviewing your courses for a session of exams ?

14/09/2015Fundamentals in project management35

2 or 3 passages over material, # pages/hour&matter, # hours/day => # days needed

Hints for breakdown – Integrated project

Requirements analysis: # areas to clarify/specify, # workshops*participants, # days/area to write report…

Architecture: # areas to specify, # days/area, # days to write report…

Coding: break down into small units to implement; assign effort per unit (e.g. use case points, cfr later)

Testing: # test cases, time per test case, # times of execution of test scripts (+ work to correct bugs)

14/09/2015Fundamentals in project management36

Fundamentals in project management37

Example of estimating method (partial)

Actor Type Description Quantity Weight Factor Subtotal

Simple Defined API 3 1 3

Average Interactive or protocol-driven interface 2 2 4

Complex Graphical user interface 1 3 3

Total Actor Points 10


Use Case Points (Schneider & Winters, 2001) Based on Universal Modeling (UML) approach;

distinguishes actors, use cases

Use Case Points = Total * corrective factors (technology, experience) Efforts= Use Case Points * Effort Rate (e.g. 20 mh / point)

Use Case Type Description Quantity Weight Factor Subtotal

Simple Up to 3 transactions 3 5 15

Average 4 to 7 transactions 2 10 20

Complex More than 7 transactions 1 15 15

Total Use Cases 50

Fundamentals in project management38

Linking time and efforts

Building of the plan typically involves

Knowing how much budget you have: 300 h / person

Deciding how many team members will contribute to each task

Allocating efforts per team member to each task

Deciding how long the task will take and plot efforts over time

Making a total of efforts per team member and checking that each workload is acceptable over time. This is done by using a view called a resource plan

Checking how the tasks are organized over time, if deadlines are met, dependencies respected. This is done by using a view called a Gantt chart

Generating summary views of the schedule and the budget allocation


39 Fundamentals in project management

A Gantt chart view of a schedule in MS Project


40 Fundamentals in project management 14/09/2015

Schedule PersonW1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4


Phase 1 16.0 16.0 12.0 12.0 56.0

Requirements analysis TM1 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 32.0

TM2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 16.0

Selection of tools TM2 4.0 4.0 8.0

Task 0.0

Task 0.0

Task 0.0

Phase 2 0.0 6.0 10.0 4.0 28.0

Phase 3 0.0

Phase 4 0.0

Project Management 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 16.0

Gestion de projet TM1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0

TM2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0

Project statement TM1 4.0 4.0 8.0

Task 0.0

Task 0.0

Task 0.0

Total 100.0

Resource PlanTM1 9.0 9.0 13.0 13.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 52.0

TM2 8.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 36.0

TM3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 8.0

TM4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 4.0

Total 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 5.0 11.0 11.0 5.0 100.0

Month 1 Month 2






e m


s he


Your Budget

Same total !



Fundamentals in project management41

Standard practices – application development project


Which % of project efforts is typically used by coding ?

RequirementsFunctional analysis Architecture

CodingUnit testing

Functional, integration, performance, stress, regression testing



Internal gateway

Internal gateway

Customer gateway

20% 35% 25/30% 5/10% 10%



Coding is only 1/3 of a project activity A good project has gateways (go / no go points)

Project Mgt Quality Contingency

15% 3% 10%

20% 35% 30% 5% 10%


Possible distribution forIntegrated projectTotal 100%

100 %

Fundamentals in project management42

Summarizing the initial plan in your project statement

Summary of initial schedule


Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4


Requirements 40 40 40 40 160

Architecture 43 43 43 43 172

Coding 151 141 156 168 616

Tests 30 30 30 30 120

Project Mgt 25 25 20 19 89

Total 293 278 298 304 1173

Release or phase

Planned Start Date

Planned Finish Date

Requirements 21/09/2015 12/10/2015

Architecture 13/10/2015 09/11/2015

Coding 10/11/2015 06/03/2016

Tests 07/03/2016 03/04/2017

Summary of initial budget

You are not forced to adopt the dates indicated for phases, nor the industry standard percentages for budget, if you have a good motivation to define a slightly different plan.The dates of reviews, however, are fixed. Example from last year

Evaluation showed that 10% tests was way too low

Project execution

14/09/201543 Fundamentals in project management

Main project management deliverables: execution stage

Project proposal

Project initialization

Project closing

OrganizationalLearning cycle

Project review cycle

Start in orderly fashion- Avoid cost leakage- Avoid costly


Approval based on accurate estimates

Improve efficiency(estimates, reuse, KPIs…)

Consistent approach to reduce mistakes and increase efficiency (standards, templates, coaching)

Deliver on time, on budget, with quality

Manages the projectMaintains Actual Plan, Actual Costsand follow-up (Action lists, minutes)

Presents and explain theProject Status, with

Actual Plan & Actual Costsat regular reviews


Delivery control

Student teams

Delivery coach

Activities & deliverables : execution stage

14/09/201544 Fundamentals in project management

Activities Assign tasks, monitor project plan and

performances, detect deviations and take counter-measures

Manage project costs against budget, make forecast of cost evolution, detect deviations and take counter-measures

Periodically report on project status (in project review)

Identify risks and issues and take counter-measures

Implement and follow-up needed actions

Realise functional analysis and architecture

Realise coding

Deliverables (mandatory in red) Project plan (actual status)

Project costs (actual status)

Project status report

Risks & issues status register(included in status report)

Tracking of decisions and actions (action list, minutes of meetings …)

Functional & architecture document(s)

Application code



Project tracking

In order to report on status, the project manager must track Progress against schedule, compared to the initial schedule baseline

Costs against budget, compared to the initial budget baseline

The purpose of project tracking is to exercise control by being able to tell Where you are (in progress, costs), where you were supposed to be and what is the difference

In order to detect issues and take corrective actions to bring your project back on track

To answer these questions the Project Manager must Have an accurate view of what has been done (task status, actuals of efforts)

Look ahead and regularly re-estimate what remains to be done (Estimate To Complete or ETC)

Use financial indicators to assess progress in financial terms

Team members must Report on task status and keep track on efforts spent on each task

Be able to estimate how much effort is still needed on their tasks

14/09/2015Fundamentals in project management45

Project Efforts template

Fundamentals in project management46

Main Financial Indicators used for project tracking

BAC Budget At Completion

BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed

ETC Estimate To Complete

EAC Estimate At Completion

PC Percentage complete (ACWP/EAC)

BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed - Earned Value(can be estimated as BAC*PC)

BV Budget Variance (BAC-EAC)

SV Schedule Variance

CV Cost Variance (BCWP-ACWP)


47 Fundamentals in project management

Cost Control and Financial indicators













Value = BAC *

% completion








At each review, the Pr Mgr re-evaluates the Estimate to Complete (ETC) based on plan and status.What is still needed is not simply budget minus actual costs.

Reporting against budget: a reasonable example

14/09/201548 Fundamentals in project management

Current Budget at Completion

Actuals Estimate to Complete

Estimate at Completion

Budget Variance

Budget Item (BAC) (ACWP) (ETC) (EAC) (BV)(Currency)

Phase 1 150 155 0 155 5

Phase 2 200 180 10 190 -10

Phase 3 400 0 420 420 20

Phase 4 300 0 300 300 0

Pr Mgt 100 40 70 110 10

Pr Office 50 20 20 40 -10

Total Efforts 1200 395 880 1215 15

The effort spent on ongoing phases is recorded in actuals (ACWP)

The work still to do is recorded in Estimate to complete (ETC).It is not just the difference between budget and actuals but reflect a re-estimation.If the task is not startedand there is no reason toChange its estimate,ETC=BAC for that task

The estimated total effort on a task is recorded in Estimate at completion (EAC).EAC=ACWP+ETC

The difference between budget (BAC) and total estimate (EAC) is the budget variance. A positive variance indicates an overun

This is your budget per task/phase/total as defined in your baseline. You cannot change it without approval

Reporting on progress against schedule: a reasonable example

14/09/201549 Fundamentals in project management


(or phase)

Status Planned Start Date

Forecasted/ Actual

Start Date

Schedule Start

Variance (SV) (days)

Planned Finish date

Forecasted/ Actual

Finish Date

Schedule Finish

Variance (SV) (days)

Expl. Ind.

Requirement Finished 14-09-22 14-09-22 0 days 14-10-13 14-10-20 7 days Note 1

Architecture On track, late 14-10-13 14-10-13 0 days 14-10-10 14-10-14 4 days Note 2

Coding Not started 14-11-10 14-11-10 0 days 14-02-18 15-02-18 0 days Testing Not started 14-11-24 14-11-28 4 days 14-12-08 14-12-12 4 days Note 3

Note 3: Team member in charge of global testing is already late, thus the testing phase is very likely to be late … We keep the delay as it is

• It gives a complete view of the whole project• Project manager looked forward and thought about replanning phases 3 and 4• Deviations are motivated

Reporting on financials: make sure your numbers are correct

14/09/201550 Fundamentals in project management

Current Budget at Completion

Actuals Estimate to Complete

Estimate at Completion

Budget Variance

Budget Item (BAC) (ACWP) (ETC) (EAC) (BV)(Currency)

Phase 1 150 155 0 155 5

Phase 2 200 180 10 190 -10

Phase 3 400 0 420 420 20

Phase 4 300 0 300 300 0

Pr Mgt 100 40 70 110 10

Pr Office 50 20 20 40 -10

Total Efforts 1200 395 880 1215 15

CEOs, CFOs, any management director, will assess your performance & credibility based on them

• One clear table

• Covering the whole project

• Totals in lines and in columns

• Comments either on same slide or next one


The first number being checked is always the bottom lineThen one moves along the totals to find key elements of explanation

Understand what the numbers means to check for mistakes !

14/09/201551 Fundamentals in project management

Current Budget at Completion

Actuals Estimate to Complete

Estimate at Completion

Budget Variance(EAC-BAC)

Budget Item (BAC) (ACWP) (ETC) (EAC) (BV)(Currency)

Phase 1 150 155 0 155 5

Phase 2 200 180 10 190 -10

Phase 3 450 0 0 0 -400

Phase 4 300 0 0 0 -300

Pr Mgt 100 40 10 50 -50

Pr Office 50 20 20 40 -10

Total Efforts 1250 395 40 435 -765

This would mean 765h will not be used (huge underun). Impossible !

This means you do not plan to work on phase 3 and 4

This means you plan to use far less hours on project mgt in the future than in the past.

If true, must be motivated.

Over budget is positive. Under budget is negative

Your numbers must be consistent in ALL places (slides, status report, efforts & schedule sheet) !

This is your baseline budget.It is not supposed to change

How is a project review performed ?

A Project Review is a meeting between the project team and the review team,

where the project manager, assisted by the team, reports on his mission

14/09/2015Fundamentals in project management52

Status report template

The project manager leads the presentation; the whole team attends and may contribute

The project manager presents and explains the Project Status Report

Backup documents (Project Plan, project costs, deliverables, etc.) are provided

Each point may lead to questions, advise, request for actions or modifications

Project : The mission of Project Manager is to deliver the result of the project On time Within budget The project manager should report on the whole project With quality He/she should cover at least schedule status, budget status,


Example of storyline for presenting a project status report

What was achieved since last review: Project Manager Executive summary: summary of key achievements and key actions

Project Status: Project Manager Schedule for whole project (do we still plan to deliver on time) – plus possibly details for current phase

Budget for whole project (do we still plan to remain within budget) – plus possibly details for current phase

Issues and counter-measures

Content: Team Explain what has been done during the phase (for example: explain chosen architecture)

Next steps: Project Manager

(one can invert content and project status)

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54 Fundamentals in project management

Project execution

30/04/201554 Project Management

Main project management deliverables: closing

Project proposal

Project initialization

Project closing

OrganizationalLearning cycle

Project review cycle

Start in orderly fashion- Avoid cost leakage- Avoid costly


Approval based on accurate estimates

Improve efficiency(estimates, reuse, KPIs…)

Consistent approach to reduce mistakes and increase efficiency (standards, templates, coaching)

Deliver on time, on budget, with quality

Closes the project andreports on

Project completion


Delivery control

Student teams

Delivery coach


55 Fundamentals in project management

Activities & deliverables : closing phase



Make sure all tasks are properly done, summarize project results (deliverables, schedule, cost), reflect on lessons learned

Deliver application, with evidence of (acceptance) testing

Present final project results to stakeholders, management, steering committee

Deliverables (mandatory in red)

Project completion report

Working application softwarewith test results

Final defense


Team (PMcoordinates)


Project completion template

Phases, roles and deliverables

Responsibility Review 1 Review 2 Intermediate technical review

Review 3 Review 4 End of project

Project Manager

Project statementProject plan & costsAction list

Project status report Project plan & costsAction list

None Project status report Project plan & costsAction list

Project status report Project plan & costs

End of phase 4:Project completion report

Team(deliverable, even not complete, must be presented at review)

Functional requirements

Architecture & design

Code organisationProgress status in code development

Code Tests report End of phase 4:Working application

In May:Final presentation

14/09/2015Fundamentals in project management56

Responsibility does not mean “doing alone”. Team members are expected to contribute their input

Fundamentals in project management57

What does it take to be a good project manager ?

According to survey by ESI International of project managers following their training

Inspires a Shared Vision

Good Communicator





Ability to Delegate Tasks

Cool Under Pressure

Team-Building Skills

Problem Solving Skills


I would add:- Anticipation- Strength of character

Fundamentals in project management58

Quotes from previous teams

This was the first time the team members have been asked to work on a project of this size, also taking care of the management point of view, and this required a vast amount of heterogeneous hard and soft skills

We learned to work regularly (for several months) in close collaboration on the same project

The different roles we had to take showed us that we may lack of soft skills to be good managers…

The project allowed us to improve our capability to evaluate the work, to plan it on the long term, better foresee issues and how important it is to have a structure, and that each member has to be a part of it.

We have the feeling to have learned a lot of experience and skills in many fields (networking, database design and implementation, Java programming, servlets, etc.)

The major problems we encountered were the time needed to do the other projects, which is difficult to plan at first glance. The solution is to take countermeasure during the project to re-establish a planning

The review meetings were useful to correct some mistakes we had made in the different phases of the project and to have regular deadlines to stick to. Nevertheless, the feedbacks were sometimes provided a bit late


Fundamentals in project management59

Psyhological challenges

Many (maybe all) people have a natural resistance against control « I do not need control”, “I know what I am doing », «You do not trust me»

For some, management processes may also appear useless («it is costing me time»)

Of course team spirit, motivation, autonomy, delegation ARE important

However, in addition to these, a project MUST be managed or it will likely fail Previous teams have already experienced the difficulty of keeping together a 4 people projects

The tools you are given are (simplified) versions of real tools for larger industrial projects, where they are necessary, to give you exposure to that experience

All team members are expected to contribute and respect a common team discipline. In case of serious problem, project manager can escalate

Project management needs to be done in a positive way: understand how tasks are progressing, identify issues, but also try to provide support and find solutions


Fundamentals in project management60


Project Management is a management role not a leading content / expert one

not an administrative one

As such it is well suited for IT engineers

This project should offer each of you the opportunity to experience it

Do not hesitate to request advice

Best success to all of you
