Initial ideas and feedback

Initial Ideas and Feedback Catherine Giggal

Transcript of Initial ideas and feedback

Page 1: Initial ideas and feedback

Initial Ideas and Feedback

Catherine Giggal

Page 2: Initial ideas and feedback

Idea 1This particular idea is thematic, where all of the recipes featured are siphoned from across the

world, featuring traditional dishes that are associated with each country, for example, Paella (which is a classic Spanish recipe). It is notable that each recipe will represent its country, and will be stereotypical of what ‘dish’ is usually associated with the specific country. However, as this dish sometimes contains fish, I will incorporate a meat substitute within the recipe, so that it suits the requirements of the target audience.

Furthermore, as a high abundance of different countries are going to be utilised within these recipe cards, I will use a blue and green colour scheme, as initially, this represents the ‘world’, adhering to the thematic element of the recipe cards, and also, making the products appear more environmentally friendly, and therefore more appealing to the primary target audience of the cards (vegetarians within the age group of 16-24). It is clear that this specific age group will be more aware of issues such as global warming, as well as Co2 emissions, so being ‘kind’ to the environment, will sit well with the intended audience, and will make the company more popular, and inevitably generate a sufficient income.

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Feedback 1What do you like about the idea?This is a really good idea and all of the ideas generated are in great detail, this could appeal to such a wide range of people as the theme is more generalized as apposed to being specific. (World theme – Global – appeal to lots of cultures and different people)

What areas of the idea could be developed?Everything mentioned was spot on and there is not really much else to improve on, possibly you could go into detail about the layout some more but it isn’t really essential.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The idea of the colours green and blue representing the world and the cards appearing as more environmentally friendly would definitely work really well.

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Idea 2This particular recipe card idea will be based around dessert recipes, as opposed to a main course

recipe menu. It will include the most popular sweets of all time, such as Chocolate Fudge Cake, Victoria Sponge Cake, as well as Gingerbread. However, as this is targeted towards vegetarians, the recipes will still include dairy products, but there will be several alternate recipes for vegans, who choose to view and utilise these specific recipe cards.

Furthermore, the colour scheme will be fairly simple for these cards, utilising a design which is eye-catching as well as effective, so that the intended viewer (vegetarians aged 30+) will be able to comprehend them in the most simple manner. I would use the colour light pink, as it is easy on the eye, and will significantly emphasise the bold, black text, which is going to be use alongside this colour. Images that relate to the theme will be used, such as a clip-art picture of a cake, cookie, or muffin, which will compliment the abundance of text, and keep the audience member interested in the cards themselves.

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Feedback 2What do you like about the idea?Again, everything considered is in great detail and a lot of thought has gone into this idea. For example mentioning the colour of the font on the background colour and that the recipes would be suitable for vegans too. Clear examples of the food that could be used are explained well and pointed out.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Everything mentioned is spot on.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The fact that the idea is generated so strongly and includes such a wide range of things and ways to develop and include certain aspects of things.

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Idea 3This particular idea is going to be based on the theme of Easter, where the content of the recipes

will feature products such as eggs (as obviously they are associated with this specific holiday), and even though they are not strictly ‘vegetarian’, it is notable that they are not a restricted product from their diet. Also, desserts will be included within the recipe cards, with chocolate cornflake nests, baby chick and rabbit-shaped cookies, as well as yellow jelly (as this colour is associated with this season). Even though no meat products will be included, some of the content found in jelly originates from animal-based by-products, but a substitute to this will be incorporated within the recipe, so that it does not offend the vegetarian audience (aged 24+), who will mostly be parents that will cook these recipes for their children.

Furthermore, the colour scheme of yellow, orange and green will be utilised for the design, as these colours are associated with Easter, and represent the brightness of Spring, which will therefore make the recipe cards relevant to the intended audience of vegetarian individuals.

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Feedback 3What do you like about the idea?The fact that you have considered so many different factors, such as the audience aimed at, the food, the colours used and even the explanation and justification that is suited more for vegetarians as apposed to vegans as food products used may not be suitable for vegans (eg. Eggs etc.)

What areas of the idea could be developed?Could possibly mention something about the layout of the recipe card, however everything else is explained really well.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The attention to detail and resemblance of Easter through the use of colours and the food.

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Idea 4This specific idea will be centred around ‘Space’, where the recipes will incorporate space-themed

elements within them, such as ‘Rocket Salad’, which is a pun, and is linked to the theme of the whole recipe card sheets themselves. It is notable that this particular recipe list will be primarily targeted towards a younger, male vegetarian audience (between the ages of 6-10), so the secondary target audience (the parents) will cook these recipes for their children, which means that both types of audiences will be targeted.

Furthermore, alien-shaped biscuits, flying saucer sweets, as well as star fruit, will be incorporated within the recipe cards, as they all initially link to the set theme of space. Also, the recipe cards will be laminated, so that they can be utilised in the future, and will not tear or suffer from any type of damage when being used by the primary, as well as the secondary target audience.

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Feedback 4What do you like about the idea?The approach and use of the space idea and using puns such as ‘rocket salad’ this can work really well as it could appeal to a younger aged a audience and the use of the pun really givers it an individualistic edge. Also the fact that you have considered that the parents will be targeted as well as the children as it is likely that they would be doing the practical and cookery side of things.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Knowing more about the use of colours, the overall layout and design. This is vital as these things need to work well in order for the recipe cards to work well and allow all the characteristics to balance and combine well.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The fact that you have looked out of the obvious themes and ideas and created a unique one instead.

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Idea 5This specific idea is going to be centred around a traditional English menu theme, where sausage

and mash will be utilised on one of the recipe cards (but the sausage will be made from Quorn meat), as well as a starter dish, such as crumpets, which will initially state a sense of patriotism into the stated recipe cards. I would incorporate images into the recipe cards that are relevant to the theme, such as a crown, The Queen, Corgis, London, architecture (such as Buckingham Palace).

Furthermore, these recipes cards will be embossed in order to initiate a sense of professionalism within the cards, so that the target audience (vegetarians aged 35+) will find them significantly easier to read. Also, it will make the cards more durable, so that they can be used for future purposes.

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Feedback 5What do you like about the idea?The fact that you have thought about your targeted audience, but as well as that you have looked into that further and targeted an actual age group. It is a British based recipe idea and you have taken a new alternative approach to Classic British dishes. This could work particularly well as a lot of British people like to stay within food types they like and are familiar with and these dishes would suit those needs.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Possibly mention something about the colour scheme, for example if it targeted an older and more mature based age group you may want to emphasize this through the uses of colour scheme and layout.

What do you find interesting about the idea?It’s a classic take on British dishes and will more than likely to appeal to a wide range of people. It is a more simple idea than the rest of the generated ideas but can easily work as well, if not better.

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Summary of FeedbackWhat do you agree with from your feedback?I agree that I included the primary target audience of the recipes cards within my idea generation, and the fact that some of my ideas were simple, so that it could appeal to a wide range of people, as opposed to a niche market. Also, the fact that I have included information on a wide range of colours that will be included within my house style.

What do you disagree with from your feedback?I disagree that in some of my ideas, I didn’t utilise a sufficient colour scheme, as I had thought that I had covered it, but I would have to review it for future purposes.

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Idea EvaluationWhich idea that you came up with is your favourite and why?My favourite idea was the ‘space’ theme, as I thought that it was quite different and inventive, where traditional dishes such as ‘rocket salad’ would be incorporated into the recipe cards list, and it would target a younger audience, as this type of theme is usually associated with this type of market. I think it would be interesting to create these recipes, or look into existing recipes that are covered within the ‘space’ theme.

Which idea, that your team came up with, is your favourite and why?I would say that my favourite idea that my team came up with was the ‘worldwide’ theme, where we would create recipes that were specifically targeted towards different countries, such as Spain, Italy and France. I thought that this was very inventive, and different from any other themed recipe sheet that I had ever viewed before. It meant that we could use a wide range of traditional dishes from each country, and form them into recipe cards for the consumers to view and utilise on a regular basis.