Initial ideas and feedback

Initial Ideas and Feedback Stephanie Westerman

Transcript of Initial ideas and feedback

Page 1: Initial ideas and feedback

Initial Ideas and Feedback

Stephanie Westerman

Page 2: Initial ideas and feedback

Idea 1What colour theme could be used? I think that because the type of recipe card we are going to be creating is for vegetarians we should use colours that people would categorize to be natural and organic, these colours are typically green’s and cream’s. It would be good to use these kind of colours to show the audience that our food will be made from natural things before reading and looking at the images of the food and it will also show professionalism as it will show we’ve took natural colour scheme’s as well as the food in to consideration.

What process/printing method could be used?The best process out of them all I would say is Varnish. This is because it will still enable the card to look professional but there will be different texture’s so that it’s not boring for the audience to look at. It will also give people the impression that the food we are going to be making is fancy because often things that have a shine to them look exquisite and expensive.

What font could be used?I think that we are going for a classy and fancy look to the card that we should use writing that fits the bill, so we would use writing with flicks and curls, this is called sans-serif.

What could the layout of the card be?Again because we are going for a classy and expensive looking card I think that we should use a smart, tidy and minimal layout with only the necessary information so that the card doesn’t look too busy and jumbled up. This will make our card look more professional and hopefully stand out from the others.

Page 3: Initial ideas and feedback

What kinds of media cold be used?We will just be using photography to make our recipe card, this will show professionalism. We will also be using photography because if we were to use any other kinds of media it could ruin the card and make it look messy.

What theme food could be used?People obviously need to eat everyday, so for this reason I think that we should just do normal everyday food rather than just food on one in particular event.This would also mean that we would get more business as a company rather than just once every year.

What kind’s of food could be used?All kinds of food’s could be used, starter, main and dessert, but often people are too full for desert after they’ve had a starter and a main so I think that we should just stick to a main and dessert because of that and because people always like to treat themselves to something sweet.I think that for the main we could do something that’s just simple and then for the dessert we could use something that’s really indulgent with lots of chocolate, sweetness.. Etc.

Target audience - Who will the food be being made for?The kinds of food that we will be using are for adults, both men and women, this is because they will be mature kinds of food’s that are really rich in taste whereas children often like things that are quite mild. There kinds of colours that have been used are also unisex, this shows no discrimination between the two gender’s, you can also tell from looking at the colour themes, fonts, and method’s that have been considered are also quite mature and modern which will push our recipe’s towards adults more.The age group for our recipe cards is also the middle age and older people, this is because the card’s don’t look young enough for younger people.

Page 4: Initial ideas and feedback

Feedback 1What do you like about the idea?The colours suit the theme such as vegetarians – green/yellow. I like the idea of doing a meal and then having a desert afterwards. I like the fact that the recipe cards will be suitable for both genders. The idea of having varnish for a finished idea on the card is a good idea.

What areas of the idea could be developed?I think the font idea could be improved to having block writing instead of fancy writing this way it is easier to and more understanding to the audience.

What do you find interesting about the idea?I like the idea that the cards will look classy and expensive.

Page 5: Initial ideas and feedback

Idea 2What colour theme could be used?We could use more boisterous colours so that the card stand out from the rest, this would mean using bold and bright colours so catch the attention of potential buyers. This would mean using colours like red, yellow, orange, blue.. Etc.

What process/printing method could be used?With us potentially using the bright and bold colours this would make the card look quite immature, so I think to try and make it look more professional we could use emboss, this would make it so a part of the image sticks out so that it looks like it’s 3D.

What font could be used?I think that because the card Is going to be looking immature and playful we should go for a fun kind of writing to fit in with the card.

What could the layout of the card be?The layout of the card will always have to be neat so that the reader can see everything properly., but we could maybe add some more text on to the card and maybe a little image of something on the back of the card so it looks more playful.

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What kinds of media could be used?I think that we could use a mix of things, so we could use a big image of the food on the front page sticking out and then we could have a little cartoon image of one of the ingredience that has been used to create the food.This will help to make the card look better as it won’t be as messy.

What theme food could be used?I think that because the kinds of colour scheme and the processes we are going to use are quite child-like we could do the food so that it’s for children’s Birthday parties and also do just a main meal.This would be good for us as well because we would be able to make the food look exciting or in the shape of a birthday balloon/animals, Etc.

What kinds of food could be used?I think that we could use food’s like spag boll and French fries as these are typical foods that children enjoy, so we could do food’s involving these things so that children will enjoy them and to make them different we could make them in to different shapes.

Target audience - Who will the food be being made for?The food we would consider making would be for children and toddlers, this is because of the way that the card is going to be being made and because of the colours that would be being used. The food would also bee quite mild in taste because young children don’t tend to like strong things, this shows that it’s for young people.The gender this recipe card would be for would be pushed more towards boys again because of the colours but girls could use it if they wanted too

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Feedback 2What do you like about the idea?I like the fact that the that the colours fit in with the theme of having a male gender.I like the fact that the recipe card will try make the food sound like fun because it is aimed at children. The idea of the font being ‘playful’ is a good idea.

What areas of the idea could be developed?I think that the age of the target audience should be increased to age 10. I think that the colour yellow shouldn’t be used as it is quite a ‘uni sex ‘ colour.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The idea of having an embossing effect to make it look 3d sounds interesting. making the food look exciting by putting it in different shapes is a great idea as it will attract children.

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Idea 3What colour scheme could be used?Because we considered a boy’s card we also though that we would take girls in to consideration, so we could make this card with pink, red, and purple. Typical colours that girls like.This would show the audience who the recipe is for without them needing the read the card first or looking at the image of the food.

What printing process/printing method could be used?Die-cut, we think that this would be interesting to use as girls are quite creative but like simple things, so we feel that this would be good for us to use, because we considered doing this on the card it would also give the audience the idea that the food they are about to see it creative and will be fun to make.This would also help the card to look more 3D but in a different way as if you can see through the card.

What font could be used?Because this card is going to be for young children I think that we should use playful writing again so that it’s fun for them to look at but this time use more simple text which has flicks, (sans-serif).

What could the layout of the card be?The layout of the card could be quite playful with flowers and girly things all over it so that it fits to them but so neat so that the reader can see everything clearly.

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What kinds of media could be used?Cartoon, this is because it will be different to the other cards rather than using high quality photographs we could use cartoon instead so that it’s different to look at.

What theme food could be used?We could do a summer dessert for young children because children always like something sweet to cool them down when it’s been a hot day, this would be good because summer is quite a long period so we could make quite a lot of money.

What kinds of food could be used?We could do a ice cream dessert with strawberries or something in so that its got some pink tones in for the girls which will probably make them enjoy it more.

Target audience – Who will the food be made for?As you can tell from the idea’s this dessert would be for young girls, this is because of the colour scheme and the actual food itself.The target age for this would also be young girls because It’s quite a playful card which will be fun for them to look at and make.

Page 10: Initial ideas and feedback

Feedback 3What do you like about the idea?I like the idea of the different shades of pinks and purple on the recipe card. I like the idea that the card can have pink girly flowers over it to attract young girls. I like the idea of using cartoon on the recipe cards as it is aimed at children.

What areas of the idea could be developed?I think that the font could look more fancy and delicate as it is aimed at girls. I think that as well as having desserts that small meals could be added to the card.

What do you find interesting about the idea?I like the idea that the colours of the foods have been considered for example using a strawberry ice cream recipe because its pink and feminine.

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Idea 4What colour scheme could be used?White and gold, this could mean that the card would be able to be for Christmas and Weddings. It will also fit in with the traditional colours of a wedding and Christmas cards.

What process/printing method could be used?The printing method that could be used is varnishing, this is so that it looks elegant and classy to fit in with the Christmas/Wedding theme.This will show people what kind of card it is just from briefly looking at it.

What font could be used?Because the colour scheme is gold and white, we would consider using a sans-serif font which is quite a fancy font because of it’s flicks.

What could the layout of the card be?I think that the layout for the card should be as simple as possible because that’s what weddings tend to be like, though Christmas tends to be a busy time of year so we could add some swirly graphics coming from the corner of the pages.

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What kinds of media could be used?I think that photography and graphics could be used as I think it will make the card look better if we were to use high quality images.I also think that we should use graphics on the back of the page so that there can be some swirly images on the back so that it looks minimal for wedding bit but busy for the Christmas part.

What theme food could be used?I think that there should be too much colour in the food because the recipe is going to be for weddings as well but there can be some colour.

What kinds of food could be used?I think that we should do desserts, for example a fruit cake as this is a traditional Christmas pudding and what a typical wedding cake is made out of.Fruit could also be used like strawberries.

Target audience – Who will the food be made for?The target age for this card would be both men and women this is because it’s for both people as it’s for weddings and Christmas.The target age will be middle age people as people don't tend to get married when they are older and certainty not when they are younger.

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Feedback 4What do you like about the idea?I like the fact that the wedding theme is very individual and different to other theme (such as Christmas) I like the idea of the range of colours to be chosen such as yellows, golds and whites as they are happy colours which are represented with weddings.

What areas of the idea could be developed?I think that the recipe card could have fancy borders this will make it look very classy and give it a slick look.

What do you find interesting about the idea?I think the idea of adding a varnish effect to the recipe cards will make them look very high quality and good standard just what is wanted at a wedding. I think that the font is very fancy and looks much more interesting to look at. This will be suitable for weddings.

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Idea 5What colour scheme could be used?Pink, blue, yellow and white could be used as a colour theme for this card. But not bright colours, I would use pale colours as this card would be for Easter.This would give the audience the idea that the food is delicate as pale colours will be being used rather than bright and bold ones.

What process/printing method could be used?Emboss, this would be used for a chocolate chick coming out of the chocolate Easter egg.This will make the card exciting to look at and also make it look 3D.

What font could be used?A mature yet child-ish font will be used for this card as Easter is something for adults and children to enjoy. Though this might show unprofessionalism but it would be ok for a one of event that only happens once a year.

What would the layout of the card be?The layout of this card would be simple again with a little cartoon image of something included in the ingredients on the back page s that it’s fun for children.

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What kinds of media could be used?Photography and graphics will be being used on this card if we were to make it so that it looks professional for the adults but fun for the children.This will mean it’s more interesting to look at as there's two different kinds of media.

What theme food could be used?As I've been saying through the description of the card the theme for it would be Easter.This is because of the colours that are going to be being used and the graphics that would be on the back of the page.

What kinds of food could be used?The only thing that we would use In this card is chocolate because of the fact that Easter is all about chocolate and everyone likes it.

Target audience – Who will the food be made for?The target audience for this work is men, women and children.The target age for the audience is all ages as it’s something fun for the whole family to do and also because everyone celebrates Easter.

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Feedback 5What do you like about the idea?I like the idea of the pale colours being used rather than bold and bright ones.I also like the idea of the chocolate chicken coming out of the chocolate egg being done so that it’s embossed so that the chick looks 3D.

What areas of the idea could be developed?More chocolate dessert could be done.

What do you find interesting about the idea?I find it interesting how the font that is being used is fit for both adults and children because it looks smart yet there is a twist to it because it looks like a child has added something too it.

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Summary of FeedbackWhat do you agree with from your feedback?I agree with all my feedback as I think that it has all been done fairly but I agree mostly with the first idea, this is because the person said,

‘The colours suit the theme such as vegetarians – green/yellow. I like the idea of doing a meal and then having a desert afterwards. I like the fact that the recipe cards will be suitable for both genders. The idea of having varnish for a finished idea on the card is a good idea.’

I agree with this as I also thought it was good to do the card for both men and women, I also thought that it was a good idea to do a dessert after which they agreed with, they also put that making the card varnished is a good idea which I also think is a good idea because it will help to make the card look more professional.

What do you disagree with from your feedback?I don’t agree with the feedback that was given on idea 3 about the font the person said,

‘I think that the font could look more fancy and delicate as it is aimed at girls.’

I don’t agree with this because if the card is going to be for young girls I don’t think it does need to be more fancy and delicate as that would push it more towards teenagers.

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Idea EvaluationWhich idea that you came up with is your favourite and why?I have two favourite ideas, the Wedding and Christmas recipe card which was idea 4 and the Organic card which was idea 1. I think that the one I will have to go for as my favourite is the organic one as people will be able to use it all year around and it won’t get old as more and more meals could be made as time goes on.I also think that more people would use the card as it’s for both men and women so this would mean we would have a larger audience.

Which idea, that your team came up with, is your favourite and why?We all decided on idea 1 to use as a card, this is because we all agreed it would be good as it would get a larger group of people using the card and also because it promoted healthy eating.