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  • 8/3/2019 Infowars 9_11 Perpetrators Achilles Heel Print


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    9/11 Perpetrators Achilles Heel

    911 BloggerDecember 1, 2011

    The truth about 9/11 has been visible for too long. Every day that thespeed and symmetry of the collapses of those three buildings goesunexplained increases the danger of discovery for the people whocarried it out. And, for these criminals, it is the execution of 9/11that is,the part that nearly everyone on the planet can still see in their mindseyewhere the real danger exists.

    There are actually two reasons why 9/11 itself is a danger to theperpetrators

    First, on 9/11 the planners made a very risky choice, they decided tototally destroy the World Trade Center (WTC) towers. Completelydestroying the towers had real benefits over simply crashing aircraft intothe buildings. A complete destruction gave a great deal more drama to

    the event and would be accompanied by enough additional deaths tobring the level of the attack to an act of war. Planes crashing into andburning a part of two of the towers, while dramatic, would have left mostof the WTC still standing and more importantly, would have allowed lotsof people to escape. A smaller disaster on 9/11 might not have hadenough emotional weight to carry the aggressive political agenda theplanners had in mind.

    The problem in destroying the total WTC is that the only known way toaccomplish the complete destruction of a steel superstructure is to blowit up. They had to make the explosions seem related to the plane crashesby having the collapses begin at the crash sites. Controlled demolitiongave them the tools needed to bring the towers down in any way desiredandas a resultcomplete control over the event stage in lowerManhattan. Unfortunately, it also left big fingerprints, whichafter theemotion of the day has passedare plainly visible for the entire world to

    see. Those fingerprints are the symmetry and speed of the collapses ofall three towers. The perpetrators of this event have to know that thepublics very memory of the event is itself dangerous to them. They haveto keep any notion that the collapses were planned from ever creepinginto the public consciousness. If this notion should get even a glimmer ofrespectful consideration, the entire world need only consult its ownmemory to confirm that, Youre right! Those buildings were blown up!

    The planners of 9/11 probably depended on the following reasoning (thesecond mistake) to protect themselves from the unavoidable clues left atthe scene. They likely expected our societys direct connection to theevent to fade relatively quickly over time as happens with assassinations.

  • 8/3/2019 Infowars 9_11 Perpetrators Achilles Heel Print


    Several things about the event suggest that successful assassinationswere a model for their operation. Lessons from the assassination tradeinclude, never let anything go to trial. A public courtroom is a difficultplace to control and there is no telling what might be exposed there.Next, control the follow up. Make a concerted effort to see that a clear

    story about what happened is in place and then do anything required tosee that it stays in place. And, dont worry about dribblers, people whoeventually come forward in drips to expose their piece of the truth. Somecan be ignored and the others can be mocked, bought, or pummeled intosilence.

    Finally, with an assassination every moment of anonymity after the crimeincreases the assassins safety. It is this last point in the assassination

    model that seems an incorrect assumption by the 9/11 plotters. Thereason is that 9/11 remains important to a broad group of peoplebecause so much of our lives are still daily feeling the effects of the Waron Terror. Virtual strip searches at airports and politicians still using9/11 as a political tool are constant reminders of our connections to thatday. Yesterday, for example, the Senate considered a bill (S. 1867) thatgives the military the right to imprison American citizens both inside andoutside the US indefinitely without any recourse to the courts, all in the

    name of the War on Terror. An assassination results in an awful moment,but its effects outside of the moment of the killing are often difficult toidentify. However, as the Senate bill and airport examples describedabove demonstrate, linking 9/11 to our daily social, economic, andpolitical lives 10 years later is not difficult at all.

    So, even though the perpetrators have escaped public scrutiny for adecade, time is on our side. They left huge clues at the scene and millions

    (perhaps billions) of witnesses. Speed and symmetry of collapses burnedin the memories of millions of people worldwide who can all connectdaily threatening events back to 9/11. These circumstances make for anuneasy equilibrium where only a nudge is required to ultimately trumpall the trolls, PR, and political and financial power exercised by themalevolent .01% of our population that did this.

    The truth about 9/11 is like breathing in a freshly painted house, all theair fresheners in the world cant keep you from eventually smelling thepaint. Take a deep breath, tomorrow is a new day.

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