Infosys Assignment D2

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Transcript of Infosys Assignment D2


NameKerry Kek


Group Number:377

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Racism and discrimination on the internetINTRODUCTIONOur group's problem is racist and discriminative comments towards different groups that occurs on the internet. This is a problem that affects mainly globally,everyday and needs to stop as soon as possible. Which is why we have come up with a solution that we hope will stop people from making these unnecessary comments or at least reduce them, on the internet. Our solution is focused on pinpointing where the offenders' are located in real life (through the use of information systems), and through collaboration with different parties such as different governments' around the world, they will be able to focus more on anti-racism campaigns to reduce this kind of mallicious behaviour not only on the internet, but hopefully in the real world too.3. BUSINESS SECTION 3.1 Vision To try reduce the number of racist and discriminative comments on the internet, through the use of information systems and collaboration systems, that form an easy-to-use product.3.2 Industry Analysis: Advanced Internet Security IndustryIndustry: Advanced Internet Security Programmes Industry. A program that can track exactly where mallicious comments are coming from, and storing them in a database.Force:High/Low:Justification:

Buyer power:LowBuyers' do not have that many options to choose from, as this is quite a rare solution to the problem that many face every day. Recently, it has been reported that Google Maps(1) has been used for a similar effect, in the sense of pinpointing where xenophobic graffiti is, in Japan. However, it looks like there are no major software companys' that are producing a product like our idea.

Supplier power:HighAs writing softwares is rather cheap, suppliers such as internet providers (e.g. telecom), may not make a lot of revenue from our purchases depending on how many computers we are operating from. Therefore they have high supplier power.

Threat of new entrants:HighThe biggest entrance restraints for this industry would be time and the ability to write a software. However it doesn't take a lot of money to produce a software, therefore the threat of new entrants can be high.

Threat of substitutes:HighIn today's world, there are programmes and software that can filter profanity or other mallicious comments. However, these do not locate where the comments are coming from. Although these softwares help reduce the number of hateful comments on the internet, it does not address the root cause of the problem, like we intend our product to do. The current softwares today are substitutes though it will not stop the problem entirely as people can still get across their message, through deliberate misspelling.

Rivalry among existing competitors:LowSoftware that addresses hateful comments and profanity usage on the internet is either cheap or built in to many websites (e.g. Facebook) or programmes, therefore rivalry in this market is low.

Overall attractiveness of the industry: It is considerably unattractive to those business' aiming to make a profit from this industry. Although rivalry and buyer power is low, threat of substitutes, new entrants is high, as well as supplier power. Our software is more about helping communities all around the world, instead of focusing on making profit.3.3 Customers and Their NeedsThe target market for this product is quite broad, as it can be used by all website owners as well as programme (e.g. games) producers, but it can also be used (ideally) by high authority figures such as local governments, around the world. I feel that it would be more useful for governments to use this software, as with the information of where mallicious comments are coming from, and who they are directed towards will allow governments around the world to create campaigns (e.g. anti-racism) to help specifically with their country's problem.3.4 The Product and ServiceThe product is a program that detects when a mallicious comment has been posted on a website (e.g. Facebook) or program (Skype) and automatically tracks where the user is located (through the use of various innformation systems) and then stores this information into a database. This database is especially useful for governments as it can help them target more campaigns in that specific area, to deal with the unacceptable behaviour. We intend to keep the locator to area only, and not any more specific than that as it could cause further problems such as retaliation from individuals that may purchase this program.3.5 Suppliers and PartnersFor this program, our main suppliers will be an internet provider (Telecom) and Google. Telecom will be our supplier in the sense that they will provide an internet connection which will enable us to run out servers, such as update servers, and a download server where people will be able to download our program from. Google will be our supplier for the Their "Google Maps" program, which will help us when "tracking" activity with our program and also putting it on a map view for further use. We will be partnering with Google and the NZ Government so that this program can try run at it's full potential and help as much as possible with solving the discrimination problem. Partnering with Google will allow us to have access to Google Maps, which is important when providing the information in our database, to people like the government. We also intend to partner with the Government, and with the database information that we have stored we can show it to government officials on a map system (Google Maps) to alert officials on where the majority of people posting hateful comments on the internet are. They can then use this information to create campaigns and spread awareness of the problem, which helps satisfy our mission.3.6 Strategy: Cost LeadershipOur program is able to satisfy a broad market, as there is a wide variety of people (target market) that may want to use our program (small businesses as well as hopefully governments around the globe). Also, because we are mainly creating this program to deal with the issue of racism and mallicious comments on the internet, we have decided not to charge a premium for this product therefore, our strategy is Cost leadership.3.7 Value Chain Activity: Technology and DevelopmentThe most important value chain activity for this business is Technology and Development (R&D).I think the most important activity for our value chain is technology and development as this porgram needs to be as up to date as possible. As technology is quickly advancing, our program needs to keep up in order to be as efficient and effective for customers.3.8 Business Processes3.8.1 online payment process As we are only going to sell our program online, all sales payments will be electronic (e.g. PayPal or Credit Card). Customers will be able to purchase our program from the internet through any electronic payment method that they would like. Once the customers place an order and enter their information to pay for the product, the money will be requested by us (our bank account) from their account (through collaboration with the banking system). Once we receive the money, customers will receive an activation code and a link where they can download the program from.

3.8.2 free update schedule process As technology advances, we will provide free program updates for our customers. Firstly in the process, the program will be updated (whenever possible) and then customers will be sent a notification, every time there is a new update available. If they require, and want an update the program will start patching, once given permission from the users computer. If they do not require or want an update, no action will be taken.

3.9 Functionalities 3.9.1. tracking process When someone writes a mallicious or hateful comment on the internet, this program will automatically locate which area the person who posted it is in. This tracking software will be aided by a GPS (e.g. Google Maps) to help provide a map view and to see where there is the most cluster of these sort of comments.3.9.2. Data storing process After the program tracks where people are, it will store this information into a database. This database can then be sent to the government, who could then use this information to target the areas where there are the most hate crimes against difference groups, for any behavioural campaigns they may want to launch. 3.10 Systems

3.10.1. Transaction system - When someone wishes to purchase a copy of our program, they will be required to make a payment through an online method. With the aid of collaboration with local banks, and websites like PayPal, customers will hopefully be able to quickly receive a copy of the program, after payment has been confirmed and received from their bank account or PayPal account. After payment has been received, they will receive an activation code and a download link for the program. Once they have received the product, the transaction is complete.3.10.2. maintenance/update system Technology is quickly advancing every day, and we need to be able to keep up with these advances, in order to provide customers with a program that is easy to use and efficient in achieving our vision. We will provide customers with updates for our program, every time we improve aspects of our product. This will be free and although it is recommended, it is not compulsary for people to update, as some people may prefer older versions.3.10.3. collaboration system - In order to create a product, and an experience for customers, that is efficient and easy to use , we have incorporated collaboration systems not only in our business activities, but also in our program. In our business process, we have decided to use collaboration systems for transactions with customers. We will collaborate with banks, allowing customers to be able to buy our program online, with the use of credit cards which will allow customers to purchase the product at a time that is convenient for them. As long as customers have sufficient funds in their bank accounts, they will be able to purchase our program at any time, anywhere in world and hopefully start using it within a short period of time. For the collaboration system aspect of our program, we aim to use a Global Positioning System ( GPS) such as Google Maps to allow us to get a map and satellite view of where our tracking systems are picking up mallicious comments from. With a map or satellite view, we will be able to have a clearer view of where the majority of the activity is located.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain ActivityProcessesFunctionalitiesSpecific Information System(s)Broad Information System(s)

TechnologyAndDevelopment(R&D)1. Online Payment Process 1. Locate where the poster of the mallicious comment is located

2. Put it on to a map view (using Google Maps)Location Tracking System

Global Positioning SystemTransaction system

Collaboration system

2. Free Update Schedule Process1. Store traced location data to a database

2. Have the database information ready to be sent to government officials or other authorities when needed.Data Management System

Database Mail SystemEnterprise information system

Customer relationship management system

CONCLUSION To help solve the problem of racism and discrimination on the internet, we came up with the idea of a program that tracks where these comments are being posted from, and directed at who. This information will be stored into a database system which can then be used by people like the government to release campaigns and spread awareness about this issue. With collaboration, this program will use a Global positioning system for the process of tracking, and then the information will be stored into a database for further use. Our aim is to provide this program at an affordable price to a broad range of customers. Customers will be able to pay electronically, through the transaction system and receive updates regularly with our maintenance system.


1. Dean Arnett. (March 18, 2014)



Customer orders copy of program from the internet

Customer enters payment information

Sufficient funds?

Reject order due to sufficient funds


Request/collect money from customers bank account



Finalize transaction, request activation code for customer


Update program on server

Alert users that there is a new update available

Does the program need updating?

Recommend update


Update program



Customer want to update?

