Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC) – War Of Independence(1857)

HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC) – War Of Independence(1857)

Transcript of Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC) – War Of Independence(1857)

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Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC) – War Of Independence(1857)

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The Ancient Civilization of the Indus valley

Indus Civilization Is About 5000 Years Old

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•Moen-jo-Daro Means “MOUND OF DEAD “

•The biggest trade market of south asia at the time

•Modern city of its time

•People may originated from Balochistan area like Sumeria’s

•Inhabitant were Dravidians

•Politically organized by a unit or empire or not

•Occupationally framers, craftsman and traders

•Worshipped Mother goddess figurines but also male gods

Moen-jo-Daro and Harappa

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Down Fall

Floods : moen-jo-daro was destroyed seven times by floods

River Shift its bed

By 1990 BC trade b/w Sumeria’s and Indus valley had

come to an end

Attacked by invaders specially Aryans

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•Around 2000 BC they were leaving their homeland ‘Central Asia’

•Between 1800- 1000 BC they were migrating into pakistan area

•They were rough people and fighters

•Professionally Farmers, carpenters, blacksmith and mainly traders

•Worshiped different forces of nature but after came into Indus valley they start

worship mainly male gods

•Aryans cast division: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and


•Rig Veda sacred book of Hindus

Aryans In South Asia

The social conditions of Aryans

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Aryan’s Migrations

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Rig Veda original manuscript


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•Gautama buddha real name “siddhartha” son of ruler of kapal vastu

and lived around 500 BC

• Preaching: ‘nirvana’, no living must be killed, don’t tell lie, avoid

drinking, give up

•Success: He was flawless and belonged to Rajas family

• Hindus VS buddhism : About 2300 years ago “Ashok” was first

emperor of buddist

•Influence of buddhism on hindism: They kept their door open to all


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Expansion of Buddism

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Religion in Asia

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The condition of south asia at the arrival of the muslims : •After Ashoka buddism remain in north of S.Asia due to weak emperors•Hindus staged back but after ‘Harsha’ last great king the region divided into small kingdoms•The time of Muslims attack ‘Raja Dahir’ was the ruler of ‘Daibal’ to ‘Multan’

The causes of the muslim invasion of sindh : •Pirates looted Arab fleet at Daibal•Ships carried gifts from the ruler of Sirlanka•Pirates also prisoners Muslim men , women and children•Raja Dahir refused to help or taking any responsibility


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•Muhammad Bin Qasim : Son in law of Hajjaj bin Yousuf (governor of Iraq under

Abbasids Caliph Walid I) attacked Sindh in 711 AD

•The Conquest Of Daibal

•The Conquest Of Multan : In 713 AD the region of Daibal to Multan came under

Muslim rule

•Muhammad Bin Qasim’s Treatment Of The Local Population

•The Result Of The Conquest Of Sindh

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Land And Sea Route Used By Muhammad Bin Qasim

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Salateen-e-delhi :

•After 300 Years Subaktagin Attacked S.Asia

•Between 1002-1026 Mahmud Ghaznavi Attacked Seventeen Times

•After 150 Years Muhammad Ghauri Attacked S.Asia

Temple Of Somnath

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•In 1206 AD Deputy Of Muhammad Ghauri, Qutubuddin Aibak Laid First Stable Islamic

Empire In Delhi And The Most Famous Successors Are Altutmish And Balban

•After This Dynasty Khilji Dynasty Came. Greatest Emperor Was Allauddin Khilji

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•Tughlaq Dynasty : Muhammd Tughlaq And Feroz Shah Tughlaq

•In 1398 Ad Taimur Lang Attacked Delhi

•Lodhi Dynasty

Feroz Shah Tughlaq

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The Mughal Empire

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•In 1526 AD Babar Defeat Ibrahim Lodhi

•Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur 1526–1530 Founder of the Mughal Dynasty.

•Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun 1530–1540

•Sher Shah Suri 1540–1545

•Islam Shah Suri 1545–1554

•Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun 1555–1556

•Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar 1556–1605 Lahore Fort.

•Nooruddin Muhammad Jahangir 1605–1627 relations with the British East India Company

•Shahaabuddin Muhammad Shah Jahan 1627–1658 the Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, Red Fort,

Jahangir mausoleum, and Shalimar Gardens in Lahore. Deposed and imprisoned by his son


•Mohiuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir 1658–1707

•Bahadur Shah I 1707–1712

•Jahandar Shah 1712–1713

•Furrukhsiyar 1713–1719 In 1717 he granted a firman to the English East India Company

granting them duty free trading rights for Bengal and confirmed their position in India

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•Rafi Ul-Darjat 1719

•Rafi Ud-Daulat a.k.a Shah Jahan II 1719

•Nikusiyar 1719

•Muhammad Ibrahim 1720

•Muhammad Shah 1719–1748

•Ahmad Shah Bahadur 1748–54

•Alamgir II 1754–1759

•Shah Jahan III In 1759 consolidation of the "Nizam" of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, during the

Battle of Buxar. Hyder Ali becomes Nawab of Mysore in 1761

•Shah Alam II 1759–1806 Ahmed-Shah-Abdali in 1761 defeated the Marathas during the Third

Battle of Panipat; The fall of Tipu Sultan of Mysore in 1799

•Akbar Shah II 1806–1837

•Bahadur Shah Zafar 1837–1857 The last Mughal Emperor was deposed by the British and exiled

to Burma following the Great Mutiny.

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Taj Mahal Red Fort in Delhi

Lalbagh Fort, Dhaka Lahore Fort

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•Civil Wars Against Muslim Governors

•Absence Of Spirit Of Jihad

•Addicted to comfort and luxury

•British Invasion

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Timeline (1400 AD -1857 AD)

1492 Slave traders expend to America1498 Vasco da gama descovered sea route to S.Asia

1600 East India Company in S.Asia1615 Sir Thomas Roe got trade privilages

Vasco da gama

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1756 Ali Vardi Khan died and he was succeeded by Siraj-ud-Daula

•English refused to dismantled fortification

•He conquered Calcutta but Commander Manik Chand Conspired

1757 23rd June Siraj-ud-Daula lost battle of Plassy and killed by his

Commander-in-chief Mir Jaffar

1760 Mir Jaffar replaced by Mir Qasim by English in Bengal

1761 Ahmed Shah Abdali crushed Marathas at Panipat

1764 Battle of Buxar were lost by Mir Qasim co-operated by

(Shujauddaula of Oudh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam II)

1766 Hyder Ali took the government of Mysore

1767 First Mysore War

1782 Hyder Ali died but Second Mysore War was still on

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1784 Tipu Sultan returned conquered territories in term

1784 Bihar and Orissa occupied by English

1790 3rd War English and Marathas attacked Mysore

1792 Tipu sued for peace, his half state ceded and two of his sons were

handed over to English as hostages

1799 Tipu was Martyr in 4th War against English and Nizam

1843 Sindh occupied by English

1849 Punjab occupied by English

1856 Law passed that Indian soldier sent anywhere to fight

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The War Of Independence Of 1857

1857 Jan new rifles were introduced

1857 May 10 Sunday Indian soldier freed their friends and

marched for Delhi

1857 Sep General Nicholson marched into Delhi with the army

of 55,000

1858 Nov 1 War ended and British Government took over

S.Asia directly

1862 Bahadur Shah Zafar died in prison

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Causes •Employment opportunities decreased•Indian industries destroyed due to cheap machinery•English already captured many territories and alarmed others•Christianity by force

Immediate Cause•Cartridge Controversy•Fifty indian soldiers were court martialled and sent to jail•Next day war spread out

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•Muslims and Hindus both are equally responsible but only

Muslims were accountable for it

•Last Muhgal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar sent to prisoner to


•After war British Government felt that East India Company was

cruel and inefficient and brought S.Asia directly into the control of

British Crown

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•A History of people of Pakistan by A.Hussain• ارتقاء کا تہذیب میں حسن پاکستان سبط تحریر• (