Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

Edition IV, 2010 Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Toward beer City and Beer Life Habitat Day


Published by water and sanitation working group. First edition on August 2003

Transcript of Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

Page 1: Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

Edition IV, 2010

Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City

Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

Toward better City and Better LifeHabitat Day

Page 2: Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

From the Editor ………………………………………………………………………….................... 3Your Voice ………………………………………………………………….……………...................... 4Main Report World Habitat Day 2010 Toward Better City and Life ………………………........ 5 World Habitat Day, Increasing Concern on Urbanization Challenges …..…. 9 Habitat, Day, Water and Sanitation ...………………………………………............. 11 Habitat National Secretariat of Indonesia …………………………………............ 13Regulation Agenda 21 ……………………………….………………………………….......................... 15 Habitat Agenda ……………………………………………………………......................... 17LessonSurabaya Green and Clean: Toward Healthy Surabaya City ………….…............. 19Testimony dr. M. Basyir Ahmad, Pekalongan Mayor. House is Human Right ………... 22Different Side 1,2 billion World Population are living in Unsuitable Settlements ……….. 24Discourse Right to Water and Housing (second paper – finished) ……………………..... 30InterviewSuharso Monoarfa, Public Housing Minister ...........................................…..... 30Innovation Clearing Water With Moringa Leaves Seed ………………………..……............. 32 Turning Air into Water ……………………………………..……………....................... 34Reportage 15 Asia Pacific Journalists Visited Tambora Slump Area ……………….......... 36 2010 Sanitation Jamboree, Sanitation Ambassador Met with the Vice President …………………………………………………………………....... 38 Youth Urban Forum, Youth Involvement in Urban Development……….... 40 Book Launching and Review in the Main Event of 2010 World Habitat Day ………………………………………………........................ 43 2010 UNICEF WES Program National Coordination Meetin …………......... 45 WSES Development Evaluation and Planning for the year 2010-2011 ... 46 Workshop of Banten Province WSES Development Synergy …………....... 47 Guidance Toilet Alternatives as Options …………………………………………….................... 48Books Info ….……………………………………………………………………..…...................... 50CD Info … ….…………………………………………………………………………........................ 52Website Info ………………………………………………………………………..…..................... 54WESE Literatures …………………………………………………………………..….................... 55Facts Why is Toilet in Your House Must Be Healthy? ……………..…………..................... 56Climate Change and Cities ……………………………………………….............................. 59

Information Media on Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

Published by:Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

Working Group(WSES Working Group)

Responsible PersonHousing and Settlement Director of Bappenas

Environmental Sanitation Director of the Health Ministry

Water Supply Development Director of the Public Work Ministry

Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient Technology Director of Domestic Affair

MinistryDirector of Spatial and Environmental Facili-

tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry

Head of editorial staffOswar Mungkasa

Editorial StaffMaraita Listyasari

Managing EditorEko Budi Harsono

Design and ProductionAgus Sumarno


Circulation/SecretariatAgus Syuhada

Nur Aini

Editorial AddressJl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta,

Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113Website: http//

e-mail: [email protected]

Editors accept external papers/article concerning water supply and environmental


Table of Contents

Page 3: Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine

Edisi IV, 2010



It has become a routine since 1986 that every first Sunday of October is commemorated all around the world as Habitat Day. This year, Habitat Day has fallen on 4 October 2010 with theme of toward better city and

better life. Habitat Day is often commemorated in Indonesia, however misguided still occurs where habitat day commemoration is considered to be only for the settlement development stakeholders. This is actually inappropriate considering close relation between housing and settlement (water supply and environmental sanitation). It has been proven for example, from the theme of 2003 Habitat Day which was Water and Sanitation for Cities.

Integration between WSES development and settlement is a necessity, especially with regard to city development. As we all know, slump areas have become the ‘trade mark’ of almost every city, thus the management has become common agenda of all cities. Slump areas problems are mainly adjacent to house and environment quality along with

infrastructures, facilities and utility (PSU). Partial handling will not result in maximum result. This is the message to be conveyed through Habitat Day commemoration for the past 10 years.

In the spirit of integration, this edition of Percik has raised the theme of Habitat Day in the hope that future housing and settlement developments can be more integrated; not only in concept, but also in the implementation on the field. Hopefully.

The year 2010 will soon be behind us, we certainly welcome year 2011 with new ideas, targets, and hopes. The same goes for us in Percik editorial staff and supporter. Hopefully Percik will continue to be published with brilliant theme and able to satisfy reader’s expectation. Therefore, we are still opening our door for theme proposal to be included in the year 2011. With that reason, relation between us is more than just reader and editor, but more than that. We have always tried to make Percik to be an interactive communication media among stakeholders. Let’s realize this hope together. (OM)

From the Editor

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Percik Appearance continues to be better

My name is Wardi, water supply and environmental sanitation ob-server. I live at Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. I’m a loyal reader of Percik Magazine since I first got the maga-zine back when I was still working at Regional Development Management Directorate General of the Domestic Affair Department in 2004.

I would like to thank managers of Percik Magazine for the informa-tion and valuable lessons that I have got with regard to Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation. I am im-pressed with the new appearance of Percik Magazine with better design. The content of this magazine can be compared to commercial magazine in the level of Tempo Magazine.

I hope, Percik Magazine may con-tinue to exist in providing numbers of information and lesson as well as community empowerment in WSES sector. Bravo Percik Magazine.

MawardiKalibata Tengah Pasar Minggu

Jakarta Selatan

Thank you very much for your kind attention and appreciation to Percik magazine. We will keep trying to en-hance and improve information quality and magazine appearance so it may be well accepted by the people. Hopefully this magazine will continue to exist and provide the best information.

Subscription toPercik Magazine

It has been almost one year since my friends and I, Environment and Community Empowerment activists of Pelangi Dunia at Sungai Ciujung, Ban-ten acquired Yunior Percik and Percik magazine from our friends from Ban-

ten Province Water Sup-ply and Envi-

ronmental Sanitation Working Group. But, for the past couple of months we no longer acquire the magazine.

I got the latest Percik Magazine in-advertently from one of my friends in Lebak Kabupaten Health Agency dur-ing my visit to the agency. I finally bor-rowed the magazine to be copied for our library.

To Percik editors, we are hoping to get this magazine regularly. If fee is needed, I’m happy to subscribe. Thank you for your kind attention.

SukemiKampung Rukun Rt06/Rw07

Desa Bojongsari Serang, Banten

Thank you for your attention and for being loyal reader of Percik. Your name and address have been submit-ted as regular reader. We will send the magazine to you regularly. Hope you enjoy the magazine.

Water is a GiftWe have started to find difficulty

in acquiring water supply, especially during the drought season. Without us knowing, water is turning into lux-ury good, whereas we will have diffi-culties in acquiring them because it is getting scarce or expensive.

We can already see the symptoms of water as luxury good. One is the loss of ground water recharge due to deforestation, worsened by narrow-ing river area as water reserve due to change of use into settlement.

Two, water contamination that was not seriously handled. The con-taminants are certainly the main cause of inconsumable water. Three, water privatization. Water that govern the lives of many is owned only by cer-tain groups that can manipulate water management. Everyone have right to water. By privatization, not everyone’s right to water is recognized.

Therefore, from now on, water management must be fixed. Don’t let it become disaster, but a gift.

Thomas SutasmanCilacap, Jawa Tengah

Plant Trees Ennoble Water

I am concern about the vanishing forests in this country due to illegal logging. Natural disaster will occur during the rainy season, and drought will occur during the dry season. This may actually prevented if we care for the forest and ennoble water.

Natural disaster in this country should be a warning for us to care and pay more attention to nature. Growing number of illegal logging have caused landslides because the rain water can-not be adsorbed by the forest,

Without water we will not survive, thus, let’s ennoble water such as we ennoble ourselves. Rain water should acquire its rightful place. Let’s plant trees that can adsorb water, so we are not lacking of water. If the rain water is being adsorbed, our homes will be save from flood and other natural di-saster.

Ahmad Riyadi UmarBojonegoro, Jawa Timur

Don’t Use Water Excessively

The benefit of water as life support must be well managed in the use. Its existence as God’s gift must be recog-nize and utilized maximally. The grate-fulness should not only come out of our mouth, but should also come out through series of actions or wise and just attitude toward water utilization, in accordance with the requirement standard.

As we know, water is un-renew-able natural resources. Effective and efficient use is greatly important in anticipating excessive water use.

The excessive attitude is also forbid by religion because it is belong in the category of “isyraf”. Especially because water is certainly includes the lives of many, and environment in general. Thus, management tool for the people in proper use of water is required.

Muhammad ErfanCiputat, Tangerang

Your Voice

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Main Report

Habitat is a crucial issue to be re-garded by many parties due to its relation with the

fulfillment efforts of people’s pros-perity. In dealing with habitat-relat-ed issues, countries in the world have showed their concern commitment through several agreements namely 1976 Vancouver Declaration and Habitat Agenda that was established in Istanbul, Turk in 1996.

The Habitat Agenda that was signed by 171 countries (includ-ing Indonesia) contains more than 100 commitments and 600 recom-mendations. Every country that has signed the Habitat Agenda has com-

mitment to implement the agreed Global Act Plan. Several activities in relation to the Habitat Agenda have been actively followed by the gov-ernment, such as Habitat5+ in New York on 2001 and biannual meeting of Governing Council of UN Habi-tat in Nairobi. Prof. Johan Silas as KIP (Kampong Improvement Pro-gram) initiator has received Habitat Scroll of Honours for his commit-ment and dedication for settlement development, especially for poor people.

The content of Vancouver Dec-laration and Habitat Agenda is the message to be conveyed to people through annual commemoration of World Habitat Day. World Habitat

Day is also one of the methods to remind world population about the phenomena and challenges of the urban people.

One of the world challenges today is rapid growing of urban areas (cities). If before, vast majority of the world population are living in the rural ar-eas, today, over half of world popula-tion are living in the urban areas and this number is estimated to increase into two-third by 2030. With the lim-ited resources management capacity in the city, many negative impacts will arise, from growing problem of the lack of proper settlement, grow-ing slump areas, pollution, traf-fic jams, social gaps, etc.


2010 World Habitat Day

Toward Better City and Better life

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Toward Better City and Better LifeThis year, in relation to World

Habitat Day Commemoration, Indonesia has resume participa-tion such as prior years. In 2008, World Habitat Day commemora-tion was held at Bali and in 2009 at Palembang City. For global com-memoration, Indonesia has hosted a 2005 World Habitat Day with The Millennium Goals and the City as theme. That year, World Habitat Day commemoration was central-

ized at Cengkareng flats, Jakarta and the theme was selected to remain people about Millennium Develop-ment Goals that were launched five years before.

By rising the theme of “Better City, Better Life” for 2010, this year’s commemoration tries to em-phasize on the importance of city quality in supporting better life, that will encourage opportunities and potencies, reducing gap, and providing proper settlement for all layers of community.

In the global message of UN Habitat presented by Inga Björk-Klevby (Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director, UN-HABI-TAT), it was said that for better liv-ing, smarter city is required. Inga said, only smart cities can provide their citizens with better life. In order to accomplish smarter city for better life, there are five strate-gic steps that were encouraged by UN Habitat namely: (1) Improving life quality, (2) Investing in human capital, (3) Encouraging sustain-able public economy growth, (4) Improving politic participation, and

(5) Improving cultural involvement. The above steps are expected to act as important catalyst in realizing better life for all.

World Habitat Day commemo-ration this year, such as the years before, was held jointly by Public Housing Ministry and Public Work Ministry. In the press conference of 2010 World Habitat Day that fell on Monday, 4 October 2010, Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa has stated that livable house is an issue of Human Right that requires special attention from the government and better settle-ment is collective responsibility for the future. This statement is in line with the mission of Habitat Agenda, which is proper settlement for all and sustainable urbanization.

2010 World Habitat Day Activities in IndonesiaIn Indonesia, 2010 World Habi-

tat Day was commemorated for the purpose to increase concern of all parties, namely central and local governments, private sector, uni-versities, and community. Another purpose is to encourage new think-ing on current condition of settle-ment. Furthermore, 2010 World Habitat Day was commemorated to provide understanding to the people on housing and settlement issues as well as encouraging participation of housing and settlement stakehold-ers in activities to improve compre-hension of World Habitat Day and implementation of Habitat Agenda, especially among the youth because future responsibility of earth sus-tainability is on their hands.

Main Report

Data and Facts of Urban Areas:

n Fifty percent of world population is currently living in the city

n Three billion of world population is living in the city. 1 billion of which is living in slump areas. In Sub-Sahara Africa area, 70% of the city population is living in slump areas.

n In 2005, there is 1,4 billion more people in the cities compare to year 1980.

n Urbanization is found more in developing countries. In contrary, Europe countries are experiencing decline due to the advance transportation and communication that has reduced population concentration in one place.

Sumber:The State of the World Atlas

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Edisi IV, 2010

It is only appropriate that World Habitat Day commemoration was filled with Seminars and Workshops, Sanitation Jamboree, Book Launch-ing as the main event and also Youth Urban Forum for the youth in ITS Surabaya. Beside the above activities, World Habitat Day was also intro-duced to public through television, radio, printed media, and internet.

Series of 2010 World Habitat Day Commemoration was initiated

by 2010 Habitat National Seminar “Better City, Better Life” that was held at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta on 30 September 2010. Seminar with the theme of Management Concept of Sustainable and Humanist Urban Housing and Settlement discussed the city from the aspect of livable – namely the aspects of social, eco-nomic, safety and environment. Seminar that was held by Public Housing Ministry Formal Deputy

presented speakers among others are ex-Kimpraswil (Housing and Regional Infrastructure) Minister, Erna Witoelar, Urban Sociology Observer Imam B. Prasodjo, Head of Indonesia Planning Expert Asso-ciation (IAP), Iman Soedrajat, and also government representatives of Yogyakarta, Manado, and Palem-bang.

With regard to sanitation, on 12-16 October 2010, Cipta Karya Di-rectorate General held a Sanitation Jamboree at Wisma Hijau Cimanggis with the theme of “Concern of Sani-tation, Concern of Water Quality”. Participants of Sanitation Jamboree comprised of 128 students from 32 provinces in Indonesia. In the open-ing ceremony, Public Worl Minis-ter Djoko Kirmanto revealed that Sanitation Jamboree is a national campaign that focused on children as central point. They are expected to be the agent of development in their own areas. As series of Sanita-tion Jamboree, a tour was held to Lippo Karawaci Waste Water Treat-ment with participation of Elemen-tary School students from schools in Cimanggis for the purpose of early introduction to waste water treat-ment.

Meanwhile, on Sunday morn-ing, 17 October 2010, Habitat Fun Bike Activity was held. This activity was led by Public Housing Minis-ter and followed by approximately 150 participants, both from higher level officials in the Ministry and staffs of Public Housing and Public Work Ministries. This casual biking was

Region 1990 2000 2009 2010* 2020* 2030*

World 42.6 46.4 50.1 50.5 54.4 59.0

Asia 31.5 36.8 41.7 42.2 47.2 52.9


70.7 70.4 70.2 70.2 70.4 71.4

Europe 69.8 70.8 72.5 72.8 75.4 78.4

North America 75.4 79.1 81.9 82.1 84.6 86.7

Latin America 70.3 75.5 79.3 79.6 82.6 84.9

Africa 32.1 36.0 39.6 40.0 44.6 50.0*Prediction, Source: UN

Numbers of World Population who lives in the Cities, 1990-2030 (%)


Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa (middle) and Public Work Minister, Djoko Kirmanto (right) together with the book writer of “Pestering Housing and Environmental Implementation Order”, Tjuk Kuswartojo.

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started on 6.30 am (West Indonesia time – WIB) taking the start from Public Housing Ministry’s yard through Senayan Circle (Bundaran Senayan), Sudirman Street through HI Circle (Bundaran HI) and back to the Ministry’s office. When in HI Circle, participants distributed stickers of 2010 World Habitat Day (HHD) to the people for them to better understand World Habitat Day.

The peak of 2010 World Habi-tat Day took place on 18 October 2010 and marked by launching, ex-hibition, and book review of “Flash-back on Settlement 1900-2000” and “Pestering Settlement and En-vironmental Management Order”. Public Housing Minister hopes that launching of this book may inspire youth to plan and design a more in-novative and creative housing and settlement. Main event of book launching was targeted to increase

knowledge on settlement as the base toward better city. This book launch-ing was also marked by speech from Public Work and Public Housing Ministers followed by official book launching to the stakeholders in-cluding development implementer, academician, NGOs, media and the elders and followed by book review that presenting linguists of all com-munities.

Other activities in the series of 2010 World Habitat Day com-memoration is the National Work-shop that was held by Directorate of Housing Development and Direc-torate of Environmental Building Order, Cipta Karya, of Public Work Ministry that was held on October 26th 2010 at Public Work Ministry. The workshop with the title of “City Support Capacity and Adaptation to Climate Change” presented speakers namely Onno W. Purbo and Imam B. Prasodjo. There are two parallel

classes in this workshop, which is the class of “Organizing Buildings and Environments toward Qualified City” and “Organizing Slump Areas in Answering the Challenge of Cli-mate Change”.

As the closure of this year’s series of World Habitat Day commemo-ration, Youth Urban Forum was held at ITS Surabaya. In this two days event on 8-9 November 2010, Public Housing Minister Suharso Monoarfa and Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini gave general lecture to approximately 300 students. This lecture is then followed by discus-sion among the students and field visit to Tempe kampong, Sukoma-nunggal, Surabaya. Youth Urban Forum as the closure of World Habitat Day commemoration se-ries has affirmed the fact that world cities continuity is in the hands of youth, for better city and better life. (LNP)

Main Report


Participants of Youth Urban Forum are listening to general lecture from the Mayor of Surabaya

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Edisi IV, 2010

Every year, the world always commemorates World Habitat Day on the first Monday of October. World Habitat Day is one of international days that was established by the UN

and commemorated as realization of our concern to fulfillment of proper housing and settlement for all. Other purpose of World Habitat Day is to remind people on the need of collective responsibility for the future of human habitat.

The origin of World Habitat Day cannot be apart from Habitat I conference or Habitat: United Nation Conference on Human Settlement in Vancouver, Canada, back in 1976. In the conference that was held 34 years ago, the world has started to realize the growing phenomena of urbanization along with its impacts, especially in developing countries. Before, the problem of urbanization and its impacts have almost never been UN priority. Habitat I Conference has become the first UN conference in the sector of settlement and resulted in Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements that

persuades all organization both inside and outside the UN system to support the national efforts of projects planning, formulation implementation, and evaluation to improve settlement quality. The Vancouver conference has also based establishment of United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), UN commission for settlements sector.

Approximately 9 years latter, in the year 1985, in Commission on Human Settlement Resolution dated 8 May 1985, proposal of World Habitat Day was submitted. This proposal was then adopted and established in UN Court Resolution in the year 1985 (Resolution 40/202 of 17 December 1985) thus World Habitat Day has started to be commemorated in the year 1986. The start of World Habitat Day commemoration on 1986 was also marking 10 years commemoration of Habitat I.

In the first commemoration that was held in Nairobi, Kenya, the selected theme was Shelter is My Right. Ten years latter in 1996, Habitat II conference

World Habitat DayISTIMEWA

Increasing Concern onUrbanization Challenges

Page 10: Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine


was held at Istanbul, Turk which resulted in the Habitat Agenda. Habitat Agenda is commitment of 176 head of countries including Indonesia to support better future of human habitat.

Habitat II conference has become some sort of turning point on the focus of settlement issue. Themes of World Habitat Day commemoration in the prior years have emphasized more on ‘shelter’. Since 1996, World Habitat Day theme has shifted to city (see box). This tendency may arise due to the thinking that settlement problems are problems of city and urban. Habitat Agenda as the output of Habitat II has reflected manifestation of this tendency. Through Habitat Agenda, countries in the world are trying to accomplish Adequate Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization.

The theme of World Habitat Day commemoration is always different from year to year, however the theme selected is always in line with two main messages of Habitat Agenda,

which are Adequate Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization. World Habitat Day commemoration has become momentum to promote main messages of Habitat Agenda. Habitat Day commemoration from one year to the next has become more important. Thirty-four years ago, during Habitat I era, two-third of world population are still living in rural areas. Today, the proportion has been reversed, more than half world population are living in urban areas and in 2030 it was estimated that two – third of world population will live in the city. This will certainly have bigger consequence.

For 2010, World Habitat Day fell on Monday, 4 October 2010 with the theme of “Better City, Better Life”. This theme emphasized on the importance of city quality in supporting better life, which will encourage potency and opportunity, reducing gap and providing proper settlement for all.

LNP from various sources.

Themes of World Habitat Day2010 – Better City, Better Life2009 – Planning Our Urban Future2008 – Harmonious Cities2007 – A Safe City is a Just City2006 – Cities, Magnets of Hope 2005 – The Millennium Goals and the City2004 – Cities – Engines of Rural Development2003 – Water and Sanitation for Cities2002 – City-to-City Cooperation2001 – Cities without Slums2000 – Women in Urban Governance1999 – Cities for All1998 – Safer Cities1996 – Urbanization and Human Solidarity1995 – Our Neighborhood Curitiba1994 – Home and the Family1993 – Women and Shelter Development1992 – Shelter and Sustainable Development1991 – Shelter and the Living Environment1990 – Shelter and Urbanization 1989 – Shelter, Health and the Family1988 – Shelter and Community1987 – Shelter for the Homeless1986 – Shelter is My Right


Main Report

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Edisi IV, 2010

Every year, UN Habitat has become UN committee to organize World Habitat Day

commemoration. UN Habitat is performing its mandate based on Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements document, along with other documents such as the Habitat Agenda and the Millennium Decla-ration. These documents empha-sized on proper settlement for all. Proper settlement and its services are human right where the government is obligated to assist low income people in acquiring settlements.

Proper settlements for all cannot be apart from provision and condi-tion of water and sanitation. It was stated in the Habitat Agenda to spe-cifically promote access to safe water supply, sanitation and other basic

facilities, especially for low income people, women, and those who are considered as vulnerable and mar-ginalized groups.

Specifically, World Habitat Day has once raised the theme of Water and Sanitation in the year 2003. In that year, World Habitat Day has focused on urban water condition and sanitation crisis. A situation far worse than existing statistics.

In 2003 World Habitat Day global message, Anna Tibaijuka, UN Habitat Director at the mo-ment has stated that sustainable development is started from health. Therefore, sustainable condition cannot be fulfilled without sustain-able investment in water supply and basic sanitation. Meanwhile, Kofi Annan as the Secretary General said

in his message that cities will un-deniably be the center of activities and opportunities, however, with-out proper settlement and adequate basic facilities, city environment will be the most dangerous environment on earth.

In the world where half of the population lives in the cities, there are at least 1 billion people in dan-ger in relation to the lack of ad-equate water supply and sanitation. In Asian cities, there are 700 million people are lacking water and 800 million are without proper sanita-tion. Moreover, in many regions, poor people tend to pay more for water compare to richer peo-ple.

With regard to 2003

Habitat Day,Water and Sanitation


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Main Report

World Habitat Day, at the moment, global commemoration with the theme of “Water and Sanitation for Cities” was held at Rio De Janeiro city of Brazil. Participants from all over the world visited Cajú area, a slump area resided with approximately 800 families. This area represents typical slump areas in other part of the city where almost 20 percent population of Rio de Janeiro lives. Interestingly, in Cajú, people have very good ac-cess to water and sanitation, electric-ity, transportation, and social servic-es. Located on the riverside, Cajú is

a positive result of city’s initia-tive example of

“Slum to Neighborhood” which was initiated in the year 1993. Ur-ban Minister of Brazil at the time has said that better access to water and sanitation has become Brazil priority in fulfilling basic needs of urban poor community. This com-mitment has shown seriousness of Brazilian government in providing right equality on city to urban poor community.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, 2003 World Habitat Day commemora-tion was held at Denpasar, Bali. The President of Indonesia Republic at the time, Megawati Soekarnoputri, had the opportunity to proclaim Development of 1.000.000 units of

Rudimentary Housing, and “Accel-eration of Water Supply and Sanita-tion Provision for Low Income Peo-ple in 1.500 Kampong/Kelurahan Every Year”.

Today, in the year 2010, water and sanitation issues have remain to be crucial issues, especially when only 5 years left to the year 2015 where targets of MDGs must be achieved. From water provision point of view, there are more people who have ac-cess to proper water supply and even more people have access to sanita-tion facilities. However, in order to achieve MDGs targets, the effort must be doubled.

Almost half of world population is - experiencing water shortage.Almost one billion of world - population is without access to proper water supply.In developing countries, almost one - of every four people has no access to sanitation, even the most basic one.Women have the biggest burden - in acquiring water for household purposes.Central areas in big cities generally - have access to water and sanitation, however, city’s poor people usually is not included in the service coverage. Illegal city settlements have the worst and unhygienic condition

Data and Facts on Water Supply and Sanitation

Sumber: UN Habitat Urban World - Juni 2010 POKJA

Page 13: Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine


Edisi IV, 2010

The issue of settlement and urban are complex and multi-disciplines issues. Capacity building of Government and other stakeholders to

better plan and manage the city is necessary. For that reason, knowledge improvement of housing and urban development sectors is required, as well as a strong network for information exchange and cooperation.

In 1981, a Housing National Secretariat has been established to coordinate international organization activity in relation to housing and planning in Indonesia. It functions as clearing house that accommodates and channel profession association that relates with the activity of planning and housing.

Twenty years later, in 2001, Habitat II Agenda National Committee was established by Indonesia Republic President with the task of assisting implementation of Habitat II Agenda in Indonesia and providing consideration and advice to the Government regarding implementation of Habitat II Agenda.

Indonesia Habitat National SecretariatWith the above background, Indonesia

Habitat National Secretariat or better

known as Habitat Seknas was established in 2008 by Joint Decree of Public Work Minister and Public Housing Minister to support inter-agency cooperation (government and non-government) as well as program implementation in relation to Habitat Agenda in Indonesia. Habitat Seknas is expected to resume previous role of Habitat National Committee.

Habitat Seknas retain the function of knowledge hub of urban development and housing sector. Habitat Seknas is expected to be the knowledge center in the sector of housing and settlement, and common house for practitioners, academicians, and other development actors to discuss and criticize issues of housing and

Habitat National Secretariat for IndonesiaImproving Knowledge and Network of

Urban Development and Housing Sector

Vision Improving knowledge and network of urban development and housing sector.

Mission - Improving knowledge of urban development and housing sector through

information documentation and best practices as well as publication through website and printed material.

- Improving network of urban development and housing sector through information exchange and discussion forum.

- Providing inputs on strategic issues for policy makers.- Supporting national and international implementation in relation to Ha-

bitat II Agenda


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settlements, provide policy input and harmonize activity programs.

To support inter-agency cooperation, Habitat Seknas has involved 8 ministries namely Public Work Ministry, Public Housing Ministry, Coordinator Ministry of Public Welfare Sector, Foreign Affair Ministry, PPN/Bappenas Ministry, Domestic Affair Ministry, Environmental Ministry and Health Ministry to sit as Steering Team, Operator Team, and Daily Team.

Steering Team is currently led by Cipta Karya Directorate General, Budi Yuwono with deputy from Public Housing Ministry Secretary, Iskandar Saleh. Operator Team under the Steering Team is led by Cipta Karya Directorate General Secretary, Susmono and assisted by two representatives of the Head of Planning and Budget Bureau of Public Housing Ministry, Oswar Mungkasa and Director of Bina Program Cipta Karya, Antonius Budiono. At the moment, Head of Daily Team and Seknas Habitat who responsible for daily Seknas activities is Dr. Lana Winayanti of Public Housing Ministry, assisted by Dr. Hadi Sucahyono of Public Work Ministry as her deputy.

Seknas ActivitiesScope of work Habitat Seknas has includes

mainstreaming Habitat Agenda, supporting international activities, documentation of best practices and monitoring and controlling national/international habitat activities.

Habitat Seknas role in realizing its vision and mission is evident among others through Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban

Development (APMCHUD) at Solo on 22-24 June 2010

and APMCHUD Bureau Meeting. In the meeting,

officials from Asia Pacific countries have gathered to discuss the issue of housing and settlement.

Other than international activities, Seknas has also published several publications such as Country Profile Indonesia in housing and settlement that was divided into 5 sectors and several times carried out thematic discussions by involving different elements such as governments, academicians, students, NGOs, and research institutes.

Every year, Habitat Seknas has also taken role in Habitat Day commemoration. In 2009, Word Habitat Day commemoration was held at Palembang, Sumatera Selatan with the theme of Planning Our Urban Future and in 2010 the commemoration was focused in Jakarta with the theme of Better City, Better Life. 2010 commemoration was marked by book launching in accordance with Habitat Seknas’ function as knowledge center in housing and settlement sector.

Main Report

‘Common house for practitioners,

academicians, and other development actors to

discuss and criticize issues of housing and

settlements …’

Indonesia’s Habitat Seknas

Jl. Wijaya I no. 68

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Edisi IV, 2010Regulation

Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfillment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable development.

Agenda 21, paragraf 1.1

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive action plan to be applied locally, nationally, or globally by organizations in the systems of UN,

government and related groups on every aspect with impact on environment.

Agenda 21 together with Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests are documents that were adopted by 178 Governments in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) or Earth Summit that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992.

Agenda 21 offers hope, invites is to plan and take current action to preserve heritage to be inherited by the future generation.

Agenda 21 tries to ensure sustainable future which requires bigger awareness from all of us to find solutions to the problems.

With its substance, Agenda 21 has become some sort of blue print for global partnership to realize high quality environments and healthy economic for everyone on this planet. Agenda 21 discusses critical issues that we are facing as global community such as ecosystem degradation, increasing poverty, hunger and poor health, growing world population and illiteracy. Agenda 21 consists of 40 chapters that identified every challenge and provides realistic and simple solution to sustainable development in fulfilling today’s requirements without reducing the future generation’s ability to fulfill their own needs.

Agenda 21 consists of 5 parts with the total of 40 chapters. Preliminary part is Preamble (chapter 1.1-1.6). The next part is Part 1 (chapter 2.1-8.54) that contains relation between social and economic aspects. This part emphasizes the importance of international

cooperation to implement and accelerate efforts toward sustainable development.

The next part is Part 2 (chapter 9.1-22.9) containing resources conservation and management for development which includes among other mountain conservation, prevention of deforestation, protection of water sources, solid waste, waste water, and radioactive management, and protection of oceans. Part 3 of Agenda 21 describes role strengthening of majority group (chapter 23.1-32.14). This chapter contains a

Agenda 21

‘Agenda 21 has become a blue print for global

partnership to realize

high quality environment and healthy economic.’

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statement that sustainable development is the main responsibility of every government, but commitment and involvement of every social group is important to realize effective implementation of every government’s policy that relates with Agenda 21.

The last part of Agenda 21 is Part 4 containing more specific matters of implementation actions and how to initiate the action plans (chapter 33.1-40.30). Several underlined matters in this chapter among other is the use of technology, improving public awareness through education, data and information sharing to support decision making.

Water, Sanitation, Drainage, and Waste ManagementWater, sanitation, drainage, and waste management

are some of the aspects that were specifically discussed in Agenda 21. It was emphasized regarding these issues in Agenda 21 that the effort to improve infrastructure provision of water, sanitation, drainage, and waste management need to be integrated. Infrastructure fulfillment is important because minimum infrastructure, especially in developing countries may lead to disease and death. Moreover, developing countries have challenges where infrastructure

fulfillment exceeds the growth of the demand. Whereas fulfilling

this demand through integral approach can also be the capital to improve life quality, productivity, health quality, and reducing investment cost in term of curative medication and assisting the effort of poverty eradication.

The target in Agenda 21 in relation to this issue is fulfillment of infrastructure properly by the year 2025. Therefore, it is important for every developing country to integrate capacity development in term of human resources, funding or technical into each national strategy.

In achieving the target, implementation is required in term of: (1) financing and expenditure based evaluation, (2) utilization of science and technology through research acceleration in integral policies, environmental impact analysis, and effective demand measurement method, as well as (3) human resources capacity building through improvement of awareness, skill training, institutional strengthening, and adoption of proper regulatory instrument.

Follow Up of Agenda 21All over the world,

government, business community, non-government organization and other elements have placed

Agenda 21 ideas into each plan or policy. This includes Indonesia which in 1997 has formulated Indonesia’s Agenda 21: national strategy for sustainable development that was published by Environmental Ministry. Today, almost 20 years later, Agenda 21 is still very crucial and implementation requires multi-fold efforts with growing challenges. For that reason, cross-elemental involvement in implementing Agenda 21 is very important. This task requires not only leadership and funding from government and business communities, but also vision and cooperation of every citizen. Sustainable development will never be achieved without cooperation of all sectors of community.



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Edisi IV, 2010

Adequate Shelter for AllSustainable Urbanization

The world is facing rapid urbanization and many governments in many countries are not ready to handle this phenomenon.

Even so, in 1996 there is one turning point in the international world to promote the effort in realizing sustainable city, both from social and environmental aspects.

On June that year, the United Nations’ 1996 Conference on Human Settlements was held at Istanbul, Turk. The purpose of this conference is to assess progress of the past two decades since establishment of Vancouver Declaration on 1976, and also to establish a more suitable goal in welcoming the new millennia.

The conference is a conference with relatively new approach because it offers a more integrated, inclusive, and participative policy, strategy, and action toward safe, healthy, and just world cities. This conference involves not only government representatives, but also non government organization, private sector, academician, and cooperation groups.

The conference that was also called Habitat II has resulted in Istanbul Declaration and also Habitat Agenda which was signed by 171 countries, including Indonesia. Habitat Agenda consists of more than 100 commitments and 600 recommendations. Every country that has signed the Habitat Agenda is committed to implement the agreed Global Action Plan.

Habitat AgendaHabitat Agenda is a global shout-out to act in

every layer. In every target framework, principles, and commitment, Habitat Agenda offers positive

vision of sustainable settlement – where everyone will have proper settlement, healthy and comfortable environment, basic service, and productive and liberating job. Habitat Agenda will be guidance for all efforts in order to change this vision into reality.

In general, Habitat Agenda has two main messages which is Adequate Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization. Habitat Agenda offers positive vision for cities with practical road map on the world that has been impacted by urbanization. Other important message from Habitat Agenda is that good governance is a requirement for

sustainable cities and poverty eradication. Beside the two main messages of Adequate

Shelter for All and Sustainable Urbanization, Habitat Agenda also discuss other related issues such as health, nutrition, and water and sanitation. Habitat Agenda relates urban problems and poverty eradication as well as job addition and special attention to women and marginalized groups. The output of Habitat Agenda is a comprehensive strategy that encourages new partnership to act in local, national, or international levels.

Habitat Agenda consists of 241 paragraphs that were divided into

4 parts. First part is Introduction (paragraph 1-21). This part underlines global challenge of housing and encourages nations to face the challenges. The second part of this document contains Goals and Principles (paragraph 22-36) that provides direction to target policies as government’s action and strategy to achieve it. The strategy also relates with cooperation, participation, information sharing, and supervising. The third part contains Commitment (paragraph 37-52) underlines agreement of the international communities in

Habitat Agenda

‘…good governance is a requirement

for sustainable cities and poverty


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achieving proper settlement for all, sustainable housings, public sector, private, and community involvement, in housing development, gender equality, housing financing, and international cooperation.

Global Action Plan is the last part of Habitat Agenda. This is the biggest part of this document (paragraph 53-241). There are 5 strategy actions in this part in order to achieve: (1) proper settlement for all, (2) sustainable housing, (3) capacity building and institution development, (4) international cooperation and coordination, and (5) supervision and implementation of Habitat Agenda.

Infrastructure and Basic ServicesIn paragraph 84-87, Habitat

Agenda specifically

discuss action plan in infrastructure and basic services. Infrastructure and basic services include water, sanitation, waste management, social welfare, transportation and communication facilities, health, school, safety and open space. Habitat Agenda emphasize that government,

community, and private need to cooperate in order to fulfill the basic need.

Central government will have a share in supporting local authority in management, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure and basic services. On other side, private sector, community, and non government organization can participate in service provider and management under coordination of the government. Government must also provide infrastructure access and basic services especially for poor and marginalized people as well as involving local community in establishing standard and priority.

Source: Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat Agenda, UN Habitat, 1996, from various sources.

Source: Cities and Homes for All: The Habitat Agenda, UN Habitat, 1996


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Edisi IV, 2010Learning

Surabaya as the 2nd largest metropolitan city in Indonesia with population of over 2 million people has turned out to only have one final disposal site (TPA - landfill), which is Keputih TPA that

receives waste from 155 temporary disposal sites (TPS) in Surabaya. However, solid waste at Keputih is not well managed and have caused bad odor that bothered the surrounding neighborhood and has been forced to close in the year 2001. In consequence, solid waste has kept piling up at TPS’ sites and moreover, solid waste can be seen at every corner of the city. In the year 2004 in the city of Surabaya, there are approximately 2.610 tons of solid waste every day.

This horrible situation has convinced Surabaya city, NGO, and community to start dealing with solid waste more seriously and to find solution together. After identifying that the main source of solid waste in Surabaya came from the household,

Surabaya City Government thought of an alternative way to handle solid waste and decided to apply community based solid waste management program which also known as Green and Clean program.

In the year 2004, with the support of local NGO, Surabaya City has initiated public education program of solid waste management. The purpose

of this program is to introduce alternative ways of solid waste sorting and management from the cycle base on household level, while the strategy being use is by introducing accurate technology along with instruction on how to apply it at household level, the substance of the education program includes how to sort organic and non-

organic waste, how to utilize waste by applying 3R principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

The program has built public awareness on the importance of community based solid waste management (through reduce, reuse, and recycle) and

Surabaya Green and Clean: Toward

Healthy Surabaya City


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encouraged their participation in the process. This program has also built network and partnership with relevant stakeholders for a more collaborative action. This small action has gained popularity among Surabaya people.

In general, the program consists of various activities and initiatives in solid waste management such as Solid Waste Management and Education, Green and Clean Competition, Cleanest Kecamatan Competition, Zero Waste Competition and Initiation of Independent Solid Waste Management.

In 2005, in order to motivate people and to attract broader participants, Surabaya City – supported by several partners has seriously worked on the competition in introducing the concept of reward and punishment and in managing their surrounding environment.

Green and Clean was at first carried out at the level of environmental groups. The main criteria is environmental cleanliness (including mosquito larvae in houses). In 2006, due to the increasing awareness of solid waste management, the criteria is broaden to include waste management and recycle initiative.

There are several categories in the Green and Clean competition: 1. Solid Waste Management (solid waste sorting to compost treatment/making, solid waste management facilities, and solid waste system monitoring), 2. Solid Waste Recycle (creativ-ity, art value, and economic value), 3. Cleanliness (of streets and environments, condition of waste disposal site and drainage), 4. Reforestation (biodi-versity, the use of compost in forestation process), 5. Condition of toilet/bathroom that includes cleanli-ness, whether mosquito larvae can be found or not, to public knowledge in preventing dengue fever.

‘Waste Free’ program is almost similar with ‘Green and Clean’ competition. Green and Clean Award will be awarded on May (anniversary of Surabaya City) while “Waste Free’ Award will be

awarded on August during Independence Day. If an area manages

to win these 2 competitions in the same year, Kota Government will provide incentive as a reward in maintaining clean environment.

In 2007, there is 18,6% decrement of solid waste to be transporter to the final disposal site compare to the previous year prior to Green and Clean initiative. Solid waste has been reduced into 1.480 tons. Green and Clean has inspired people to take part in conserving environment and managing solid waste independently. This has made Surabaya City into a better city to live in. Several remarkable results of this program are:

Awareness of Surabaya’s people on the •importance of solid waste management has resulted in 6.500 environmental cadres whose task is to inform people in their neighborhood on how to manage their waste;

In Surabaya, there •are 750 environmental groups that have applied independent community based solid waste management – by making compost, and also use it as fertilizer for their own environment;

Plenty of tress and •other plants have been planted in the housing

areas, some of which became famous such as Orchard Kampong, Adenium Kampong, Aloe Vera Kampong, etc; In general, green space in Surabaya has increased •from 269,29 hectare in 2006 to 274,44 hectare in 2007;There are at least 15 small-medium scale •companies for recycle products (umbrella, bags, wallet, and lamp shade) under the support of UNILEVER CARE. Therefore, the people can benefit from the sales of non-organic waste and thus created new work field;Strengthening social capital due to active •participation of the people – including women and elderly – in this program;The program has said to inspire and has been •replicated in other big cities such as Jakarta and Yogyakarta;



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Surabaya City has started to be a better place to •live (greener, cleaner and healthier).Surabaya City has also awarded as recognition

on the effort. Some of the awards are Energy Globe Award (EGA) from Austria (2005) for the category of Water and Environment, Green Apple & Green Organization from London (2007) and United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) Award (2007) for the category of City Quality Improvement.

Orchid Kampong (Kampung Anggrek) – Cleanest and Greenest KampongPesona Anggrek Kampong, Jl. Kertajaya IV-C,

RT 07 RW XIII, Kertajaya Kelurahan, Gubeng Kecamatan, is the winner of Surabaya’s Green and Clean Competition in 2006. Based on the very long list of criteria, all judges have finally agreed to choose this kampong that was full of orchids, as the cleanest kampong. Thus, this kampong has the right to receive gratification money of 25 million IDR.

One unique thing of this kampong is orchid in every single house. This was possible due to solidarity and consistency of its residents. This can also be seen in people’s behavior in solving solid waste problems. The people managed their solid waste well and they have composter to treat organic waste into compost.

Margorukun Kampong Gg. VI – Kampong with MoUThis kampong is located in Gundhi kelurahan,

Bubutan kecamatan (Tembok Dhuwur area) Surabaya. Before, this kampong is known to be ‘black’ area. Surabaya people even call it bromo corah kampong (where criminal lives); from gambling (pigeon race), drunk, to people with high criminal record. In 2005, change occurred when community leader Muhammad Sugiarto is elected to be Head of Rukun Tetangga (neighborhood).

Prior to his election, he asked for people’s agreement to conduct change and this request has acquire positive respond from all residents. Even after serving as Head of RT, the man who is better known as Abah Giarto made an innovation by asking everyone to sign some sort of agreement for certain matters, such as no clothes wringing improperly thus creating slum image, unless guest, there is no parking in front of the house thus obstructing other street’s user, and obligating resident to sort their waste. Interestingly, there are certain days to sun-dried their mattress together.

That was not all; Margorukun kampong also enforced greenery in every house and independently builds Waste Water Treatment Installation (IPAL). This IPAL is eventually reused by the people to water their plants of which have made the kampong green. Thanks to persistent and consistent effort of Margorukun people, Margorukun kampong has become a very comfortable place to live in. Beside clean, this kampong has also succeeded in moving its residents to build social capital in preserving their environment. (David, from various sources)


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Pekalongan is not only known as Batik City, but also as Slum Area-Free City. How is that possible? To answer this, Percik had the opportunity to

interview dr. M. Basyir Ahmad (Pekalongan Mayor) at his house. The interview is summarized below.

Pekalongan City has won many awards. What is the secret?

My first secret is intention. When campaigning for Mayor, what was the intention? Inna ma amalu bin niyat (all depends on the intention). I’m intent to benefit as many people as possible. That was my first intention. Afterward, we certainly know how the government goes? First, how to increase human resources index. This is regarding welfare. Second, we talk about fairness, how people are treated equally. Whether they are poor or rich, in order to get something, they must be treated equally. The next step is always community based. Those are the main philosophy. Then, in order for the people to be good, they must be empowered, coordinated, and accompanied by. This is the brief look; this is the line of thought.

Then there is another matter, according to the officials, regions must be made autonomic. There is no way for a country as big as Indonesia to be centralistic. The authority obviously should be given to the region. Well, I also gave my authority to my subordinate. For example, for permitting matters, I don’t need to sign anything, because my subordinate can do that. Thus, I’m sharing my authority. We build good institution, we find good partner and we provide the fund. With the three elements, program orientation is no longer project. Project will not last, but program continue to sustain. When this is done, everyone is asked to work, and will work, the result will be maximum. It’s impossible for us to work alone. When we autonomic, by involving the

people that we led, everything will run.Last, there’s this thing called

coordination. Coordination is easier said than done.

That’s why I made a step. Where is actually the tip that makes government succeed? The tip is actually person per person. When the people are good, the government will automatically be good. The smallest organization in the community is family. I push families to be good. When the families are good, RT will be good. When RT is good, RW will be good, etc. until finally the city will also be good. In order to perform this step, I must strengthened existing institution in kelurahan. It is difficult to coordinate a city, thus we start from the bottom. We coordinate kelurahan with its Lurah, PKK, LPM, BKM-as product of PNPM, and Karang Taruna. This is the pillar that finally turned into Working Group. There is Housing and Environment Working Group. Coordinators of LPM, BKM, in the city level are also involved, also Health Agency, PU, BPN. Further commitment and high willingness will open up opportunities.

How did you gain support from the people?First is trust. When the people trust us, they will be

easy to talk to. From the beginning, I tried to make my program get in touch with the people and I always tried to talk to people. Every Monday and Thursday I do radio interview. The program is titled Mayor Answers and everyone easily meet me in my office. I communicate, thus they can talk about something and we can give them something. With communication eventually people will know that I am not a difficult person. And also, communication must be done in groups, not with every single person, it is not possible. I communicate with the groups that were established by the people, not by myself, such as LPM, Art Board, Worker Union, etc. they decides. I will not touch or interfere, let it come from the bottom. If something happens, nobody can say that I engineered or made it difficult.

Is housing development apart from sanitation development?

At first, housing and environment are not included

House is a Human Right

Interview with Pekalongan Mayor dr. M. Basyir Ahmad

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Edisi IV, 2010

in sanitation. We were guided to establish Sanitation Working Group in order to make the White Book and City Sanitation System (SSK). We didn’t know where it will led. Because from housing and environmental point of view, I was thinking, no slum areas. No slum could mean no water puddle, drainage is available, then forestation is also available; that was my line of thought. After we understand about sanitation, we were surprised because it must be sustainable and integrated, not too many teams. So, there will be Housing and Sanitation Working Group.

Why only focusing on the slum area, whereas there are more aspects to the city than slum?

We touched every aspects, slum is only one of them. I’ve counted number of household in Pekalongan. There are 67.000 households. Then we sort it, how many have a house and how many without a house. It turned out that there are 6.000 households without house. Now, for those who already have a house, which one is livable, which one is not, which is slum, which one is not. The result surprised me. 5.068 houses are unlivable with no toilet, no water supply, not even plaster. No ventilation, no partition between father and children. Try to imagine a house without partition between father and children. Then I was thinking, house is a human right. It is a serious matter in UUD 1945, then I made a commitment that during my official period, I must finish 5.068 houses. It turned out to be completed in 3 years using the above methods. Involve the people, establish group, decide which one is slum, and then those who help, we give fund, while we too seek for funds.

What should be fixed first in handling the slum, the people or the physical condition?

In my opinion, the physic should be fixed first. I feel that if a house is not livable, people will not live in the house. The children will all run to the street. When they already run, they will be educated on the street. Simultaneously, I made a program where every Elementary School must have TPQ, all using the model of Islam education. What kind of Islam education model? We want every Moslem to commit, must pray, must use Moslem clothes. We taught them this since early start, and on certain hour we teach them to read and write Quran, because every Moslem must be able to read and write Quran, thus we can pray. Pray is Innas salata tanha anil fahsha wal munakar, keeping wickedness away. I’m hoping they will stay at home, educated at home. The method is simultaneous like that.

To eradicate slum is not cheap, where did you find the

funding source?I designed one program called acceleration program.

At the time, it was only Mayor Decree then it become Pekalongan Local Regulation (Perda) No 11 Year 2008. The Perda has 5 points. Acceleration for poor families to receive education as high as possible, to obtain the best health service, to work, acceleration of environmental and poor families’ housing improvement to prevent slum, and acceleration of institution strengthening. Because it is already Perda, the Local Council (DPRD) must provide the budget. I have made budget plot that was managed by and from the people. The initial value was 2,5%. Why 2,5%, because I thought of it as alms. APBD must be made alms. The purpose of alms is to take care of the poor people, managed by them. But after that, I told them that 2,5% is not enough. Where is the infaq shod-aqoh (charity), thus I made it 5%. Currently is still 4%.

Which city inspires you in eradicating the slum?My inspiration was the Public Housing Minister.

When elected to be Pekalongan Mayor, I have problem of slum. Then I met Pak Yusuf Asy’ari. In his office he said: “Pak Basyir, can you free your city from slum?” He then provides depiction. The apostle said Baiti Janati – My house, My heaven. Slum house will not be heaven, either physically or spiritually. Then I said, “OK, I will do it”. So, I wasn’t triggered by a place but by Public House Minister.

In dealing with slum, are there any unsolved matters? What were the challenges?

Yes, there is. Actually, of all achievements, there are 2.000 unmanaged houses, when we suddenly got ROB (high tide). So in the North, houses that have been fixed are back to slum again. I have a target of fixing approxi-mately 6 million IDR. We will provide the 2 million, loan the 2 million and the other 2 million must be from them. So, we will not fix everything, because then, they will not have sense of ownership. There are 270 slum communities. By the end of last year, 150 of it were able to be managed. This year I will try to manage up to 200 communities, thus only 80 or 90 that are left. We will finish this in 2 years, 2011 and 2012 because slum areas are harder to deal with than housing. My challenge is only one, I have just begin to understand sanitation prob-lem. We want to make the house to be efficient, or maybe building the house with proper, but communal septic tank. The most ideal will be when water supply is entirely served by PDAM. No better in Pekalongan. I have a dream that in 10-15 years, Pekalongan will not use well anymore. Even when the sanitation is not proper yet, at least water sup-ply is available. (DVD)

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Different Side

Shelter is still a problem, faced not only by Indonesia, but also the world. Unsuitable shelter leads to unsuitable housing, especially in the city; thus making city housing/settlement a worrisome issue. It is clear that

development of an area was not in accordance with proper housing quality. Hence, plenty of people cannot afford proper housing yet. According to UN Habitat, currently in the world, there are at least 1,2 billion people living in unsuitable areas, whereas in major cities of Indonesia, approximately 12,5 million people are living in slum areas with the total area of 57.000 hectare and 8 million people are without proper housing.

This has clearly showed that Indonesia is one of the countries that must deal with problems of physical and infrastructure sectors of settlement, namely high urbanization, poor quality of settlements, and large number of cities without sanitation, and water infrastructures. At the moment, only approximately 49%

of the population is without water supply. The high number of urbanization does not

only mean population

movement from rural to urban areas, but also means higher water supply requirement.

Furthermore, changes due to the development have altered village’s status into city. Other than high urbanization rate, we are also facing high population growth. Therefore, mature planning is required in developing an area so that everyone may have access to healthy and proper Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation.

The core of housing development according to the Law mandate is to build an area accordingly with Law No 26 Year 2007 on Spatial. Every region must have a spatial plan (RTRW) which was made accordingly with natural condition of the region. However, most people and local governments have not applied their RTRW with proper discipline and have not revised their RTRW.

Anna Tibaijuka as the Executive Director of UN Habitat has stated that in the past 10 years, numbers of people who are living in slum areas have increased from 780 million to 820 million. Thus, the last data of UN Habitat in year 2010 has stated that there are 1,2 billion of world population are living in a very unsuitable environment.

1,2 Billion1,2 Billion of World Population are Living in Unsuitable Shelter


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For that reason, UN Habitat has established two programs. One is World Urban Campaign Program, which is cooperation program between UN Habitat and public and private sectors, as well as civil community to raise the issue of sustainable urbanization into governance agenda all around the world. Two is cooperation with the Coca Cola Company in providing 1 million USD for pure water development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America areas. The purpose of this program is to preserve water resources and assisting water use efficiency as well as recycle process of turning waste water into water supply which was expected to be completed in the next 2 years.

Rapid urbanization due to population explosion and uneven distribution of population has become crucial issues that attracted attention of the world. According to UN’s estimation, in the next 50 years, 2/3 of world population will be living in the cities. Urbanization increment has caused a domino effect that will eventually caused big detriment for people and environment. Population explosion and uneven distribution of the population are also factors of imbalance between urban and rural areas which in turn, increase urbanization rate. The rapid urbanization growth in the urban areas has caused many problems, one of which, slum areas in the city.

Therefore, the world has become more concern in the management of urban and housing development, and this was marked by three series of important events, such as World Urban Forum 5 (WUF), World Shanghai Expo 2010, and 3rd Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (APMCHUD).

Challenges that must be faced by cities in the world in the future due to rapid growth of urbanization, especially in the last few decades include reducing poverty thread, improving access to public basic facilities (water supply, settlement, sanitation, friendly environment), and sustainable city growth.

In Indonesia, according to Public House Minister (Menpera) Suharso Monoarfa, who is also the Head of APMCHUD, since 2007, approximately 50% of the population lives in the city. Moreover, 58,6% of the total population lives in Java Island which area only represent 7% of the total area in Indonesia, 17% housings in natural disaster vulnerable areas, and poverty rate that has reached 14,15% or approximately 32,53 million people have made APMCHUD an important forum to share experience and information with member countries of APMCHUD while seeking for the best solution.

In cities of the developing countries, the problem is a lot more complicated, due to faster population growth compare to developed countries. Formal settlement provision capacity such as real estate, and housing from the government or private is very limited and has only touched middle to upper class of the society. Meanwhile, low income communities have not been touched and left to find their own solution. The consequence is rapid growth of informal settlements which in Indonesia is better known as kampong, with typical characteristics of dense, slum, squalid, not following official rules, and majority of the residents are poor.

Source: UN Habitat and


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(Second Paper – Finished)


Dr Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M.

Providing opportunity for private companies in raw water provision for the people will clearly eliminates the country’s power over

water resources. As profit-oriented institution, private companies will only invest when guarantee of investment rate of return is present. Thus, companies require guarantee, either on political risk or performance risk, the guarantee issue is being charged to people through compensation payment from government and tariff adjustment. Tariff

adjustment was completed by applying full cost recovery, to ensure steady rate of

return for contract

holder. Moreover, in providing raw water, private companies will not invest in low income areas and topographically difficult areas because these, will present difficulty in returning their investment. This is the reason of why raw ware provision in remote areas has been neglected. Looking at stipulation in Section 33 of UUD 1945 which not so clearly guaranteeing the people’s right to water has opened up opportunities for derivative law products to be further away from guaranteeing citizen’s right to water as proven in Law No 7 Year 2004. Meanwhile, in the context of local autonomy, instead of formulating local regulation that protected the people’s right to water, many regulations have turned out to only added more burden for the people


Issue of Right to Water and Housing

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and have oriented in increasing local revenue by issuing retribution or permitting regulations which substance do not include the aspect of people’s right to water.

Basically, government has fundamental obligation to fulfill basic need of its people, including water supply. This has become one of manifestation of the social contract between country and its citizen. Water supply management privatization has clearly transferred the basic service provision from public sector to private sector. With the transfer, the next problem would be water utilization allocation change. Poor and marginalized people are being more neglected as other implication of privatization policy. Poor and marginalized people will not be served because they don’t have political strength or representative and certainly no economic strength to pay the high price due to privatization policy,

Responsibility transfer to guarantee

community access to water especially drinking water from government to private sector, has caused more practice of water commoditization and commercialization. In environmental ethic perspective, treating water as commodity and later commercializing it is clearly a violation.

It is clear than, that in term of right to water and right to housing, of different regulations in Indonesia, although there is recognition on the right to live prosperously, but the formulation in UUD 1945, Human Right Law, and Water Law have not yet in accordance to Section 11 of CESCR. Recognition of UUD 1945 Section 28I Verse (4) that fulfillment of human right is the responsibility of the country, especially government. However, in the derivative laws and regulations, there is evident of denial by transferring the responsibility by providing more room for privatization practices or returning the responsibility back to the people.

Indicator of Right FulfillmentFulfillment of right to water must at least comply

with three indicators of (1) healthy and safe drinking water availability, (2) existence of mechanism to

guarantee continuity of water availability for people’s requirement, (3) affectivity mechanism implementation.

IV. Strategy of Enforcing the People’s Right to Water and HousingThe first strategy that must be done

immediately is consequent implementation of CESCR as logical consequence of accepting CESCR as part of positive law in Indonesia, thus the Law that was

assessed substantially is denial on economic, social, and cultural rights and must be put in agenda for immediate change. On this case, several methods can be done; first, by empowering the legislatives (DPR and DPRD) in comprehension and recognition of Human Rights especially economic, social and cultural rights. With strong awareness of legislatives members of the importance of


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‘Basically, government has fundamental

obligation to fulfill basic need of its

people, including water supply’

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Human Right protection as part of the country responsibility, then in implementing their three functions, which is legislative function, monitoring function, and budget function, they will put forth citizen’s right guarantee. Through legislation authority or establishment of Law or other regulations, for example, hopefully there will be more Law and/or Local Regulations which come from legislative initiative which substance is categorized in protecting public interest. This is very important, considering that in different regions, there are more Local Regulations which substance only regulating local administrative task, or retribution to increase their local revenue (PAD) without equal reciprocity of building public facilities.

Another proof of DPRD’s helplessness is when the monitoring function is ineffective. DPRD in general is no more powerful than monitored executives both in implementing local regulations and allocating local budget. DPRD has presented themselves as no more than rubber stamp. Thus, the people who are already burdened with various retributions have never felt equal reciprocation. In budget sector, DPRD has never made people’s needs a budget priority.

The second step is to improve people awareness on Human Right especially economic, social, and cultural rights through various law counseling,

training, partnership or Human Right advocacy where University

support, especially from Law Faculty is very important. This is very important to be done, considering that people who are directly impacted by the policy from local government, often do not fully realize the importance of their active participation in the process of policy making from planning, design, discussion, establishment to the process of implementation. People who don’t realize their rights to participate in law and governance will certainly increase opportunity to be neglected. On the other side, law protection on public access to law information in the form of local regulation and implementation regulations are still significantly low thus people are only considered as the object in local development. For that reason, it is also important to persuade formulation of Local Regulation on Public Participation or People’s Right to Public Information Access. By empowering the people, potency of regulations including local budget that may violate heir rights can be reduced as such.

The third is dissemination of Human Rights



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values, especially economic, social, and cultural rights to law enforcers by socializing CESCR to all academic communities and people by emphasizing that economic, social, and cultural right are also included in the category of rights that can be demanded in the court of law, and hence, with stronger awareness of the people on their rights especially economic, social, and cultural rights, they will independently able to take law actions such as judicial review to the Constitution Court upon meeting law regulation that was considered to violate the constitution or other action such as Citizen Law Suit when country’s policies are considered to violate their rights. This effort can be done easily with equal socialization to

law enforcers, attorneys and advocates regarding economic, social, and cultural rights through training of economic, social, and cultural rights for police officers, attorneys, and judges by universities or Law and Human Right Instructor Coalition in Indonesia.

The third strategy, for the sake of credible court system, in the next 5 to 10 years, there is requirement for law en-forcers with high sensitivity on the importance of recognition and guarantee on fulfillment of eco-nomic, social, and cultural rights, thus, the law enforcers candidates who are currently studying at Law Universities all over Indonesia need to sharpen their skill and law knowledge through education and training of economic, social, and cultural rights.

VII. ClosureIndonesia commitment to respect rights

of economic, social, and cultural especially in protecting, respecting, and guaranteeing the citizen’s right to water and housing through CESCR ratification is still in the level of ideas, and have not been realized in term of positive law and program implementation from central to local level. The failure to guarantee economic, social, and cultural rights and silence behavior of the country will have potency to violate Human Right in the omission context. The strategy that must be done to overcome this problem is improving awareness of policy makers, community, and law enforcers on the importance of economic, social, and cultural rights through regulation, education, training or advocacy.

Writer: Director of Human Right Study Center (satuHAM). Law Faculty of Malang Muhammadiyah University. Email: [email protected]

‘..dissemination of Human Rights values, especially

economic, social, and cultural rights to law enforcers by

socializing CESCR to all academic communities and people by emphasizing that

economic, social, and cultural right are also included in the category of rights that can be demanded in the court of law.’


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Since last year, Habitat Day has been commemorated regularly in Indonesia. Host of this commemoration has been agreed to rotate between Public Housing Ministry and Public Work Ministry. This year, the host of commemoration is Public Housing Ministry.

The following is summary of Percik’s interview with Public House Minister Suharso Monoarfa.

What is the benefit of World Habitat Day Commemoration in the context of Housing in Indonesia?

The world’s theme this year is Better City, Better Life. As I like to say in many occasions, city is a symbol of what people call settlements, even though city is a lot broader than settlement. What I’m trying to say is that when we are able to provide good settlement, good living will also present. This will provide good feedback as well on housing, although in reality, better city depends on better home. So, better home, better city, better life. Better life itself is actually civilization.

A house is not just a house but also infrastructure,

facilities, and utilities ISTIM


Suharso Monoarfa:

A House is Not Just House, but Also Home

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(PSU) such as water, sanitation and solid waste. How do you integrate this with a house?

We can imagine a house without PSU. The quality will certainly decline. Slum will occur; people will not be comfortable with their environment. So it is obvious that without good PSU, it is impossible to create a house that can be called home.

During the press conference of Habitat Day, you have explained the different in housing development between House and Home. What is the fundamental difference between the two?

Well, house is physical building. Home is imaginary building of values, civilization. So for example, when people talk about missing their kampong, they will say coming home, not coming house. So people always want to come home, to their home country because he feels at home there. A house is only a place to live; people’s shelter. So, the spirit nuance between house and home is different. I hope our houses can be truly be homes, not just houses that we bought. A house may be big, completed with swimming pool, even spa, etc. but it will remain to be a house, because it didn’t create anything in it. Only household dictatorship

is present. Some even solve everything with money. This is not right.

In one of the events of World Habitat Day, you have explained Housing Provision for the First Labor Force. What is the actual concept?

The answer is simply save money. There is no other way but save money. When you safe money, don’t wait until it piled up high, but see to it until the capacity can be rationally used. In order to be an effective saving, don’t just leave it. If you saved enough to buy small house, start from there. That is called saving. Once we can, move to a bigger house, etc. Thus, it forever correlates with one’s capacity.

Youth are potential force to work together with and be a bridge between government and people. As ex activist of Student Council, how do you perceive this?

Good, student should be, not only bridge, but even the motor. And most importantly, youth are willing to learn and find new innovations, which according to their era, their condition, their perspective, is more fitting than before. This is one of the challenges, and I think youth can contribute greatly in it.

Before elected as Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa was a member of the National Legislative DPR of 2004-2009 periods, from PPP fraction of Gorontalo constituency, and Deputy to the Head of Budget Com-mittee of DPR RI. Moreover, the man who was born in Mataram on 31 October 1954 was also the General Treasury of DPP PPP and actively involved in different organizations.


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Water and its sources as one of natural treasures is an absolute requirement for living creatures in supporting their lives and maintain their health. Water

that covers more than two-third of the earth’s surface provides living space 300 times wider than the land, however, most of the water cannot be used directly. Only 1% can be use as water supply, even still have to go through a process.

The technology that is currently applied starts from raw water collection, water treatment into clean water that greatly depends on the quality of raw water source, then through the distribution system through the pipes to the service area. Water treatment was done for raw water that was basically do not comply with the current water supply standard, thus, incompliance elements need to be removed or reduced, in order for the water to comply with the standard. This was completed by water treatment. Water treatment technology greatly depends on the raw water quality.

Large scale urban water treatment treats water by adding coagulants into the raw water. With this method, dissolved particles in the water will become bigger flogs and will settle. Then, the clean upper part of the water is removed to be use for

daily needs. However, it is difficult to find coagulant in remote

areas. Even if it is available it will be unaffordable for local people.

One of the alternatives is the use of natural coagulant from plants around us. Research by The Environmental Engineering Group of Leicester University England has long studied potency of natural coagulant in small, medium, and large scale water treatments. Their research was focused on coagulant potency of flour from Moringa oleifera seed. This plant can be found widely in northern part of India, but now it can be found everywhere in the tropical area, including Indonesia.

In Indonesia the plant is known as kelor plant with small leaves.

Moringa Oleifera:Kelor (in Indonesia, Java, Sunda, Bali, Lampung);

Kerol (Buru); Marangghi (Madura); Moltong (Flores); Kelo (Gorontalo); Keloro (Bugis); Kawano (Sumba); Ongge (Bima); Hau fo (Timor).

The plant is also known as ‘drumstick’ plant due to the long shape of the seed, although some calls it ‘horseradish’ because the root tastes like ‘radish’.

Kelor (moringa oliefera) is included in the family of clump plant with height of 7-11 meters. In Java, Kelor is often used as yard plants because it can also be used as medicine. Kelor tree is not very big. The branch is only few and easily break but it has a strong root. The main stem is gray. The leaves are small in the shape of egg oval and stacked in compound in one single stack. Kelor can grow well

in areas 300-500 meters above the sea water surface. The flower is yellowish white with green color stem. Kelor flower grows all year long with fragrant scent. Kelor fruit is shaped like long triangle called klentang (Java). It also

Clarifying Water

with Moringa Leave Seed

‘Only 1% of water can be used as water supply’

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shapes like string bean and hard, with green color and 120 cm long. The sap that has turned into brown color is called blendok (Java).

Cultivation of moringa or kelor requires very minimal maintenance and can survive long drought. It will quickly grow into 4-10 meters height, bloom, and bear fruit in 1 year after plantation. The plant will grow quickly both from seed and from cutting, even when planted in dry unfertile land. Thus it is a good plant for critical lands with long drought season.

Clarification ProcessKelor seed is left to ripe on the tree and

harvested when it has dried. Its seed wing is very light and the skin can be easily removed leaving white seed. When it got really dry in the tree, the seed will break and the seed will fly everywhere.

The skinless seed will then crushed and pounded into fine powder of Moringa seed. Numbers of moringa seed required for water treatment depends on concentration of water contaminant. To treat 20 liters water (1 jerry can), 2 grams of kelor seed powder or approximately 2 teaspoons (5 ml).

Add a little bit of clean water to the powder thus make it into paste. Put the paste into clean bottle and add another one cup (200 ml) of clean water, then shake it for five minutes until it perfectly

mixed. That way, chemical compound activation processes occur in kelor seed powder.

Then filter the solution with kelor seed power coagulant through gauze cloth. Put the filtrated water in previously prepared 20 liters (jerry can) water, and then mix it slowly for 10-15 minutes. During the mixing, the dissolved seed will bind and coagulate the dissolved solid particles in the water along with the microbe and germs/viruses into bigger flogs which will easily be settled to the bottom. After 1 hour, the clean water can be removed to be used for daily needs.

The clarification process according to the research is able to remove up to 90-99,9% bacteria in the dissolved solid particles and clarify the water which relatively safe (for limited condition) and can be use as drinking water for

local people.However, there are still some pathogenic

microbes that cannot be settled and still remain in the water, especially when the raw water is highly contaminated. Ideally for drinkable water, further purification is still required, either by boiling or by using simple sand filtration.

Other BenefitKelor leave is small, but in one stalk usually

there are plenty of leaves. These leaves have been used by our ancestor. Madura people call it Maronggih. In Sunda and Malay, it is known as kelor, in Aceh murong, Ternate people call it kelo, in Sumba kawona, while in Minang land it is called munggai.

This kelor plant tasted a little bitter, neutral nature and non toxic. The root skin contains ‘behen’ oil containing myrosine, emulsine, bitter and non toxic alkaloida, and vitamin A, B1, B2, and C on certain cells. Pharmacologist effect of kelor is anti-inflammation, anti-pyretic, and anti-scorbutic.

Kelor leaves are usually used as vegetables. In Madura, it usually made into soup for lunch, known as Ghangan Marongging (Kelor Soup). However, beside vegetables, root, leaves, and seed can also be used to cure some diseases. (eko/


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All life form in this blue planet will need water to survive. This is why we see the world in persuading

individual to save every drop of water, because water could be very valuable for those who need it. Due to the large number of contaminated water sources, designers are trying to find a way to change moist air into water to satisfy the thirst of million. The following are several best tools to harvest water out of thin air.

Max WaterAn Australian inventor has developed a tool that

can generate water unlimitedly from the air. Supported by wind, this tool can also use the same source for water. Max Water, according to the inventor will generate large volume of water by the use of low humidity air. This rectangle-shaped tool can extract approximately 7.500 liters of water per day.

WatermillDeveloped by Element Four, Watermill generates

water to be filtered thus generating drinkable water. The company promised that this tool can generate up to 3,2 gallon fresh drinking water per day in ideal condition that should be enough for a family of six.

ErsaThe designer in Ersa industrial (Scott Norrie)

has designed this tool as an independent system, sustainable product that uses solar energy to make water out of air. The design is also use solar panel to operate the hand tool and recharge vehicle battery.

Turning Air Into Water

foto dan ill. RISTEK/BPPT


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EcoloblueThe EcoloBlue Atmospheric Air Generator (AWG)

provides up to 7 gallons of clean water every day out of the surrounding humid air. Developer of this product said that this tool works great in 50 percent humidity, but also in lower humidity of 30%. However, if the air is not humid enough, you can still attach it to the tap water to filter your drinking water. Operational cost of this EcoloBlue is approximately 20 cent USD per gallon of clean water.

DropNetDesigned by student of Muthesius Academy of Art

and Design in Germany. Imke Hoehler has created a system that can generate water out of thin air and fog. It is called DropNet and can generate up to 20 liters of clean water every day. A series of several structures will be able to provide drinking water for the whole village.

Groasis WaterboxxMade by a Dutch businessman Pieter Hoff, this

Groasis Waterboxx can generate water even in the driest place on earth. Inspired by bird drop, this tool replicates the way of protecting the digested seed in bird drop, providing humidity and protection from

elements so that they can grow 10-20 inches and surrounding the younger plant and at night an isolation plate may generate water through condensation.

Solar-Powered System to Generate Portable WaterScientists at Institut Fraunhofer for Interfacial

Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) believe that in average humidity of 64 percent, one cubic meter of air contains about 11,5 ml or water that can be extracted and solve the problem of billion people living in the rural area. The system utilizes hygroscopic salt water to absorb humidity. The air is then flowed to the tower unit, absorbing water from the air which further contain in the vacuum tank. Solar power will then heat the water and changed it into steam, which later condensed and collected.

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Pekojan poor and slum area, Tambora kecamatan of Jakarta Barat was visited by 15 Asia Pacific journalists from Papua New Guinea,

Japan, Vietnam, China, and Australia. “We are very impressed by the effort of Indonesian government to overcome poverty problems in slum areas. This is an interesting news and information for us to bring home so that the problem of poverty and poor sanitation can be a learning experience for us,” said Mai Dwong, journalist from Vietnam Television to Percik at Jakarta, Tuesday (23/11).

The 15 Asia Pacific journalists were welcomed by Bappenas Director of Housing and Settlement Nugroho Tri Utomo, accompanied by Rewang Budiyana of Water Resources and Accurate Technology Directorate of Domestic Affair Ministry and Handy B. Legowo representing Environmental Sanitation Directorate of Public Work Ministry.

The 15 journalists who visited Environment and Sanitation program are Karen Kissane (The Age

Melbourne News), Michalel Asagoni (NBC TV Papua New Guinea),

Asukar Surbakti (SBS TV Australia), Dennus Atkins (The Courier Mail), Mai Dwong (Vietnam Television), Lina Nursanty (Harian Pikiran Rakyat), Nur Iskandar (Borneo Tribune), Zhu Ping (China Daily), Nigel Mc Garth (The Daily Yomiuri), Katherine Polh (ABC News Australia), Alex Kennedy (Asic Pacific Journalism Center).

In the meeting with the journalists, Nugroho honestly admitted that environmental sanitation in Indonesia is still considerably low. “Approximately 30 percent of Indonesia’s population still defecates on the river, rice field, beach, dam, and other open spaces,” he said.

Sanitation in Indonesia is still far from expectation. With domestic waste water service coverage of 51,9 percent in 2010, in Asia region, Indonesia is only better than Laos and Timor Leste. Solid waste management is also still an issue. Of 400 Final Disposal Site (TPA), only 10 are environmentally friendly – generally using sanitary landfill. The rest is still practicing open dumping.

Whereas Law No 18/2008 on Solid Waste

15 Asia Pacific JournalistsVisited Slum Kampong of Tambora



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Management have mandated time line of 2013 to stop the open dumping practice. Improvement of environment sanitation also requires a lot of hard work. There are 22.500 hectare of strategic areas in 100 cities that are still experiencing water puddle due to rain that must be dealt with until 2014.

The above condition cannot be apart from the long history of low collective awareness on the importance of sanitation development in this country. The thinking that sanitation is a personal problem – thus people will find their own way to fulfill their need – has brought less attention from government compare to other sector.

According to Nugroho, every day, rivers, dams, lakes, beaches, and rice fields are filled with 14.000 tons of human feces. This number is equal with 14.000 elephants. Whereas, there are not that many elephants in this country. High number of open defecation has caused inadvertent impact on the condition of environmental sanitation. “We can no longer able to overcome the problem, because it closely related with early mental attitude of the people who are not aware of healthy sanitation,” he said.

One of the inadvertent impacts of poor sanitation is 50 out of 1.000 babies do not reach the age of five years. This was caused by very poor sanitation. But according to Nugroho, “If we are aware and donate 1 IDR for sanitation improvement, in return, we will get benefit with the value of 11 IDR. However, if we

worsen the environmental sanitation, it will cost us 36 IDR.

This is one examples of the poor condition of sanitation in this country. The poor condition of environmental sanitation, according to him, was not mainly caused by industrial waste, because 80 percent of it was caused by domestic waste. This includes open defecation, or defecation on improper WC (Water Closet). Thus, plenty or people still not aware of the sanitation crisis.

It is also said by Nugroho, another impact of open defecation is that 75 percent of rivers in the cities of Indonesia are inconsumable, because it has become waste water. For that reason, PDAM all over Indonesia have to work extra hard to treat waste water to be consumable water.

Because of poor sanitation, PDAM must provide 15-30 percent extra funding – compare to the condition where sanitation is well maintained. This is, according to Nugroho, what we call sanitation crisis; which includes individual sanitation by human feces, solid waste, or ditch or drainage. This is the condition that has not been realized by most government officials, private, or people in general.

Sadder still, until today, government has only allocated too little fund for sanitation improvement. Only 1 percent in APBD I and II. APBD is around eight per thousand. Thus, attention toward environmental sanitation is still very little. EKO

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Around 228 participants, 128 of which are Elementary and Junior High School students from 32 provinces have participated in 2010

Sanitation Jamboree that was held by the Public Work Ministry through Directorate General of Cipta Karya at Wisma Hijau Mekarsari, Cimanggis, Depok. This event is part of 2010 World Habitat Day commemoration series from 12-16 October 2010. Also present was 40 people from 3R (Reuse-Reduce-Recycle) Community Empowerment Group (KSM) and 60 counterparts. The problem is that poor sanitation condition will also affect water quality.

“Improper sanitation condition will cause contamination and very bad impact on water quality. This has caused various diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, and other dangerous diseases,” said Public Work Minister Djoko Kirmanto to reporters after the opening ceremony of 2010 Sanitation Jamboree at Depok, Tuesday (12/10). The event was attended by

numbers of Minister’s wives who have united in Solidarity of United Cabinet

Wives (SIKIB).It was said by Djoko, that sanitation problem

cannot be dealt only by government. Therefore, through Sanitation Jamboree supported by community’s active role it is expected that adequate/proper sanitation can be achieved to improve community’s health. “The purpose of this Jamboree is to increase concern in the importance of sanitation,” he said.

According to Djoko, the children that have participated in the jamboree will become ambassador in each of their region. Moreover, he added, children have high spirit in absorbing new ideas and knowledge. Eventually, these ambassadors will influence the surrounding environment.

“They will eventually be an icon in each region and will accompany head of the region in the campaign of sanitation improvement. The children as sanitation ambassadors from 33 provinces were accepted by the President, Thursday (14/10),” add Djoko.

On this occasion, Public Work Minister revealed that sanitation problem is a serious problem. Because



2010 Sanitation Jamboree

Sanitation Ambassador Accepted by the Vice President

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of 100.000 toddlers’ deaths per year, 30% of it was caused by diarrhea due to poor sanitation. The National Sanitation Jamboree is the main event of 2010 International Sanitation Year campaign series that was established by UN Board. Sanitation is the key to sustainable life and growth of children in the developing countries. Until date, in all of those countries, most population has not enjoyed adequate sanitation.

According to Mrs. Agung Laksono, with the National Sanitation Jamboree, children will be able to convey the sanitation message in a very simple way. Children are central communication point and nation’s future element that will be affected by sanitation condition.

“The Jamboree will provide new lesson for the children regarding sanitation. This activity will trigger us, and the community to improve the environment,” she said. According to her, the jamboree is part of the campaign to improve sanitation life as an important element in the continuity of children lives.

On that occasion, Mrs. Lies Djoko Kirmanto hopes that the children will eventually able to change paradigm or daily behavior since early beginning, such as disposing garbage properly. That is why she welcomes good initiative of Directorate General of Cipta Karya to promote awareness on the importance of sanitation to

make it so that people’s comprehension on sanitation will be the same as comprehension of ‘4 healthy 5 perfect’ (4 sehat 5 sempurna).

Participants of this Sanitation Jamboree are the students who have won Competition of Sanitation Poster and Paper. Beside them, 40 people from 3R (reuse-reduce-recycle) KSM (community empowerment group) have also participated in the event that was first held on 2008.

This event is also acted as national campaign by making children as central point. Participants of 2010 Sanitation Jamboree are expected to convey sanitation message to the community and become the next generation who care about sanitation.

“Children usually have high spirit in absorbing new knowledge and ideas. They can be an example and influenced their families, friends, and environment,” add Djoko. Eko


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Young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow; they can play a leading role in the development of their

communities today. Let us hope that their good works today blossom into lifelong commitments that will

benefit all the world’s people”. (Kofi Annan).

Youth Urban Forum (YUF) of Indonesia that comprises of college students who care about urban has been initiated on June 2010, at

the same time as the third APMCHUD (Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development) at Solo, Jawa Tengah. Four months later, to commemorate 2010 World Habitat Day, the youth in YUF Indonesia have met again for more concrete follow-up. The two days meeting on 8-9 November 2010 was held at ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) Surabaya.

Selection of Surabaya as location for YUF meeting is not without reason. Surabaya city has several good practices in solving problems of housing and urban that which was done way before through Kampong Improvement Program (KIP). Moreover, ITS as meeting location is also where Johan Silas (one of the best expert on urban and housing in Indonesia) came from. YUF activities that were done on early November were also thick with patriotic spirit in commemorating Hero Day, in harmony with spirit and passion of the youth.

The first day meeting of YUF was opened officially by the Head of 2010 World Habitat Day Commemoration Team, Oswar Mungkasa. In his speech, Oswar Mungkasa conveys his hope

that YUF can be a smart organization for youth in discussing their

roles with regard to the urban problems. After officially opened, the event was continued by general lecture session from Mrs. Tri Rismaharini, the Mayor of Surabaya. In the general lecture attended by approximately 300 students, Risma shared the condition of Surabaya and explained the environmentally friendly spatial plan of Surabaya City. Example that was given by Risma among others is planting mangrove for nature conservation, waste and pollution management as well as building parks in pollution-dense areas as well as on the river side. Risma who is not ashamed to call herself “Wagiman” (Walikota Gila Taman – Mayor who is crazy about park) expect participation from all layers of community in creating an environmentally-

Youth Urban ForumYouth Involvement in Urban Development


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friendly city.YUF event was then followed by general lecture

from Public Housing Minister, Suharso Monoarfa on Housing Provision for the First Labor Force. In his presentation, Monoarfa emphasized the choice on cheaper and more efficient flats. On this occasion, Monoarfa also convey his hope that YUF Indonesia will not only stop on gathering and communication forum, but can be optimized in assisting the government to accommodate people’s aspiration and solve housing and urban problems. The Public House Minister also reminded the university to take a role, take a lead in housing and urban development.

The YUF activity was then followed by a visit to Tempe kampong at Sukomanunggal, Surabaya Barat. During the visit, Public House Minister, Suharso Monoarfa also visited three locations of temper production. People of this kampong expressed their challenges such as poor drainage that has caused flooding. Moreover, people also showed him location of tempe production that has used waste water treatment installation (IPAL) to treat waste water

from the process of tempe making.After field visit, YUF participants who came

from ITS Surabaya, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Brawijaya University Malang, Airlangga University Surabaya, and Muhammadiyah University Surakarta return to ITS. The event was continued by presentation on the Spirit of YUF Indonesia by Special Staff of Public Housing Ministry, Kemal Taruc and YUF Coordinator Aris Rizky Kurniawan. This session presented youth involvement in the development scenario and student’s effort in assisting to solve the housing and urban problems. Presentation of Spirit of YUF Indonesia is expected to be a good start in initiating effort to solve current housing and urban problems.

Four Area DiscussionsToward the evening of the first day of YUF

activity, there is one discussion session with the theme of Utilization of Geographic Information System (GIS) for Housing and Urban Development. First presentation was presented by John Taylor and Ahmad Rifai from Solo Kota Kita who have completed mapping of Solo city. John Taylor in his presentation also reminded the youth who is full of new ideas and innovation to responsible and participate in the future urban development. On the second presentation, Prof. Bangun Mulyo from ITS Geomatics emphasized 4 things, namely space, housing, disaster, and civilization. Even with advanced technology, including GIS, youth is reminded to never disregard local philosophy.

The next day, first discussion was led by speaker Retno Hastijanti from 17 August University Surabaya who raised topics of conflict spaces on urban housing and Dra. Yuningtyas from Atma Jaya University of Yogyakarta who discuss improvement of slum area through community empowerment.

On the next session, ex Program Manager of UN Habitat for Indonesia, Dodo Juliman and Head of Architecture Department of ITS led presentation on


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sustainable self-reliance. In his presentation, Dodo Juliman emphasized management of social and collaboration diversity, while Purwanita Setijanti emphasized 5 basic capitals toward sustainable self-reliance, which are human capital, natural capital, financial capital, social capital and physical capital.

Next session presented Dr. Rachmah Ida from Airlangga University who raised housing and urban development in the perspective of social, cultural and integration of science discipline. Young sociolo-gy Pramudina Anggraini who better known as Anggi Arifin then led presentation on research for urban development. In her presentation, Anggi emphasized the concept of mindfulness in performing a research. Anggi also add that a research requires clear target in

order for it to be a qualify research.

Follow-up of YUF IndonesiaOn the second day post 4 sector discussions,

youth of YUF participants discussed and tried to clarify position of YUF Indonesia and what role could possibly involve the youth. The meeting was held again to remind collective commitment on the importance of youth involvement in urban development.

Between discussions, Daily Head of Habitat Seknas (National Secretary), Lana Winayanti presented the framework of youth program category which was divided into 5 things, moreover, Lana Winayanti also hope that YUF may continue to contribute well and to be welcomed by the peole.

The problem in Tempe kampong that was visited on the first day has become the main attention of friends from YUF. As the first step, YUF has agreed to conduct real action for housing and urban that will be started from Tempe kampong itself. The discussion was then closed by Kemal Taruc and Prof. Bangun Mulyo all at once also closed the two days series of YUF activities. YUF activities as the closure of 2010 World Habitat Day is expected to bring Indonesia’s urban toward better direction.

Design of Youth Program CategoryAbout youth Data, information and

research on youth status and perception

Data base, problem mapping, bench marking

For youth Activities to improve health, economic and education condition

Training, skill improvement

Youth empowering Activities to improve youth comprehension on the importance of change and improve ability to influence their future.

Student exchange, conference, forum

Youth-led development

Activities that were designed and implemented by youth to improve life and community sustainability

Micro credit, cooperation, climate change team, advocacy

With youth Activities where youth are equal partner as mature family

Services by youth



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Red Jacket don’t you ever leave historyBung Karno

There is no civilization without book

Differ with previous years’ commemoration, 2010 World Habitat Day was marked by book launching activity. There two books that

were launched, namely ‘Flashback on Public Housing 1900-2000’ wrote by Ark. Djauhari, Cor Passchier and Bambang Eryudhawan, and ‘Pestering with Settlement and Environmental Management’ wrote by Tjuk Kuswartojo with the purpose of increasing knowledge of settlement toward better city.

The Head of 2010 World Habitat Day Commemoration Team, Oswar Mungkasa explained that book launching in 2010 HHD commemoration was hoped to be advantageous and have impact in the long term especially in housing and settlement management. Moreover, book publishing is a start in dealing with our biggest weakness in documenting processes and results of housing and settlement development.

Launching of the books was held at Bina Karna Auditorium, Bidakara Complex, Jakarta on 18 October 2010. The launching was begin with a speech from Public Work and Public Housing Ministers. In his speech, Public Work Minister Djoko Kirmanto expressed his support on UN Secretary General regarding urban infrastructure service improvement. “In 2010, urban population in Indonesia has reached 54%. It was estimated that in 2025, the number will increase to 68%. This is the reason why more people are living in the cities and concentrated in Java Island,” he said.

Meanwhile, Public House Minister Suharso Monoarfa explained the concept of ‘Balanced Urban Development’ as solution to the problems of housing and settlement. The point is that development should involve people. Monoarfa emphasized, lest housing and settlement development caused new slum area. After his speech, Public Housing and Public Work Ministers then officially launched the books by book submission from Tjuk Kuswartojo, the author of “Pestering with Environment and Housing Management” and then followed by “Flashback on Public Housing 1900-

Launching and Book Review in main event of 2010 World Habitat Day

‘Flashback on Public Housing 1900-2000’ and‘Pestering with Settlement and Environmental Management Order’


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2000” book submission to stakeholders that comprises of development actors, academician, NGO, media, and elders. Public Housing Minister then also visited exhibition that contains the essence of the two books at the same location.

Flashback on Public Housing 1900-2000The first Book Review discussed ‘Flashback on

Public Housing 1900-2000’. Attended as presenter is Bambang Eryudhawan and Ark Djauhari Sumintardja with Prof. Sandi Siregar of Parahyangan Catholic University and Dr. Ing. Jo Santoso of Tarumanegara University as panelists. The first review was moderated by Dr. Eko D. Heripoerwanto, as Assistant Deputy of Infrastructures, Facilities, and Utilities to Formal Housing Deputy of Public Housing Ministry.

Flashback on Public Housing 1900-2000 was the work of writer team comprises of Ark Djauhari, Bambang Eryudhawan and Cor Passchier and discuss housing in several periods of the 20th century in Indonesia. The book was divided into three part with the first part compiled by Cor Passchier that focuses on the effort of the Dutch Government in solving problems of public housing. The second part was compiled by Bambang Eryudhawan who uses the form of anthology that chronologically presents selected papers in dynamic of public housing history. The last part was written by Ark Djauhari, contains investigation on public housing development an the end of independence up to the 20th century.

Prof. Sandi Siregar as panelist said that although the book still requires perfecting and correction, especially in inter-chapter harmonization, the book is basically a good book to read, not only limited to housing sector stakeholders, but it can also be a reference for different communities. Meanwhile, Jo Santoso provides critics on the importance of explanation and confirmation of time period in the book description. In question

and answer session, most of audience appreciated the book; however, there are plenty

on inputs regarding

substance that has not been noted in the book such as the gait of National Housing Public Company (Perum Perumnas) or housing institutions that can further perfect the book.

Pestering with Environment and Housing Management

Second session of the Book Review is discussion on the book “Pestering with Environment and Housing” which was written by Kuswartojo Budiharjo or better known as Tjuk Kuswartojo, ITB architecture lecturer. The second session of book review presented panelists of Prof. Bakto Setiawan of UGM and Drs. Andrinof

Chaniago M.Si of UI and Hetifah Sjaifudian MPP, PhD who is also a member of Commission X DPR RI and acting as moderator.

The book Pestering with Environment and Housing Management consists of 2 volumes which was packed in 1 box. Volume I discusses Development and Environment, while Volume II discusses Housing and Settlement. In Book review session on 19 October 2010, the author specifically covered

Volume II that contains articles on governmental role as important element of implementation and management of environment, cities and housing.

The book which is a collection of Tjuk Kuswartojo’s articles since the 1980s until early 21st century was considered by Prof. Bakti Setiawan or better known as Bobi, as proof of consistency of Tjuk Kuswartojo and has positive meaning to improve thinking line in housing and settlement implementation. Meanwhile Andrinof Chaniago said that this book is the essence of Tjuk Kuswartojo’s thought which is still relevant and very important to know by, not only housing stakeholders, but also people in general due to its inter-disciplinary nature.

In question and answer session, audience appreciated the book. This book is considered perfect to be addressed by government agency or stakeholders of housing and settlement sector. There was even suggestion for this book to not only stop at “pestering” level, but continue to the “sue” level.

WSES-related ArticleIn the book of Pestering with Environment and

Housing Management, several articles are directly

connected to WSES development. This is normal

considering housing and settlement have become

an inseparable unity. Such as paper of ‘Develop-

ment that Rest on Community who talks a lot

about community involvement in the develop-

ment process. Regarding Slum Housing in Bandung

city, namely paper on Slum Area Management at

Bandung City. Meanwhile matter of flooding was

also discussed in ‘Flood, Marginalized Housing,

and Spatial Room’ (OM)


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Edisi IV, 2010

In order to realize efficient coordination in the program planning and evaluation of Indonesia Republic (RI) – Unicef cooperation program, series

of events is required to discuss the growing strategic issues and all developments in kabupaten that has implemented WES program to be met in one forum, also, together with National WSES Working Group, share various achievement and problems that have occurred during WES Program implementation at their local area.

Taking place at Lombok Raya Hotel – Mataram, on 30 November – 2 December 2010, 2010 Unicef ’s WES Program National Coordination Meeting was held with the theme “Government and Community, Together Performing Change”.

In his speech, H. Ahyar Abduh (Mataram Mayor) revealed that with strategic cooperation between Uni-cef and Local Government, Mataram has become one of supporters of three prominent programs imple-mentation which benefit was truly felt by the people of Mataram City, among others are improvement of community’s health degree, improvement of commu-nity’s revenue through compost production and seed/vegetable plants, and improvement of urban infra-structures’ quality and quantity by built drinking water facilities, environmental sanitation facilities, as well as solid waste facilities.

WES-Unicef program is one of eight programs under the umbrella of RI-Unicef cooperation year

2006-2010. The program is supported by Swedish and Dutch Government with the fund of 23 million USD. WES program as one of community based water supply and environmental sanitation programs also contributes in achieving target of water supply and sanitation development through effective and efficient community based water supply and environmental sanitation model approach which was expected to be adopted and further developed by Local Government. WES-Unicef program was completed at 6 provinces, 25 kabupaten and 5 cities at Eastern Indonesia.

WSES Program National Coordination Meeting is basically a national level coordination for the purpose of synergizing WES program implementation, from central to local, identifying and developing alternative solution for strategic issues and problems that have arose during program implementation, as well as sharing experiences, lessons, innovation and best practices among program implementer.

The National Coordination Meeting was attended by Central Government, Local Government, Donor Agencies, and Counterparts. Several latest presentation regarding prominent practices was presented by 6 selected Kabupaten/Kota. Moreover, we are hoping that from the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas), synergic work plan between implementers in the national, provincial, and kabupaten level will be resulted for better 2011-2015 WES Program implementation strategy. (dw)

National Coordination Meeting of

2010 Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES) Program of UNICEF


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Water supply and environmental sanitation development does not only relate to one certain aspect but represent an integration

of several aspects, namely technical, institutional, funding, social, and environmental. Based on that concept, to improve coordination in developing these aspects, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Working Group (WSES Working Group) was established, that includes ministries of related main tasks and functions (tupoksi) such as Domestic Affair Ministry (Bina Bangda Directorate General), Health Ministry (PPPL Directorate General), Public Work Ministry (Cipta Karya Directorate General), Finance Ministry (Budget Directorate General) and Environmental Ministry and under the coordination of Bappenas.

Thus, an evaluation to 2010 activities of WSES Working Group is required along with the follow-up. In order to realize this, a 2010-2011 WSES Development Planning and Evaluation Meeting was

held at Inna Kuta Bali Hotel on 14-16 November 2010.

The purpose of Planning and Evaluation is to:Evaluate the past 2010 activities and formulating •follow-up plans of the activities to be carried out by each Ministry of WSES Working Group members.Consolidate inter-institutional program with other •partners (donor, project, etc).Discuss 2010 WSES Working Group Activity and •Budget Plan.The event was opened by Maraita Listiasari

from Bappenas, representing Bappenas Director of Housing and Settlement who couldn’t make it to the first day meeting. Attending participants comprises of representatives from WSES-related directorates from Bappenas, Public Work Ministry, Heath Ministry, Domestic Affair Ministry, Finance Ministry, WASPOLA Facility, TSSM, PPSP, WASAP-E, WES UNICEF, Plan, Simavi, Pamsimas, ProAir STBM, WES-UNICEF Secretariat and WSES Working Group Secretariat. (MCH)

Evaluation and Planning Meeting of

2010-2011 WSES Development


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Edisi IV, 2010

Water supply and sanitation have big influence on poverty reduction, child mortality rate reduction, national budget

saving and women productivity increment. For those reasons, Banten Provincial Government has adopted WSES program since 2002 and has established Provincial WSES Working Group in 2004. To support 2010-2014 RPJMN accomplishment and 2015 MDGs targets, on 18-20 November 2010, Banten Province WSES Working Group in cooperation with Waspola Facility held a ‘WSES Development Synergy Workshop of Banten Province’ that took place at Jayakarta-Anyer Hotel.

WSES development at Banten Province needs to give more attention to areas with low water supply and environmental sanitation coverage, natural-disaster-vulnerability (of drought, flood), and socially KLB (breakouts –such as diarrhea, polio)-vulnerable areas due to poor lifestyle of the people (isolated areas, urban and rural slum).

Through participative process, the output of the workshop is:

Drafts of working Group organizational strategy 1. and its active role in WSES development of Banten Province.Comprehension improvement on WSES national 2. policies and the implementation at the local.Establishment of coordination and communication 3. flow between Provincial and Kabupaten/Kota WSES Working Groups.Some of the final conclusions of Banten local and

provincial WSES development are: not all areas have institution that manages water/drinking water/, low allocation/budget support for WSES activities, position rotation that can influence WSES performance, low

community awareness on the importance of PHBS, and low community empowerment activities. While supporting potencies of WSES development among others are: existence of special allocation funds (DAK) for Water Supply and Sanitation, adequate surface water sources, improvable PDAM service coverage,

community empowerment potency, private involvement in CSR, and other sanitation project support.

In 2009, average water supply service coverage in Banten Province is 69,48%, while for sanitation is 57,99%. In order to support WSES sector development at Banten Province, several activities have been

carried out such as Water Supply DAK and Sanitation DAK. Beside DAK support, there is also Pamsimas activity that was carried out in 2 Kabupaten of Lebak and Serang, with 12 regular villages each.

Some of the challenges in Banten Province water supply provision are:

Raw water limitation•Decentralization, by establishment of new PDAM •that may increase conflict and reduce service coverage.Human resources competent•Large investment•Other WSES-related activity at Banten Province is

PPSP program (Settlement Sanitation Development Acceleration). PPSP was implemented at Banten Province among others by providing counterpart in SSK formulation at Serang Kabupaten, as well as establishing 2011 target kabupaten/kota of: Pandeglang Kabupaten, South Tangerang City, and Serang City. These kabupaten/kota must have commitment in preparing WSES Working Group, working group operation fund, and fund for supporting studies. (AWI)

Banten Province WSES


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By Arifin DananjayaEngineering Faculty Lecturer at 10 November Institute Surabaya

Indonesia took the third place of Southeast Asian countries with the worst sanitation (domestic waste water treatment) system after Laos and Myanmar. According to the Indonesia Environmental Status data in 2005, no less than

400.000 m3/day of domestic waste water are being disposed directly to rivers and ground without prior treatment. 61,5% of it occurred at Java Island. Feces waste is usually removed by several methods namely the use of septic tank, direct disposal to river or lake, direct disposal to ground, and direct disposal to pond or beach.

In some rural areas in Indonesia, there are still plenty of poor people with very minimum sanitation. People are still practicing open defecation on rivers because they don’t have special disposal line for domestic waste water or waste water from the bathroom. Sometimes people still even defecate on their own yard. Beside of economic factor, habit and low education factors have big influence in people’s lifestyle.

Several reasons as to the need of using various technology alternatives are:

Help to know suitable sanitation system.1. Help to decide suitable sanitation system in 2. accordance with the people’s demand.The right tool for planning that was initiated by 3. community.As general information on options to sanitation 4. technology.

The following is information on sanitation system main component options:

ToiletThere are several types of toilet alternative,

each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

1. Pit latrine/Soak Pit (Cubluk)Pit latrine or soak pit cubluk is a hole/pit in the

ground with seeping water walls. Thus cubluk is a hole to contain human waste water from toilet, and it functions as feces settlement and also infiltration media of the entering fluid.

When land is available, two cubluk (twin cubluk) can be built. When one hole is full, it must be covered and left alone for at least 1 (one) year so that the dried mud can be further used for fertilizer (organic one).

Beside twin cubluk, only one cubluk can be built. Basically it has same function, but one cubluk might be preferable due to the cost. The other one can wait until it really needed. However, a place for the second cubluk must be prepared and cannot be used for permanent building.

Cubluk is relatively cheap and easier to build and maintain compare to septic tanks.

Material:Bamboo1. Wood2. Roof tile3. Wall/cover material4. Nails5.

Tools:Hoe/ground digger1. Saw2. Machete3. Hammer and other carpentry tools4.

2. Squat toiletSwan neck toilets or flush toilet or squat toilet is

suitable for areas with easy access to water supply. The construction is pretty simple and strong. Only Swan Neck toilet and Septic Tank is required to contain the waste. It is usually placed inside or outside the house by using swan neck system to avoid odor and insects. Feces are flushed using water scoop.


Toilet Alternatives that can be an Option

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Edisi IV, 2010

Material:Concrete brick1. Swan neck bowl2. Roof tile3. Cement4. Wood5. Board or stone wall 6. materials such as river stone and gravelBig and small PVC pipes7.

Tools:Saw1. Carpentry and Stoner Tools2.

Direction:Flush water on swan neck bowl to prevent 1. stickinessSquat or sit above the toilet to defecate2. After finished, flush it with water adequately to 3. flush the feces

Maintenance:Use carbolic acid to clean the floor to prevent 1. germs and bacteria.Avoid flushing soap into the toilet in order to keep 2. the decomposing bacteria active.Floor and toilet must always being kept clean.3. Do not use hard scrubber to keep the toilet from 4. breaking.Do not flush un-dissolvable waste (such as paper, 5. cloth, etc) in the water.

Advantages:The most commonly found toilet in Indonesia.1. Cheap construction, operation and maintenance 2. cost.Does not require expert skill.3. It can be placed anywhere.4. Cozy, clean, and healthy if water is available 5. constantly.

Disadvantages:Water is required consistently.1. Requires piping and waste water treatment 2. system.

3. Sitting toiletSitting toilet is suitable for areas with easy access to

water supply. It usually placed in houses, hotels, offices, and also shopping malls using swan neck system to avoid odor and insect.

Direction:Swan neck or toilet hole should be flushed often.1. It is recommended that defecation is done sitting 2. down, not squatting down.After finish defecating, flush the swan neck and 3.

water line to keep it clean.Maintenance:Use carbon and antiseptic when cleaning the floor.1. Do not flush soap water, detergent or like 2. substances to keep decomposing material active.Floor and toilet appearance should be kept clean.3. Avoid using hard cleaning brush to keep the toilet 4. from breaking.Do not flush un-dissolvable waste (such as plastic, 5. tissue, paper, cloth, etc) in the water

Advantages:The common toilet.1. Relatively cheap construction, operation, and 2. maintenance cost.No requirement for expert or special design 3. during construction.Can be placed anywhere.4. Very cozy, clean, and healthy when water is 5. available constantly.

Disadvantages:Requires adequate amount of water supply.1. Requires piping system and suction when it’s full.2.

4. EcosanEcological sanitation (ecosan) is also a popular

technology in several European countries such as Germany. The principle of ecosan technology is using domestic waste into something useful for environment. This method will separate feces, urine, and bath/wash water.

Feces are then put into a filter tank which was 1. equipped with filter to filter the dissolved solid. The filtrated water can be use to water plants. Solid feces can be used as ready-to-use fertilizer using composting method.Bath and wash water can also be put into filter 2. tank and use for trial plants.Urine will be put into urine container. The tank 3. will then be kept for one and a half month and can be tested directly to plant without any special treatment. The ecosan concept is very suitable for Indonesia.

This is an effort to release farmers’ dependency to chemical fertilizer. Moreover, water requirement for an area can be supplied by brown water ecosan. As we know, human’s and animal’s secretion have important role in nature to build good soil condition and provide valuable nutrition for plants. Products of one organism (excreta), is used as raw material for other organism. Conventional sanitation disposed these valuable nutrients and cut off the natural circle.


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In the main event of 2010 World Habitat Day commemoration in Jakarta on last 18 October 2010, there were two books being launched. One of the book is “Pestering with Housing and Environmental

Management” which was written by Kuswartojo Budiharjo or better known as Tjuk Kuswartojo who has served the housing and settlement sectors for years. The book is a collection of Tjuk Kuswartojo’s writing in quite long period of time since mid 1980s to early 21st century.

The book ‘Pestering with Housing and Environment Management’ consists of two volumes which was packed into one. The first volume is titled “Development and Environment” which has green covers and consists of 322 pages. This volume

contains 26 articles that were divided into three parts. Early portion of the first part tries to entangle paradigmatic aspect of sustainable development and environment development. The paradigmatic aspect analysis is then followed by concrete ideas of how sustainable and environment developments can be carried out. The next portion of the first part focuses on the more technical aspect of how AMDAL (Environmental Impact Assessment) can be an environmental control instrument. In the third part, Tjuk Kuswartojo’s writings focus on natural disaster management and strategic environment analysis.

City and Housing becomes the title of the second volume of ‘Pestering with Housing and Envrionmental Management’. The second volume with brownish-red cover is thicker than the first

Book Review

Pestering with Housing and Environment Management


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Edisi IV, 2010

containing 47 articles with the total 514 pages. The volume contains three parts plus one extra part in the closure with the title of ‘Pestering Architecture, Architecture Education and Design in Indonesia”.

Here, Tjuk Kuswartojo expresses that housing and settlement can be seen as a case of how sustainable and environmental developments (should) be done and carried out. The author also initiated the role of government, community and other sector in it.

First part of this volume describes the author’s view on concept and nature of a city as well as city development which not only depends on the demography aspect but also historical aspect and economic base. The second part of the volume is then tries to describe the role of government as an important element of environment, urban, and housing management and implementation. This is the part that was reviewed in book review activity on 18 October 2010. Andrinof Chaniago as panelists said that this book is not only important for housing stakeholders, but also for people in general due to its inter-disciplinary nature. Moreover, this issue is important to be noted by many parties because the issue of housing and settlement relates with the

efforts to fulfill community’s welfare/prosperity. The articles in this part of the book discuss the importance of self-supported housings, provision of affordable housing and implementation of participative development which rests on the community.

This City and Housing volume is closed with numbers of articles on architecture education reorientation, architectural design and architecture profession. These articles are in line with Tjuk Kuswartojo’s profession as lecturer in architectural sector. Although they were written within different time period, this part basically showed the red line between the author’s perspective on environmental development and what must be acted upon by architectural design profession.

This is a complete book in term of time period and discussion coverage. This book is expected to be able to provide positive contribution in sustainable and environment developments as well as implementation of housing and settlement. (LNP)

Title:Pestering with Housing and Environment ManagementAuthor:Tjuk kuswartojoPublisher:Policy Development and Planning Architecture School of Housing and Settlement Expertise, Banding Institute of Technology, 2010Supporting Publisher:Public Housing MinistryVolume 1:Development and Environment (322 pages)Volume 2:City and Housing (514 pages)

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CD Info

CTPS Competition in PHBS Civilizing for Kindergarten Students of Jombang Kabupaten Year 2009. The CD contains socialization of Washing Hands with Soap (CTPS) program that was packaged in CTPS competition. Duration of this CD is 25 minutes documented numbers of 4

to 5 years old Kindergarten students who practice the proper way

of washing hands with soap.

Opera van Jamban – StoPS/STBM Program of Peterongan Kecamatan, Jombang Kabupaten.One of the latest triggering strategy is a comedy play “Opera van Jamban” (opera of toilet). The play was a creation of several sanitarian and staffs of Jombang Kabupaten Health Agency for the purpose of health promotion, especially sanitation. Opera van Jamban is a parody of a similar comedy show in one of national private TV. Every play always involves several actors. Such as people

who practices open defecation, head of the village,

sanitarian and owner of material store. In

order to perform professional art performance, every actor is using a specific costume

accordingly to the role.

STBM-SToPS Programs at Sembung Village of Perak-Jombang KecamatanThe 35 minutes duration CD that was made by Jombang Kabupaten Health Agency is a story about Jombang Kabupaten people’s high spirit to accelerate the process toward Open Defecation-Free Jombang Kabupaten. A breakthrough in realizing clean and beautiful environment through Community Bases Total Sanitation at Jombang Kabupaten will be faster when seen from the spirit of the people. In 2010, 10% targets of Open Defecation Free (ODF) of Community Based Total Sanitation have been accomplished. Of 184 hamlets (dusun) that have been triggered or intervened, 84 hamlets and 5 villages have accomplished ODF. The five villages are Temuwulan village – Perak, Glagahan village – Perak, Sembung village – Perak, Mancar village – Peterongan, and Mojotrisno village – Mojoagung.

Video Presentation Suddenly Got Stomachache II.The video is about a family who doesn’t own a toilet, thus health, cleanliness, and comfort of the family is disturbed. From harassment (peeked by others) during defecation, until children and babies who easily got sick because they don’t practice washing hands with soap (CTPS) after eat or in other important moments for CTPS. Moreover, the video also describes direction to construct proper toilet. The CD was made by SToPS in the year 2010.

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Edisi IV, 2010Book Info

Water: Environmental Education for Early Age EducatorAuthor: Dra. Masnellyarti Hilman, MSc.Published Year: 2010Author: Environmental Ministry, 80 pages.

Different policies and programs of environmental preservation have been launched, but we must admit that environmental contamination and degradation have not been able to be reduced optimally. This issue cannot be ignored because it will eventually disturb life continuity of Indonesian people or eliminates all natural resources. An environmental awareness improvement effort that involves government, business world and people in general is required.

Awareness improvement effort on the importance of environmental management will have better meaning when done since early age, considering than during this age, potency of each child can be developed optimally when positively stimulated. When environ-mental introduction was done since early age, environmental values are expected to internalize and eventually influence the child’s behavior, percep-tion and attitude to be environmen-tally friendly. One of environmental

awareness internalization for early age child is completed through knowledge improvement of the parents and edu-cators on environmental management, considering that parents and educa-tors are the closest persons who can convey environmental messages and provide examples of environmentally-friendly behavior and attitude.

The book of environmental management for educators of early age with water as the topic is one of reading materials for parents and educators of early age that can be used as reference for educators in improving awareness of early age children. With proper knowledge on water, it is expected that parents and educators can transfer the knowledge through examples, tales, songs or games.

Water Unaccountability Decline: Jakarta’s Experience after Government-Private Sector Water Supply Service Cooperation 1998-2008Author: Irzal Djamal, and friendsPublished Year: 2010. Publisher: Jakarta, DKI Jakarta’s Water Supply Service Regulator Board.124 pages thick.

Water accountability can be seen from two sides: from the loss itself and from the opposite side of no loss. Comprehension of these two dimensions has provided us with a depiction that water unaccountability is a default of the whole water supply service process. This is an assessment from water

accountability side. While from the opposite side, we learn that there’s a public right that should have been there but was taken away. The double dimensions made comprehension of water unaccountability into a key word of NRW’s (Non Revenue Water) important role in water supply service.

There are three main goals of this book. One, is raising the issue that NRW is the core problem of the most important service quality improvement, however it is often delayed (gained less priority). This did not only occur in Jakarta, but also in many regions of the world. Two, Jakarta has plenty of experiences in reducing NRW, and it is important to be capitalized by fellow water supply managers in Indonesia. Three, provide learning for Jakarta and other cities on what to be prioritized in NRW decrement strategy in the future, the most important thing is improving support and role of Local Government.

One of the cases revealed in this book is the case of Bogor City Pakuan Tirta PDAM’s water unaccountability that reached the average of 30%. Based on the research, the causing factor of Bogor City Pakuan Tirta PDAM’s water unaccountability is physical leaks, namely inaccuracy of the main meter, inaccuracy of costumer’s meter, faulty reading of the meter, etc. Physical leaks are mostly caused by porous pipes (over 20 year technical years) and also due to road digging by other agencies, namely Telkom, PLN, or gas. The challenge is that with traffic density, pipe maintenance can only be done at night. Therefore, it is clearly time for inter-agencies coordination.

Moreover, water accountability is also caused by water thievery from the service pipes, because the water meter is being cut off due to 3 months arrears. Sanction on the water thievery is direct sealing of the distribution pipe, of which prior to the sealing, service pipe was sealed. A fine will also be given as much as 10 times highest bill plus the cost of new installation to be registered as customer again.

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Through this site, visitor may gain different information in the form of alphabetically order-features. Moreover, this blog also sells different publication materials such as books. Visitors can also freely downloaded periodic report and publication materials. This site is managed by UN-HABITAT, UN agency which was mandated by UN Secretary General to promote social and environmental issues for sustainable city for the purpose of providing adequate shelter for all.

Public Housing

Various public house ministry activities in relation to program and regulations within Public Housing Ministry are available here. The documents can be downloaded freely by visitors.

Moreover, visitors can also find information regarding scope of work and function of Public House Ministry along with its complete history. The site is managed by Public Housing Ministry as the ministry that helps president in implementation of public housing sector governance. Function of the Public Housing Ministry is to formulate national, implementation and technical policies in the sector of public work and housing, governance in accordance with its task, managing government assets under its authority, monitoring of the task and reporting evaluation, advice and consideration

of each task and function for the president.

Housing for Marginalized

This site contains numbers of publication, learning, and numbers of regulation options that was summarized in a series of Housing the Urban Poor in Asian cities. The existing housing

policies certainly need good financial support from the government. The city’s effort to ensure land availability for housing also presented challenge and issue that acquire attention in this site.

15 Countries Habitat

This site is the world’s habitat portal contains numbers of pages from 15 countries in the world including Indonesia. Some of the cities in it are Belgium, Luxemburg, New

Zealand, Norwegia, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Swedish, Turk and England.

Habitat for Humanitywww.habitat.or

This site contains stories, discourses and interesting publications regarding housing and humanity. House is a safe and comfortable shelter having social and cultural meaning for people.

Site Info

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Edisi IV, 2010

BookDebt for Nature Swap: Al-ternative Funding Oppor-tunities, Reducing Debt, Saving Environment. Author: Jenni Shannaz, published year 2005. Pub-lisher: Jakarta, Bappenas Environmental Director-ate, 110 pages thick.

Local Financial and Fiscal Decentralization in Autonomy.Author: Juli Panglima Saragih. Publish year: 2003. Publisher: Jakarta, Ghalia Indonesia, 175 pages.

Lists of Location and Allocation of Community Direct Assistance of Independence Community Empowerment National Program.Author: Steering Team of PNPM Mandiri.Published on October 2009, 226 pages thick.

ReportBappenas-Plan Cooperation STBM Communication Mate-rial Implementation ReportPublisher: Jakarta WSES Working Group SecretariatPublished date: June 2010, 120 pages thick.

Final Observation Report year 2009 for 2006-2010 RI-UNICEF Cooperation Program Area.Publisher: Jakarta, Local Development Directorate General, of Domestic Affair Department Year 2009, 87 pages thick.

Case StudyCommunal Sanitation Sys-tem Case Study at Aceh Besar Kabupaten, Nan-groe Aceh Darussalam.Publisher: Jakarta, Envi-ronmental Services Pro-gram (ESP), 1 page.

Good Practices of Community Based Environmental Activities in Indonesia.Publisher: Jakarta, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, March 2008, 42 pages thick.

GuidanceUrban Sanitation Strategy Development Manual Series: Phase C of Urban Sanitation Strategy Document Formula-tion. Author: J. Sinarko Wibowo, Cees Keetelaar, Rix Dierx. Published year 2010, pub-lished by: Sanitation Develop-ment Technical Team (TPPS), 2010, 124 pages thick.

MagazineYunior Percik Edition 16, November 2010 “Let’s Act”

Percik, Edition II, 2010 “Multi-villages Water Supply”

Percik Edition III, 2010 “Right to Water”

Percik Edition I English, 2010 “PIN Birth AMPL”

LeafletHealthy House, published by Housing Development and Research Center, Development and Research Board, of Public Work Department, 4 pages thick.

“The heart” Secretariat of National Water Resources Board. Published by National Water Resources Board Secretary, of Public Work Ministry, year 2009, 6 pages thick.

PosterCome On Wash Hands!Published by Sumatra’s Healthy School Program/SHSP in cooperation with MercyCorps – USDA – Starbucks Coffee, year 2010

WSES Literatures

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Water is the most fundamental and vital matter for our lives. Everyday we need water for the purpose of drinking,

cooking, bathing, washing, etc. Clean water will certainly help us to avoid disease. As we know, drinking water is a rare matter in our beloved country, especially in big cities like Jakarta,

where drinking water is a luxury and often traded. Unlike 20 years ago where drinking water can be obtained easily and always found in abundance because at that time, there was not much water and air pollution. The pollution has also caused different taste and color.

The cause of environmental contamination is mostly caused by human. Water and ground contamination is contamination on water such

Why is the Toilet in Your House Must be Healthy?


Example of unhealthy Defecation

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Edisi IV, 2010

as river, stream, lake, ground water, etc. While ground contamination is contamination on lands both in urban and rural areas.

Nature has the ability to restore the contaminated water condition either by natural purification process using soil, sand, stone, and microorganism around us. Mass pollution by human has overwhelmed nature’s ability to restore the nature condition into initial condition. Nature has lost its ability to purify pollution. Waste and other non environmentally-friendly substances such as plastic, DDT, detergent and etc. will worsen natural degradation.

There are several factors that have caused water and ground contamination, namely erosion and high rainfall, growing pile of solid waste from housing and settlement, as well as chemical substance distribution from houses, farms, industries, etc.

Solid waste and waste water contains various elements such as dissolved gasses, dissolved solid, oil and grease as well as microorganism.

Microorganism in solid waste and waste water can be decomposing or disease-causing organisms. Poor solid waste and waste water such as waste water disposal to open ducts, or damaged duct’s walls and base due to the lack of maintenance.

Waste disposal to the ducts will cause plugging and puddles that will accelerate the growth of microorganism or disease-causing bacteria, insect and disease-causing mammals such as fly and rats.

The following are diseases that were caused by poor sanitation and poor solid waste and waste water disposal: Diarrhea, Dengue Fever, Dysentery, Hepatitis A, Cholera, Typhoid, Malaria and Vermin.

Why Should Defecation be Healthy?What is the reason for our toilet to be

healthy? This may never cross the minds of our rural communities. From the above explanation, it is clear that there are lots of diseased that were

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caused by unhealthy defecation and toilet. Toilet itself is a container for human feces that was made intentionally to secure it, for the purpose of:

Preventing direct distribution of hazardous 1. substances for human due to human defecation.Preventing carrier vector to distribute 2. disease to the users and surrounding environment.

Flies that perched on the waste and the surface of waste water or sewer rat that got into the waste water duct may bring numbers of disease-causing germs. When the fly or rat touched food or beverage, there is large possibility that the people who drink or eat the food will suffer one of the above diseases. Such is the case for children who were playing near or directly contacted with the waste water and solid waste. They too may caught the above diseases, especially if they don’t clean up first.

Waste water can be categorized into 2, namely water from the sink or floor that was used to wash the dishes, clothes, and bathwater; and feces sludge from toilet or water closet (WC).

Septic tank or centralized waste water treatment unit is required to treat waste water prior to disposal to a water body. Besides preventing contamination, including disease-causing organism, waste water treatment was meant to reduce contamination burden or decomposing contaminants thus it will comply with the standard.

Solid waste and waste water contains various substances such as dissolved gasses, dissolved

solid, oil and grease as well as microorgan-ism. Microorganism in solid

waste and waste

water can be decomposing or disease-causing organisms. Poor solid waste and waste water such as waste water disposal to open ducts, or damaged duct’s walls and base due to the lack of maintenance.

Waste disposal to the ducts will cause plugging and puddles that will accelerate the growth of microorganism or disease-causing bacteria, insect and disease-causing mammals such as fly and rats.

Water body such as rivers and sea has certain decomposing capacity. When waste water is being disposed into without prior treatment, environmental contamination will eventually occur. Contamination will occur when waste decomposing capacity in the

water body is exceeded, thus the water body can no longer perform its natural treatment or decomposition.

The said condition is called septic or contaminated condition and was marked by bad odor, dark water color, and

large numbers of dead or floating fish or other water organisms.

Clean and healthy life can be perceived as living in an environment with standard of cleanliness and health, and completing clean and healthy

pattern or lifestyle. One’s health will be good if the surrounding environment is also good. In the contrary, one’s health will be bad if the surrounding environment is also bad. Application of clean and healthy life can be started by realizing a healthy environment. Healthy environment has the characteristic of healthy house and environment.

‘One’s health will be good if

the surrounding environment is

also good’



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Edisi IV, 2010

Although there haven’t been any science that can provide exact forecast of climate change, the tendency is going to the negative

direction. Higher temperature can cause extreme weather conditions such as drought, flood, storm, and heat wave. Climate change is also believed to be the cause of sea surface temperature increment and the change of rain pattern and river flow.

Impact of climate change will be obvious by almost all of world population and though some received positive impact, most of the impacts are negative. The negative impact will be suffered more by the poor people because they have high vulnerability due to less good governance and improper infrastructure. Climate change impact may also cause political conflict and instability.

From 2000 to early 2008, there are 2.947 −weather-related natural disasters.Water shortage may become the biggest −problem in relation to climate change impact. Community may even need to migrate across the country’s border in order to obtain water and food.

40 percent of world population is living in 100 km distance from the beach. They have bigger risk on storm disaster, one of extreme condition that was believed to have caused by climate change. Coastal areas are areas with high economic growth thus inviting urbanization; but it also has problems such

as abrasion, sea water surface increment, and off course, a more extreme storm. Impact for Indonesia people will be bigger because there are more than 75% populations who are living in the proximity of 100 km from the coast line.

The following are several facts regarding coastal cities of the world in relation with the climate change:

New Orleans, USA1. The low lying city was impacted by horrible

Katrina Storm on August 2005. The storm has caused great flood and causing the damage of over 50 billion USD.New York, USA2.

New York City that is located next to the shore is facing potencies of sea water surface increment that can damage the underground train system, sanitation facilities, power plants, and factories.Japan’s harbors3.

As adaptation on the rise of sea water surface, Japan’s harbors need to change construction in order to remain functioning and this has cost them 110 billion USD.Mumbai, India4.

Mumbai has 22,6 million population with very high population density. Without adaptation, one meter raise of sea water surface will thread most of Mumbai area and endanger the lives of the people.Venice, Italy5.

The flood that occurs more often has damaged the building structures at Venice city. The flood is worsened by the rise of sea water surface.Sukothai and Ayuthayya, Thailand6.

Flash flood that has happened in Thailand has heavily damaged Sukothai as the first capital of Thailand Kingdom. Flood has also damaged Ayuthayya which was Thailand capital in the 14-18 A.N centuries.

Source:The State of The World Atlas, 2008The Atlas of Climate Change, 2007

Climate Change and the Cities


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Series of World Habitat Day Events in Indonesia- ‘Better City, Better Life’ Seminar on 30 September 2010 Humanist and Sustainable Urban Housing and Settlement Management Concept- Press Conference of the Public Housing Minister 4 October 2010- Photo Exhibition 4-8 October 2010- Waste Treatment Tour for Elementary School Students – 15 October 2010- Sanitation Jamboree 12-16 October 2010- Habitat Fun Bike 17 October 2010- MAIN EVENT Bina Karna Auditorium, Bidakara Complex, 18 October 2010 Launching, Book Review, and Book Exhibition ‘Flashback on Public Housing 1900-2000’ and ‘Pestering with Housing and Environmental Management’- National Workshop “City Support Capacity and Climate Change Adaptation” 26 October 2010- Youth Urban Forum. 10 Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya 8-9 November 2010

Toward Better City and Better Life

World Habitat Day 4 October 2010


World Habitat Day Jakarta, 4 October 2010