Indie pop

Audience Research Questionnaire Findings Responses 27 1. What category does your age come under? As you can see form my findings the majority of the people who took and were interested in the questionnaire are aged between 16 and 20, with a massive 88% of responses coming from this age group I will need to take this into account when I’m focusing my target audience for my final product. Originally I did plan my target audience around this specific age and this questionnaire has just reinforced my idea. 2. What gender are you?

Transcript of Indie pop

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Audience Research Questionnaire Findings

Responses 27

1. What category does your age come under?

As you can see form my findings the majority of the people who took and were interested in the questionnaire are aged between 16 and 20, with a massive 88% of responses coming from this age group I will need to take this into account when I’m focusing my target audience for my final product. Originally I did plan my target audience around this specific age and this questionnaire has just reinforced my idea.

2. What gender are you?

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When I first made this questionnaire I thought that the most responses I would receive would be form male recipients, so I was quite surprised when I saw the number of female recipients that took the questionnaire. Although in saying this I did plan not to target my final product at a particular gender. Form my finding 50% of recipients were males and 50% of recipients were females so when I am planning my final product I won’t aim it at a specific gender.

3. Assess the following genres and make them for what you like and dislike.

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From this open-ended question the genres that are liked and extremely liked the most are pop with 15% of respondents saying they extremely like the genre and 35% of respondents saying they like the genre and indie pop (my chosen genre). With the same number and percentage of respondents as pop like and extremely liked the genre. This means my chosen genre is popular with my chosen age group.

4. Is there a genre that you like that isn’t listed above?

Fro From question 3 I know I didn’t include all genres that some people will like of listen to. From the responses I received most people liked the genre rock and alternative.

5. What is your favorite music video why?

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For question 5 I asked what peoples favorite music videos are to gain an insight of what bands, music and style of music videos people like to watch. With the replies I received I noticed that peoples likes were very varied.

6. Why do you watch music videos?

For this question I asked people why they watch music videos, I gave them 4 options to choose from. As you can see from the pie chart the majority of my respondents watch music videos for just entertainment. Very few of the respondents watch music videos to identify the artists choice of narrative and no respondents at all watch music videos to learn something, from this data I can now confirm that I need to film a music video that is interesting and entertaining throughout so that my audiences don’t lose interest.

6. What would you expect to see in an indie pop music video?

For this question I wanted to know what people expect to see in a typical music video from the indie pop genre so I could identify the key iconography of the music genre. Some of the replies I received are genuine, people replying truthfully and honestly but also some of the replies were people just messing around and replying with stupid answers, for example one respondent said ‘Will Ferrell’.

7. What, is your opinion is the most important part of an indie pop music video?

For this question I wanted to find out how I would keep audiences watching my video entertained throughout and what they think should be included so they

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well entertained and informed. Form my findings 38% of the respondents would like to see a good interesting narrative that they can follow, followed closely by 35% of the respondents who want to see imagery of the band in the video. Only 4% wanted to see dancing and 23% wanted to hear an up beat tune.

8. How well do you know the band The Courteeners?

The reason for this question was that I wanted to see how familiar people are of the band, The Courteeners. The band my music video is on. 1 was not knowing the band at all and 5 was knowing the band very well a large 71% of respondents didn’t not know of the band at all and only 11% of respondents knew of the band vey well 4% had heard of the band but were not very familiar with their music.

9. How would you expect a band like The Courteenes to dress like in a music video?

I asked this question because I wanted to know how audiences portray a bands dress sense. With the responses I received I will ue the relevant information to decide how the band inmy music video will dress.