Indicator 13 Online Data Collection System and IEP Review – Webinar #3 February 3, 2010 Presented...

Indicator 13 Online Data Collection System and IEP Review – Webinar #3 February 3, 2010 Presented by: Center for Change in Transition Services Cinda Johnson, Wendy Iwaszuk, Denny Hasko 206.296.6494 [email protected]

Transcript of Indicator 13 Online Data Collection System and IEP Review – Webinar #3 February 3, 2010 Presented...

Indicator 13 Online Data Collection System and IEP Review – Webinar #3

February 3, 2010

Presented by:

Center for Change in Transition ServicesCinda Johnson, Wendy Iwaszuk, Denny Hasko206.296.6494

[email protected]


Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Conducting an Indicator 13 IEP Review

Questions and Answers

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

CCTS will provide your District IEP Review Board Coordinator with a user name and login password. After receiving that information, enter it and click on the Log In button.

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Click on either the highlighted text ,or the I-13 IEP Review area of the triangle .

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Click on the Add New IEP Review button.

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Each section includes a help button that you may access by clicking on the question mark icon.

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Once open, each section’s question mark icon will generate a pop-up bubble.

This bubble will provide detailed directions on responding to that section of the review.

Click on the top, right corner of the bubble to close the pop-up and return to the IEP Review.

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

Next, type in the student’s 10 digit state identification number (SSID).

First, type the student ‘s initials into the box.

Enter the IEP date using the interactive calendar

Finally, click on each dropdown menu to select the student’s: Reported area of disability Reported ethnicity Reported grade level Reported age Anticipated exit year (graduation date)

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

After responding yes to the above question, please complete the text boxes below.

To complete the text boxes, you may either cut and paste small sections directly from the IEP document. Your other option is to briefly summarize and type the information from the IEP in the text boxes provided.

Repeat this process for each question and text box.

Many questions require simple yes or no responses. To ensure you respond appropriately, please refer to the help button above the question.

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

For an example, Shana’s Strengths, Preferences, Interests and Needs are taken directly from her IEP assessment and pasted into these text boxes.

Accessing the Online Data Collection System

Logging in Adding new files Entering the data

Help buttons Demographics Text boxes

Complete and Submit

OSPI Evaluation & IEP Technical Assistance Module 2009

After responding to every question and text box, please click on the Submit Review button at the bottom of the IEP Review Checklist. Once you clicked on Submit Review, you will no longer have access to modify your responses for that IEP Review.

Webinar Date Topic Presenter

March 10, 2010 Age-appropriate Transition Assessments

Cinda JohnsonDenny Hasko

April 21, 2010 Transition Systemic Framework Pilot Project

Quality Indicators for Secondary Transition (QuIST)

Denny Hasko

May 19, 2010 Postsecondary Goals and Course of Study Cinda JohnsonDenny Hasko

2009-10 Webinars/Tele-conferences 3:00-4:00 PST

Indicator 13 Online Data Collection System and IEP Review – Webinar #3

For additional information please contact the

Center for Change in Transition Services at:206.296.6494


[email protected]