Inaugural Meeting September 28, 2011. Objectives Share with you the goals, basic methodology &...

Inaugural Inaugural Meeting Meeting September 28, 2011 September 28, 2011

Transcript of Inaugural Meeting September 28, 2011. Objectives Share with you the goals, basic methodology &...

Inaugural MeetingInaugural MeetingSeptember 28, 2011September 28, 2011


Share with you the goals, basic methodology & target outcomes for Spark NH

Provide avenues for you to communicate and get involved with Spark NH

Inspire you to participate in Spark NH

Sparking a MovementSparking a Movement

Vision Vision

All New Hampshire children and their families are healthy, learning and thriving, now and in the future.

Focus Focus

Expectant families and children from birth through grade 3 and their families.

Mission Mission

Provide leadership that promotes a comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable early childhood system that achieves positive outcomes for young children & families, investing in a solid future for the Granite State.

Guiding Principles: Guiding Principles: Families & ChildrenFamilies & Children

Families should be supported by communities/ partners with stakeholders/service providers in designing, coordinating, evaluating supports, services, programs.

Preventive approaches early in life provide rich return on investment & are economically advantageous compared to costly remediation later in life.

Successful transitions for young children & families sustain foundation of healthy early childhood development.

Guiding Principles: Guiding Principles: Early Childhood SystemsEarly Childhood Systems Utilize evidence-based & promising practices to deliver high quality services/programs to young children & families that are developmentally/ culturally appropriate, & universally accessible.

Maximize efficiency/collaboration at both state & local level; align with strengths/individual needs of children & families.

Set high standards, self-evaluate, continuously improve.

Guiding Principles:Guiding Principles:The CouncilThe Council

The Council will build on recent & ongoing early childhood planning efforts, research, & initiatives, & lessons learned from national resources & input from stakeholders.

Communication, coordination, collaboration, and partnership across all sectors of community (public & private), ensure effectiveness & impact of services.

Brain HeroBrain Hero

Center on the Developing Child

at Harvard University

Laying the Groundwork: Laying the Groundwork: ECAC Steering CommitteeECAC Steering Committee

2003 2005






ECCS Launch


Public/private partnership for

statewide system


Early Childhood Systems Building

Stakeholder Meetings

Planning for an ECAC


ECAC Steering Committee and

DOE Early Childhood Office

Launch Spark


New Hampshire’sEarly ChildhoodSystems Building Timeline

The Council’s ARRA The Council’s ARRA Grant GoalsGrant Goals

1. Strengthen NH’s early childhood infrastructure.

Make Council effectiveStructure it to bring necessary stakeholders to tableMake it sustainable

ARRA Grant GoalsARRA Grant Goals

2. Coordinate development & implementation of integrated, comprehensive strategic plan for early childhood in NH.

Conduct statewide needs assessment

Strengthen collaboration & coordination between early childhood stakeholders

Create strategic plan for early childhood in NH

ARRA Grant GoalsARRA Grant Goals

3. Develop a framework to evaluate Council’s outcomes/ impacts & progress of NH’s young children & families.

Make Council accountable; measure its impact

Convene early childhood data system committee > to integrate early childhood data and develop recommendations for early childhood data system for NH.

ARRA Grant GoalsARRA Grant Goals

4. Foster public awareness of, promote access to & build commitment for quality early childhood programs & services.

Educate business & philanthropic communities about importance of early childhood

Better the quality, availability & enrollment in early childhood programs & services

Spark NH FundingSpark NH Funding

Spark NH StaffSpark NH Staff

Council Members IntroductionsCouncil Members Introductions

First Follower:First Follower:

Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

Council Council AdministrationAdministration

Committees & Task ForcesCommittees & Task Forces

Where you join in…

Early Childhood Data System Early Childhood Data System CommitteeCommittee

Recommendations for integrated EC data system– Policy & resource issues– Key questions to be answered– Process to use integrated data to

inform policy & practice

Evaluation CommitteeEvaluation Committee

Council accountability– Design/implement evaluation plan– Reporting

Workforce & Professional Workforce & Professional Development CommitteeDevelopment Committee

Recommendations/implementation re: recruitment, retention, advancement & support of qualified professionals across EC programs

Communications & Public Communications & Public Awareness CommitteeAwareness CommitteeCreate/maintain information loopBuild public awarenessFoster commitment to early


Funding & Sustainability Funding & Sustainability CommitteeCommittee

Identify/secure sources of funding & support for:- Early childhood programs/services- Council operations (dedicated staff)

Policy CommitteePolicy Committee

Coordinate development/ implementation of strategic plan for early childhood in NH

Collaborate with state leaders to identify/support changes in policy that could benefit young children & families

Quality of Early Childhood Quality of Early Childhood Programs & Services CommitteePrograms & Services Committee

Advise lead agencies re: Federal/State programs/services

Review/revise as feasible quality standards for early childhood programs & services

Ensure access to/coordination among programs & services

Nominating CommitteeNominating Committee

Identify/nominate members to fill vacant Council positions

Needs Assessment WorkgroupNeeds Assessment Workgroup

Conduct/collaborate to conduct statewide needs assessment re: access to and quality/availability of early childhood programs/services

MIEC* Home Visiting MIEC* Home Visiting Task ForceTask Force

Work with DHHS, Department of Public Health MCH Section on home visiting plan

* Maternal, Infant & Early Childhood

Website Design Task ForceWebsite Design Task Force

Create/maintain a vibrant/useful website for Spark NH

Family Partnership & Family Partnership & Engagement Task ForceEngagement Task Force

Develop/implement strategies to include families in Spark NH work

How will we do all that?!

Here’s the plan…Here’s the plan…

Lots of support/guidance from Council & Staff– Interim Leadership; Chair– Broad representation– Draft work plans to be refined– Facilitated session to complete work

plans– Staff support to convene meetings


– Built in cross-communication & feedback

– Consistent structure for meetings and reporting

– Training available for chairs on project management

– Resources

Making a Difference: Council Making a Difference: Council Accountability & ImpactAccountability & Impact

Evaluation Supports Led by– Peter Antal, Ph.D., Antal Consulting, LLC

([email protected])– Spark NH Evaluation Committee

Roles– Address accountability issues– Provide reflective feedback– Strengthen the Council’s efforts

Integration of Evaluation Integration of Evaluation ActivitiesActivitiesPlanning, implementation, and assessment at a meta and micro level

Involves participation of Council staff and committees

Creation of annual reports documenting accomplishments and barriers encountered by Spark NH