In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Philadelphia PA...

' THB PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER TUESDAY JANUARl 20, 188U amttme wOka, — a m — a , Tel DAJLUMTOK, Bras ft Co., 1129-28 Largest Retail Stock. Hosiery, Underwear. COOK £ BEO., 51 and 03 K, EIGHTH Street. Onr Instantaneous. Chocolate Is a surprise to every one. A. cup of Chocolate in a moiueot, without boiling. For cooking or boiling spectrally invited to attend the funeraL this rrues- d a y afn.rn<,oD. at 2 o'clock. frouTth^Wdenceaf Ceilew™ T ° procwl to M <»ameat WATMOUGH —January 16 1880 JTT.IAWA i *^. EdD:ur ' d c aad M *"» C. Watmough Therelatives and friends of the family are a- to attend her funeral^ at St. Peter's Church. vited ask for our Commercial Chocolate/ 8TEPHEN F. I TJ"^* 1 ^ Pine streets, this Tuesday, January -JO, at WHITMAN & SON. Inventors and Sole Manufac- ] 12 ° °*° ck nreciselv. turer». S. W. corner of TWELFTH and MARKET Streets. Parrel * Go. (Herring's Ft.) NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES, No. (SI CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. The Largest Retail Stock of Dry GCKXU. STRAWBRIBS* & CLOTHIDI, Eighth & Market 8ta The Largeat Ury Goods House. Jo*r* WixiVAtlK. Grand Deoo' 13ch « MARRIED. MATLACX—MATLACK.—January 18, f*80 bv Rev A. K. Street, Beverly. N J., Mr. SCHUYLER C MATLACK, of Delauco to Mi* ANNIE Y. MAT LACK, of Camden DI*D. M'KROYD.—On the ISth instant. HENRY ACK- BoYD. lure of Yorksrure, Ec;riand. ;i»red thirty s:x yr*is. ^<*~_ The p-ii»tiv«-« and friends of the family are re- r ^earetfutfy invited to attend the funeral, this arter- /lu'ii at i " clock, froui his late residence. No ~^^X i"«.6 >.Vuj.ton. street. aWve Diamoad. To proc-ri to Iiai«A»-.- street. lock preciselj JSni-fli the 18th instant MARY ANN *1LXE\. wife of Edward Wilkey, and old*s'. daughter of John G. and Lydia Retold, in the forty-seventh year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral, from her late "resi- dence 8prm<r House. Montgomery county. Pa, on \\ednesday. at 11 o'clock A M. Friend* from the city take the 9'45 A. M train for Penlyn. wtiere carriages will be waiting. WYNN.—On the 16th instant, BENJAMIN L WTNN. aged seventy six years Relatives and friends of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral, this morn- ?.'*; *\, 10 r>0 0 ' clc **- from his late residence, in Jldlvule. N. J. Service at the Baptist Church at 11 o clock YOUNG.—On the 17th instant. MARGARET FOR- REST, wife of John F. Young, Fairview, Delaware county. Pa. The relatives and friends of the familv are respect- ftdry invited to atteud the funeral, this Tuesday. 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, from the retadeace of her brother-in-law. John S. Phennan. Esq . No. 187 Putram avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Interment at the convenience of th«» familv. -On the 18th instant, T1TOMAS F nsrcrw oiPEinsr KUhKAliT. BURXART The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfiiEy invited to attend the funeral, on Wed niesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his father. V. Buckart, No. 4~29 Arch street BUSH —On the 16th instant. MARGARET, wif of James H Bush, and daughter of George an Elizabeth Wright, in the thirtv-third year of he The relatives and friends of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Wed- nesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her husband' residence, Wissahickon avenue. Chestnut HilL CHARMAN.—On the 16th instant, in the seventv seventh year of her age, SARAH, widow of the lat Joseph t barman. The relative* and friends are respectfully invited m at>nu the funeral, from the reni leace of her st,r. H-'iry Greenland, N. J.. th ; s mora- i i / a i lOo'rtock. Services at Hadrtoufleld l>*pt:'st Owik <vrriazes will \\r in waiting at Magnolia for the figi.t o'clock train. Philadelphia and Al- lan? k-(it j H. R. < ONNRLL.—On the 17th inst., «ARG 4.RET S . reii'-t ot toe late John H. OOMSeR Tlie -eiativesand fri»n*s of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeraL on Wednes- day, the 21st inst.. at 9 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. No 1219 Franklin street. To proceed to Laurel h ill Cemetery. DURNELL —On the 16th inst. at Riverton, N. J.. CaTHAEINE P., widow of the late James Dur- wll. EJ a ., In the seventh ninth year of hor ajre. The relative and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, at the Eleventh Baptist Church. Twelfth street, above Race, this day, at 1^-30 o'clock. To proceed to Monmneat Cemetery. ELTJ8.—At Haddonfield on 17th rust.. JOSEPH H ELLIS, in the eighty-third year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi- ence. K<!U street. Haddonfield, N. J., on Wednesday. 21st inst.. at 11 o'clock. FOWLFR —On the 18th inst, SAMUEL J , in- fant sen of John C and Svaline R. Fowler The relatives and friends of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral, this after- noon, at 1 o'clock, from the parents* residence. No. 3616 Story street. GESNODO.—On the- 16th instant, JOHN Q GIN- NODO. in the sixty-seventh year of his age. Relatives and friends, also Montgomery Lodge, No. 19. A Y. M . and Philadelphia B- A. Chapter. No. 169. A. Y. M. are invited to meet at his late res- idence. No. 5<2 K. Eleventh street, thw morn- ing, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Moorestown. GOEHMANN.- On the 17th inst. SOPHIAGOEH- MANN, relict of CharlesG. Goehmann. The relatives and friends of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 1304 N. Broad street,, ou Wednesday, the 21st, at one o'clock. GREENE.- On the V7th instant, Mrs. CATHA- BINE A. GREENE, widow of the late Medical Di- rector James M. Greene, V. S. N. Funeral se? vices and interment at St John's Church. Thirteenth street, above Chestnut, this Iueatlay. 20th instant, punctually at 10 A 51. JAMFS —On the 17ta instant ELIZABETH, wife of "lacmas James, in the seventy-fourth year of her age. The relatives ard friends of the family are re- spectfni?> invited to attend the funeral, this after- noon, artwo o'clock, from the residence of her husband. No. 1611 Park avetue. To proce*d to Monument Cemetery. LAfFKBTY —On the 17th instant. HANNAH A. LAFI ErrTY widow of James Latterly, and daughter of Sai..;:e^ and Madeline Hamilton, aged forty-nine Th*- -"'a-'iv*-* aod friends of the familv and United C.r-Un. >*> :•* S and I) of A A . are respectfully n.»itt«t :•• alt-ixt the funeral, this n/ternoon at 3 oYicik. !*<>tu lK-r la'-- re»id«-»ice. No 709 Eaeu str< et. To proceed to Sixth Street Uuioo Vault. J.:NTO>-On the ISth instant, at the Home for •Ct-ijiun.i/tivts, ANNIE LINTON, of ''hestercouaty. MARKLEY —On the 17th instant. DE BENNE- VILLE MARKLEY, agec nfty-tw© years. The relativts and friends of the family, also Crys- tal Fount Lodge, No. 110.1. O. of O. F., and Crystal Fount Lodze, No. 17, K of P.. are respectful y In- vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday after- noon at 1 o'clock, from his late residence No. .S6o N. 1 euth street. To proceed to Odd Fellows" Ceme- ery. NAYLOB-—Suddenly, on the 15th instant, JOHN <i N AYI.OR. in the seventy-drst year of bis age. The relatives and friends of the firmly are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral, tais after- noon at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his son in- ,aw. No H«3 W. York street PAKST. —On the morning of the t 8 t h >'t:%t;i.nt. S. ROSELMA. only child of A'l»-rt and Mary Aun Paist ( of Da.uho.-o. Bucscs county. Pa », in th«- tv..nty eighth year of her ;^e "Rel-riiv.'s axiu fi-i<-nd>->f tn-; faru'ly are r»^s:>»ct- fn'Tj tnv:te<l to »t!en<1 the fun-ral "fr.».n th"'r<»si- <)«-iceoi her parents. No. JO tio.iaibridge:street, on Fo«rti. '"r.v. 21st inst. at 10 A.M. lutr-nnt-nt at •'Frifirfts' Wcsteni Grounds." 1 AKTl-NHEIMER.—On :he l.>th inst . MARTIN rARTENKEIMER. ag<\1 fiftj t,u«- yeai^ The rv-latives and rriends the family, also Adam Lodge. No. 61. L O. of O. F.. are rcspe- tt'ully in- vitea to attend the funeral, tins afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late resid-.-nc.-. No. 605 Dickinson street To pn>ceed to Wharton Street M. E. Church for services and intem>»-)ir RAMSEY.—On the 16th inst.. NORTON Y.. only s<.n oi S. .Vorgan and the late Fannie H. Ramsey, in the r~X th year of his age. Tlve i"!atives and friejids of the familv. also Star Lod^e. No. 72 i. I. O. of O" F.. are re«pectfuily in viled to atttrid the funeral, this afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence. No. l'$37 N Twen- tj -nVst street. Interment at Central I>aitrei HilL R'.ERA -On the idth instant, FRANCIS RIERA, «g» d I <xt \ - four years The relatives and friends and those of the family are respt ctfullv invited to attend the funeral, from ' h»s late i-ewdence. No. t«30 Vine street, this (Toes- : day* aftertKv.n. 20th ins* . at 2}4 o'clock. Interment at Moiint Vernon Cemetery. BAYLOR.—On the l«tb last, FANNfE, only i daughter of A. D. and* the late Charlotte Saylor. in . the twelfth year of her ajre. The relatives and frietdsare invited to attend the ' fueeral from the re iuence of her father. Con- shohockeo. this day. at 12 o'clock M. Funeral ser- vices aid interment at Montgomery Cemetery. Nor- , ristowo. SIWMt>NS— On the l?th inst. Mrs SUSANNA : SIMMONS, formerly ot Birmingham. Eaglaad. ; aged f;fty yeara. Her rrien<!« are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, this afternoon, at 3fa o'clock, from her Tate residence. No". 20o Marriott street. Interment ! at Msrlners' Bethel X E. Church Vault. STRONG.—On the ISth Inst.. ELLA L., wife of Harry 0 Rfroog and daughter of Samuel r. and Lydia C. Pine, rn the twentv-fourth year of her age. The relative* and friends of the familv are re spectf ultv invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes- : aay. at l" o'-lock, from her parents' residence. N. K corner of Thirteenth and Locust streets. To pro reed to Eleventh Street X E. Church for services, i Intern:ent at Lafayette Cenietery. TAYLOR.—Died at his residence. Woodlands ' near iurlington. N. J., on First day afternoon. ISth iisi., JOSEPfa W. TAYLOR, M P., in the seveo- tie h vear <>f hi* a(re. Re'arives and friends are respectfully invited to j wend nis funeral at Friends' Meeting Ho:tse, Bur- <rt Sixth nay mot-Atax. £3d inst.. at ll"4 o'ejock. Train leavts Market street wharf. Phila- < '!e;vhi«. at 10H JL. M. V*NATTA -On the lfth instaut. GKORGE W.. son a r U r ia>e Aaron K. and MATT Ann Vannatta ( A) ed rtv > «-ar« The rotative! aod friend* of the family are re- 4 OUR FIRST SPKBG IMPORTATION A TIMELY FACT! A Pair of Our Sterling .AT.L-WOOL Kersey Pantaloons Will go well with any kind of coat and vest. They will give good wear and only cost 50. HPORTANT ANHODHCBIEIT! ( A Branch Office and Salesroom for the -AUTOMATIC'* or -MO TENSION^ Sewing Machine exclusively, has been opened at No. 1437 CHESTNUT STRKET, By the Willcox & Gibbs S. 1L Company. We have, therefore, discontinued selling through a purchasing a^ent in Philadel- phia, as heretofore. It is our intention to give every intelli- gent lady in this city and vicinity, not already familiar with the novel and spe- cial features of our Automatic, an oppor- tunity to investigate the same without charge. Any one not waited upon by our representative, and desiring to test the machine, can do so by sending us postal card-. OF hm Mil Mots, CBCOICTH: IN :E> A/x-zrHJiRisre, FOB LADIES' BUESSES AND Children's Suits and Shirts, AT leOWEST PRICES. As many of the Styles cannot be Duplicated we Invite our Cus- tomers to Make an Early selection. DAILIIGTI1, BillftCB 1126-112S Chestnut St. SPECIAL NOTICES. !^~ Little Maud Mining Co. OF COLORADO, O m c t . 30S WAI*NUT Street, Pnflada. Stock for sale for forking capital. Particulars either at office of Companv or of DtTNN. 8MYTHfcCO.. No. 42 S. THIRD Street. THE SUN FIRE INSURANCE COM- panv. The annua] meetins of the stockholders of this company, for the election of cirectora, will be held at No. 434 WALNUT Street, on Wednesday, the 21st of January, 1880, from 12 >L to 2 f. M WILLIAM H. HAINES. Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PHII-ADI-XT-HIA. January 16. 1880. At the Annual Meeting:. January IS. 1880. the folloirinir stockholders were elected Directors for the ensuing year: George Philler, S. A. Caldwell, W S Russell. James A. Wright. And at a rne>^rr»?: of THrectors fhis dnv. Mr. Thomas Drake. Henrv C. Gibson. John'F. Betz. ! GEOBGE ?HILLER was unanim««i>ly re-elected : President. MORTON McMICHAEL. Jr.. Cashier. j I^POCITT SATIOSALB4XK,- P8U.A- \ 4—£r delphia. January 18. 188*} at an election held on the Hth January. 1880. I the foiiowiug; named stockholders were elected Di ] rector8 0f this Dank: JOHH imimR & co S1S-820 Chestnut Street, FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. No. 822 Chestnut Street, For Boys. »<5Sp> OFFICE O F T H E DIAMOXD COAX 1 ^ Land Company. No. 3UJ4 WALNUT Street. NOTICE.—The annual election for Directors will be held at the office of the Company, on Wednes- day, the 21st January, 1SS0. between the hours of 12M. and 1P.M. 8. ALTSR, Secretary. *-=o= THE FEAXKLIN REFORMATORY \SS for Inebriate Women, under the auspices of a Board of Managers, and the care of a resident physician, offers a Christian home to such as have fallen into intemperate habits. Annly to Dr. A. V. SCOTT. No. 220 N. THIRTEENTH Street, between the hours of I and 2 and 6 and 7 o'clock P. M. £S»»> DR. A. H. STUVKNS. W H O H A S \SS been treating diseases very snceessfullv in Philadelphia for the pa»t eighteen years with Elec- tricity, on a new principle, commenced a Course of Lectures to a Class of Thirteen, on Saturday evening last. Should there be others who may read this notice and are desirous to obtain a prac- tical knowledge of this manner of using Electricity, rhev mar make application this week to Dr. STE- VENS, at his Operating Rooms, No. 1830 GREEN Street. Tetms Reasonable, >jtf> trXIOK BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- \*£i tion. Founded 1830; Incorporated 1837. As institution for the encouragement of Indus- try, the suppression of pauperism and the relief of suffering among the worthy poor. Legacies and donations respectfully solicited Moneys should be sent to S WEIR LEWIS, trea- surer, Fanners and Mechanics' Bank, or to the agent, J. A. GARDNER. Office No. 118 & SEVENTH Street. »^B THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE \SS Corporation of the Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia will be held on Tuesday, the 20th day of January, at 3X o'clock P. M. in the Assembly Boom, No. 1334 CHESTNUT Street. The annual re port of the Board of Trustees will be submitted, and an election will be held for eight; Trustees to serve for the ensuing three years. WILLIAM L. MACTTER. Seicretary. *-"rg=° PHELADEI.PHIA, JAN. 19. 188©.— »2? The purchaser of the Pennsylvania and Dela- ware railroad, situate in the county of Chester, in the State of Pannsy^ania, together with all its pro- perty and franchiseg^it the safe thereof by STRICK- LAND KNEASS, surviving trustee, and vested with title thereto by virtue of a conveyance of said trustee this day oehvered, pursuant to the orders of the United States Circuit Court duly had, will hold a meeting at Room No. 10, second story, in the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, No. 233 8. FOURTH 8treet. in the city of Philadel- phia, on Wednesday, the 4th day of February. 1880. at 12 o'clock M.. for the purpose of organiz- ing a new corporation as authorized by law, and electing a president and sir directors. DELL NOBLTT. ys&- OFFICE O F T H E PENNSYLVANIA *3* COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. - No. 431 CHESTNUT STREET. PHTJUU>KU>HIA, Dec. 30, 187a The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will take place at their Office, No. 431 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 19th day of January, 1880, at 12 o'clock M. and at the same time an election will be held for thirteen Directors to serve the ensuing year. L. H. STEEL, Treasurer. WILLCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine Co., No. 14-37 CHESTNUT STREET. SAUCES. MIT BEDDCTIOR IN PRICK. Signature k on every bottle of the GENUINE WOE( SAUCE It Imparts the most deUctoea taste sod seat to 80CPS, GRAVIES, FISH, HOT *COLD JOINTS, GAME, EXTRACT at a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLE- MAN at Madras tc fate brother at WORCESTER, Kay, XSSI. «reIlLEA& FEB BIN8 that their Sauce is highly es- teemed in India, and is, in my opinion, the most pain table as well as the most wholesome Sauce that is made." Bold and nsed throughout the world. Travelers and Tourists find great benefit ts bar- ns; a bottle with I"" JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, aSJSTTS F03 John Baird. John Price Wetherill. .Tosiah Kisterbock. A. Boyd Cumruings. Coffin Colker. Collins W. Walton. C. Henry Garden. Frederick WiUoox, Davia Thain. F. O. Horstmann, Thomas Wood/ Henrv S. Grover William Potter. And at a meeting of the Directors held this day John Baird was unanimously re-elected president and John Price Wetherill vice president G. ALBERT LEWCS. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF THE RE- PUBLIC. PHILADELPHIA, Ian 16,1880 At an election held on Tuesday, i:Jth inst.. the following named stockholders were re-elected directors to serve the eusning tear: •William H Ehawn. Edward B. Orne. Samuel A. Bispham, Frederic A. Hoyt. Chas. Ricliardson. William KuekT. Howard Charles L. Sharpless. Wiiiiam B. Bem*-nt. Charles T Parry. Francis T. Howell. Jaraes M. Earie. John P. Smith, Hinchman. And at a meeting of the Board of Director.* held fibfcs dav. WILLIAM H. RHAWN was unanimously re elected president. J. P. MffMPQRD, Cashier. THE INSURANCE C<>l«"pXNV~6r the State of Pennsvlfania.— Philadelphia. January 14. 1880. At an election held January 12, the following gentlemen were duly elected Directors of the com- pany for the year 1880. Henry D. Sherrerd. George H Stuart, Thomas B. Watison, Charles S. Lewis, John B. Austin, Christian J. Hoffman. George H Colket, Edward P Borden. Benj 8. Jannev. Jr., Charles S Bov'd, S. Jenks Smith, William Massey. James Bonbnghr, And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day. HENRY D. SHEBRERD. E«<}.. was unani- mously re-elect<"d President of the company. J. H. HOLLINSHSAD. ^ecreta^y• THB COMMERCIAL NATIONAL Bank of Pennsvlvania. PHn^DELPWTA. Jan. 19.1880. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of th* bank, held at the Banking House, January 14. 1880, the ^olkrwinjr named persons were duly *-tected directors to serve for the ensuing year: lames L Claghom. P. Jenks Smith. Panie! Haddock. Jr.. William Weightman, Samuel Baugh. Charles D. Reed. Joseph Wm. Bate«. James 8. Martin, Thomas S. FJlis, Leon Berg. Charles S. Boyd, George L Knowles, George N. Allen. And at a meeting held this day. JAMES L. CLAG HORN. Esq.. was unanimously reelected Presi Cent: DANIEL HADDOCK. Jr.. Esq.. Vice Presi- dent: JAMES W. PAUL. Solicitor, atd JOSEPH BROB8TON. Notary. . E P. GRAHAM. Cashier. TBB PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BASK. PBrfr.Ai>ET.i»HTA. J a n u a r y 15, 1880. At the annual election held on Tuesday, 13th inftant. the following named gentlemen were elected Directors: JVnjaoiiB B. Coraegys Thomas Robins, Rkharrt Askhnrat, 'EdwardS. (^arke. John E. C'>pe. N Parker ghortridge. DIVIDEND NOTICES. OFFICE O F T H E DIAMOND COAX Land Company. No. 311M WALNUT St. NOTICE.—The directors have declared aquar- terly dividend of TWO AND-A HALF PER CENT. or %1~9& per share, payable on demand. Jan. 17. 1880. S. ALTER. Treasurer. COAL. THE STOVE, THE FURNACE. THE RANGE, THE FORGE, THE ENGINE, BEST COAX AT When Supplied with our Superior Carefully Prepared HARD COAL will give The Very Best Results In Economy and Complete Combustion. LOWEST PRICES. BINES & SHEAFF, 114 8onth Fourth Street. PATRICK A LXPSETT, Yard1523. and Wharf 2500 CALLOWHTLL 8t. AOXSTS roa WESTMORELAND COAL, Best known for Low-down Grates, aod Pure L7 HIGH. SCHUYLKILL and BITCMINOUS COAL atLowest Rates. Weight guaranteed. Edward Y. T«wns*«d. Samuel Welsh. WiHiajn Brocks. Henry K. DiQard. IJncom Goilfrey. Charles C Harrison. (nor^* Wrntner. A"* at a meeting of the Directors, held this day. B H ('OMiGYSwa") unanimo^ialy reelected Pre- aiim °- 1. M. GREG3 C*abi«T. RUDOLPH M. HUNTER, X. E., Solicitor of American and Foreign A*D CONSULTING ENGINEER, OFFICES No. 901 WALNUT STREET. Ti"FI A. So F"Fn=KEUCET3 3 99 Can—m Ptaea emtf 1 SMta Stuart, NEW YORK. TEA AND COEEEE. EILIOOD SHiNRON & SOU, (JAYNE'S BUILDING,) Ho. 244 Chestnut Street, CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO A SEW CROP OOLONG TEA 25 CENTS Cash—By the Chest. HEATING'S - COUGH LOZENGES The GREAT F-NGXISH REMEDY. Used ind recommended *or over 50 years by the clergy ir.d medical profession. Sold by all druggists. Price50 ccntsC „,- •1 VOUGKR* * O". Ne*' Von*. &**mt*y THOMAS & 8H0EMAKEK 134 SOUTH THIRO 8TREET. DEALEB8IS TJHITED STATES BOHD8 Or ALL ISSUES. JOHN A. DODGE & CO., BANKERS & STOCK BROKERS 12 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Stocks bought and sold on the New York Stock Exchange, on 3 to . "> per cent, margin. Stock privi- leges secured on responsible parties at favorable rates. Pull information on all matters relating to ! Stock speculation furnished on application. Week t ly Report of movements in the Stock market sent ! free. CHAS. D. BARNEY & CO- Bankers and Brokers, 114S.TH.RP STREET C ONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE GOLD LOAN OF THE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. We offer a limited amount of these desirable bonds, bearing interest at 81X PER CENT. PF.R ANNUM, PAYABLE IN GOLD, FREE OF TAXES, at par aad accrued interest from January L 1880. to date of purchase, and ask the attention of in- vestors. W. H. NEWBOLDS SON & CO.. S. E. Corner DOCK and WALNUT Streets. $25trO$o000|w^U^^y,rfouLr BOP for snbstantlal fortunes every weak, and pays «s percentage of profits by the New Capl- Bystem ot operating la Stocks, roll ax- on application to ADAMS, BROWN A CO.. Banker*, 26 and 28 BROAD tow*. N. T. City. H AMPSHIRE TAPER COMPANY. Manufacturer? of First Class White and Cream Colored Flat and Ruled Papers. White and Colored Briatoi Boards. WAREHOUSE, No. B0r> MINOR Street, PHTLADELPmA. PA Good* sold at mill prices. Largest stock of S t veVopes in the c&y. Jobbers sup'-lied at ""UHT"^ AET SALE EXTRAORDINA R Y. PAINTINGS AT THE 1516 Chestnut Street. Free Exhibition, Day and Evening, until Wednesday Evening, Jannary 21, when the Public Sale of the Collection Convuiences. The Collection is the most important one offered in Philadelphia for years, and includes specimens of the greatest artists. For tuny, Samtin, WilleiES. Marchetci. Pinchart, Compte Calix, Eiddeman, Brock Lajos, DeCock, DeNittas, Delobbe. Gaxrido, Jourdao, Bocgoereaa, Kousoeaa, Delort, Ziem. Escosur*, Jacqae, Thirion, Am berg, Crirard. VaUee, Spring, Jazet, Diaz, Troyon. Carauii. Cooniacs, Regnart, Hublia. Tray-sr, B.>U>. M»U. Hadoq, Lo6w^> ( Heck. Gxio- And over a hundred other artists of the French. Spanish, Italian. G&rmaa aal Belgian Schools of Art. No lover of Art should fail to see this Collection while on Exhibition. THOMAS BIRCH & SONS, Auctioneers. FINANCIAL. Iaworporsted muder the Laws ef tke State ef New York. 'X'H h\ urn mis mis JOHN B. STEVENSON. Jr.. Me. *04 WAL- fl Nt.T Street—t.o*o«ow «.ll Viads of •*ncirrit>e». -I AW OFFICES ALEXANDER P. COLE8BERBT REMOVED TO No. 53 8. THIRD 8TBEET. BeoondSwa OGLETHORPE OOTJHTY, QA Capital, - - - $1,000,000 100,000 Shares. Par Value, - - - $ 10 each STOCK N0>-ASSESSABLE. Subaortptfooa win be reeetvea 1 aad ffucwaHne Ktvea upon apptieatfoa to JOHN MOSS, JR., 13 Merchants' Exchange BOUGHT & SOLD ON COMMISSION And Carried oa Favorable Terms AMUSEMENTS* T5HIXADKLPHIA ACADEMY OF H03IC. MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 26, AT 8 O'CLOCK. HANDEL'S SACRED ORATORIO. " SAMSON." iFirst time in Philadelphia.) "THE CECILIAN" PEABODY ORCHESTBA OF BALTIMORE, And following Soloists: Miss FANNIE W. KELLOGG, Soprano. Mrs A. H DARLING, Contralto. Mr. GEORGE SLMPSON. Tenor. Mr JOHN F. WINCH, Bays. Conductor Mr. MICHAEL H. C^OSS Accompanist Mrs, BERTHA B. GOODMAN GENERAL ADMISSION, 50 CENTS. Reserved Seats, .oc. and $1. according to location. Tickets now for sale at Gould & Fischer's. No. 1210 Chestnut street, on and after Monday, Jana- ary 19. and ar Academy on evening of Concert. DE HAYEN & TQWMSEND, 40 S. Third Street. TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO. Bond and Stock Brokers, HAVE REMOVED TEMPORARILY TO 108 S. POTJETH S T R E E T During repairs to their old office, No. 909 WAL- NUT Street. City Philadelphia New4's for Sale. U. S. Bonds Bought and Sold. Constant Quotations New York and Philadelphia Stocks received. Stocks and Loans bought aad sold on Commis- sion. LEWIS H. TAYLOR, JR. LTXDLET HArxrs. L. H. TAYLOR & CO, BARKERS AND BEOZERS 138 SOUTH TH I K.P Street. Deposits received subject to check at sight, and interest allowed on daily balances. Stocks. Bonds, etc., bought and sold oa commis- sion in this and other cities. Particular attention given to information regard ng Investment Securities. EZRA BOWER. SEORaE B. FOX BOWEN & FOX, STOCK BROKERS, 132 SOUTH THIBD STREET. Contracts made and i Information erven eaa seearWei dealt in. Orders ezeonted tolfewTork,: t SAN FRANCWOO. DESTRART.F, INVESTMENT. CITY OF CINCINNATI Six Per Cent Bonds. SECURED BY A SINKING FUND. For sale by B. E. JAMISON & GO Third and Chestnut Streets. T RUST FUND9 FOR MORTGAGES IN sums from $6000 aod upward to $20,000 at 5 per cent, interest. Apply to LEWTS H. REDNEB A CO., No. 737 WALNUt Stwe*. IS JORTH RROAD STRSJBT THEATRE. > BROAD 8treet. Above ARCH. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 2*. GILBERT AND CLAY'S C03UC OPERA, PRINCESS TOTO. As produced ia New York under the personal supervision of the Librettist and Composer. Seats c«n now be secured at the Norte American, Continental Hotel and Theatre 1 )ABK THEATRE. TKNTM AND ARCH — EVERY' EVENING DURING THE WEEK AND SATURDAY MATINEE, MR J. K. EMMET AND HIS OWN COMPANY. IN HIS NEW ROMANTIC COMEIJY. FRITZ IN IRELAND; Oa THE BELL-BINGER OF THE RHINE. AND THE LOVE OF THE SHAMROCK. FRITZ SCHULTZ MR J. K. EMMET. B ROAD ST. THEATRE—CNCXR DAN»I». Every Evening thia week and Saturday Matinee, LAST WEEK—Farewell appearances of MR B. MACAULEY as UNCLE DAN'L. In A MESSENGER FROM JARVTS SECTION. Seats secured at J. E. Ditson's new store. We. 1228 Chestnut street. "North Americua" office and Tleatre. Next Week—The Hyer<: Sisters' Combination. A CADEMY OF MUSIC—SPECIAL. By general request, THE MASQUE OF THE POETS, In Picture, Statuary, Pantcmime and Song, will be repeated SATURDAY AFTERNOON. JAN. 24. Under the direction of Mr. O. B. BARTLETT. of Massachusetts Tickets. ~>0 cents. Secured seata without' extra chanre. For sale at Gould & Fisch er's. No. 1210 Chestnut street, on and after Jar*. 21 XirALNTJT STRKET THEATRXL v Second and last week but ooe. KIRALFY BROTHERS' ENCHANTMENT. Crowded Houses. Standing Room Ordv aftea. S. Matinee Wednesday—Reserved Seats. 50 cent*. Satun.!ay Mattnee- Usual Prices. Adraissioc, 50c ENCBANTMENT. A RCH STKJSKT THEATRE-OPEF.A. Au Enthusiastic Reci-pMoc. FATIN1TZA, FATIN1TZA, Kv rhe Orisn'na! FATINTTZA COMPANY. Mor dav next-OUR GOBLINS. C mtaxAiri sxiugan THRATRE. FOURTH AND LAST WEEK. LAST SEVEN fERFOKMANCES. Every Eveuin- at 8 and Saturday Afternoon a t 2 . Dft. <'1.>T>F: DR CLYDE. DR CLYDkv A CADKMT Of THIS FINK ARTS.—OFX3B daUy from 9 A. M. till dark (Sundays, 1 P . X , till dark). ADDITIONAL ATTRACTIONS: The CAREY COLLECTION: also, RARE EN GRAVING* and ETCHINGS loared by H. F. Sewell. Esq. ot New York, and Mr. Clagfaorn; also. Lloyd Hoppiasf latest models in cork—ST. PETER'S and WEST- MINSTER Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON a Promenade Rehearsal in the Galleries by the faE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. Admission, 35 cenftK r.o "jr^ra o b a r s e on music days. Institute for the Blind. SELECT MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS EVERT WEDNESDAY A T 3 } , P . M. Tinker*. 10 Cents Z « •OLOGIOAX GARDEN. Hours for feeding Lions. Tigers. &c 3 P. M. Sea Lion* W 3 0 A. M.. 0 ?X) P. V SO"V":KEE^S CELEBRATED SOFA BED. An Elegant Sola by Day, and a Lnznrious Bed by Nigbt> Price about the same as a Loungs. To be had only at the manufactory. m No. 230 SOUTH SECOND ST ~B- F. HOVEB. EDUCA21QNAL. I TT HALL. YOUNG LADIES' SEMTMART, Bridjretorj. New Jersev.—The last hatC'sebool year ooinn:ences February 2. 1»?<0. CIGNOR F. RONDIX1LLA TEACHER «F O 8faMtingt and Piano. No 3118. TWELFTH Utreat. H OME KO.VKU1SH.SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Waterford. N. J., affords health, and thoroogh BOARDING. CECOND AND O *ith first class board. THIRD STORY ROOM8, No. 1637 ARCH Street. 926 M K U F . « T . — F I N E L A R G E RO<»Tf. wv.'hem . xpofure, with board. Wto CM fc a-T » C X StKCKr. WEST rT*'»d»>*phia Vowig Ladies' Irmrituf* an.l Auiorican Kittderfrarten Sec^-adTimn^v-sru* t-ebruaryx MRb I^XiaRDCS. I'r.'icpaL ^ _ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of In The End All You Really Have Is 23/Philadelphia PA...

  • '

    THB PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER TUESDAY JANUARl 20, 188U amttme wOka, — a m — a , T e l

    DAJLUMTOK, B r a s ft Co., 1129-28

    L a r g e s t R e t a i l S t o c k . H o s i e r y , U n d e r w e a r . COOK £ BEO., 51 and 03 K, EIGHTH Street.

    O n r I n s t a n t a n e o u s . C h o c o l a t e Is a surprise to every one. A. cup of Chocolate in a moiueot, without boiling. For cooking or boiling

    spectrally invited to attend the funeraL this rrues-d a y afn.rn.Vuj.ton. street. aWve Diamoad. To p r o c - r i

    • to Iiai«A»-.- street.

    lock preciselj J S n i - f l i the 18th instant MARY ANN * 1 L X E \ . wife of Edward Wilkey, and old*s'. daughter of John G. and Lydia Retold, in the forty-seventh year of her age.

    The relatives and friends are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral, from her late "resi-dence 8prmnu the funeral, from the reni leace of her st,r. H-'iry Greenland, N. J.. th ;s mora-i i / a i lOo'rtock. Services at Hadrtoufleld l>*pt:'st O w i k

    GESNODO.—On the- 16th instant, JOHN Q GIN-NODO. in the sixty-seventh year of his age.

    Relatives and friends, also Montgomery Lodge, No. 19. A Y. M . and Philadelphia B- A. Chapter. No. 169. A . Y. M. are invited to meet a t his late res-idence. No. 5f tn-; faru'ly are r» ŝ:>»ct-fn'Tj tnv:teth inst . MARTIN rARTENKEIMER. agceed to Wharton Street M. E. Church for services and intem>»-)ir

    RAMSEY.—On the 16th inst.. NORTON Y.. only saitrei HilL

    R'.ERA -On the idth instant, FRANCIS RIERA, «g» d I NS— On the l?th inst . Mrs SUSANNA : SIMMONS, formerly ot Birmingham. Eaglaad. ; aged f;fty yeara.

    Her rrien

    STRONG.—On the ISth Inst.. ELLA L., wife of Harry 0 Rfroog and daughter of Samuel r. and Lydia C. Pine, rn the twentv-fourth year of her age.

    The relative* and friends of the familv are re spectf ultv invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes- : aay. at l" o'-lock, from her parents' residence. N. K corner of Thirteenth and Locust streets. To pro reed to Eleventh Street X E. Church for services, i Intern:ent at Lafayette Cenietery.

    TAYLOR.—Died at his residence. Woodlands ' near iurl ington. N. J., on First day afternoon. ISth i i s i . , JOSEPfa W. TAYLOR, M P., in the seveo-tie h vear f hi* a(re.

    Re'arives and friends are respectfully invited to j w e n d nis funeral at Friends' Meeting Ho:tse, Price about the same as a Loungs. To be had only

    at the manufactory. m


    ~B- F . H O V E B .

    EDUCA21QNAL. •

    IT T H A L L . YOUNG L A D I E S ' SEMTMART, Bridjretorj. New Jersev.—The last hatC'sebool year ooinn:ences February 2. 1»?