In November 2009 we read a story in the Arizona Republic about a solar company that would install a...

In November 2009 we read a story in the Arizona Republic about a solar company that would install a solar electric system for no cost and guarantee savings. This company was recommended by APS and SRP. We checked BBB and the Register of Contractors and their record seemed okay. So we took the next step to talk with them to find out more and to get a quote.

Transcript of In November 2009 we read a story in the Arizona Republic about a solar company that would install a...

In November 2009 we read a story in the Arizona Republic about a solar company that would install a solar electric system for no cost and guarantee savings. This company was recommended by APS and SRP. We checked BBB and the Register of Contractors and their record seemed okay. So we took the next step to talk with them to find out more and to get a quote.

They prepared several quotes based on satellite views of our house. All quotes showed modest savings over time… 2-6 thousand dollars over 15 years. About the same cost as a nice cruise. This was a no brainer for us as we have been doing and trying to implement green energy for the past 30 years. We had solar water heating for 30 years and an alternative fuel vehicle for 10 years at our last house. We even drove around to see some of their other installations. We signed up in December 2009 with SolarCity.

We recognize that some think solar panels somehow ruin the “view” of a neighborhood. We don’t share that opinion. We think anything that reduces our dependence on mid-east oil is good for the US. We would have proceeded with this project regardless of how it looked. To us, solar panels are beautiful!

You be the judge, look at the following picture and see for yourself.

I am standing on top of the wall around our spa, about 3 feet above our backyard neighbors fence.

Yeah, I know I have to paint my mister system so it blends in more with the stucco. Give me a break as I am retired!

You all know how much I care about others opinions, even if they differ from mine. I would not have proceeded with this project if it was going to be a big headache with my neighbors. The following are my HOA correspondences.

I am impressed with SolarCity! They have been here two days so far and will return to finish the work. Essentially, they re-roofed my patio. It will be another day or so before they finish their work. The final phase will be to connect the system via WiFi to my wireless Internet so they can monitor the system. They will monitor and maintain the system for 15 years. Try as I may, I just can’t find a downside to this arrangement.

I got nothing for signing up. I thought it was a good deal! However, you can get $200 if I refer you. If you are interested, just let me know.