Improving Access

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Transcript of Improving Access

  • 7/29/2019 Improving Access


  • 7/29/2019 Improving Access



  • 7/29/2019 Improving Access




    This is Wesways second Accessibility Plan.

    This document is intended as a guide and should not be construed as

    constituting legal advice.

    It does not replace the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act,2005 (AODA) or any policies of the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

    as final authority.

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    The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005(AODA)

    received Royal Assent in June 2005. The purpose of the legislation isto develop, implement and enforce standards in order to achieve

    accessibility for all Ontarians. Until the new standards under the AODAcome into effect, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA)remains in place. Wesway was required to be compliant with the Actby January, 2012. As part of the AODA legislation that went into effect

    January 1, 2012, all organizations with more than 20 employees musthave such a plan.

    This is Wesways second Accessibility Plan, though the organization

    has made accessibility a priority for many years. Considering lastyears legislative obligations as well as the type of service that Wesway

    provides, it was decided to look at our entire accessibility strategy and

    come up with an annual plan that would describe how we continue towork to become barrier free over the next few years. While we now

    meet the requirements of the current AODA legislation in effect, weaim to be compliant far ahead of the 2025 deadline under the AODA

    Integrated Standard, as well as any other legislation that may comeforward regarding accessibility.

    This plan for 2013 has been prepared by the CommunicationsEngagement Coordinator at Wesway. To summarize, the reportdescribes:

    1. The measures that Wesway has employed in the past two yearsand prior to the AODA legislation

    2. The measures that Wesway will take during the 2013 calendaryear to further identify, remove and prevent barriers for people

    with disabilities who work in or use any of the Wesway facilities(Main Offices, Court Street Respite Home, and Jean Street

    Respite Homes

    To develop, implement and enforce the mandatory standards, theAccessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) calls on the

    business community public sector not-for-profit sector people with disabilities or their representatives

    to develop, implement and enforce mandatory accessibility standards.

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    These standards are the rules that businesses and organizations in

    Ontario will have to follow to identify, remove and prevent barriers toaccessibility.

    The first standard to come into effect is the Accessibility Standards for

    Customer Service.

    Ontario is also developing an integrated standard in the areas of:

    built environment (buildings and other structures) employment information and communications transportation

    Wesway will likely be subject to compliance in three of the four above

    standards. Because of this, it was decided that we would begin to lookat these areas to ensure we do everything in our ability to become

    more accessible well ahead of the deadlines set by provincialregulations.

    Wesways Accessibility Plan will be revised annually.

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    The aim of this report is to:

    1. Briefly highlight the measures that Wesway has undertaken inthe past, up to December 31, 2012

    2. Identify additional measures that we will take between January1st 2013 and December 31st, 2013

    3. Clearly define how we will continue to offer our service topersons with various forms of disabilities

    Object ives

    This report intends to:

    1. Describe the process by which Wesway has identified, removedand prevented barriers to people with disabilities, based on the

    present AODA legislation and expected future legislation

    2. Demonstrate Wesways compliance with the Customer ServiceStandard

    3. List the policies, programs, practices, and services that Weswaywill review in 2012-13 to identify barriers to people with

    disabilities4. Describe the measures WESWAY will take in 2013 to identify,

    remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities; and5. Describe how WESWAY will make this accessibility plan available

    to the public

    Our Miss ion

    Wesway provides personalized respite services. Wesway buildscommunity partnerships and promotes inclusion through community

    development. Wesway envisions a model of respite support services to

    meet the needs of community with respect and dignity.

    Pur pose o f t he Accessib i l i t y P lan

    The Wesway Accessibility Plan will:1. Ensure Wesways compliance to the AODA2. Track and report progress3. Show the implementation of other initiatives that help make

    Wesway and its services more accessible to all people

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    Accessib i l i t y Coor d inat or

    Wesways Communications Engagement Coordinator will continue to

    serve as the Accessibility Coordinator, and will bring accessibilityissues forward as required.

    The Wesway Accessibility Coordinator will:1. Review legislation, and seek out templates or other data to

    assist in developing a plan

    2. Prepare a report on measures taken to identify, remove andprevent barriers to persons with disabilities

    3. Seek support and consult with others as necessary4. Assist when required, in developing mechanisms for addressing

    any recommendations that come forward through legislation orother source

    5. Draft and maintain the annual Accessibility Plan,6. Make the Accessibility Plan available to the public after it is


    Wesw ay com m i tm en t t o accessib i l it y p l ann ing

    Wesway is committed to:1. The continual improvement of accessibility2. The participation, where possible, of people with disabilities in

    developing and reviewing of our annual accessibility plans

    3. Working to ensure policies and procedures are consistent withthe principles of accessibility

    Disab i l i t y : De f in i t i on

    The Accessibility for Ontarians with

    Disabilities Act adopts the broad definitionfor disability that is set out in the Ontario

    Human Rights Code.Disability is:

    a) Any degree of physical disability,infirmity, malformation or disfigurementthat is caused by bodily injury, birth defect

    or illness and, without limiting thegenerality of the foregoing, includesdiabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury,any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of

    physical co-ordination, blindness or visual

    New ramp to main entrance

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    impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech

    impediment or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or awheelchair or other remedial appliance or device,

    b) A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disabilityc) A learning disability, or dysfunction in one of the processes involved

    in understanding or using symbols or spoken languaged) A mental disorder, ore) An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or receivedunder the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and

    Insurance Act, 1997.

    What i s a bar r i e r?

    A barrier is anything that could prevent or hinder a person with a

    disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his

    or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier,information or communications barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a

    technological barrier, a policy or a practice.

    Ev idence o f Com m i tm ent t o Addressing Po ten t ia l Bar r ie rs

    1. Training provided to all staff on the AODACustomer Service Standards and ourrelated policies and procedures, including:

    a. How to provide customer service topersons with varying disabilities

    b. How to use on site assistive devicessuch as lifts, as well as how torespond when a person with a

    disability asks to use their own

    assistive devicec. Allowing Service Animals onto

    Wesway premises

    d. Welcoming Support Persons whoaccompany a person with a disability

    e. Creation of a customer feedback systemf. Use of onsite and electronic notification of building closuresor when other accessible services are unavailable

    2. A new ground level accessible entrance and reception area at theWesway office

    3. A large secondary ramp to exit the building from the upper level4. A powered lift has been installed to allow access between the

    upper level of the office and the newer reception area

    Court Street Respite Home

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    5. Accessible entrances at Wesways Respite Homes, as well as liftsand elevators present at the Respite Homes, where stairs wouldbe an obstacle

    6. Accessible washroom facilitiesat all three Wesway locations,

    including wide automaticdoors, large turnaroundspaces and stalls, grab barsetc.

    7. Use of consistent format fornotification of any and all

    service disruptions

    8. Providing alternativeaccessible services such aslarge format print, upon request

    9.New font standard for readability by persons with visionimpairments

    10. Improved marking of Accessible Parking space in main parkinglot

    11. Appropriate height signage now on two of the four washroomdoors

    Bar r ie rs Wesw ay Wi l l Addr ess By Decem ber 31 , 201 3


    1. Signage on 2nd floor office washroom doors is currently too highto be read by some persons using mobility devices such as

    wheelchairs2. Signage fonts inside and outside of the main office is potentially

    too small to read by those with vision disabilities. There is aneed for a larger sign on Wesway office building


    1. Improvements to accessibility features on Wesway websiteBar r ie r i den t i f i ca t ion m ethodo log ies

    As part of developing our Accessibility Plan, we will ask staff (and

    where applicable, the families we serve, and persons in any role thatwould be qualified to identify potential barriers) for feedback on how

    we are doing in terms of addressing accessibility in our workplace.Improvements will continue to be made based on the input we receive,or as new legislation or standards become available.

    Jean Street Respite Home

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    Rev iew and m on i t o r i ng p rocess

    The Accessibility Coordinator will continue to review suggestions and

    recommend both short and long term objectives. He/she will continueto monitor any barriers that may be identified at any of the Weswaylocations. The Coordinator will also commit to making reports orpresentations within the office, or to the public where necessary.

    Com m un icat i on o f t he p l an

    This Accessibility Plan will be available in print format at our office andat the Respite Homes. A digital version will be available on our

    website. If requested, the Plan can be made available in large print.

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    Commun ica t i on

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    Wesway communicates with people with disabilities in ways that take intoaccount their specific communication needs, strengths and preferences.


    1. Employees and volunteers receive sensitivity training on how to interactand communicate with people effectively and respectfully.

    2. Employees and volunteers strive to meet the particular needs ofindividuals by offering to communicate in a variety of ways, such as: telephone in person email hard copy large print

    3. Wesway strives to ensure that written communications are clear and easyto understand, using a distinct and easily distinguishable font style. Office employees use the Verdana font when creating documents.

    Font sizes in general communications are kept at a minimum of 11point.

    When asked by an individual for a large print format document, thisfont size is increased to a minimum of 14 points, and if possible 16points.

    4. Employees and volunteers are trained to communicate with individualsover the telephone in clear and plain language, to speak clearly andslowly and to use other communication services, as necessary.

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    5. Employees and volunteers who provide direct respite services receivetraining on the specific communication needs, strengths and preferencesof individuals with whom they are matched.

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    Serv ice An im als Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    Wesway is committed to welcoming people with disabilities who areaccompanied by a service animal.


    1. Employees, volunteers and others dealing with the public are trained ininteracting with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a serviceanimal.

    2. Employees and volunteers do not touch or interact with a service animalwithout permission from the animals owner.

    3. Employees and volunteers who provide direct respite services receivespecifically tailored training if they are matched with an individual whouses the support of a service animal.

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    Assis t iv e Dev ices

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    Persons with disabilities are welcome to obtain, use or benefit from Weswaysservices through the use of their own assistive devices, or any that exist atany Wesway location.


    1. Employees and volunteers who provide direct respite services receivetraining on the specific assistive devices that may be used to support theindividuals with whom they are matched.

    2. Employees who work at the Respite Homes receive training on the use ofassistive devices owned by Wesway and located at the Respite Homes,such as lift and transfer devices etc.

    3. Office employees receive training on Wesways assistive devices locatedat the office.

    4. Individuals with disabilities are welcome to use their own assistive devicesas required.

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    Serv ice D is rup t ions

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    In the event that a temporary disruption occurs that would limit a personwith a disability from gaining access to Wesway services, Wesway makes thedisruption known to individuals and families, including information about thereason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and alternate service locations ifapplicable.


    1. Individuals/families using or planning to use the service at the time of thedisruption are contacted by telephone, email, in person or by the mosttimely and effective means of communication possible.

    2. A notice of the service disruption is posted at the Wesway office and theRespite Home locations, as necessary.

    3. Messages are posted on the Wesway website, asnecessary

    4. Notices of service disruption are communicated through the Weswayvoicemail system, as necessary.

    5. Notices may also be communicated by out of office email responders, asnecessary.
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    Suppor t Persons

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    People with disabilities who may or may not be accompanied by a support

    person are welcome on Wesways premises.


    1. Any person with a disability will always have access to his or her supportperson while on Wesway premises.

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    Accessib i l i t y Tra in ing

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Signat ur e:


    Wesway provides AODA customer service training for employees, volunteersand others who may deal with the families we serve and with the generalpublic.


    1. All employees and applicable volunteers receive sensitivity training whichincludes components on the following accessibility-related areas: The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act,

    2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard Communication Assistive devices Service animals Support persons Assistive devices Feedback process

    2. Employees and volunteers are required to review all relevant policies andprocedures on a regular basis.

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    Accessib i l i ty Feedback Process

    Sect ion: Accessibility Standards Approva l Da te :

    Sub-Sect ion : Rev iew ed/ Rev ised :

    Pol icy No. Sign atu re:


    Wesway is committed to accessibility for individuals with disabilities andfeedback is welcomed. We offer multiple means of providing feedback on ouraccessibility.


    1. Feedback may be provided in person at the Wesway office, by telephone,in writing or electronically.

    2. All feedback is reviewed in a timely manner by an appropriate Weswayemployee.

    3. Feedback is tracked and analyzed to facilitate continuous improvement inthe way we provide service to individuals with disabilities.

    4. If the feedback constitutes a complaint about Wesways accessibility,attempts are made to resolve it immediately. If this cannot be achieved, the complaint is forwarded to the Executive

    Director or designate.

    The Executive Director or designate responds within ten business daysusing the same means of communication that was used to provide thefeedback.

    All reasonable efforts are made to resolve the complaint.