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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability

Functional Group ID=PS


This standard provides the format andestablishes the data contents of a planning schedule withrelease capability transaction set. The planningschedule with release capability transaction set providesfor customary and established business practice relativeto the transfer of forecasting/material releaseinformation between organizations.<R> <R> The planning schedule transaction may be used in variousways or in a combination of ways, such as: (1) a simpleforecast; (2) a forecast with the buyer's authorizationfor the seller to commit to resources, such as labor ormaterial; (3) a forecast that is also used as an orderrelease mechanism, containing such elements as resourceauthorizations, period-to-date cumulative quantities, andspecific ship/delivery patterns for requirements thathave been represented in ``buckets,'' such as weekly,monthly, or quarterly. The order release forecast mayalso contain all data related to purchase orders, asrequired, because the order release capability eliminatesthe need for discrete generation of purchase orders.


01/22/2019 Mopar specific guide created:

06/12/2018 (Carried over from prior guide):Detail - Enabled Element LIN10, LIN11, LIN12, LIN13, LIN14 & LIN15Detail - Edit Notes in NTE Segment

01/22/19 (Changes from prior guide):Header - Removed Segments NTE and REFDetail - Removed Segments NTE, MEA, and ATHDetail - Added qualifiers GA, PC, and QT to Element UIT01Detail - Added qualifiers BO and PM to Element REF01Detail - Added qualifier CS to Element N101


Page Pos. Seg. Base User Loop Notes and No. No. ID Name Guide Status Max.Use Repeat Comments4 010 ST Transaction Set Header M M 1

5 020 BFR Beginning Segment for Planning Schedule

M M 1

030 NTE Note/Special Instruction F Not Used 100

040 CUR Currency O Not Used 1

050 REF Reference Numbers O Not Used 12

060 PER Administrative Communications Contact

O Not Used 3

070 TAX Tax Reference O Not Used 3

080 FOB F.O.B. Related Instructions O Not Used 1

LOOP ID - N1 200

7 090 N1 Name O 1

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

9 100 N2 Additional Name Information O 2

10 110 N3 Address Information O 2

11 120 N4 Geographic Location O 1

130 REF Reference Numbers O Not Used 12

12 140 PER Administrative Communications Contact

O 3

150 FOB F.O.B. Related Instructions O Not Used 1

160 CTP Pricing Information O Not Used 25

170 SSS Special Services O Not Used 25

180 CSH Header Sale Condition O Not Used 1

190 ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale O Not Used 2

200 DTM Date/Time/Period O Not Used 10

210 PID Product/Item Description O Not Used 200

220 MEA Measurements O Not Used 40

230 PWK Paperwork O Not Used 25

240 PKG Marking, Packaging, Loading O Not Used 25

250 TD1 Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight) O Not Used 2

13 260 TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)

O 12

270 TD3 Carrier Details (Equipment) O Not Used 12

280 TD4 Carrier Details (Special Handling, or Hazardous Materials, or Both)

O Not Used 5

290 MAN Marks and Numbers O Not Used 10


Page Pos. Seg. Base User Loop Notes and No. No. ID Name Guide Status Max.Use Repeat Comments

LOOP ID - LIN 10000

15 010 LIN Item Identification M M 1

18 020 UIT Unit Detail M M 1

030 CUR Currency O Not Used 1


19 040 SLN Subline Item Detail O 1

050 PID Product/Item Description O Not Used 1000

060 PO3 Additional Item Detail O Not Used 25

070 CTP Pricing Information O Not Used 25

22 080 PID Product/Item Description O 1000

090 MEA Measurements O Not Used 40

100 PWK Paperwork O Not Used 25

110 PKG Marking, Packaging, Loading O Not Used 25

120 PO4 Item Physical Details O Not Used 1

130 PRS Part Release Status O Not Used 1

23 140 REF Reference Numbers O 12

24 150 PER Administrative Communications Contact

O 3

160 SSS Special Services O Not Used 25

170 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service O Not Used 10

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

180 ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale O Not Used 2

190 TAX Tax Reference O Not Used 3

200 FOB F.O.B. Related Instructions O Not Used 1

LOOP ID - N1 200

25 210 N1 Name O 1

26 220 N2 Additional Name Information O 2

27 230 N3 Address Information O 2

28 240 N4 Geographic Location O 1

29 250 REF Reference Numbers O 12

260 PER Administrative Communications Contact

O Not Used 3

270 FOB F.O.B. Related Instructions O Not Used 1

280 FST Forecast Schedule O Not Used 260


31 290 SDP Ship/Delivery Pattern O 1

32 300 FST Forecast Schedule O 260

310 SDQ Destination Quantity O Not Used 50

320 ATH Resource Authorization O Not Used 20


330 SHP Shipped/Received Information O Not Used 1

340 REF Reference Numbers O Not Used 5

350 TD1 Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight) O Not Used 1

34 360 TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)

O 12

370 TD4 Carrier Details (Special Handling, or Hazardous Materials, or Both)

O Not Used 5

380 TD3 Carrier Details (Equipment) O Not Used 12

390 MAN Marks and Numbers O Not Used 10


Page Pos. Seg. Base User Loop Notes and No. No. ID Name Guide Status Max.Use Repeat Comments36 010 CTT Transaction Totals M M 1

37 020 SE Transaction Set Trailer M M 1

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: ST Transaction Set Header

Position: 010Loop:

Level: HeadingUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments: 1 The transaction set identifier (ST01) is intended for use by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the invoice transaction set).

Business Rules: Variable Name: STSTNotes: The transaction set control number (ST02) in this header must match the

transaction set control number (SE02) in the transaction set trailer (SE).

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

ST01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code M ID 3/3 M

Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set

ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9 M

Identifying control number assigned by the originator for a transaction set.

A unique control number (same as SE02).

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: BFR Beginning Segment for Planning Schedule

Position: 020Loop:

Level: HeadingUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To indicate the beginning of a planning schedule transaction set; whether a ship or

delivery based forecast; and related forecast envelope datesSyntax Notes: 1 At least one of BFR02 or BFR03 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 If BFR01 equals "04" (Net Change) - BFR09 is required.

2 BFR02 is the identifying number for a forecast assigned by the orderer/purchaser.

3 BFR06 - Forecast Horizon Start Date: The date when the forecast horizon (envelope) begins.

4 BFR07 - Forecast Horizon End Date: The date when the forecast horizon (envelope) ends.

5 BFR08 - Date Forecast Generated: The date the forecast data was generated.6 BFR09 - Date Forecast Updated: The date the forecast was updated with "Net

Change" data. (Used only when element 353 in BFR04 equals "04", meaning net change.)

Notes: BFR~00~~901~DL~A~180101~180630~171207 (Mopar Supplier Ship Direct)BFR~13~~030~BB~A~181201~181231~181201 (SSD 830 Forecast)

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

BFR01 353 Transaction Set Purpose Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying purpose of transaction set

00 Original

13 Request

BFR02 127 Reference Number C AN 1/30 Not Used

BFR03 328 Release Number C AN 1/30

Number identifying a release against a Purchase Order previously placed by the parties involved in the transaction

Current YWW - 9 (Model year 2019) 01 (Week of the year)

BFR04 675 Schedule Type Qualifier M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the type of dates used when defining a shipping or delivery time in a schedule or forecast

For SSD 830 Forecast

BB Customer Production (Consumption) Based

SH Shipment Based

BFR05 676 Schedule Quantity Qualifier M ID 1/1 M

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Code identifying the type of quantities used when defining a schedule or forecast

A Actual Discrete Quantities

BFR06 373 Date M DT 6/6 M


Horizon start date:The date when the forecast horizon begins.

BFR07 373 Date M DT 6/6 M


Horizon end date:The date when the forecast horizon ends.

BFR08 373 Date M DT 6/6 M


The forecast issue date.

BFR09 373 Date C DT 6/6 Not Used

BFR10 367 Contract Number O AN 1/30 Not Used

BFR11 324 Purchase Order Number O AN 1/22 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N1 Name

Position: 090Loop: N1 Optional

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2 If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing

organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.

Notes: The N1 loop in the heading area is used to identify the release issuer and thesupplier. Service & Parts Dealer Direct will use an N1 segment with the BT (BillTo) qualifier in the heading area instead of the MA (Ultimate Destination)qualifier N1 segment in the detail area.

Examples:N1~MI~~92~03103N1~SU~~92~10001ABN1~BT~FCA US~92~03103 (Mopar Supplier Ship Direct)

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N101 98 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying an organizational entity or a physical location.

BT Party to be Billed For Other Than Freight(Bill To)

MI Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer

SF Ship From

ST Ship To

SU Supplier/Manufacturer

N102 93 Name C AN 1/35

Free-form name

N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)

92 Assigned by Buyer

N104 67 Identification Code C ID 2/17

Code identifying a party.

FCA US use: If N101 = 'MI' this element would contain one of the following special codes:

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

'03103' = FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct (SSD)

If N101 = 'SU', this element would contain one of the following: The FCA US assigned supplier code

If N101 = 'BT' this element will contain one of the following: '03103' = FCA US Service & Parts Dealer Direct.'09300' = FCA Canada Service & Parts.

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N2 Additional Name Information

Position: 100Loop: N1 Optional

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 2Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: N2 segments may be used to convey full names of Ship To locations.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N201 93 Name M AN 1/35 M

Free-form name

N202 93 Name O AN 1/35

Free-form name

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N3 Address Information

Position: 110Loop: N1 Optional

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 2Purpose: To specify the location of the named party

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: N3 segment may be used to convey the full address of the Ship To location.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N301 166 Address Information M AN 1/35 M

Free-form field for address information.

N302 166 Address Information O AN 1/35

Free-form field for address information.

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N4 Geographic Location

Position: 120Loop: N1 Optional

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of N401 or N405 is required.2 If N401 is present, then N402 is required.3 If either N405 or N406 is present, then the other is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be

adequate to specify a location.2 N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the USA or Canada.

Notes: The N4 segment is used to convey the City and State information for the Ship Tolocation.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N401 19 City Name C AN 2/19

Free-form text for city name

N402 156 State or Province Code C ID 2/2

Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency

N403 116 Postal Code O ID 5/9

Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)

N404 26 Country Code O ID 2/2

Code identifying the country

Used only used if the location is outside the U.S.

N405 309 Location Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code identifying type of Location Identifier (310) used.

N406 310 Location Identifier C AN 1/25

Code which identifies a specific location

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: PER Administrative Communications Contact

Position: 140Loop: N1 Optional

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 3Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be

directedSyntax Notes: 1 If PER03 is present, then PER04 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments:

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group named

IC Information Contact

PER02 93 Name O AN 1/35

Free-form name

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type of communication number

PER04 364 Communication Number C AN 7/21

Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)

Position: 260Loop:

Level: HeadingUsage: Optional

Max Use: 12Purpose: To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of TD502 TD504 or TD505 is required.2 If TD502 is present, then TD503 is required.3 If TD507 is present, then TD508 is required.4 If TD510 is present, then TD511 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 When specifying a routing sequence to be used for the shipment movement in

lieu of specifying each carrier within the movement, use TD502 to identify the party responsible for defining the routing sequence, and use TD503 to identify the actual routing sequence, specified by the party identified in TD502.

Notes: Used at header to designate carrier requirements for all parts in detail.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

TD501 133 Routing Sequence Code O ID 1/2

Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement

B Origin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode)

TD502 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)

2 Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)

TD503 67 Identification Code C ID 2/17

Code identifying a party.

TD504 91 Transportation Method/Type Code C ID 1/2

Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment

A Air

AC Air Charter

AE Air Express

D Parcel Post

DD Dedicated Delivery Service

E Expedited Truck

GG Geographic Shipping/Receiving

GR Geographic Receiving

GS Geographic Shipping

L Contract Carrier

LT Less Than Trailer Load (LTL)

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

M Motor (Common Carrier)

PC Private Carrier

PD Parcel Delivery

R Rail

RC Rail, Less Than Carload

RR Roadrailer

VE Vessel, Ocean

X Intermodal (Piggyback)

TD505 387 Routing C AN 1/35 Not Used

TD506 368 Shipment/Order Status Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD507 309 Location Qualifier O ID 1/2 Not Used

TD508 310 Location Identifier C AN 1/25 Not Used

TD509 731 Transit Direction Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD510 732 Transit Time Direction Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD511 733 Transit Time C R 1/4 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: LIN Item Identification

Position: 010Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To specify basic item identification data

Syntax Notes: 1 If LIN04 is present, then LIN05 is required.2 If LIN06 is present, then LIN07 is required.3 If LIN08 is present, then LIN09 is required.4 If LIN10 is present, then LIN11 is required.5 If LIN12 is present, then LIN13 is required.6 If LIN14 is present, then LIN15 is required.7 If LIN16 is present, then LIN17 is required.8 If LIN18 is present, then LIN19 is required.9 If LIN20 is present, then LIN21 is required.10 If LIN22 is present, then LIN23 is required.11 If LIN24 is present, then LIN25 is required.12 If LIN26 is present, then LIN27 is required.13 If LIN28 is present, then LIN29 is required.14 If LIN30 is present, then LIN31 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of ID's.

2 LIN01 is the line item identification3 LIN02 through LIN31 provide for fifteen (15) different product/service ID's

for each item. For Example: Case, Color, Drawing No., UPC No., ISBN No., Model No., SKU.

Notes: LIN~~BP~56002329AA~PO~00145447~CR~VS800001~ON~A/C123~VP~A1~RN~1454471~UF~S

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

LIN01 350 Assigned Identification O AN 1/6

Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiationwithin a transaction set.

For Electonics Service Center only

LIN02 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

BP Buyer's Part Number

LIN03 234 Product/Service ID M AN 1/30 M

Identifying number for a product or service

The FCA US Part Number

LIN04 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

ID (234)

PO Purchase Order Number

LIN05 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

The purchase order number.Associate the part number with the purchase order number in the weekly requirements section.When NA it’s associated with the monthly requirements for ALL releasing plants

LIN06 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

CR Contract Number

LIN07 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

If LIN06 = 'CR', the Contract Number (8 characters)

LIN08 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

ON Customer Order Number

LIN09 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

If LIN08 = 'ON', the Customer Order Number (10 characters)

LIN10 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

VP Vendor's (Seller's) Part Number

LIN11 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

LIN12 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

RN Release Number

LIN13 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

LIN14 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

UF User Defined Shipping Identifier

LIN15 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

If LIN14='UF', User Defined Shipping Identifier

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

A=Stock/AROE=DailyS=Special HandlingC=CampaignP=PromoD=Dealer Pay Premium

LIN16 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN17 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN18 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN19 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN20 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN21 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN22 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN23 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN24 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN25 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN26 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN27 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN28 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN29 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

LIN30 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

LIN31 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: UIT Unit Detail

Position: 020Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To specify item unit data

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: This segment indicates the unit of measure for all quantities relating to the line


Examples:UIT~EA (General Use)UIT~UN (Mopar)

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

UIT01 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the basic unit of measurement.

EA Each

GA Gallon

PC Piece

QT Quart

UN Unit

UIT02 212 Unit Price C R 1/14

Price per unit of product, service, commodity, etc.

UIT03 639 Basis of Unit Price Code O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type of unit price for an item

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: SLN Subline Item Detail

Position: 040Loop: SLN Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To specify product subline detail item data

Syntax Notes: 1 If SLN06 is present, then SLN08 is required.2 If SLN07 is present, then SLN06 is required.3 If SLN09 is present, then SLN10 is required.4 If SLN11 is present, then SLN12 is required.5 If SLN13 is present, then SLN14 is required.6 If SLN15 is present, then SLN16 is required.7 If SLN17 is present, then SLN18 is required.8 If SLN19 is present, then SLN20 is required.9 If SLN21 is present, then SLN22 is required.10 If SLN23 is present, then SLN24 is required.11 If SLN25 is present, then SLN26 is required.12 If SLN27 is present, then SLN28 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of ID's.

2 SLN01 is the identifying number for the subline item. It is related to (but not necessarily equivalent to) the baseline item number. Example: 1.1 or 1A might be used as a subline number to relate to baseline number 1.

3 SLN02 is the identifying number for the subline level. The subline level is analogous to the level code used in a bill of materials.

4 SLN03 through SLN28 provide for eleven (11) different product/service ID's for each item. For example: Case, Color, Drawing No., UPC No., ISBN No., Model No., SKU.

Notes: This segment will be used for the Mopar (Radio) Service Centers only.Example:


Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

SLN01 350 Assigned Identification M AN 1/6 M

Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiationwithin a transaction set.

Use '1'

SLN02 350 Assigned Identification O AN 1/6 Not Used

SLN03 661 Configuration Code M ID 1/1 M

Code indicating the relationship of the subline item to the baseline item.

I Included

SLN04 380 Quantity M R 1/10 M

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Numeric value of quantity

For Electonics Service Center only: use 1

SLN05 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the basic unit of measurement.

EA Each

HR Hours

SLN06 212 Unit Price C R 1/14 Not Used

SLN07 639 Basis of Unit Price Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN08 662 Subline Price Change Code ID C ID 1/1 Not Used

SLN09 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

SN Serial Number

SLN10 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

Audio Electronic Serial Number

SLN11 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234)

ZZ Mutually Defined

SLN12 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30

Identifying number for a product or service

Traffic Electronic Serial Number

SLN13 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN14 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN15 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN16 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN17 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN18 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN19 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN20 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

SLN21 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN22 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN23 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN24 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN25 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN26 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

SLN27 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

SLN28 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/30 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: PID Product/Item Description

Position: 080Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1000Purpose: To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format

Syntax Notes: 1 If PID04 is present, then PID03 is required.2 At least one of PID04 or PID05 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 Use PID03 to indicate the organization that publishes the code list being referred

to.2 PID04 should be used for industry-specific product description codes.3 Use PID06 when necessary to refer to the product surface or layer being

described in the segment.Notes: Used to distinguish parts which are administered through the FCA US central

Production Control department (Group Follow) or the individual plant's Production Control department (Local Follow).


Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

PID01 349 Item Description Type M ID 1/1 M

Code indicating the format of a description

F Free-form

PID02 750 Product/Process Characteristic Code O ID 2/3 Not Used

PID03 348 Item Description Qualifier C ID 2/2 Not Used

PID04 751 Product Description Code C ID 1/12 Not Used

PID05 352 Description C AN 1/80

A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content

For SSD: VIN number, mileage and in service (Julian) date will betransmitted in this order and with a space separation between each.

For Mopar (Radio) Service Centers only: Hazardous Material Code

PID06 752 Surface/Layer/Position Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: REF Reference Numbers

Position: 140Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 12Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: Used at detail to designate service level for carrier requirements for the particular

part, if the carrier requirements are different than that specified at the header.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M ID 2/2 M

Code qualifying the Reference Number.

BO Bin Location Number

PM Part Number

ZZ Mutually Defined

REF02 127 Reference Number M AN 1/30 M

Reference number or identification number as defined for a particular Transaction Set, or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier.

If REF01 = 'ZZ', the service level code:'3D' = Three Day Service'CG' = Ground'ND' = Next Day Air'SC' = Second Day Air

If REF01 = 'PM', the original ordered part

If REF01 = 'BO', the binl location

REF03 352 Description O AN 1/80 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: PER Administrative Communications Contact

Position: 150Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 3Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be

directedSyntax Notes: 1 If PER03 is present, then PER04 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments:

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying the major duty or responsibility of the person or group named

EX Expeditor

PER02 93 Name O AN 1/35

Free-form name

The name of the contact person.

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O ID 2/2

Code identifying the type of communication number

TE Telephone

PER04 364 Communication Number C AN 7/21

Complete communications number including country or area code when applicable

The telephone number of the contact person.

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N1 Name

Position: 210Loop: N1 Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of N102 or N103 is required.2 If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing

organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party.

Notes: N1~SF~~92~71765AAN1~ST~ABC COMPANY A-J-R INC~92~12345N1~CS~ROUTE L-12~92~03181

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N101 98 Entity Identifier Code M ID 2/2 M

Code identifying an organizational entity or a physical location.

CS Consolidator

MA Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended

SF Ship From

ST Ship To

N102 93 Name C AN 1/35

Free-form name

N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)

92 Assigned by Buyer

N104 67 Identification Code C ID 2/17

Code identifying a party.

If N101 = 'ST', either FCA US receiving plant code, supplier code of the consignment location or the FCA US dealership.

If N101 = 'SF', supplier code of the shipping location

If N101 = 'MA', the FCA ordering dealer code.

If N101 = 'CS', the FCA US receiving plant code.

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N2 Additional Name Information

Position: 220Loop: N1 Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 2Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: N2 segments may be used to convey full names of Ship To locations.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N201 93 Name M AN 1/35 M

Free-form name

N202 93 Name O AN 1/35

Free-form name

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N3 Address Information

Position: 230Loop: N1 Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 2Purpose: To specify the location of the named party

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: N3 segments may be used to convey the full address of the Ship To location.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N301 166 Address Information M AN 1/35 M

Free-form field for address information.

N302 166 Address Information O AN 1/35

Free-form field for address information.

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: N4 Geographic Location

Position: 240Loop: N1 Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of N401 or N405 is required.2 If N401 is present, then N402 is required.3 If either N405 or N406 is present, then the other is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be

adequate to specify a location.2 N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the USA or Canada.

Notes: The N4 segment is used to convey the City and State information for the Ship Tolocation.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

N401 19 City Name C AN 2/19

Free-form text for city name

N402 156 State or Province Code C ID 2/2

Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency

N403 116 Postal Code O ID 5/9

Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States)

N404 26 Country Code O ID 2/2

Code identifying the country

Used only if the location is outside the U.S.

N405 309 Location Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code identifying type of Location Identifier (310) used.

N406 310 Location Identifier C AN 1/25

Code which identifies a specific location

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: REF Reference Numbers

Position: 250Loop: N1 Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 12Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments:Notes: Used in this context to identify the receiving dock, line feed or drop point of the

ship to location.

The Dock Code is the code identifying the dock this part is to be unloaded at for theplant specified.

In some cases, the Supplier Routing Instructions will direct material to anIntermediate Consignee. In this instance, the dock code corresponds to thatlocation.

REF02 values of 'FE' and 'VC' are only used in conjuction with the SSD release tothe Electronics Service Centers. 'FE' will be used to identify the failure complainttext. The code 'VC' will be used to identify the contract code (Warranty CoverageCode). Both codes will normally be sent.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M ID 2/2 M

Code qualifying the Reference Number.

CI Claim Number

DK Dock Number

FE Failure mechanism number


VC Vendor Contract Number

Warranty coverage code

VT Motor Vehicle ID Number

REF02 127 Reference Number M AN 1/30 M

Reference number or identification number as defined for a particular Transaction Set, or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier.

For Electronics Service Center only:If REF01 = 'FE', technical description of customer complaintIf REF01 = 'CI', the claim type:

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

'0' = Customer Pay'1' = Warranty'2' = Service Contract'3' = Mopar

REF03 352 Description O AN 1/80

A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: SDP Ship/Delivery Pattern

Position: 290Loop: SDP Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 1Purpose: To identify specific ship/delivery requirements

Syntax Notes:Semantic Notes:

Comments: 1 The intent of this segment is to define the routine ship or delivery patterns, as required, when order quantities are in "buckets", such as weekly, monthly. Ship/delivery patterns eliminate the need to transmit discrete quantities and dates for each required shipment or delivery. It is assumed that a "bucketed" quantity is to be divided equally by the ship/delivery pattern. For example, a weekly quantity of 100 with a delivery pattern of Monday and Wednesday would result in 50 to be delivered on Monday and 50 to be delivered on Wednesday.

Notes: This segment specifies what day of the week and/or a time frame during the daythat a shipment is to be made.

Example:SDP~Y~Y (no pattern)

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

SDP01 678 Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code M ID 1/2 M

Code which specifies the days for routine shipments or deliveries.

Y None (Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern)

SDP02 679 Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code M ID 1/1 M

Code which specifies the time for routine shipments or deliveries

Y None (Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern)

SDP03 678 Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code O ID 1/2 Not Used

SDP04 679 Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code O ID 1/1 Not Used

SDP05 678 Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code O ID 1/2 Not Used

SDP06 679 Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code O ID 1/1 Not Used

SDP07 678 Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code O ID 1/2 Not Used

SDP08 679 Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code O ID 1/1 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: FST Forecast Schedule

Position: 300Loop: SDP Optional

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 260Purpose: To specify the forecasted dates and quantities

Syntax Notes: 1 If either FST06 or FST07 is present, then the other is required.2 If either FST08 or FST09 is present, then the other is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 As qualified by FST02 and FST03, FST04 represents either a discrete forecast

date, the first date of a forecasted bucket (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) or the start date of a flexible interval.

2 If FST03 - "F" (indicating flexible interval), then FST04 and FST05 are required. FST04 would be used for the start date of the flexible interval and FST05 would be used for the end date of the flexible interval.

3 FST06 - To qualify time in FST07. The purpose of the FST07 element is to express the specific time of day in a 24-hour clock, to satisfy "just-in-time" requirements. As an alternative, the ship/delivery pattern segment (SDP) may be used to define an approximate time, such as "AM" or "PM".

Notes: This segment is mandatory and, although it allows for time to be specified in addition to date, locations using that level of scheduling will use the Shipping Schedule transaction set (862) to convey this information.


Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

FST01 380 Quantity M R 1/10 M

Numeric value of quantity

The actual discrete quantity.

FST02 680 Forecast Qualifier M ID 1/1 M

Code specifying the sender's confidence level of the forecast data.

A Immediate

B Pilot/Prevolume

C Firm

D Planning

Z Mutually Defined

Used only when FST01=0

FST03 681 Forecast Timing Qualifier M ID 1/1 M

Code specifying interval grouping of the forecast

D Discrete

F Flexible Interval (from Date X through Date Y)

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

M Monthly Bucket (Calendar Months)

W Weekly Bucket (Monday through Sunday)

Z Mutually Defined

FST04 373 Date M DT 6/6 M


General use in YYMMDD format:If FST02 = 'A', the date that the material is to be shipped;If FST03 = 'D', the date the quantity is due;If FST03 = 'F', the first day of the order period;If FST03 = 'M', the first Monday date of the month the quantity is due;If FST03 = 'M' & SSD Forecast, the starting date of the forecast;If FST03 = 'W', the Monday date of the week the quantity is due;If FST03 = 'Z', the forecast issue date (same as BFR08).

FST05 373 Date O DT 6/6


For Mopar Supplier Ship Direct use:If FST02 = 'A', last date that the material can be shipped in YYMMDD format.

For SSD Forecast:If FST03 = 'M', the ending date of the forecast;

FST06 374 Date/Time Qualifier C ID 3/3 Not Used

FST07 337 Time C TM 4/4 Not Used

FST08 128 Reference Number Qualifier C ID 2/2 Not Used

FST09 127 Reference Number C AN 1/30 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)

Position: 360Loop: LIN Mandatory

Level: DetailUsage: Optional

Max Use: 12Purpose: To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information

Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of TD502 TD504 or TD505 is required.2 If TD502 is present, then TD503 is required.3 If TD507 is present, then TD508 is required.4 If TD510 is present, then TD511 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 When specifying a routing sequence to be used for the shipment movement in

lieu of specifying each carrier within the movement, use TD502 to identify the party responsible for defining the routing sequence, and use TD503 to identify the actual routing sequence, specified by the party identified in TD502.

Notes: Used at detail to designate carrier requirements for the particular part, if the carrier requirements are different than that specified at the header.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

TD501 133 Routing Sequence Code O ID 1/2

Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement

B Origin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode)

TD502 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2

Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)

2 Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)

TD503 67 Identification Code C ID 2/17

Code identifying a party.


TD504 91 Transportation Method/Type Code C ID 1/2

Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment

A Air

AC Air Charter

AE Air Express

D Parcel Post

DD Dedicated Delivery Service

E Expedited Truck

GG Geographic Shipping/Receiving

GR Geographic Receiving

GS Geographic Shipping

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

L Contract Carrier

LT Less Than Trailer Load (LTL)

M Motor (Common Carrier)

O Containerized Ocean

PC Private Carrier

PD Parcel Delivery

R Rail

VE Vessel, Ocean

X Intermodal (Piggyback)

TD505 387 Routing C AN 1/35 Not Used

TD506 368 Shipment/Order Status Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD507 309 Location Qualifier O ID 1/2 Not Used

TD508 310 Location Identifier C AN 1/25 Not Used

TD509 731 Transit Direction Code O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD510 732 Transit Time Direction Qualifier O ID 2/2 Not Used

TD511 733 Transit Time C R 1/4 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: CTT Transaction Totals

Position: 010Loop:

Level: SummaryUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction set

Syntax Notes: 1 If CTT03 is present, then CTT04 is required.2 If CTT05 is present, then CTT06 is required.

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 This segment is intended to provide hash totals to validate transaction

completeness and correctness.

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

CTT01 354 Number of Line Items M N0 1/6 M

Total number of line items in the transaction set

Total number of 'LIN' segments.

CTT02 347 Hash Total O R 1/10

Sum of values of the specified data element. All values in the data element will be summed without regard to decimal points (explicit or implicit) or signs. Truncation will occur on the left most digits if the sum is greater than the maximum size of the hash total of the data element.


-.0018 First occurrence of value being hashed. .18 Second occurrence of value being hashed. 1.8 Third occurrence of value being hashed. 18.01 Fourth occurrence of value being hashed. ------- 1855 Hash total prior to truncation. 855 Hash total after truncation to three-digit field.

The hash total of all quantities released (FST01);

CTT03 81 Weight O R 1/8 Not Used

CTT04 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code C ID 2/2 Not Used

CTT05 183 Volume O R 1/8 Not Used

CTT06 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code C ID 2/2 Not Used

CTT07 352 Description O AN 1/80 Not Used

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FCA US - Mopar Material Release

Segment: SE Transaction Set Trailer

Position: 020Loop:

Level: SummaryUsage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1Purpose: To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted

segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments).Syntax Notes:

Semantic Notes:Comments: 1 SE is the last segment of each transaction set.

Notes: The transaction set control number value in this trailer must match the sameelement value in the transaction set header (ST02).

Data Element SummaryRef. Data Base User Des. Element Name Attributes Attributes

SE01 96 Number of Included Segments M N0 1/6 M

Total number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SE segments

The total of all segments in the transaction set, including the 'ST' and 'SE'segments.

SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9 M

Identifying control number assigned by the originator for a transaction set.

Same as 'ST02'

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FCA US – Mopar Material Release�

01/22/2019 V/R 002040 38 FCA US

Example 1: FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release (S830VSD) EDI Format Interpretation ST~830~0003 Transaction Set Identifier Code = “830” (X12.14 Planning Schedule) Transaction Set Control Number = 0003 BFR~00~~902~SH~A~190114~190130~190111 Transaction Set Purpose Code = “00” (Original) Release Number = 902 Schedule Type Qualifier = “SH” (Shipment Based) Schedule Quantity Qualifier = “A” (Actual Discrete Quantities) Date = 01/14/2019 Date = 01/30/2019 Date = 01/11/2019 N1~MI~~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “MI” (Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N1~SU~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SU” (Supplier/Manufacturer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101 N1~BT~FCA US~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “BT” (Party to be Billed For Other Than Freight<Bill To>) Name = FCA US Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N2~S&PD-SPECIAL ACCOUNTS Name = S&PD-SPECIAL ACCOUNTS N3~PO BOX 2716 Address Information = PO BOX 2716 N4~DETROIT~MI~48290 City Name = DETROIT State or Province Code = MI Postal Code = 48290 TD5~B~2~UPSN~PD Routing Sequence Code = “B” (Origin/Delivery Carrier <Any Mode>) Identification Code Qualifier = “2” (Standard Carrier Alpha Code <SCAC>) Identification Code = UPSN Transportation Method/Type Code = “PD” (Parcel Delivery)

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FCA US – Mopar Material Release�

01/22/2019 V/R 002040 39 FCA US

Example 1: FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation LIN~~BP~56002329AA~PO~00145447~CR~VS800001~ON~A/C123~VP~A1~RN~1454471~UF~S Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = 56002329AA Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 00145447 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “CR” (Contract Number) Product/Service ID = VS800001 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “ON” (Customer Order Number) Product/Service ID = A/C123 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “VP” (Vendor's <Seller's> Part Number) Product/Service ID = A1 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “RN” (Release Number) Product/Service ID = 1454471 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “UF” (User Defined Shipping Identifier) Product/Service ID = S UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) PID~F~~~~LOCAL FOLLOW Item Description Type = “F” (Free-form) Description = LOCAL FOLLOW REF~ZZ~CG Reference Number Qualifier = “ZZ” (Mutually Defined) Reference Number = CG REF~PM~ORIGINAL ORDER PART 82213793 Reference Number Qualifier = “PM” (Part Number) Reference Number =

ORIGINAL ORDER PART 82213793 REF~BO~BIN LOCATION Reference Number Qualifier = “BO” (Bin Location Number) Reference Number = BIN LOCATION PER~EX~A. PEARSON~TE~3134971006 Contact Function Code = “EX” (Expeditor) Name = A. PEARSON Communication Number Qualifier = “TE” (Telephone) Communication Number = 3134971006 N1~SF~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101

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Example 1: FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation N1~ST~WILMINGTON A-J-R INC~92~23021 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Name = WILMINGTON A-J-R INC Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 23021 N2~ATTENTION PARTS MANAGER Name = ATTENTION PARTS MANAGER N3~283 MAIN STREET Address Information = 283 MAIN STREET N4~WILMINGTON~MA~01887 City Name = WILMINGTON State or Province Code = MA Postal Code = 01887 N1~MA~~92~26388 Entity Identifier Code =

“MA” (Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended)

Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 26388 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~12~A~F~190111~190114 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “A” (Immediate) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “F” (Flexible Interval <from Date X through Date Y>) Date = 01/11/2019 Date = 01/14/2019

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Example 1: FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation LIN~~BP~03256629AA~PO~12312456~CR~9AU00121~ON~AS1233~VP~A2~RN~143344~UF~P Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = 03256629AA Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 12312456 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “CR” (Contract Number) Product/Service ID = 9AU00121 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “ON” (Customer Order Number) Product/Service ID = AS1233 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “VP” (Vendor's <Seller's> Part Number) Product/Service ID = A2 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “RN” (Release Number) Product/Service ID = 143344 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “UF” (User Defined Shipping Identifier) Product/Service ID = P UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) PID~F~~~~LOCAL FOLLOW Item Description Type = “F” (Free-form) Description = LOCAL FOLLOW REF~PM~ORIGINAL ORDER PART 68056278AC Reference Number Qualifier = “ZZ” (Mutually Defined) Reference Number =

ORIGINAL ORDER PART 68056278AC PER~EX~K. KITTLE~TE~3134970876 Contact Function Code = “EX” (Expeditor) Name = K. KITTLE Communication Number Qualifier = “TE” (Telephone) Communication Number = 3134970876 N1~SF~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101 N1~ST~WILMINGTON A-J-R INC~92~23021 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Name = WILMINGTON A-J-R INC Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 23021 N2~ATTENTION EXPORT CONSOLIDATOR Name = ATTENTION EXPORT CONSOLIDATOR

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Example 1: FCA US Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation N3~283 MAIN STREET Address Information = 283 MAIN STREET N4~WILMINGTON~MA~01887 City Name = WILMINGTON State or Province Code = MA Postal Code = 01887 N1~MA~~92~26388 Entity Identifier Code =

“MA” (Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended)

Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 26388 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~20~A~F~190111~190114 Quantity = 20 Forecast Qualifier = “A” (Immediate) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “F” (Flexible Interval <from Date X through Date Y>) Date = 01/11/2019 Date = 01/14/2019 CTT~2~32 Number of Line Items = 2 Hash Total = 32 SE~39~0003 Number of Included Segments = 39 Transaction Set Control Number = 0003

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs EDI Format Interpretation ST~830~0008 Transaction Set Identifier Code = “830” (X12.14 Planning Schedule) Transaction Set Control Number = 0008 BFR~00~~902~SH~A~190114~190201~190111 Transaction Set Purpose Code = “00” (Original) Release Number = 902 Schedule Type Qualifier = “SH” (Shipment Based) Schedule Quantity Qualifier = “A” (Actual Discrete Quantities) Date = 01/14/2019 Date = 02/01/2019 Date = 01/11/2019 N1~MI~~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “MI” (Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N1~SU~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SU” (Supplier/Manufacturer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101 N1~BT~FCA US~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “BT” (Party to be Billed For Other Than Freight<Bill To>) Name = FCA US Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N2~S&PD-SPECIAL ACCOUNTS Name = S&PD-SPECIAL ACCOUNTS N2~CIMS 423-13-21 Name = CIMS 423-13-21 N3~PO BOX 2716 Address Information = PO BOX 2716 N4~DETROIT~MI~48290 City Name = DETROIT State or Province Code = MI Postal Code = 48290 TD5~B~2~UPSN~PD Routing Sequence Code = “B” (Origin/Delivery Carrier <Any Mode>) Identification Code Qualifier = “2” (Standard Carrier Alpha Code <SCAC>) Identification Code = UPSN

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs (continued) EDI Format Interpretation LIN~~BP~Z5064075AC~PO~00145567~CR~VS9001115~ON~CUSTORDNUM~~~RN~143344~UF~E Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = Z5064075AC Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 00145567 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “CR” (Contract Number) Product/Service ID = VS9001115 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “ON” (Customer Order Number) Product/Service ID = CUSTORDNUM Product/Service ID Qualifier = “RN” (Release Number) Product/Service ID = 143344 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “UF” (User Defined Shipping Identifier) Product/Service ID = E UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (EACH) PID~F~~~~1D7HU18236S586618 006723 08015 Item Description Type = “F” (Free-form) Description = 1D7HU18236S586618 006723 08015 REF~ZZ~CG Reference Number Qualifier = “ZZ” (Mutually Defined) Reference Number = CG REF~PM~ORIGINAL ORDER PART 82213793 Reference Number Qualifier = “PM” (Part Number) Reference Number =

ORIGINAL ORDER PART 82213793 PER~EX~A. PEARSON~TE~3134971006 Contact Function Code = “EX” (Expeditor) Name = A. PEARSON Communication Number Qualifier = “TE” (Telephone) Communication Number = 3134971006 N1~SF~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs (continued) EDI Format Interpretation N1~ST~COLORADO SPRINGS DODGE~92~45349 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Name = COLORADO SPRINGS DODGE Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 45349 N2~ATTENTION PARTS MANAGER Name = ATTENTION PARTS MANAGER N3~7455 AUSTIN BLUFFS PKWY Address Information = 7455 AUSTIN BLUFFS PKWY N4~COLORADO SPRINGS~CO~809239272 City Name = COLORADO SPRINGS State or Province Code = CO Postal Code = 809239272 N1~MA~~92~45349 Customer Defined Ultimate Destination Location Code = Entity Identifier Code = “MA” (Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 45349 REF~CI~0~0 Reference Number Qualifier = “CI” (Claim Number) Reference Number = 0 Description = 0 REF~FE~XXX~RADIO ISSUE Reference Number Qualifier = “FE” (Failure mechanism number) Reference Number = XXX Description = RADIO ISSUE REF~VC~536 Reference Number Qualifier = “VC” (Vendor Contract Number) Reference Number = 536 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~1~A~F~190111~190114 Quantity = 1 Forecast Qualifier = “A” (Immediate) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “F” (Flexible Interval <from Date X through Date Y>) Date = 01/11/2019 Date = 01/14/2019

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs (continued) EDI Format Interpretation LIN~~BP~Z5064084AD~PO~12312456~CR~9AU00121~ON~AS1299~~~ RN~143344~UF~E Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = Z5064084AD Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 12312456 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “CR” (Contract Number) Product/Service ID = 9AU00121 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “ON” (Customer Order Number) Product/Service ID = AS1299 = “RN” (Release Number) Product/Service ID = 143344 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “UF” (User Defined Shipping Identifier) Product/Service ID = E UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) SLN~1~~I~1~EA~~~~SN~018787333776 Assigned Identification = 1 Configuration Code = “I” (Included) Quantity = 1 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) Product/Service ID Qualifier = “SN” (Serial Number) Product/Service ID = 018787333776 PID~F~~~~2A8GM68X58R642845 019455 07027 Item Description Type = “F” (Free-form) Description = 2A8GM68X58R642845 019455 07027 REF~ZZ~CG Reference Number Qualifier = “ZZ” (Mutually Defined) Reference Number = CG REF~PM~ORIGINAL ORDER PART Z8269531AD Reference Number Qualifier = “PM” (Part Number) Reference Number =

ORIGINAL ORDER PART Z8269531AD PER~EX~K. KITTLE~TE~3134970876 Contact Function Code = “EX” (Expeditor) Name = K. KITTLE Communication Number Qualifier = “TE” (Telephone) Communication Number = 3134970876

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs (continued) EDI Format Interpretation N1~SF~~92~55101 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 55101 N1~ST~RIVERLAND CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP INC~92~45956 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Name = RIVERLAND CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP INC Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 45956 N2~ATTENTION EXPORT CONSOLIDATOR Name = ATTENTION EXPORT CONSOLIDATOR N3~601 BELLE TERRE BLVD Address Information = 601 BELLE TERRE BLVD N4~LAPLACE~LA~70068 City Name = LAPLACE State or Province Code = LA Postal Code = 70068 N1~MA~~92~45956 Customer Defined Ultimate Destination Location Code = Entity Identifier Code = “MA” (Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 45956 REF~CI~2~2 Reference Number Qualifier = “CI” (Claim Number) Reference Number = 2 Description = 2 REF~FE~XXX~NO SOUND Reference Number Qualifier = “FE” (Failure mechanism number) Reference Number = XXX Description = NO SOUND REF~VC~560 Reference Number Qualifier = “VC” (Vendor Contract Number) Reference Number = 560 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>)

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Example 2: Mopar Supplier Ship Direct Release for Satellite Radio Repairs (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~1~A~F~190111~190114 Quantity = 1 Forecast Qualifier = “A” (Immediate) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “F” (Flexible Interval <from Date X through Date Y>) Date = 01/11/2019 Date = 01/14/2019 CTT~2~2 Number of Line Items = 2 Hash Total = 2 SE~45~0008 Number of Included Segments = 45 Transaction Set Control Number = 0008

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Example 3: SSD Forecast EDI Format Interpretation ST~830~0009 Transaction Set Identifier Code = “830” (X12.14 Planning Schedule) Transaction Set Control Number = 0009 BFR~13~~902~BB~A~181201~181231~181201 Transaction Set Purpose Code = “13” (Request) Release Number = 902 Schedule Type Qualifier = “BB” (Customer Production <Consumption> Based) Schedule Quantity Qualifier = “A” (Actual Discrete Quantities) Date = 12/01/2018 Date = 12/31/2018 Date = 12/01/2018 N1~MI~~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “MI” (Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N1~SU~~92~80355 Entity Identifier Code = “SU” (Supplier/Manufacturer) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 80355 N1~BT~FCA CORPORATION~92~03103 Entity Identifier Code = “BT” (Party to be Billed For Other Than Freight<Bill To>) Name = FCA CORPORATION Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03103 N2~SSD FORECAST Name = SSD FORECAST N3~CONTACT HELPDESK Address Information = CONTACT HELPDESK N4~DEALER LOCATION~ZZ~481537940~US City Name = DEALER LOCATION State or Province Code = ZZ Postal Code = 481537940 Country Code = US LIN~~BP~82214149AB~PO~20243404 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = 82214149AB Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 20243404 UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each)

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Example 3: SSD Forecast (continued) EDI Format Interpretation SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~15~D~M~181201~181231 Quantity = 15 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 12/01/2018 Date = 12/31/2018 FST~12~D~M~190101~190131 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 01/01/2019 Date = 01/31/2019 FST~12~D~M~190201~190228 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 02/01/2019 Date = 02/28/2019 FST~15~D~M~190301~190331 Quantity = 15 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 03/01/2019 Date = 03/31/2019 FST~12~D~M~190401~190430 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 04/01/2019 Date = 04/30/2019 FST~12~D~M~190501~190531 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 05/01/2019 Date = 05/31/2019

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Example 3: SSD Forecast (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~15~D~M~190601~190630 Quantity = 15 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 06/01/2019 Date = 06/30/2019 FST~12~D~M~190701~190731 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 07/01/2019 Date = 07/31/2019 FST~12~D~M~190801~190831 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 08/01/2019 Date = 08/31/2019 FST~15~D~M~190901~190930 Quantity = 15 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 09/01/2019 Date = 09/30/2019 FST~12~D~M~191001~191031 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 10/01/2019 Date = 10/31/2019 FST~12~D~M~191101~191130 Quantity = 12 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 11/01/2019 Date = 11/30/2019 CTT~1~156 Number of Line Items = 1 Hash Total = 156 SE~25~0009 Number of Included Segments = 25 Transaction Set Control Number = 0009

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Example 4: Mopar Operations (S830GWS) EDI Format Interpretation ST~830~0007 Transaction Set Identifier Code = “830” (X12.14 Planning Schedule) Transaction Set Control Number = 0007 BFR~00~~021364~SH~A~190111~190118~190111 Transaction Set Purpose Code = “00” (Original) Release Number = 021364 Schedule Type Qualifier = “SH” (Shipment Based) Schedule Quantity Qualifier = “A” (Actual Discrete Quantities) Date = 01/11/2019 Date = 01/18/2019 Date = 01/11/2019 N1~MI~MOPAR OPERATIONS~92~03101 Entity Identifier Code = “MI” (Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer) Name = MOPAR OPERATIONS Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 03101 N3~26001 LAWRENCE AVE Address Information = 26001 LAWRENCE AVE N4~CENTER LINE~MI~480151246~US City Name = CENTER LINE State or Province Code = MI Postal Code = 480151246 Country Code = US N1~SF~~92~54547 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 54547 N1~ST~CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY INC~92~58179B Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Name = CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY INC Identification Code Qualifier = “92” (Assigned by Buyer) Identification Code = 58179B N3~HIGHWAY 58 I 65 Address Information = HIGHWAY 58 I 65 N4~COLUMBUS~OH~47202~US City Name = COLUMBUS State or Province Code = OH Postal Code = 47202 Country Code = US PER~IC~THOMAS SMITH Contact Function Code = “IC” (Information Contact) Name = THOMAS SMITH

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Example 4: Mopar Operations (continued) EDI Format Interpretation LIN~001~BP~UF0480964A Assigned Identification = 001 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “BP” (Buyer's Part Number) Product/Service ID = UF0480964A UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) PID~F~HZ~~~UN1993 Item Description Type = “F” (Free-form) Product/Process Characteristic Code = “HZ” (Hazardous Material) Description = UN1993 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~100~C~D~1901121 Quantity = 100 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “D” (Discrete) Date = 01/11/2019 CTT~1~100 Number of Line Items = 1 Hash Total = 100 SE~17~0007 Number of Included Segments = 17 Transaction Set Control Number = 0007

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release EDI Format Interpretation ST~830~0004 Transaction Set Identifier Code = “830” (X12.14 Planning Schedule) Transaction Set Control Number = 0004 BFR~05~~629~SH~A~060603~070728~060531 Transaction Set Purpose Code = “05” (Replace) Release Number = 629 Schedule Type Qualifier = “SH” (Shipment Based) Schedule Quantity Qualifier = “A” (Actual Discrete Quantities) Date = 06/03/2006 Date = 07/28/2007 Date = 05/31/2006 N1~MI~~91~12345 Entity Identifier Code = “MI” (Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 12345 N1~SU~~91~04006 Entity Identifier Code = “SU” (Supplier/Manufacturer) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 04006 LIN~~VP~05357477AA~PO~00677642 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “VP” (Vendor's <Seller's> Part Number) Product/Service ID = 05357477AA Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 00677642 UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) N1~SF~~91~05406 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 05406 N1~ST~~91~12345 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 12345 SDP~D~G Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “D” (Monday) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “G” (Any Shift)

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~351~C~W~060603 Quantity = 351 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/03/2006 FST~361~C~W~060610 Quantity = 361 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/10/2006 FST~363~C~W~060617 Quantity = 363 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/17/2006 FST~327~C~W~060701 Quantity = 327 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 07/01/2006 FST~327~C~W~060708 Quantity = 327 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 07/08/2006 FST~325~C~W~060715 Quantity = 325 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 07/15/2006 FST~326~C~W~060722 Quantity = 326 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 07/22/2006 FST~195~C~W~060729 Quantity = 195 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 07/29/2006 FST~324~C~W~060805 Quantity = 324 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 08/05/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~294~C~W~060812 Quantity = 294 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 08/12/2006 FST~324~C~W~060826 Quantity = 324 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 08/26/2006 SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~3~B~D~060408 Quantity = 3 Forecast Qualifier = “B” (Pilot/Prevolume) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “D” (Discrete) Date = 04/08/2006 SDP~N~F Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “N” (As Directed) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “F” (As Directed) FST~1559~D~M~060902 Quantity = 1559 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 09/02/2006 FST~1300~D~M~061007 Quantity = 1300 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 10/07/2006 FST~975~D~M~061104 Quantity = 975 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 11/04/2006 FST~950~D~M~061202 Quantity = 950 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 12/02/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~1120~D~M~070106 Quantity = 1120 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 01/06/2007 FST~1500~D~M~070203 Quantity = 1500 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 02/03/2007 FST~1550~D~M~070303 Quantity = 1550 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 03/03/2007 FST~1430~D~M~070407 Quantity = 1430 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 04/07/2007 FST~1250~D~M~070505 Quantity = 1250 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 05/05/2007 FST~1350~D~M~070602 Quantity = 1350 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 06/02/2007 FST~1050~D~M~070707 Quantity = 1050 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 07/07/2007 ATH~PQ~060602~1793~~050702 Resource Authorization Code = “PQ” (Cumulative Quantity Required Prior to First Schedule Period) Date = 06/02/2006 Quantity = 1793 Date = 07/02/2005 SHP~01~1600~011~060116 Quantity Qualifier = “01” (Discrete Quantity) Quantity = 1600 Date/Time Qualifier = “011” (Shipped) Date = 01/16/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~1120~D~M~070106 Quantity = 1120 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 01/06/2007 FST~1500~D~M~070203 Quantity = 1500 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 02/03/2007 FST~1550~D~M~070303 Quantity = 1550 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 03/03/2007 FST~1430~D~M~070407 Quantity = 1430 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 04/07/2007 FST~1250~D~M~070505 Quantity = 1250 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 05/05/2007 FST~1350~D~M~070602 Quantity = 1350 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 06/02/2007 FST~1050~D~M~070707 Quantity = 1050 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 07/07/2007 ATH~PQ~060602~1793~~050702 Resource Authorization Code = “PQ” (Cumulative Quantity Required Prior to First Schedule Period) Date = 06/02/2006 Quantity = 1793 Date = 07/02/2005 SHP~01~1600~011~060116 Quantity Qualifier = “01” (Discrete Quantity) Quantity = 1600 Date/Time Qualifier = “011” (Shipped) Date = 01/16/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation SHP~02~3360~051~050702~~060116 Quantity Qualifier = “02” (Cumulative Quantity) Quantity = 3360 Date/Time Qualifier = “051” (Cumulative Quantity Start) Date = 07/02/2005 Date = 01/16/2006 LIN~~VP~05357478AA~PO~00677642 Product/Service ID Qualifier = “VP” (Vendor's <Seller's> Part Number) Product/Service ID = 05357478AA Product/Service ID Qualifier = “PO” (Purchase Order Number) Product/Service ID = 00677642 UIT~EA Unit or Basis for Measurement Code = “EA” (Each) N1~SF~~91~05403 Entity Identifier Code = “SF” (Ship From) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 05403 N1~ST~~91~12345 Entity Identifier Code = “ST” (Ship To) Identification Code Qualifier = “91” (Assigned by Seller or Seller's Agent) Identification Code = 12345 SDP~D~G Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “D” (Monday) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “G” (Any Shift) FST~351~C~W~060603 Quantity = 351 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/03/2006 FST~361~C~W~060610 Quantity = 361 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/10/2006 FST~363~C~W~060617 Quantity = 363 Forecast Qualifier = “C” (Firm) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “W” (Weekly Bucket <Monday through Sunday>) Date = 06/17/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation SDP~Y~Y Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “Y” (None <Also Used to Cancel or Override a Previous Pattern>) FST~3~B~D~060408 Quantity = 3 Forecast Qualifier = “B” (Pilot/Prevolume) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “D” (Discrete) Date = 04/08/2006 SDP~N~F Ship/Delivery or Calendar Pattern Code = “N” (As Directed) Ship/Delivery Pattern Time Code = “F” (As Directed) FST~1559~D~M~060902 Quantity = 1559 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 09/02/2006 FST~1300~D~M~061007 Quantity = 1300 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 10/07/2006 FST~975~D~M~061104 Quantity = 975 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 11/04/2006 FST~950~D~M~061202 Quantity = 950 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 12/02/2006 FST~1120~D~M~070106 Quantity = 1120 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 01/06/2007 FST~1500~D~M~070203 Quantity = 1500 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 02/03/2007

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation FST~1550~D~M~070303 Quantity = 1550 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 03/03/2007 FST~1430~D~M~070407 Quantity = 1430 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 04/07/2007 FST~1250~D~M~070505 Quantity = 1250 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 05/05/2007 FST~1350~D~M~070602 Quantity = 1350 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 06/02/2007 FST~1050~D~M~070707 Quantity = 1050 Forecast Qualifier = “D” (Planning) Forecast Timing Qualifier = “M” (Monthly Bucket <Calendar Months>) Date = 07/07/2007 ATH~PQ~060602~1793~~050702 Resource Authorization Code = “PQ” (Cumulative Quantity Required Prior to First Schedule Period) Date = 06/02/2006 Quantity = 1793 Date = 07/02/2005 SHP~01~1600~011~060116 Quantity Qualifier = “01” (Discrete Quantity) Quantity = 1600 Date/Time Qualifier = “011” (Shipped) Date = 01/16/2006 SHP~02~3360~051~050702~~060116 Quantity Qualifier = “02” (Cumulative Quantity) Quantity = 3360 Date/Time Qualifier = “051” (Cumulative Quantity Start) Date = 07/02/2005 Date = 01/16/2006

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Example 5: Mopar Criss Cross Release (continued) EDI Format Interpretation CTT~2~35108 Number of Line Items = 2 Hash Total = 35108 SE~72~0004 Number of Included Segments = 72 Transaction Set Control Number = 0004