


Imperialism. What were the causes of the “new imperialism”? Why was western imperialism so successful? How did governments rule their empires?. Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region. ECONOMIC INTERESTS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Imperialism

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What were the causes of the “new imperialism”?

Why was western imperialism so successful?

How did governments rule their empires?

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Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region

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Manufacturers wanted access to natural resources.

Manufacturers hoped for new markets for factory goods.

Colonies offered a valuable outlet for Europe’s growing population

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Merchant ships and naval vessels needed bases around the world.

Western leaders were motivated by nationalism.

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Herbert Spenser— “Survival of the fittest”

Johannes Blumenbach—Skin color & Shape of head

Many westerners viewed European races as superior to all others.

“Natural Selection” imperial conquest as nature’s way of improving the human species

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3 Ways to Use Imperialism Colonies

Establish direct or indirect rule. Military Takeover

Protectorate In a protectorate, local rulers were left in place but were expected to follow the advice of European advisers. Puppet Ruler

A protectorate cost less to run than a colony and usually did not require a large military presence.

Sphere of Influence A sphere of influence is an area in which an outside power claimed

exclusive investment or trading privileges. Economic Takeover

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Scramble for Africa

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The Berlin Conference 1884, German Prime Minister Otto Von

Bismarck opened a conference in Berlin dedicated to “the Africa problem.”

At the conference, European powers agreed on a set of rules governing imperial ambitions in Africa

The area along the Congo River was to remain under the control of Leopold II.

No nation could stake a claim on the continent without notifying other nations.

Territory could not be claimed unless it was occupied.

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European DominationRegion Percentage Controlled--

1900 Africa 90.4% Polynesia 98.9% Asia 56.5% Australia 100.0% Americas 27.2%

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South Africa

• The Dutch first arrived on the Cape of Good Hope in the late 17th century.

• Europeans soon began to settle on the Cape, taking land and forcing the natives out.

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BOERS The British annexed the Cape in 1815 Eliminated slavery (1833 to 1843) Dutch farmers (Boers) left the colony Moved to Transvaal and the Orange

Free State 500 miles north Diamonds and gold discovered

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Boer War 1899-1902 The Boers laid siege to British-

controlled towns The British responded by sending in

substantial reinforcements, who drove back the Boers

Dutch forces gradually weakened and conceded in 1902

Treaty of Vereeniging and ending the war

Boers accepted British sovereignty

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Crimean War Fought between the Russians and the

Ottomans near the Black Sea Russians wanted a warm weather


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Why would the Russians want a warm weather


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Reason: Trade all year long

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Result of Crimean War Russians were defeated by a

coalition of British, French and Ottoman forces

First war to use female nurses led by Florence Nightingale

Also first war to have newspaper correspondence cover it

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Suez Canal (1869) Human-made waterway that cut through

the Isthmus of Suez, connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean

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Picture of Suez Canal from Space

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English in India The British were economically involved in India since the

1600’s Effect of the Industrial Revolution

Mass production of products Need for raw materials Need for new markets

India has it all


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Set up trade in India Corrupt Mogul Empire in India

ignores British gains British East India Company soon control

India Export cotton from India to Britain


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Economic Control Turns Political

British East India company had an army made up of natives (Sepoys)

Reasons for Unrest The Sepoy army was treated like 2nd class citizens The natives had to use weapons that were greased

with pork/cow grease (against Islam & Hindu religions)

The British restructured India on European lines eliminating centuries of right and privilege.

British missionaries tried to convert Indians to Christianity with the force of the 1813 Charter Act

They revolted 1857—England sent in troops to protect economic interests

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Queen Victoria (reigned from 1837-1901).

India becomes the “crowned jewel of the British empire”

Victoria becomes Empress of India

Raj established direct control of India—1858

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August 15, 1947- Partitioning of India & Pakistan Indian Independence Day: The termination of British rule in India prompted widespread celebration by Indians of every

religious and political persuasion, and August 15 was officially declared Indian Independence Day. In the words of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs: "For the first and perhaps the only time

in history, the power of a mighty global empire 'on which

the sun never set', had been challenged and overcome by the moral

might of a people armed only with ideals and courage."

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American ImperialismCommodore M.C. Perry - 1854

Treaty of Kanagawa European powers quickly follow U.S.

lead Tokugawa Shogunate unable to cope

with foreign contact Purchase Alaska from Russia—1867

for 7.2 million

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Hawaii 1875--U.S. grants Hawaiian sugar

free entry 1891—Queen Liliuokalani retaliates

for McKinley Tariff, attempts to reduce U.S. influence

1893—American settlers (Business) pull off coup

1898—Hawaii made U.S. possession

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Hawaiian Islands

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Spanish-American War Increased global interests (Monroe Doctrine)

U.S. public and Congress Cuban Revolution (1895-1898)

Yellow Journalism – Pulitzer/Hearse Media pushes for war (NY Journal & World)

de Lome letter—called McKinley “weak” USS Maine Explosion - Feb 1898

U.S. public outrage – Spain is blamed War declared - April 1898

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“Remember the Maine”USS MaineHavana, Cuba 15 Feb 1898

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Fighting the War Spanish empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico,

Philippines, Guam Philippines: Phase I—Free from

Spanish rule Philippines: Phase II—Put under

American rule U.S. fights insurgency until 1913

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Cuba Blockade of Santiago (1 May) Amphib. landing at Daiquiri (20 Jun)

Theodore Roosevelt and the “Rough Riders” Destruction of Cervera's fleet (3 Jul)

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The “Rough Riders”

Battle of San Juan Hill, 1 Jul 1898

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Acquisition of Empire Fate of the Philippines was the

thorniest issue at the peace negotiations

December 1898— Treaty of Paris Cuba independent U.S. takes Puerto Rico, Guam,


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American Imperialism

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A shocked mandarin in Manchu robe in the back, with Queen Victoria (Great Britain), Wilhelm II (Germany), Nicholas II (Russia), Marianne (France), and an Emperor Meiji (Japan) discussing how to cut up a plate with Chine ("China" in French) written on it

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