Impact Today: The revival of trade brought with it a money economy and the emergence of capitalism,...

Chapter 10: Europe in the Middle Ages Impact Today: The revival of trade brought with it a money economy and the emergence of capitalism, which is widespread in the world today. Modern universities had their origins in medieval Europe. The medieval history of Europe can be seen today in Europe’s great cathedrals.

Transcript of Impact Today: The revival of trade brought with it a money economy and the emergence of capitalism,...

Chapter 10: Europe in the Middle Ages

Impact Today:•The revival of trade brought with it a money economy and the emergence of capitalism, which is widespread in the world today.

•Modern universities had their origins in medieval Europe.

•The medieval history of Europe can be seen today in Europe’s great cathedrals.

Section 1: Peasants, Trade, and Cities

Main Ideas:

New farming practices, the growth of trade, and the rise of cities created a flourishing European society.

The revival of trade and the development of a money economy offered new opportunities for people.

Important Terms

New Agriculture…What new technology was seen in the Middle Ages?

Manorial System Peasant’s Wheel of Life Industry and Guilds

• Journeymen• Apprentice• Guilds- business associations

Section 2: Christianity and Medieval Civilizations

Main Ideas:

The Catholic Church played a dominate role in the lives of people during the High Middle Ages.

Strong leadership by the popes made the Catholic church a forceful presence in medieval society.

Important Terms:

Papal States Lay investiture Pope Gregory VII…Henry IV

• (Investiture controversy) Concordat of Worms Pope Innocent III

• interdict, sacraments Franciscans and Dominicans The Inquisition (Holy Office)

Section 3: The Culture of the High Middle Ages

Culture of the High Middle Ages

Section 4: The Late Middle Ages

Main Ideas: Europe in the fourteenth century was

challenged by overwhelming number of disastrous forces.

European rulers reestablished the centralized power of monarchial governments.

Important Terms: Black Death Decline in Church Power

• The Popes of Avignon• Great Schism

Hundreds Years’ War• Crecy and Agincourt• Henry V• Joan of Arc