IMPACT Magazine June Hamptons Edition



Through these pages you will be able to check out the who’s who of givers at this great event! It was a great time had by all! In addition, you will be able to read the three article series, “The True Enemy”! The series is written by Tanya Wilson-Cherry who saw the need to help the community with some issues we deal with in life and business. Our book of the month is ‘They Came Before Columbus”, our ‘Be Inspired’ section highlights David Leeks!

Transcript of IMPACT Magazine June Hamptons Edition

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Tunisha C. Brown Editor-In Chief

The Hamptons! When I found out the IMPACT Magazine will be the

only philanthropic magazine on the scene at the Hamptons...ecstatic

was not the word to describe how I felt! We had the greatest

platform to ask what being there to celebrate a worthy cause meant to

the beautiful people who were in attendance.

IMPACT was invited to the New York Needs You...F.A.M.E.

Festival on Memorial Day Weekend to get the understanding of the

NYNY organization and how it benefitted the community! We were

there to see the who‟s who in the entertainment and fashion industry

and how giving back is the greatest gift of all!

The whole experience has set precedence for things to come for

IMPACT! The afternoon was set afire with some great food, top

notch drinks, and wonderful music! Talib Kweli was on the one‟s and

two bringing FIYAH to the day! Nadir Simon, a saxophonist, who

played some jazz music...made the day magical!

While at the event, IMPACT had the opportunity to meet up with BE

Entertainments Editor J. Write, and Curvysta owner Jovanna Reyes.

In addition, IMPACT had gotten the opportunity to meet up with the

great Shanda Freeman! Shanda is the wonderful wife of Fat Man

Scoop and is the inspirational speaker of Shanda Says! Everyone in

attendance was elated to be a part of such a great event that gives

back to the community in such a great way!

Through these pages you will be able to check out the who‟s who of

givers at this great event! It was a great time had by all! In addition,

you will be able to read the three article series, “The True Enemy”!

The series is written by Tanya Wilson-Cherry who saw the need to

help the community with some issues we deal with in life and

business. Our book of the month is „They Came Before Columbus”,

our „Be Inspired‟ section highlights David Leeks!

When you give, it is the greatest form of love! With great music,

food, and people celebrating a worthy cause...sets a spectacular day!

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During my walk as a young child, adult, wife, mother, and a

Child of God, I began to take inventory of the things that

were holding me back and propelling me forward. As a li-

censed cosmetologist, I am afforded the opportunity to hear

life stories on a daily basis. I noticed some of the same life

situations and challenges affecting the lives of many others.

I believe that if you truly seek you will find at which time

your responsibility becomes the “Revealer”. I invite you to

journey along with me in this three-part truth, Called THE TRUE ENEMY. We will go

behind the veil and expose some things that are holding us back. In this first connota-

tion, we will reveal “The Enemy of Procrastination”. My deepest desire is for the truth

be revealed; that you evaluate it and apply it to your own personal life in order to ac-

quire or maintain the abundant life.

‘The True Enemy’ is a three part article on the things that keep us from getting to the

next level in both our personal and business life.

The Enemy of Procrastination

Dag! I had all intentions on taking that meat out of the

freezer. I should have taken it out when I thought about it.

Now I have to find time to stop by the grocery store before

heading home to prepare dinner.

Dag! I should have gotten the oil changed in the car a month

ago, now my engine is blown!

Wow! I should have turned those papers in before now.

Now, the number of applicants accepted is so few, I may

have to wait until next year to register!

Is there any familiarity for you in these situations? Sound

familiar? You may be battling with the enemy of procrasti-

nation. Does it seem like your life is operating in a circle,

one that constantly feels like you have been at this point be-

fore? The true path is intended to be straight and narrow.

Clear directions, plans, and moves are required in order to

walk that path.

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Excessive extracurricular activities like TV,

general telephone time that does not build, or

line up with your priorities, Excessive sleep-

ing (we like to call it resting); But, if you

haven‟t been doing anything productive, ask

yourself, “What do I need so much rest

from?” This can be a sign of depression. That

is another article in itself.

Procrastination has destroyed marriages:

I am going to do better one day…

Do not allow the enemy of procrastination to

reign in your life. Take your power back!

Take action now! Here are a few things you

can due to defeat the enemy of procrastina-

tion in your life or business:

#1 Take inventory (Get a journal or planner)

both would be excellent! Write your current

thoughts concerning your life in this season.

Then go back a week or two later and read

what you wrote. This may shine a surprising

light on your current situation.

#2 Devise a plan (write it down, make it


#3 Map out a plan to get you out of the funk

you are in. This plan can be in year intervals.

Now take the year intervals and break them

down into more attainable goals. Then break

those goals down into daily action plans.

#4 Purchase a planner and write your daily

action plans down onto a calendar date.

#5 Do not start new projects without finish-

ing or properly allocating current priorities in

your life.

#6 Find someone to help hold you account-


Just this simple action plan will help you to

begin to defeat The Enemy of Procrastina-


Join us in the next part of our series as we

elaborate on choosing people to hold you ac-

countable in “The Enemy of Association”

Write the vision-Make it plain-Take action


From my own personal experiences to yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

[email protected]

Such a cunning little sly enemy; Procras-

tination that is! It will steal all of your

valuable time, kill all of your intended

joy, and destroy all of your good inten-

tions. It never seems to be major (I‟ll do

it later) because in the beginning it ap-

pears as only a minute figure to most

equations. However, procrastination has

the ability to fester and wreak havoc in

ones‟ life. It not only affects the procras-

tinator‟s life, but those around or con-

nected to the procrastinator.

Let us say while at work you stay out to

lunch a little longer then designated.

(Hey, you are on company time!) When

you do return to work the next person

scheduled would have to cut their time

short or it will affect the entire office.

Your procrastination in returning from

lunch now requires you to stay late to

complete your deadline that was assigned

for the day. That in turn means, you are

late picking up your children from child-

care and causes the workers to stay past

their intended time. So many lives are

affected by your procrastination. A clear

act of selfishness; Procrastination has the

ability to appear minute and spread like a

virus. Causing a domino effect. Every act

we take or do not take affects someone or

something else. It is the law of the uni-

verse. Procrastination can prevent you

from receiving what the universe has to

offer for those who “handle their busi-

ness” decent and in order.

Procrastination has killed dreams:

I am going to write that book one day….

(Only to find your book on the shelf be-

cause wisdom runs deep and someone

else moved forward on the opportunity


Procrastination has stolen identities hid-

den behind… Missed meetings, unmet

deadlines, (that tamper with your integ-

rity and how a person views you).

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New York Needs You (NYNY) is a fellowship and mentorship program for low

income, first generation college students. Students who are the first in their fam-

ily to go to college drop out at five times the rate of their peer group - only 11%

graduate. NYNY student fellows represent over 23 colleges and universities in

and around New York City, and begin the program in their freshman year of col-

lege. 77% of the Fellows are from low income families and 46% live below the

poverty line; almost all Fellows work full or part time while attending college.

Each Fellow is paired with a young professional mentor, and the pairs work to-

gether every other Saturday at highly programmed, six hour workshops focused

on our college completion and career success curriculum taught through interac-

tive exercises. Mentors are also asked to reach out to their Fellows once per week

outside of the workshops to reinforce workshop lessons and provide more tailored


NYNY currently has a waiting list of over 1000 volunteers. An individuals

contribution to The F.A.M.E. Festival will help NYNY generate the financial

resources needed to utilize this pool of talent by growing the program. NYNY

currently serves 200 Fellows, 50 alumni, and plans to launch the program in

Newark, NJ in fall of 2012 with a class of 25 Fellows.

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