Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years...

Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring quotes and a photo of your smiling face . Wow! 1. What is the name of the media outlet? Choose an actual magazine, newspaper, or program in which you would be proud to be featured. 2. What is the story about? Why are you featured? 3. Write down some quotes from the interview.

Transcript of Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years...

Page 1: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring

Imagine that it’s two years from today, and amajormedia outlet has just run a big story about you,featuring quotes and a photo of your smiling face.Wow!1.Whatisthenameofthemediaoutlet?Chooseanactualmagazine,newspaper,orprograminwhichyouwouldbeproudtobefeatured.



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Page 3: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring

• BachelorofTechnology(MasseyUniversity1995)• MastersofTechnologyFirstClassHonours (MasseyUniversity1997)• PMP(2012)• ScrumMasterandScrumProductOwner• CurrentlyITProjectsManageratEANetworks

MidCanterbury’sCo-operativeElectricityandFibrenetwork.• Proactive|Customer-focused|Digitalproblemsolver|Agilemindset|ExperiencedProjectManagerandPeopleManager

• Ihelppeopleandcompaniesuse21stCenturythinking,toolsandtechniquestotransformtheirbehavioursandbusinessbyusingdisciplinedAgileProjectManagement.

• PreviouslyExecutiveClientManager,DevelopmentProgrammeManager,ProjectManager,DevelopmentTeamManager,ReservationSystemProvisioner,ReservationSystemCustomerService,DistinguishedSoftwareEngineer,EuropeanIn-FieldCustomerSupportEngineer,eXtreme ProgrammingCoach,RadioMasseyDJ,MUSASportPageEditor,Member/ChairofvariousBoards.

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• DiplomaofCivilEngineering(WellingtonPolytechnic1995)• BachelorofCommunications (ChristchurchPolytechnic1999)• MBA(UniversityofAuckland2011)

• BrandStrategist• Marketing&EventsManager• BusinessOwner• DirectorofBrandEngagement• StrategicMarketingManager• CreativeDirector• DigitalProjectManager/InformationArchitect• Copywriter• RadioAnnouncer• CivilEngineer

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EveryconnectiononLinkedIn…• reflectsanaverageof400newpeopleyoucangetintroducedtoand

begintobuildrelationshipswith;• Encompasses100newcompanieswhomaybelookingfortheskillsand

talentsyouoffer;and• Representsconnectionstoanaverageof500+jobs.

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1 Whoareyou?

2 Whatdoyoudo?

3 Whydoesitmatter?

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1 Peoplehavetoomanychoicesandtoolittletime

2 Mostofferingshavesimilarqualityandfeatures.

3 Wetendtobaseourbuyingchoicesontrust

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Page 20: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring
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Page 26: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring
Page 27: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring
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A valueproposition isapromiseof value tobedelivered.



• explainshowyourproductsolvescustomers’problemsor improvestheirsituation(relevancy),

• deliversspecificbenefits(quantifiedvalue),

• tellstheidealcustomerwhytheyshouldbuyfromyouandnotfromthecompetition(uniquedifferentiation).

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WehelpX doY byZ (SteveBlank)

Example:Ihelpcompaniesdevelopandstreamlinetheirmarketingstrategy byuncoveringthoughtleadersandimprovingtheirdigitalfootprint.

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Thereare5levelstoprofilestrengthonLinkedIn:• Beginner• Intermediate• Advanced• Expert• All-Star

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TotalNumberofLinkedInusers:500million(asofApr24th 2017)


NumberofLinkedInusersactivemonthly:252million(asofApr24th 2017)



Page 34: Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media ... · Imagine that it’s two years from today, and a major media outlet has just run a big story about you, featuring

What’sinitforyou?• LinkedInisyouronlineprofessionalpersonaandyour“live”onlinebusinessnetwork

• Itwillhelpyoulearnmoreaboutyourindustryandcurrentissuesinthebusinessworld

• Itwillhelpyoubuildbetterreferralnetworks

• Itwillhelpyouformrelationshipswithinyourcompany/industry/region

• Itwillhelpyourcompanybuildbetterclientnetworks,willallowyoutobuildmorepersonalisedrelationshipswithclientsandtodeveloplong-termrelationships

• Itwillhelpyoudeliverbetterbusinessvaluetoclients

• LinkedInnowownedbyMicrosoft.TheirroadmapincludesaddingpersonalizedinsightsinyourMyNetworktab soyoucanstartlearningmoreaboutthetopconnectionsyou’vealreadymade,andhoweachpersoncanhelpyouworktowardyourcareergoals.

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LinkedIncreatedthe ProfileStrengthmeter thatisontherightsideofyourprofiletogaugehowrobustyourprofileis.Thestrengthlevelwillincreaseasyouaddmorecontenttoyourprofile.AchievingAll-Starprofilestatusisn’tnearlyasdauntingataskasitmayseem.

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AccordingtoLinkedIn, addingaprofilephotomakesyourprofile7xmorelikelytobefoundinsearches.Profileswithnophotoareperceivedasincompleteordormantandarelesslikelytobeviewed.• Avoidselfies.• Chooseaphotothatlookslikeyou.• Faceshouldbe>60%offrame.• Smilewitheyesandteeth.• Wearwhatyou’dweartowork.• Chooseabackgroundthatisn’tdistracting.

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Remember,LinkedInisaprofessionalnetworkingsiteforbusiness,souseanappropriatebackgroundimage.Note:youcan’teditthisfromamobiledevice.• Backgroundimagesmustbe:

• FiletypeJPG,GIForPNG.• Nolargerthan8MB.• Recommendedpixeldimensionsare1584(w)x396(h)pixels.

• Seelinkedbackground.comforfreeimages.

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Thesummarysectionisyourprofessionalelevatorpitch.Thisis your personalprofile,notyourcompany’sprofile.Peopleareonyourpagebecausetheyareinterestedinlearningaboutyou,sobesuretodistinguishyourselffromyourcompany.Also,yourLinkedInprofileisn’taformalresume,soavoidsoundinglikeoneinthesummary.Makeyoursummarypersonalandconversational.Tellstoriesandpaintapictureofyourself,butremembertokeepitprofessional.Itgoeswithoutsaying,butbesuretoproofreadyoursummarybeforepostingtoyourprofile.

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AddyourcurrentpositionandpreviousworkhistoryLinkedInstatesthat havingyour2mostrecentpositionsmakesyourprofile12xmorelikelytobefound.Besuretoincludeadescriptionwithyourcurrentpositionandatleastlist2ormorepreviouspositions.Also,includeanyboardorvolunteerpositionsthatmaybeofinterestorvaluetoyournetwork.Sinceitisn’taresume,don’tgooverboardwithpreviousworkhistorydetailsandaccolades.Asimplesummaryandsometopaccomplishmentsshouldsuffice.Unlessyouarearecentgraduatewithverylittleexperience,avoidaddingjobsyouhadinhighschooloruniversity.

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Personalise yourinvite.

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Customise yourURLLinkedInrequiresyoutohaveatleast50ormoreconnectionsinordertoachieveacompletedprofile.Buttheyhavemadeitveryeasytofindandaddpeopletoyournetwork.YoucaneasilyuploadcontactsfromOutlook,Hotmail,Gmail,etc.byloggingintoyourpersonalemailandseeingwhohasaLinkedInprofile.Also,youcanbrowseprofilesofyourcoworkers,formercoworkersandclassmatesOnepieceofoften-ignoredadviceyoushouldfollowistobesuretowriteapersonalmessagewhenyousendoutinvitationstoconnect.Trytogivesomecontexttoyourassociationaswell.

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• Ifsomeoneaskedyoutowriteapostaboutyouandyourindustry,whatwouldyouwrite?

• Ifyoumetsomeonefromadifferentcountry,whodidwhatyoudid,whatwouldyoutalkabout?

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1. Companies

2. Groups

3. Pulse

4. Education

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