Imagination is the Beginning (Creative Dramatics)

Imaginatio n Is The Beginning Buere, Michelle A. BSED-III World Citi Colleges Antipolo

Transcript of Imagination is the Beginning (Creative Dramatics)

Page 1: Imagination is the Beginning (Creative Dramatics)

Imagination Is The BeginningBuere, Michelle A. BSED-IIIWorld Citi Colleges Antipolo

Page 2: Imagination is the Beginning (Creative Dramatics)

“Imagination is more

important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the


-Albert Einstein

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The fact of imagination has long

been recognized, but it is only recently

that the value of imagination has been


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“The spark that makes the human the paragon of animals”


“Probably the oldest mental trait is typically human-older than discursive reason; it is probably the common source of dream, reason, religion, & all true general observation”

-Susanne Langer

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The capacity to hold an idea long

enough to do something about it. It is

not enough to glimpse an idea; the image

must be held enough for action to follow.

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When players are able to focus their

attention on their material, they can get

down to the business of organizing it.

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– Organization does not mean the imposing of

conventional form but rather an

arrangement of parts or material to

achieve order.

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It can be thought of in terms of

product or process, depending on whether

we are concerned with the solution to a

problem is solved.

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• Creativity as process may be manifest in a

new way of seeing, a different point of view,

an original idea, or a new relationship

between ideas.

• Creativity refers both to the cognitive and the

affective life & is the result of conscious &

unconscious effort.

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Determinants before you start your




Number in the group

Size of the playing space

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Music or even a drumbeat will enhance

the mood & help to focus the attention.


Have the group walk to the beat of

the drum. As the group becomes

comfortable & relaxed, the beat can be

changed: rapid, double time, slow, etc.

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The participants, on listening for the change in

beat, forget themselves & are usually able to

use their entire bodies.

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From purely physical body movement, the

teacher may move on the mood.


If the group has been walking to a

beat, he or she may suggest that there is

green grass underfoot: “How does it feel

you? Your feet are tired. Think what it is

like to put them down on soft, cool grass.”

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As participants imagine they are running

across the hot sand, stepping over

puddles, crossing a creek, wading through

snow, each suggestion stretches the

imagination a little more.

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Favorite activities such as flying kites,

jumping ropes, playing hopscotch & stick

ball, & playing with jacks provide

opportunities for using imagination.

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The following game was introduced by a drama

teacher from Israel:

• The class is seated in a circle on the floor. After

introducing themselves, the student are asked to

put some personal object in the center of the

circle. The more unusual the object, the better.

The teacher goes around the circle, asking the

players to try to remember to whom object

belongs & to return it to its owner.

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A blackboard & colored chalk. One student

after another goes to the board & puts a mark

or drawing on it. When everyone has had a

turn, second turns are taken. The mural

created by the class is then described &

interpreted. The more abstract it is, the more

imaginative the interpretation will probably be.

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Games are generally thought as warm-

ups or enjoyable activities, but they also

have other values:

They provide a framework for communication

They impose rules that develop discipline &;

Self-control in the players

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Creative drama implies self-

expression, hence the necessity of

the participants’ involvement

beyond merely imitating action.

We are concerned with their

developing freedom & the ability to

express themselves.

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Although communication is the

responsibility of the formal theatre, there

comes a time when the participants want

to share their work in creative drama, &

this sharing involves communication


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One procedure used successfully by many

teachers is the playing-discussing-

replaying method.

Children’s criticism is honest & their

observation are keen.

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As the group gains experience, its

member ability to communicate will


• Young children, because of their limited

vocabulary, communicate more easily

through body movement & facial


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• Older Children are not only better able to

express themselves verbally but also enjoy

improvising dialogue.

• Adult students, depending on background

& previous experience, will fee; more

comfortable in one medium on or other, but

most comfortable with oral discussion.

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When discipline has been established,

both teaching & learning become a far more

pleasant & satisfying experience.

Part of the problem some teachers have

with discipline is a misunderstanding of John

Dewey’s Philosophy, “believing that freedom

consists of allowing students to do as they


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The dream of most teachers today

is a classroom which freedom reigns

within a structure that supports,

encourages, & protects the rights of

each individual.

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To achieve this, teachers must establish


Insisting on ground rules to which all adhere

Self-discipline can be achieved

Permitting each member of the group to

pursue his or her own interests & goals while

respecting the rights of others.

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Self-consciousnessTimidityExhibitionismIsolationInsensitivityDistractionViolencePhysical Disabilities

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Other problems


Social Mobility

Broken Homes

Television Programs


Economic Problems

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EVALUATING CHILDREN’S RESPONSESSome questions to evaluate children’s

responses:Have the students in class become a group?Is there sincerity in their work?Have verbal skills improved-speech, voice, & diction, vocabulary, & the ability to express ideas orally?Does the noise level reflect industry & enthusiasm?

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