Ijf TUB CROW'S NEST - DigiFind-It...Joseph Dobos, Mrs, Stephen Kele-mun, Mrs. Andrew Buau, Mrs, John...

OK LOCAL HAPPENINGS Ijf TUB CROW'S NEST Br id* NAVIGATOR PAGE 10, TODAY'S ISSUE THE LARGEST COMPUTELr COVttWO Publlnli«d Rvery Friday , ..!*.. Qrwn St., Woodbridm-, N, .!, "WOODBRIDGE, N, I, fRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1940 EuUrod setonil C1«BB mi>U«r PRICE ICHOOLNO.l ard 01 Education Qu?t- [tioiis Atttaick ; lM[ad^ TOf7 Local Mother* LEGATION APPEARS BOARD MEETING Djnmisiioneri Confute ""Fire Trap; Filtty Aid Unsanitary" Charges JWOODBREGEJ-A dele- Ition'of Woodbridge moth- iscUBainlr iKe alleged Insanitary and filthy" con- lion of School No. *l,.occu- the greater time of the liard of Educationvat' a SCHOOL VACATION WOODBRIDGEWScnbalu of the township will'dose March 21 and will reopen, April 1 for the Easter .vacation, period, according to tho recommendation* of Supervising Principal Victor C. Nlcklas and adopted by tho school board Mon- day night; CAR CRASHES INTO LEGION FIELD IS beting held in the high |iool Monday night! |At the conclusion of the : debate, in order to com- letely satisty the mothers esent, the board voted to nmon an" inspector from State Department of lucation to Woodbridge to induct a thorough In of the school in question. I'Unsnnitary, filthy and flro charges were brought ainst the School Street building weoks ago by the Mothers' jib of Woodbridge, Several mem- termed the basement, whero t youngsters eat their lunch' un- . Tho entire building was tcrny [:ii "fire trap". , Although none of the mothers incut at Monday night's session Itlio- boartl represented orlappkp f behalf of the Motheftf 'remarks*' Wcr« : '-aMl mil charges made by the club, (icn (|ucstioncd by Commission- Mauricc P. Duninan whethor I not any of the mothers present |re ever inside School. No, 1, were in the negative. Mr, |mi|;an then urged each one to lit the school and inspect tho (tire building. He felt that if were done there would be/no warranted complaints. [Commissioners Mrs. Asher Fitz Indolph, Hoy E. Anderson und (drew Aaroc informnd the moth- thut they had carried on a rough inspection of the buikl- [ since the charges were aired in i local press two weeks ago and bnd conditions to be perfect, fwau true that a fresh coat of ptc paint in thu basement would to make appearances bright- ponmiissioner Anderson spiked charge that the building was dcmncit several yeavs ago. Mr. told the delegation the was never condemned" I'wimt on by saying, "all school dings in the township have been over from top to bottom by i from fire insurance som- ites and in every caso thu build- wore- approved as b,i>inp in condition. Tho fire rating of bol No, 1 is not high, It ranks fitly higher than some <u the pship's fire-proof buildings." Irs, Randolph, who investigated | charges, informed the board the motherst that conditions perfect, "All plumbing is em; the lighting is good, and | heating has been Improved, only natural when SO tq 90 Igstors eat thoir lunchqa in basement daily there is bound < a little mess. This, however, Bon cleaned up, by the janitor, por the building being a flro rd, I can only say that it can nptied of every child in ono i half minutes. There are plen- f&xits, including fire escapes, I flic fire house is 1 directly tho street with paid fire- I on duty." ; delegation departed con- that tlie "picture was not ick as had been painted to Main Street Residents Bad- ly Injured While Pushing Car Out Of Snow , - WdODBBIDGEf-Two brothers,' •Larry. Dunham, 25, and Thomas Dunham, 2.8, of Main Street,' were severely : Injured Monday, 'night; when, they were struck by a car while attempting to aid a motorist to get his car out of a snow drift. Tho accident occurred at the in- tersection of Mutton Hollow Road and Route 36. A car owned "by J t ohn Kosh, 44,,of 80.4 Amboy.Ave- nue, Perh Ambzoy, had stalled in tho snow and John Dunham, 28, of 214 Fulton Street, tried to help him by pushing the vehicle,with his car. The other two. Dunhams tried to help by pushing on the right side of Koah'a car when they were hit by a third auto, owned and driven by John R. Schultz, 62, of Lloy Avenue, Matawan. Larry and Thonjaa Dunham wort rushed to the Perth Amboy Gen- eral Hospital in the Woodbridg Emergency Stiuad Ambulanc where they werp treated by Dr, Peckman and then admitted to tho hospital. BOARD'S AM Town Committee Tumi Stadium Oyer To Board Of Education ACtEPTANCE- Of FIELD BOM0 IS ASSURED transfer Decision Follow- ed Suggestion By This Newspaper Friday WOODiBRlDGE—A special meeting of the Board of Educa- tion will be calied*during the early part of next, week to accept the Legion stadium which has been of- fered to tho board by the Township Committee for the "consideration of one dollar," , , Acting upon the' suggestion made in the" sports column of this news- paper last week, a resolution was adopted by the Township Commit- tee Monday night tuPnlng the field over to the board if the consent of SEEK JANITORIAL POSTS WOODBRIDGE — Thm'ldenl •eaidonts, "Wllliajn .'JPtton,'. James Jardot and Loo'Vincent Mofllt, filed applications Monday night with tho township Board o f Edu- cation for janitorial positions. The applications' we're ordered filed with the many, others now In pos- session of the board. . STORE MANAGER IS VKtlOF TWO PEOPLE SAID FROM DEATH SURPRISESTASTOR Rev. Ladislaus Egri Hon- ored By Congregation At Party Sunday WOODBRIDGE— Rev., Ladis- laus Egri, who has just completed his first year as pastor of the Hun- garian Keformed Church, was hon- ored Sunday night at a surprise party given by the members of the congregation'at the School 1 . Street auditorium.. ; , i, Stephen Simon served as; master] flit ceremonies/and presented Rev. Egri with a check from the con- gregation. Irno Simon and Frank Kormondy presented flowers to tho pastor in behalf of the Sunday School. The,committee in'charge was: Mrs. Andrew Doi'ko, Mrs. John Kara, Mia, Stephen' Simon, Mrs. Joseph Dobos, Mrs, Stephen Kele- mun, Mrs. Andrew Buau, Mrs, John Sulymos, Miss Esther Kormondy and Miss Helen Koc&i. the Commission of Local Govern- ment is obtained, a formality which no doubt will be easily- obtained,' There are only a few minor "conditions" attache'dto tho offer. Tho board must maintain the field for "public athletic activities" and he "field shall always remain designated as the Lugion Field." The resolution also statos "that if laid Legion Field ceases to bo used iy the Board of Education for ath- etic purposes, title will revert to the Township of Woodbridge. 1 . Aaroe Report On Caucus While tho committee was dis- cussing the resolution at tho mu- nicipal building, the Board of Edu- cation in the high school was lis- tening 'to a report by Andrew Aaroe, chairman- of the,' athletic committee. Mr, Aaroo stated, thai he ,-had .attended a caucus with thi Township Colnmittec Friday stiiffh and had discussed the transfer am the loirul rights of tho Township tt turn tho field over to the board Ho suggested that the matter,- far as th'e Board is concerned should- be turned--over ' to th< board's counsel, J.H. Thaycr Mar tin, who will necessarily have tc (Continued on Paye 6) Dorothy Reicharet, 12, Makes Getaway And Summons Police ' ' - . ' , , * , ' SEWAREN - ! Township pojlce .are on the trail of the two atraed bandits who held up the A. A P. store on Woodbridge Avenue, this place, shortly before eight-o'clock Saturday night and took twenty- eight dollars, the amoutitiof cash that happened to be in the cash register at that time.' Michael Swotz of Metuchen, the manager of the store, told Officer Joseph Dalton that the two men, both of swarthy complexion, pne about' five feet one and the other about five feet eleven, drew guns os soon as they entered the store, The only customer in the'store it the time was 12-year-old Doro- ;hy Reieharet, of 13- Sewaren Ave- nue, Although the men had guntf, Dorothy slowly backed away and. Mitf Etna Bergh And Fa ther Overcome By Illum- inating Ga* Yesterday WOODBRIDGE 1ST AID SQUAD IS^ C0MNDED •••.*' i '• i n ' f 'i • " • ' - '' '. , * ' ' ' ' . '* Memberi Reuiicitate Vic Hmi After Uiing Sever- al Tanki of Oxygen AVENEL^Quick • actioi on part of members of th Wood b r id g e Emergenc Squad, Inc., saved the live of Miss E|na ^erghand her father, Louis Bergh, 73, of Pauit Examination COUNCIL MAY PREVENT NCREASE IN Mitt Bernice Baumlin WOODBE1DQE—Miss Bcrnlco Baumlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baumlin, of 12 Lillian Ter- race* has been notified that shi has successfully passed the Stat Examinations for Beauty Cultur Miss Baumlin ia a graduate ( St, Mary'fl High School,' Pert' Amboy, Class of '38 and the Wil- fred Beauty Academy in Newark. eforo the bandits realized what ad happened she ran out of the store to a house across the street, where she asked the residents to call the police, Before radio cars Could reach the vicinity, the two hold-up men had grabbed the money and suc- ceeded in making their get-away by running up Meade Street, whore they evidentjy had :a car parked. Chief George E. Keatjng has < signed several officers to conduct an investigation. eta helin Steeplejack Is Plai On Probation For One Yetor ISBUN—William Trembley, 32, a. steeplejaflk of ftfaili# for one year when he appeared be- foi'o Judge Arthur Brown on complaint pf disorderly conduct mado by 'Mrs. Trembley. Trembley, who was arrested b; Officers'Fred Leeidner and Josepl Casale, WUB,, ordered to turn ova nil his pay, with the exception of two dollars, to MB wif e each week, Alexander Seeks Direc- tion Signs For . ' FIRST DRAFT to WOODBRIIXIE. Kensboy? * '. . . Comtnlttecman C h u r l e g J . Alexander' informed the mem- bers of the Ttwn»h(# Committee Monday niftht that there «re no markers on the new highway, and as a result truck; drivers with loads for the Carborundum and'General Ceramics plants have difficulty m looting them and become confused, • The second ward committee- maan suggested that the clerk be instructed to write to the State, Highway Department re- questing markers. "Perhaps they, will send us a sign marked "To'K«ub»y'Buri- ness District',". Alexander said, Street, this i, wlffi .ware overcome by :arbon monoxidf tfas, yea- ;erday morning,. Miss Bergh was found in an Unconscious condition in the cellar of her heme by her lather-who ran next door-to the home of Michael Sandor for aid. Mr. Sandor rushed over find brought Miss Bergh upstairs and notified the Emergency Squad which answered the call immedi- ately. 1 While the squad members wero working over Mias Bergh, some- one noticed that her father was missing. A search revealed him in the cellar overcome by 1 " the'gas. He evidently,had failed to return to hta apartment when his daughter was brought upstairs, Tho sqttad :pund it necessary to use the in- mittee To Cot priationi To Bone Education Board To Solicit Tuition Students From Raritan Township Commissioner WUlard Dunham Urges Board To Contact School Qtliciah At Raritan To Send PapilsHere WOODBRIDGE—A recommendation to bring tuition itudents from Raritan and Piscataway townships to Wood- bridge. High School was made to the local' school l>oard Monday night by Commissioner Willard-Dunham. Mr. Dunham pointed out that tuition rates at high schools in Metuchen, New Brunswick and Perth Amboy ^ i g to rovivi him. Dft Bslsftky was called who the pblico department was* noti- fied of the accident. According to the members o the squad, a gas heater was bum' Ing in the cellar when they ar rived and, with all the window closed tightly, it had evidently burned tip. the oxygen. STATE-LAW REQUIRES PHYSICAL TESTS MADE All School Employes To Be Examined Here Before July 1,1940 WOODBRIDGE — Complying .with,- the recently adopted new state law, physical exmftiriation of »11 school employes wi.H'bc effected in the 'townsjup bcLore July 1. The law requires that each em- ployee be examined physically ev- ory throe years." 'The local school board, at its regular meeting Monday night; adopted a resolution instructing its health committee to carry out the requirement. Kximiimition of tho '220 school employes/which includes janitor^ will bo by the school physicians. Carteret Woman Injured In Automobile Accident Here AVENEI^-Mrs." Irene Stewart, 23, a Negress, of 37 Mercor Street Carteret, was cut about the face Monday afternoon whun tho car in which dhe was riding, driven by Richard Braxton, 38, a Negro, of 601 Banford Avenue, Woodbridge, eraBhed Into a telephone pole, Braxton told , Officer George Leonard that he wab forced off the road by another car that cut him off. 16 YeaTs Ago Township Folks Saw Little Memorial That Wasn't There»lt Wasn't There Again Today! R«Tii«d Set-Up To Be Introduce At ; Mettinf Wednesday WOODBEDQE - ship Attorney Leon'B.'l Elroy;iii in Twnton to«U#| where he will confer wJttU Walter R. Darby, Coittml*.' "$ siorier of Local. Govarriment,' regarding the flrit draft of the 1940 Township budget If the budgejUs approved It be given its first reading, at a special meeting of the Township Committee , an Wednesday night, February 28.-: , .. . - ., Although it ww originally'' estimated that the tax rate would be at iave increased durtng*,tho past ear, while WoodbridgeVrate con- ;lnues to remain low in the county. Students in Raritan W i T WOODBRIDGE—With the birthday df George ' Waihington celebrated yetterday with fitting me- morial speeches all over, the country, it wai brought to mind that we, in Woodbridge, have a memorial —yet it i»,not a memorial. • \ * » •• « Back in 1924—on June 14, 1924, to be exact— Woodbridgo Township-had its largest celebration, he dedication of the new town hall, to be known as the Memorial Municipal Building, The steps were constructed in such manner that two excep- ionally largo bronze plaques, bearing the names of World War veterans,, could be erected beneath the two upright, atone lamp-post;. But now, al- most 16 years later, we find that the plaques have never been erected, although $1,000 was appropri- ated for them. , • What it the reason for the delay? After an investigation it was found the law statei that only those veterans, WHO LIVED AT THE TIME OF ENLISTMENT.IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WOOD- BRIDGE are now entitled to have their' names on the plaques. This does not include those who en- listed or were drafted from some other community and came to live here and settled down after they ware mustered out from' the army. Every time an attempt hat been \nade to order the plaque*, it has been stopped by a group of individual* who feel that they are entitled to have, their name* engraved in bronxe. So there the matter stands—a Memo- rial Building without a memorial—and it promises tp remain that way unless the committee takes a definite stand and orders it done regardless of hurt feelings. ,. {Continued on Page 4) Port Reading Youth Draws Jail Sentence For Fighting PORT READING—John. Bara- (l.as.h J ,.2O, of Division Street, this place, was Rfvon n three-month workhouse sentence Monday mo.rninp; when arraigned in Perth: Amboy Police court on a drank, eness' nnd disorderly* conduc). . mado by Patrolman Emil .Koyon. , „' -\ ..'• Buradash wiis as&isod of fight- inu and craitlng a disturbance on Oak Street, Perth Atifboy,- Sunday night.. Poor Condition Of Church Street Reported To Council WOODBfllDG-E—The poor con- dition of the road on Church Street on the west siipe of St. George Avenue was brought to the atten- tion 'of the Township Committee Monday night by Committoeman John Bergen, r' "The road is full of holes and }n this weather they are .filled with water making it almost impossible to get through/ Commh)teema,ri Bergen stated. Bis complaint was referred to the Public Works com' mittee and the engineer. Stelton Man Fined $25 For Violating Local Ordinance WOQDiBRIDGE—A flno of $25 was imposed upon Sam Garfcoos, 24, of Stelton, for violating the tank truck ordinance, when he ap- peared before Judge Arthur Brown Wedensday morning. :•' Garboos owned the. truck driven by Peter Goodman, also of jStelton, which figured in "an accident last week. Five hun'dredgallons of fuel oil were lost at the time. Willim Altgaier, fire inspector, served the summons when he discovered thai the truck did not have a valve ai required by law. St T and Piscataway Township attend either Metuchen, Perth Amboy or New Brunswick high schools duo to the absonce of such institutipnn in their own municipalities. A small number of ^avitan students,' how- ever, are •nqwionr olle* here..' Because of the double-session system employed at Woodbridge, about 10& tuition pupils could bo accommodated here. Mr. Dunham urged the board to make some ef- fort to induce the boards in Rarl tan and Piscataway to send more of their students to Woodbridge., Tuition pupils hero.are each as. sessod $110 which is paid by tho sending school district, ,A group of 100 tuition students would bring $11,000 in additional voyenue to the local board, The cost of hand- ling the group would amount to less thnn $3,000—giving the dis- rict us $8,000 profit in the, trans- ition. ' : Because no additional facilities ould bo required to take care of 100 more students, the board votod to carry out Mr. Dunham's rocom th'ondatiod, CHURCH CROUP PLANS FOR DIMER FUNCTION Baschman Guild To Serve Tuthey Thursday Eve- ning At Church .WOOBBRIDGE—At a party held Monday night, tho Buschninn uild 1 of the First Presbyterian Church celebrated its twenty-first anniversary. Refreshments vfeve served at a table decorated in keeping with Washington's birthday. A flno program of entertainment was provided, Final planH were made'for the turkey dinner to' be-served Thurs- day night, February 29, in the church dining room. The affair will lie open to the public, Mrs. Jay. Rutan. is chairman and she is being assisted by Mrs. Charles Coover and Miss Cynthia Coover. The next meeting of the guild will be heldjibndiijrnight, March 4, at the home of Miss'Alberta Stetin. ' .-"•: 17,750 PLACED IN TOWNSHIPXOFFERS Sale Of Twelve Parcels 0! Land By Real Estate Bu- reau Is Source WOODBRIDGE —Twelve par- cels of Township pFoperty at total'sales price of $17,750.38 were sold by the Township Committee at public sale Monday night. The lui'chuacs wore mado as follows; Lot :!0-C in Block 477 for $80( by Adolph and Helen Rasmussen Lots ;iIB inclusive in Blocl 406C; Lots 1-4 in Block 406-D Lots 33-36 in Block 406E; Lot: -4 inclusive in Block 406G; Lot 14-17 inclusive in Block 406G- Lots 29-32 in Block 406H; Lots 6- 17 inclusive and 18-21 inclusive and 25 and 26 in Block 406J; Lots 1-G inclusive in Block 406L; Lots 9-10 in Block\40flM; Lots 17-19, inclusive'and 23 and 24 in B16ck 406M; and Lots 1-2 in Block 40 v N for $5,800 by William C. Finck for Better Homes Improvement Corporation.; *, Part of lot 20 (now 20-A) in Block 477 for $800 by Kenneth W.Chalker. . i Lot 32 in Block 554G for $2,000 igher Couhty Board gt yprh 940 tax rate W n to & rate nearer to last year's fi'jrure, if $7.-81. . MeElrojr Opkimiitlo • ' The;most optimistic official of the Township Is Mr. MeHiroy who ' feels that the rate will 'b« About the same as last yeat'a,' or one or two points highor. ft \t believed ' that Mr, McElroy is basing-hit pro- diction' on the hope that there will be a rebate from th'« county on foreclosed property. Tho Town-. Bhip counsel declares that th» corn* mittee must cut SlO^pOu 'from its budget to'keep t W rW* imrti,' Thfa^ndotibtedly is Nnf'iM'fte/tW all departments nave been or'der«4. to cut down on expenses. Ho.pltit W»nts $10,000 In the meantime, th* trustees of the Perth Amboy Genwsl hos- by Ai'tluir Brown, Frank Montecalvo, pttorney for First Graduation Class,Consisting Of 13 GiriAnd On* Soy, EmergeilnmiiSeparation Of Grammar And High School Grades Was Effected h 1888 After Two-Year WrangU lions To 1st Aid Unit h Only $29 VOODBRIDGK-The Wood. Emergency Squud answer- r calls and covered 124 miles the ttrst 11) days of Feb- according to a"report sub' today, lotions to the eqwd this I totaled $20. Donor* were.: lEIhabeth 'Calftjda, f5;' A S5; for«U WSmsb>. Cltib, (Editor's Note} This is thejhiri of * "Vies of Article* on the his- tory of the Woodbridge Township School System.) ByRuthWolk . In October of 1881, tho B'pard of Trustees .decided to "finish off the cloak room' and the northeast room" upstairs at school No, 1, and the contract w,»s awarded at tho cost of S475 Vnone of the other parties having put In any Wd." At the aawe time the trustees passed a bill for tt»e "trimrpingf of aohool- houfd in honor qf President Gnr- fleldfl .The ^injming r»I*««4 to 'iltt mourning btifgliur First Report Then, on Dfombur 2,.; 1881, to dipmay'of the'atuilohts and all fu- ture students In th,e yeurs to come, Mi M J Th the pinipal Miss M. J. the "principal, iss T ^ , p suggested tho fivsfiopdrt card, Tho nihiutes state: MiiiS.THomas made some sug- gestions' in regard to having an in- termediato department in • the school and also statei that she thought it would be a' good plan to notify th<j jiareots^ntonthjy) of the deportment of tJitiir childven. Moved and carried that we haya a of blanket? prlnta4 for Urnos'e." Lutu Kelly, J5j|Lulu'Boynton, Mamie pijurkson, $6; Mamie i$10; Anna HUsdorf.ift'j and J Rohrback, $5, flbr good behavior.. After considerable discussion the trustees voted to give schojars, completing the course of study in 'the school, a "certificate of gradu- ution." \ . In June, the Joseph H. T. Martin' prize money was awarded to the following students; Sidney PearsoDf Helen Ctarlfc 1 Land Sold To Pastor Although'.-I the Jefferson school building had ,heen| sold,, the land still remained the property of the school district and on October 28, it was decided that the land bo sold for not lew than 11,800. It was fi- nally sold to Rev. B. Connolly for ihat amount, $1,000 having been paid in cash and "a mortgage of J 8W given 'for the balance by St. limes 1 Catholic Church." Some of the money obtained was usei).Jby. son, Mamie Olnrkfon, Mw Ftak, MBroi? Jtfrf him HiladoifJ, Annis hei'eafter "the trustees will expect the teachers they employ to have some normal,training in the meth- ods of teaching 1 to: jtake effect oh and after September 1,1884," Un- til that .date all that was expected of a teacher waa a so-called teach- ors' certificate and any, bright young lady ''flnishlng her readers" seemed to be able to obtain one. In June of '83 there was consider- jor.the wait in front pf the school- jhoujse andto,erect a picket fence. B A t h f T l . q S ^ U / t h e g e * . . erul chairman an% VRe Is beipg Ihaalth ord hiring an extra teacher .to sub- **-1888, the qualtficatiam, »nil ruled Uiat;. Lots 708 and 12-22 inclusive in Block 262; Lots 18-20 inclusive in Block 263F; Lots 12B and 13 and 21-22 in Block 266C; Lota 1041 and 26.-29 inclusive in Block, 267; Lots 23-24 in Block 273 for $2,- 026 by Arthur Dunham, Lots 1-10, inclusive in Block 406E for $1,330 by Margaret. A Bradley, Lots 224 and 225 in Block 171 for $500' by Charles A, Jcroms, at- torney for John Kramer, Jr. Lot 196 in Block 31D for $1,- 00 by George Mehok. Lots 210 and 217 in Block 17J or $750 by AnthonyKrathy. Lots 12 and 13 in Block 268, for 600 by Rev. Frederick J. Russell. Lots 27-30 inclusive in Block :02D for $300 by Beth Abraham 'ongregation. Lot 2 in Block 19A for $1,445- 38 by A. H. Rosenblum, attorney tor the Gross Company, BOSTON SUPPER-CARD PARTY HEREJIARCH 2 Woman's Club Of helm Jo Hold Function In Green StreeLFirehouse ISELIN—A, Boston aupper and card party will be held Saturday night, March t, at 7 '30 o'clock at the Green Street ftrehouge, here, under the auspices of the Woman's Club of holin. pital met In caucus with the oom- mittee and requested a 110,000 ' donation. ,Bach year, the com> ' mittee has donated Sl.OOD to the institution. The trustees, how, ever, point out that Woodbrldgfl charity patients are in the ma- 'jority and presented figures to prove that they wore, losing money on them. Tho Woodbrldffis-Reliel >fflce pays tho hospital $ U 6 A d»y per adult whilo tho t r u c e s say it dosts them $4.00 per,'%'for., an adult., There is very lftile tflc* lihood that the hospital' will, get', J Slp.OOO. from the Towiishlp. but the donatioh may be , inaroatad another thousand doJltin «t the 1 most. Mr, MoElroy has pointed out 1 ,' 1 that the Township does not have - to pay taxes to the county en tho" 1 ratables it has last through % , ' forecloBuro of proporty fc hniat ^be same time, the municipality ftfe los.t some'rovanue, too. Tlie taw SIBO provides tbit toe ' ' Township may anticipate ita friin- ' cHise and gross receipts tajus^tK? the budget, but that would bs MOT . policy aonsidorin.g the fact Wat ' franchise taxes for 1986, 1«SJ ^ and 1840, amounting to appwxU mately S90.0OO, av« still due ith« Township. able diseuBslon regarding the' teachers who "might wish to attend the. trustees to construct flagging the Normal School and learn somo? thing about th»' Hiethods of tench ing," It ww decided .that their places wQuldW retained for, them j hii t th t b PLAN TO.BWLD STOW, INFOROSGETS*'! Zoning Board Turns The menu will consist ol the traditional Saturday night supper as Berved In New England homes —baked bea'ns, home-made brown 1)r<3ud, and coffee, 'M'Jh'SW Application Of Antone KrnikyOfFmd* >' WOODBRIDGE—After a ing held at the Memorial Mtyft Biiildlng Tuesday niKht, t" ing Board decided to 1 red to the Towlisliip C o m m i t t a l it deny the application of / ' Kratky, of Oluiri Avenue, to build a grocery and bl} shop at the intersection 'of: fluid Avenue and Hornaby Fords. ' ,i The property in question! B" residstitiar^ne. A. tt-Jj enblum represented Mr. Property owners in the .y objected to {he proposed the ground that it would 1 . the value of their property, ^ { *BVTHH BY DOG AVENBL—Stephen Peren 41, of 534 Amboy Avenue, > ton on the back by a dog m Mike Markiilhu of ~ * ' Due, this place, treated by Dr. A, », Purth,; '

Transcript of Ijf TUB CROW'S NEST - DigiFind-It...Joseph Dobos, Mrs, Stephen Kele-mun, Mrs. Andrew Buau, Mrs, John...






    Publlnli«d Rvery Friday ,..!*.. Qrwn St., Woodbridm-, N, .!, "WOODBRIDGE, N, I, fRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1940

    EuUrod a» setonil C1«BB mi>U«r PRICE


    ard 01 Education Qu?t-[tioiis Atttaick ;lM[ad^TOf7

    Local Mother*


    Djnmisiioneri Confute

    ""Fire Trap; Filtty AidUnsanitary" Charges

    J W O O D B R E G E J - A dele-Ition'of Woodbridge moth-

    iscUBainlr iKe allegedInsanitary and filthy" con-lion of School No. *l,.occu-

    the greater time of theliard of Educationvat' a


    township will'dose March 21 andwill reopen, April 1 for the Easter.vacation, period, according to thorecommendation* of SupervisingPrincipal Victor C. Nlcklas andadopted by tho school board Mon-day night;



    beting held in the high|iool Monday night!|At the conclusion of the

    : debate, in order to com-letely satisty the mothersesent, the board voted tonmon an" inspector from

    State Department oflucation to Woodbridge toinduct a thoroughIn of the school in question.I'Unsnnitary, filthy and flro

    charges were broughtainst the School Street building

    weoks ago by the Mothers'jib of Woodbridge, Several mem-

    termed the basement, wherot youngsters eat their lunch' un-. Tho entire building was tcrny[:ii "fire trap". ,Although none of the mothersincut at Monday night's session

    Itlio- boartl represented orlappkpf behalf of the Motheftf

    'remarks*' Wcr«:'-aMlmil charges made by the club,

    (icn (|ucstioncd by Commission-Mauricc P. Duninan whethor

    I not any of the mothers present|re ever inside School. No, 1,

    were in the negative. Mr,|mi|;an then urged each one tolit the school and inspect tho(tire building. He felt that if

    were done there would be/nowarranted complaints.

    [Commissioners Mrs. Asher FitzIndolph, Hoy E. Anderson und(drew Aaroc informnd the moth-

    thut they had carried on arough inspection of the buikl-

    [ since the charges were aired ini local press two weeks ago and

    bnd conditions to be perfect,fwau true that a fresh coat ofptc paint in thu basement would

    to make appearances bright-

    ponmiissioner Anderson spikedcharge that the building was

    dcmncit several yeavs ago. Mr.told the delegation thewas never condemned"

    I'wimt on by saying, "all schooldings in the township have been

    over from top to bottom byi from fire insurance som-

    ites and in every caso thu build-wore- approved as b,i>inp incondition. Tho fire rating of

    bol No, 1 is not high, It ranksfitly higher than some . Cltib,

    (Editor's Note} This is thejhiriof * "Vies of Article* on the his-tory of the Woodbridge TownshipSchool System.)

    ByRuthWolk .In October of 1881, tho B'pard of

    Trustees .decided to "finish off thecloak room' and the northeastroom" upstairs at school No, 1, andthe contract w,»s awarded at thocost of S475 Vnone of the otherparties having put In any Wd." Atthe aawe time the trustees passed abill for tt»e "trimrpingf of aohool-houfd in honor qf President Gnr-fleldfl .The ^injming r»I*««4 to

    ' i l t t mourning btifgliur

    First ReportThen, on Dfombur 2,.; 1881, to

    dipmay'of the'atuilohts and all fu-ture students In th,e yeurs to come,Mi M J Th the pinipalMiss M. J. the "principal,iss T ^ , psuggested tho fivsfiopdrt card, Thonihiutes state:

    MiiiS.THomas made some sug-gestions' in regard to having an in-termediato department in • theschool and also statei that shethought it would be a' good plan tonotify th

  • •t< 't>.

    P A Q M T W 9

    inRttolstmAioptedByCommittetU Fir* t* Eat U A6tpt * M flew-

    WO0DB1TDGE—rwlfcrirjr t i t : "More] KMakme vi!! renter* tc *ur American dem«r*i in the W-towine menth. C. W, Bwiitoa of-fered a resolotwn thtt wai tec-onded W T. H. M « m «i firftewt:

    "Besomed that it i* th* aesie ofthii meeting i£at tbe |ra»Jjar de-nartm«n ol tbt W^odbridre Pob-Bc School be jjeparated frotE ,0>eh^* Kbtfo5 departaient attd be ar-raqged so that pawls of arer&re

    .in 'whom, we' fcwt ipipwcit co<en«." • . "The tmimonial,whJeb also',

    i review of the nh


    Hfe> &&ol diftrkt NV 24. Wood-: Adeline S teseaa, MaWi* H.brid«. Sew Jenev for more tftan S3tor. P M l > - U * f c . Artttu Val..flte year*, durine which there ww :entine. Lillian » . B n w w . \, calledon to phy tbeir faB part in thisS «f eitaeissiup. May


    (CcmtimteiEjon:hoar own tonmuDiity fee the • ra

    gaard of this adroBee tterngh j-^roved die motion.tist Mitt M . X JMorel Reannanent to lead ocr Moore be aUowtd u be the firstcountry into in'dastml peace and:^f ti« leathers to attend Xcrnatnational, najty." -,

    few of the boird CQMPAHE OUR PRICES!NO ADVANCE


    were not ftr»pited enooch to seeinto the future mart likek dee to

    FISH KINWl.ga»tlerepTooff«-|e»osfi

    "Mher leacbm te attend

    What Perfect

    THAT'S wfatt our u l -aty




    Low Prices On LATE MODELS!Cart tkat kare kcea recMtiiMd real "tvgam catch" if you act ataod safety tested —all ready t» five Mce. And with Sprbf coming,yoa nlei aad mle» ef tatistictary, yttil he aD set it the {rut «et-pknait ntttraf. Y»t can anke a

    OLDSMOBfll1938 S t i «

    RWio . Hettar


    Very Spedal

    OlDSMOBUE1939 2 4 W Se

  • 1st Junior Newspaper Qimc ProjectByPressXkbNears Completion

    WOODBRIDGE—Final*for the Junior Newspaper


    12, in Perth Aniboy, Will be madeat a meeting

    1 of .the MlddlosesCounty Press Club'to be held Fri-

    niiirht, March 1, at the home ofDuff, o "* • • "'

    eonnectl6nwlththe affair and three large silvertrophies will be awarded as fol-lirwst The Harold G, Hodman Cupfor General Excellence; The Ed-ward Patten Cup for Editorial

    Stuff members and. faculty 'ad-visers of itll high school and juniorhigh school newspapers in Middle-


    [& ADJUSTED]£

    BRAKES^STEERINGd s t e d hy Specialist

    i»ir p*r c U NVOtJR CAR "IN NOW


    OlOf IF A t«Btif >» S/tMIr

    257 AveNew Brumwick(at Elm St.)

    Perth Amboy, N. J.A, 4-3259 Open 8i00 to fltOOnnchei: Newark •ndJeraajr City

    | h r *fi>our *nm while tlrk-jll»v_|rn meeting tho association alsonamed. Hiss. Betty Jane Mason as:Captain of the local-Olrl "ScoutTroop,, which 'meets each Saturdaymorning at the libfary,, at ,10o'ejock. Miss Mason replaces Mrs,M. M, Pattison, who has moved toRahway.' ,

    York City on Tuesday, -,' —Janet and Hawy Ellis, of Pair-rfsw Avenue, were'gutotf at thoEnglish Club tea' in the Wood-irldg* High School on Tuesday,

    and Mrs, Qharles Volk

    -Mr, and Mrs; Harry'Brock-man, of Hoffman Boulevard, hadas their guest on Friday JuliusHbrvath of Linden.

    —The (Jplonia Civic Improve-ment Club held a very successfuliance at the library on Saturday

    (light. Miss Mafrgnret Grewe waswinner of the door prize and Mr.Charles Knauer winner of a special



    Rahway .7.-O477, Open Evenmjt

    and children, of But Cliff Rosd,were the guests of

    Dodge iiioot withtrunk, beautiful gold-en boige, tires likenow 325

    Fprd coupe, bargain 165Chev, 4-Qr.. Tour-ing Sedan .:L., ....f.1-. 365Ford Model 00 Towing Sedan .„ 325

    srd K. Gumming, lncSolo-l


    end the I


    18for 3Sc



    For 2 Weeks Only

    I Model20

    anyi and «JJ

    •a: J u


    Sqence approves this type of mattres*—so why sleepon an outmoded, dust filled, unresiljent type? It

    will pay you to buy at this saving:


    $1(100lU Allowance

    For Your Old MattressJ on purchase of any sbe mattress




    6 8 ROOSEVELT AVENUE ''EL.-S-1874 CARTERET, N.•« * '

  • TO RtAR AIR HOSTESS A. SerfWt, LoVi-

    . „ „ __. , Chart* H. % ,{[fer, Aa**w J~ StownatB, Eds M

    p»ul Safeo, Harry Sailwi,:S_dn_k. ''

    mttt Tkanitf mjpt

    MarithoChi**'A, tmtn, ch

    ffl ft>r« fita, HcwJTiduel J. Trtiner, F T

    Q-V.af KfKvJf>rm*< i* he M iwe_L'*Wi#_*T SI, Jdhit ftwi. TknUB S e n .

    IStilwrs. Jonqft Kntmm.

    1 3^«*. __«•"


    ' fur *r»8»,or —«k«t


    6.95Gtr prict) tend

    of ne

    ll bf de-


    Nobel W. Sheldon, Andrew fiaa»;Hidurt Sttark., Timodiy ./.' W S

    Robert &ufiirafl, k

    esti-wl to' feepfaq&ea. He- ̂ n*t-:.-in

    itm remaica: W_*_:*Sl flw .M-.:;..

    oral iff fact as well an in »f .*?

    BC1L&ER£ to,tomb-art for tkcKtrurli«iL itf five Sotr^mia U n

    ftrpond "5Ft'*a»>ri«|n!. Wriv+t






    "(kS» er'» Trtvds"The KK

    Color Cartoon Feature


    GreU GarW V -


    buy your

    Used Car NOW!Used Car Stocks Are Urger And OHer a Wider

    Sekrfiw. Sfecial Uir D m P.y_«__

    MwtWy Terns T. S_iL

    FORD CoupePadsBaUm iwBo*AQC

    t93S PLYMOUTH VDoor£ke-oe Trunk | ^ g g

    O a « C t a m a r !••

    1938 DODGE 4-DoorTrunk _ * _ « JCOCBa-atif-t Gray F-«~i -»*•»*

    1937 DODGE 4-Door




    f 137 POfftlAC Tadar

    1937 FORDThrifty^ty

    1936 P4-OowSedu

    1936 FoH 4-DoorDeluxe Tru»k


    1933»U!CK4-Doo»Se___S' U45

    1M-11IE. ST. GEORGE AVLwmama






    « •

  • Brother Rat And A Baby', Y<High h Mama FilmComali*About'* ye«F4T«». a highly hnari-

    L comedy filled "Brother Rat"temped merrily acrp«B the «creen,Ming with the adventures andLadventures of a trio ol V.M.I,jgdotft and theiv rule-breaking| r o m "dates." "Brother Rat and, Baby" picks up th« same young-

    sters B year later and gives us an-tthcr chapter in thdlr checkeredlareeia. One of the galest, mostfollicking cpmedie't* to come out ofHollywood in many; a moon, ft wasbeefed' wifch waves of appreciativeLighter by the. audiences at-theEiijostic Theatre, where ft opened

    ... . . w - v * ^ .-;•>••*>«


    • s U ' r o p y . • • . • „ . . . •• ••

    jf yoU're up, i n yo«r "Brother^it* -lore, you'll.'remember, that. enrfet jjlayed *y'EdoV A'lbert-Cnin

    Reduced—(Meadwood Bbtirboa)—Reduced'


    Bottled Under U. 3. Got't. Supurvliion

    W«. |2 ,29


    BEER - $1.25 A CASEPLUS


    Phone 4-0317 For Prompt Delivery


    K1',".;fl.ui.rttr aets.the' if,_ ^,.theentire plot right at the bej(in-ritnjt r'»fJ*K piclufe. .wheh, m«tbdldly holdini.up a 'Well» -t^jfi-^age eoDch,-he steals,a klee frorii. lovely woman passenger whô JliBcaught his eye. • ".;,'.»..;... ., O

    pHenry, 8toT

    Young Bride "(teler.hohing i...

    . r . Rrocer)—That p,i»mpkin ;yoi|:»t}lt

    iJf-jteriatttfitw d. me isn't any good,tit's all,Hollowinside, -PlcoscsonThe tolofful,Imtrtls and riwr

    t«rmy l«v» wr«t« tfc».r« America's own, | r t

    ln«Jy to th«r«cf*«« mRiver," which orxmt at the tHtrtt*Tnetttn>, l»i Perth AfliiWy. It4«lyUnlicld directed and the cast'tli»urxs Fettx BfeMMt, GW«(«r, Russell-flicks, Gwrt« Reetlnd the Hull Johmwn Choir*

    The very he*n o! Aim _(nvvum' in Hit mnuiMjr mvivQiTBf 8tephen Collthf

    tioTijlly wpifi*wl hi with tongt fa"The Old folks at Home" (3wan«eRiver), "Old Black Jo*,1'"' V."Kentucky ^om*," "OKI SiMuiBH*!!1

    "Oe Camptown RatMi" ""Jeiiaewith the Lifht Brown Hair" arid"Ring, Ring (Jo Banjo," to mwitlonbutaf.tw. . ' ' V- >• ;

    Stephen FokUr WM born- InPlttsDurgh, PH.; on the Ttiurth MJuly, 1826.; .TMifto^Wit y«i» h|teedlcated to him, tchoototiew hitiamo and volumw h ve beln wrlt^

    •"•" " " he'Mreenh^B

    Tito Ciuiur, (na h»i)4i«*#-^ « n i Mtxttan icter, ha* W'rlatit Mf of O. Hahrjf in tit*

    l J "TK, LU110 K!d*tl.tn* Cra««ivtId* tb« Anl «M*K

    plar» a Wattar* oyllawtemptt lo lim»uan»t«-rtia

    ' wid K*lr «f af«

    •plra.y —by Galand Alan Mowt>ray.

    Foiiter's life i ftom the time-1reached manhood and knew* |loV'e to his tfagk «nil.

    Pew liberties have been . „With the essential details, t o t ;

    to his taetii of the _screen drama—*ftftmprlse' the bestand hnpplni'BB, then

    'qnd poverty.

    LAVGHTON SCOm HIT IN HITCHCOCK fMIt IB no accident that Charlen

    Lauffhtgn'a "Jamaica Inn," whichIn ihowing at (he Crescent Theatrb,presents motion picture entertain-ment that for sheer excitement,unalloyed adventure, continuedinterest, surpasses anything, trfescreen has provided . inmonths I The ptoture combines theexcitement of Daphne duMaurior.'sstory, the fascination of ChartsLaughton's pBrforntftncet the sus-pense of Alfred flilchcoc^ pro-duction, Qne could olmoat.cnll ita conspiracy of genius in favor, ofthe movie-floed • .

    IAMDV *fVINi l01 "SnitMf"

  • L • V

    ' t . . i . \ . p . J •

    FACE SBC rammr. ss.

    MM A. Brtcktnriige CelebratesSKA BirfkMf fiimiwGatheringWOOl>BKir>f-F—Johr Msrj

    MM HBZES OVEN High School Reg Pole OrderedBY ST. MAS' UNIT & 'Executed' Week Of Marchf«?y Draft tttfeAtta* fep* Of Stab fkmt ?«***•nsMi. Jv.


    went: » i»O.urA

    Tht dinn t

    S MVMwi Etanu-L ^bra Mr-awt, •*». Jnta

    Of i the object of a talk ^ e nSupleton, budget director

    N«« York,

    wuI. Htftneivl ie

    Sewaren Notesto

    J. —jjr*. Morrison ChnstiL,. nfffcsi Avenue. U swrndnie thefeefcend or toe farm at Middle*fanh where her son. Richard

    nvm? Tiie family plans. »then- in Mart*

    -A community wrr>. for the

    *r«T waE held m the Irbrary bmld-

    it.have been made ..and a numUtt of -the ^n-

    books art- on hand. Among -"-Mrs."The Sur Gater" by

    •j and "No Arms, No s 'w .1 1 * n d

    by HemiQu*.*, tbt AD- * •

    Christie,Miss Ors

    -..RobertHorace Pwtmari, rf, LiMtoi andRoderick- Baitt, of

    —Mr*. Floyd T. Bvwteil enter*ai a liaicheoji Tuesday at

    bet botoe on West ATOHO* isit or. of Mr, Swel l 's mother, Mrs.

    Fhimmerfelt.whobirthday. The

    M_r&, FhunarrfrlL, Mrs.C.

    Mrs. A. F,J. Henry, Mrs. Obvc Van Ider-rtine, Mrs. George Urban and

    Alfred Scheldt. , <•fck and

    daughter, Leigh, Mrs Harper A-

    Mr*. HaroldMn.

    MuBen, Mo. EobertOwras, Mn. James OH, Mr. and*Mrs.. Leo Meftad, Mr. and Mn.

    McwenthiK; toehre, Mn.Van

    • —Mr. and Mi* Kvlley Chad-jtriclc, of Wan Avenue, entertain-«d i t a birthda) psuty Sundayin hono! of Mr Chadmck's moth-er, Mrs. Joseph J. Loughrey, ofCaradcn. The guests included: Mrs.Robert P MacDprmctt, Georgeand John Lougtiiey, of Camden;liearge W. Cross, Mr. and MrsSober! P. MacDermott, Georgeand John Loaghrey, of Camden;Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Loughrey, Jr.,of Earlton; Mr. and Mrs. Char-les Loug-hrey. of Merchantrilieend Miss Clotildc Qtick, of Phila-

    Nancy, w e nof Mrs. Robert Thomp-

    son, of Rahvay, formerly of £waren, Tuesday afternoon. •

    —The Sewaren P, T. A. *meet Tuesday afternoon in 'theschool auditorium at 3:30 o'clock.

    interesting programme of enter-tainment

    —The Wednesday Bridge Clnbweekat the home of

    Legion ReidXCoittinued from Page I)

    fay night at' {he1 Cotsniftian Chili:the auspices of St.

    Pu-ent-liparterf'Ms*. Rdhrr *Wtar


    test-boring* inaflr bf pi»"t

    how npid this intaripr d«ay wiBprogres nor • how lone thewill remain etanding. We are con-fident that more extensive decaythan that revealed by our stapling

    rapid abo.t « e I M


    the week of'speaker at • meeting of tht Ant-1'mean Home Department of the

    this week Woman's Cldb df Are'nel held MOD--^ ' at the home of t l* chairman,

    Beckley, of Bur-

    „.. the member* of the Se*«r.

    ... Hiswry Club at a meeting-held

    ednesday at the home of Mrs.

    art D. MeClain on West

    r PORT XEADI.V6—Mi* ?etenDam, daughter of- Mr., and Mrs.'(Gwrp* F>i>ni, oF^'e^'Avenue, thi*/Harold" Monsoo, Mr*. ......slate, became the bride of William j Mrs. Frederick; Branaft, Mrs., D tf" '• Xrrcil, 'td of Mr.'aaTMra.iDetonhj.abd M{*. R. G.Perier

    Sewaren, at St Joseph's tLCSmrch rectory, Caileid, SalUi1.day afternooii at foar o'dock.Kev. James Doyle, 0 . M. S^ftf .tor of the church, performed the

    aister ofony.

    Mies Georgia NeveH,'.brid i

    g , ser ofthe bridegroom, wasnaid«f IMSHOTand Alei Dora, brofter ofbride, aerred as be**, man.


    (MIL Arinfer at Ibe piano.Flwmt tntt:- Mn,-Edmund

    Kopka, Mrs, WiBJam GteT, MmHerixrt Hasai; Mrs, Bay )

    Mr*,C.N. V#TI leer, Mrs.

    ., trtteristing; anpl* pointed cot,., Mm; Stapletori was * « f'**t

    j i i t jnany homemaken ^tb • « >•(T* lricomei find as wuth diff̂ eul•in making ebdt meet as thosethe lower bracket?, becaute «f

    the-faft that most of w are lir-


    Mrs.iohnBrookwell, Mn.-Pahrier, Mra) Bnose,


    Mre. T>-Perier and Mn.'6eek-

    Vn. J. L.Thomas Fefney, Mrs. H. P.lather, Mrs. William A, Kyan.players, Mrs. Richard Gimct, Mrs.William D. Buyiaa, Mrs, Lewi E.

    « d

    r P. P.. associate plant * patfjolo-

    I cist, and Charles T. Pope,- instntct-;or in forestry at Butters Unrver-

    Iseliii PersonalKies— %j Loratta Gnftw

    —Mr.'and Mr*. **t*rm Bena,

    Facesi the ofof



    Street, entertained


    n Township, formerly oftown, and Edward Hillock, ofNew York, are on a two weeks'trip to Florida.

    and the possibility of a gnat ca- " ^ " I * G. Grogart lasttastrophe shonjd the pole crash' evening at their home The Rneststo earth during school dismissal enjoyed card games and refresb-time, the board had but a single mai** w e r e served,course to take—tie immediate re-' — I n keeping -wi* the annual

    tnttt*V. T h e aUurd r COStOZD 01 U1C Cimrcft. XJ36 x^aUSLu

    the cleric to seel; bids I PJ*5'er» ^ present "Meet theof i the pole daring | Smith Family" on $ t

    at the Pioneer Ha& on Saturday,Match 30. Mosie will be furnishedby t U Paramonnt Aces.;'

    —Due to Ike holidry.yesterday,t i e Bridge Oub met Tuesdayaffcernfoon at the home of Mrs. LQiristensen of Hillcmt Avenue.Hi|a score was swarded to Mrs.

    the Easter school rotation. Mem- -{Eve « *be' Penhiag AvemeC J , « T J > . j i 1 * 1 8 o f t n e b w t t w ? « »J«> dele-jSSchett Jr.. andConrad g , ^ to i n s p e c t ^ po l f tg ^ n w r . J

    &cnott, 3rd, of Jener City, were; b y communities and to obtain I «"•!

    y, ;the recent guests of Bev, and Mrs.!

    auditorinm. The cast in-Ann Olah,- Eugenia Bneb-

    Eleanor SepaiisSa, Veronica

    Buwier of Wil-aon Avenne served as an usher-ette at the Tuesday night perform-ance of the Senior play, It NeverBaws.

    —Tie Tuesday" Afternoon Sew-

    Mrs. Caroline

    ! p r i c e s b Ho obtain I « • Eleanor SepaiisSa, Veronica ,

    - « # : O'Zell; Joe Olah, Vincent Knffen.ling Circle met this week at the



    Mr. ar

    Upprove all papers to be signed,

    '—instaJlstion of officers for the j AAiefie Fund* To Be U«J >coming year uill be s feature of j For « Jong time, it has been theIfce annual dinner to ht. given, by i consensps of opinion that the fieldthe Sew*rcn Republican CJiib, Inc.,"! SD&nW h e u n d e r ^ gupen-ision oftomorrow night at Hiram's Farm ,. „ . > —. J . , ,m Avenel, C A, Girond k chair-1 ^ ^ d o f E d o c a t U ' i n a s l B n e l 1

    Burn and he K being• assisted-*y- *" t h t , T ( l w n s h i P « not in the finan-Mrs. Barold .Hsyden. Mrs. Hflr- ^^ positior, to Veep theXf Halsej1, O.P. Nilsen, A. CDodwell, Gwrg* Luffherry and eij s t t I ) i j S i flicrirnt field in the'Eahwavitr. and Mrs. Michael Quinn. OfFi- hand? of tht board,-funds of the,Memorial.©ers for tht cominc yew ttrer.athltric fomniitU'-e could bt- wed.Resident, D. V. Flush; vice-prcin- Roy E. Antersori. district-clerk. J4ent, Mrs,, fiwolii Hiijiien; Set- of the/board, said yesterday that |$nd vice-president,' Mark D. Me- -sthlwic funds would nndoubtedly JfondaiCkin; secrerarj-, Mjx. F t7"Ln- be nssd, and :f necessary, the lair 'fmoar Robijaoa,

    and son,

    p b H tĥ tpresent one in the near, future. • i'** O™1) Charles Volters and Pete

    flHgJKatt. A large group of boys

    Petenen, of R i d d l e i

    „ , , .from Tacoma,CUrtson, of; erectedi

    sea voyageon iU way

    Washington, was

    the Rahway Memorial hospitalA son was born recently to Mr

    ( B g e i

    he top asd ;


    home of Mrs. A. Lax «f HQlerestAvenne. Tiis group is nnder thedirection of Mr*. StepiaTiL

    giAs have been seieeted ,for the! —Mr. and Mn. HaroW Moanlorns.. -oey, Jr^ of Lincoln highway, an-

    •The ^L Cecelia's Society heldinonnce Sbe arrival of a son, borna meeting Monday night after de-jon- Tweday, Febrnary 20.

    • • • • • • ' —Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Gerlan-do, of Harding Avenue are' thproud parentt of'a baby girl bornTuesday.

    by the OMTimers' Association will be held

    stood all kinds of.weaVher, mZ AVENEL P. T. A. HOU>S


    doirrt-^-thereby remov-ing another "historic laiidfrom the.eommuniiT.

    3Rarr and treasurer,.. Sir*. Evdyn' makei it possible ior the board toS " ^ d f i i i fSchmidt' —^Miss Doris fieni-y eliienfiiu-

    '•«d * group af younj: nenpk iii!«

    deficii, ifany.Farrell, Mrs.

    Tele,piw«e 4-O075 ]

    Thos. F. Burke


    rem* AMBOY, N. J.

    Jwept V. Costeno, Her.

    • • • ' *

    To Xpplf fw WPA Fnndt'•J; is our intention." he said, "to ^

    :• apply'for WPA projects to improve I j , ^tht groimdi.- -A> in as accepting j5-hc -c-tmditinnf set by the Tb'vrn- jshir,.. I persfinjuly beliew that the'name Lttpjon FttidC'llt. I St"i* ViO I"

    . Group Also Donates $S Today party last night at the home Finnish UtMmi FmitJ-of tie chaiman, Mis. Flunk. Stan- r q u n f a l i a m ' • • • »

    Meets Wednesday_, _ met lastCraftsmen's Clnb.

    at tht


    Fenske beats Cnnr.ingha.ni Srdtime in row in Petic. A. C. mile.

    Birth-President hits • « debt

    obliration.W l o ^ .It-.is the belief of ise board-that i:

    .6 jrreat deal of tht expense in-jvolvp^ wjH be met from athletir jfunds and play? sponsored by the]student body of the,high scboul1; is klso poasibk that grants maybt- obiainê d from tiite to time fromthe •federal g-ov-erimsTit to con-strue: section*'of Covered staad?.

    * - Dot Miuin{COLONIA—»re, B, W. Soule,

    nf Iki'on fy>u&, thfe place, re-ported id Serpenni Wilhelm Brwn•Tuesoay nifrht that her dop is miss-inp. The animal is a white E«g-Ifcr. stttw, with browTi spots onfc uust tnd body. ' :

    AveneJNewsVBT Mr*. * . CJNrier 2 Park Av



    luwe been endoraej by^kbuaands oi FooTSpecUI-lata,* Don't traat to gtieas-[jiM«k with the health of

    ckOdV feet Takedoctor's advice, get

    r Arch Preserrer Shoesfor your child today.

    AVEISEL—Founder's Day vc^ebrsied i> the postftonec meet-'ing of tb* Parent-Teachers' Asso-'ciiticir. hfclo this week at the Av^-nel Scaoolboose witi Mrs. WilUans

    . Kuzmiak in charge of the program.Mrs. William Krag.' second vice

    president of the group played &t"Concert Waltt," and Beethoven's"'Moonlight Sonata.": • ; •

    Mrs, S. N. Greenhalgt, Mrs. John•Ettershank, Mrs. Barry Jensen. and Miss Gloria Erceg lit the foar

    Mn. Herbert Head, Mn.J o h JbaJMiSeomi Ouvt

    AVENEL—The Woman's dubof Avenel met ic the schoolboaseWednesday evening whi Mrs.Frederick Bruise presiding.

    Federation Cay invitations fro:Fords, New Brunswick. Sonth Am

    id the Jersey Shoremen's Clubs were read and aceepted.

    It was announced that Lheratare and International' Relationsdepartment meetings "wiD

    . . . , . , a d Miss Glria ErcegMr. and Mm, Peter 1EavanaugaI "Wiaiiiti:as chairman will'be held! Indies*n the birthday

    Cost no more than ordi'nary f ootweur, All shoes

    properly fitted byX-R*y.

    Skvu A n Supposed'To Be Good, Bot Jr. Ar«4 »n«lRepaired

    $1.5?RaritaB Watch AJewelry Repair Co.198 SMITH STREET

    ' (1 flight up)PERTH AMBOY, N. J.

    at the home of Mrs, Jl,_G. Perier•on Thursday evening, March 21^

    Mrs. Rerbtn Head and Mrs.John Aiud were named in chargeof the Soy Scout nds. .

    Mrs. Ray MiBenhdder, Mrs. Rob-ert Plasiand Mrs, hCarks BrookweB' served as hosteues. The :freshment table was decoratedkeepittc with' WashingtoB's Birth-j•day. •' '" . ' j

    CarSs TOD be played after the jnext-meeting of the Woman's Clnb \as a benefit for the. Grand Jubilee

    «ff the Geaeral Federation.

    stsp: has budgetedof other peor

    .„ This includes income fromwalk* of life, the smallest b«-


    tween balance^ •TOgrt ^

    Mrs. ,Clarence -Dnvis M n .(frou> of solos, "Whtn the Ji(h Asletp," *Haigh; ATne A>a n t Come'V Foster and,bycibL request "'Gpd Bleas Atm-iBerlin. SIIK wsJ apeojnptnicrMrs,-Gforgt; Urban i t the p,.

    During the buiinetsnations >wer* voted to i i

    Squad MI* wrtrai fedtrstionjAU. A silver" co&wbojn w»fon for the Finnish Belief 1-

    EnjcytdBj WomenAVESEL—"Ecuador aad Co-

    lumbia," the sixth program of theimaginary tow of Latin America,was held recently at the home ofWoman's Clnb Literature Chair-

    j Mrs. Earl Painter, of Man-hattan Avenue. •

    International RektionT'Chair-'man, Mrs. R. G. Perier, conductedthe inserting, giving a resume ofprevious" programs. Papers wereread as follows: "The Trip fromGanyaqufl to Quito," by Mrs.Charles Bj-ookwell; "Quito and ItsArt- Treasures," by Mrs., Eobertflags; "By Highway from Quito toBogoV" Mrs; -Harold Gnmam;"The Walled City of Colombia,"Mn. William Falltenstcrn; "Co-ombia, the tand of Coffee," Mrs.

    John Ettershank and "The Liter-ary Development -of Hispanic' Am-erica," by Mrs. Palmer.

    Others ' attending . were: Mrs.Frederick Brause, Mrs. HerbertHead and Mrs. Harold Monson.The next meeting of the literatureand International Relations de-partments'will be held at the homeof Mrs. Perier on Park Avenue,.Thursday evening, March 21.

    jETTE* ttEXTCTGBuilders' have quickly i t

    nited that the instaliatiQn of; : ,heating systeni insures the o.of a new home ta« finest ;matic equipment fitted Ut tinret fuel that any ran can In

    A. F.6EISi 184 Gr«ea Street

    N, J.8-1723-M

    COLDSFor quick relieffrom the mberrof cold*, take 666


    666Dr. Robert Sleskovitz


    'Perth Amboy Nati Bank Bids:SU State SL Perth Ambur

    Phone P. A. t-«X57


    AVENEL—Henrj- Moody, 62,!died Sunday night at the home o fhis daughter, Mrs. Norman Au-mack, of" Deinarest .Avenue, thisplacfe. He is survived by hisWidow, Florinda; son, Joseph '•Moody, of Lywlbrook, L. I,, daugh-ter, Mrs. Aumack, and threegrandchildren, >

    • Mr. Moody w»$ a member ofBlazing Star Lodge No. 30, F. andA. M., and Wihon Lodge No. 142,Knights of Pythias, both of' Ram-ford, Me'.

    Funeral services were heldWednesday afternoon at ' twoo'clock st the Greiner FuneralHome, Green Street, Woodbridge.Burial was'in the Bay View Ceme-tery, Jersey City,

    TRYMore}' LaRoe's

    GUARANTEEDdry cleaning0 Cleans clothes• cleaner.

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    I 356 State Stn«tPERTH AMBOY *

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    BUTTER^ 35c Ib.Fmk CreuMrr Batter S3 Scan

    Large IlKJ 5c


    Pork 1b. 19c

    •Mb Cat 25c



    first CbBrri Of Christ, SdentistSewaren, New Jeraey •



    S u b j e c t , '•••• : •••-.

    Chrjstiaii Sdence: "A Satigfjing fiel^ion"

    RikaiStaAy Ross, LSIOf New York City

    Member of l i e Board of Lectureship of The MotherCbyrth. Tfee Rrgt Church of Christ, Scientist, .

    in Boston, Missachusatte'*• 'T

    g Game Social iI AT ST. JAMES'AUDITORIUM S S S f f i « I1 2 7 GAMES LUCKY SEVEN $2431



    Barn* A

    SUNDA?, FEBRUARY 25, W #At 3:30 P


    In Sdeclin j m wxi CAR-BE CAREFUL -


    De Cozen MotorsUsed Cars-

  • Inkpenbent- HeaterTh« .WMdbiMn leaderWMdbtlfM n&PMtat A . . / . «Th« holla ' ;nn» l -. UMWThe Lwdw-Jtotiml v (1114)


    HABtiBJLOMWOHTEditor and Fiftlluhtr

    Managing Editor

    AH INDEPENDENT KIWSPAFEBU B*tol.ti,00 p«r yew fa

    Start A LMeTonrIt's quite ft "ways yet to spring Most

    \{ UB will ha*e oiany'idle hours to dissi-

    ( while winter; weather keeps iia in-*

    Boorii. A few of .those hours could be both,

    and profitably spent in the in-

    terest offire pYeVentton.' Andthatactivity

    night be the means of .assuring-that you

    Hll-continue, to; have a door-to bolt'against

    | h c c o l d ! • , , . •' •";;, . '• • ; - . / - ,

    Next time you-find the hqura dragging,'t'tart out on a little tour 0f your hpme. Take[he family along—:it won't be an arduous[rip. Begin in the attic, whero all thosebcient magazines you've meant to readfend, never will, are stored,, along withbiiper cartons, your wife's collection of old|Iothes," broken .furniture which you'llLver find time to repair1 and wouldn't useIf you did, and similar pdds and ends,porting over the collection will probablykfford amusement, as you come to that.for-totten picture of Aunt Hattie in her wed;Sing dress, and kindred relics. Have yourfun—and when it's over call the junkman.

    Do this in closets, spare rooms, base-nent, garage. , And it's a safe bet.you'llborne on many a dangerous fire hazardbou never knew existed. Fire likes noth-ing better than accumulations of rags,jjaper, improperly stored inflammableliquids, amateur electric repair jobs, etc.

    The upshot will be a more comfortable

    d roomy home, no less than a-safer home,robably you'll find articles which can

    be used by charities, and thus do a good|urn for your less; fortunate neighbors,jet's get going on that personal .fire'pre-vention tour.


    by giving to labor a stronger voice in thecouncils of government, in industrial rela-tionships and in all fields of .human welfare..1

    Well, Mr( Green may be right. Just thesame, it might be worth pointing out that acase can be made for the farmer, whosesupport of 'democracy has ftftt been Bur-passed* by" any other class in tife "UnitedStates.

    There is no law1 that we know of thatwill give labor a more important role invarious fields of human welfare and thereis" much law to give labor an effective voicein industrial affairs. Labor, however, seemsunable t'o organize itself fo'take advantageof the statutes that have been written forits-protection.

    One of'the,best methods to increase thestrength of laboHn.the councils of govern-ment involves the-termination of'the bitterfi.gM tha.t'.has -labor- dividedin the UnitedStates. If Mr. (Jreen and his antagonist, Mr.Lewis, will devota thtijr energies tb thistas.k, they will serve the cause of labor well


    Certain- Americans are trying to iriajcisomething over the fact that Germanyexecuted an American citizen who"wasfigKtrrilfwith the Polish army.>•' This is nonsense. If an American citi

    zen cares to fig-lit for another country hmust,,of necessity, assume the risks incident to the'struggle in which he engagesIf Germany captures an American citizenamong those taken prisoner in battle, thenia no more to it, so far as the United Stateiofficially is concerned, than there woulbe in the capture of any otheit enemy,

    The United States cannot attempt tprotect its citizens when they leave thcountry and'join the armies of other nations. , While we may, and do, regret thaiany American citizen has lost his life, asnesult of a military courtmartial, there is ncause for making an issue. .

    Oppression At Home ^™^ ™ " ~^^r ^ ^ H • • ~w^mr -I^H- -^^r • • • • - " ^ B ^Of All Thing

    By Harold G. Hoffman" TftSSTiKr.—AmonR the" heidllnos

    Over itorles of air raids, ,1 Of bombed cities and sunken ships,

    There li another kindOf air story in the news.

    • American alrptflnes, \.Commercial airplane*,Are now flying from, FlotlJa

    ' t o Portugal on B•, Twoaty-four hoyr ach«dulc, '

    They take off from the land 'Where Ponce de Leon -

    , Sought for tho fountain- Of eternal youth

    r»And fly dver that little wisp

    W * . fttst set footOn tho'eqi) of the Western •Hemisphere.., • ' ,Then they wjnfe e^Btward <,Oyer*tho waters on lyhlch he saSo nlowty to his great ad^ehttiroUntil (hay sight that long' ,.And ruRged coast which it -Po'rtu'ftil*md part of Spain. 'T h i h f P l


    . N«w Jor»»y Clllmm' Committed for ress and the mouths ofcitizens. Americans have, been eag-er to lend aid.to Finnish refugeesthrough tho Hoover committee andthe Red Cross, They have applaud-ed all tho steps taken "by othercountries to feemi planes and gunsand men,

    garten schoolchildren from- 4


    underprivilegedhomes of relief

    clients, Mrs, Verna Robbins ofthe State office described the planto Supervising Principal Victor C.Mcklas yesterday,'but Mr. rjicklasstated 'last night lie had not yetcompleted" analysis of the offer andhad hot, decided what, his recom-mendation to the Boa,rd of Educa-


    Desk 'Sergeant Harvey Romondwill ask the Police Pension Com-mittee tonight to certify his ap-plication for retirement beginningFebruary 1. Sergeant Fred Lar-son, who> had bceh rumored as con-templating- retlreme^ on pensioncffeeUya.,itt A,PWi «|W today,have not'set any date,"

    But there is resistanco t o 'furnishing even of the nonmilitary^j/'|loan just approved by theForeign R e l a t i o n s Comm|ttc0. >'.Cheers—jfrom a giandstandthousand miles away--arcHut dollars reciuiru at least .somerisk. In Berlin the VolkischBeeobachter says; "Small stfttasjare pushed into something; thbig ones avoid uction—and. taup. co'lleetbni,." America has funished more than words for Filand.and the right instinct of -t _American people will see that theiidesire to give f ui ther help is )effective.—Christian Scienceitar.



    Consult U s For Rates And Information.


  • antj - . w i n IBHWPJI -ITO IHCTTT r«r™sIffl" tB •MttftWd* iftf t iff 74 HI trad



    \rv>. -.K-? ihrnrr*!^


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    !a")»H Trtif* «»t !»» Tort- d *** &«!*»* »o*rtMr wttfc L £rf—WWJ"** few br r«o»urtfKi wrf the Tiajwid haUlnw &* »nd »*«d fu--, ™ -or(,- Un, S*f+*«i.T!in»iB W1» JrJntv' n-tS fftxn tvoe !.• tisv to 4 i » s T

    ... _.. _.__»-.. . , - . j ^ ( u ^ - ^ , . } , M . j , , urtedml i« awe erf


    tf IM Tod X *,««T. u r n M fc'nw.ud ( «irt Ihf tondto tunr >D i»s*« »IW irarrt»i»»r. us


    T»«» ftrrUHT no«l' f r t ^ t y awj, IMOTo 1>A wIwKit*4 l>bni*rv Mr.'

    Mnrrh l*t. tWO. f» U>« J n d w

    TTT-"*-1 t}«j

    J . r u ;>. P.('.W< T-Mtfr* « i « B* ' • v .>--I .


    ..1 • ; . ̂ ^""k u Q\«r sTfer « « » ,

    H • > • !• •« ̂ * *.r *pVji*(-\. Ht i sc ' t ,

    TV T •vi ^ >r"t iu-« th*{ h* dow. '» '* r. ^"hit •••• ^o about John isj

    j .


    i,- ) i.



    Bowling Results. ' CIVIC LEAGUE

    "sptisEft' . ... 1S7' 22« mGs4or V 1ST 132, « 7Japa '. ; :., ]fi2 ,I5S_.:':'1' V p5

    Crafttmen (2) .C.SfJwi-:i«r...:.,.. 371 15.0JeJljtk? , 170, 181P. SchwtwrT.. ' . . . 175 177Levi.. . ' .'. 1 3 4 ' , •'Eir.ljorn •.•..".. 192Urth. .. ..'..162 174

    Totalj •„.. Slo K74.Avenel A. A. (1)

    T*ftr8s .... ...... l^o ISOHt^d^i"^'^ ....,..-. l-r>9 165Mchfon . 1 9 1 ' 163

    Reafa* ..:... :.'. 175 160

    Toiab . S7Tt • S40


    •1-98 |1661177]



    OHO! "wow pinwy

    — I

    • n



    MlTK I

    • •^ ; ,V ) , . .: i3^ ! ! : 4 *

    ' « ' • •• . »

    a ;


    NOwl Wf'ttUlHOS / * . - ' • •

    b ^ -

    -,11;̂ V

    • • * • ' . : . " -




    \ -

    '••ru CHa tmutt 0>- * . UMt.>*>.*, ^L

    1 E t JIM1 JUSE-

    ) 'I 1

    ,1 '

    . n iu r r iT or M.TT JCBSEIV rm\rr»v nr \ms Jlilt' t t I>*r AiBt-iiuo J

    > J t 3u>itmict andC i i'\ liaolf tuuf

    r' \\ IM IO" D A. WFt ! r

    ftr Ttrt * r* t»» sh of rtii'rd Wr*»B» (Sir Of' -c m tbr Cm at Sew iBoiiMtwiac, X. J. . !

    'All. tibt Mltnring t n d or pared oi lhad and preir.ises tureiBiftfr partial: 1luriv ds^ribrd. ,'il'jsif IVIT.E sad being [W th* TOXT)

  • J B * ^ ^ • * • > • > I

    For Last Round Tuesda1CASEYS PULL jGAME FROM BLAZEIN FINALJECONDSGerity Forces Contest IntoExtra Period And LeIHer

    Sinks Winning Points2NP.ING, ^

    " WOODBEIDGB—Pdr thetime in,twff weeks, the WoodbridgeKnights,•of Columbus basketballcdmWnc fumed,Jh';an over-timeviitwy ,ih •the-Greatcr.PertKlAlti-Imy'Brisketball League; Tfic latest

    "win.was, recorded oyer the,;?tilaskiYouhK Mcn's.feltfb: ol Perth. Amboy

    inftft, SMRES- piulixi Ho-

    ; _ ^Chaxdoa, who belted hi»"*way

    :hrough all 6j>po»ition in the Cold-n Gloves • toffi^Mnent S«W in

    ytiiis fnonth \iM*x tfiepoflspVshp oHhe"Audits of Co-ftmbus« thirt city, will Ifeev* aough opponent In Newark's Jim-

    my Davis,. Davin, who aliroinaUd Ken Dean

    n the Horth Jpraey'spml-flnBls andhen defeated Tim Still in the final,3 being heralded ^ as a corningicavyweight . •

    The victors in open- CIBSB boiltawill he seht to t*h'e New York DpllyNews Golden Gloves bouts in .'MardiBoh Square Garden, with all expenses paid, ' ' •

    The winners 1ft the novice di-vision, in which Chardos.flghts,re;ceieve bltie trunks and silk robes';

    Tonight's botits put the Centra!Jersey winners against thte Newarkarea victors in the finals befonmoving into New York,


    FORDS COMM. LEAGUEBUiV Diner .. tOwls -..-, 2Greys .u._ 0Bayviews ,0

    Woodbridge Senior

    D,ene,ons , :.™ 2 •Celtics «,... 1Nymphs .'. 1Jo Jo's .1Shell Oil .'.... 1Farmers „*,.. ;:..,. \* •Eedskins . . . . ^ jD*

    Woodbridge Interm.edl5p.te

    Terrors •-...' v<B o *





    Long Branch And 1Hind Barrow 12th,


    High's 1930-1940 baskii __chine lost several more paH« iing the past few days,dropped ft 3P-27 'decision to 1Branch a£ the B,Btrop gym 'dAy.ninht ami then took a BB:t£jncing .front, Dunellen here W#

    neiitmy afternoon.theae last twoI the number of

    Steve .(Butcher Boy) Lesko fi-lineup. He dU pr*tty wall too.nally trashotLittto the TailorsV«l Lun4 it going to send a pe-tition to the Brunswick Balkepeople asking them to make al-leys without gutters.

    .— Wiunewski, 2 5 5 — .Al Kaub, who "pooped',' a IS

    in the first, said he would do bet-ter in the next game. He "poo-poo-ed'Va 141. Anyway he kept hlipromise. Bill Podolaki is anotherguy that shoots«. k. when the Mrs,is around. He should shake handswith Moe Fucci. .

    — Wisneweki, .255 —See where "Hack" Chomicki,

    who clipped "Rooky" Stango fora couple of sausage sandwicheslast week was taken over by He-len Rein, Lou PavlickV future"Boss." Helen clipped a 167against the great Hack's 147.

    — "Wisnewski, 255 —S.omebody is bringing the "mon-

    ey bowlers" from Elizabeth to "tykeover the lads at Fords. The onlythjng they found that interfered

    *IEW BRUNSWICK ^athletfs face a busy Weekend, withth,e swimming; team occupying theipotllght, when they .meet Porntate in the Hungers poof tomor-

    row. ThflUeariet natatow havo abatting average of .500 this seasonwinning three meets and lostingthe samo number and will be outto get 6n the winning side of theledger for the season.

    Tjie meet wilt bo part of a celebration, atrrahfted toTionor JamesRelHy, veteran Rutgers swimmingcoach who has completed 25 yearsof servicjh Following tho meet,many of Reilly's star pupils ofother years, will take a fline attheir favorite event'in the Rutsrenjrool, Included in this group willbe George Kojac. and Walter

    gainst two jjn|tnpr«a»>e'Coafh, Lincoln Tambe

    ira will conclude theiourt campaign n e x t t;hey travel to Perth Anlay in a return engagement'!t, Mary's. Woodbridgehe Saints here earllor/

    season. ' ' . ;took high-score


    Kohller a trip t o theifJhe continues

    o keep, his batting eyein-shape.'Muni" always did make a.lot ofromises. How about it Budda?

    — Wisnewski, 255 —"Sparky" iDieter certainly is

    keeping up with this bref«yweather. He "breezed" aboutsix spares Tuesday night. Itmust have been conlageotis asMickey Kovach "pojoped" a 124in the first, but he came out ofit In time to roll'games of 200 •and 196,

    — Wisnewski, 255 —The Paramount Barbers dropped

    their set to the Kacops Mondaynigbjt, but that "Bobofas" Kocsiand Jimmy Zilai djdn't seem togive a whoop as they both SDinto, the 200's tOjget a free clip-ping., Incidently toe fastest aliaveand haircut I ever g«t was when"Three Card" Monte and "Card'Shark" Lou, harbors at the Para,both done a job on me at one timein 13 minutes,

    — Wisneweki, 265 —In the Ford* Comn.' League,

    y; j trieir idea was Rocky Stangoand Hack Chomicki. Rocky surecan. use the extra o-day as SirStork has left a new boarder at hishouse (Rocky Ann) a few weeksago, And the mug wouldn't evenlet us in on the secret.. • —Wisnewski, 2 5 5 —

    Looks as if "Applet" Almati'sboys and Jules' ice House gangwill havo to fight it out at theCraftimen't Club for top hon-ors. Both squads • are smackingthe wood for some nice scoresand taking their matches prettyregularly. The Bernttein Brat,are doing the most damage forthe Icert while Springer and"Handy" Hmieleski are the hot-shots" for the Alraaii'i.

    . —Wisnewski, 255 —You ought to have seen the look

    on "Fat Stuff"'Holzheimer'a face(who was giving ''Printer" O'Harathe works for throwing one in thegutter), when he did the samething a few minutes later. Both ofthe lads shoot in the"Peanut leaguefor the Hilltops; • ' • J •

    — Wisnewski, 255 — -: HOOKS—I ^ink Billy Sk»ywants to bowl with tho Peanut,league in the R. R....Walt Hab-ich's chutes are banging outtome nice high scores lately—and they call, 'em the coal-chutei.'.. Looks at if the Houioof Finn's have thrown in thesponge at the Craftsmen's . . ,Tony Wisnewski finally got inthe limelight with his 255 . . .Charley Flusz wants to knowwhat happened to that bottle ofwine, jHack . . . Don't forget tho .Peanut-Fords match at the for-mer's "slleys, March 3 . , . Gira(White Cap) BatU is dipping'am plenty hot for Undo JoeMayors . . . "Waag" Malii itgetting b»ck in his stHd« . • .The Casey gang upiet George'*for two (surprise);.. Fred Han-ten and his Mrt. were pullinga Gable-Lombard act at AheFords Rec , . , "Beat" it goingto be best-man when Lou Pav-Uck says "I-do" the end of April.

    Spence two Scarlet nominationsfor the hall offl ine. ' .

    A dinner with the veteran coachas,the guest of honor will be.heldIn th,e evening at which many moref his swimmers, who havo passed

    the competitive stage'will be pres-ent • ' . • • • "' '

    The basketball team, whicwound up its hprne appearauceB oWednesday against Lafayette, wiljoiirney'to New'York to play thundefeated quintet of New Yor!University. The Scarlet will bedecided Under dog in this event duto tho excellent record v/hichY. U. has piled up to date, ' '.

    The fencing team will play hostto Lafayette's evtardsmen in thgymnasium tomorrow and this willmark another step in the MiddleThree competition,


    in both gamos for the Qhthe Lonir Branch fracas, tljlBarron forward registeredfield goats and a foul throwitotal of fifteen Joints.,nd Unger were best for the J

    mouth county combine, <twelve and eleven, pointsjtivelyv

    The Dunellen game found,]hftly again pacing thetallied a half dozen timesthe field and once from'the-1ity line to total 13'points.son, Plaskon and Naglcfor the winners withnineteen, fifteen and th!

    Woodbridge (27)0

    Gceschuk, f 1Barcellona, f 0 »jVahaly, f 7Redd, c 1Finn,' c . * 1 (Wasjlok, g 2 'Dubay, g 1

    Totals 18Long Branch (32)

    GEriekaon , f 6Fitagale, f ...; 2Marra, f 0Penta, c 0Esposito.-c 0Wilbert, g , 1Unger, g : iSianeo,. g 0


    WDGE RECREATION LOOPParamount Barbers (0)

    Hearin ...,....-.., 147Bartos 163 -166J. Zilai 1'51Pochek 1C3 141J. Demko 172 187Kocsi 176 210_

    Totals •....,: 821 855.1.G..& J. Kacops (3)

    M, Lehrer 135 244F. Boka 173 153J. Kuznlak 159 165S. Poos 171 202•W. Fauble 208 205







    Totals 846 989 960Giants (3)


    Basketball hapit ScheduleTownship Heavy 8

  • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1940

    B y The Navigator

    I Wonder;

    AVEML GIRL TO\Euagement Of Mut

    W H CAST

    i ^ j Ba>c< ToUfay ̂ . 2 9Raymond Gtimt Told ApproTwi At S*tnnUy'i

    Ew«tB*ffmu«Il«i, of 4 Fifth Ave

    ih* e&gfe|rem«n? oi, Jftdwig. t oRay

    Cnuit, nch of Mr. *ii* Mr*. . .,--.,.,.

    he looks like whajtt^ best-«>» « ^ . P ^ * - t \ ui riwU^n of ttow* I9,ooodressed foan dfonldL w e « t • M W : * * * * » * « * « « « f « m i « i i t ^ M ' t M a « t » a e . It wiliestWhen he ha*' donned h » j < J»>o4fctWI««'BiRlr'SeM and;|JH>$»0 to paintain the fl«

    .meetinff'.cloliies.!J».eipiitoyed bj .UjTSetuM?Si««t t^!fl^eTo«TOa»Ji>tW»If the Tov^shjp-U;risn Church in Woodbridge,rived...: Augie Greiner and]Leon McElroy had their pho-

    D-'ApoJu6tion fpr election

    Budget of 18,000

    tos taken with the conductor]and engineer of the first pas-

    . senger train to use the eleva-tion and and all the time theconductor kept looking athis watch—he was mdre in-terested in seeing his traincoming in on schedule, . . .

    Operator XYZ Writes:The flagmen's shanties

    along the Pennsylvania Rail-road are now a thing of thepast. . . . Derricks' pickedthem up like a match boxandput them on work trains.. . . Bob Anderson, one of thebest alt around students pro-duced in our high school inmany years, was crownedKing o"f Winter Sports atMiddlebury College, Middle-bury, Vermont. . . . His"Queen" was Miss Lois Gil-lette, of Tenafly, N." J.

    Operator 13 Reports:•Not that it is surprising,

    •butFrancis (Shieky) Everetthas a new heart interest inthe fair City of Elizabeth. ..That "Buddy" Grady wentcalling on a girl and couldnot find her house. Teh.Teh . . . That the boys.around Itown have dubbed Lomoni-co's Tavern "Little Joe's PetShop" now that Joe has tak-en up the hobby of raisingcanaries. . . .' That EddieNash looks quite dignified in

    • —The Jolly Eight Pinochle Clubmet with Jfrc, Wstt*r. Parker, of'Filth".Avenue, th» week. ^Ira.Richard SeyTerth and Mrs. JosephSuchy were prize jrinne^i, •

    —Mr. andl l ln . Earl Matford,of-Burnett Street, were guests ofof Mr, and Jits. C. RrMulford, of

    il P kCornersviile, Pa., this week.• —Francis FiUgerald, EdmundKapka, of Ziegler Avenue, and Eu-gene Gcry, of Manhattan Avenue,attended a theatre party in West

    0{i-lPMsed'.: :. , . . .• •i" Wert^Mlin-^CommisslOner Pe-

    t « Schmidt elected, no opposition,'Budget of' $6,306, passed,

    East Uelin—Commissioners An-drew Sedkk ahd Peter FinnejranTe^lf ;ted without opposition. Bud-get of $S,3D0, passed.

    Avenel ^-Commissioners FrankBenstn and Charits Maicraa re-elected witiioot opposition.- Budgetof f 19,898, passed.

    Fordgi-Cwl -H»n«en and Wil-liam Warren elccUd. Budget of$12,000, passed.

    Hopelawn—Joseph . Bagdi, re-elected, and Joseph Ingratiia elect-ed. Budget of $8,497, passed.

    Kea&bey — Leon Jeglinskielected, aand Joseph Payti eleeteBudget of $-4,750, pawed.


    rs , John Urbanmith Street, wereUrban's parents,

    New York Tuesday evening.—Mr. and

    and family, ofguests, of Mrs.Mr. and Mrs, Michael Jakubik, ofBound Brook, Sunday. ' *•

    —The Tuesday Afternoon Con-|.tract Club met with Mrs, Earl Pal-

    mer, of Manhattan Avenue, thisweek. Mrs. Charles Brookwell andMrs. Frederick Brause' won highscores.

    —John, Wrantiz and AndrewJandrisevets are co-chairmen ofthe social affair being held at St.Andrew's Church on Avenel Street,tonight

    —Mr. and 'Mrs. John Hehn anddaughter, Carol, of Piscataway,

    his new- positionver Palms,

    ignfed nat the Sil-

    Loop StandingContinued from Sport Page

    F. C. Jv's 1Swifties ' 1St. George's .. ...... .. 1 rSeWaren ; 0

    Woodbridfe Junior>

    bonita Granvine, wnn nrr riiointr as witness ild actress, h

    i e ftvetneen-year-her name on the dotted line', thus joining the Urge

    ldMroster of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer jtars.

    Woodbridge Personals

    Indians ' Rahway and Mr.?.Bleckie, Carter«t:.-: •/.' •' ":"Set of didies, Charles Trusttim,;Rahway; table and lamp, StevenKovach, Carteretj special, Mr*.Frank Prairie, Sewaren; bridgelamp, Mrs. Alfred Coley, RailwayAvenue, town; boudoir rocker,Mrs,. Fiai\k Sehulte, South Amboy;six-way floor lamp, Mrs. J. Turner,Wedgewosd Avenue, town; Special,Frank Prairie.-Sewaren; bridge set,Mrs. Cunningham, Jean .Court,town; fadio, Mrs. Leimpter, PortReading; secretary, John McDon-ald, Main Street, town; special,Mrs. Peter Ohlott, Freeman Street,town; studio couch, Mrs. CharlesHeller, Rahway; easy chair, Mrs,Frances Calvin, Amboy Avenue,town and bicycle, Thomas Duni-

    Leap YearParty

    Hair Do'sof Special

    Becauje yWrV tr^ihg tbge t^ptbe cour-age to inake him .«J» ̂ d < *Vou irre.istib!e with a

    style, dc»i«*»e«i

    PJ,oi.e Wood. 8:2394 For

    La Grace Beauty Shoppe97 Main Street Woodbridge

    {Chrfetensen Building)

    Mrs. B?cVDe'm»rett!'Mr.:'aiid'Mrs.'SgaP. AmboyATen'ne, townA. W, Soheidt, Frederick Demarestand Daniel Demar.est.

    Miss Jennie. Grainert, of Palmer,Mass., is.the guest of Mr. and Mrs.John Breckenridge, of .West GreenStreet., •" •

    Boy Scout Troop No. 33 met re-cently in the basement of the FirstPresbyterian Church.... Scoutmas-ter Wesley, Reiselberg presentedHarker Rhodes with his carpentry

    j merit badge,pointed Paulpatrol leaders

    J»i Alpha Patrol ap-1 Koch as • assistant

    Aroani The Township:Helen Einhorn knows quite t Rangers „ l

    a bit about ice boats..'. .The j St. JsTnt-s' ;.;............ obelin Woman's Club is one! Ford* Seniorof the most active organiza-) W.Uons in the Township. . . .;Bombm . .'.; "lrjhe next issue of the All-Hi-.; Sponing-aub ., ..........:.. lNews will be dedicated to i Teals '....',.... othe Junior Class. . . . ThejDukW !•.•.. .', ..... ... 0High School flag pole comes! ^ Ford» inte»>«dutetijown the week .of Easter va-j ' w.cation. It will seem strange! Jimr Bugs i'Without the gld land-mark.. .|AITO»-S 0-

    • George Dunigan holding the) Owk ..............; lattention of the boys around j Rinky Dinks ;. o

    'Ceasar Vornoli's , ,^_ This; " Fprdi Junioryear's award for the neatest .' W.loofcing police officer goes to \Vildcats .* l

    ^Jfeank'Szallar. '.. ! Tigers .:...„ 2

    ifte'kdtfe-.. iPh""* '11;̂ Tony Peterson and Joe Si-?!jpi» enjoyed themselves im