If- ij. f ja I SEa-iT;€¦ · 315 Dr.eni 4 40, 930 Maimni’Ui U.k) 27ac 1416 IVWon l.VI 1,1 V1...

|,.a!LY MI.Vi:I! STATK. .*W» ': ft- S W. Uihk is authorised to make collet tions tr the Mlvek. Statu and rce.;i|>t for the same. , ... » _> tja. iTin rnr —i1 tj W 4IL1' K4 LIjKTI.4'. Ifmr Department--S' /n C.tr»A V. S._ A nni/. Ja>» A1LV, 13, 1330, 4 .1/ A. W. ObnervaGions t.ixen at tiiu sojuj moment of time at all biu’.ionrf. d WISD: B tr I -• 1 £ (9 I V 3 r-*- . g ! = I-.,! ° PLACE OF 2 S' * *j: ft. g. 2. OBSEHVAT10NS. § If- ij. I ^sT f j S ja I I SEa-iT;: 4 v Davenport, lo*a. ... 2o jvW .1 A-eaC. North Platte. Neb.. 2a S-ft W ‘»T- Omaha, NeO. " » l~" S «*r bacrameuto, Oat. .. ** * * ••• bait Lake, t [all .. tM :%W Id .Cloudy. ban Kramikee, Cal.. *1 M b !•; ■• '.‘bar. Wtfima, Jion 2o |»W 2M •«* C*«ud>. Wiiuieuiueea, Nev.. do ill ..... lair. January li£ch -At«AvitiiiAin tiwrmoHiiitcf, Jl * Minimum Uierm mi niter, 3'. __ KAT I'UAMIdl) Si»fk tttl*ORT. Bust livrnlugl Beard. 300 11 Jt B loo 95c 145 Eureka 17] IS ga Jackson b^ 12a neinn fit 6.. 75c 5.4) l.liu 111,: 9,» N Belie iC'J 12j Al.iiih.i L.n 2 4.5) Meutlic liou boo i'li/.c 150 18:5c Ji 7• A.genlu U;> l.-9e l.,0 Navaju b .t 1 .*00 > ii.uiiAU.cnt 40 35c 100 1; l*ie 10..c 1") *».*.-■ *•>■■ 7oc 400 li.aouu 200 155c l»Xt Dei Monte IK'c 12.5) A.bun b .Dc 200 In ie/cuJee c 110c *16 Viales |5)5 310C li> Alt Diablo Id a.. thane : 21) iteebwl IT.- .90s 60 UcClinton 50c «*•> 'I i. g 2.5) 2..be .x) Miu-in.t 1J 27u Dinner 12 la 120 Sxnbl.ile 1] 415) (Maxl-haw 40c Jixw May Welle 2.45 >70 lmental 0 ..kS <’4H) Doiv.dere 2.v 100 Champion 15c 1;,0 Black Hank 00c 70 > Biillc D>c 110 Bunker 45c 77n Cnee Bee 25c llu Mol.ub o Bell Barbie >70 l'niver-;ty 20 lSe 140 Dudley ;o .50c ]400 s lull. tr'lOO 900 1105 Hide.1-1.1 151 bye 64n NiKM.nJuy 4S0c 1“-’ N N :-I- lav b- ie 315 Dr.eni 4 40, 930 Maimni’Ui U.k) 27ac 1416 IVWon l.VI 1,1 V1 OOn Alloa C 160 Mar* 1 hO<‘ t1 1 ’.’on Thl* Morning's Board. Jftft Opl. 1.1, 40 MeXleu.il 20 380 U A C i 4 7o B A U lb To Caliiortna i.!5r 1 »> Sava«c Of SiK) Con \i 140 I.VJc ti2» 'hollar 8 sj 476 Ivtosi ij 4 100 11 a N *1 766 C Point 420 426c 2 Y Jacket loj WJ >16 1 inj oi'i.,1 -0 7 -c no Kentu k 8} 100 Alpha lifi l'X)5 Bek-hcr »J ftj lie Conademe 8 2v> > Nuatlu 21 •200 L tah II, I**') Bullion 4*5i 45.6c tin Bxchwpier 3] oo 8 Boh her 21 2o 145 Overin.in 8J ■>) 135 Justice 22. 215c 1155 Union 4V **'! 35" Alta 425 415c 1575 L Brv.in 7,. 8 .c 200 .,uii.i 235 2tOe 670 Caleb- rim ilk) 150c 610 S Hdl »5 75c 120 Challenge 2 150 Dardaiiclls !Xlc 3.50 New 5.us :»5 30e 00 Occident J 1 275 B Washington 70c BO Andes 65 6'K: 120 Ward 205 2u c 10 -Scorpion HJus 300 O-amolHiIitanbO35c 2:4) Leviathan 25c 285 BenU.n 2 75 2ihi Do.dun Hate 2 26 1511 Aube* On 40ft Cell Dorado 1 75 700 Flowery 35c 670 -V Dolinina06e. LOCAL I N TELLI4JEN€E. Trial v*. Brand Jurl«. The gran t jiirtfor the October term of the District Court foun t some fifteen iniiictmeu s. l’out* were for resorting to an opium den; one for keeping ;ui oj ium den ; six for assault with intent to kill; tuo for grand larceny—horse stealing—and t.v > :or a felony, Butcher- ing stock running at large. Three of the opium smokers pl'-a-led guilty and were sentenced to the county put for a few* days ; t!m fourth a Chinaman went j t-> trial and was convicted.. Four of the cases of as unit w h intent to kill, and the two grand larceny cases, h;ive been tried and the deiendauts acquitted, lu several of these cases the Witnesses at the trial n rc tin* same as those whose nanu s were endorsed on the in- dictment as having appeared In'.fore the grand jury, but the trial jury were of a different opinion from the grand jury and acquitted the defendants. Some persons attempt t,o account for this difference of opinion between grand and trial juries t.y stating that the evidence given by some witnesses lieforv a grand jury, where the defendant has no coun- sel, is very different from that given on the witness, stand before a trial jury, 1 Trouble About Ore. The claimant* of the Rye Patch and Alpha urines are having trouble about a lot of ore which one party chums was taken out of the Alpha, and the other party asserts was taken oot of the Butte or Rye Patch mine. The ore is fcUuttd at *20,000, and Anthotny Oploy, who has charge of the Alpha mine, was in town yesterday arranging to bring suit for the recovery of the ore, which is now in possession ot tlie otlwr j»arty. Suit for Purii'lisf. One of Ale:; \ ’iso's teanu left here to- lay, loaded by E. R-in hart A Co., with *20,000 pounds of salt for tiie Para- dise \ alley Mining Company. Appointed JiuiUor. f .Tonatlian Pulton has been appointed ( ourt-house Janitor, vice J. B. Gramm, resigned. jp TO MITII IH ST II K T ( OMIT. flrlulirr Term W. 4. HoiiiilUclU Jnd'ir. The following business was transacted in the District Court yesterday: The State vs. Austin Qrandon and Charles Seamans, indicted for felony; defendants arraigned, and by consent were allowed until Tuesday to plead to the indictment. State vs. James Wilson, indicted for grand larceny—horse stealing; the fol- lowing jurors were impaneled to try the case, A. F. Trousdale, Robert Gif- ford, Fred. Stauffer, A. T. McAllister, D. R. Fox, Wash. Waltermire, Phil lip Stiggleman, Ahram Hull, G. S. Hill, Robert Critchlow, Barney Rodda, John Richards. J. I*. Anderson, the com- plaining witness in the case, John T. Sadorus and Andrew Davidson, were introduced as witnesses by the prose- cution, and David Van Lennep was in- troduced as a witness by the defense. The defendant admitted that he* had taken the horse alleged to have been stolen, but denied that the crime was committed in the State of Nevada. Thokfcmrt charged the jury orally, and , in twenty minutes after the case was , submitted, they returned to Court with a verdict of not guilty, there having been a reasonable doubt in their minds as to whether the Ijorse was stolen in Nevada or Oregon. The State vs. John Lacy, indictment for felony; M. S. Bon ni tie Id, opunscl for defendant demurred to the indict- ment, the Court overruled the demur- rer, and a jury was impaneled to try the case; sivo-ral witnesses were ex- amined, and the case was submitted to the jury, which found a verdict of not guilty- _ __ County Scrip. County scrip is in demand at 0) cents on the dollar. It is worth nrore in coin 1 to-day than greenbacks were two or three years ago, and like greenbacks it will Ik- at par in less than a year from date. The PniUargo Raised. Fcrr a few days, while the road was blockaded by snow slides in the mount- ains, the railroad company refused to j take freight for California. Now the j embargo is raised and freight is being shipped West as rrsnal, Culrk Work. Two separate cases, in which the de- fendants wore indicted for horse steal- ing, were tried in the District Court yesterday afternoon, and the jury in each case found the defendant not guilty in a few minutes. The Pay Car. 'live pay car of the Central Pacific Company passed through yesterday on the way to Ogden. On its return the employees of the company on the Ilum- bol it and Truokee Divisions will be paid. A splendid heavy silver Waltham watch for SIS, the latest improved style gold hinged, worth $10; I will mil it t > you warranted .for 5 years. Shall I send it by express? Uncle Har- ris, 221 Kearny Stieet, between liush and Sutter, San Francisco. A bull tight was a Christmas diver- sit n at Slau Luis, Texas. The beast was a big, vicious Texan, an 1 the man was a sturdy Mexican, who claimed to have had experience at the sport in his o.vu country. A strong iuclosure, thirty feet square, was surrounded by raised seats. The proceeds of the en- tertainment were advertised to go to the man if lie survived, and to his, family if be were killed. The account ui tUe light leaves the disposition of the money in dnubt, for it was uncer- tain whether the Mexican would sur- vive. -lie showed no skill, though his courage amounted to reeklessness, and the bull hint no trouble iu terribly goring him. 1 11 '** —1 According to statistics, «p to July last, the Methodist Episcojttd Church had 96 annual conferences, 11,4511 itin- erant {»rcache rs- and 1,696,837 mem- bers ami probationers. Since the or- ganization of the church 444 presiding elders and 6:14,963 members have died. A little bit of a girl wanted more ami more buttered toast, till she was told that too much would make her sick. Loolilng wistfully at the dish for a mo- ment, she thought she saw a way out of her difficulty, and exclaimed: “Well, give me annuzer piece and send for the doc tori” fllte was screeching out at the piano “I'll sing of you when you are gone.” I wish to the Lord,” he muttered be- neath his breath, that you’d give me a rest while I'm here.” ■SPECIAL LOCALS. L’rund'* Ilitu rliold Panacea lathe most effective pain destroyer in the world; will most surely quicken the blood whether taken internally or ap- plied externally, and thereby tnorecei- tainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any other pain alleviator, and is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the side, back or bowels, sore throat, rheumatism, toothache, and all aches, and is The Greit Reliever of Pain. “Brown’s Household Pana- cea” should be in every family. A teaspoon fit I of the Panacea in a tumbler .of hot water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bed-time, will bkevk, fp a cold. 23 cents a bottle. jal3-ly Marti McJtness Lhmdoubtedly to children, attributed to other causes, is occasioned by worms. Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, or Worm Lozenges, although effectual in destroy- ing worms, can do no fiossible injury to the most delicate child. This valuable combination has been successfully used by physicians, an 1 found to be abso- lutely sure in era Heating worms, so hurtful to children. Twenty-five cents* a box. jal3-ly Ilir Month Kalf Of our country is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being less- ened every year, without any reason- able cau3e, death resulting generally from the most insignificant origin. At this season of the year, especially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every-day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it, and often find too late that a fever or lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every win- ter, while had Bosc iibk’sGerman Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the throat and lungs, Boschbk’s German SYRcr has proven itself to he the greatest dis- covery of its kind in medicine. Every druggist in this country will tell yon of its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. For lame hack, side or chest, use Hiiiioh'a Porous Plaster. Price 75 cts. Sold by C. A. DeSacsscek, Druggist, Wumemucca, Nev. i>8-eop O. H. Mu mm & Co’s Dry Verzenay Champagne—the finest in the land— at Frink Fellow’s Fashion Sample House. ja7-tf Mill Nlsorily Leave. 0. \V. Johnston will shortly leave town, to be absent about two mouths. Parties wishing to have any dentistry work done, had better attend to it at once. n 17-1 w wa!«ti.i>. A steady woman is wanted to do housew ork and take tare of two chil- dren. Send address to Postoffice box 1WU, VYinnemucea. rrnrfleul Watchmaker. Geo. F. Jackson, practical watch- maker, with J. E. Sabiae. All work warranted. apCO-tf Fresh Oysters. A. Booth & Co’s fr«»h oysters re- ceived daily at G. A. Krknklk’s, oppo- site the Depot. dll-tf Free Lnaeh I Don't forget it btys t Free lunch every eight at A. D. Williams’— the- Palace Saloon. _.- -- ::.r—_ RKCBiVEW *V NATHAN LETT, r -E K K A-l-l-t 10 bales assorted Waitresses; 10 barrels Horse Shoe Whisky; 10,OtX) Ltvj ’» « halve .Cigars; 0 casts l.rrsiuu Herring, in sauce; 10 caddies Gazelle wood-tug Tohuero; 8 bales Blackwell’* Uurlisui Tobacco I 3 cases Overalls; 5 eases Flannel Underwear; 270 eases Our l'ride f oal OH. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. K. LEVY. Wlunuuuccs, January 5. lw NEW GOODS. J. C. FALL & O. r, 11 ■/ ... r. » 1 UNIOXVILLE, Hate in etore and receiving daily, fresh eup plir» of Goods, W hich are offered at the lowest Prices for prompt pay, comprising DRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. LADIES’ HATS AND SHOES. ALSO BOOTS, 8HOES, SUMMEP/llATS CLOTH INGakDGENTLEMEN ’S UNDERWEAR TOBACCO, CIGARS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, HARDWARE and MINING TOOLS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND OILS, TINWARE HOPE, RAKES, SCYTHES ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND BUTTER, LARD, HAMS, BACON. FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BARLEY AND FEED, Unioimlle, June 10, 1&75. :c M. IIOF.IIAN, DRAA.RR IN » GENERAL MERCHANDISE A Uiuk Discount to* Cm. j nUfWEMICCi, * KEViDA * I -— _._ ■■ -■ ..... | IIENRY BFSCH, DEALER I.N Wines, Liquors and Cigars, -NLSO- —'^The ( hotriil Brands #f Brrr. j— OFFOSIT* Til* COURT HODS*. Winnemueca, Novsaabcr 15, Iis70l 15-tl f' SALT, SALT. Tlic Itesert Salt Company is now prepared to furni^i a choice article of MILLING SALT in quantities to suit, at reasonable rates. Extra quality of Salt for all kinds of meats, constantly on hand. U. ltctnliart at Co. arc our sole Agents for Winnemucca and Northern Covutr/. Address orders to WALTER SCHMIDT, Manager, altfu n? White Plains, Neruda. The Stomach is Sltengtheae** The liver regulated, the bowels put in proper order, the blood enriched and purified, anti the nervous sytem rendered tranquil and vigoreeis by this inestimable family medicine and safe- guard against disease, which is, moreover, a most agreeable and effective appetiser, and a •ordial peculiarly adapted to the wants of the aged and infinned. 'for sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener- ally. lys THE RED HOUSE 1 t ir* i Country Order Department* i ————»—■*■—* ! To Old Friends and New X •* WE ARE DETERMINED' f TO PLEASE A LlX « We Spare Neither Time cor Effort to Desert e the Sac* cess We Claim! Experience is Fetter (Lea Doubt, and Faith is Strengthened by Trials l % O C K Country Order Department ia meeting with GREATER SUCCESS than wo expected OCR PATRORS ARE KOW KWEKRS B—¥ T—H—O-B—B—A—M-B—• t And are found in nearly every RWN, VILLAGE, AND COUNTRY, Broun Mexico to Brlllsli Columbia. We have striven1 to merit this success, and wo shall strive to deserve its continuance atut increase. Wr have out Oue Price-For Cash Only t --AND- MARK ALL GOODS IN PLAIN FIGfBE* You Can Huy of U at the BAM PRICK a* though You Stood at tor Counters. OI K BOOTS AND SHOES M~A*V-E K-O E-vJ-U-A-L Fo* price and durability. •EH OWN MAMET Tie Gilman Standard Strew CALF' BOOF The GHmnW Cork Sr 1* CAW BOOT. \ The BED BONNE KIP BOOT-Men'* and h Boy's, ft hae no parallel;. warranted tww genuine sole* The Bob Nailed Boot, lor Minora, and «ur? variety of Brogans, and Plough Shoes. i ALEXIS TIES, I » —AND— Ladies’ and Children's Shoe* UT PRICE LIST BENT Fit RE. Ml ADDRESS KED HOUSE, dldn »iCWHOT#,Ofc

Transcript of If- ij. f ja I SEa-iT;€¦ · 315 Dr.eni 4 40, 930 Maimni’Ui U.k) 27ac 1416 IVWon l.VI 1,1 V1...

Page 1: If- ij. f ja I SEa-iT;€¦ · 315 Dr.eni 4 40, 930 Maimni’Ui U.k) 27ac 1416 IVWon l.VI 1,1 V1 OOn Alloa C 160 Mar* 1 hO

|,.a!LY MI.Vi:I! STATK. .*W» ': ft-

S W. Uihk is authorised to make collet tions

tr the Mlvek. Statu and rce.;i|>t for the same.

, ... » _> tja. iTin rnr —i1 tj W 4IL1' K4 LIjKTI.4'.

Ifmr Department--S' /n C.tr»A V. S._ A nni/. Ja>» A1LV, 13, 1330, 4 .1/ A. W.

ObnervaGions t.ixen at tiiu sojuj moment of

time at all biu’.ionrf.

d WISD: B tr I -• 1 £ (9 I V 3 r-*-

. g ! = I-.,! °

PLACE OF 2 S' * *j: ft. g. 2.

OBSEHVAT10NS. § If- ij. I ^sT f j S ja I I

SEa-iT;: 4 v Davenport, lo*a. ... 2o jvW .1 A-eaC. North Platte. Neb.. 2a S-ft W ‘»T-

Omaha, NeO. " » l~" S «*r bacrameuto, Oat. .. ** * * •••

bait Lake, t [all .. tM :%W Id .Cloudy. ban Kramikee, Cal.. *1 M b !•; ■• '.‘bar. Wtfima, Jion 2o |»W 2M •«* C*«ud>. Wiiuieuiueea, Nev.. do ill ..... lair.

January li£ch -At«AvitiiiAin tiwrmoHiiitcf, Jl *

Minimum Uierm mi niter, 3'. __

KAT I'UAMIdl) Si»fk tttl*ORT.

Bust livrnlugl Beard.

300 11 Jt B loo 95c 145 Eureka 17] IS ga Jackson b^ 12a neinn fit 6.. 75c

5.4) l.liu 111,: 9,» N Belie iC'J 12j Al.iiih.i L.n 2 4.5) Meutlic liou boo ■ i'li/.c 150 18:5c Ji 7• ■ A.genlu U;> l.-9e l.,0 Navaju b .t 1 .*00 > ii.uiiAU.cnt 40 35c 100 1; l*ie 10..c 1") *».*.-■ *•>■■ 7oc 400 li.aouu 200 155c l»Xt Dei Monte IK'c

12.5) A.bun b .Dc 200 In ie/cuJee c 110c *16 Viales |5)5 310C li> Alt Diablo Id

a.. thane : 21) iteebwl IT.- .90s 60 UcClinton 50c «*•> 'I i. g 2.5) 2..be .x) Miu-in.t 1J 27u Dinner 12 la

120 Sxnbl.ile 1] 415) (Maxl-haw 40c

Jixw May Welle 2.45 >70 lmental 0 ..kS <’4H) Doiv.dere 2.v 100 Champion 15c 1;,0 Black Hank 00c 70 > Biillc D>c 110 Bunker 45c 77n Cnee Bee 25c llu Mol.ub o Bell Barbie >70 l'niver-;ty 20 lSe 140 Dudley ;o .50c

]400 s lull. tr'lOO 900 1105 Hide.1-1.1 151 bye 64n NiKM.nJuy 4S0c 1“-’ N N :-I- lav b- ie

315 Dr.eni 4 40, 930 Maimni’Ui U.k) 27ac 1416 IVWon l.VI 1,1 V1 OOn Alloa C

160 Mar* 1 hO<‘ t1 1 ’.’on

Thl* Morning's Board.

Jftft Opl. ■ 1.1, 40 MeXleu.il 20 380 U A C i 4 7o B A U lb

To Caliiortna i.!5r 1 »> Sava«c Of SiK) Con \i 140 I.VJc ti2» 'hollar 8 sj 476 Ivtosi ij 4 100 11 a N *1 766 C Point 420 426c 2 Y Jacket loj WJ >16 1 inj oi'i.,1 -0 7 -c no Kentu k 8} 100 Alpha lifi l'X)5 Bek-hcr »J ftj lie Conademe 8 2v> > Nuatlu 21 •200 L tah II, I**') Bullion 4*5i 45.6c tin Bxchwpier 3] oo 8 Boh her 21 2o 145 Overin.in 8J ■>) 135 Justice 22. 215c

1155 Union 4V **'! 35" Alta 425 415c 1575 L Brv.in 7,. 8 .c 200 .,uii.i 235 2tOe 670 Caleb- rim ilk) 150c 610 S Hdl »5 75c 120 Challenge 2 150 Dardaiiclls !Xlc 3.50 New 5.us :»5 30e 00 Occident J 1 275 B Washington 70c BO Andes 65 6'K: 120 Ward 205 2u c 10 -Scorpion HJus 300 O-amolHiIitanbO35c 2:4) Leviathan 25c 285 BenU.n 2 75 2ihi Do.dun Hate 2 26 1511 Aube* On 40ft Cell Dorado 1 75 700 Flowery 35c 670 -V Dolinina06e.


Trial v*. Brand Jurl«.

The gran t jiirtfor the October term

of the District Court foun t some fifteen

iniiictmeu s. l’out* were for resorting to an opium den; one for keeping ;ui

oj ium den ; six for assault with intent

to kill; tuo for grand larceny—horse stealing—and t.v > :or a felony, Butcher-

ing stock running at large. Three of

the opium smokers pl'-a-led guilty and

were sentenced to the county put for a

few* days ; t!m fourth a Chinaman went j t-> trial and was convicted.. Four of the cases of as unit w h intent to kill, and the two grand larceny cases, h;ive

been tried and the deiendauts acquitted, lu several of these cases the Witnesses at the trial n rc tin* same as those

whose nanu s were endorsed on the in- dictment as having appeared In'.fore the

grand jury, but the trial jury were of a different opinion from the grand jury and acquitted the defendants. Some

persons attempt t,o account for this difference of opinion between grand and trial juries t.y stating that the evidence

given by some witnesses lieforv a grand jury, where the defendant has no coun-

sel, is very different from that given on

the witness, stand before a trial jury, 1

Trouble About Ore.

The claimant* of the Rye Patch and

Alpha urines are having trouble about a lot of ore which one party chums was

taken out of the Alpha, and the other

party asserts was taken oot of the Butte or Rye Patch mine. The ore is

fcUuttd at *20,000, and Anthotny Oploy, who has charge of the Alpha mine, was

in town yesterday arranging to bring suit for the recovery of the ore, which is now in possession ot tlie otlwr j»arty.

Suit for Purii'lisf.

One of Ale:; \ ’iso's teanu left here to- lay, loaded by E. R-in hart A Co., with *20,000 pounds of salt for tiie Para- dise \ alley Mining Company.

Appointed JiuiUor. f

.Tonatlian Pulton has been appointed ( ourt-house Janitor, vice J. B. Gramm, resigned.



flrlulirr Term — W. 4. HoiiiilUclU Jnd'ir.

The following business was transacted in the District Court yesterday:

The State vs. Austin Qrandon and Charles Seamans, indicted for felony; defendants arraigned, and by consent were allowed until Tuesday to plead to

the indictment. State vs. James Wilson, indicted for

grand larceny—horse stealing; the fol-

lowing jurors were impaneled to try the case, A. F. Trousdale, Robert Gif-

ford, Fred. Stauffer, A. T. McAllister, D. R. Fox, Wash. Waltermire, Phil lip Stiggleman, Ahram Hull, G. S. Hill, Robert Critchlow, Barney Rodda, John Richards. J. I*. Anderson, the com-

plaining witness in the case, John T. Sadorus and Andrew Davidson, were

introduced as witnesses by the prose- cution, and David Van Lennep was in-

troduced as a witness by the defense.

The defendant admitted that he* had

taken the horse alleged to have been

stolen, but denied that the crime was

committed in the State of Nevada.

Thokfcmrt charged the jury orally, and ,

in twenty minutes after the case was ,

submitted, they returned to Court with a verdict of not guilty, there having been a reasonable doubt in their minds

as to whether the Ijorse was stolen in

Nevada or Oregon. The State vs. John Lacy, indictment

for felony; M. S. Bon ni tie Id, opunscl for defendant demurred to the indict-

ment, the Court overruled the demur-

rer, and a jury was impaneled to try the case; sivo-ral witnesses were ex-

amined, and the case was submitted to

the jury, which found a verdict of not

guilty- _ __

County Scrip.

County scrip is in demand at 0) cents on the dollar. It is worth nrore in coin 1

to-day than greenbacks were two or

three years ago, and like greenbacks it will Ik- at par in less than a year from


The PniUargo Raised.

Fcrr a few days, while the road was

blockaded by snow slides in the mount-

ains, the railroad company refused to j take freight for California. Now the j embargo is raised and freight is being shipped West as rrsnal,

Culrk Work.

Two separate cases, in which the de- fendants wore indicted for horse steal-

ing, were tried in the District Court

yesterday afternoon, and the jury in

each case found the defendant not

guilty in a few minutes.

The Pay Car. 'live pay car of the Central Pacific

Company passed through yesterday on

the way to Ogden. On its return the

employees of the company on the Ilum- bol it and Truokee Divisions will be

paid. A splendid heavy silver Waltham

watch for SIS, the latest improved style gold hinged, worth $10; I will

mil it t > you warranted .for 5 years. Shall I send it by express? Uncle Har-

ris, 221 Kearny Stieet, between liush

and Sutter, San Francisco.

A bull tight was a Christmas diver-

sit n at Slau Luis, Texas. The beast was a big, vicious Texan, an 1 the man

was a sturdy Mexican, who claimed to

have had experience at the sport in his o.vu country. A strong iuclosure, thirty feet square, was surrounded by raised seats. The proceeds of the en-

tertainment were advertised to go to

the man if lie survived, and to his, family if be were killed. The account

ui tUe light leaves the disposition of

the money in dnubt, for it was uncer-

tain whether the Mexican would sur-

vive. -lie showed no skill, though his

courage amounted to reeklessness, and

the bull hint no trouble iu terribly goring him.

1 11 '** —1

According to statistics, «p to July last, the Methodist Episcojttd Church had 96 annual conferences, 11,4511 itin-

erant {»rcache rs- and 1,696,837 mem-

bers ami probationers. Since the or-

ganization of the church 444 presiding elders and 6:14,963 members have died.

A little bit of a girl wanted more ami

more buttered toast, till she was told

that too much would make her sick.

Loolilng wistfully at the dish for a mo-

ment, she thought she saw a way out of

her difficulty, and exclaimed: “Well,

give me annuzer piece and send for the

doc tori”

fllte was screeching out at the piano “I'll sing of you when you are gone.”

I wish to the Lord,” he muttered be- neath his breath, “ that you’d give me

a rest while I'm here.”


L’rund'* Ilitu rliold Panacea

lathe most effective pain destroyer in the world; will most surely quicken the blood whether taken internally or ap- plied externally, and thereby tnorecei-

tainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any other pain alleviator, and is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures

pain in the side, back or bowels, sore

throat, rheumatism, toothache, and all

aches, and is The Greit Reliever of Pain. “Brown’s Household Pana- cea” should be in every family. A

teaspoon fit I of the Panacea in a tumbler

.of hot water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bed-time, will bkevk, fp a

cold. 23 cents a bottle. jal3-ly Marti McJtness

Lhmdoubtedly to children, attributed

to other causes, is occasioned by worms.

Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, or Worm

Lozenges, although effectual in destroy- ing worms, can do no fiossible injury to

the most delicate child. This valuable

combination has been successfully used

by physicians, an 1 found to be abso-

lutely sure in era Heating worms, so

hurtful to children. Twenty-five cents*

a box. jal3-ly Ilir Month Kalf

Of our country is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being less-

ened every year, without any reason-

able cau3e, death resulting generally from the most insignificant origin. At

this season of the year, especially, a

cold is such a common thing that in the

hurry of every-day life we are apt to

overlook the dangers attending it, and often find too late that a fever or lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every win-

ter, while had Bosc iibk’sGerman Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the throat and lungs, Boschbk’s German SYRcr has proven itself to he the greatest dis-

covery of its kind in medicine. Every druggist in this country will tell yon of its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known.

For lame hack, side or chest, use

Hiiiioh'a Porous Plaster. Price 75 cts.

Sold by C. A. DeSacsscek, Druggist, Wumemucca, Nev. i>8-eop

O. H. Mu mm & Co’s Dry Verzenay Champagne—the finest in the land— at Frink Fellow’s Fashion Sample House. ja7-tf

Mill Nlsorily Leave.

0. \V. Johnston will shortly leave

town, to be absent about two mouths.

Parties wishing to have any dentistry work done, had better attend to it at

once. n 17-1 w


A steady woman is wanted to do

housew ork and take tare of two chil-

dren. Send address to Postoffice box

1WU, VYinnemucea.

rrnrfleul Watchmaker.

Geo. F. Jackson, practical watch-

maker, with J. E. Sabiae. All work

warranted. apCO-tf Fresh Oysters.

A. Booth & Co’s fr«»h oysters re-

ceived daily at G. A. Krknklk’s, oppo-

site the Depot. dll-tf

Free Lnaeh I

Don't forget it btys t Free lunch

every eight at A. D. Williams’— the-

Palace Saloon. _.-

-- ::.r—_


NATHAN LETT, r -E K K A-l-l-t

10 bales assorted Waitresses; 10 barrels Horse Shoe Whisky; 10,OtX) Ltvj ’» « halve .Cigars;

0 casts l.rrsiuu Herring, in sauce;

10 caddies Gazelle wood-tug Tohuero; 8 bales Blackwell’* Uurlisui Tobacco I 3 cases Overalls; 5 eases Flannel Underwear;

270 eases Our l'ride f oal OH.


K. LEVY. Wlunuuuccs, January 5. lw


J. C. FALL & € O. r, 11 ■/ ... r. »



Hate in etore and receiving daily, fresh eup

plir» of Goods, W hich are offered at the lowest

Prices for prompt pay, comprising




















Unioimlle, June 10, 1&75. :c




A Uiuk Discount to* Cm.

j nUfWEMICCi, ■ • * KEViDA

* I


_._ ■■ -■ ..... |


Wines, Liquors and Cigars, -NLSO-

—'^The ( hotriil Brands #f Brrr. j— OFFOSIT* Til* COURT HODS*.

Winnemueca, Novsaabcr 15, Iis70l 15-tl f'


Tlic Itesert Salt Company is now prepared to furni^i a choice article of

MILLING SALT in quantities to suit, at reasonable rates.

Extra quality of Salt for all kinds of meats, constantly on hand.

U. ltctnliart at Co. arc our sole Agents for Winnemucca and Northern Covutr/.

Address orders to WALTER SCHMIDT, Manager,

altfu n? White Plains, Neruda.

The Stomach is Sltengtheae** The liver regulated, the bowels put in proper

order, the blood enriched and purified, anti the

nervous sytem rendered tranquil and vigoreeis

by this inestimable family medicine and safe-

guard against disease, which is, moreover, a

most agreeable and effective appetiser, and a

•ordial peculiarly adapted to the wants of the

aged and infinned.

'for sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener-

ally. lys






Country Order Department*

i ————»—■*■—*

! To Old Friends and New X •*




We Spare Neither Time cor

Effort to Desert e the Sac*

cess We Claim!

Experience is Fetter (Lea

Doubt, and Faith is

Strengthened by Trials l



Country Order Department

ia meeting with GREATER SUCCESS than wo



B—¥ T—H—O-B—B—A—M-B—• t

And are found in nearly every



Broun Mexico to Brlllsli Columbia.

We have striven1 to merit this success, and wo

shall strive to deserve its continuance atut

increase. Wr have out

Oue Price-For Cash Only t



You Can Huy of U at the BAM

PRICK a* though You Stood

at tor Counters.


M~A*V-E K-O E-vJ-U-A-L Fo* price and durability.


Tie Gilman Standard Strew CALF' BOOF

The GHmnW Cork Sr 1* CAW BOOT. \

The BED BONNE KIP BOOT-Men'* and h

Boy's, ft hae no parallel;. warranted tww

genuine sole* •

The Bob Nailed Boot, lor Minora, and «ur?

variety of Brogans, and Plough Shoes. i



Ladies’ and Children's Shoe*



KED HOUSE, dldn »iCWHOT#,Ofc