IEEE Software Testing Test Cases on "Online Website Builder"

IEEE TEST PLAN 829 Plan Presented by, -Subash Thevar(C0165) -Jebasingh Nadar(C0333)

Transcript of IEEE Software Testing Test Cases on "Online Website Builder"

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Presented by,-Subash Thevar(C0165)-Jebasingh Nadar(C0333)

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1. Test Plan Identifier2. References3. Introduction4. Test Items5. Software Risk Issues6. Features to be tested7. Features not to be tested8. Approach9. Item Pass/Fail Criteria10. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements11. Test Deliverables12. Remaining Test Tasks13. Environmental Needs14. Staffing and Training Needs15. Responsibilities16. Schedule17. Planning Risks and Contingencies18. Approvals19. Glossary

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1. Test Plan Identifier

•This is the plan to make online Website Builder which focuses on helping the user to build a Website.

•This test will ensure the functional test of the system and it supports the whole system that is being developed this test plan contains the test approach how different types of test is going to take place

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2. References

Source of Information:-

•Synopsis•Requirements specifications• (References for building a website)• (to download templates for website)•Development and Test process standards•Methodology guidelines and examples•Corporate standards and guidelines

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3. Introduction

This innovative software application allows users to build web pages without knowing any coding language. It is specifically designed for the internal use for companies. This software helps to build/design graphical Web pages. This software is embedded in a website for professional use, and will be available for customers to tailor web pages as per their need. This system helps the user to build web page with effective graphical user interface. User doesn’t have to work specifically for GUI.

This system will provide user with professional webpage templates they can select the templates based on the requirement and functionality. Here in this system user can build whole website by just selecting the content and images required in their webpage. User can design each and every web page in their websites according to their preference by selecting the content and images.

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4. Test Items (Functions)

Task To-Check

1.Synopsis and requirement analysis (Information Gathering)

Whether the users are comfortable with all the templates

2.Design concerned with (User Interface)

Smooth and User Friendly GUI

3.Implementation Simply Drag and Drop

4.Test Cases To check the final project after binding everything together

5.Review & Maintenance Feedback from the user

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5.Software Risk Issues:

There are several parts of the project that are not within the control of the application but have direct impacts on the process and must be checked as well. Our main goal is to design a test strategy that utilizes a balance of testing techniques to cover a representative sample of the system in order to minimize risk

•The issue with the s/w is server gets overloaded while building a website for many number of users

•The main disadvantage of this website is only one person can design one website at a time.

•Some other issues like database management, “server down” etc.

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6.Features to be Tested

•User Login:- To test whether the entered username and password is correct

•View Template: To test whether a user is able to view various templates.

•Select Page: User must select the page and he must specify the content and images required in his website. Once he clicks onto the submit button System will generate the website.

•Send Email: System will send code and .rar file which contains images, css file and JavaScript file to the user’s email ID.

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7.Features not to be Tested

Features that are done manually by admin

Features Description

Password Recovery It can be done manually by admin

Change user Status It can be done manually by admin

Network Security Testing Network Security is out of our scope

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8.Approach (Strategy)

This testing will be done manually until the site is sufficiently stable to begin developing automatic tests. This testing will cover the requirements for all different roles participating in the site guests, members, teachers and administrator.

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9. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

If an item tested 10 times, 9 times perfectly worked and single time do not work properly then it will consider as fail case

System crash will considered as fail case

After Submitting query in the system, if expected page wouldn’t appear then it will be considered as fail case

To an Item test to pass the above criteria should be working properly

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10.Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Testing work is performed by the test team to ensure that all the functional activities are working well in the system properly. If some of these functions are not working properly in the system the further test procedure should not be continued to the next level.

- As the name suggests, the testing process is suspended/halted when further testing process is not flexible.

- It can happen due to several reasons like the application under the test could repeatedly fail or clash.

- Such criteria is normally mentioned in the test plan which help testing team to save the project time or cost resumption criteria.

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11. Test Deliverables

- The project delivery must be on time and should be checked for its proper functioning.

- Appropriate deliveries must be done at every phase of software development lifecycle.

- Like, some deliveries are provided before the testing phase and some are provided during the testing phase.

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12. Remaining Test Tasks

Task Assigned to

Create Acceptance Test Plan Project Managers, Clients

Create Integration Test Plan Developers, Project Managers

Verify prototypes of Screens Clients, Project Managers

Verify Prototypes of Report Clients, Project Managers

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13. Environmental Needs

- Specific versions of other supporting software’s like SQL 2008, Visual Studio 2010, etc.

- On each basic component of the project, some common testing will be implemented such unit, fundamental and system testing.

- Good Internet connection, proper coding on backend and on the frontend.

- Access to database

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14. Staffing and Training Needs

- Project Managers: Responsible for managing total implementation of a website includes creating requirements, managing the vendor relationships.

- Test Manager: is use to review test deliverables, collecting reports

- Test Engineers: Responsible for designing test, creating test procedures, creating data.

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15. Responsibilities

- It includes testing of all components in order to avoid any failure of the system.

- It must also include categorizing the features that should be tested regularly.

- To make someone the in charge of the admin panel.

- To make someone take up the responsibility of the training session.

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16. Schedule


1. Synopsis and requirement analysis


2. Design August

3.Generating test scenarios August-September

4.Test Cases September

5.Review October

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17. Planning Risks and Contingencies

- There could be lack of some required data, hardware or software or tools that would be useful to the project.

- There might be some delay in organizing or in the conduction of the training session.

- Maybe the number of the acceptable defects could increase.

- There could be an increase in the resources count required for the testing team.

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18. Approvals

Test Plan will be approved by the whole Team i.e. Project Manager, Test Manager, Test Engineer.

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19. Glossary

- Bandwidth: It is the amount of the information your connection has to the Internet.

- Banner: It is a graphic that is placed around your website for the use of advertising.

- Browser: It is software which you use to view your web pages.

- Cookie: It is a message given to your web browser by a web server.

- DNS: The DNS translates the URL text addresses that we use into a number internet address.

- DPI: Short for Dots per Inch. It refers to print resolution of an image or of the output device like the printer.