Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower...

Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower Responses to Fingerprinting for Loan Enforcement Xavier Giné Development Economics Research Group, World Bank and Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) Jessica Goldberg Ford School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, University of Michigan Dean Yang Ford School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, University of Michigan; Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD); and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) March 2009 VERY PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE DO NOT CITE WITHOUT AUTHORS PERMISSION Abstract How do borrowers respond to improvements a lender’s ability to punish defaulters? We implemented a randomized field experiment in Malawi examining the impact of fingerprinting of borrowers, which improves the lender’s ability to withhold future loans from individuals who have previously defaulted. Study participants were smallholder farmers applying for agricultural input loans, and were randomly allocated to either: 1) a control group, or 2) a treatment group that was fingerprinted as part of the loan application. Both treatment and control groups were given a presentation on the importance of credit history in ensuring future access to credit. For the subgroup of farmers with the highest ex ante default risk, fingerprinting led to substantially higher repayment rates. By contrast, fingerprinting had no impact on repayment for farmers with low ex ante default risk. Higher repayment for the high-default-risk subgroup is due to reductions in adverse selection (smaller loan sizes) and lower moral hazard (more intensive input application yielding higher farm profits). Keywords: credit, microfinance, adverse selection, moral hazard, enforcement Gine: [email protected] . Goldberg: [email protected] . Yang: [email protected] . Santhosh Srinivasan deserves the highest accolades for top-notch field work management and data collection. Lutamyo Mwamlima and Ehren Foss were key contributors to the success of the field work. We appreciate the consistent and active support of Michael Carter, Charles Chikopa, Sander Donker, Lena Heron, David Rohrbach, and Mark Visocky. This project was funded by USAID’s BASIS AMA CRSP research facility and the Research Committee at the World Bank.

Transcript of Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower...

Page 1: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower Responses to Fingerprinting for Loan Enforcement∗

Xavier Giné

Development Economics Research Group, World Bank and Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD)

Jessica Goldberg

Ford School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, University of Michigan

Dean Yang Ford School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, University of Michigan;

Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD); and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

March 2009



How do borrowers respond to improvements a lender’s ability to punish defaulters? We implemented a randomized field experiment in Malawi examining the impact of fingerprinting of borrowers, which improves the lender’s ability to withhold future loans from individuals who have previously defaulted. Study participants were smallholder farmers applying for agricultural input loans, and were randomly allocated to either: 1) a control group, or 2) a treatment group that was fingerprinted as part of the loan application. Both treatment and control groups were given a presentation on the importance of credit history in ensuring future access to credit. For the subgroup of farmers with the highest ex ante default risk, fingerprinting led to substantially higher repayment rates. By contrast, fingerprinting had no impact on repayment for farmers with low ex ante default risk. Higher repayment for the high-default-risk subgroup is due to reductions in adverse selection (smaller loan sizes) and lower moral hazard (more intensive input application yielding higher farm profits).

Keywords: credit, microfinance, adverse selection, moral hazard, enforcement

∗ Gine: [email protected]. Goldberg: [email protected]. Yang: [email protected]. Santhosh Srinivasan deserves the highest accolades for top-notch field work management and data collection. Lutamyo Mwamlima and Ehren Foss were key contributors to the success of the field work. We appreciate the consistent and active support of Michael Carter, Charles Chikopa, Sander Donker, Lena Heron, David Rohrbach, and Mark Visocky. This project was funded by USAID’s BASIS AMA CRSP research facility and the Research Committee at the World Bank.

Page 2: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

1. Introduction

A central problem in many developing countries is the absence of a national

system that would allow individuals to be uniquely identified. In such cases, loan

defaulters can largely avoid sanction by simply applying for new loans under different

identities. Lenders respond by limiting the supply of credit, particularly in rural areas due

to the inability to sanction unreliable borrowers and, conversely, to reward reliable

borrowers with expanded credit.

And yet, many argue that the incomes of smallholder farmers in developing countries are

severely constrained by the inability to finance crucial inputs such as fertilizer and

improved seeds, particularly for export crops. The following quote from 1973 by Robert

McNamara when he was the World Bank president exemplifies this view: “The miracle

of the Green Revolution may have arrived, but for the most part, the poor farmer has not

been able to participate in it. He simply cannot afford to pay for the irrigation, the

pesticide, the fertilizer… For the small holder operating with virtually no capital, access

to capital is crucial.”

A large literature in economics emphasizes that the functioning of credit markets

is limited by asymmetric information and imperfect enforcement. The problems that arise

can often be characterized by a borrower’s inability to commit to fulfilling a debt

contract. Debtors cannot credibly reveal their borrowing type truthfully (adverse

selection), promise to exert effort so that their production enterprise does not fail (ex-ante

moral hazard), report their production output honestly (ex-post moral hazard), or promise

to repay the loan even when output was sufficient (opportunistic default).

Stiglitz’s (1974) study of moral hazard in the context of tenant/landlord

relationships in developing countries was the seminal piece that highlighted the moral

hazard issue in the context of credit and other areas. The subsequent theoretical literature

is too voluminous to cite, but textbook treatments include Laffont and Martimort (2003),

Macho-Stadler and Perez-Castillo (2001), and Salanie (1997). An emerging empirical

literature has examined various aspects of the limited commitment problem in credit

markets. Chiappori (forthcoming) surveys the literature related to developed countries.

Gine and Klonner (2005) document that asymmetric information on Tamilnadu


Page 3: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

fishermen’s ability affects their access to credit for technological innovations. Karlan and

Zinman (2006) conduct a field experiment that shows the significant role of adverse

selection and moral hazard in loan defaults in South Africa. Ligon, Thomas and Worall

(1999) and Paulson, Townsend, and Karaivanov (2006) provide empirical evidence on

opportunistic default in India and Thailand respectively. Visaria (2006) documents the

positive impact of expedited legal proceedings on loan repayment among large Indian


In this paper implement a randomized field experiment to estimate the impact of

biometric identification (fingerprinting) in a context—rural Malawi—where credit supply

has been limited due to difficulties in enforcing sanctions against defaulters.

Fingerprinting raises the effective cost of default for borrowers because it makes it easier

for financial institutions to withhold new loans from past defaulters, and to reward

responsible past borrowers with new and expanded credit. This potentially reduces the

various types of limited commitment problems outlined above and therefore raises

repayment. Adverse selection should also be reduced, because in an environment of

asymmetric information and credible ex post sanction, individuals with a low likelihood

of repaying should intentionally refrain from borrowing. Borrowers should have greater

incentives to ensure that production is successful, either by exerting more effort or

choosing less risky projects (lower moral hazard), and—whenever production could

cover the loan repayment—should be less likely to default intentionally or


Smallholder farmers organized in groups of 15-20 members applied for

agricultural input loans to grow paprika and were randomly allocated to either: 1) a

control group, or 2) a treatment group that was fingerprinted as part of the loan

application. Both treatment and control groups were given a presentation on the

importance of credit history in ensuring future access to credit. For the subgroup of

farmers with the highest ex ante default risk, fingerprinting led to substantially higher

repayment rates. By contrast, fingerprinting had no impact on repayment for farmers with

low ex ante default risk. Higher repayment for the high-default-risk subgroup is due to

reductions in adverse selection (smaller loan sizes) and lower moral hazard (more

intensive input application yielding higher farm profits).


Page 4: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the experimental

design and survey data, Section 3 presents the empirical results and finally Section 4


2. Experimental design and survey data

The experiment was carried out as part of the Biometric and Financial Innovations

in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort among two partners: Cheetah

Paprika Limited (CP) and the Malawi Rural Finance Corporation (MRFC). CP is a

privately owned agri-business company established in 1995 that offers extension services

and high-quality inputs to smallholder farmers via an out-grower paprika scheme.1 The

farmer receives extension services and the package of seeds, pesticides and fungicides at

subsidized rates in exchange for the commitment to sell the paprika to CP at harvest time.

CP is by far the largest paprika purchaser in the country.2 CP has a staff of six extension

officers and 15 field assistants in study locations that maintained a database of all current

and past paprika growers and handled the logistics of supplying farmers with the package

of inputs as well as the purchase and payment of the paprika crop. The farmers in the

study were organized by CP into groups whose size had to be modified to accommodate

MRFC’s group lending rules.3

MRFC is a government-owned microfinance institution that provided the in-kind

loans for a basic input package for 1/2 to 1 acre of paprika. CP designed the input

requirements and MRFC financed these inputs. The loan did not include cash to buy the

inputs. Instead, borrowers had to take an authorization form from MRFC to a preferred

agricultural input supplier who in turn delivered the goods and billed MRFC at a later

date. The loan amount was roughly 17,000 Malawi Kwacha (approximately $120). Sixty

percent of the loan went towards fertilizer (one 50 Kg bag of D-compound fertilizer and

1 Extension services consist of preliminary meetings to market paprika seed to farmers and teach them about the growing process, additional group trainings about farming techniques, individual support for growers provided by the field assistants, and information about grading and marketing the crop. 2 In 2007, CP purchased approximately eighty-five percent of the one thousand tons of paprika produced annually in Malawi. 3 A typical CP group has between 15 and 30 farmers, and are organized around a paprika collection point. MRFC’s lending groups have at most 20 farmers, so most of the CP groups participating in the study had to be split to be able to access MRFC’s loans.


Page 5: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

one or two 50 Kg bags of CAN fertilizer); and the rest went toward the CP input package:

thirty-three percent covered the cost of nine bags of pesticides and fungicides (2

Funguran, 2 Dithane, 2 Benomyl, 1 Cypermethrin, 1 Acephate and 1 Malathion) and the

remaining seven percent for the purchase of 0.4 Kg of seeds. While all farmers that took

the loan were given the CP package, farmers had the option to borrow only one of the

two available CAN bags. Expected yield for farmers using this package on one acre of

land was between 400 and 600 kg, compared to 200 kg with no inputs.4

In keeping with standard MRFC practices, farmers were expected to raise a 15

percent deposit, and were charged interest of 33 percent per year (or 30 percent for repeat

borrowers). Within a group, take-up of the loan was an individual decision, but the

subset of farmers who took up the loan was told that they were jointly liable for each

others’ loans. In practice, however, joint liability schemes in Malawi are seldom


In July 2007, CP told farmers in the study areas to organize themselves into clubs

of 15 to 20 members. Many of these clubs were already in existence, primarily to ease

delivery of Cheetah extension services and collection of the crop. Our study sample

consists of 249 clubs and approximately 3,500 members in Dedza, Mchinji, Dowa and

Kasungu districts. Figure 1 describes the timeline of events and Figure 2 shows the study

locations. MRFC approved loans in 125 clubs with a final sample of 1,380 loan


Farmer clubs in the study were randomly assigned to be “fingerprinted” clubs

(treatment) or not (control), stratifying by geographical area and week of club visit.

During the months of August and September of 2007, CP staff provided the list of all

paprika growing clubs in each area to be visited that week to the BFIRM team which

sorted them randomly and assigned treatment status with 50 percent chance. A club visit

always included survey and a training session. In addition, fingerprints were collected for

treatment clubs. The educational module explained to all farmers how their fingerprint

uniquely identified them for credit reporting to all major Malawian rural lenders. The 4 Yield is computed under the conservative assumption that farmers will divert one 50 Kg bag of CAN fertilizer towards maize cultivation. While larger quantities of inputs would result in higher output for experienced paprika-growers, the package described here was designed by extension experts to maximize expected profits for novice, small-holder growers. 5 See Giné and Yang (2009) for another example of limited enforcement of joint liability loans.


Page 6: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

training emphasized that defaulters would face exclusion from future borrowing, while

responsible borrowers could be rewarded with expanded credit in the future, and that

future credit providers would be able to access credit history simply by checking the

applicant’s fingerprint. Appendix A contains the script used for the training. Loan

applicants from “Fingerprinted” clubs had their right thumb fingerprint recorded

electronically during the loan application process. Members from the BFIRM team

carried a laptop with a fingerprint scanner (FB80 Pro) attached to it. The laptop used the

VeriFinger 5.0 software to collect fingerprints.6 After all the fingerprints had been

collected, a demo program was used to show participants that the laptop was now able to

identify an individual by his or her fingerprint. We picked one farmer at random, had him

or her place the right thumb again in the scanner, and immediately his or her

demographic information would appear on the screen. The control group was not

fingerprinted, but as mentioned, also received the same training emphasizing the

importance of one’s credit history and how it influences one’s future credit access.

Prior to the training and the collection of fingerprints, farmers were also

administered a brief household socioeconomic survey.7 The survey included questions on

individual demographics (education, household size, religion), income generating

activities and assets including detailed information on crop production and crop choice,

livestock and other assets, risk preferences, past and current borrowing activities, and

past variability of income. Summary statistics from the baseline survey are presented in

Table 1, and variable definitions are provided in Appendix B.

After the completion of the survey, the names and locations of the members that

applied for loans were handed over to MRFC credit officers so that they could screen and

approve the clubs according to their protocols.

The project also implemented follow-up surveys of farmers in April 2008, a

month before paprika harvest and in August 2008, after the loan should have been fully

6 We purchased the VeriFinger 5.0 Software Development Kit and had a programmer develop a data capture software that would allow the user to (i) enter basic demographic information such as the name, address, village, loan size and the unique BFIRM identifier, (ii) capture the fingerprint with the scanner and (iii) review the fingerprint alongside the demographic information. 7 These data are collected prior to the farmers’ being informed about the role of biometrics in the project and their treatment status, to ensure that farmers’ survey answers are not influenced.


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paid. In the analysis we use these data along with internal administrative data from both

CP and MRFC.

3. Empirical results

Randomization should ensure that treatment and control groups have similar baseline

characteristics on average. To check this, Table 2 presents means of several key farmer

and household characteristics for the treatment and control groups, as well as the p-value

of the F-test that the difference in means is statistically significantly different from zero.

None of the variables considered had a difference in means that is statistically significant

from zero.

Because the treatment is assigned randomly at the club level, its impact on the

various outcomes of interest (say, repayment) can be estimated via the following

regression equation:

(1) Yij = α + βBBj + γXij + εij,

where Yij = repayment decision for individual i in club j (1 if repaying and 0 otherwise),

BBj is biometric identification (1 if fingerprinted and 0 if not), and Xij is a vector of club

and individual farmer characteristics collected at baseline. εij is a mean-zero error term.

Treatment assignment at the club level creates spatial correlation among farmers within

the same club, so standard errors must be clustered at the club level (Moulton 1986).

Inclusion of the vector Xij of baseline characteristics can reduce standard errors by

absorbing residual variation, and is legitimate (i.e., alleviates concerns about data-

mining) because the variables are decided on at the outset (Duflo, Glennerster, and

Kremer 2006). In our case, we include the baseline characteristics reported in Table 2 abd

the two stratification variables.

The coefficient β on the biometric treatment status indicator is the impact of being

fingerprinted on repayment, and answers the question “How much does biometric

identification raise loan repayment?”.


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We also examine the interactions between the randomized treatment and baseline

characteristics. In particular we are interested in the ex-ante probability of default. For

example, it may be the case that ex-ante defaulters react relatively more, compared to the

ex-ante safer individuals, to the introduction of biometric technology. To test this

question, the following regression equation is useful:

(2) Yij = α + ρ(BBj * Dj)+ βBjB + χ Xij + εij,

Dij is a variable representing the individual’s previous borrowing experience, such

as the value of recent production loans from formal-sector financial institutions (its main

effect is included in the vector Xij). The coefficient ρ on the interaction term BBj * Dj is the

impact of previous borrowing experience on the impact of biometric identification on

repayment. Other analogous interaction terms can establish the impact of wealth (proxied

by landholdings), age of the club, etc. on the impact of biometrics on repayment (and in

fact can be included in the same regression equation).

The key questions and hypotheses that the project will address are the following:

• How does biometric identification affect the decision to take out a loan? If

farmers believe that biometric identification raises the cost of default, it

should deter some farmers from borrowing in the first place (specifically,

those with private information that their likelihood of default is high).

• What impact does biometric identification have on farming practices, such as

input utilization, use of family labor, and use of hired labor? When the

consequences of default are higher, farmers may use more inputs and exert

more effort to reduce the probability of having to default on the loan.

• What impact does biometric identification have on repayment? This is the

most obvious area of impact—farmers should be more likely to repay if the

consequences of default are higher. A credible experimental estimate of this


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effect can be used in cost-benefit analyses of investments in biometric

technology by rural lenders.

5. Conclusion

For all the recent empirical work on the imperfections in credit markets in

developing countries, to our knowledge is the first research that directly estimates the

impact of improved enforcement on loan repayment in rural areas. Such an estimate is

highly valuable from a theoretical standpoint in clarifying the extent to which imperfect

enforcement contributes to high default rates and thus low supply of credit..

A broader practical consequence of the findings is that, biometric identification

can serve as a catalyst for the establishment of a national credit bureau in Malawi (and

elsewhere) to centralize such information and that uses fingerprints as the unique

identifier. In discussions of potential public policies that can help increase the supply of

credit to rural areas, an often-cited central priority is the establishment of institutions such

as credit bureaus that can effectively create public information on a borrower’s past

borrowing history (Conning and Udry 2005, Fafchamps 2004).


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Appendix A: Biometric Training script

Benefits of Good Credit Having a record of paying back your loans can help you get bigger loans or better interest rates. Credit history works like trust. When you know someone for a long time, and that person is honest and fair when you deal with him, then you trust him. You are more likely to help him, and he is more likely to help you. You might let him use your hoe (or something else that is important to you), because you feel sure that he will give it back to you. Banks feel the same way about customers who have been honest and careful about paying back their loans. They trust those customers, and are more willing to let them borrow money. MRFC already gives customers who have been good borrowers a reward. It charges them a lower interest rate, 30 percent instead of 33 percent. That means that for the loan we have described today, someone who has a good credit history would only have to pay back 8855, instead of 8971. Another way that banks might reward customers they trust is by letting them borrow bigger amounts of money. Instead of 7700 MK to grow one acre of paprika, MRFC might lend a trusted customer 15400, to grow two acres. To earn trust with the bank, and get those rewards, you have to be able to prove to the bank that you have taken loans before and paid them back on time. You can do that by making sure that you give the bank accurate information when you fill out loan applications. But if you call yourself John Jacob Phiri one year, and Jacob John Phiri the next year, then the bank might not figure out that you are the same person, so they won’t give you the rewards you have earned. Costs of Bad Credit But trust can be broken. If your neighbor borrows your radio and does not give it back or it gets ruined, then you probably wouldn’t lend him anything else until the radio had been replaced. Banks work the same way. If you take a loan and break the trust between yourself and the bank by not paying back the loan, then the bank won’t lend to you again. This is especially true if you have a good harvest but still choose not to pay back the loan. When you apply for a loan, one of the things that a bank does to decided whether or not to accept your application is that it looks in it’s records to see if you have borrowed money before. If you have borrowed but not paid back, then you will be turned down for the new loan. This is like you asking your neighbors if someone new shows up in the village and asks you to work for him. You might first ask around to see if the person is fair to his employees and pays them on time. If you learn that the person does not pay his workers, then you won’t work for him. Banks do the same thing by checking their records. MRFC does not ever give new loans to people who still owe them money. And MRFC shares information about who owes money with other banks, so if you fail to pay back a loan from MRFC, it can stop you from getting a new loan from OIBM or another lender, also Biometric Technology Finger prints are unique, which means that no two people can ever have the same finger prints. Even if they look similar on a piece of paper, people with special training, or special computer equipment, can always tell them apart. Your finger print can never change. It will be the same next year as it is this year. Just like the spots on a goat are the same as long as the goat lives, but different goats have different spots. Finger prints can be collected with ink and paper, or they can be collected with special machines. This machine stores finger prints in a computer. Once your finger print is stored in the computer, then the


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machine can recognize you, and know your name and which village you come from, just by your finger print! The machine will recognize you even if the person who is using it is someone you have never met before. The information from the machines is saved in many different ways, so if one machine breaks, the information is still there. Just like when Celtel’s building burned, people’s phone numbers did not change. Fingerprinted clubs only (administer after all fingerprints have been collected) Demo Now, I can figure out your name even if you don’t tell me. Will someone volunteer to test me? (Have a volunteer swipe his finger, and then tell everyone who it was). The bank will store information about your loans with your finger print. That means that bank officers will know not just your name, but also what loans you have taken and whether or not you have paid them back. They will be able to tell all of this just by having you put your finger on the machine. Before, banks used your name and other information to find out about your credit history. But now they will use finger prints to find out. This means that even if you tell the bank a different name, they will still be able to find all of your loan records. Names can change, but finger prints cannot. Having your finger print on file can make it easier to earn the rewards for good credit history that we talked about earlier. It will be easy for the bank to look up your records and see that you have paid back your loans before. It will also be easier to apply for loans, because there will be no new forms to fill out in the future! But, having your finger print on file also makes the punishment for not paying back your loan much more certain. Even if you tell the bank a different name than you used before, or meet a different loan officer, or go to a different branch, the bank will just have to check your finger print to find out whether or not you paid your loans before. Having records of finger prints also makes it easy for banks to share information. Banks will share information about your finger prints and loans. If you don’t pay back a loan to MRFC, OIBM will know about it!

Appendix B: Variable definitions



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Tables Table 1: Summary statisticsSeptember - October 2006

Variable Mean Std. Dev. 10th pct. Median 90th pct. Num. Obs.

Demographic characteristicsMale 0.81 0.39 0 1 1 3Married 0.02 0.12 0 0 0 3Age 39.5 13.2 24 37 58 3Years of Education 5.27 3.53 0 5 10 3289Risk Taker 0.57 0.49 0 1 1 3Days of Hunger Last Year 6.41 11.27 0 0 30 3290Late Paying Previous Loan 0.14 0.35 0 0 1 3Income SD 25,110.6 40,935.9 2,510.2 13,505.7 55,702.3 3290Years of Experience Growing Paprika 2.1 2.2 0 2 5 3Previous Default 0.03 0.16 0 0 0 3No Previous Loans 0.74 0.44 0 1 1 3

Take-UpApproved 0.63 0.48 0 1 1 3Any Loan 0.35 0.48 0 0 1 3







-- Data are from the Biometric and Financial Innovations in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project farm householdsurvey in August - September 2007. All variables refer to respondent or respondent's household. See Appendix forvariable definitions. Table 2: Differences in means, treatment vs. control groupSeptember - October 2006

Variable Treatment mean

Control mean

Difference p-value

Male 0.782 0.820 -0.038 0.315Married 0.015 0.007 0.008 0.256Age 40.025 39.578 0.447 0.712Years of School 5.267 5.393 -0.126 0.679Risk Taker 0.571 0.546 0.025 0.632Days of Hunger 6.448 5.910 0.538 0.678Late Repaying Previous Loan 0.128 0.113 0.015 0.600Income SD 25,261.6 29,256.3 -3994.693 0.307Years of Experience Growing Paprika 2.33 2.17 0.164 0.54Previous Default 0.026 0.013 0.013 0.270No Previous Loans 0.730 0.756 -0.026 0.527

Notes -- Table presents means of key variables for treatment group (farmers fingerprinted)and control group (farmers not fingerprinted) in September - October 2006, prior totreatment. P-value is for F-test of difference in means across treatment and control groups,and accounts for clustering at club level. See Appendix for variable definitions.

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)


Page 16: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

Table 3: Predicting Repayment(1) (2) (3)

Male 0.080 0.061 0.058(0.073) (0.048) (0.048)

Married -0.071 -0.091 -0.101(0.060) (0.044)** (0.046)**

Age 0.004 0.001(0.001)*** (0.001)

Years of education -0.005 -0.003(0.005) (0.004)

Risk taker -0.078 0.008 0.013(0.041)* (0.031) (0.031)

Days of Hunger in previous season 0.001 -0.000 -0.001(0.002) (0.001) (0.001)

Late paying previous loan -0.058 -0.084 -0.084(0.071) (0.046)* (0.047)*

Income SD -0.000 0.000 0.000(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

Years of experience growing paprika 0.005 0.007 0.007(0.013) (0.011) (0.011)

Previous default 0.088 0.128 0.097(0.163) (0.079) (0.078)

No previous loan -0.012 0.015 0.013(0.062) (0.032) (0.034)

Constant 0.729 0.949 0.982(0.114)*** (0.072)*** (0.090)***

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y YDummies for 5-year age and education categories Y

Observations 0 0 0R-squared 0 0 0

Notes: Sample is non-fingerprinted individuals from the baseline survey. All standard errors are clustered at the club level.

Robust standard errors in parenthesesSignificance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)


Page 17: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort


Table 4: Take-upLoan Recipients

(1) (2) (3)Approved for loan

Took out loan

Total Borrowed (MK)

Panel AFingerprint 0.038 0.051 -696.799*

(0.053) (0.044) (381.963)Panel BFingerprint 0.207 0.108 -2812.766

(0.131) (0.100) (1727.116)Predicted repayment * fingerprint -0.219 -0.074 2630.653

(0.159) (0.118) (1898.553)Panel CFingerprint * Quintile 1 0.093 0.075 -2721.780**

(0.094) (0.083) (1334.519)Fingerprint * Quintile 2 0.180* 0.102 -258.179 (0.095) (0.079) (454.698)

All Respondents


Fingerprint * Quintile 3 -0.030 0.061 -458.924(0.081) (0.075) (480.187)

Fingerprint * Quintile 4 -0.001 -0.037 -101.028(0.081) (0.077) (445.637)

Fingerprint * Quintile 5 -0.017 0.039 -400.620 (0.080) (0.066) (556.230)

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y Y YHousehold Controls Y Y Y

Observations 3206 3206 1147Mean of dependent variable 0.63 0.35 16912.60

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)

Notes: The households controls include baseline characteristics (male, five-year age categories, one-year education categories, and marriage), and baseline risk indicators (dummy for self-reported risk-taking, days of hunger in the previous season, late payments on previous loans, standard deviation of income, years of experience growing paprika, dummy for default on previloan, and dummy for no previous loans). Standard errors are clustered at the club level.

Page 18: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

Table 5: Inputs, total used on all crops

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Seeds (MK) Fertilizer (MK)Chemicals (MK)

Man-days (MK)

All Paid Inputs (MK)

KG ManureTimes Weeding

Panel AFingerprint 129.747 -335.274 454.640** -696.729 -447.615 1255.704* -4.867

(275.711) (2794.331) (175.128) (1675.417) (4464.087) (660.810) (5.799)Panel BFingerprint 765.325 14070.063** 628.786 85.765 15549.939* 5457.815 1.606

(475.760) (5805.472) (435.828) (2899.228) (8551.928) (3666.599) (11.978)Predicted repayment * fingerprint -811.763 -18398.562** -222.420 -999.405 -20432.149**-5366.955 -8.267

(688.571) (6529.585) (557.384) (2767.579) (9078.678) (4067.891) (19.518)Panel CFingerprint * Quintile 1 577.525** 6335.431 797.065** 160.185 7870.205 4771.320 6.617

(279.083) (3835.494) (319.804) (1385.496) (5100.929) (3069.394) (7.709)Fingerprint * Quintile 2 -61.253 4541.732 46.424 -2948.218 1578.685 1189.187** -4.808 (374.256) (7707.276) (188.335) (4557.971) (12459.240) (449.575) (7.438)Fingerprint * Quintile 3 -278.247 -6358.309 401.877 1275.501 -4959.178 503.794 -38.536*

(433.389) (4745.531) (334.048) (1703.774) (5757.302) (975.326) (21.153)Fingerprint * Quintile 4 187.860 -4113.598 391.855* -704.409 -4238.292 -390.454 -3.624

(554.007) (3282.598) (215.647) (1532.663) (4902.076) (882.615) (16.332)Fingerprint * Quintile 5 257.915 -2301.761 733.278** -230.484 -1541.053 481.247 8.171 (435.620) (3109.596) (310.083) (1124.929) (4010.159) (750.003) (28.462)

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y Y Y Y Y Y YHousehold Controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 409 409 409 409 409 409 409Mean of dependent variable 1047.81 14913.61 485.42 2628.70 19075.54 1651.04 21.47

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)Notes: The households controls include baseline characteristics (male, five-year age categories, one-year education categories, and marriage), and baseline risk indicators (dummy for self-reported risk-taking, days of hunger in the previous season, late payments on previous loans, standard deviation of income, years of experience growing paprika, dummy for default on previous loan, and dummy for no previous loans). Standard errors are clustered at the club level.

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Table 6: Inputs, total used on paprika

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Seeds (MK)Fertilizer (MK)

Chemicals (MK)

Man-days (MK)

All Paid Inputs (MK)

KG ManureTimes Weeding

Panel AFingerprint 86.191* 619.937 493.403** -182.436 1017.095 51.574 -7.401

(49.638) (1175.487) (162.277) (141.982) (1297.233) (33.951) (5.584)Panel BFingerprint 334.378** 7909.032** 441.631 310.003 8995.043** 53.113 7.590

(93.264) (3335.485) (372.443) (225.969) (3602.378) (88.290) (8.402)Predicted repayment * fingerprint -316.986** -9309.664** 66.124 -628.944** -10189.472* -1.965 -19.147

(139.787) (3765.973) (487.404) (312.843) (4106.670) (119.675) (16.451)Panel CFingerprint * Quintile 1 239.552** 3620.051 680.674** 124.684 4664.961* 87.685 0.161

(52.017) (2529.232) (287.575) (113.193) (2710.722) (56.726) (2.649)Fingerprint * Quintile 2 74.548 2714.852 55.085 -304.967 2539.517 8.064 -0.779 (76.082) (2598.198) (154.421) (367.016) (2853.291) (40.981) (3.303)Fingerprint * Quintile 3 84.849 -168.305 677.450** -21.520 572.474 47.991 -24.312

(86.134) (1738.487) (254.925) (367.185) (1991.752) (49.771) (20.422)Fingerprint * Quintile 4 47.188 -1628.172 422.960* -259.258 -1417.282 44.066 3.893

(68.216) (1792.275) (226.863) (180.787) (1971.344) (38.150) (11.311)Fingerprint * Quintile 5 -3.407 -1908.342 729.116** -358.113 -1540.745 67.888 -20.698 (98.499) (1429.711) (294.811) (277.820) (1657.305) (65.811) (18.117)

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y Y Y Y Y Y YHousehold Controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 409 409 409 409 409 409 409Mean of dependent variable 173.40 5288.13 354.13 289.85 6105.52 40.83 7.49

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)

Notes: The households controls include baseline characteristics (male, five-year age categories, one-year education categories, and marriage), and baseline risk indicators (dummy for self-reported risk-taking, days of hunger in the previous season, late payments on previous loans, standard deviation of income, years of experience growing paprika, dummy for default on previous loan, and dummy for no previous loans). Standard errors are clustered at the club level.

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Table 7: On-time repayment

(1) (2) (3)

Balance Fraction Paid Fully Paid

Panel AFingerprint -996.430 0.073* 0.096

(754.301) (0.040) (0.062)Panel BFingerprint -9727.739** 0.716** 0.842**

(3283.590) (0.118) (0.171)Predicted repayment * fingerprint 10855.103** -0.799** -0.928**

(3617.132) (0.129) (0.194)Panel C

(1549.320) (0.097) (0.141)Fingerprint * Quintile 3 -297.918 0.005 -0.004

(690.866) (0.034) (0.069)Fingerprint * Quintile 4 775.231 -0.037 -0.045

(616.404) (0.036) (0.072)Fingerprint * Quintile 5 1404.812 -0.078* -0.084 (1025.301) (0.046) (0.077)

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y Y YHousehold Controls Y Y Y

Observations 1147 1147 1147Mean of dependent variable 2080.86 0.84 0.74

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)

Dependent variables in Table 7 are defined for loan recipients only.

Notes: The households controls include baseline characteristics (male, five-year age categories, one-year education categories, and marriage), and baseline risk indicators (dummy for self-reported risk-taking, days of hunger in the previous season, late payments on previous loans, standard deviation of income, years of experience growing paprika, dummy for default on previous loan, and dummy for no previous loans). Standard errors are clustered at the club level.

Fingerprint * Quintile 1 -7202.647** 0.499** 0.543**(2394.374) (0.075) (0.111)

Fingerprint * Quintile 2 -1028.696 0.066 0.163

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Table 8: Revenue and Profits

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Self reported Regional prices Self reported Regional prices Unsold TotalPanel AFingerprint 10689.268 49668.021 77108.043* 116086.796* 65971.160 115639.181*

(8940.343) (36656.915) (39990.654) (59935.978) (40891.585) (61602.627)Panel BFingerprint 47677.553** 72369.872 263881.704* 288574.023* 231754.090 304123.962*

(21807.055) (63343.685) (146049.081) (156787.798) (147279.264) (160128.815)Predicted repayment * fingerprint -47241.606* -28994.907 -238548.174 -220301.475 -211738.717 -240733.624

(24246.663) (67506.878) (179793.545) (192301.094) (179159.922) (196034.940)Panel CFingerprint * Quintile 1 17524.282 161718.782 225716.785** 369911.285** 216062.709** 377781.490**

(12177.337) (120631.112) (102704.119) (151658.628) (104675.499) (152914.245)Fingerprint * Quintile 2 47770.791** -17112.114 -5556.065 -70438.969 -51748.171 -68860.284 (21583.696) (52001.489) (42865.283) (54790.113) (44831.795) (63222.486)Fingerprint * Quintile 3 -9615.114 65961.011 -4744.255 70831.870 -88.319 65872.692

(12776.632) (75621.816) (55684.584) (94645.779) (53271.916) (97040.840)Fingerprint * Quintile 4 -3063.942 -9323.231 8075.912 1816.623 6901.562 -2421.669

(11393.577) (32546.552) (57543.833) (58521.632) (54000.983) (61525.691)Fingerprint * Quintile 5 -4389.645 68895.531 142510.057 215795.232 145358.649 214254.180 (12712.169) (53597.361) (157510.152) (198605.691) (157883.385) (198861.575)

Loan officer * Week of baseline interview FE Y Y Y Y Y YHousehold Controls Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 409 409 409 409 409 409Mean of dependent variable 47251.36 116560.85 146267.81 215577.31 118091.99 234652.84Mean of dependent variable (US $) 337.51 832.58 1044.77 1539.84 843.51 1676.09

Significance levels: 10% (*), 5% (**), 1% (***)

The value of home production is always computed using regional prices.

Notes: The households controls include baseline characteristics (male, five-year age categories, one-year education categories, and marriage), and baseline risk indicators (dummy for self-reported risk-taking, days of hunger in the previous season, late payments on previous loans, standard deviation of income, years of experience growing paprika, dummy for default on previous loan, and dummy for no previous loans). Standard errors are clustered at the club level.

Value of harvest (MK)Sales (MK) Profits (MK)

Page 22: Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Borrower · in Rural Malawi (BFIRM) project, a cooperative effort

Figure 1. Timeline of the BFIRM project

August 2007

October 2007

April 2008

Baseline Survey + fingerprint collection

Loan approval by MRFC

December 2007

Loan disbursement

1st Follow-up Survey

2nd Follow-up Survey

August 2008