ICT Road map, the first step

Hassan Dabbagh 087 9044716 [email protected] ICT road map


Whats the first step for creating an ICT road map. When your school is creating an ICT road map we tend now to know where to start, This is what happens, the road map is suggested to the school, yet the first question is "where do we start?" I hope this helps

Transcript of ICT Road map, the first step

2. Hassan Dabbagh 087 9044716 [email protected] ICT road map 3. Where are you now Where do you want to be 4. 3 Year Plan 5. Year 1 6. 1) What state is the infrastructure in? 3) What would you like the IT do for you? 2) What equipment do you have? 4) Whos taking ownership? 5) Whos involved? & Some Important questions; 7. 1) What state is the infrastructure in? Some Important questions; Do you have a server? Does it need to be upgraded Is there a WIRED network setup Does every classroom has a network Port? Is it an old OR new building 8. 1) What state is the infrastructure in? 3) What would you like the IT do for you? 2) What equipment do you have? 4) Whos taking ownership? 5) Whos involved? & Some Important questions; Do you have / Need a server How up to date are your computers Can Any of this equipment Be reused. 9. 1) What state is the infrastructure in? 3) What would you like the IT do for you? 2) What equipment do you have? 4) Whos taking ownership? 5) Whos involved? & Some Important questions; Learning Research Admin 10. 1) What state is the infrastructure in? 3) What would you like the IT do for you? 2) What equipment do you have? 4) Whos taking ownership? 5) Whos involved? & Some Important questions;