
T206 Final Project 03 December 2010 I.C. Incognito Productions Marianna Beard Matthew Dowley Haley Green


Incognito Productions Presents I.C.

Transcript of I.C.

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T206 Final Project

03 December 2010 I.C.

Incognito Productions

Marianna Beard

Matthew Dowley

Haley Green

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I. C.




October, 2010

Black screen.

Deep man’s voice reads Bible verse.

Present day in a white padded room. Face fills the screen

with intensity. A disheveled, attractive MAN. Kind face,

weathered by years of torment.

Flickering yellow light, in the beginnings of a dying bulb.

Loud thud. Door opens. Two tall, WELL-BUILT MEN, walk in

with purpose. Insane man freely stands, knowing what is to

come. One of the tall, well-built men come over to hold his

arms. The other injects an unknown serum into the arm of

the insane man. Fades to black.

In 2009, New York City, ISAIAH CANTON has on his Armani

suit and is tightening his tie in the body length mirror in

his apartment. Leaves.

Isaiah enters elevator. Reaches lobby and is greeted by the

BELLHOP. He gets in his car and drives away. Busy traffic.

Many pedestrians walking to work.

Isaiah walks into a large conference room. MEN and WOMEN in

suits, sitting around the long, glass table chatting with

each other and on cell phones. Isaiah begins his pitch on

the newest multimedia device. Asking questions. Employees

taking notes, making suggestions.

OLIVIA (LIV) walks into meeting late. Kind but assertive.

Liv takes over the meeting and wins approval of employees.

Isaiah continues working with multimedia project, but

introduces his purpose of proclaiming the coming of Christ.

Liv has the opposite goal of Isaiah, and rejects his ideas.

God brings Isaiah a vision, proclaiming that Isaiah is a

prophet. Isaiah begins to live this out whole-heartedly,

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losing the respect of his employees/coworkers. Coworkers

side with Liv and progressively against Isaiah.

In the next six months, Isaiah is fired from his job.

Isaiah turns to distant family members for solace, and they

begin to question Isaiah’s stability. Liv seeks out

Isaiah’s FAMILY MEMBERS, and feeds them flawed description

of Isaiah’s actions, thoughts, etc.

Liv finally convinces the family that Isaiah is delusional.

Isaiah is institutionalized in Bellevue.

Present day, in asylum, Isaiah goes through an internal

struggle: how to get out of Bellevue, how to continue

sharing the Gospel, how to defeat Liv.

In 2011, in asylum, Isaiah receives a vision and escapes

imprisonment. He escapes the week of the apocalypse.

Liv’s true identity is revealed; she is the antichrist.

Her plan to end the world cannot be accomplished with

Isaiah living. Antichrist/Liv comes after Isaiah, enraged.

Liv immediately gets the POLICE and SWAT involved for help.

Isaiah is vigorously writing something on a large piece of

paper in an inconspicuous coffee shop. Rolls it up, and

leaves in a hurry.

Isaiah makes his way to the Statue of Liberty with this

large scroll. When he reaches the top, the statue is

surrounded by police, SWAT, his family, Liv, news stations,


From the view through the scope of sniper rifle, Isaiah is

seen opening the scroll. The scroll is his last attempt to

share the Gospel, show God’s mercy, and to save the people.

Gun shot. Audience does not know if he is shot or not.

Black screen.

Liv’s voice reading Bible verse.

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A black screen is shown. A deep man’s voice reads a Bible




But the day of the Lord will come

like a thief. The heavens will

disappear with a roar; the elements

will be destroyed by fire, and the

earth and everything in it will be

laid bare. 2 PETER 3:10

In a white, padded room, ISAIAH CANTON’S face fills the

screen with intensity. He is a disheveled, attractive man

with a kind face, but obviously weathered by years of

torment. A yellow light is flickering.

A loud thud is heard, a door opens. Two tall, WELL-BUILT

MEN, walk in with purpose. ISAIAH freely stands, knowing

what is to come. One of the tall, well-built men come over

to hold his arms. The other injects an unknown serum into

the arm of the insane man. Screen fades to black.


Isaiah is standing in his penthouse apartment tightening his

tie in his full length mirror. He checks his watch and

leaves his apartment. Isaiah takes the elevator down to the



Good morning, sir.


(nods head)

Mr. Canton

Isaiah drives to work. Traffic is busy, lots of people are

walking to work.


Isaiah walks into a large conference room. MEN and WOMEN

are dressed in suits, sitting around the long, glass table

chatting with each other. Some are on their cell phones.


Good morning everyone. I hope

everyone is well. Okay, so...do



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ISAIAH (cont’d)you remember the project from last





Let’s here some feedback


The design is sleek, but maybe we

should consider another color



Yeah, but a new color will put us

over our budget. Won’t it?


Okay, I’ll take it into

consideration. How about the-

OLIVIA (LIV), head of the company’s advertising agency,

walks in. She is wearing a form-fitting black dress suit

with deep red heels. Her hair is pulled back loosely.


Let’s get started, sorry I’m late.


Excuse me, miss...?


It’s Olivia. Call me Liv.


Nice to meet you. We’ve been

expecting you.


(hands out pamphlets to


Here’s an example of effective



Isaiah and Liv are leaving work and making their way through

the parking garage.


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Make sure to review my proposal

before the next meeting.


I will. However, I think your

approach doesn’t necessarily match

with the company’s vision.


You need sales. Ultimately, that’s

what matters.


It’s about the message, not the



Then why did you hire me? Trust me,

this is what’s best.


How about we discuss it at the next




That’s fine.


Isaiah works on his multi-media project. He looks through

the Bible as he scans his sketches of the device. He is

also scanning Liv’s notes and proposal simultaneously. In

exhaustion, he lies down on the couch with the papers strewn

across the coffee table, floor, and couch.

Isaiah closes his eyes. His breathing calms. He receives a

vision from God: his life’s purpose is revealed. He is a

prophet proclaiming the coming of Christ.

Isaiah opens his eyes, his heart rate increases and his

breathing intensifies.


Isaiah is rummaging through papers on his disorganized

desk. He’s checking e-mails, making phone calls, and

looking over Liv’s proposal.

ROBERT, Isaiah’s oldest co-worker and friend, knocks and

enters his office.


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Isaiah, have you looked at page

four of Liv’s proposal?


(speaks without looking up)

Yes. Three times.


Well I really do feel this would be

beneficial for the co-


(interrupts and looks up)

Do you really? Well I believe that

the morality of what this company

is based upon is more important

than the amount of money we have in

the bank.


Isaiah, we need money in order to

spread the message in the first



Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Don’t forget, you’re not the only

one making decisions in this


Robert storms out of Isaiah’s office, slamming the door

behind him.


Isaiah walks into the conference room minutes before a

meeting begins. His co-workers look disgruntled towards

him. Liv sits at the head of the table. Isaiah sits down.


Great. Now we can begin.

Liv stands and approaches whiteboard.



Now that you have had the

opportunity to review my proposal,



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LIV (cont’d)I think now is the time to take a

company vote.


Is there no discussion for other



Please don’t interrupt me. All in

favor of the proposal, please raise

your hands.

Everyone raises their hands, except Isaiah. Everyone is

staring at him.



Majority rules.

Liv closes her folder, looking at Isaiah.



This meeting is finished.

Liv quickly exits the room, looking straight ahead.


Maybe you should reconsider your

standing in this company. You

clearly don’t agree with the path

we are taking on this project.


But...I...We can’t just...



Isaiah...your input is no longer

needed. Please pack your

things. I’m sorry...I had to do



Isaiah shows up at his parents’ house. He is distraught and

looks emotionally drained. He has heavy bags under his and

his eyes look red. His tie is loosened and off

centered. His jacket is unbuttoned, along with the top

button of his shirt. He has a suitcase in his left hand,

and is softly knocking on the door with his right hand. His

FATHER answers the door.

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SIMON CANTON, Isaiah’s father, is sitting at the dinner

table with Isaiah while LUCILLE CANTON, Isaiah’s mother, is

placing dishes, silverware, and platters of food on the

table. Isaiah is blankly looking down.


It’s so nice of you to stop by,

honey. But why the surprise visit?

Lucille sits down.


Yeah you’re lookin’ a little

overworked. What’s the deal?

Starts devouring his dinner.



Can we talk about it later? It’s

been awhile since I’ve had a

home-cooked meal. Thanks, mom.


Well honey, you can always talk to

us about whatever is the matter.


Yeah, I know, mom. I will just

need a few days.

Isaiah takes a bite of food. Faintly smiles.


After checking on Isaiah in the family’s guest room, Simon

quietly walks downstairs to his office. He reaches for the

phone, and calls the old family friend Robert.


Hello? This is Robert.


Hi Robert, this is Simon Canton. I

was just wondering if you’ve heard

from Isaiah recently?


Well no, Simon. Not since his last

day of work.


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Last day of work? Why did he quit?


We had to let him go. He didn’t




But why? He’s been with the company

for years.


He wasn’t flexible to new ideas

that were best for the company.


Was this your decision?


It was a mutual decision. But the

head of this project could tell you

more. Her name is Liv. I can give

you her number?


Yeah, thanks a lot.


It really wasn’t my decision,

Simon. It was nice talking to

you. It’s been awhile.


You too, kiddo. Talk to you soon.

Simon hangs up the phone, twiddling the piece of paper

with Liv’s number writteon on it in his hands.


Isaiah wakes up around 7:30 AM, the time he would normally

wake up to get ready for work. He realizes immediately he

is not in his own bed. He panics. He jolts out of bed only

to realize he is in his old bedroom--but almost immediately

falls back under the covers. He glances at the clock in

disguist, remembering he has no purpose for being awake so

early. He pulls the covers over his head and grunts.

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Simon dials the phone number written on the tiny sheet of

paper he holds in his hand. He is hesitant in dialing the

last number, not sure if he should intrude in his son’s life

like this. He contemplates only for a second as to whether

or not hang up, but dials the last digit instead. He wants

to know the source of Isaiah’s strange and unordinary

actions. He snaps back into focus when he suddenly hears a

woman’s voice on the other line.


This is Olivia speaking?


Oh hello, do you normally go by



May I ask who’s calling?


My apologies. Robert gave me your

number earlier this morning. My

name is Simon Canton. You may know

my son, Isaiah?




Well yes. I heard he has not been

cooperating in the office lately.


That is why he was fired a few days



He’s always been praised for his

opinions before, what seems to be

the problem now?


His opinions were not the issue,

his actions were.


Could you be more specific?

Liv looks over her shoulder, gets up, and closes her office

door so her conversation remained private.


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He started acting extremely

abnormal, which lead to crazy

outbursts in the office.


Really? That’s very

surprising--that’s unlike him.


The breaking point was when he

started becoming violent with


Robert furrows his brow. He puts his hand on his chin,



Robert is our oldest family friend,

there is no way-



Then why would he feel the need to

fire him?


I just spoke with him this morning.

He said he did not have much to do

with it.


He probably didn’t want to upset

you. There is no need in mixing

business with relationships.


What would you say it was about his

actions that seemed so violent?

Simon rubs his head thoughtfully.


Because this was within the work

place, I am not at liberty to

describe details. However, I

strongly recommend Isaiah receive

counseling or specialized help as

soon as possible.


I’ll go talk to him now...

Simon’s voice trails off.


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Let me know if there’s anything

else I can help you with.


Thank you, Liv.


You’re welcome, Simon. I’ll hear

from you soon.

Simon hangs up the phone. Liv smiles devilishly,

scheming. She hangs up the phone and looks out the window.


Isaiah, Lucille, and Simon are sitting around the dining

room table in an awkward silence. Tension is hanging in the

air. Lights are dimmed, the house is so quiet you can hear

a dog barking outside.


So I talked to a woman named Liv on

the phone today.

Isaiah immediately looks up at his father, blood drained

form his face. He is clearly shocked and confused.


What? Why did you do that?


Well I was concerned...and you

obviously weren’t willing to talk.


I’m not ready to talk.


Well I’m willing to listen. I

didn’t realize there were problems

at work.

Isaiah slams his fists on the dinner table, and immediately

stands up.


It’s the message, not the money!

Isaiah storms out of the room. Lucille and Simon look at

each other cluelessly.

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Screen reads October, 2011. Isaiah is shown in his white

scrubs in a white padded room. He looks intense and

quizzical. It is evident he is suffering internally.

He is popping his knuckles when he suddenly gasps and looks

up. He is wide-eyed for a moment.

A white screen flashes. A vision is revealed that Liv is

the Antichrist.

Isaiah is shown wide-eyed again. He blinks.

Security video shows Isaiah walking out of the asylum

dressed in white. Security guards are preoccupied with an

incoming patient.


Liv calls Bellevue to set up a visiting appointment with



Hello, I’d like to set up a

visiting appointment with Isaiah

Canton today.


Alright ma’am. Can I have your



Yes, it’s Olivia. I go by Liv. He’s

expecting me.


I’m sorry ma’am, I didn’t catch

your last name?


Oh it’s...



What is your relation to Mr.



(looks up and to the right)

I’m Liv Canton. Isaiah’s sister.


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Okay. Could you please hold for a


RECEPTIONIST puts Liv on hold. When she looks up, a GUARD

calls her over, panicked. He motions for her to come


The receptionist runs over to the guard.


What’s the matter?



Canton’s missing!


What do you mean he’s missing? He

was there last night, right?


Yeah! He took his meds, and he went

to bed. How the hell did he get out

of that room?

Liv impatiently waits for the receptionist to get back to

her. She taps her fingers furiously on the steering wheel,

growing more impatient as time passes.



I’m making an announcement!

Receptionist runs back to the front desk. She makes an

abrupt announcement on the loud speaker.



Attention! Simon Canton has escaped

from Bellevue! I repeat, Simon

Canton has escaped from Bellevue!

This is a code 7! I repeat, this is

a code 7!

Security guards shown opening Isaiah’s door. The white,

padded room is empty.

Receptionist turns off the loud speaker. She quickly picks

up the telephone and takes Liv off hold.


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I’m sorry ma’am, you’ll have to

visit another day. There’s

been...a... complication with





Ma’am...? Hello? Are you still


Liv violently swerves and turns her car around, now driving

extremely fast in the opposite direction. She is enraged.


Isaiah is shown vigorously writing on a large piece of

paper. He is sitting at a coffee table by himself. The

audience can’t see what he is writing. He looks at the

clock and then scans what he has written. He quickly rolls

it up and sprints out of the coffee shop.


Liv speeds up to the police station, swerving over the

curb. She doesn’t bother parking or turning off her car.

She runs up to the doors of the police station as fast as

she can.


Liv bursts through the double doors of the police

station. She is waving her arms, desperate to get the

attention of an official.


Excuse me! I need to talk an

official immediately! I know where

Isaiah Canton is. The man who

escaped Bellevue earlier today!


Ok ma’m, come with me.

The two are seen walking down the police station’s

hallway. They enter the last room on the right of the


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Isaih bolts onto a ferry that is destined for the Statue of

Liberty. He sits in the back corner, going unnoticed by the

other passengers. He carefully looks at the passengers on

board, and then to his scroll. He holds the scroll up to

his chest and closes his eyes.


Liv is in a convoy consisting of the POLICE, the SWAT team,

Isaiah’s family, NEWS STATIONS, and some of BELLEVUE’S

STAFF. She is driving furiously in direction of the Statue

of Liberty. She looks determined.


Isaiah is shown at the top of the Statue of Liberty. He is

struggling to hold on with one hand. The scroll is in his


Hellicopter sounds are heard. Screetching tires are heard.

The convoy is shown pulling up close to the Statue of


The police, SWAT team, Isaiah’s family, Bellevue’s staff,

and news stations group together. Police officer yells

through a megaphone.


Isaiah! Come down immediately!

Isaiah begins unrolling his scroll and struggles to hold on.

He begins looking for a way to reveal the message in the

scroll without falling. He looks up at the helicopters and

down at the police officer.



Come down or we’ll have to shoot!

Isaiah notices the one of the statue’s spikes and reaches

for it with the top of the scroll. The scroll begins

unrolling. Isaiah turns his body and looks down at everyone


Police officer shakes his head in disappointment at Isaiah.

The officer looks to his right, up towards the SNIPER and

gives a quick nod, affirming that the sniper should shoot



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From the view through the scope of a sniper rifle, Isaiah is

seen showing his last attempt to reveal the Gospel, show

God’s mercy, and to save the people.

A loud gunshot is heard. Screen goes black. Audience is

unaware if Isaiah is dead or alive.



No one knows about that day or

hour, not even the angles in

heaven, nor the Son, but only the

Father. Matthew 24:36

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Isaiah Canton’s Costume & Prop List

Isaiah Canton: A young, successful business man living in an exclusive penthouse suite overlooking

the NYC skyline. Isaiah is one of the head consultants for the largest advertising agency about to

break through with new smart phone technology. Isaiah has a unique gift and message from God that

he wants to share with the masses, will he be able to fight through and overcome the challenges that

are ahead of him?

Isaiah Canton’s Costume & Props: From Brooks Brothers Suits and Ties showing sophistication and

class with every stitch and pattern, to a Tag Heuer time piece, the Blackberry Phone he uses to com-

municate with, his silver cross representing the way he models his life after Jesus, and the scrolls he is

protecting with his life very own life, all are key elements to his character.

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Liv’s Costume & Prop List

Liv: An attractive young business women who is at the top of her game in everything she puts her mind at.

From being the head consultant in the Agency, wearing the newest and greatest fashions, and having an army of

people behind her every move, Liv shows us her inner qualities and what she truly stands for. Liv represents

the antagonist role and or Anti-Christ figure in our short story.

Liv’s Costume & Props are centered around her ravishing personality. Being energetic and outgoing when

need be, and calm and more reserved depending on the occasion. From her Brooks Brothers form fitted suits,

her one of a kind fur coats, rare diamonds, rare handbags, and limitless cash flow due to her Visa Black Card.

Liv’s bossy personality has a unique advantage in her every move in capturing her audience and winning their

peers attention and vote.

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INCOGNITO PRODUCTIONS FINAL SHOT LIST- Marianna Beard, Matt Dowley, Haley Green

Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Extreme Close Up, Isaiah's Face Character: Isaiah

1 2 Close Up, Yellow Lightbulb

Background: White Padded Room

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 3 Long Shot: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 4 Long Shot: Cell Door Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 5 Point of View: Isaiah, Door Opens, two men enter

Characters: two men

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 6 High Angle Shot/ Long Shot

Characters: Isaiah, two men

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 7 Over the Shoulder/ Medium shot: On Isaiah

Characters: Isaiah, two men

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 8 Long Shot

Characters: Isaiah, two men

Special Effects: flickering bulb

1 9 Close Up: Isaiah's Arm

Characters: Isaiah, two men

Special Effects: flickering bulb

2 1 Close Up: Mirror

Character: Isaiah

Background: Isaiah's Apartment

Prop: Tie

2 2 Long Shot: Side of Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Tie

2 3 Medium Shot: Isaiah Character: Isaiah

2 4 Close Up: Wrist Watch

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Watch

2 5 Long Shot: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Background: Apartment Hallway

2 6 Long Shot: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Background: Elevator

2 7 Close Up: Elevator Buttons Character: Isaiah

2 8 Long Shot

Character: Bell-Hop, Isaiah

Background: Apartment Lobby

2 9 Medium Close Up Characters: Bell-Hop, Isaiah

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2 10 Long Shot: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Background: Lobby Windows/ Door

2 11 Long Shot/ High Angle: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Background: Outside Apartment/ Street View

2 12 Long Shot: Isaiah walks up to car

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Car

2 13 Medium Shot: Isaiah reaches handle

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Car

2 14 Close Up: Isaiah's Hand on handle

Character: Isaiah

Background: Car

Prop: Car

2 15 Long Shot: Getting into Car

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Car

2 16 Long Shot: Isaiah Driving away

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Car

3 1 Long Shot: Confrence Room

Characters: Isaiah, Men & Women

Background: Conference Room

Prop: Table, Chairs, Cell Phones

3 2 Long Shot: Door Opening/ Isaiah Walks in Character: Isaiah

3 3 Medium Shot: Takes off Coat

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Coat

3 4 High Angle/ Over the Shoulder of Isaiah

Character: Isaiah, Men & Women

Prop: Table, Chairs, Cell Phones

3 5 Long Shot: Isaiah Sits down

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Chair

3 6 Medium Shot: Co-Worker 1

Character: Co-Worker1

Prop: Table, Chairs

3 7 Medium Shot: Co-Worker 2

Character: Co-Worker2

Prop: Table, Chairs

3 8 Medium Shot: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Table, Chairs

3 9 Long Shot: Office

Character: Isaiah, Co-Workers

Prop: Table, Chairs, Door

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3 10 Long Shot, Dolly In: Liv

Characters: Liv, Co-Workers, Isaiah

Prop: Door, Table, Chairs

3 11 Long Shot, Tilt Up: Liv

Character: Liv

Prop: briefcase, table, chairs

3 12 Tilt Up, Close Up: Liv Character: Liv

3 12 Medium Shot/Low Angle: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Chair

3 13 Long Shot: Office

Characters: Liv, Co-Workers, Isaiah

Prop: Table, Chairs, Briefcase, folders

3 14 Medium Shot, Tracking right

Characters: Liv, Co-Workers, Isaiah

Prop: Table, Chairs, Briefcase, pamphlets

4 1 Long Shot: Liv, Isaiah

Characters: Liv, Isaiah

Background: Parking Garage

4 2 Close up, track left: Isaiah Character: Isaiah

4 3 Medium Shot: Liv, Isaiah Characters: Isaiah, Liv

4 4 Close up, tracking: Liv Characters: Liv

4 5 Long Shot: Liv, Isaiah Characters: Liv, Isaiah

5 1 Long Shot: Isaiah

Characters: Isaiah

Background: Isaiah's apartment

Prop: Couch, papers, coffee table, Bible

5 2 Close up: Hands

Characters: Isaiah

Prop: Bible

5 3 Medium Shot: Isaiah

Characters: Isaiah

Prop: Proposal, Bible, Couch

5 4 Extreme Close Up, Isaiah's Face Characters: Isaiah

5 5 Long Shot: Isaiah on couch

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Couch

5 6 Long Shot/ High Angle: Isaiah

Character: Isaiah

Prop: Couch

5 7 Extreme Close Up: Isaiah's Eyes Character: Isaiah

5 8 Extreme Close Up: Isaiah's Chest Character: Isaiah

5 9 Extreme Close up: Isaiah's face character: Isaiah

5 10 Medium Shot/zoom out: Isaiah character: isaiah

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6 1 long shot: isaiah

character: isaiah

Background: isaiah's office

Prop: Desk, papers, computers, chairs

6 2 close up/over the shoulder: computer

Character: isaiah

Prop: desk, computer, papers, chairs

6 3 long shot: behind isaiah

characters: isaiah, robert

props: door, desk, papers, computer, chairs

6 4 medium shot: robert

character: robert

prop: door

6 5 Medium Shot: Isaiah

character: isaiah

prop: computer, desk, chair, papers

6 6 long shot: robert, isaiah

characters: robert, isaiah

prop: computer, desk, chair, papers

6 7 close up: robert character: robert

6 8 over the shoulder: from robert's view

character: robert, isaiah

props: desk, computer, chair, papers

6 9 long shot: robert

character: robert

props: door

7 1 long shot: office

character: liv, co-workers, robert

background: office

7 2 long shot: isaiah character: liv, co-workers, robert, isaiah

7 3 medium shot: liv

character: liv

props: desk, chairs

7 4 Medium Shot: Isaiah

character: isaiah

prop: desk, chairs

7 5 medium shot/close up: liv

character: liv

prop: desk, chairs

7 6 Long Shot: Liv

characters: liv, isaiah, co-workers

prop: whiteboard, desk, chairs

7 7 medium shot: liv

character: liv

props: whiteboard, marker

7 8 long shot: isaiah and coworkers

character: isaiah, co-workers

prop: table, chairs, door

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7 9 close up: liv speaking

character: liv

props: whiteboard, marker

7 10 long shot: office

characters: liv, isaiah, co-workers

prop: whiteboard, desk, chairs

7 11 close up: isaiah

character: isaiah

prop: chair

7 12 point of view: isaiah

character: isaiah

props: desk, chairs

7 13 low angle/medium shot: liv

character: liv

prop: whiteboard

7 14 long shot, track left: Liv, Isaiah

characters: liv, isaiah

props: whiteboard, chairs, desk

7 15 long shot: liv

characters: liv, isaiah, co-workers

prop: desk, chairs, door

7 16 medium shot: robert, isaiah

characters: robert, isaiah

prop: desk, chairs

7 17 close up: isaiah sitting

characters: isaiah

props: chair

7 18 close up: robert sitting

character: robert

props: chair

8 1 Establishing shot: Isaiah's parents' house

character: isaiah

background: parents' neighborhood

props: bag

8 2 extreme close up: isaiah's face character: isaiah

8 3 extreme close up: isaiah's torso character: isaiah

8 4 extreme close up: suitcase

character: isaiah

prop: suitcase

8 5 medium shot: walking to porch

character: isaiah

prop: suitcase

8 6 extreme close up: hand

character: isaiah

prop: door

8 7 long shot: isaiah, simon

characters: isaiah, simon

prop: door, suitcase

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9 1 Long shot: dinner table

characters: isaiah, simon, lucille

props: table, chairs, plates, food

9 2 medium shot: lucille

character: lucille

prop: chair, plates

9 3 long shot: lucille

character: lucille, simon, isaiah

prop: chair

9 4 medium shot: simon

character: simon

prop: chair, plate

9 5 Medium Shot: Isaiah

character: isaiah

prop: chair, plate

9 6 long shot: family

character: isaiah, lucille, simon

props: table, chairs, plates, food

9 7 close up: isaiah

character: isaiah

prop: chair, plate

10 1 low angle, track left: stairwell

character: simon

background: isaiah's parents' house

10 2 long shot: upstairs hallway

character: simon

background: upstairs hallway

prop: door

10 3 medium shot: simon

character: simon

prop: door

10 4 point of view: simon

character: isaiah

background: isaiah's old bedroom

prop: bed

10 5 medium shot: simon

character: simon

prop: door

10 6 long shot: simon

character: simon

background: upstairs hallway

10 7 High Angle Shot/ Long Shot: simon

character: simon

background: stairwell

10 8 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: office door

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10 9 long shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, chair, laptop, phone

10 10 medium shot: simon sitting down

character: simon

props: office desk, chair, laptop, phone

10 11 medium close up: hand on phone

character: simon

props: phone, office desk

10 12 medium shot: simon

character: simon

props: chair, phone

10 13 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office, phone

10 14 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone

10 15 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office

props: chair, phone

10 16 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone

10 17 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office

props: chair, phone

10 18 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone

10 19 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office

props: chair, phone

10 20 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone

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10 21 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office

props: chair, phone

10 22 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone

10 23 medium shot: robert

character: robert

background: robert's office

props: chair, phone

10 24 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: chair, phone, pen, paper

10 25 medium shot: simon hangs up phone

character: simon

props: chair, phone, laptop, desk, pen, paper

10 26 medium close up: simon's hand

character: simon

props: chair, phone, laptop, desk, pen, paper

11 1 close up: isaiah's face

character: isaiah

background: isaiah's old bedroom

props: bed, clock, pillow

11 2 medium close up: isaiah jolting

character: isaiah

props: bed, clock, pillow

11 3 close up, pan right: isaiah's face to clock

character: isaiah

props: clock, pillow

12 1 medium shot: simon dialing phone

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 2 medium shot: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone, office desk, computer, chairs

12 3 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

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12 4 close up/low angle: liv speaking

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone

12 5 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 6 close up/low angle: liv speaking

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone

12 7 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 8 close up/low angle: liv speaking

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone

12 9 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 10 close up: liv speaking

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone

12 13 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 14 medium shot/zoom out: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone, office desk, computer, chairs

12 15 long shot: liv shutting door

character: liv

props: door, phone, office desk, computer, chairs

12 16 medium/low angle shot: liv speaking

character: liv

props: phone, office desk, computer, chairs

12 17 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

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12 18 medium shot: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone, office desk, computer, chairs

12 19 close up: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: phone

12 20 medium close up: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone, chair

12 21 close up: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 22 close up: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: phone, chair

12 23 close up: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 24 close up: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: office desk, phone

12 25 medium close up: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 26 medium close up: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

props: desk, phone

12 27 medium shot: simon

character: simon

background: simon's office

props: office desk, phone

12 28 low angle/close up shot: liv

character: liv

background: liv's office

12 29 long shot: liv

character: liv

props: office desk, phone, chairs, computer

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13 1 long shot: dinner table

characters: simon, isaiah, lucille

background: isaiah's parents' house

Props: dinner table, plates, food, chairs

13 2 medium close up: family

characters: simon, isaiah, lucille

Props: dinner table, plates, food, chairs

13 3 close up: isaiah character: simon

13 4 medium close up: family

characters: simon, isaiah, lucille

Props: dinner table, plates, food, chairs

13 5 low angle/close up: isaiah character: isaiah

13 6 long shot: family

characters: isaiah, lucille, simon

Props: dinner table, plates, food, chairs

13 7 medium shot: simon and lucille

characters: simon, lucille

Props: dinner table, plates, food, chairs

14 1 long/high angle shot: white room

character: isaiah

Background: white room

Props: padded room, white bed, white table

14 2 medium close up: isaiah

character: isaiah

Props: bed

14 3 close up: isaiah character: isaiah

14 4 medium shot: isaiah cracks knuckles

character: isaiah

Props: bed

14 5 close up: isaiah character: isaiah

14 6 extreme close up: isaiah character: isaiah

14 7 long/low angle shot: liv

character: liv

Background: red room

14 8 extreme close up: isaiah

character: isaiah

Background: white padded room

14 9 long shot, pan right: surveillance room

character: isaiah, security guards

Background: security room

Props: TV monitors, chairs, keyboards, cameras

15 1 medium shot: liv in car

character: liv

Background: liv's car, city

Props: phone, car

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15 2 close up: liv

character: liv

Props: phone, car

15 3 extreme close up: liv

character: liv

Props: phone, car

15 4 medium close up: receptionist in Bellevue

character: receptionist

Background: Bellevue

Props: phone, office desk, papers, computer

15 5 long shot: Bellevue hallway characters: guard, receptionist.

15 6 medium shot: receptionist, guard characters: guard, receptionist.

15 7 medium shot: liv in car

character: liv

Background: Liv's car

Props: phone, car

15 8 medium shot: receptionist, guard characters: guard, receptionist.

15 9 long shot, pan left: hallway

character: receptionist

Background: Bellevue

Props: phone, office desk, papers, computer

15 10 medium shot: receptionist

character: receptionist

Background: Bellevue

Props: phone, office desk, papers, computer

15 11 long shot: opening isaiah's bellevue room

character: guard

Prop: door, key

15 12 medium close up: guard's hand

character: guard

Prop: door, key

15 13 over the shoulder: guard

character: guard

Prop: door, bed, table.

15 14 medium shot: receptionist

character: receptionist

Prop: phone, office desk

15 15 medium shot: liv hangs up

character: liv

Prop: phone, car

15 16 long/high angle shot: liv's car

character: liv

Prop: car

15 17 close up: liv

character: liv

Prop: car

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16 1 Long Shot

character: Isaiah

Background: Coffee Shop

Props: tables, chairs, couches- leather

16 2 over the shoulder: Isaiah

character: Isaiah

Background: Coffee Shop

Props: tables, chairs, couches- leather

16 3 Long Shot

character: Isaiah

Background: Street View.

17 1 Long Shot

character: liv

Background: Busy Street, Pedestrians Heavily present

Props: Car

17 2 medium shot

character: liv

Background: Busy Street, Pedestrians Heavily present

Props: Car

18 1 Long Shot

character: liv

Background: Desks, Jail Booking Cells, Processing Booths

Props: Medal detectors, weapons scanners

18 2 medium shot

character: liv. & Police Official

Background: Main Lobby, Desks, Offices

Props: Desks, phones ringing

18 3 close up: liv

character: liv. & Police Official

Background: Narrow corridor filled with offices/ jail cells

Props: guns, weapons, drugs detained, desks, many chairs

that are bolted to the ground.

18 4 Long shot

character: liv. & Police Official

Background: Narrow Hallway, dim lighting

Props: Desk, Chairs, 2-way glass type viewing room.

19 1 Long Shot

character: Isaiah

Background: Water front of Harbor, Ferry Boats on shore line

Props: scrolls, rain jackets/wind breakers, seats on the ferry.

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19 2 medium shot

character: Isaiah & passengers on board

Background: View of cabin/ top level to ferry boat

Props: scrolls, rain jackets/wind breakers/ cameras/

umbrellas, chairs on ferry

19 3 close up: Isaiah

character: Isaiah

Background: Water front of Harbor, Ferry Boats on shore line

Props: scrolls, rain jackets/wind breakers, seats on the ferry.

20 1 Long Shot: tracking aka caravan of cars

characters: Liv, Police, SWAT Team, Isaiah's Family, News

Stations, and Bellevue's Staff

Background: Freeway, dense popluation of cars- making way

for emergency vehicles/press

Props: Cars, guns, tv cameras, personal to manage.

20 2 close up: liv's face

character: Liv

Background: Vehicle sides, view out the side of the car

window, focused on Liv's expression on her face

Prop: Car

21 1 Long Shot: angled/tilted up

character: Isaiah

Background: Statue of Liberty, View of the City 360 Harbor

View, many cars on the horizon where city is, boats and

emergency vehicles starting to form around Statue of Liberty

Props: Speed Boats, Cops armed with guns/ excessive force,

Isaiah's Scroll.

21 2 Arial Shot/ High Shot

character: Isaiahs point of view

Background: Standing on top of Statue of Liberty, holding on

for dear life due to high winds, boats and hellicopters arriving

to the scene of Lady Liberty

Props: Speed Boats, Hellicopters, guns/ armed personal

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21 3 Arial Shot/ High Shot- Isaiah/ Seeing his Family

characters: Isaiah, Staff from Bellevue's Hospital, Isaiah's

Family, Police, Liv

Background: View of the Water, Land on one side, boats and


Props: Boats, Hellicopters, Megaphones, guns/ personal with


21 4 medium shot: Police Officer

Character: Police Officer

Background: view from land/ boat

Prop: Megaphone

21 5 over the shoulder/High Shot

Character: Isaiah

Background: Ocean view, Boats, Hellicopters surrounding


Props: Scroll, boats, vehicles, guns point blank on him.

21 6 medium shot: Police Officer

Character: Police Officer

Background: Isaiah's Family next to Police Officer, Bellevue's

Staff, News Media

Props: Megaphone, Cameras, Guns.

21 7 Close up: Police Officer's Face

Character: Police Officer, Sniper, SWAT Team

Background: Boats, Hellicopters, Sniper Perch

Prop: Guns, Megaphones, Radios- communication devices


21 8 over the shoulder/ point of view: SNIPER

Character: SNIPER, Isaiah

Background: Sniper Perch, Isaiah in the sights of the barrel of

the gun

Props: Gun, Scroll, Scope of Gun, Boats, Hellicopters.

21 9 Close Up/ Muzzle of the Gun

Character: SNIPER, Isaiah

Background: Sniper Perch, Scope view of Sniper

Prop: Sniper Riffle, Muzzel shot.

21 10 Fade to Black

Character: Liv

Background: Voice over reading scripture verese.

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1. I.C.


Extreme Close Up: Isaiah's Face


Close Up: Yellow Lightbulb

1.3 WIDE:

Long Shot: Isaiah

1.4 WIDE:

Long Shot: Cell Door

1.5 POV:

Point of View: Isaiah, Door Opens, two men enter


High Angle Shot/ Long Shot


Over the Shoulder/ Medium shot: On Isaiah

1.8 WIDE:

Long shot

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Close Up: Isaiah's Arm

2. Untitled


Close up: Isaiah looking in mirror

2.2 WIDE:

Long Shot: of Isaiah in his Penthouse bedroom primping himself & fixinghis tie.


Medium Shot/ bust shot: of Isaiah facing camera not looking directly intoit/ just looking past camera.


Extreme Close up: of Isaiah's wrist and watch.

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2.5 WIDE:

Long Shot: of Isaiah walking from behind camera to door. Opens door andwalks out.

2.6 WIDE:

Long Shot: of Isaiah walking from right-off screen to elevator. Reachesfor down button.


Extreme Close Up: of up and down elevator buttons. Down button isglowing.

2.8 WIDE:

Long Shot: of Isaiah walking out of elevator and walking towardsbell-hop in apartment lobby.


Medium Shot: of Isaiah and bell-hop as they have discussion in apartmentlobby.

2.10 WIDE:

Long/ High Angle: from inside apartment lobby of Isaiah walking outspinning doors to street.

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2.11 WIDE:

Long/ High Angle Shot: of street and apartment building. Isaiah walks outbuilding and gets in parked car.


High Angle/ Arial Shot: View from the sky looking down upon the cityand over Isaiah's Penthouse Apartments Complex.

2.13 WIDE:

Establishing/Medium Shot: EXT. Car Porter brings Mr. Canton's Car upfront of the Apartment Complex.

2.14 MEDIUM:

Medium Shot: EXT. Car Handle is visible while Car Porter walks to therear of the vehicle waiting for Isaiah's arrival.


High Angle/ Arial Behind: EXT. Focusing on Isaiah's hand on car doorhandle as he is about to open car door.

2.16 MEDIUM:

Medium Shot: INT. Isaiah is finally on his way to work and pulling out ofhis Apartment complex's car pick up and drop off facility.

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2.17 POV:

Point of View/Driver's View Shot: INT. of car looking around avoidingbusy traffic and unaware pedestrians walking across the street blindly.

3. Untitled

3.1 WIDE:

Long/Establishing Shot: INT. Conference Room, where men and womangather and prepare for the very important meeting and presentation Isaiahis about to give.

3.2 WIDE:

Long/Wide Shot: INT. Conference Room, Isaiah greets his co-workerswith warm smiles and respect.


Wide/Medium Shot: INT. Conference Room, Isaiah takes off his coat andgets prepared for his presentation, while others finish up their ownconversations with one another, interupting his opening remarks.


Point of View/ Over the Shoulder Shot: Looking around at his fellowco-workers trying to strike their personal attention and keep them focusedon the goal at hand.

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Coming soon to a theater near you

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I.C. Soundtrack

“Tchaikovsky_ Hamlet Overture, Op.67”/ Opening Credits

The classical music sets a serious/intense tone for the film. It intensifies and stops

immediately when Isaiah’s face is shown on the screen.

“Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack - Theme Song air”/ Isaiah’s Vision

In Isaiah’s vision, he sees he has been chosen as God’s prophet; this song represents the

importance of his mission and foreshadows Liv’s appearance in the film.

“Tell the World”- Hillsong United (Look to You Album)/ When Isaiah is Driving to work

While Isaiah is driving to work, this song is playing in the background. The chorus

pertains to Isaiah’s mission that God has given him.

“Storm”- Lifehouse (Who We Are Album)/ When Isaiah arrives to his parents door step

This song is played after Isaiah is fired from his job; he shows up unannounced to his

parents’ home, disheveled. This song emphasizes his physical state of mind.

“Aggressive Expansion”- The Dark Knight (Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard)/ Chase

Sequence with Liv

During the chase this song is played to indicate Liv’s power of persuasion, while

assembling the necessary forces to stop Isaiah from reading his message to the world.