Ibw czech republic leaflet 2014

International Business Week 31. 3. – 4. 4. 2014 České Budějovice, Czech Republic „TO LEASE OR NOT TO LEASE, that is the question” The main objective of this Business Week is to create an international environment. The project week includes practical projection of financial, tax and accounting differences of leasing in various European countries. This Programme is organised for Czech students and group of international students from partners´ schools too. Students will receive Certificate. Culture visit and excursion to Budweiser Budvar brewery are also organised. The language of communication is English. Price 180,- Euro Price including accommodation in hotel (5 nights), breakfast, 5 lunches in school canteen, 1 dinner, excursion, social programme and local transport during the week. Registration: before 10. 2. 2014 VSTE Okružní 10 370 01 České Budějovice Czech Republic www.vstecb.cz mulacova@mail.vstecb.cz



Transcript of Ibw czech republic leaflet 2014

Page 1: Ibw czech republic leaflet 2014

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„„ TTOO LL EEAASSEE OORR NNOOTT TTOO LL EEAASSEE,, tthhaatt iiss tthhee qquueesstt iioonn””

The main objective of this Business Week is to create an international environment. The project week includes practical projection of financial, tax and accounting differences of leasing in various European countries. This Programme is organised for Czech students and group of international students from partners´ schools too. Students will receive Certificate. Culture visit and excursion to Budweiser Budvar brewery are also organised. The language of communication is English.

Price 180,- Euro Price including accommodation in hotel (5 nights), breakfast, 5 lunches in school canteen, 1 dinner, excursion, social programme and local transport during the week.

Registration: before 10. 2. 2014

VSTE Okružní 10 370 01 České Budějovice Czech Republic

www.vstecb.cz [email protected]