IB Technology Corporate Brochure.pdf

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  • 8/12/2019 IB Technology Corporate Brochure.pdf


    ustomer centric solutionsthat reach far and wide


  • 8/12/2019 IB Technology Corporate Brochure.pdf


    In today's world, organizaons are looking for the value that goestrue value of technology,

    beyond cost saving, instead it is found in enabling innovaon and improving corporate


    IB Technology specializes in developing such technology and business enabled soluons.

    IB Technology is a CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001 and 27001 cerfied, HIPAA compliant IT

    consulng and services firm. It is a strategic venture of the Indiabulls Group (net worth USD

    4 Billion) having presence across North America, Middle East, South Africa and Europe.Backing of a mul-billion dollar group gives us the ability to invest and differenate on

    commercial models. IB Technology delivers real-me technology soluons that are cost

    effecve, innovave and enhance business producvity.

    IB Technology possesses deep experse in Banking & Financial Services, Telecom, Life

    Sciences and Hi-Techvercals. We have been instrumental in providing strategic turnkey

    soluons and value-added outsourcing services to small and large corporates across the

    world. Our strategy of working with clients is to forge and culvate deep, long-term

    relaonships. Addionally, we believe in adopng innovaons in our delivery approach for

    all our projects and strive to deliver connuous improvements to all our clients.

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    Our Senior and Execuve Management team

    employs an approach of constant contact and

    collaboraon with our clients. We view this as an

    imperave to form long-term and holisc

    partnerships with them.

    Involvement of the Leadership TeamOur business models ensure that you pay only when

    you have achieved tangible results and not on me &

    effort spent on an engagement. We focus on sharing

    risks with our clients across technology, investments

    and demand variaons in their business, thus

    generang value for them in the long term as opposed

    to working towards a margin threshold in the short


    Business Outcome Based Commercial Models

    We offer end-to-end consulng and technology

    services delivered by local, near shore and offshore

    professionals. We endeavor to bring forth a well-

    defined business management system withindustrys best pracces, models and standards

    such as ISO, CMMI and HIPPA. IB Technologys

    unified implementaon framework allows complete

    alignment with client business requirements to

    provide soluons that are robust, secure and goal


    Global Delivery Model

    Our unified implementaon framework provides a

    structured engagement governance model with focus

    on Project Planning, Execuon, Change Management

    and Risk Management. Well defined communicaon

    protocols are used to provide connuous status

    updates to clients. Measurable metrics are defined for

    each process checkpoint throughout the SDLC and

    these are shared with clients through a well defined

    communicaon plan. Clear escalaon mechanisms

    and SLAs are defined for each project to confirm faster

    resoluon of pending issues, if any.

    Metrics Driven Project Tracking

    IB Technology values industry alliances as a strategic

    business tool. These relaonships ensure that we

    leverage proven technology and industry soluons to

    deliver complete system integraon and delivery

    capabilies based on specific customer needs. The

    strategic alliance partners bring experse and market

    presence in key focus areas.

    Strategic Alliances

    Our domain experse and business driven

    approach allows us to develop soluons that

    fit your unique requirements

    IB Technology possesses extensive domain experse inthe Capital Markets, BFSI, Telecom and Life Sciences

    vercals. Our pool of specialized domain experts work

    in tandem with our engineers and sciensts to execute

    engagements through our integrated offshore-onsite

    global delivery model. IB Technology is a pioneer in

    designing, developing and running the 'First Online

    Trading Plaorm' in India.

    Business and Technology Focused

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    Leveraging our entrepreneurial DNA toprovide you Innovave, Agile and

    Cost-Effecve soluons

    Every organizaon's technology ecosystem has to completely align itself

    with the business roadmap. To ensure this, an organizaon needs new

    soware applicaons, maintenance and modernizaon of exisng

    applicaons along with seamless integraon of all applicaons in its

    porolio. Our full range of services span from applicaon development,

    applicaon value management, applicaon modernizaon to enterprise


    Applicaon Services

    As organizaons demand latest analycal and data management

    soluons to automate and enhance their decision making skills, we assistthem to access informaon as a valuable asset. Our Center of Excellence

    (COE) in Big Data, Master Data Management and DW & BI space

    comprises of a centralized team with experse on latest data ecosystem

    technologies. Our soluon accelerators comprising of standard

    frameworks, reusable sets of code and training packages, help us provide

    our customers with plug and play soluons.

    Data Management & Analycs

    IB Technology provides end-to-end, mul-channel, integrated business

    process outsourcing services across the enre customer life cycle

    including front office (contact center), back office (operaons support)

    and IT helpdesk services.

    Our services include contact center services that cover sales & campaign

    management, customer care and retenon & collecon services. We have

    a full range of operaons support services spanning payroll processing,

    finance & accounng and research & analycs. We provide our clients IT

    Helpdesk services where we do L1-L2-L3 support, applicaon and

    infrastructure monitoring.

    BPO Services

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    IB Technology's mobility offerings are tailor-made for businesses at any

    stage of their mobility implementaon plan. Our flexible engagement

    opons and wide array of offerings allow us to plug in with the

    organizaon from the inial phases (strategy/consulng), during

    implementaon (development/porng) or post implementaon

    (tesng/social media markeng/MDM).

    Mobility soluons is a primary focus area for the company. We have a

    state-of-the-art Design and Tesng Lab equipped with advanced tools and

    staffed with UX/UI experts.

    Mobility Services

    In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizaons are

    struggling to minimize complexity and costs without compromising onsystem performance, availability, compliance and security.

    We provide end-to-end infrastructure management soluons including

    infrastructure consulng, setup and infrastructure management. Our

    enre infrastructure suite is applicable across mulple operang systems,

    server plaorms, security technologies, databases and network devices.

    Infrastructure Management Services

    Our Tesng Center of Excellence (TCoE) brings forth tesng specialists to

    engagements to ensure that the best soware tesng pracces are

    adhered to in every engagement. Having a TCoE ensures that we align

    technology, methodology and resources with the requirements of the

    engagement, with a constant emphasis on process improvement and


    Tesng and Validaon

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    Key Highlights

    All resources, onsite and offshore, have an

    opmized blend of client engagement and

    project delivery capability

    Strong relaonships with marquee clients in the

    BFSI, Telecom, Pharma & Life Sciences and

    Hi-Tech vercals

    Prebuilt and scalable IT frameworks that serve as

    soluon accelerators thus saving me & money

    while bringing in industry best pracces from

    across the globe.

    Commercial models built around and defined by

    clients, these include outcome based pricing,

    risk/ reward sharing and trial based pricing

    IB Technology subscribes to global standards forquality, security and compliance in line with ISO

    9001 & CMMI, ISO 27001 and HIPAA.

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    Structured both by industry and offerings, we strive to

    deliver high impact business outcomes. We believe in

    working as your partners in success and do not hesitate to

    make investments for the sake of this relaonship.

    We are extremely happy with our partnership with IB

    technology. Kudos to the enre IB Technology team on

    delivering a complex integrated soluon in such a short

    span of me. It has been a great working experience with

    a partner who not only has deep domain understanding

    but also possesses great delivery capabilies. Their

    integrated onsite-offshore model helped us to deliver on

    a fast track in a cost effecve way.

    Our mission is to address technology and business

    challenges of our clients through our agile and flexible

    soluons, while ensuring delivery excellence in our


    Chief Informaon Officer

    Global Bio-Technology Firm

    Our Core Belief

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    IB Technology Soluons Inc., 2350 Mission College Boulevard, Suite 246, Santa Clara, California - 95054.

    +1408 531 6040

    +91 124 6682673

    Indiabulls Technology Soluons Limited, Indiabulls House, 448-451, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Gurgaon - 122 001.

    U A:

    ND A:

    Presence across US, EMEA, and APAC
