IASL School Librarianship Award 2010

Congratulations Booklet For Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica, recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award 2010 School Librarianship Award 2010


Congratulations booklet for Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica (University of Zagreb, Croatia) recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award 2010

Transcript of IASL School Librarianship Award 2010

Congratulations Booklet


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica, recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award 2010

School Librarianship Award 2010

Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Message from Helen Boelens From: Helen Boelens To: Mihaela Cc: Karen Bonanno ; Luisa Marquardt ; Lourense Das ; Maria

Britt Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:10 AM Subject: URGENT - IASL School Librarianship Award

Dear Mihaela, Warm congratulations! I have just been informed by Karen Bonanno, Secretary of the IASL, that you are the recipient of this year's IASL School Librarianship Award. The announcement will be made officially on Monday, 25 October. I have notified the other people who nomi-nated you, by copy of this E-mail. Karen has asked me to get in touch with you, to ask you to send for a photograph of yourself to her a.s.a.p. This will be published with the announcement. Will you please send one to her a.s.a.p. Please copy the E-mail to me. We can also publish the announcement on the ENSIL and other sites after the official announcement has been made by the IASL on 25 Octo-ber 2010. I'm really happy that you have received this award. It is a small recognition for all the good work you have been doing for school librarian-ship. Met vriendelijke groet (and a big hug) Helen

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Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Message from Helen Boelens to the IFLA list-serv From: Helen Boelens To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 5:00 PM

Subject: [IFLA-L] Announcement: IASL School Librarianship Award Dear friends and colleagues, Dr. Mihaela Banek Zorica from the University of Zagreb in Croatia has today been awarded the IASL (International Association of School Li-brarianship) Award for School Librarianhip, in recognition of her pro-motion of school librarianship in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Hersego-vina and Romania. Details of this award and a link to the citation ap-pear below. This award was made as part of the international celebra-tion of ISLM (International School Library Month), organised by the IASL. As a Board Member of ENSIL (the European Network for School Librarianship and Information Literacy), Dr. Banek Zorica plays an active role in promoting school librarianship in Europe. We all send her our sincere congratulation Helen Boelens, ENSIL Foundation

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Message from Luisa Marquardt to the AIB list-serv

From: Luisa Marquardt <[email protected]> To: [email protected]

Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 23:18:38 +0200 Subject: IASL School Librarianship Award

Car* Collegh*, vi inoltro il comunicato dalla lista IASL riguardante il conferimento dello IASL School Librarianship Award 2010 alla Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica (Università di Zagabria, Croazia) quale riconoscimento dell'impegno fattivo nel settore della biblioteconomia scolastica. Ho avuto modo di constatare quanto Mihaela sappia creare un clima speciale per interessare e coinvolgere gli studenti e i bibliotecari, valo-rizzando il loro impegno e motivandoli per sviluppare dinamici progetti di biblioteca, di grande qualità anche nei centri pi piccoli e disagiati del paese. I suoi contributi nei convegni e nei seminari sono sempre molto innovativi e brillanti, così come il sostegno ai tanti studenti e bibliote-cari che le si rivolgono. Chi voglia inviarle un messaggio di congratulazioni, può farlo scriven-dole all'indirizzo <[email protected]>. Cordialmente. Luisa Marquardt Director Europe for IASL [email protected] --- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 06:10:52 +1000 Subject: Fwd (IASL-LINK) Announcement: IASL School Librarianship Award The International Association of School Librarianship is pleased to announce the recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award. Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica from Croatia has been awarded the IASL School Librarianship Award for her promotion of school librarianship […]


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

Pagina 12

Message from Karen Bonanno, Secretariat, IASL. From: Karen Bonanno To: IASL LINK Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:10 PM Subject: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librarianship


The International Association of School Librarianship is pleased to announce the recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award. Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica from Croatia has been awarded the IASL School Librarianship Award for her promotion of school librarianship in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Romania. This award also recognises her active involvement in the training of school librari-ans and her advisory work for those already employed in the field of school librarianship. In announcing the award, IASL President Diljit Singh noted that Mi-haela is a young professional who demonstrates innovative ideas and practices through her classes, presentations and written work. Her efforts on behalf of school libraries in Croatia and surrounding countries is outstanding. See http://www.iasl-online.org/events/islm/award2010.htm for the full citation. For more information about this award see http://www.iasl-online.org/awards/school-librarianship.htm Karen Bonanno Executive Secretary International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) Inc. PO Box 83, Zillmere Queensland 4034 Australia

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Message from Luisa Marquardt, Director Europe for IASL From: Luisa Marquardt To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 10:06 PM Subject: [ENSIL-LIST] Fwd: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL

School Librarianship Award

Dear ENSILers, I'm happy to forward you the following message about Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica as the recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award! My best congratulation to Mihaela for her dedication to the enhance-ment of school librarianship! All the best. Luisa Marquardt Director Europe for IASL From: Karen Bonanno To: IASL LINK Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:10 PM Subject: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librarianship Award The International Association of School Librarianship is pleased to announce the recipient of the IASL School Librarianship Award. Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica from Croatia has been awarded the IASL School Librarianship Award for her promotion of school librarianship in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Romania. […]


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Message from Vanja Jurilj From: "Vanja Jurilj" <[email protected]> To: "Mihaela Banek Zorica" <[email protected]> Cc: "Karen Bonanno" <[email protected]>; "IASL_LINK" <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 12:25 AM Subject: Re: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librari anship Award

Congratulations to Mihaela! We are very happy that her efforts are recognized and awarded in the wider community as they are already recognized in Croatia. We are also very proud that someone from our community and our School librarians association is so honoured. We know that without properly educated school librarians is very difficult, if not completely impossible, to have School libraries as we and our disciples and students wish and deserve to have. So, we will need your efforts in the challenges of the future. Therefore, please continue with your dedicated work. Vanja Jurilj Croatian Association of School Libraries President

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Message from Maria José Vitorino From: "Maria José Vitorino" <[email protected]> To: "Karen Bonanno" <[email protected]> Cc: "IASL_LINK" <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:49 PM Subject: Re: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librari anship Award

Hurrah! Congratulations. I'm truly happy. Mihaela Banek Zorica deserves it, for her work and contributions, her bright ideas and enthusiasm. Important news for all of us, IASL members, and specially for Euro-pean SL professionals, including Stichting ENSIL's, and also Univer-sity's scholars who work in SL professionals further education, like she does daily. This award is full of meaning, for it means acknowledgement from other professionals, and from people who fight for SL improvement all over the world, who know the value of networking and persistence even when conditions are hard and we need to try and try again, innovating. I hope it helps Mihaela on her dreams and projects. We really need her to feel support :) and pursuit SL and information literacy e-trends as she already does, sharing knowledge with others, inside and outside her homeland, Zagreb, and Croatia. I'm sure the IASL Award has already made the difference, in her heart and soul. Maria José Vitorino (IASL Professional Award 2009) Professora. Bibliotecária Teacher Librarian Lisboa. Portugal Skype: maria.jose.vitorino Blogs: Lerdoler http://lerdoler.blogspot.com;


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

Pagina 16

Message from I.T. David From: [email protected] To: Maria José Vitorino Cc: Karen Bonanno ; IASL_LINK Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 5:59 PM Subject: Re: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librari

anship Award

Congratulations Mihaela Banek Zorica

Message from Fredrik Ernerot From: Fredrik Ernerot To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:26 AM Subject: [ENSIL-LIST] Ang: [ENSIL-LIST] Fwd: [IASL-LINK] An-nouncement: IASL School Librarianship Award

I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to you Mihaela! Feel proud!!! /Fredrik Ernerot, Chairman, School Library West, Sweden

Message from Georgia Phillips

From: Georgia Phillips To: Helen Boelens Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:13 AM Subject: Re: URGENT - IASL School Librarianship Award

Wow! Terrific! And congratulations to Mihaela!! Georgia Georgia Phillips co-founder The Hub: Campaign for Quality School Libraries in Australia http://hubinfo.wordpress.com/

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Message from Dr. Diljit Singh (sent by Karen Bonanno on his behalf)

From: Karen Bonanno (on behalf of Dr. Diljit Singh) To: IASL_LINK Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:44 PM Subject: [IASL-LINK] FW: Announcement: IASL School Librari

anship Award

Mihaela, Let me add a personal note of congratulations on being selected for the IASL School Librarianship Award. You are a worthy recipient of the award, and it represents recognition of the hard work you have put in for Croatia and the region. IASL needs leaders to help develop school libraries in every part of the world, and we hope that you will continue be a beacon that leads the development of school librarianship in the region and globally. Best wishes, Diljit Singh President, IASL


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Message from Henny Luijten, Editor, Media Coach magazine From: Henny Luijten To: Helen Boelens Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 11:46 AM Subject: Re: News item for the next issue of Media Coach


Dear Helen, Thank you for the text en photo. I put them in the news section MediaCoach nr. 6. Kind regards Henny Op 28-10-10 11:21, Helen Boelens <[email protected]> schreef:

On 25 October 2010, a young academic, Dr. Mihaela Banek Zorica from the University of Zagreb in Croatia was awarded the IASL (International Association of School Librarianship) Award for School Librarianhip, 2010 in recognition of her promotion of school librarianship in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Hersegovina and Roma-nia. Details of this award - http://www.iasl-online.org/awards/school-librarianship.htm - and a link to the citation appear at http://www.iasl-online.org/events/islm/award2010.htm - can be found on these websites. This award was made as part of the international celebration of ISLM (International School Library Month), organised by the IASL. As a Board Member of ENSIL (the European Network for School Librarianship and Information Liter-acy), Dr. Banek Zorica plays an active role in promoting school librarianship in Europe. We all send her our sin-cere congratulations.

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Message from Lourense Das From: Lourense Das To: 'Mihaela' Cc: [email protected] ; 'Luisa Marquardt' Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 5:05 PM Subject: Congratulations with the IASL award

Dear Mihaela, I’m (too) late – I know and sorry for that. I would like to congratulate you with the IASL award – well done and you deserve it! Did you go to the nice restaurant we were last year to celebrate ;-)? If not, you should certainly do that. Anyway, if we meet again I owe you a big hug and a drink – your choice, of course! Take care and I hope we’ll meet again soon. Love, Lourense


Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Interliber Zagreb (Croatia) Nov. 12, 2010

Dr Mihaela Banek Zorica

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Mihaela celebrated at “Interliber” International Book Fair Zagreb, Nov. 12, 2010

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 06:16:53 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [IASL-LINK] Announcement: IASL School Librarianship Award Dear all, thank you all very much for your congratulations and kind words which have greatly touched my heart. I am now slowly understanding what kind of reco-gnition of my work have I received and this gives me new energy to keep on working. Best regards, Mihaela Banek Zorica

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IASL International Awards Programme

Recipients of this award are recognised by the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) for their contribu-tion to the national development of school libraries and ser-vices within their own country or internationally.

There is no monetary recompense for this award. There may be more than 1 recipient. Recipients must be individual members of IASL.

This award is announced at the beginning of International School Library Month (October) annually. The award is the premier recognition of services to school libraries internationally.

INFO: http://www.iasl-online.org/awards/school-librarianship.htm






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