ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly...

t u 'JMU SS&z.- - T.TifHV 1W . ) ISA pi IN4 ' m jr THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. tiHi queen Street, Opposite West's Cnrrlngo rectory. ibwlptlon, DO cents per Month. Pay.uim: iv Anv.vxci:. All business cninintiuicallons to bo ntl. ilrc3cd, M.uugor IXilly Bulletin, Post Odlco Box No. 14. Tck'pliono 250. Ovniei. LotiAN, Editor Wiut Tayi.oh, Local Hcporter .Us. G. CbKVion, Manager Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, 0. (LimlUd) GkNUllAI, llEUCASTIMJ AND Commission Agents. l.isr or oi'i'iclub: P. 0. Jo.Niss, Jr. . . .President fc Mnnngcr .. O. Oautkk. . . ..TriMSiirei & Scoiatary muvctous: Hon. 0. 11. Bisuoi-- . Hon. II. A. P. CAurun :JM ly Geo. W. Macfailaue H. 1!. Maefaihmc. Q. 7. MACrARLAHE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. ciian I'd am) Surar Factors, Kiro-Pio- Building, - u2 (Jueeu street, Honolulu. II. I. AdUNTO 101 Tne Wulkapu Sugar Plantation, .Maui, Tho Spencer Sugir Plantation, Hawaii, The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Slicep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mlrrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 r O. BERGER, 21 JlEltcnANT SritKET. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(lhnit'd South British and National Fire & Ma. rino Insurance Co. Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebiatcd Springaeld Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Hartford Fue Insurance Co. Thu Commercial Piie & Mminc Insur- ance Co. 233 J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. c LEVEY, LYONS Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., - - - Honolulu. Sales of Furnituie, Stock, Ileal Ebtatc and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for Ameiican and Euro- pean merchandise. Ut5 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. lmpoitero of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 S. GRINBAUM & OO , M, Commission Merchants, 12-- California street, Sau Francisco, Cal. Claus Spreckels. Win. O. Irwiu. TJST G- - IRWIN & Company, T V Sugar Factors and Commission Ageats, Honolulu'. 1 OLEGHORN & OO. AS. Importets and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono. lulu. 78 GONSALVES l OO , MA. No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, lmportcis and Dcaleis in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. ' T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Impouer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen 8t., Honolulu. 1 S.N. Castle. J. B. Atherton. & Cooke, Castle Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 & PHILLIPS, BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Houolulu. U3T Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y 228 and 230 Fort Street, gllonolulu Hawaiian Is, W. II- - PAGE, Propiletor. WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker JummmHmH. .Vnl Vpliolotcrcr, No, 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtiln Poles, &c.' made ot Iho latest designs. Professionals. DR. EMERSON, Residence nnd consultation rooms at No. 2 Itukul st., corner of Fort. Tclcphono No. 143. 59 2m PP. GRAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OlUce, Hist door west of Library Build-in- :. Hotiis, from 0 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. Residence, cor. Kinau and Pensacola Streets. 018 ly LA. THURSTON, Attorney at Law, Successor to Smith & Thurston. 27 33 Merchant Street. Im A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Ofllco w 1th the Attoinoy General, Aliio lani Hale, Houolulu. 342 lj JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OlUce, on Merchant street, (nest door to Di. Stnngcnwnld.) 41)5 ly RICHARD P. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attoiuer and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent, for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold anil leased, on commission. Lqans ncgotid ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Solicitor in Chancery. Office Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 nnd 0. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, H I. 984 tf WILLIAM ATJLD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu anu street. 18U .' JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior JfUce, Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of either of the abov languages made with accuracy and dia patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, n:i:XJii!& Steam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers', couleis; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work cxe. cuted at short notice. 1 1HR. GERTZ. J No. 80 Fort street, Honolulu Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Chlldi en's boots, shoes and slippers. S. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, x 204 FORT ST. llobcrt Lcwors, C. 1. Cooke. T EWERS & OOOKE, JU (successors to Lewers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every Mud, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 HOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor., GG7 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Grocerloand Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box 130, Telephone 349. .101 0m W3I. McGAXniiESS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest IlcL-f- , Veal, Mutton, Finn, Ac, &. Family and Shipping Orders carofully attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly w T. RHOADS, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Shop on Queen street, near Alakca. 835 0m INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. "fXTE the undersigned itro prepared Vt to furnish household fccrvunts, collect bill, and do Anglo Chinese In. terpreting and a general agency busi- ness. Charges moderate. T30YONG & AIIPIIART, 30 0m 48 Nuuanu St a - Kutv ' BiafiSi. !,.. s NEW GOODS ! NOW POPULAR 1T. S. 104 FORT ST., SV.OHS, HONOLULU. Eray DuDBrtmont ReiileiiisM ! Mom Bargains OM ! Ladies' Jerseys (all colors) at $2.50 and upwards ; Ladies' Chemises at 50 and 75 cents ; Ladies' White Skirts, 2 Rufllcs and Tucked at 75 cents ; Ladies' Night Gowns at 81.00: HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! HATS I The Largest and Rest Assorted Stock of SiMIilliiioi'y Goods in "KiMg,Iom..s3g3I A large variety of Roman Stripes Plaid and Scarfs, and Ribbons, Rough and Ready Straw Nats in all shades and most popular shapes at 75 els and up waul. Special Children's School Hats, 50 & 75 Cents. JAMES BItODIE. "Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, coiner street and McKibbin lane. Office hours from 7 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 i.m. Orders left at the Pantheon Sta- ble w ill bo promptly attended to. P.O. Box frC. 813 tf WENNER & CO. Iniiufitctnrlne Jeweller. jVO. OS IFOIVr teO?Il3E33T. Constantly on hand a largo assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. OSS ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY ANM BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Bakci. 71 Hotel St. -- S12T Telephone 74. & DKAYJIEN. orders for Cartage promptly to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to hiiit at lowest prices. Office on Queen Street, opposite A. W. Pierce & Co.'s. MUTUAL TELFiPHONE, No. 10. 0S2 ly LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,- - -- MW Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll nnd Band Sawing. All kinds ot Sawing and PWn-m- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ordeis from tho other solicited ALVINn. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gnzetto Building . - Merchant street 7231y Telephone CiS. Enterprise I PLANING MILL, Aliikcn, near tuoeii St. fa C. .T. IUiiniJi:, Proprieior. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. tffiT Orders promptly attended to. -- a ron ham: J1 Jinn! nnd Soft VMovuAVood, . 034: CutandSplltl ly WELDER'S S. S. CO. Limited. Steamer Kinau King, Commander, Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 p.m., touching at Lalmlna, Maa-lne- a Bay, Maltena, Mahultoiia, o, Laupahoeuoo and Hilo. Returning, will touch at all the alove ports, arriving at Honolulu each Saturday afternoon. READY FOR INSPECTION AT THE MILLINERY HOUSE, Proprietor. tlie UNION FEED C0IPANY Hay, Grain and Corner of and Edinburgh Streets Teleplione IT'S. iNlanil orders solicited, nml rooiIh delivered promptly. it. si. unNSON, & 113 & 115 FORT STREET.. MtMJiuuiuuxjtaj-jiH5gaiuyv",gB- S! BENSON, SMITH & CO.. Depot for & f Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles, ( And Allaire Woodwaul & Go's Products. NOTICE. MR. N. K. BURGESS has purchased the E- - press liuiiness lately carried on hy Mr. G. M. Lake, at 84. King Street, and is prepared to execute all orders with promptness, and respectfully solicits public patronage. OlUce Telephone, a02. Residence Telephone. 1C2. 084 tf Jf. F. BUHGESS. POI ! POI ! HWUeo.v'M 31acliluu 3Inilc. Families and others hi want of Good, Fresh, Glean, Machine Made Poi, Can obtain the same in quantities to suit by leaving orders and con. tnlners with IT. 13. OA.rX At Pacitlc Navigation Co.'s Building, 801 Queen street. tf Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tho finest Brands of Oigars and Tobacco, always on hand.') CASINO AT THE VAIIK IS OPEN EVE&Y DAY. E2?"Tho only sc.i-sid- c resort in the Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor Hay aMFeei Messrs, S, F, Graham & Co. Take pleasure hi announcing to their old friends and patrons that they have .TU8T R,li:OI3rV13I a fresh lot of Choice Hay mil! drum Which they ofl'er .it MMio Co-wchI- . Jrtii'lv;t ICiit!W- - 155T Hay and Feed delivured to any part of tho city. H. V. C.UAMAM A Co., No. 82 King Street. Telephone No. 187. 805 lin Chicken Feed. Queen Boericke Sclireck's Pharmaceutical 6. THE O. W. SMITH,' J .HONOLULU, sgpyyJg1?'" Prussian National Insurance Comp'y established 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Rcichsmarks, THE undcrbigncd, having been ap agent of the abovo Company for the Hawaiian Iblands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Meichnndisc, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCIINEIDER, C70 ly t) at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHEES, GRAZIER& and all whom it may concern. wf The undersigned having (ikyrrHnindo alterations, additions, n(l imnrovements In Iiis .i jiv.t,m ii. &f35.n M(k.& i Tsvifyrmtv. Is now prcpaicd to gio Tho Highest Cash Value for any quantity of . T.AXiIl.O'W, And will furnish containers for the same free of cost to any ono who may desire. TIIOS. W. ItAWIiIXS, Honolulu Soap Works. Office in Brick Building, King street, Lcleo. 483 1) J. Kl.OATJr.&Co. Dcnlcis In all kinds of The Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at tho Gazette Jitock. Merchant Street 1 by. LABfiUE & CO. Have a Iirgo Stock of tho VEBY BEST HAY. O-rai- n, JH'tc, Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND-Doliv- ered Free to any part of tho City AGENTS FOS THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone, CommissionerofDoed8for California Telephone No. 147. 700 The undersigned having taiicn cniirgo oi unggago ?fixnrcss No. 34. for tlo urposo oi carrying on tnu and iray business, hopes by paying strict attention to business to receive a chare of public patronage. E3T" Moving pianos and furniture a specialty. ANTONE A. KEUMI. Residence, corner Punchbowl and ia Streets. Orders may bo left with C. Hammer, or West, Dow & Co., Telephone 179. 30 tf F. HORN'S Pioneer St'm Candy Factory & Bakery, ESTABLISHED, 1H03. Minufacturcs all and every article in Confectionery and FaHry and Bread Bikcry from the best and purest mate, rials, guaranteed freo fiom nil ADULTERATION Ilns always on hand all sizes of his Rich and Unsurpassed Quality of WEDDING- - CAKES, Enjoying a rich reputation of many jear, and are ornamented in any stylo desired, and are sold at the Lowest Possible Prices Unequalled facilities and steam enables me to sell all articles manufactured at my Establishment Cheaper tban any other in this Lino of BusincsB. Vanilla, Chocolate, Cocoanut, hand made and Mould Creams of all flavors at CO cents per pound. RICH PUFF CREAM CAKES, at 5 cents each. Mince and Fruit Pics always on hand. Pure and Wholesome Bread ! Vienna Rolls, Family & Graham Broad delivered to any part of the city. The largest and most various Stock of Con., fectionery can bo found at IT1 . H O K, IV' , ?. Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. No. 71 Hotel St., between Nuuanu and Fort Streets. P. O. Box No. 7C. Telephone No. 74. 1004 Notice to the Public. ... iir a., - i ivo uiko pleasure in announcing to tho m public that, in addition to our '1 Pastry and Confeotionory Business, ' 11 Wo will open our Ice Cream Parlors ! Which have been fitted up elegantly ac- cording to our trade, on satuiiday, .ajphix. aotu. Our Cream will bo only of superior quality, made of genuine cream. A hc have mado arrangements with tho Woodlawn Dairy to supply us only with u lirbt-cla- article from cample wo hao had of the same, wo are able to guarantee satisfaction. The following assortments of Ice Creams and Sherbets o will keep at our opening, and many moro kinds if irado will Justify H- ire 13 CISEjVaiH j VANILLA, LEMON, CHOCOLATE. COFFEE, STRAWBERRY. PINEAPPLE and COFFEE GLACE. teUIJGIlBEa'H: ORANGE AND STRAWBERRY. Parties supplied any day except Sun- days. Thoso wishing Ice Cream for Sunday must leave their orders on Sa- turday beforo 0 p. m., which illl be delivered before 10 a in. Sunday. Tho creams will bo packed' fo thnt they will keep eight hours in a first-clas- s condl. tlou. Hoping to get a sharo of public patronage, and thanking tho public for their liberal pust favor, wo remain, MELLEIt & nALBE, 1003 ly King, near Alakca fit. !, m pi s M 0 &

Transcript of ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly...

Page 1: ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gnzetto Building.-Merchant street 7231y EnterpriseTelephone



SS&z.- -





piIN4 '

m jr


tiHi queen Street,Opposite West's Cnrrlngo rectory.

ibwlptlon, DO cents per Month.Pay.uim: iv Anv.vxci:.

All business cninintiuicallons to bo ntl.ilrc3cd, M.uugor IXilly Bulletin, PostOdlco Box No. 14. Tck'pliono 250.

Ovniei. LotiAN, EditorWiut Tayi.oh, Local Hcporter.Us. G. CbKVion, Manager

Commission Merchants.



Commission Agents.

l.isr or oi'i'iclub:P. 0. Jo.Niss, Jr. . . .President fc Mnnngcr.. O. Oautkk. . . ..TriMSiirei & Scoiatary

muvctous:Hon. 0. 11. Bisuoi-- . Hon. II. A. P. CAurun

:JM ly

Geo. W. Macfailaue H. 1!. Maefaihmc.

Q. 7. MACrARLAHE & Co.


ciian I'd am)

Surar Factors,Kiro-Pio- Building, - u2 (Jueeu street,

Honolulu. II. I.AdUNTO 101

Tne Wulkapu Sugar Plantation, .Maui,Tho Spencer Sugir Plantation, Hawaii,The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Onhu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Slicep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mlrrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.



21 JlEltcnANT SritKET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(lhnit'd

South British and National Fire & Ma.rino Insurance Co.

Macneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebiatcd Springaeld Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Hartford Fue Insurance Co.

Thu Commercial Piie & Mminc Insur-ance Co.


J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY.c LEVEY,LYONSAuctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furnituie, Stock, Ileal Ebtatcand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Solo Agents for Ameiican and Euro-

pean merchandise. Ut5

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. lmpoitero of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

S. GRINBAUM & OO ,M, Commission Merchants,12-- California street,

Sau Francisco, Cal.

Claus Spreckels. Win. O. Irwiu.

TJST G- - IRWIN & Company,T V Sugar Factors and Commission

Ageats, Honolulu'. 1

OLEGHORN & OO.AS. Importets and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono.lulu. 78

GONSALVES l OO ,MA. No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,lmportcis and Dcaleis in Dry and Fancy

Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,289 &c, &c, &c. '

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Impouer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen 8t., Honolulu. 1

S.N. Castle. J. B. Atherton.& Cooke,Castle Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

& PHILLIPS,BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fittersand Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Houolulu. U3T Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y228 and 230 Fort Street,

gllonolulu Hawaiian Is,W. II- - PAGE, Propiletor.



.Vnl Vpliolotcrcr,No, 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtiln Poles, &c.'

made ot Iho latest designs.


DR. EMERSON,Residence nnd consultation rooms

at No. 2 Itukul st., corner of Fort.Tclcphono No. 143. 59 2m


OlUce, Hist door west of Library Build-in- :.

Hotiis, from 0 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kinau and PensacolaStreets. 018 ly

LA. THURSTON,Attorney at Law,

Successor to Smith & Thurston.27 33 Merchant Street. Im


And Notary Public,Ofllco w 1th the Attoinoy General, Aliiolani Hale, Houolulu. 342 lj


OlUce, on Merchant street, (nest doorto Di. Stnngcnwnld.) 41)5 ly

RICHARD P. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attoiuer and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent, for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. 1


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold anilleased, on commission. Lqans ncgotidted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


and Solicitor in Chancery. OfficeCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 nnd 0. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, H I. 984 tf

WILLIAM ATJLD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street. 18U .'

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior JfUce,Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of either of the abovlanguages made with accuracy and diapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,n:i:XJii!& Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers', couleis; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work cxe.cuted at short notice. 1

1HR. GERTZ.J No. 80 Fort street, Honolulu

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Chlldi en's boots, shoes and slippers.


204 FORT ST.

llobcrt Lcwors, C. 1. Cooke.T EWERS & OOOKE,JU (successors to Lewers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every Mud, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor.,GG7 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Grocerloand Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Telephone 349.

.101 0m

W3I. McGAXniiESS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlcL-f-, Veal, Mutton, Finn, Ac, &.

Family and Shipping Orders carofullyattended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly


Shop on Queen street, near Alakca.835 0m

INTELLIGENCE OFFICE."fXTE the undersigned itro preparedVt to furnish household fccrvunts,

collect bill, and do Anglo Chinese In.terpreting and a general agency busi-ness. Charges moderate.

T30YONG & AIIPIIART,30 0m 48 Nuuanu St

a -

Kutv 'BiafiSi. !,.. s






Eray DuDBrtmont ReiileiiisM ! Mom Bargains OM !

Ladies' Jerseys (all colors) at $2.50 and upwards ;

Ladies' Chemises at 50 and 75 cents ;

Ladies' White Skirts, 2 Rufllcs and Tucked at 75 cents ;

Ladies' Night Gowns at 81.00:


The Largest and Rest Assorted Stock of

SiMIilliiioi'y Goods in "KiMg,Iom..s3g3IA large variety of Roman Stripes Plaid and Scarfs, and Ribbons, Rough and Ready

Straw Nats in all shades and most popular shapes at 75 els and up waul.

Special Children's School Hats, 50 & 75 Cents.

JAMES BItODIE."Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, coiner

street and McKibbin lane.Office hours from 7 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2i.m. Orders left at the Pantheon Sta-ble w ill bo promptly attended to.

P.O. Box frC. 813 tf

WENNER & CO.Iniiufitctnrlne Jeweller.

jVO. OS IFOIVr teO?Il3E33T.Constantly on hand a largo assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

OSS ly


ANM BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Bakci.71 Hotel St. -- S12T Telephone 74.


DKAYJIEN.orders for Cartage promptly

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to hiiit at lowest prices.

Office on Queen Street,opposite A. W. Pierce & Co.'s.



and Builder,- ---MW

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll nnd BandSawing. All kinds ot Sawing and PWn-m- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Ordeis from tho othersolicited

ALVINn. RASEMANN,Book-Bind- er


Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Gnzetto Building . - Merchant street


Telephone CiS.


Aliikcn, near tuoeii St. faC. .T. IUiiniJi:, Proprieior.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

tffiT Orders promptly attended to. -- a

ron ham: J1Jinn! nnd Soft VMovuAVood,. 034: CutandSplltl ly

WELDER'S S. S. CO.Limited.

Steamer KinauKing, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lalmlna, Maa-lne- a

Bay, Maltena, Mahultoiia, o,

Laupahoeuoo and Hilo.Returning, will touch at all the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday afternoon.





Corner of and Edinburgh StreetsTeleplione IT'S.

iNlanil orders solicited, nml rooiIh delivered promptly.

it. si. unNSON,


113 & 115 FORT STREET..

MtMJiuuiuuxjtaj-jiH5gaiuyv",gB- S!


Depot for &f

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles,


And Allaire Woodwaul & Go's Products.

NOTICE.MR. N. K. BURGESShas purchased the E- -

press liuiiness lately carried on hy Mr.G. M. Lake, at 84. King Street, and isprepared to execute all orders withpromptness, and respectfully solicitspublic patronage. OlUce Telephone,a02. Residence Telephone. 1C2.084 tf Jf. F. BUHGESS.

POI ! POI !HWUeo.v'M 31acliluu 3Inilc.

Families and others hi want of Good,Fresh, Glean,

Machine Made Poi,Can obtain the same in quantities to

suit by leaving orders and con.tnlners with

IT. 13. OA.rXAt Pacitlc Navigation Co.'s Building,801 Queen street. tf

Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTho finest Brands of Oigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.')


IS OPEN EVE&Y DAY.E2?"Tho only sc.i-sid- c resort in the

Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE,Proprietor

Hay aMFeeiMessrs, S, F, Graham & Co.

Take pleasure hi announcing to theirold friends and patrons that

they have

.TU8T R,li:OI3rV13Ia fresh lot of

Choice Hay mil! drumWhich they ofl'er .it

MMio Co-wchI- . Jrtii'lv;t ICiit!W- -155T Hay and Feed delivured to any

part of tho city.H. V. C.UAMAM A Co.,

No. 82 King Street.Telephone No. 187. 805 lin

Chicken Feed.


Boericke Sclireck's







sgpyyJg1?'"Prussian National

Insurance Comp'yestablished 1845,

Capital 9,000,000 Rcichsmarks,

THE undcrbigncd, having been apagent of the abovo Company

for the Hawaiian Iblands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Meichnndisc, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In


II. RIEMENSCIINEIDER,C70 ly t) at Wilder & Co's.


and all whom it may concern.wf The undersigned having

(ikyrrHnindo alterations, additions,n(l imnrovements In Iiis

.i jiv.t,m ii.&f35.n M(k.& i Tsvifyrmtv.

Is now prcpaicd to gioTho Highest Cash Value

for any quantity of .

T.AXiIl.O'W,And will furnish containers for the samefree of cost to any ono who may desire.

TIIOS. W. ItAWIiIXS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office in Brick Building,King street, Lcleo. 483 1)

J. Kl.OATJr.&Co.Dcnlcis In all kinds of

The Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Gazette Jitock. MerchantStreet 1 by.

LABfiUE & CO.Have a Iirgo Stock of tho

VEBY BEST HAY.O-rai- n, JH'tc,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Doliv- ered

Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone,

CommissionerofDoed8for CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

The undersigned havingtaiicn cniirgo oi unggago

?fixnrcss No. 34. for tlourposo oi carrying on tnu andiray business, hopes by paying strict

attention to business to receive a chareof public patronage.

E3T" Moving pianos and furniture aspecialty. ANTONE A. KEUMI.

Residence, corner Punchbowl and ia

Streets.Orders may bo left with C. Hammer,

or West, Dow & Co., Telephone 179.30 tf

F. HORN'SPioneer St'm Candy Factory & Bakery,


Minufacturcs all and every article inConfectionery and FaHry and BreadBikcry from the best and purest mate,rials, guaranteed freo fiom nil

ADULTERATIONIlns always on hand all sizes of his Rich

and Unsurpassed Quality of

WEDDING- - CAKES,Enjoying a rich reputation of many

jear, and are ornamented in anystylo desired, and are sold at the

Lowest Possible PricesUnequalled facilities and steam enablesme to sell all articles manufactured atmy Establishment Cheaper tban anyother in this Lino of BusincsB. Vanilla,Chocolate, Cocoanut, hand made andMould Creams of all flavors at CO centsper pound.


at 5 cents each. Mince and FruitPics always on hand.

Pure and Wholesome Bread !

Vienna Rolls, Family & Graham Broaddelivered to any part of the city. Thelargest and most various Stock of Con.,fectionery can bo found at

IT1 . H O K, IV' ,?.

Steam Candy Factory and Bakery.

No. 71 Hotel St., between Nuuanu andFort Streets.

P. O. Box No. 7C. Telephone No. 74.


Notice to the Public.

...iir a., - iivo uiko pleasure in announcing to tho mpublic that, in addition to our '1

Pastry and Confeotionory Business,' 11

Wo will open our

Ice Cream Parlors !

Which have been fitted up elegantly ac-cording to our trade, on

satuiiday, .ajphix. aotu.Our Cream will bo only of superior

quality, made of genuine cream. Ahc have mado arrangements with thoWoodlawn Dairy to supply us only withu lirbt-cla- article from cample wohao had of the same, wo are able toguarantee satisfaction. The followingassortments of Ice Creams and Sherbets

o will keep at our opening, and manymoro kinds if irado will Justify H-

ire 13 CISEjVaiH j




Parties supplied any day except Sun-days. Thoso wishing Ice Cream forSunday must leave their orders on Sa-turday beforo 0 p. m., which illl bedelivered before 10 a in. Sunday. Thocreams will bo packed' fo thnt they willkeep eight hours in a first-clas- s condl.tlou. Hoping to get a sharo of publicpatronage, and thanking tho public fortheir liberal pust favor, wo remain,

MELLEIt & nALBE,1003 ly King, near Alakca fit.





0 &

Page 2: ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gnzetto Building.-Merchant street 7231y EnterpriseTelephone











tBISUOl & Co., 1SAKKEKSHonolulu, Hnwiillnn Island.

Draw Exchange on the

JBnnlt oi California, H. IP.And their ngcntR in


Messrs. X. M.Hulhschlld&Son, Loudon.The Comtncrelnl llnnk Co,, of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Haul; Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Clirlslclmrch, and Wellington.The Hank of Rrlllh Columbln, Vic

lorla, 11. O. mid Portland, Or.AND

Transact u General Ranking Business.GC!) ly

Fledged to neither Beet nor Part;.Bat established for the benefit of all,

FRIDAY, JUNK 20, 1885.


Imp. Order of Red Men, at 7:80.Morning Star Lodge, K of J. 7 :30Yosunritc Skating Rink 7.Central Park Skating Kink, 7.


Yesterday a young man of Euio-pea- n

birth told the writer he wasgoing into ccilniu productive indus-tries in the surburbs of Honolulu,pursuant to the advice bo generouslybestowed by the press. lie had

to leave the country owingto business reverses, but upon furtherconsideration decided to btay andtest the rewards of independentlabor in this laud. It is to be hopedhe and all who come to a like deci-

sion will not be without all the en-

couragement and support the com-

munity can afford. The successthat wc wish all such will amount tono less than furnishing examples ofwhat can be achieved in that direc-tion, which will ensure a very largedemand for homestead lots, by adesirable class of settlers men whowill build up the nation wheneverthe Government is ready to meteout available public lands for thepurposes of the Homestead Act.Now that practical results arc begin-ning to follow the agitation of diver-sified industries, it is all importantthat 3'Oting men desirous of carvingout a livelihood and a competenceupon that line should have the bene-

fit, in their laudable efforts, of allthe experience acd knowledge ob-

tainable in whatever departments ofindustry they may enter. To thisend the press will doubtless continueto give a large measure of space forthe publication of reliable informa-tion touching industries deemedadaptable to this soil and climate.The work of the local newspapers inthis regard, however, must of neces-

sity come far short of the require-ments of this eiilical juncture ofdomestic industry. Journalism hereis not likely, for some time to come,to be strong enough to sustain specialdepartments sufficiently comprehen-

sive and well-inform- to afford allthe theory required for the guidanceof, especially, tyros in the cultiva-

tion of the soil and kindred pursuits.Neither will the very best specialjournals from abroad bo adequatefor enabling our people to deal inthe best possible manner with thedifferent conditions of things herefrom the localities where those arepublished. To a large extent, pio-ble-

not already worked out iu thisair and soil will have to be solved bypatient, practical experience. Ashas icpcatcdly been urged in thesecolumns, among thoseinterested in the development ofnative resources is one of the primeneeds of the hour. There should beorganization for purposes of inter-

change of ideas, information andexperiences, and Ihe securing ofevwyothcr benefit of mutual help-

fulness: An unanswerable argumentfor what is herein advocated is thecitation of the case of the Planters'Company. The deliberations of thatbody iu annual .session, and the in-

tercourse of its incmberH, throughthe columns of its regular periodical,have undoubtedly contributed, in avery high degree, to the very res-

pectable position this little kingdomhas attained among the sugar-producin- g

countries of the world.


Helow is u specimen of rubbish

sold for news on the Coast, It is

from the San Francisco Ohronicle:- -"Atthe great banquet in Mon-

treal on the 25th tilt., the Queen'shealth was drunk in solemn silence,and the leading lawyers of the Pro-

vince have volunteered to defend



Rlcl, simply becauso he look uparms ngaiust tho crown."

At tho festive occasion iu question,the Queen's health was honored lutho usual fashion, when no personalrepresentative of Her Majesty ispresent, by the band playing thenational nulhcm. The banquet it-

self was not an especially great one,us the Mnntrenlers are great onbanquets. Again, it is extremelydoubtful if Riel's 1'Vcnch sympathi-zers would care to admit that hismovement was meant to be againstthe crown. His own statements leaveno room to doubt that his main ob-

ject, originally, was to obtain a largoprice from tho Dominion Govern-

ment for leaving the country. Thedistuibanec, however, grew fast andlarge upon his hands, owing to realgrievances his dupes had against theGovernment. Then he found him-

self in a comer and bad to carry thehopeless business through to its endso bitter to him. Moreover, it isprobably a gratuitous assertion thatthe lawyers for the defenso havevolunteered their services. Certain-ly, with the exception of Mr. Mer-cie- r,

the Provincial Liberal leader inQuebec, reported engaged as ad-

visory counsel, none of those retain-ed occupy the leading places at thebar. They have yet to set tho St.Lawrence on fire, however promis-

ing their abilities may be of futuredistinction. The statements in theabove extract are of a piece with thestory that a French-Canadia- n regi-

ment had lefuscd to serve againstthe rebels. The fact is, the bodyreferred to the Sixty-fift- h of Mont-

real was one of the most enthusi-astic in taking the field, where it hasdone some of the severest and brav-

est work of the campaign.


The fact may not be generallyknown to our readers that the pub-

lication of the Scriptures in Englandis a monopoly, only the presses ofthe two great Universities being al-

lowed to print copies of the Bible.From the following remarks, whichappeared recently in the LondonTimes, it is evident that a monopolyin Bible making docs not work muchbetter than monopolies of otherkinds:

"It is announced thai the OldTestament is not to be publishedseparately, except in a somewhatcostly form, and that iu the eltcapereditions it will be bound up and soldas one volume with the New. Theywho have the New already by itselfmust buy it over again with the Old.Though buyers of the Revised NewTestament have no legal redress,they are undoubtedly threatenedwith a breach of moral faith. Theywere entitled, when offered half theRevised Version separately, to con-clude that they would be given anopportunity of obtaining the otherhalf similarly by itself."

For great corporations like theEnglish Universities, this certainlyseems like very small business.

. ... i ii u.- -



Statistics indicate that 'the con-

sumption of spirits in the abovenamed country has by no meanskept pace with the increase of popu-

lation for the last twenty-fiv-e years.Wc read that 81,000,000 people in

the year 1800 consumed 80,301,57--gallons, while in the year 1881, only72,990,837 gallons were consumedby 55,000,000 people. If the con-

sumption in 188-- had been in thesame ratio to the population as in18C0 it would have amounted toabout 100,000,000 gallons. Whilethere has been this great falling offin the consumption of distilledliquors, there has undoubtedly beena considerable increase in the con-

sumption of wines and beer, whichis on the whole a gain for the causeof temperance.


A long letter almost too long tolook at from Mr. Z. Y. Squires, ontho Chinese question, has been inhand for a day or two. It wilL beattended to as soon as possible.

A correspondent gives what wo

have headed "Good Advice," re-

garding protection from tho mos-

quitoes. His plan is certainly morerational than attempting to intimi-

date the wretches by "cussing"them.

A serious complaint is made tous, upon indubitable authority, ofChinese laundrymcn taking clothesto wnsh from lepers. The cases of

the disease, from which this occurs,Bhould be formally brought to the at-

tention of tho Board of Health. Itis an outrage upon people who fearcontagion to have tho like of the abovepractised upon them by the wash-me- n.

Even those who cherish thebelief must have a

horror of contamination from such ameans as that slated.


The Hawaiian Bazaar, late Ten CentStore, is being generally sold out,and must be entirely closed out be-

fore July 15. Great reductions iuall goods. 53 lw

! H.U B W "! li'UH'.'WI IIP IMjUII


House, Nuuauu Valley, onJune lllth, one mouse-colore- d horse.The owner can hnvo the samp by payingexpenses and npplvluc to

E. WEREY,r7 3f Half.'VUy House.

Honolu FurnitureA.'X' AUCTION.

On Monday, June Olh,

AT 10 A. 31., ut the residence, No. 27Punchbowl Hill, wo will sell the

enilre Household Furniture, consistingof B. W. Bedstead, Painted Redstends.Chair?, Tables, Mattiasscs, Pillows,Mosquito Nets, Crockery and Glassware,Kitchen Stove and Utensils, etc., etc.

LYOXS & IiEVFV,5" 2t Auctioneers.

FOIt KENT.VERY COMFORTABLE andA house on Kinuu street, be-

tween Pcnsucoliiand Piikoi street's, g

three bedrooms, parlor, dining,room, kitchen, pantry, bath-roo-

stables, etc. Large garden. Kent, $10per month. Possession given nhoutAugust ICth. For further pnitlcularsinquire of LYONS & LEVEY,

00 tf Auctioneers.



"WAT FINE RESIDENCE at Wni-- .a kiki, along the sea beach, ownedby Mr. G. "West, is for sale. Deep lot,line sea bathing bottom, and everythingpleasant to make it a home of comfort.No incumbrance on the property. Price$3,700 cash. Applv to

J. E. WISEMAN,GG pv General Business Agent.


HAS JUST RECEVED per" an invoice of tho Cutting

Packing Company's Standard Goods,consisting of

TABLE FRUITS,Pie Fruits, Jams, Jellies, Mince Meat,

Sausage Meat, Roast Beef. RoastDuck, Salmon, Pickles, ChowChow. Queen Olives, "Walnut Cat-su-

Orange Blossom Honey, AppleButter, Pear Butter, Peach Butler,Asparagus, Extinct;, etc., etc.

Also on hand, a general assortment of

GROCERIES AND FEED."Which will be sold as low as the lowest.

C1IAS. IIUSTAOE.BST Telephone 110. 00 2w

177G JULY FOURTH. 1885

' Itiilly i ouiid tho Fins, boys,llnlly once again,"


J. M. OAT, JR., & CO.'S,Where you can get a Flag from thesize of a saucer to well, us large asyou like. Also,

Fourth of July Ball !

That is Baseballs, to play a Fourth ofJuly match game, with

BATS TO MATCH.Price of admission, according tosize.

J. JL OAT, JR., & CO.,CO td 23 Merchant Street. I

JUST RECEIVEDE "Orientc" ami "Rlimah,"

Cases B. & N. "Key" Brand Gin

In Green Cases.

Cases " Straw-Berr- ij " Gin,

1C Bottles in n Case.

Cases "Wertineau" Brandy,Very Cheap.

These Goods, and a full assoi uiieal of




Are offered for sale at very low rates by

LOYE.TOY & CO.,CO 2w 15 Nuuauu St., Honolulu, II. I.

W,s$jFlflltofc1l'QllF'!l' Kffmmmfm ''HVPHMRPf


Thoir Majostlostho King and Quoon,

Will bo given nt the

KmunnlcnpUi ChurchOK

Thursday Evening, June 25th,




MR. CHARLES TURNER,Will assist, for tho Benefit of the Build,

big Fund.

Front Scats.... $1 Back Seats.. 50 C'taTickets to be had at the store of MB.

A. L. SMITH, Fort street. SI tit



nil. cuAiti.r.SiTintXKit.

Having arranged to leave for England(via America) by the Alameda,

will givo their


Saturday Kvetiinj. .J sine 27,Concluding with t o scenes, and the

last act of Gouuod's masterpiece

Garden Scene, ( ) Garden Scene,Church Scene, FAUST S Church Scene,

Last Act. ( ) Last Act.

Chorus and orchestra under the direc-tion of II. Bi:uai:n.

Fuller particulars further. Box planopcD ut J. E. Wiseman's office at U

o'clock "Wednesday morning, June 24th.

Reserved Scats $1.00Gencial Admission 1.00Gallciy 00

03 lw


is now Interferinghorses a specialty. 29 tf


Orange mill Lemon Trees.

THESE TREES arc of the very bestONE DOLLAR EACH.

For sale byJ. KIDWELL,

01 lm Honolulu Nursery.


Ex. Oailiieii,And for sale in lot-- , to suit,


Fraser River Salmon.40 C. BREWER &, CO. 2w






Best sizes and quality.

Flooring Tiles for Garden Walks;

Three Colors.

EJai'tlie aware,Pipes Suitable for Drains.

Square & Arched Fire Bricks;

Portland Cement;

Corrugated Iron Koofing;

Velvet & Tapestry Centre

Apply to THEO. II. DAVIE3 & CO.

02 2w

Lease mill Boole Debts



AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, at mySalesroom, Queen ttrecjt, 1 will sell

at Public Auction the lease of theASIN PREMISES, on King Meet, op.posite Alapai street, together with build-ings and improvements. Lease lias 8yc.ustorun. Rental, $120 per annum.


Book debts owing to Chong lluug'sHonolulu fctoro, amounting to $000 ;.book debts owinir to Chong Rung'sEwa store, amounting to $1,180 ; bookdebts owing to Kwong On Till Co.,Nuuanu street, amounting to $2,000 ;

book debts owlngto Sun Wo Co., Nun-ai-

street, :unounl(ng to $175 ; bookdebts owing to Hoiaii, Nuuauu street,amounting to $S'M. Specifications ofthe above debts, and the books pertain-ing to them, limy be seen at tho olllco of

K. 1. ADA3IS, Auctioneer.E-

- TERMB CASH. 54 3t


TEMPLE of61, 63 and

FASHION66 Fort Street,


We wish to aunouuoe tbu arrival of our new fcummer Stcok In our

which is tlic niot coinplcli! in thlt city.

K Feathers Cleaned and Curled.!Native Straw Scwcti in all the Styles of Hats.

JUST RECEIVED500 pieces of Dress Lawns at very Low Pnoe3.

New designs in Dress Goods, Satins & Buntings.

Ladies' Wrappers and Children's Dressesin largo varieties. A large invoice of Laces and Embroideries.

Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infnnls' Hosieryin the latest styles.


Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing a specialty.


JCST Call and be Convinced, -- a

nwmvjMv rjFantTWfTT'm.



Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House FurnishingGoods, and General Merchandise'

Just Eddy's Rcfiigcrators and Ice Chests, new styles of Chandeliersand Library Lamps, Stoves and Ranges, Kerosene Oil Stoves.


All of which are offered upon favorable terms.PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY.

J 1






I0TT, 1. 8 KaalMffl Street.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,


JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,The Only Recognized General Business Agent on tho Hawaiian Islands.

ESTABLISHED 1 870.Offices in Campbell's Fire-pro- Buildintr, S7 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I

P.O. Boxair. : t : : Tolopliono 173. J1Q33


REAL ESTATE AGENT Utiys and sells Roal Estate in all parts of thelKinc-(loi-n.

Rents Offices, Homes, Cottages and Room.SOLICITING AGENT FORWILUER'S INTER-ISLAN- D STB MEHS-T- our

its and tho Traveling Public will apply to mo for Tickets niltl information tothe Volcano.

JISIJ1?.!? A9KNT I',9'1,1,Ii: MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW.9 llic L,:irt,c;s, Grandest and Sonmlett InMliution of Its kind in thoWorld.

ACW?,0U T"E QHKAT UURLINGTON RAILWAY ROUTE IN AMERICAexcels all other routes going E.iM, Iho Kencry being tho grando-t- ,

tho meals ho choicest and the Palace anilDining Cars tho handsomest and moktcomfortable,EMPLOYMENT AGENT-FI- nds Employment for all work In the vari-ous branches of Industry on the Islands,SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE CITY OF LONDON FIHE INSURANCE CO.The best known Company in the Islands.CUSTOM HOUSE llROIvER-Ent- ers Goods at Custom House, pays and dischargesFreight and Duty Hills under power of Attorney.MONEY RROKER Loans Money at all times on first-cla- sccuritiy.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT-Le- gal I'ape.s of every lesulpiloii dr.iun. RillsDistributed and Collected. Hooks mid Accounts kept and adjusted. Recordshearched. Rents Collected. Taxes and Insuianee on Proieriv looked af erCopying and Engrossing done. Advertisements, Newspaper Ankle?, Corres- -'poiideneo and Commcicial Uusliiess of every nature pioinntly and iiornrntelvattended tu.


AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT HONOLUI.l'-Compan- les abroadwill correspond with nio for terms, etc. Older., for Maud BIioIIh, Curio Lavabpeclinens, Native Views and Photos carefully tilled nml forwardeil to all tinrtaOf tll'J Olld. J'iwI5T Information appertaining to the Islands given and all correspondence faith,fully answered.

JOSEPH B. WISEMAN,878 General Business Agent, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands,


Page 3: ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gnzetto Building.-Merchant street 7231y EnterpriseTelephone


1 h"l ,7lnitt ?l' tllffiu I

$ -

B- - .


FlllDAY, .It'NB 20, ISS3.


Tunc 25- -Mchr llnlenkahi from Pcnoefceo'VhrMlllcMoiilH from F.wit

Juno 2(1 .

chr Kitlntuniiti from HawaiiIschr Leohl from Hannlel.4er bk Centaur from Hongkong the

Llhollho from WiilauacRgtne J 1) Bpreckel from S PHew Cnterlmi from Wnlmaniilo


.huio 20 inStmrKlhuiciillou for "Windward ports


Selir Haleaknla for PepeekcoSchr Malolo for PnpalkouSchr Lcahl for HannlelSchr l.iholihu for ICnuSelir Kawallani for Koolau


UrltUh bk Oricnte, HughesBk Cnlbiiricn. Hubbardl$k Hope, Pcnhal'owll.irkcutlue Kill, HoweS'S Ala nciiii. 3lor.eJJriL Ilk Il'rinnh, JenessIlk Julia Kord, llnrgcmun


From S F per bglnc .1 I) Spreckels,June 20 Thos Steward.


The Klla sails for S P on Mondaynext.

Selir Hnleakala brought l.il.V.) bags ofhiigar.

Selir Mlllo Mon-- brought 100 bags ofpaddy from Kwn.

The Malolo takes (50 tons of manureforljapalkou.

A slx-oar- ed boat crow of the II V &II C were pulling about the bay la-- t

evening for practice.SchrManiiokawai brought (520 bags of a

sugar, fiO bbls of molasses and 2(J greenbides.

The stnir .las Makee is duo here to-

morrow morning. The Kinau. Planter,W O Hall and C It J$lhop are due Sun-day morii'ng.

The. selir Liholihn left Waianae at 5o'clock last night and arrived here at 7

o'clock this morning witb 1,108 bags ofsugar. The captain reports the selirAmerican Girl having left Waianae at!) o'clock yesterday morning for Hono-lulu for repairs.

The selir Kulamanu returned thismorning from her lirst trip to Hawaii.She was away 1(5 days. She brought2,030 bags of sugar. The captain re-

ports rough and rainy weather.Chilian's mill has suspended work.

All of bis paddy will now go lirst toPunaluii to be milled and then broughtlierc. The Piiiialuu mill tuns by waterpower. Mr Peck says it will cost nomore to send paddy to Punaluu to bemilled than it would to busk it here.

A now member of the Honolulu Yachtand Boat Club went out In one of theclub's canoes yesterday for a pull aboutthe bay. AVhen out between the sparand bell buoys ho lost one of the row-locks and the water being rough thecanoe was capsized. Ho was swimmingtoward shore with the boat in tow whena native fisherman picked him up.

ThebgtueJD Spreckels, Capt Prils.arrived this day, 14 days from S P. Shelias a deck load of 12 hogs. She isdocked near the. Pish-mark-

The schr Caterina arrived this morn-ing from Waimanalo stono quarryheavily laden with lime stone for theHonolulu Stone Co.

The Ger bk Centaur arrived this n m(i."i days from Hongkong. She has anumber of Chinese passengers.

The Japanese people on board theJapanese stinr caught:! sharks last nightone of which was i) ft (5 in long.


Tun King's yacht Ilealani is onthe Marine Railway.

Stuami'i- - Kinau will not arrive tillearly Sunday morning, from Ililovia Keauhou and the Volcano.

Tin: Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet at the residence ofMr. W. W. Hall, Waikiki, Saturdayevening, June 27th.

Lyons & Luvr.v will hold anotherlarge credit sale, by order of G. W.Macfarlano & Co., on Thursday,July 2nd. Particulars

Am. Americans or others willingto subscribe to tde Fourth of Julycelebration fund,, arc requested tocall at Mr. J. K. Wiseman's ollice,where the list is now open.

Tun intellectual part of tho Fourthof July celebration will be somewhatdifferent from last year's. Mr.Dole, chairman of committee, isarranging a very neat programme.

Mn. Dart, Road Supervisor, hasa staff of workmen engaged tearingup the old wooden bridge oppositethe Government nursery, and re-

placing it with u substantial stoneculvert.

Foil the dust terrific is there nospecific, but the ambling and spat-

tering water cart? In its circuit so

short, round Queen street and Fort,it drenches pedestrians with con-

summate art.

Somi: sports at Waikiki amusingthemselves last evening by cannonpractice witli two guns lett by the

S. S. City of Paris, causedfolks in town to believe a ship was

i 1 distress on the reef.i

It is gratifying to report thatCapt. Howo, of the barkentino

"Ella," shows marked improvementin his conditio!) to-da- y, being nowlikely to entirely recover from theeffects of his painful mishap.

flic.- - ' $M:MsM&idk3tegJ ,iYfifflb,-':A

To-dat- 's report from tie quaranline grounds is equally wUisfnctorywith yesterday's. Kvcrytlitnc is going on nieely among tho Japaneseimmigrants, with good prospects of

new nppoaranco of small-po- x. to

Tun box plan for tlio farewellISronlngno-Turnc- r concert on Satur-day evening is pretty well blackenedwith the reserving 'dots. A very thelarge home h already ensured, and

remaining choice of siat is be-

coming beautifully less.. I. i..i

A iianosomi: piece of Jnpnnoiohandicraft, in tlio shape of n cabinet

shinlcliec wood, is on exhibitionMr. Wiseman's ofllcc. It has

been sent to Mr. Clarence Macfar- -

lane from the Coast for sale, and isworth going some blocks to sec.The figures in relief arc very artistic.

TiiEin: me at the 1'ost-ofllc- e twopackages of books received fromPortugal, with no address. Onecontains a copy of "Licoes de ,"

by Abbe Gaultier. Theother contains one copy each of"Missao Abrcvinda" and "PraticasMandamcntacs," with several lettersscaled but not addressed, placedamong the leaves.

His Majesty the King entertainedMiss Montague and Mr. Chas.Turner at breakfast this morning.There were present, with the royalhost and the guests especially hon-

ored, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Cooke,II. R. H. Princess Liliuoknlani, HisEx. Gov. Dominis, and Hon. Col.Judd, II. M.'s Chamberlain. TheRoyal Hand was in attendance.

Mn. Wiseman's window has almostalways something in it to attract theunprcoccupied eye. Just now it has

miniature representation of theHonolulu Rillcs in their prospectivecamping out. Il is a little tentsentried by diminutive edlgies ofthis fine body of citizen soldiers,to whom we look for the defense ofour hearths (verandahs?) and homes.

Tin, carnival at the Central Parkskating rink begins at 7.30and closes at 11. Grand march at9. CO, when all will unmask, afterwhich will be an intermission of fifteenminutes, when the judges will awardthree prizes, as follows: for thehandsomest, tiic most original andthe most comical costumes. Therink is being beautifully decoratedfor the occasion, and a rare spectaclewill be nfforded spectators and par-ticipators.

Neveh judge a person by the numberof his shoe,

"Never judge n Christian by the rental ofhis vow. Texas Siflings.

Never judge a dandy by the setting ofhis ''close,"

Never jiidge a lady by the angle of hernose,

Never judge a Paddy by the odor ofhis pipe,

Never judge a printer by the pieing ofhis type. Life.

Never judge a poet by the measureof his verse,

Never judge a hackman by the ful-

ness of his purse,Never judge a captain by the rigging

of his ship,Never judge a lawyer by the wag-

ging of his lip.


Tnv some of Charlie McCarthy's"Little Dudes". of lw

C. J. McCarthy has just recoivedper Alameda a lot of California Fa-

vorite Cigars, Con Amorr and LittleDudes. "Try them. 55 lw

Cam. and see our new stock of oilpaintings, engravings, ciiromos, etc.,etc. King Bros.' Art Store, HotelStreet. .fit 3t

Ik j'ou want a nice shoe, boot,slipper, or any kind of childrenshoes, L. Adler is the place for it,13 Nuuanu street. 980. tf.

Ba&kkam.. Tho undersigned, onbehalf of the Barbers' BaseballNine, hereby chnllcngo the Printers'Nine to a game of baseball at hisshop, 81 King street. Marquis ofQucensbeny rules.

2t F. M. Sciicsck, Captain.

Wi:sx, Dow & Co. receiveda large assortment of fur-

niture, including B. W., ash andmaplo marble top sets, cheap sets,and u large number of cheap bureausand wash-stand- s, to bo sold sepa-rately. Velocipedes, willow bats,largo vaiiety of baseball, Americanand Hawaiian fiags and n good as-

sortment of fire-wor- for the Jtli.They also received ex-El- la a largoassortment of small cheap tubles.


There will bo no music(Saturday) afternoon at EmmaSquare. Through the kindness ofHis Excellency Governor J. O.Dominis, the band will play at thebaseball match at Mukiki. On Mon-day evening a concert will be givenat tho Hawaiian Hotel, complimen-tary to Mr. and Mrs. lloffnung.Tuesday evening, a farewell sere-nade will bo given to Mr. and Mrs.Turner, ut the resilience of Mr. C.M. Cooke, 'lie band will play as

of the Alameda on Wednesday.


ANjmT.RSAtir r.sEKCisns.

Yesterday afternoon, in additionthe visitors reported in tho fore-

noon, there- - wcro present Hon. A. F.Judd, Dr. Bingham, Mr. F. W.Damon and A. A. Montana. ThoProfessor announced for the lirst of

session, rhetorical exercises, be-

ing part of tho work of Friday after-noon, which, if not taken than,would be crowded out for want oftime. Mis3 Kate' Rogers read pic-

tures from Dickens in clear tonesand good inflection. A dialogue,prepared by ono of the students,was acted in excellent stylo byMisses Dillingham, Rogers andWells, and Master lossman. Thiswas followed by an essay on "SelfHelp," by Miss Ilattic Hitchcock.Tins paper entered very fully intotho question of employment fcrwomen, and contained some verygood ideas well expressed. A Latinclass, in which were May Dilling-ham, Hattie Hitchcock, Horace Halland Albert Lucas, was examined byMiss Spooner, and the PoliticalEconomy class, fourth year KaleRogers, Ainicc Mossmau and AddiePeterson by Professor Mcrritt.After this came Language Lessonsand French. In the former werefive young men and six ladies.There are two classes in French,three Misses II. Sorenson, A. Moss-ma- n

and Nahora in the first, andeight in the second. The first classwas examined by Professor Mar-ques.

inThe spectators were invited

to inspect the work of the book-keeping class. The author used isllrynnt, and Stratton. The booksshown arc generally characterized bysuperior penmanship and neatness inall the entries. The exercises ofthe afternoon were brought to aclose with recitations. Oliver Car-

ter delivered Wyatt's speech to themen of Kent, "Philip shall not wedMar'." Miss L. Dickson recited,with rare power and effect, "Scot-land's Maiden Martyr." Miss HelenSorenson gave "Tho Blacksmith'sStory," with fine expression of thesentiment. The spectators presentmanifested deep interest, and seemedto be very much pleased with theexercises of the day.



There was a large gathering offriends of this fine institution at theclosing exercises, which were ex-

ceedingly interesting, this morning.Original compositions, in the mainof a high order of merit, were readby the following pupils in MissHall the Principal's room : JamesBicknell, Arthur Wilder and EllenBicknell. Recitations were deliv-ered bv Lottie Parmelcc, WillieWilder, J. Hassingcr, George An-

gus, Mary Baldwin, Minnie Bailey,Fred. Bickerton, Mary Lylc, WillieChamberlain, Eva Tickerton, JancyHare, James Judd, Cornelia Robert-son, Emily Halstcad, Walter Dil-

lingham, Ida Whitney and MayWaterhouse. Some of the efforts inthis line were superb, notably thatof Miss Minnie Bailey, who gave" Sandalpbon."

As usual in this school the sing-ing was excellent, a grand chorus offourteen girls and live boys beingmagnificent.

The following is the pass list ofthose graduating into Oahu College.Tho highest possible marks being100, it will be seen that very highfigures have been attained by nearlyall: Agnes Judd, 08.38; MayWaterhouse, 98.1G; Arthur Wilder,9C.SC ; Ellen Bicknell, 90.30; Min-

nie Bailey, 95.80; Willie Wilder,95.G0; Juanita Hassingcr, 92.80;Jancy Hare, 88.70; James Bick-nell, 80.40. Mr. Merritt announcedthat class second of the past yearwould bo class first of the ensuingone.


A very good house was given theconcert in aid of the IvaumakapiliChurch building fund last evening.Resides the royal patrons, many ofthe notables of tho realm were in thefront of the audience. Promptly atthe opening hour, their Majestiesthe King and Queen, attended bythe Hon. C. II. Judd, Chauibcilain,entered, when a detachment of theRoyal Band struok up, opening theprogramme with a selection of popu-lar airs. The Wailohin Club gave aquartette, " Kaulilun," followed bya duet from a native lady and gen-

tleman, Mr. Merger accompanyingon the piano. Then Mr. ClmilcsTurner, acconipanicd by Miss CarrieCasllu on the piano, sang tho oldballad, "Nancy Lee," with suchstyle and power as made it a nowsong to ears that had heard it at-

tempted a hundred times before.Ho cheerfully responded to an irrepressible recall with a repetition ofthe last verse. Miss Montaguo appeared first in the solo for tho

choir in giving "Ka OiwiNani," with Mr. Merger at tliopiano. She captivated her nativeauditors in the very first notes, andeach stanza ended in a storm ofapplause. Mr. Michiels gave one ofhis superior performances on tho

harmonize, and then there was a'I i usual at the wharf on the departure cornet, Mr. Hergcr making tue piano

native male trio, ono of the singeisthrumming the melodious guitar.Miss Montague then made her mainappearance of the evening, withMiss Castle at the piano. Theselection wni the song, " Sing SweetBird," and it was sung in a mannerthat wrought the audience up totumultuous enthusiasm. Of coursean client o was persisted in, to whichthe songstress replied with, "WayDown Upon the Swance River,"making the very air of tho roomsweetly pathetic. Once, nt least,the writer experienced a like effectfrom the effort of n great orntor,when so pure and powerful was thoutterance that one felt rather beinginspired with tho ideas than hearingthem through tho car. The Wailo-hi- a

Club gave a quartette, threofemale aud a male voice, "CallJohn," and then nquartctto extra tothe programme, of male voices, Mr.Merger accompanying both. MissMarion Kama gave the solo, " NaniAale Wale," the air being "SwanceRiver," and she sang it well. Inthe closing piece, a chorus by theKunmakapili choir, the audience wasagreeably surprised by Miss Mon-

tague singing the solo for it. Whena laugh broke from some of thenative auditors at her heroic evolu-tions among the abounding Hawaiian vowels, shesmiled in return, and the partingapplause showed that the "Hawaiiannightingale" had won enduring re-

membrance in the hearts of thenatives. The audience dispersed,

evident satisfaction with the wholeentertainment, to the strains of"Hawaii Fonoi " from the band.The parts borne by the severalchoirs and glee clubs in the pro-

gramme wcro without exception per-formed with happy acceptance.

A large assemblage of ladies andgentlemen responded to the invita-tion of the members of the Associa-tion to join thcin in the inaugurationof their series of free monthly enter-tainments. Mr. P. C. Jones havingta':cn the chair, the proceedingsopened with the singing of a hymnand prayer. The programme of theintellectual and esthetic portion ofthe entertainment was as follows :

Piano Solo Miss M. HopperRending W. A. KinneySolo Mr. HallHeading Judge MuCullySon'' T. 11. WalkerEight minutes' talk Mr. Fuller

Mrs. HallMrs. K. C. DamonQuartette C. M.Cooke

L W. W. Hall

Miss Hopper gave line piano ac-

companiments to the songs. Mr.Walker's song, "The three YoungMaids," was loudly encored, andpart second of the entertainmentconsisted of a liberal service of ice-

cream and cake all round. TheAssociation is to be congratulatedon- - the auspicious opening of thisnew departure. Readings and musicwere good, and icc-crca- m and cakedelicious.


Dr. J. Molt Smith has writtenthat the President of the LouisvilleExhibition was hichlv pleased athaving the Hawaiian exhibit, andaccorded it a prominent place on theground lloor of the building, nearthe main entrance. Permission hasbeen given by Mr. J. D. Spreckelsfor having Ta'vernier's picture of thevolcano go with the exhibit. Every-thing was likely to be arranged fortho opening time, August, 1.0th. Dr.Smith urges that the exhibit be in-

creased, and mentions that walkingsticks, fans, perfumes, and nativetrinkets and jewelry are in demand.He has shipped to the Foreign Ollicea collection of useful seeds, collectedby Mr. Coleman. No time shouldbe lost if our Commissioner's sug-

gestion above is to bo adopted.That book rest just made by Mr.Miller on Hotel street is a sample ofwhat might be added to tho show.Resides being a finely made ai tide,it contains almost every descriptionof wood growing on the group.


. riUD.VY MOltNI.Nd.

All Lai, charged with attempt atburglary, was remanded until thelstprox. Amai pleaded not guiltyto a charge of assault and battery011 Mele (w.) on the 2.0th inst. Thiswas n deplorable domestic nreeze.Complainant testified to defendant,who is her husband, resenting hershutting the door that he wantedopen, by taking her by the hair andstriking her in the face, drawingblood from her eye. Amai was

found guilty and fined 67 with 8J1.-I-

costs. Ah Kun pleaded not guiltyto charge of assault and battery onAnnie (w.) Testimony was givento the effect that defendant beatcomplainant upon her refusal to goand stay last night at his house. Hewas fined $10 with 81.10 costs.


'You have comu from the rink," saidtlio maiden fair

To tho youth who was on her waiting;'l'rav tell mo what's the attraction tlteioTo-nig- Is It fancy skating?"He rubbed his spine, and his face ho- -

I rayedIlls bosom's imitation:"Tho fiiiiii! old attraction Is there," he

said,"The attraction of gravitation."


Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts.Ofllco with Mr. PUhbourno. IK)0 8m

wanted"A HEALTHY girl fthout 15 years of

age, to help mound house, goodwages p.titi. l,ntiuri ni tiusoiucc, 51M lw

NOTICE.TVJIUNG tnv absence Mr Jos. Hy.JL mnu will net for mo under full JCpower of attorney

(signed) CHAS. J. FISIIEL. NHoroluln, June 15, IfSo. 47 2w

WANTEDA SKCONI) hntul Vacuum Pan com.

XX p'oto (without pump). Address52 lw THEO. 11. DAV1ES & CO.

TO LET.THE twostorv coral building per

by Chilian fs Co. as a IllcoMill, posHi-mlo- given immediately. Ap. outply to CIlULAK&Cn. nt

63 lm

P1tOGKAMM13. or

Pridny,.Iuno 20. Mnstptcrnde on Skatesevery one to fi'rnish their own costumeundo of inexpensive material. Prize,Pair of bknlcs to lady for most uniquecostume. Dance to "follow if nialotitv'wish.

Tuesday, Juno 'M, Fancy Skating byucnucmen. rrlzr, I0; same conui- -

tions as SJlrd.

101!)m D. P. SMITH, Proprietor.


to in: iii:lu at

KAPIOLANI PARKUnder the Auspicc3 of the


Race commence at 'J o'clock p.m. sharp.

it.vui: Xo. 1.AMERICAN CUP ?75 addel. Half

mile dash; free for nil; weight for age.


dash; for Hawaiian bioJ horses; weightfor age.

Jt.vcr. So. :.AMATEUR CUP Trotting or pacing;

best two in three: for members of theJockey Club only.

HACK Xo. .

FOURTH OF JULY COP Miledash;a sweepstake of .?',0 added for namedhorses; weight for age.

i'.aci: xo.KALAKAUA PURSE 1G0. Two

mile dash; lree for all; weight for age.

Entries close on Wednesday, July 1st,at 2 o'clock p.m., at the ot'llco of theSecretary, ivlth the exception of raceXo. 4. C. O UEHOER, Sec'v.

r2 2iv

Yoseiflite Stating w.

Will be open every afternoon and even,lngi as follows:

SEoiitlny. 'Weiliicstlny, Thursday nndMuturilny,

To the public in general.

TnoNilny nml Friday Kvciiliisx. anilAVcdiiOMilay nml Kntitrdny

At'li'inooiiN,For ladles and their escorts.

AMUSEMENTS TO COME:June !X1 Polo between the Myillcs and

HudJuly 4 A Rig Hunt for a prize.July 7 Polo between Yosemltes and

Myrtles.July 10 Pop Cora Party.July Polo between Alerts and

Dudes.July 10 Neck-Ti- e Parly ; $." prize for

largest tie.J nly 21 Polo' between Yosemituj and

Alerts for prize.July '.'4 Ibiin Hunt j prive.July 2Ii Turlioy Hunt, for natives.July 2S Twuuiilo Rico for prize.Julv Ill (Jrand Mask on skates. Full

description givon in time.Fancy skaters must look out for the

month of August.Dancing eory Friday evening from

!l to Id.

JMuhlc ly tlio Itiuul,Every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday

Evening: ab'n at tho Wednesday Ma.tinee. T. E WALE, iManuger.


J. A. DOWERSELL to close the quarter

!md make loom for a new doparturc,

TWO NEW SURF BOATS,20 and 22 fed long, respectively ; builtwithout butts or joints in tlio limbers,sides, planks and gunwales. Theseboats arc opt-- lo inspcrtiou and competition wlili any. I claim for thesetwo boats that they are not only

StTPIDHTOTl rx BUILD,Hut they will pay the buyer, tho coun-try and tho builder better lluin anyother boatj, and can bo sold for lessmoney in cash, from advanlages gainedby an invention of my own, and opento others in this Kingdom for a Hillingconsideration.

Mutual Telephone No, 820. 38 lm


AiD Furniture for Sale, at No. CIllerc.anl.1 Street. 42 tf

FOR KENT.-- yfe4, Js'lcely furnished room with

a5wCT?r wltll0Ut hoard In a privateBMusaswfamlly. Conveniently locnted.A.PPy to AVERY A PA L.MER,

lw Real Estate Agents, 00 Fort St.

TO LET.T70UR pleasant rooms snitnMo for

oflices, second floor of Uii Hr-r- ar

Iok.H Fort. Slr.eet-ove- r the stoie ofS. Sachs. Applv toAVEHY A PALMER

Real Estate Agents, No. G(J Fort Street51 lw

C OTTAGE TO LETA nice 4 room cottaqo. withinicasy reach of n nolulu, situ.ate at Kanalama. Tprme a?n

month. Applv toMRS. MARIA KING,

ho ground, or to A. J. CartwHght,his oillcc. 40 ff

TO LET.yilE STORE lately occupied by

Samuel Nott, In Campbell's Block,Apply to

L- - A THURSTON,11. ,1 Dillingham.

Honolulu, Ao.-i- l 1, 1885. 085 tfFor Kent or Sale.

tjSS&a, The premises on Nuuanu fiteet,,fSSVrS30)l)OSltO.. the MnilMilmim. ..- .w...... u,, M.

uii aim laic v tiecnn l in--

Samuel Xott Apply toL. A. THURSTON--


38 Merchant St.Honolulu, June 4th, lSjC. 083 t!

FOlt RENT.THAT very desirable and convenient

Residence on HerctanlaStreet, until lately occupied by P. S.Pratt, Esq., complete withsmblcs, gardens acd pasture. Also, thopremises oci upied at present a a LawOillcc by John Kusscll, Esq., cent 1 allylocated near tho corner of Poit nndMerchant Streets. For particulars, ap.ply either by letter or otherwise to

DR. STANGENWALD, Merchant 3t.a u

I? ICE STRAW.A PINE lot of Rice Straw suitable

bedding for horses is offered forsale in quartiiies to suit buyers, at areasonable pilcc. Enquiro of

WONG LEONG & CO.,1007 3ni No. in Nuuanu M-- , Honolulu.

NOTICE.ALL debts due Samuel Nott, which

not paid on or before July 1stiiuai, win iju eiuorccu oy suit, .bills arepayable with L. A. Thur.Mon. 38 Mer.cln nt St. L. A THURSTON,51 lw Attorney for S. Nott.


NEITHER the. rnnlnln nni- -

Agents of the B Irish baik "Uirmah"will he responsible for any debts con- -tiacteu ny iiiu ollicers and crew of saidvessel while in port.

F. A. fcUHAEFER & CO.. ArptHonolulu, Tltnn.jQ .CO- - .. . -...iiiuu, j 00 1. 01 1W


r PressAND

Filter Cloth,roii sai.k nv

H. Hackfeld & Co.S3 lw ,

J. A. Mackenzie,Having opened a shop on

.T3etliel Street,(opposite the Church), Is prepared to

execute all 01 tiers for

Plumbing, Gas and SteamFitting,

And general work in his line. Allorders promptly attended to, and chaigcastrictly moderate. JO Dm



sons given In Marine, Landscape,.Mock Kensington, Photograph j.ndCiayon Painting in Oil and WaterColor. Floweis in Wax, Wool, Plush,Foil, Silk. Leather, Hair, Cr stal, Fca.ther uml Vishsenlc. All kinds of Em.bioidcry and Designing taught withSkeleton Head, Lace, Comb, Glass, Shellnun iiuiiiiin wont, ror icrma, etc, ap.plyto A. jii. UUJIKE,.i'J Hill Temple of Fashion.

PIANO TUNING.obtained tho services of a

flrt.class Piano Tuner, wo wishto inform tho public that we arc nblo toTune and Itepair Pianos at riiort notice.All oiders left with us will bo promptlyattended to, and nil work warrant! d.10:)j ly WEST, DOW & CO.

Mr. H. H. Babcock,WITH West, Dow & Co , wishes to

the ladles and gentlemenof Honolulu, Ihal hu will take a fewpupils on thu Guitar. Anyone wishing10 learn will please apply ut tho More.

45 lm

FOR HONGKONG.in,Tho Flno American Hark


Due at this port 011 the

lOtli July JVeact,

Will have Immediate despatch for Hong-kong direct.

For freight or paugo apply to48 Ow O. BHEWEK & Co., Quoen 8.


Page 4: ia...Book-Bind-er PAPER-RULE-and BLANK-BOO-K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gnzetto Building.-Merchant street 7231y EnterpriseTelephone










r fy



FRIDAY, jrN13 2fi. 188S. '


Under tills heading tlic followingappears In tlio society department oftho Alia California of the 25thJnst. :

For several weeks past there hnsbeen stopping at the 1'nlncc Hotel aparty of distinguished Hawaiianladies, consisting of Mrs. S. J.Levey and her sisters, Misses Lizzieand Ellen Coney, who arc thodaughters of the late John H. Coney,at one time a well knowu capitalistof New York. Mr. Coney, who diedfour years ago, was wedded in earlydays to Miss Kna, :i beautiful Ha-

waiian maiden. His eldest daughterbecame the bride of S. J. Levey, nHonolulu merchant. Since July, 188-1- ,

the party referred to has been travel-ing ovei the globe in company withHon. and Mrs. Samuel Parker, whoreturned to Honolulu on the loth oflast month. T. V. II. Robertsonalso accompanied Ilium. Mis. Leveyintended returning to Honoluluseveral weeks ago, but was detainedhere by the illness of her infantchild. Mr. Levey departs for home

y upon the steamer Alameda.Her sisters will follow 'on the Ihtproximo. In conversation with MissEllen Coney one evening last week,tho lady, who is exceptionally hand-some, expressed herself as beingcharmed with the tour of the world.When asked if she did not preferthftVcounlry to her tropical home,Miss Coney gave an indilfcrehtshrug to her pretty shoulders, and,with a wistful look in her beautifuleyes, stated, "To me there is noplace on earth like the HawaiianKingdom, where the enjoyment oflawn tennis and dancing is alwaysobtainable."


Euituu Bulletin: Great com-

plaint is heard at all times aboutmosquitoes. Hay ami night theypresent their bills with an assiduityworthy of a better cause, but itcosts but little to lie freed fromthem, in a great measure, at least."Wire screen doors are almost effec-

tive, and, with the addition of alittle care in connection therewith,can bo made entirely so. "Wirescreen doors hung so that they openoutward, on ihvjmll not push plan,are such a luxury that no one whohas tried them could be induced togive them up. They can be hungso as not to interfere with the blinddoors or the ordinary ones, and arecheap and lasting. Some objectionhas been made to their rusting.This can be obviated by the follow-ing: First brush well with a strawbrush or whisk broom ; then varnisheach side with a mixture of twoparts spirits of turpentine and onepart good furniture varnish. Thismixture will not fill up the meshes,and will make the wires look likenew.

A suggestion to those contempla-ting building new houses may notbe amiss, as should they try it thc3rwill have no cause of regret. Whenthe windows arc being made, run astrip of one inch stuff on each sideand one across the bottom of theframe ; to this tack a piece of wirecloth, which will be of the same sizeas the upper and lower half of thewindows. Cut the frame above toallow the net frame to rim up whenthe window is raised, and below toallow the frame to go down. Thisensures air, and excludes flics andmosquitoes, and the glass windowscan replace the wire ones, at anytime, without trouble. I wouldsuggest to mine host of the HawaiianHotel, were lie to try the wire doorsin that otherwise unequalled hos-

telry, he would be so overwhelmedwith the thanks of his fair guests,that a guard would have to be de-

tailed for his preservation.CoMrour.

ffier's Simsli Co.

New Route to the Volcano !

Via Keauhou.

rnilE Steamer KINAU, King Com-J- L

mander, will leave Honolulu onTuesday, June 23nl, for Keauhou, theNew Volcano Landing, and thereafterupon the llrt.1 Tuesday after tliu an ivalot the Alameda and iluriposa, duo heiothe 8th and 22nd of each month,

Wo offer passengers Timounu ticketsfor tho sum of fifty dollaiib allciiaiioks nllowinj; Passengerstwenty-fou- r boms time at the VolcimoHouse, and returning to Honolulu onSunday morning.

Only KounrmiN miles rnon thisbtbamku to Tim Volcano, over a goodroad less than linlf tho distance ot anyother route.

On all triiis except Volcano trip?, theKINAU will run hei regular time table,going to Jlilo nnd returning to Hono.lulu at 10 a.m. Saturdays. On Volcanotrips, passengers from Liiipahochotimust take the steamer on up trips. Pas.scngers can remain on board or stop overat ililo until Friday at 0 a.m., as theychoose.

All further particulais given at theofllco of

wij,ii:k steamship co.Hoaolulu, June 12, 1885. 45 tf


Tin; Clipper SchoonriWAIEHU,

F Kibbling, ... - Maslci,Will tun rcgulaily to llio ports ofICObOA, 1IANAPKPE Ai WA1MKA,KAUAI. For freight or parage applyto the Cnptuin on board, or lo the

Pacific Navigation Co.,8J0 3m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sis.


?JS. Snlmnn ov TCHTTK A T

will run tegtilarlyTO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,

Kcturulng on Thuisday, wentherpermitting.

Foi freight or passagu apply to thoCaptain on board, or to

Pacific Navigation Co.,181 Agents.



These new Parlor?, containing sixteenI'utVATK Kooms, have been elegantlydecorated ami furnished, niul will tickept as a tlrst-clas- s resoi l. The

Celebrated Elite Ico CrcainWill bo miule fiom pine cicam withptuo delicious tlavoiings. Vanilla, l,

Orange, Pino Apple, Stiuwbriry,Pencil, Almond, ColVcc Glace, Chocolate.

Sherbets and Sees,In large artetv. Served with Cauemade ou the Premises. Ice CreamDrink's made to order in any style.Sodn "Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Le.liionadc. Robert's choicest candies

fresh by every steamer. Fami.lie, Panic-!- , Balls and Weddings sup.plied at shoit notice. Ladies Imvotheir homc-iiiad- o Cieams fio.en andC.iUcs baked to oidoi at reasonableprices. A large assortment of Shells,Coral?, Volcanic Specimens, Tapas andgeneral Island Curios always on handat reasonable pi ices.

II. J. 1IA11T,Proprietor of the Elite Ice Cream Par.

lors. Ring up Telephone No. Ib2.S ly



lllllla HI




Corner oliPort and Jlotel KIh.870



! ... V :-- wf , ' r"

J i

V J?rTY5s.'f!fr era m&m

CSicE-il-- v




According to the highest and best medi-cal testimony.

Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liliha StP. 0. Box, 370. Telephone, 281.

CSyAH orders leceive piompt attention.

Tho Horso the Index of a Nation'sProsperity.

VENTURErrHIS fast trotting Etallion has beenX withdrawn from (mining nnd will

now bo kept for stock purposes cxclu-sivcl-

He has shown as much speed asever and bad it not been for nn acci.dent which befell him a few days be-

fore the lace, he being dcul lame on tholllh, wo think that bo would have giv.en the gang a haul tu&sle for tho money,lie is now all right again, and is beingregularly jogged at tho track, and canshow close to a 2:30 clip at any timethat ho is called upon. This kind oftreatment Iuib been found by long ex.perienco lo bo tho right plan to adoptwith a stallion, as by it ho is not only asurer foal.gcltor, but also ho willtransmit a greater amount of speed,energy and vigor to his offspiing. Thisplan is now llio rule in all of tlio largobreeding establishments everywhere.

To parties owning good mares lliis isan opportunity that should not bo neg-lecte-

for Venture, with kis tine breed-in- g

and great speed, I consider the mostdoiirablo btock horso In Mho couutry.Mr. Campbell tells mo that of all of thehorse? that he has imported to this coun.try, which is probably a dozen or more,ho likes his colls by Vcntuio better thanany of them, which is surely proofenough of his qualities as a stock.gctter.

Mares will be taken to tho Park andreturned fieo of charge. For any addi-tion-

paitleulars apply to corner ofPunchbowl and Queen Streets.

. II. ailLES.Honolulu, June 18th, 1885. 50 8m


Espliiniulo. - - - Honolulu

The oldest nnd only Moat Building ShopIn the Kingdom.

Boats anil Scows of all kinds miule toorder. Surf Boats a specialty.

1 have Oak Timbers imported expresslyTor Island use.

All kinds of Boat Repairing done a1003 shortest notice. ly

Saratoga House.Mil. 11. UAItnmt, late manager of

Astoi House, begs lo announcelo his fritndR and the public in generalthat ho ha? purchased the SaiatogaHouse, and will on Sunday,May 24th. First-clas- s board by theweek, month or transient. Special ac-

commodation for ladies and families.Heading Parlors open for guests of thehouse. The coolest dining rooms In thecity. No Hies. 20 2m


The Celebrated Norman Stallion,

J fl1rr&ih X2

1DLstand for a short Season atWILL Clancy's place, cor. Queen

and Punchbowl Street. He is a hand-som- e

dapple gray, 10 hands high, weight1,400 pound1), and is a No. 1 animal ofhis kind. Tcrm, "" for the Scaoon.37 lm C. 11. MILKS.


Offer for Sale lo arrive per'

Bark Amy Turner,From Boston, due

jrmL.Y' 1st, 1885.

Franklin Stove Coal In Casks,14 bbls Crushed Sugar,"Cases Frazer's Axle Grease,

do Hoo Handles,Bbls No 1 Hosin,

Cases Wheelbarrows,

Nest Trunks,Hay Cutters,

Flax Packing,yt bbls Wilmington Tar,

Wilmington Pitch,Ualcs Navy Oakum,

Cases Ex Laid Oil,Grindstones, Iron Safes,

Farmer's Boilers,Bbls Dairy Salt,,. Bbls Cement, ljtfjnnd 2 in Ox Bowa,

Cases Axe and Pick Handles,Canal Barrows,

Bbls Ex Prime Poik,Kegs Nails,

Cumberland Coal in bulk,


Sisal Cordage,Oak Lumber, White Wood Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Ash Lumber,Eastern White Pine Lumber,

Refrigerators,Cases Tinned Tomatoes,

Electric &. Downer's Kcrosono Oil,

Ketchup and Codlish Balls,Cases Olam Chowder.

Fish Chowder and Gherkins,Cases Sausage Meat,

Cases Huckin's Tomato Soup,Cases " Mock Turtle Soup,

Cases " Ox Tail Soup,

Centrifugal Linings,Buckets, Lime Wnsli Boards,

uases uiiairs, Uotlon waste,Cases Yellow Metal Sheathing.

Keg's "Yellow M. Sheathing Nails,Bills Twine, B.iles Duck,

Hide Poison, Unseed Oil,Cases Turpentine,

Cases Brown Soap,y, bbls Mineral Paint,

Mammoth ltockers,Book Cases, Assorted,

Extension Top Carriages,Cases Curled Hair,

Drums of Caustic Soda.20 2m

Best Made Has no Equal.

Give it one trial on Tarnished Metalsand be Convinced.

It is a vegetablo polish nnd warrantedfreo from Acids, Poisons or Gritty s,

and is superior to anything ofthe kind heretofore offered to the publicfor cleaning and polishing Metal Signs,Hnilings, Show Cases, Hnrness Mount-ings- ,

Hand Instruments, Brass or .MetalLamps, Faucets Stair Hods, LocomotiveHeadlights, Gun Barrels, Brass, Copper,Silverware, Nickel, Tinware, Zinc, Steel,

AND ALL METALS.It is especially adapted to Marine,

Itailrnad, Stationary ami Fire EngineWorks (hot or cold), and being freofrom acids or grit, will not Injurejournals, bearings, the black letteringon metal signs, harness leather, or scratchtho llnest polished surface.

The cleanest and best Polish forLadies to use for Household and Kltch.cu use. It is put up neatly and conveni.ently lo suit all, in 1, 8 nnd 10 o., andlive pound boxes, and every box guaran-teed perfect.

3?rlooH, sr$o, SOo, 7fio fc 1.- -

Aside from its unequalled polishingqualities, its strongest claim on the pub-li- e

favor rests in its absolute purity andcleanliness, being a clean, creamy paste,easily and conveniently applied, ForSale only at

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO.Cull and get Sample Box.

Syl. J. Caktv, Solo Agent for Hawai-ian Island 18


iw Titn



EVENBNCPAPERwhich ooeb into

Most of the HousesIN HONOLULU.j



"The SI Merchant"

The Only Paper in Californiathat Advocates1 Hawaiian


A Splendid Advertising Medium

For Hawaiian Business Men desirous offorming trade connection's

on the Coast.

All Hawaiian papers kept on file andfull information given concerning

the Islands.

vYIVY OKDEKSEnd listed to the Proprietor will be

promptly and carefully executed,and no commission cuAiumn.

TERMS Three Hollors per annum;1.75 for six months.

Charles R. Buckland,Editor and Proprietor.

OFFICE 323 Front Street. Post-Offl-

Box, 23G0, San Francisco, California.


My Book of Instruction,

"SILK AND THE SILK WORM,"Gives all necessary information.

Price, Twenty-Fiv- e UrntH per copy.Silk Woim Eggs Reels, Trees, Cut-

tings, Seeds, &et, lor s.ilc at tho verylowest market lates.

Thermometer and Barometer Combined

For use of Silk Raisers, free by mailonly 75 cents.

I w ill be pleased to give informationto correspondents who apply by letter,inclosing two-cen- t stamp lor reply.Specimen ItoxoH of Cocuoiih .V Keel-

ed Silk, '45 Cents.;None but articles of the flist quality sold

Address all communications to

Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter,Practical Silk Culturist,

New Lisbon, Burlington Co.044 NEW JERSEY.


PRICE XiXST OFIMTiillbex-ry- - Trees.

wjiiti:.100 1000

18 to 24 inches-- - COc 4.00 $20.002 to :$ feet UOc G.00 115.003 to 4 feet $1.25 S.50 G5.00

KUNKIAX.l'KU 10 100 1000

4 toO inches... 5 2.00 $10.00(I to 12 inches.. COc 2.G0 15.0012 to 18 " .. (JOe y.50 20.0018 to 21 " .. 75c 5.00 SO.OO

2 toll feet ?t.00 7.00 40.00!J to 4 " 1.25 0.004. to 5 " 1.75 12.005 tot " 2.C0 10.00

Cuttings, per 100, $1.00; per 1,000, $0.00.White Mulberry Seed, per ounce, DO

cents; per pound, $3.00.Russian Mulbeiry Sued, per ounce, CO

cents; per pound, $7.00.

Miss Nellie Lincoln RossiterIs Agent for tho following papers:

South and West, 50c ayear;

Farmer's Call, weekly, 50c per year;Farmer's Home, monthly, 50c per year;Home and School Visitor, monthly,

70c per year.As au inducement to parties lo order

their Silk Worm Eggs during the bum.mer, to bo forwarded in tho tail, I offerpremiums, from April lht, as follows:For $1, 2,000 egirs, and u book of in-

struction.For $2, 5,000 eggs, book of Instruction

and any one paper.For $3, YiOZ. eggs, and any two papers.For $5, 1 oz. eggs, two papers and book.For $0.50, 2 oz. eggs, and three papers.For $14, 3 oz. ogga, 3 papers nnd book.For $17, 4 oz. eggs, and four papers.For $21, 5 oz. eggs, 4 papeis and book

Tho above charges "are tho regularlist prices for eggs," anil tho papers willbo sent as heio stated for one year.Those sending orders through tho sum-me-

accompanied by the cash amount,(Post-Ollle- o orders payable to me, onPost Ofllco, Pembertun, Now Joiscy, U,S. A.) will receive the premiums lowhich their order entitles them, g

at once, and tho eggs will bosent about November Ht.

XKLUU LIXCOfiX JlOHHITKIt,Practicnl Silk Culturist,,

New Lisbon, Bu:lington Co.,077 NEW JERSEY.

m inn sssssmaammaamammmmmmmmmmm3smmm

E, G SCHUIWAN,and Wagon IWlaker,

King Street, near Lincoln's.Ropniring, iihicksinithlng and every description in tho Carriage nml Wagon

lino inaniifncluivd. Kstimntos nnd drawings furnished for nil Car-

riage and Wagon building. 1 have also got up n new kind of BuggyCart, which for cheapness and practicability exceeds any cart everbrought to this couutry,



3E3. 3-

979 3ni King Street, adjoining Geo.

Frank Gertz,


would beg to notify the public in thathave Carriage nnd shop on

King at the old stand of 11. J. Rose,and lately occupied Messrs. WhitmanWright, where am prepared to do any kindof Carriage and Wagon woik, in first class,

and practical manner. By close andprompt to business, satisfactory

j '''l bUHBhIHf riil lri iriniH iHiirKrlii! nntl 4 4ETT31

GOODS JUSTExtract Dcef,

Starch, Raspberry Syrup,Mackerel boiled Tomatoo

Sniced Lamb'.' Tonmies.

reasonable charges, hopepublic patronage.

SOHUMAN,Lincoln, Contractor and Builder.

103 Fort Street,


Pinlcln Tlnll.TWH Trnllmul


lias received late steamers a splendid line

BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS,For Gentlemen and Children.

BSr Xoii'fc Pass tlie Door,Cm



Bapplc'stins: inJais flnst

low andsome of the


Hr., .:... A..'

by of


NEW MARIPOSA. Clbcl's Extract Bref, Lie-big-'s

Martin's Shoe Kingsford WashingCrysple Drip, 1 gallon tin; do y, gallonSuuee. Untiv N'.ihnh Smiw. I'lol.-lr-o

chovles in Oil, Cream Cheese, Cases Snloon Pilot Bread, do Medium Bread,Bird Seed, Kegs Family Butter, Dutch Sausages, Pohaseo Sauce, Fine TableRaisins, Bottled Lemon Syrups, Curried Oysters, Jars Soused Pigs' 'cet,ICcgs Soused Pigs' Feet, do German Pickles, do Anchovies, Swiss Cheese,Germca, Hemp Seed, Rape Seed, Bbls Salmon, Apples, Cala Dried Figs, doOnions.

SOMETHING NEW.-Oxf- ord Brawn, do Pigs' Feet, Cherries, Fresh Currants, doGooseberries, Pio Plant, Horse Radish Roots, Eastern Apples in Tins, Jarsand Shells, and a full line of staple and fancy groceries.

PRICES LOW. Goods guaranteed and delivered to all parts the city. FrcMiIsland Butler always on hand.

Island Orders solicited. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box 207. (7C2

ffi&SsHBP ho Ifcif&Pcsra&SVffi. AAV AiUiXllUOO UIU1U


Still to the Front

Large invoices of Goods (of all descriptions) having becnieccivcd by me, they

WILL BE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES,Than the same quality of (Goods can be purchased clbcwhcrc in Honolulu, and

satisfaction guaranteed. My stock consists of all kinds of AMERICAN,AND SYDNEY MANUFACTURE,

Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddle Cloths, School Bags, &c.,

Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, in Nickel and Silver Platen.The reputation of my HOME-MAD- E HARNESS for superiority of workmanship

and material remains unchallenged dining my six years' residence here.for the gencious of the past, its continuance and increase in

the future is respectlully solicited at the old btand.

S80 :tin Corner

Eiery Description of Jl PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,

Bill HeiuU


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Druf t Books

Delivery Books ..Enveloroi

Hand 13111s



1 generalJ opened a Wagon

Street,by &



I attention



I to



-a re









Thankful patronage


of Fort nnd King steels, Honolulu, II. I

Letter Headings

MM Labels

Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show funisI'..'UNr-k:-t- J Shipping Htce'ts

Statements S 'rn

fitja, i,,s!i;eS Via!, ,......"hhij vurun

, Way-Blll- s


inmmK t "maamtM.ijm mt







-- v,

rauiii - lfri 'J&i&JmkamtMLh! .MtMML4,r,;.AsjMMMa,: