r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper...

' f r wax 't ;'' jf-m- w JHy jioxouu, ii. i. Mu.sjiAV i;vi;mn.. ottoiskk i! imu, uaaomp-n- 0 GtllH MONTH BV AUTHORITY. C. BREWER & CO.. C.iSTlE & COOKE ftkt MlhNk ...... , Q'JCiTICM AHSWEHE3. Horn ( rml in. mu4 dm Malar Nlnla r MK. Hi M Ml : in orr to ouiiii rm iii'pnr'i I,-- it mil ,.M.'.U- - f r pi'iiplt. i ( mi l'rfl t'.iy arid do luine- - in II- - i,.!uln. I fi'i'fy : l!y the ue of a ,i,rm,3(i' fol.', thir Ifiepliifii', ,r i'orrrM,inh'i, If r'i ltin e i le .r-- l '. I', r I City, and one wuhe to lin t tiufne in lloiinliilu in p- - v,i,, take llv"l'i rl City ljcal" hiii l 1 5 .i at llii Honolulu !'. ii at C;lin the mormon, or Uk Ibr fcj'Olar sc'i'oiiiU)olation Irk. it . ll.ry hriug you in ul :h iA 1 1 m. mi., and I :' p. in.. i,d 7 p. in. n aturday. It i tltf iio ii'l pui.i' of the l,.i.j.; ii.. lit tliUl the O. U. A, I.. l'o,' tiaoi hll wrve the public fvO.fullr aiel aeeiptaliiv. The Vrl City Ixx-al- " n'arle.l wiuie loooth tln uX 'he rt"jiie.t of one nidi, pun l,-- r of land alio built tu houje, anil trusted in Hie proiiiiM' of ihe Company lo furoi-- h ti.e beedei ineai.t of tranijiortaltou. U it hoi one ii-- (he tar mi patrooiA'd mb ay ly a uuinOer of p04M-iit'- t r, ry iijj from Ii to 'i't. This Space is Reserve i X. S. SACHS, 104 Fort St, : : : : Honolulu. POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE. umri.ii, General Mercautile AM) Comruisaiou Ageuti i.inr t orin un: ). O. Cr(w PreoiiJi-u- t A MaiMger . II. Kolierumi 'ricatiiri-- r .. K. ISUhop .Veri-tar- W, V. Alli'ii...... A ml oi . oiKXcroK: Hon. C. K. ISi.lmp. S. C. Allen, II. H terliiiue. I -- HI 0KB KOB IALC PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'t COMPOUNDS and ROOFING REED'S PATENT hll Steam Pipe CoierlDg, All sizes. FERTILIZERS : wool Divr, iJONE MEAL, FLSH OUNO, ALSO BOCK OHIA.MDT'8 Higb Grade Chemical Cane Uanure. GRASSSEEDS : COCKBFOOT, Ki'E GRASS i And CLOVERS. j Refined Sugars, i fairbank Canning Co.'a Cornei1 Beef, I and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BAKHEL8. PAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper Hanging done promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone 150 tf Finance Department. Ul hKAf 01- CfS'lOMS, ) Honolulu, II. I., Oct. 17, ltl. Cl.ircin'i- L. C rabbi; hits this day Im cd aj'pointcd Port Surveyor for the Port anil Collection District of Hono-'ul- u, Oahu, vice John 1). Holt, nci. (j. E. HUMAN, Di'imty Collector. Approved : John Mott Smith, Minister of Finance. 24(5 :it Foreign Oiliee Notice. Foiikion Okfick, HONOU'U', Oct. L'l, IWIl. It has pleased Her Majesty the tucen to appoint and commission His Excellency . Hon. JOHN MOTT SMITH, Her Majesty's Minister of Finance, to "be Her Charge d'AH'aires pro tern, of the Hawaiian Legation at Washing- ton, 1). C, U. S. A. Fokkiun Office, 1 H0N0L11.0, Oct. 17, 1891. ( It has pleased Her Majesty the Queen to appoint and commission His Excellency Hon. SAMUEL PARKER, to be Her Majesty's Minister of Finance, ad interim. 24(i 3t Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, H. I., May 27, 1891. Notice is hereby given to all holders of water privileges that owing to the prolonged ijrouth, it is necessary that care bo used iu the use of water. Holders of privileges and the public generally are therefore respectfully requested to assist tho Department by exercising economy in the use of water. The irrigation hou.v are from 7 to 8 a. m., and 5 to 6 o'ci.vk p. m. JOHN C.WHITE, Hupt. Honolulu W ater Works. Approved : C. N. Spencer, Minister of the Interior. 121 tf COOKK, ll'lHIIK, Hardware, Shipping AM) C'otumibsioti Mercbarcs. IlKAi.lCnS IN General Merchandise I Plantation Apentt, Life, Fire & Manue Insurance Ageuti. II noxoi.ru:, ii. i. f9l ai ii.vki:iiv. T. liOKN, I'ractlcu! Ci.afeelioiier, Pastry Cook St linker. 71 Hotel St. -- tnWIW 'l elephone 74. BEAVER si4 SALOON The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours The Finest Brands of Ciiars, Mtt Tobacct Alwuy on lluiid. H. j!. SOI.TK, Proprietor. PAINTER 1 I V you want a First-cla- ss Job of Palut-- 1 ing of any desci iption done, call on the Practical Painter, J. L. SI kt only. Fort street 180. P. O. Box H7. Mutual Telephone (i(J2. loij tf X Sideboards, Whatnots. Hammocks. Baby Cribs & Carriages, Yard Brooms, Crockery A (ihissware, Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads. Brown & Blue .Mottled Simp, Etc., Ktc CASTLK & IHI'OICI Shipoing & Commission Merchants, PLANTATION A INWUUANCK AUKNTM, -- DUAUtkM BBUden' and General Hardware, AgricnltQral Implements, n XNT X-- Q j M UTUA L" rEL.'ao. j WeMt. Cor. iiiiiiiiu Sc Jiina Slrei ls. All kinds of NEW and SECOND-- AM) KIIK x ititi w ...1.1 !... for cash at thu I X L. The I X L pnyg the HIGHEST CASH I'liICK f fir nil Lririilsi tti I'LANTA'I'ION MCI'I'IIIM, Cftrpeuteri', BUckufiiitJm', Mucbinwt' A Mumberi' Twig, HOUSE FUltNISHlNG GOODS ! Kitchen UtniU, Fiut, Oil, Vroilie, lrnp Uoodn ud eiUe'i Steam Pomps, Weston's Ceotrlfagdls, Wilcox a Gl&bs, A Kemlngton Sewing Macblnes, Dr. Jaynfl 4 Sods Family Medicines neconu-iianu- : furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc. . IE YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in its entirety, call ut the I X L Auction & Commission House, corner Nuuaau and King street. Prompt Return Made on Goods Sold 011 Commission! f M jfUdf ,. 1 &4UM t: mIM fv IWatr ITr i rJr-- r if f , tnMt- tit. $m u4 Af t tjmtottt mi, Uni. turn, tt, i, ii I " M ttfcuKHNr Clooft ft4 Win Hiui4m, bun 4it, iUuuuiiu, n, t, m tttmii lis muijt. f'ninto, 4 4f ktuti, i Ant tfufi 4tii (4'iu MJ ntyuMtt U4fi tti-ltl- iu 1UIH- - St u4 tUi kUnUmi I4iiilli. MUriHU. MIMlt, H'tlMilllll, 1 .W X Atrium It, i'AtuiiuumUtu ttowm lit UMutM. i U urUxt Utr oil kind J hrj t,li.,MiA IfurutUtt, HlMUK, Ym t'utiiutUtui tmm ttuitlit in tllr u. HONOLULU IBOir W0EE8, h(M Kdiflixni, Huxr Mill, HoSWn, MivMu,r lA nvirf k:rij;tW0 mvUU unl, I'tnUittlur lU!iilUu to fcljn;Ui(IUli.)(, Jut) Work -- :ll4 W lfrt iwtU, 1.01 T. JS. WALKKH, Br?k, Htowe 1 WwxUtn BuIWIhk ((fvcn. Cemetery Work mi7 Job- - Tlli if. 10 :W a. u.im Mu2to!lr.M. huiiday, V to 10 A. M. J(ilknM!, t Hcliool t. Bull 'l ei, 149. ui-t- r. O. B. RIPLEy7 AKCIUTKCT. OtKumt Hitim b, HitrockwU' Block. WutuitlTli!lioiio w Dnif m I Ifodtrn Baildiogi I Coui;li)l plant anil niKuHlciitlom (or vcy (lMiii'litlon oj ;ull(llfi. CrtntincU lIlKWII UlllI l lllliflll Uplll'lllIUIKluUCiC of MiiiMtriiiftloii glvim wliun Cull uimI uxuuilim )lun, Bpr ly H. LOSE, (OTiniHMIO AKNT. I'ttUmton of "l.o.d'i Climnli'ul Coin-pi-imi- r1 r CluriryliiK Cunu Julcci of Hbldli miiillui m kvpt on lutnil. ' Ho will iiLtimil t l!llHlJIU( to llllll. OFPICIi No. 41 Mtrehinl Itrttl. . Tttli)ihoii t Muliiul c Hull 1S9. P 0, lloi ilHH, IVrri01i3! rpilfC piilmim uf Hih Oitimnlc H. H. Co. 1 Hi'" lituuliy iiiiililiiU (Hut huruuriot mi run ml or vxuiii nIoii ilckxtH will on ImhikhI for uny of thu i mul1 Hinuiiiiirn. 'I'liBiiii tlitknu will, however, li Umii'J tiiiHiouiHi r for tbo loogi Klaiimiiin 'AllHlriillit" uml "tiulaiidlu." I'HNMniiteri wlio hold rouml I rip tli'kuia uml wleli In tftkc thu through niull niimoiitr will liu i.lini'KiHl m exlia fura of aft. I'ur ordur of tlm Oocmilo H. 8. Co, Wm.Q. IHWIN ' Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at the Single & Double Hedroom Sets for sale at the Single & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles & Saddles for sale ut the Hooks, by standard authors, only 50cts, for sale at the Extra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at the AH Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the out. I now lo car are at lime re-in- u red Ui icoioi:ixlate the growing traftic. Other liaiu will lie added Ui meet all reawnalile demand of the proving city. Kvenin enter-laiiji- ni nu iu Honolulu will not l.e lot Ui the people of 1'earl City for ot cf the eu-- n t uimI umt iiieiiu of traiikput'talioii LllOMII. 'I'hiiik of Iteimr utile to take a firt-t'l- u cur, on a tirt-cla- t railway at your hack door. ud ride VI or l:J mile in "i' minute for l.'i ecnti! Our aecond-cla- H car are hetler than aome liitcla car on soine of the railway line in oider countries and on thee you can ride in ccinforl from I'eaii City to Honolulu for 10 cent under the condition named to pur-chaK- er of Tearl City lot. The cohI of living may truly he aid to lie high in thi country, hut no one can justly ay the cixtof railway ti:r ';Miitaiion make it m ! I venture to tuggest, Mr. Editor, that the railway i es- pecially the poor man' friend, and if it i the poor man' friend, it i everybody' friend. 1J. F. Dll.l.lNollAM, General Manager, Oahu Railway and Land Co. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Sp'endid Chance to Get Good Harnett , Cheap. On account of extreme ill health and having to take a long vacation, I therefore have to iscll out my large stock of rcady-mai- b harness at a aacrilice to keep my help huxy while I am away. 1 have nearly a hundred acts of hardens In hand of all kind, Genuine Rubber Trimmed, Imitation Rubber and Genuine Nickel, ninglu and double j Cart, Heavy Draught, Con- cord and I'low Harness, also aornu Mexican Saddles, Hawaiian and Cali- fornia Trees. Willi fourteen year' steady liusi-n- e in Honolulu, and with a Btcady increase each year, I feel mire that 1 have satisfied my customers. 1 have no sewing machines and sell no factory work, but everything is made by well-pai- d labor, and all my work is stamped before leaving the shop. I will now give to all my customers a large benelit through my misfor- tune of being sick. The people of the other islands can write to me and receive the same benefit of reduction as those who come and select harness themselves. All my old customers have the benelit of the quarterly account, but with strangers cash is preferred. CHAS. HAMMER, Old Corner Harness Shop, corner Fort and King Sis., Honolulu, H. I. lm Tliv Jie New Model Restaurant. Best dinner in town. Three courses for 25 cents. Weekly board given. 211 Iw Iiiiilding LotM For Sale. I70U ciilc Four Choice Lots jfiAm " alt miled between 'iburs-nrov-j- St ton ami Spencer aviMiues, :ts() feet froiilugi) liy 200 feet. deep. For terms apply to L..I. I.KVEY. 210 2w Cor. Fort St Ijueeu streets. MUI i;S Ml It SALE I i PAIRS of Fine II red Mules, t l hands high, a and 4 years HWlIU "f and well-brok- lobar-iies- n, Applv at Kawailou Kaueh, W to VV.A. Itl b K, 24 i Iw Malinger. To ui a It Miiy Concern 1 HI (! I. 'live to stale that I have I (li.'it- Hie 'eterlnry work forth W ilaiMi Oalry i Stock Co. m.iii' l.muar.v, Ishs. dur- ing tint L time the most stringent elfoits have been made to keep the Dairy Mock In perfect, health vVhcn a diseased anl-ui- ul Is discovered segregation or dcMi'iiclioii Is Immediately resorted to A. K. KOWAT, V. H. IIoiioliilu, II. I , Oct. 5, IS'JI. 2l0 2w TelopJionef, No. Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Kugs, Mosquito Nets, Tallies, Chairs, Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Feather Pillows, Bud Lounges, Sofas, Spring & Hair Matti asses, Wardrobes, Sold at tin Lowest Cash Prices at the I X L Auction & Commission House, corner of Xuuanu and King streets. l'KOl'KIKTOK. ttg- - Store Open Saturday Evening till 9 o'clock KKM, IB- - -- P. O. Box 372. V, O. Box 297. liJli - -- Telephono No. 12. AND KING STREETS. 1 Ghas. Hustace, Lincoln Block, King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets, JMI'ORTKIl & DEALKIl IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Freeh California Roll Butter & Ialand Butter ALWAYH ON HANI), Hew Ooodi received by every iteamcre from San Francisco. g0T All ordora faithfully uttondcd to ami nutidfiiction guuranteod. Inland order noliuitcd and narked with JOHN NOTT, Importer and Dealer in Telojiliono 240.. Steel ana Iron Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures, Rift ' ' ti ' ."T-'- Q Building Lots For Sale on the Mauka Side of Wilder Avenue, aid Between Makiki Street and the Line of Ke-wa- lo Street, Makiki. Honolulu, Oahu. Thirty-thre- e (33) Lots have been laid out on the mauka side of Wilder avenue and between Makiki street and the line of Kewalo street, Ma- kiki, varying in size from 75-10- 0 acre to 1 79-10- 0 acres, and are now ready for sale. Application in writing for the pur- chase of these lots at an upset price which can be ascertained at the Land Olllct- -- varying from $250 to 8500 each lot according to size aud loca- tion, will be received at the Interior Oflice. Application must state that they desire to purchase with inten- tion to improve the premises. The terms and conditions of sale will be cash, or at the option of the purchaser, one-fourt- h cash, and the remainder in equal installments pay- able in one, two and three years with interest payable semi-annual- ly at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. The purchaser must within one year from the date of purchase en- close the land bought by him with a good and substantial fence and lay on water from the Government pipes. Royal Patents will be issued for the land upon Final payments of the purchase price. A map of these lots can be seen and full particulars obtained at the Land Oiliee. Streets will soon be laid and graded and water mains will be laid adjoining all of the above lots at an early date. C. X. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Iuterior Otlice, Oct. 10, 1891. 240 lOt NOTICE THE undersigued will not be nor pay any accounts con- tracted w ithout his written or personal older. AUGCSTO F. GOXSALVE3. Honolulu, Oct. 15, 18U1. J5 lw LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, II. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers is Groceries & Provisions nor ON By each meaner of the O. H. H. Co. from California frubh Calafornia Koll Buttor, Kroxun Oyntora uml Knwli Culiforniii FruiU, Finh, (Jarno, VKal)lun, etc., etc. A commute line of CroH & BlaiikwfU'H & J. T. Morton's Cunnud A Bottlod Good h1 way on hand. AIho, jtint rccoivod a freh lino of (Icrriiun Tatea and I'ottud MoatH and Bottled I'renei vtid FruilH, Li win & Co. 'a MuIUino Brand Hr Cured llama and Bacon, New Breakfast CureulH, Cream Out Flak and Cream Wheat Fliiken, Hieily Lemon and California Kiveraidu Orange, Oregon Burliauk 1'otatoet, Ktc, Ktu., F.ie. Hatiafac'ion ruarantced. V, 0. Box 145.- - H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMl'OKTKHS AND DKALKK8 IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, Housekeeping Goods & Kitchen Utendls, AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY. WHITE, GRAY AND SILVER-PLATE- D LAJVIPS AND - FIXTURES. Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pomps, ' Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, KAST L'ORNKR FOUT New OooiU recidved by every packet from Eastern State and Europe, Frenh California Trodden by every aleamer. All order faithfully attended Ui and Uood dulivered to any purl of thu city froa of charge. Iiand order. ouoiUMi, Batuilaction guarauteed.

Transcript of r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper...

Page 1: r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper Hanging done promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone

' f r

wax 't ;'' jf-m-w JHy

jioxouu, ii. i. Mu.sjiAV i;vi;mn.. ottoiskk i! imu, uaaomp-n-0 GtllH MONTH


ftkt MlhNk ...... ,


Horn ( rml in. mu4 dmMalar Nlnla

r MK. Hi M Ml :

in orr to ouiiii rm iii'pnr'iI,-- it mil ,.M.'.U- - f r pi'iiplt. i( mi l'rfl t'.iy arid do luine- - inII- - i,.!uln. I fi'i'fy : l!y the ue of a,i,rm,3(i' fol.', thir Ifiepliifii', ,r

i'orrrM,inh'i, If r'i ltin e i le.r-- l '. I', r I City, and one wuhe

to lin t tiufne in lloiinliilu inp- - v,i,, take llv"l'i rl City ljcal"

hiii l 1 5 .i at llii Honolulu!'. ii at C;lin the mormon, or

Uk Ibr fcj'Olar sc'i'oiiiU)olationIrk. it . ll.ry hriug you in ul:h iA 1 1 m. mi., and I :' p.

in.. i,d 7 p. in. n aturday.It i tltf iio ii'l pui.i' of the

l,.i.j.; ii.. lit tliUl the O. U. A, I..l'o,' tiaoi hll wrve the publicfvO.fullr aiel aeeiptaliiv. The

Vrl City Ixx-al- " n'arle.l wiuieloooth tln uX 'he rt"jiie.t of onenidi, pun l,-- r of land alio builttu houje, anil trusted in HieproiiiiM' of ihe Company lo furoi-- h

ti.e beedei ineai.t of tranijiortaltou.U it hoi one ii-- (he tar mipatrooiA'd mb ay ly a uuinOer ofp04M-iit'- t r, ry iijj from Ii to 'i't.

This Space is Reserve i

X. S. SACHS,104 Fort St, : : : : Honolulu.


umri.ii,General Mercautile


Comruisaiou Ageutii.inr t orinun:

). O. Cr(w PreoiiJi-u- t A MaiMger. II. Kolierumi 'ricatiiri-- r

.. K. ISUhop .Veri-tar-

W, V. Alli'ii...... A ml oi

. oiKXcroK:Hon. C. K. ISi.lmp. S. C. Allen,

II. H terliiiue.I -- HI





hll Steam Pipe CoierlDg, All sizes.


wool Divr,iJONE MEAL,



Higb Grade Chemical Cane Uanure.




Refined Sugars, i

fairbank Canning Co.'a Cornei1

Beef, I and 2 lb. tins.



GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a callhave your i'aper Hanging done

promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street.P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone

150 tf

Finance Department.

Ul hKAf 01- CfS'lOMS, )

Honolulu, II. I., Oct. 17, ltl.Cl.ircin'i- L. C rabbi; hits this day

Im cd aj'pointcd Port Surveyor for thePort anil Collection District of Hono-'ul- u,

Oahu, vice John 1). Holt, nci.

(j. E. HUMAN,Di'imty Collector.

Approved :

John Mott Smith,Minister of Finance.

24(5 :it

Foreign Oiliee Notice.

Foiikion Okfick,HONOU'U', Oct. L'l, IWIl.

It has pleased Her Majesty thetucen to appoint and commissionHis Excellency


Her Majesty's Minister of Finance, to"be Her Charge d'AH'aires pro tern, ofthe Hawaiian Legation at Washing-ton, 1). C, U. S. A.

Fokkiun Office, 1

H0N0L11.0, Oct. 17, 1891. (

It has pleased Her Majesty theQueen to appoint and commissionHis Excellency


to be Her Majesty's Minister ofFinance, ad interim.

24(i 3t

Irrigation Notice.

Honolulu, H. I., May 27, 1891.

Notice is hereby given to all holdersof water privileges that owing to theprolonged ijrouth, it is necessary thatcare bo used iu the use of water.

Holders of privileges and the publicgenerally are therefore respectfullyrequested to assist tho Departmentby exercising economy in the use ofwater.

The irrigation hou.v are from 7 to8 a. m., and 5 to 6 o'ci.vk p. m.

JOHN C.WHITE,Hupt. Honolulu W ater Works.

Approved :

C. N. Spencer,Minister of the Interior.

121 tf


ll'lHIIK,Hardware, Shipping


C'otumibsioti Mercbarcs.


General Merchandise I

Plantation Apentt,Life, Fire & Manue

Insurance Ageuti.

II noxoi.ru:, ii. i. f9l

ai ii.vki:iiv.

T. liOKN,I'ractlcu! Ci.afeelioiier, Pastry Cook St


71 Hotel St. --tnWIW 'l elephone 74.


The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill HoursThe Finest Brands of

Ciiars, Mtt Tobacct

Alwuy on lluiid.H. j!. SOI.TK, Proprietor.


I V you want a First-cla- ss Job of Palut-- 1ing of any desci iption done, call on

the Practical Painter, J. L. SI kt only.Fort street 180. P. O. Box H7. MutualTelephone (i(J2. loij tf


Sideboards, Whatnots. Hammocks.Baby Cribs & Carriages, Yard Brooms,Crockery A (ihissware, Towels,Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads.Brown & Blue .Mottled Simp, Etc., Ktc



Shipoing & Commission Merchants,



BBUden' and General Hardware, AgricnltQral Implements,

n XNT X--Q

j M UTUA L" rEL.'ao. j

WeMt. Cor. iiiiiiiiu Sc Jiina Slrei ls.All kinds of NEW and SECOND-- AM) KIIK x ititi w ...1.1 !...

for cash at thu I X L.

The I X L pnyg the HIGHEST CASH I'liICK ffir nil Lririilsi tti


Cftrpeuteri', BUckufiiitJm', Mucbinwt' A Mumberi' Twig,


Kitchen UtniU, Fiut, Oil, Vroilie, lrnp Uoodn ud

eiUe'i Steam Pomps, Weston's Ceotrlfagdls,

Wilcox a Gl&bs, A Kemlngton Sewing Macblnes,

Dr. Jaynfl 4 Sods Family Medicines

neconu-iianu- : furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc.

.IE YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in its

entirety, call ut the I X L Auction & Commission House, corner Nuuaauand King street.

Prompt Return Made on Goods Sold 011 Commission!

f M

jfUdf ,. 1

&4UM t: mIM fv IWatr

ITr i rJr-- r if f

, tnMt- tit. $m u4 Af t

tjmtottt mi, Uni.turn, tt, i, ii I

" M ttfcuKHNr Clooft ft4 Win

Hiui4m, bun 4it, iUuuuiiu,n, t, m

tttmii lis muijt. f'ninto,

4 4f ktuti, i Ant tfufi 4tii (4'iu

MJ ntyuMtt U4fi tti-ltl- iu 1UIH- -St u4 tUi kUnUmi I4iiilli. MUriHU.

MIMlt, H'tlMilllll, 1 .W

X Atrium It, i'AtuiiuumUtu ttowmlit UMutM. i U urUxt Utr oil kind

J hrj t,li.,MiA IfurutUtt, HlMUK, Ymt'utiiutUtui tmm ttuitlit in tllr u.


h(M Kdiflixni, Huxr Mill, HoSWn,

MivMu,r lA nvirf k:rij;tW0 mvUUunl, I'tnUittlur lU!iilUu to

fcljn;Ui(IUli.)(, Jut) Work --

:ll4 W lfrt iwtU, 1.01


Br?k, Htowe 1 WwxUtn BuIWIhk((fvcn. Cemetery Work mi7 Job- -

Tlli if.

10 :W a. u.im Mu2to!lr.M.huiiday, V to 10 A. M.

J(ilknM!, t Hcliool t. Bull 'l ei, 149.ui-t- r.


OtKumt Hitim b, HitrockwU' Block.WutuitlTli!lioiio

w Dnifm I Ifodtrn Baildiogi I

Coui;li)l plant anil niKuHlciitlom (orvcy (lMiii'litlon oj ;ull(llfi. CrtntincU

lIlKWII UlllI l lllliflll Uplll'lllIUIKluUCiC ofMiiiMtriiiftloii glvim wliun CulluimI uxuuilim )lun, Bpr ly


I'ttUmton of "l.o.d'i Climnli'ul Coin-pi-imi- r1

r CluriryliiK Cunu Julcci ofHbldli miiillui m kvpt on lutnil.

' Ho will iiLtimil tl!llHlJIU( to llllll.

OFPICIi No. 41 Mtrehinl Itrttl. .

Tttli)ihoii t Muliiul c Hull 1S9.P 0, lloi ilHH,

IVrri01i3!rpilfC piilmim uf Hih Oitimnlc H. H. Co.1 Hi'" lituuliy iiiiililiiU (Hut huruuriot

mi run ml or vxuiii nIoii ilckxtH willon ImhikhI for uny of thu i mul1Hinuiiiiirn. 'I'liBiiii tlitknu will, however,li Umii'J tiiiHiouiHi r for tbo loogiKlaiimiiin 'AllHlriillit" uml "tiulaiidlu."I'HNMniiteri wlio hold rouml I rip tli'kuiauml wleli In tftkc thu through niullniimoiitr will liu i.lini'KiHl m exlia fura of

aft.I'ur ordur of tlm Oocmilo H. 8. Co,


Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at theSingle & Double Hedroom Sets for sale at theSingle & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles &

Saddles for sale ut theHooks, by standard authors, only 50cts, for sale at theExtra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at theAH Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the

out. I now lo car are at lime re-in- u

red Ui icoioi:ixlate the growingtraftic. Other liaiu will lie addedUi meet all reawnalile demand ofthe proving city. Kvenin enter-laiiji- ni

nu iu Honolulu will not l.elot Ui the people of 1'earl City for

ot cf the eu-- n t uimI umtiiieiiu of traiikput'talioii

LllOMII.'I'hiiik of Iteimr utile to take a firt-t'l- u

cur, on a tirt-cla- t railway atyour hack door. ud ride VI or l:Jmile in "i' minute for l.'i ecnti!Our aecond-cla- H car are hetler thanaome liitcla car on soine of therailway line in oider countries andon thee you can ride in ccinforl fromI'eaii City to Honolulu for 10 centunder the condition named to pur-chaK- er

of Tearl City lot. The cohIof living may truly he aid to lie highin thi country, hut no one can justlyay the cixtof railway ti:r ';Miitaiion

make it m ! I venture to tuggest,Mr. Editor, that the railway i es-

pecially the poor man' friend, andif it i the poor man' friend, it i

everybody' friend.1J. F. Dll.l.lNollAM,

General Manager, Oahu Railway andLand Co.


Sp'endid Chance to Get Good Harnett, Cheap.

On account of extreme ill healthand having to take a long vacation,I therefore have to iscll out my largestock of rcady-mai- b harness at aaacrilice to keep my help huxy whileI am away.

1 have nearly a hundred acts ofhardens In hand of all kind, GenuineRubber Trimmed, Imitation Rubberand Genuine Nickel, ninglu anddouble j Cart, Heavy Draught, Con-cord and I'low Harness, also aornuMexican Saddles, Hawaiian and Cali-fornia Trees.

Willi fourteen year' steady liusi-n- e

in Honolulu, and with a Btcadyincrease each year, I feel mire that 1

have satisfied my customers.1 have no sewing machines and sell

no factory work, but everything ismade by well-pai- d labor, and all mywork is stamped before leaving theshop.

I will now give to all my customersa large benelit through my misfor-tune of being sick.

The people of the other islandscan write to me and receive the samebenefit of reduction as those whocome and select harness themselves.

All my old customers have thebenelit of the quarterly account, butwith strangers cash is preferred.

CHAS. HAMMER,Old Corner Harness Shop, corner

Fort and King Sis., Honolulu,H. I. lm

Tliv Jie New Model Restaurant.Best dinner in town. Three coursesfor 25 cents. Weekly board given.

211 Iw

Iiiiilding LotM For Sale.

I70U ciilc Four Choice LotsjfiAm " alt miled between 'iburs-nrov-j- St

ton ami Spencer aviMiues, :ts()feet froiilugi) liy 200 feet. deep. For termsapply to L..I. I.KVEY.210 2w Cor. Fort St Ijueeu streets.


i PAIRS of Fine II red Mules,t l hands high, a and 4 yearsHWlIU "f and well-brok- lobar-iies- n,

Applv at Kawailou Kaueh, Wto VV.A. Itl b K,

24 i Iw Malinger.

To ui a It Miiy Concern 1

HI (! I. 'live to stale that I haveI (li.'it- Hie 'eterlnry workforth W ilaiMi Oalry i StockCo. m.iii' l.muar.v, Ishs. dur-ing tint L time the most stringentelfoits have been made to keepthe Dairy Mock In perfect,health vVhcn a diseased anl-ui- ul

Is discovered segregationor dcMi'iiclioii Is Immediatelyresorted to

A. K. KOWAT, V. H.IIoiioliilu, II. I , Oct. 5, IS'JI.

2l0 2w

TelopJionef, No.Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Kugs,Mosquito Nets, Tallies, Chairs,Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers,Feather Pillows, Bud Lounges, Sofas,Spring & Hair Matti asses, Wardrobes,

Sold at tin Lowest Cash Prices at the I X L Auction & Commission House,corner of Xuuanu and King streets.


ttg-- Store Open Saturday Evening till 9 o'clock


IB- -

-- P. O. Box 372.

V, O. Box 297.


-- Telephono No. 12.



Ghas. Hustace, Lincoln Block,King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Freeh California Roll Butter & Ialand Butter


Hew Ooodi received by every iteamcre from San Francisco.

g0T All ordora faithfully uttondcd to ami nutidfiiction guuranteod. Inlandorder noliuitcd and narked with

JOHN NOTT,Importer and Dealer in

Telojiliono 240..

Steel ana Iron Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures,

Rift ' ' ti ' ."T-'-Q

Building Lots For Sale on the MaukaSide of Wilder Avenue, aid BetweenMakiki Street and the Line of Ke-wa- lo

Street, Makiki. Honolulu, Oahu.

Thirty-thre- e (33) Lots have beenlaid out on the mauka side of Wilderavenue and between Makiki streetand the line of Kewalo street, Ma-

kiki, varying in size from 75-10- 0

acre to 1 79-10- 0 acres, and are nowready for sale.

Application in writing for the pur-

chase of these lots at an upset pricewhich can be ascertained at the LandOlllct- -- varying from $250 to 8500each lot according to size aud loca-

tion, will be received at the InteriorOflice. Application must state thatthey desire to purchase with inten-

tion to improve the premises.The terms and conditions of sale

will be cash, or at the option of thepurchaser, one-fourt- h cash, and theremainder in equal installments pay-

able in one, two and three years withinterest payable semi-annual- ly at therate of 7 per cent per annum.

The purchaser must within oneyear from the date of purchase en-

close the land bought by him with agood and substantial fence and layon water from the Government pipes.

Royal Patents will be issued forthe land upon Final payments of thepurchase price.

A map of these lots can be seenand full particulars obtained at theLand Oiliee.

Streets will soon be laid andgraded and water mains will be laidadjoining all of the above lots at anearly date.

C. X. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Iuterior Otlice, Oct. 10, 1891.240 lOt


THE undersigued will not benor pay any accounts con-

tracted w ithout his written or personalolder.

AUGCSTO F. GOXSALVE3.Honolulu, Oct. 15, 18U1. J5 lw

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, II. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers is Groceries & Provisionsnor ON

By each meaner of the O. H. H. Co. from California frubh Calafornia KollButtor, Kroxun Oyntora uml Knwli Culiforniii FruiU, Finh, (Jarno, VKal)lun,etc., etc. A commute line of CroH & BlaiikwfU'H & J. T. Morton's CunnudA Bottlod Good h1 way on hand. AIho, jtint rccoivod a freh lino of (IcrriiunTatea and I'ottud MoatH and Bottled I'renei vtid FruilH, Li win & Co. 'a MuIUinoBrand Hr Cured llama and Bacon, New Breakfast CureulH, Cream OutFlak and Cream Wheat Fliiken, Hieily Lemon and California KiveraiduOrange, Oregon Burliauk 1'otatoet, Ktc, Ktu., F.ie. Hatiafac'ion ruarantced.

V, 0. Box 145.- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,

Housekeeping Goods & Kitchen Utendls,AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY.


LAJVIPS AND - FIXTURES.Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pomps,

'Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,


New OooiU recidved by every packet from Eastern State and Europe,Frenh California Trodden by every aleamer. All order faithfully attendedUi and Uood dulivered to any purl of thu city froa of charge. Iiand order.ouoiUMi, Batuilaction guarauteed.

Page 2: r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper Hanging done promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone

PURL HAfiiJGR mUKUOM.BY AUIHCRIir.s if tel ciir I!


THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF NEW YORK.Itl fl tlttl t. 'IH I Hilt. rr.Mdinl.

Issues Evory Dslrnblo Form of Policy I. . .

ithH.pHid.ineuib.tmii'.t,,,,,.,.,,,,!,,,, jhRU HUNDRtD AND FOUR MILLIONS Of DOLIARS.fu New Policy Ii the rnt Hbml nit offered by uny luurnrB Ccuipany.

HT For full particulars apply to

h. it. it i:.' Onrrnl Acnt for (he Hawaiian Inland.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.,Honolulu.Fort Street,


'tin: a uu: lev

lit 1H

Motto: "The Survival of tin Fittest.'


The Old Favorite "Eddjf Z,K


IXL Pocket CutleryWade & Batchers' Razors,

Slielf Hardware, Agricultural Imple-ments, Vacuum Oil,

PlanUtion Supplies in Great Variety.


Art Rooms, : : Mclnerny Hall.riCTI KK FJtASllSU TO OKI Kit 1



4tir All our GOODS greatly reduced in order to make room for NewImportations to arrive.

af-- Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be filled atthe same low prices.

:o :

Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. CLARK.

lOO Fort Street,

I 'l . ,-

i: a l. t . ...i

l ', li f IV' '

ii i f I . 'i ii n... i i. ' I i..' ' ' ' ' ' I 'i 'II n I hi' i,.- I,..

pit. .1.1 4 ' I I'" I, V. I

1 I ' I'l ,i I If. II I. I...f 1(1111 'I .1

Ml,. I ' i of !ir an tc .ili'lci in .ii in li pet d l Ki mi ii I

( ( I'.A It iiiiii'i' af ei tut' iippii'iitcd

lime mi pi in, it ii'tt iii li u'lxe iheorder "all itlio.tui" ami half a d..eiiwiil tilled coaches 'hart i, l' an i

cili hi I lull Us hi lot o.iiol it e, pulledmil flii'n the depot, li was a delight-ful and the whole company weiu-e- d

III tin bi", I of piritt and e idel,tlt'liiOM 'l the ride through the lit-h- ofrice, now heading out well with

of a full cri p. At we ntaredthe 1'eail Lochs and -- killed alongtheir northern short s the whole com-pany were enthusiastic over the view.Ami truly it is a charming scene!1 he irregular arms of the lochs asthey stretch northward from themam entrance at the sea remindingone of a huge leaf in shape; theirrippling waters, fanned into life andgentle motion by the constant breezessweeping across their surface, thejutting forks of laud as they pushthemselves down into the waters,holding the laving of their wavesfrom fan her inroads; the wavinggroves of cocoauut palms dottetlalong the margin of the lochs andunder w hich nestle the peaceful homesof the fisherman or some cultivatorof an adjacent rice field, the beauti-ful foliage and shade of the algerobaforests ; the curling smoke from thedistant pumping stations of the EwaMill anil the bold and rugged out-line of the Waianae mountain rangeso clearly defined against the westernsky, all combine to present a pictureseen in no other land and which longproduce pleasant memories in theminds of the beholders.

Arriving at Remond Grove thetrain cauie to a halt anil all alightedand were immediately piloted to thepavilion where some liliO guests satdown and all did justice to the lunchof eoltl chicken, ham, salads, sand-wiches, iced coffee, etc., served by"mine host," Johnson of the Hawai-ian Hotel. After being refreshed inthe inner man, we again boarded thetrain and started for the Peninsula.Here the O. R. & L. Co. have donea great deal of work. Streets havebeen laid out and cleared, and theentire peninsula allotted, staked outand numbered. Water pipes havebeen laid on from the artesian wellsand the reservoir, and the stream ofwater as thrown from the attachedhose shows a good How and pressureof water. An artificial lake is beinglaid out and dug opposite the five-acr- e

lot set aside for a public park,i,he location of which is admirablyselected. Everyone seemed charmedwith this beautiful spot and therecould hardly be a better selection forresidence homes for our metropoli-tan citizens. It is hard to conceivea sheet of water better adaptetl toboatiug and aquatic sports than arethe lochs of l'earl Harbor. Thewriter has traveled far and visitedmany lands, but has never seen itsequal in that respect, and the peopleof Honolulu will do well to grasp itscapabilities and future piobabilities.The eastern side gathers and catchesthe stronger breezes and gives lifeand animation, while the leeward orwestern side of the Peninsula isplacid and calm, yet has the refresh-ing shade of the grove. We all tooktrain and returned to Honolulu in 28minutes from the Grove, better thanWaikiki car time, and unanimouslyreturned a vote of thanks to the 0- R.& L. Co. for our outing.

One of the Ckowd.


The ball game between the Iwileisand St. Louis on Saturday, althoughnot largely attended, was as good aswas expected. 'The Iwilei team start-ed in with very loose playing, there-fore allowing their opponents in thefirst innings to score live runs. TheSt. Louis being just a little encour-aged and no doubt confident of awalkover allowed the Iwilei to tallythree runs. The Iwilei battery--Pry- ce

and Kipa played a fair gamewhile the fielders showed up ratherpoorly. Wui, Young at third bagplayed his usual game and coachedwitli first-clas- s results. The St.Louis battery Long and J. Laneplayed loosely. J. Lane, twirler forthat team, has a swift ball, but i9not steady, the swiftness of his rightgiving way in the seventh inning,and Win. Kane replaced him in thebox. The I.wileis tietl the St. Louis in

the ninth inning, w hen the latter teamthought they had them just wherethey wanted. In the extra inningthe St. Louis, firat to bat, scored onerun ; the Iwilei entered for the finalhalf, and, by dint of heavy battingand pretty base running, scored tworuns, with none out. The scorestood II to 8 in favor of the Iwileistheir first game this season. A goodgame is expected next Saturday, be-

tween the Crescent and Ahiolani.Following is the score by innings:

Iwilei 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2- -9St. Louis 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 18


For littligrglion,

Dvspepsia ami discuses incident there-to.

UlJJIlllUllll lllilllilliJiiue Nlreet. Honolulu.

Ex client accommodation for patieuts.

DIt. A. II. ROWAT, V. S.Ollice Hours 7:30 to 10 a. in.; 12:30

to 2 p. in.; 4:30 to ti p. in.

TELEfuoNKs: Bell 9. Mutual 183.P. O. Box 326. mtf

- a 'il !. i mi mi ii in c i l.i

.1. f I'' ,t.l i i' . I.. II

,... it 1.. l'.,i--

I I II .1 A , I .. I N. It fillll.l

i ij i ii H I DS ..i i . . I

.:l-'- . .'! 1:' '. :, k n ".ii.

217 2t


wi-- h t.. a. Id ton ti'stinmiiv toWK the Swci'tni'i's and l'mity of

the l'earl City Water Supply. Thewill bored by UK at I 'call

City is one of the very best on thisisland, and few if any supply sweeter

Wilier.Mi C ANDLLSrt BHOS.

221 tf

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


HouseholdFurniture !

Oct. 20Lli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. .11 .

At tlie residence of Mr. II. S imian, No.57 Merchant street, 1 will sell at PublicAuction

The Entire Household FurnitureComprising

Hair Cloiti Sofa & (MrsWicker Rockers & Chairs,Pictures, Hanging Lamps,

Double Bedroom Sets.Wool Spring Mattrasses,Carpets, Mosquito Nets.Meat Safe, I'.te., Etc.

JAS. P. MO KG AN,'i 17 It Auctioneer.

Sale of Lease of Land at Ha-law- a,


I have lieen instructed to sell at Pub-lic Auction, at my alesronm, Queenstreet,

Ou Til UIISDAY, Oct 23d,AT 14 O'CLOCK 0l.

The Lease of 30 Acres

Of Land situated at Dalavva, Oahu, to-

gether with the use of the Artesian Wellon the premises.

'1'ho Lease is for 20 years from Sept. 1,188!), at an annual rental ol .00, paya-ble quarterly in advance.

The Land Is suitable for the cultiva-tion of rice and offers an unusual oppor-tunity to enframe in a rice plantation orgeneral fannhu;, having an assurance rfabundant water from the Artesian Well.

There will lie sold together with theLease the following Farming Imple-ments: 1 Hay Press, 2 Wa-gons, 1 Hay ( utter, 2 Hiee Plows,

2 Heavy I lows, 2 DoublePlow Harness, 2 Scythes. 2 Grind Stones,1 Dwelling House, Harris, .ChickenHouse, Pig Pens, Etc., Etc.

ta" For further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MOHGAN,247 3t Auctioneer.


OTIPK ts lipinlii' ffitrnn H...Ithe following described

animals will he sold at public- auctiouon SATl'KDAY, Oct. 31, I8!U, at 12

o'clock noon, at the (ioveriuneut Poundat Makiki :

1 Cream-colore- Horse with whitestreak on forehead, bobtail, both frontfeet black, both hind feet white, hrauiled' Kh" on right hind side.

1 Black Horf-- with white streak onforehead, left hind foot white, all othersblack, branded "D" on right hind side.

fair Owners of the above animals mustsend in their claims within 14 days,otherwise they will be sold on the dateabove named. D. KAOAO,

Government Pouudmastttr.Honolulu, Oct.. 1!), 1891. 217 2t


my absence from theDUKING S. McCain less will act forme under full power of attorney.

L. L. McOANDLESS.Honolulu, Oct. 1(1, 18'J1. 245 3t


the absence of RichardDUIUXG from the Kingdom, W.W.Wright will act for him' under fullpower of attorney.

Honolulu, Oct! 17, 1891. 24(i 3t


COTTAGE containinga parlor, 3 bedrooms

and bathroom on Nuiiauustreet, adjoining the Eagle House. Ap-ply to Eajile House. 221) tf

Homesteads For Sale I

WILL sell ou live or-te-

years time. Eight ChoiceLots on King street, adjoin

ing in v resilience, Palama.'244 iw WILLIAM 11 AMMOXD.


TUK Very Desirable Kesi- -

street near the corner of Pen-saco- la

street, presently occupied by P.F. August Elders. House contains par-lors, cinii'g-rooi- n, kitchen, three cham-bers, bathroom, pantry, veranda roomsand ample closet space. Possession givenDecember 1st. Inquire at

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,S45 U Fort street, opp. Spreckek.

'':':-"- N

I nit nai.i:



Hy order of the Oaiii' Kmi.wav &

Lank (Vimi'anv I will offer forsale at Public Auction

At the New Store of the PacificHardware Co , Fort St.,

On WEDNESDAY, Oct. 21,1891,


A limited number of Valuable Seasideand Country Residence

Sites on the


This truly enchanting location forsuburban homes must be seen to beappreciated ; a lovely grove of alge-rob- a

trees covers the entire "rounds,streets 80 feet, in width are laid out,anil pipes arc lii in laid toconduct water from a h arte-

sian well which is pronounced hyMcCaiitlless Hros. to How the sweet-

est water of all the wells they havebored on this island. The HailwayCo. have conslructed two reservoirswith a storage 'capacity of over twomillion gallons, and built a flume ex-

tending miles into Wuiavva Val-

ley, which in years of ordinary rain-

fall will supply an abundance ofpure witter for a large population ;

to guard against such droughts aswe have experienced during the pre-sent, year, the Company have ordereda Blake Pump with a capacity of450,000 gallons per day, which willbe replaced by one or more of largercapacity when needed. This pumpnow due from the manufacturers willbe placed at once at the artesian wellfrom which water will be forced intothe reservoirs, when not suppliedfrom the mountains.

A block containing an area of liveacres has been reserved for a Hotel,and another beautiful lot of the samearea is also reserved for a PublicPark, which the Company proposeto make one of the most delightfuland attractive resorts to be foundanywhere.

This place has all the charms ofWaikiki, with the adtlition of an in-

land sea seven miles long anil fourmiles wide, affording boating andyachting facilities second to none in

the world.

Pearl City is situated about half-

way between the extreme easternand western points of Pearl Harbor.The inakai end of Pearl City Penin-sula points to the entrance of theharbor, and is destined some day(not so remote as some peo-

ple may think) to lie the greatcommercial emporium of the Pacific.The Pearl City Branch of the Com-

pany's lino extends down the centreof the Peninsula within say 1,000feet of the shore on either side.

BkiT Intending purchasers are in-

vited by the O. K. & L. Co. to callat my ollice for free tickets nndmaps of Pearl City.

The Company will bind themselvesin the deed to carry purchasers,their families and servants for aterm of nine years from date of pur-chase at l cents per mile first-clas- s,

and 1 cent per mile second-clas- s.

Those who build residences on theirlots within 12 months from date ofpurchase, will thereby secure a re-

duction from the above rate for thewhole time of sajr 20 percent, mak-ing the fare each way 15 cents first-clas- s,

and 10 cents second-clas-

This rare spot of earth is quitelimited in area, and those who wouldsecure a lot valuable now but des-

tined in the near future to be worthmany times its present value, will bewise to improve their opportunity.

SfcS" The valuable water privilegesattaching to the land have been pur-chased at an extra cost of severalthousand dollars. Purchasers nf lotswill therefore have the free privilegeof the fisheries.

T 10 It jl W :


One-four- 1 Y- - ar,One-fourt- 2 Years,

One-four- 3 Years,

Secured by Mortgage, Interest at 7 PercentPer Annum, Pay.ble

t&" Company will furnish Deedsand Mortgage free of charge.

Stamping, Recording and Ac-

knowledging at expense of purchaser.

JAS. F. MORGAN,215 34t Auctioneer.

Reg to call atteution to their Large and Varied Stock of



'Monarch" Unlaundried at $1.00 Each !


t& Examine our lower window for Goods and Prices,


Cucumber Juice Skin Tonic!


Tax Payer ol the District ofKonti, Oahu.

Tlu Hooks of tin- Tuxfor I lit l'Ntriit nf lviii:i. I -- biii'l n(

Oulni. will lie open for inspt ri hii lvpHOIIS llulllt! Ill t UXUt II III 1 It Ml'lil-

her .'dtli to November IM, I I

(Sunday t xccptt'il), in llic Kapua-iw- a

Building, between the hours of '

o'clock in I hi.' forenoon and I o'clockin the iiftcrnooii ; Saturdays until I'.'

o'clock noon.T. A. LLOV1),

Deputy Tax Assessor, District ollvonu, Island of Oahu.

Approved :

C. A. Bi:ovn,Assessor and Collector of Taxes

1st Division. i IC 2w

Sale of Lease of the Govern-ment Land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no- a,



at 12 o'clock noon, at the front en-

trance of Aliiohuii J I. tie will lie soldat public auction ye lease of thatGovernment land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no-

Oahu, containing an area of 17 .J

acres more or let-s-.

Term Lease for 15 years.Upset price $10 per annum, pay-

able semi-annuall- y in advance.0. N. SPKNl'KK,

Minister of the 1 nlerioi'.Interior Ottice, Oct. 10, I.V.H.

' '.'10 4t

Irrigation Notice.Honolmli-- , II. I., May 27, lS'.H.

Notice is hereby given to all holderof water privileges that owing to theprolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be utied in the use of water.

Holders of privileges and the publicgenerally are therefore respectfullyrequested to assist the Departmentby exercising economy in the use of

water.The irrigation liou.v are from 7 to

8 a. m., and 5 to 6 i.ci k p. m.

JOHN (.. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

C. N. Sl'E.VCKR,

Minister of the Interior.121 l,f

T Jl V.


Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of alt.

MONDAY, OCT. 19, 1801.


The Review of Reviews for Octo-

ber in an editorial paragraph says:"Much comment has been arousedby Mr. Bishop's very remarkable ex-

position, in the American Review of

Reviews for last month, of the stra-

tegical importance of the SandwichIslands. Since the publication of

that article the 1'rince Consort', JohnO. Doininis, has died, and there hasbeen no little uneasiness in politicaland diplomatic circles at Honolulu.The necessity is clear for a vigorousrenewal of the negotiations by ourGovernment for the acquisition of

l'earl Harbor as an American navalstation." The "no little uneasiness"in the foregoing the Review has gotfrom false reports in the newspapers.However, Mr. Slead is quoted as

writing in the English edition of theReview the following: "The UnitedStates of America have decideddefinitely not to allow l'earl Harborto slip from their grasp, l'earl Har-

bor will be, in their hands, the Maltaof the Pacific." It is a wonder thejournalists of the United States do

not lake their cue regarding Britishideas concerning this kingdom from

the comments of British journalistson America's relations with the Isl-

ands. These are invariably of thetenor of tacit acknowledgment thatthe Hawaiian Islands are the particu-

lar charge of the United Stales, farbefore that of any other friendlyPower, from preponderance of com-

mercial relations and contiguity ofsituation, as well a9on other groundsto be found in the correlative historyof the big republic and the littlekingdom. If the editors of the greatnewspapers in the United .States,

which have published sensationalstories about Riitisli intrigue here to

add the Islands to the British Em-

pire, had reflected a moment theywould not have committed the ab-

surdity of presuming that British im-

perial policy could manifest itself in

Honolulu in a fehape entirely differ-

ent from the way it is expressed in

the public mouthpieces of London.

; -t o..' i V I t II

Itrewt-- r Itlot-k- .

: : : $1 OO: : 50

: : : 25


Auction Sale. Ly Jimes F. Morgan.


Wediiendiy, : : Octr ber 2Ut.

I!y order of the OAIII' RAILWAY& I. AMI CO., and in iiccortlrtiict; withmy iitlvt'rtiM'iiitnt now before thepublic, I hIiiiII oiler for mile at i'ublicAuction,

Oa WEDNESDAY, Oct-b- er 21st.

AT 111 O IMK H

At llic New Store of the 1'.. die Hard-ware Co., Foit islrcct,


HOUSE LO'S!Occupying that most desirable loca-

tion known as the


No. of Block Lots as Follows:JJi-o- t K 2'i-L- oii. 5, fi, J, 10, :!, 14, 15,

Ki, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, ill, 32,.'III, 34.

Kloi k 2(1 Lots 5, 0,7, 8, 11, 12, 13,17, 18, 19.

llLot K 27 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 10, 20,21, 22.

Hun k 27 Lots 20, 27, 28, 2'J, 37, 3(i,35, 31.

lii.oi'K 28 Lots 5, (I, 7, 8.

iii.oi K 28 Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 28, 2!),30, 31, 3(i, 37, 38.

IIi.ock 28 Lou 20, 21, 22, 23.

Block 211 Lots 1, 2, 3, I, !), 10, 11

14, 15, KI, 18, 21, 22.

Block 2'.) Lot 17.

Block 35 Lots 3, 4, f.Block 35 Lots 8, !), 12, 13.

Block 35 Lots Ki, 17.

Block 35 Lots 18, 19.Hlock 3d Lots 1, 2.

Block 30 Lots 5, (i, 9, 10.

Block 40 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9.

Block 40 Lots 21, 20, 10, 15, II, 13.

Block 41 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11,12.

Block 41 Lots 17, 18, 19, 20.Block 42 Lots 5, 0, 7, 8.

Block 42 Lots 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22.

Block 43 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 13,14, 15, 10, 17, 18.

Block 44 Lots 5, 0, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15,10, 21, 22, 23, 24.

J VS. P. SIOKGAN,235 1 It Auctioneer.

Administrator's Sale


Of Lands of Fowler s Yard !

By order of V. C. I'arke, Adminis-trator of the Estate of Geo. Snyder,deceased, I will sell at Public Auc-

tion, at my Salesroom, Queen street,

On SATURD AY, Oct. 24th,AT I O'CLOCK. Sl0.

The following Leases of Lands com-

prising Fowler's Yard,Honolulu :

1 Lease from Trustees of theBishop Estate to George Snyderdated Jan. 7, 1889, for 10 years atS550, payable yearly in advancefrom Jan. 1, 1889, paid to Jan. 1,1892, covers premises known as"Kamoo," in Fowler's 1 ard, the'same being the ones granted by the.Crown Commissioners to M. J. RoseJan. 1, 1871, containing an area of777 square fathoms.

2 Lease from II. A. Widemannto Geo. W. Fowler, assigned bv himto Geo. Synder Dec. 31, 1888, datedAug. 8, 1884, for 15 years fromJuly 1, 1884, rent $400 per annumpayable quarterly, paid to Oct. 24,1891, comprises au area of 1 roodand 18 perches, and are same pre-mises described in R. P. No. 7427.

3 Lease from Sam'l C. Allen andM. P. Robinson, Trustees of the Es-

tate of J. Robinson, deceased, toGeo. Fowler and assigned by him toGeo. Snyder Dee. 31, 1888, datedJune 1, 1884, rent at $450 per an-nii- iu

(now reduced to $325), paya-ble quarterly, paid to Nov. 1, 1891,premises fronting on Sawyer's laneand back of the present "RobinsonBlock."

There are subleases to, 1st, Thos.J. King for 8.J years from July 1,1890, for $15 per month; 2nd, Ahifor 10 years from Jan. 1, 1882, at$1 per month ; 3rd, Ahi for 9i yearsfrom Dec. 1, 1882, for $1?50 permonth.

Sale for the reoidue of the termsof the respective leases, subject toall the covenants and agreements inthem contained, together with theFurniture of the estate used in thelodging-room- s more or less in itspresent condition.

TERMS CASH. Conveyances atexpen-- c of purchaser. Immediatepossesion given.

SeUT For further particulars applyto V. C. Parke, Administrator, or to

JAS. P. MORGAN,'Stl lit Auctioneer.

Largo Size :

Medium Size :

Trial Size :

It is harmless and eflicacious. It is a purely vegetable preparation.It is really made from cucumbers. It removes sunburn, tan and

blackheads.It prevents and cures poison oak. It prevents soreness after shaving.It prevents and cures chapping, etc. It .is .elegant to use before

applying powder.It softens, whitens and smoothes the skin. It gives universal

satisfaction.It is reasonable in price. It is just what every one needs.

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

1 13-- 1 15 Fort Street. .... Uunolnln, II. I.


RUGS--- M1 Etaal Pattens ii all SWIGSChinese Matting, White& Fancy;

English Bedroom Sets, complete;IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS & CRIBS,


Gent's Furnishing Goods !


Ladies' & Gent's Waterproof Coats with Sleeves or Cape,FULL



barren's Rotary Kaife Cleaners I

A labor saving machine without which no kitchen is complete.


Page 3: r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper Hanging done promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone

OAIIU RAILWAY & LMiD CO.'S urfM1 III ll.llll Ji S !

I MllVI AM A I I I.M I. !H

4 4 .

. I, , .' ' f" il ( n . I 'l J. k . i I



I: .,.

We hnvc recM";j n aampio Lot of Choice


III' ll Ml- - llll. T til ,lVl'r 41 I lit Wl'i'll.,M Ml

Straifon and Storm Cigars !

In I i rijf 'n ri'l .

Pet Cigarettes and Tobacco

HOLLiSTR &. CO.,llnnulula. II. I.ltt turt Hir. t 1

Hkick Wi


HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Htreet, njipn. Hprcckels' Bank, Honolulu.




III,. Ill f

'I in iM.irnl; ui I oi.,.i.i!.n infill 1,.! . uii'i.. (

in. li

'1 IIM I hk In; 11 ' ' M - 11

III).' I ho ul Ho I.'' 'I ti." ' r.

I'ri'Kt il'w h I'M M,i...i.in'

'I lit. 11 lr: l h ' 1

A " i ti'ii' - l. .i,tlift I tin 111 I ' no H i il l .' 11. n . .

OM.l UIH ll.lS IIm.H I.1I..I1 ll.i ,mof l'iuri ii ..i. iii l,i. li ii .

tin iniii i in In kil- - i liuiii l AKl.aii V uui't ion ivniii

A H I'liliill n.lll.11,1 in'. Uj I'llii Ml

1'l'Ulit'ltV 11 lll till.! i'i.t' i Ml tinu J 1 .1 a . 4 r 11. I. win!, 1. 1

VII W Clllli fli.H , M, ,tl l

1 mm.

Till-- . Hint Mil! fit Hi l'.,ij. .. 1,,. iDi.iTOM al U. I luiiili u Jl''l.u4 lo j.illiiautiHliiur 4W 41 J i olioiinJ.i'. W iill ,iiMiiiili.iiiJ. ut l HumtAolk..

Hi iCxii'lli'iii y ,1. J. Ji i.ii' il!

ililluitr a ' in ul ' j.la. ti. ul uiLiv"MtIhfV.M. '. A. luill Ui Aiiiiij;.'1'llC AUllllWt Will In -- 'i lu- - i.li.tllWliuod ut Alan."

Al.KX. iSlllltli, cnuillt JUl'i l.HL' J iililUuuor, tiMf liiKiJ iiini . .jfU. I,'Urcciiitf' i;ir iuuoil guilty, ami u 1.

lorh lluiii- - li- tiriiuli unco k.'Hin tin' 1'oIkj' Cuui i y .

iio. F. U. iJaywlih n ud inilyhave Ui-- ilowii with IiijUiuiI lc.14.Air. Hayi'M ii liol ll ;jjuiif;tj

Ji 4i tin- - Lcaun- - AiiiluU Ui .u,i utuMii, whore be U MaiiU'd a a iiiit.cto tlw Luut uuut.

Al till' Ul' Ui 0 Mill- - ui i'fM) 4 'jHloU to lake phui4- - at tilt-- I 'm' lb- Hold-Mar- t

4Jii,V m.M' rUnt', oii'' jXuAioiuiJ')ll bf wiaili' Ui M.pply the 4iajU- oS

the ininr 4iiau al aixviit v clM.lUtfcali' Mill bigiii j'jiiiijtly M iiUuuu, Wcductdiiy, Oct. SJ.

A I HIHIUJ I'. poJt of the "i'liliiibouJultiiun tVvMmUiuu" lum ImmiU 4c4X'it-A'1- .

it it full a oil 4oioiJi-u- , ouuj.y-4ii- g

11H jjiijjc, lo wliirb i M'iiiigcuciJ catalog ui' f W fMgt, t.oi.

the jx'iiud (luui ibil W J"yJ,l0bu 4 ',nlUe Mitl f'uiiillioU t'l' imt- -

tuiy ficbooU.

Am aliiini ul (tw Man ruiijf iiooilower 011 JsiitunJa)' tlU4 iotwi tt

4 o'clwk. The i;iigiin M'-- f ijiiii'tiyWll tllH pot J. i'ut:kl:U'0 4:iii(-il- 'bcyoud l ooma jua4c---b- ut ti ircrvici Mcrt' hot iiutiiod . AoiALu.r '

Ull4i Ma 4U0g JU-r-, but "Ib'-it- - auuotbiuK iu it."

illV'4'A'i0 bV (a'ii iU'd bMr. 4od li. f'm vie, of l,ilitu , tCUM,tur tm Mcd'iiug iiAJ pliuo ol tlw onwUir, Auiiie iUyttr'uxt M liiyd-- ( mm! ,

Mr. lJul ii. iVwbc-ig- , Mt tb;irOx'OCi', Oil M'ddiicday 0 u-- j

ber J!Stli, Ml iA'hck. 1 bei f take pUu; Mt iJm- - iOtlc iaoCJjurcb, t ; fJ. i,

'I UK fMrdiae of tle f'a:ilic forOckylcr w twi bebiiid jirevua inioi- -

bcr iu iulereat, U muijuiU frcb, leiug tularin from a

f lioUblc viicitora, iu addiU'iilo u ioiUliiii!iil yf "'i nk 4 of 11 Yin;'rble Jvage," "i'ertiml SuUm" t&in great iimolttir, ami time miktiaiu of the (110 im andDowager dud tin- - fleir Ajijueot. Mr,Godfrey baa given a iiuiober of lline-l- y

editorial in thi u.iie,

AOvwrniNrKorts.Tl(c pound inacler ahiii; two

boriea for claim or aah:,

Tiik Waianai; Co, will bold iu an-nual meeting in t Monday,

An advertiser want Govern-n- u

nt b percent bonds at par,

Fi (fKlTi i(K of Mr, JJ, Hcatilan willbe aold at Ida bouae, 10 o'clock bymorrow, by Mr, J, , Morgan,

Muslin, Jiolliatcr k i',n. have received lot of I'avolte make 0cigara, i'et cigurcttca and tobacco,

'fair the New Moilel JUalauraul,Uent diunr in town, Tbrce counwfor 25 cent. Weekly board given,


Dtxic'ici's coll'ee and elioi-olu- willbe nerved tvury moniing 4arly at theI'uliu'C Jce Cream J'arloia, J.iid wiw-u- ,

ifc Cron, ifolel utreel, fli tl

Tmk farewell performance of theHilbon Company will take pbiee to-morrow evening, introducing thebeautiful act, "A Night iu Jtouie,"

TllK nale of leaae of 8H acreof land at ilalawa, Oabii, did milcome oil Saturday, It waa postponedto Tburaday, 12 o'clock noon, atMorgan's aalearooiii.


The Koyul Jlawailun Military Handwill give a public concert ut Km urnSquure tbis evening ut7i''i0, Thefollowing is the program ;

I'Aitr 1.

March Count Butter.... ... ..... KraiOverture i'oct and l'ciiunt HuiiiiuIiitrodiiniloii 1 'ariiiiui I(i,itJteiidiihieeiieea of All Nullum.., Omllrcyftevlved-llo- iie An Nel, Wal Muiiuiia.

Ahi'sOe! (revlmid),I'AItT II.

Medley Christy MlimtreU JtevliiriiFantunlil Kurgu In Hie Pnroat (by

remittal) .... MichanliaWalt Dreamland HolderMiirch tueea l.iliiiukiiluiil Ilergiir

lluwiill I'minl,

ESCAPE FROM JAIL.K, Asulicr, r sailor on tint II, S, S.

Iroquois, who was tried and sent- -euuod to auvrrul months imprison.uiuui, for purluiulng the wuluh of uuolllcer of that vessel, escaped fromjail yesterday inuriiliig. Hunts inthe wall showed the iiu tliodi w'ilchhe eiuplnyed to suctiru his liberty.It was uboiil llfti't'ii uiluuli's afLirwhen Ills csiuiiu was ilisiovi red, uudpolice were sent around lliu t it v locatch ihu escapee,

I II AliAM A M. I', I'.M

Llv Huneiulu ..ti;M It Sfi I 4 4 AMamy .7 l 4! i .4''leave homiiiliali..7 :.io In M I,

Arrive Honolulu. . .1 ;,!. I :b! 4 i;604I I AMI. ( I I I III Al

Uv Honelulu ;.i"tArrive Pearl LilyLs.vs Pear' City. .ti;o3Arrive Hanoiuui...ti:4i

Saturdays only.Suuduvs excepted.huturj iy excepted.

fl4lK. KHd Rmhi,lt C. J. l.lNK.

M p r rl f"AV f MUSIS' r

n in p. in ji.ui. p.m.

Moll. I! h III 4 .V. Ill II II 5 ; e xi : i1 Ul-- SI ,1 D,' ft J f I 6 5 f. ;Weil. .HI li 55 U as II l.'i m' ft As ft 31 KM1 hum. h a.i t u no 6 a" ft Hii In 1"

u. in'ri. w 4f h i; i u 4 A mi ft mi iii

Hut. VI in Ju II II Ml 4 ft jl ft i:iBun. 11 11 II i : .vi li j ti ft j 11 10

l.unl gimriur ul Uik union uii llir lUtli til illi.24iii. 11. in.

Till' lime mt'iiul fur the port It. tin tin ul I'JIi,O111. llntti'. uiiiiiiiKlit ol Crefi.ui'-l- tiuii- or111. 2.MI1. :l4ec. ). 111. ul Honolulu OIimiimiIiiI )'' 1' i" K'vmi by llic slcuiu liiartlr ul tlie.Honolulu J'luiiiiiK Mill. 11 lev. Uuoii- - abovethe CubUjiii ilouac. Tin' nullic I. lull. itmuiiiteri euiT.utl at Iluiiuliilu lueuii iiuun,

lM'i v nidi y mtuiiiiuu, 01 lull. Mm. buc. ulGrcuimiclj liiiiu

1 ii Ai

MONDAY, OCT. 19, mi.

AfilVAL.Oct 1- 8-

Htuir Miktthulu (ruui KauuiMini' I.iLi-Jik- fruiii Mauihiuir VN'aialt'iilr tioui Kaniai

Akuinai from KuolmiKawailaui lioui iiuulau

buhr Kauikeauuii 10111 i'unatocUr I.av iuiu fioiu Ivuuluu

J'ule li oiu Jvu uai

DkPMTURiS.Oii l'.l

htuir Akamai fur tVuimiu,.llokuleiuuJWaialiia

fcluir J A uuiuiiiiii fur Kooluu atyuuibLuir .Jan Haknu lor Kauai al 4 y iuMiur Mukolii for MoJokai iliiu


iSt.iurMikahala fur Kauai at 5 f 111

foiuir (J H lijetiojj fur fcaliuku I'uuaJuu at 9 a ui

bum Jikelikf fur Maui at 5 it uifcimi' tJlaudiue fur Maui ud iiawuil at 2



steamer MlkauaJa Mi him KUgar. 2b'ibug rice, lf liead tiatlE, uuhk,2 Jjuiws uud 33 JjiiJ.'H.

(SU'aiucr Waialeale Oaga pad'J, 7iiiiii't aim eu .


From Kauai, per etmr WiaU'aJi8, Out18 Mr Uuijiiwitis, Mr 0ut md wU.,I.iuui-ay-, nloiuuu, and A Hunk,


I'S 8 I'niiiiiaeola, from Hau FraiiciwoAw Ijktue Discovery, JMjuSelU, from han

Fraut'lscoAm bark Oyu, Cullwiiii, from Hau

t laiR'lsi'oBrit yacht IJenle, Of II, from the Colo

Ulea. via llboOer bk U iiaekfelil, Uilj(eroh, from



H 1 M 8 Ilifl, Mori, from JapanU H h Mouowai, Carey, from Man Ffi- -

oImio, Oct Vi, for the IJolouiiH B Alumuila, Mom', from Colouie, 0;t

il'I. fur Kun li'i'MiiiliKkB H iMim, from Hull Fraiielnco, due

Lcc isAm bkt Mary Wiukeliiiaii, Xixaen, from

l'ort GambleAm bk Amy Turner. Jolimiou, from Bon.

toil. .lull. 111. If.Am brig J.m line fioiu Hun Fruuclsco, for

inn, uet 10Br bk l'a of Leuy, froui OluhK"! J""

KovitOter bk Paul laeuberg, from Mveriiool,

Dec, 6Am bk Martha DitvU from New YorkBk llarrUon G Johunou from New YorkGer bk Hubiuo from Bremen


f'apt. Martin of the BrlrUh bark Velo-elt- v

expecta to get bU carjfo ail out byFriday next

The barken tlue Dlacovery U alouKldethe citeamer Mlkuhalu receiving migurfrom her '

The bark Ceylon lioa been moved fromBrewei'a wharf U) that of the W, H, H.Co.

The Kteamer Kaula fa laid up fur rtt- -him will have new tubea in heriiuira,

The titciuiior Auatralla'a cargo fur HanFraucUeo waa ai follow; aMO biiirsiigar, folH im4 lii'if, 7m I bmicheii

JiM4 hidea, INUukiiiH, 60 IiiiihIIi'kaugar cane, DomeHtlu value 54,0-l5- .


PECK-NICEDHA- At the realdeiiuuof the hrhle'a jmreiila, Honolulu,October IS, IW.lI. by the ttuv. H, K.Ulnlioii, iisHlnicd by Rev. K. G, Kei

I)., Ilmcoiirt W. t'eck, M.A., It. 80. uf Toronto, Cuniida, toMixa Nannie Needhum of Honolulu,


Tlicro la little doubt but that manyperaont Buffer for years with ail men tathat could easily be cured by lliuuse of Homo Himple ruiuudy. Tbofollowing iiidiltiiit i tin lllustrution ofthis fact: My wife was troubled witha pain in tier bidu the greater part ofthe time for llirio yeur, until curedby C'liuinberlaiu' 1'uin Halm. Itlias, I think, permanently cured Iter.Wo aUo have used t'liainlierlain'aCough Heuiedy whencvor in'oded andbelieve it to be the beat in the world.'. M. Boston, l'eiinville, Sullivan

Co., Miasouri. For sale by all dual--

lknsoo, Suiilh & Co., agouw.

A. is 4 , ' a

. '. Ki g - . ; .

t-- - - M .... . .'. i, . "

i ..I a 1 nla.,. I" I'jf

fVI f.t.t I.J I )fitH.n4li '1 i. I i.'.l, . I I..

. j w....,.rf.f(' ! !,!! W ', I s ft, it ' til."'

"GermanSyrup 99

Por Coughs & Colds.'.. F J rlMa.Tc. .write-La-

t uJ OrsiaD .SyfUp (-- tliei jear, Ut S"tv Tl.toat.

L'.,h, C"'A. I'a.tu iii li.e ClettvJ Jss, Set lt .,y t any-tr.- c

se-- K r. unih a fcHditiucOrrr3 )fi:; j t: U-t- .

B W", lUMwin.:;'jt: I have tm-- your O-nra- o

Fr; in my fjtr.i'y, and find it the1 t EJfcdM-irj- I ever tr-- fr ctighiatid cio'd. 1 fwotnmeiid it to every-one iA tLrte Uoub'cs.

JL S hjna!htueij, Dni':-t- , ofCLark-vM- , I1L. write: Afu- -. ..ingne of icfTiptMrtj atidtioo I had on my file and hliclvttwiUiout relief f.r a t sever c-- c.d,wHeb had rm my li'.ngi, I

; tried your O-rtna- n Syntp. It gaveBMr jrimv-'IiiiTi- - relief and alietit cure, ta C. (.kCEX, Solf Manuf.ictufcr,

tt trtMlbury, Xiw Jcrwry, t'. S. L



Cliandelier.J'lano, I'.ainpiit and Library

Lamp, iu oxidiM--d silver, wrought,blai-- and polubcd bra-.s- , directfroui the factory,

Turkey and Ostiicb Duster.Wire on hpools.Tucks and Square Flax Ha'.-h.ng- .

DissUm's Files.Tube Kcrapers.Hammers.Carvers, Table and IluUher Knives.Refrigerators and Ice CbcHts.A fresh invoice of Rubber Hose,

etc,, etc,, etc.


Eitra Mince Pies at the "Elite."ii'i I in


rPllK amiiiiil meeting of the stock-- 1

liolders of the Vfiilual lelephouel'u, will be lield on WKDNKSfMY, Oct.

at Z o'clock P. M., at the foni-puny- 's

Building.C. O. BKKGKK.

'i.i bit hecieiiiiy.


'I 'UK iimiinil meeliiig of stockholdersi of tli" I'a in I'litiitatinu will lie held

at the ollice of Mesnrs. Castle & Cooke,Audits, on MONDAY, October !i, ls'Jl,al 10 o'clock A. l.

Per order.T. W. I10HRON,

Itit hecretury.


rpilE ttiinuiil meeting of stockholderfi1 of the Haiku hugur Couimny will

be held lit the nfllce of Messrx Castled;Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, OctoberVi, M1, ut II 4 'clock A. M.

l'er order.J.' 15, ATHKRTON,

235 1st Hecretury.


rpilE annual meeting of stockholders1 of the Koliiilu (Sugar Company will

lie held ut the ollice of Messrs. Custle ifc

Cooke, Agents, on TUESDAY, October27, lxlll, ut IU o'clock A. M.

l'er order.J. B. ATI1ERTON,

235 H't Secretary.

IJieycIc For Hale!

4 VICTOR 50-li- bicycle almostL new; in xiileiidiil comlitioii. willhe sold clump. Apply lit the "WhiteHouse," Niiiiuiiii street. 245 3t

To Wbom It Hay Concern I

leave to stale that I hiveJiiKG the Veti'i'imiry workfor the Woodlawii Dairy & StockCo. since January, Innn. Dur-ing t hat lime I lie most stringentI'ftoil have lieeo uiaile to keepHie Dairy Mock in perfecthealth. When u ilUi ani-ui- al

Is discovi'ied segreiratioiior ilestriii'lioii is immediatelyresorted lo

A. It. no WAT, V. s.Honolulu, H. I , Oct. .'). ism.

240 2w


'PIIK Brick Building at pre-- 1sent, occupied ley the

t&Si& I nion Ice Company mi theKxpliiuaile. M.c nf liliilding feetiu the cli nr. I p mid down stairs con-licct-

by elevator. Kor particulars en-H- U

ire ou the premises. 22." tf

" "i

1.. . i

I. .,ii 1 j..,1 .... ,

a i i ,

' I' M"

i t 'I., .. V. 10. .41 In- il

i'.; ,01,. in, i,, 4 ,li' l,i'ti.i.li.. io,.ii, lo o H! W.deli,lit U till.. .11 14" it ..li Oil IU. Ml. IH

4l' 4,1.0 Hi. ll,lii..l Ut. io.r f.

OOI.. .11,1 to. ,,0 V oil.tl.. .,UM tilit'. 4AOT41 ' ,r.i l".il!i.lH

t!. Itjiiil.l iHl.llili,! l ,"(!..i.'illiH' t OO'li... . Al.i rto.l of-4!- .

W IwSi H't' lMr ,eV,(.';l.i; A

4'tt ria l.ii.oli tt lu .i,

u 1 :.', iro' (.a'.'--

Miint on in S;,i,.i!i 51 t fUMt 4 iia;i.liiti OiuACli tl.e 4- .Oi'iea

lH Uf Jrtuw.i o'j.iil.j . Jv.,i.i- - l.u.'j.iiu.i.. Ivir ''o. u. .

4'lir lj,ille li U' l.iat iibieli. ti -- I

Wool., till ,od ! MiwiM'ol ;.iml llitOl.e ,, ,olHl. A'..fi Hi'.MWf iM.Mr

Ciilled. i i,r 1 ajK I'll.' wi

'.ii' lii oiitix of tin iil.11 00 .,.IIIJUI.4 1,1'. ,1,1 ' it A Mlll.l.r.

li. li malUiT of tiiriila ' of ts.itivajiib Jii.uiiii.uij. 1 ivMit4ii.U.li.ftloillj.jil. ll.";ifjt;ti. tUe Clllllt a4UiT

tuiMilig Uf t'Luii Vi H tt'. Weirf.4;omuuaiuii'ir lu iiiiu' Un'. ,uju1i iitMiluu.ion lolo4a!. iuunlU:d lut--

Mill to Hol.a'iA' Mod 4xaxed Unit 1.-- 1

iurs U 'Utu:0'-i'i- ) tl.ele',0 lj. iUi d

io Kauiucf W. fiUii Mf jm-- : I'Lioiii'.M 4XC' UtOf . UO(i. ill" iMUi, Mlidthat Mod ev-eu- t)J-lil- i Hilrulurjl ofIbe jrtujrrt.v m illnlS i'y dy. J

under tU-- Mill Mfe lalil,al,Koiaioiili.i:uur,(i uf lU.-i'.-- ' a-- luMbolii it all of llv )f .,l,. ' viO jl.u. U'l t 101 liui.iiilun,. a--f,

aut of toe Ji Cca.cd, U l.ouj 1

iJeUw d li of lie- piooer' t oiiuaU- ouMnoJ.ai. IVUtiunei 10 ..vli.

111 the iiiaUer of the ilaUe of lu-ium-

dui-aM'.- 4.i(ig an upplic.-lio- o

by D. lju'.t.oi, adiiiinintiiitoi', '

i'H Ml'J'IOkj! of MOCOUUt iilid dia'idjargi, tiie ( ;jurt pupoii d tli? ;

beafing liijtil M:i'ottt'H the MdiuioiaUalor; NaMalil lor j

tiie belle,An nnuity auil bM :u ifuu by ,

one of the lalou i, I hong Jboio.Mho eoiiiplaii.ed of I,. Ai-u- ' itib gedfiibse pfelene, nd Mhieh O'lnpliiiiil j

MM iecided 10 for 4f A- - U. 1 be j

eipjiiy auit is uoM gaint the K'ibala j

hugar I n., prating that 'ielei)ant '

be reaii ained from pnxi ding againat i

the latoir null) ib funlir orii-- r of j

Court, 'J be auit lo prays lb j

fjourt to deciitrc the contract v.uU tvA j

into ms null and void, A. fc. Hart-4i- ll

for pi iii nti ff, j



'Fhe hptoring fcuhibitiou Ml ll. j

Cowunmit f'arloi" sn haiorday j

afternoon was largely atunded by i

loi-a- l xrts, Mr (as, Heleh ainanler of eifntuoiM introduced to i

feathi rweigbts Jeiminga and M bit I

who gave s good vxMtut of them-- j

aclve. 10 boing four light round.Following theee two tame Jack Mer-rill of the I,', K, fc, i'cnal andMike Mcuilligau, th Autrliaotrainer, welterweights, Mike an

gave a pretty diaplay ofthe manly art, while Merrill gav4; afine exhibition of the navy in retreat,Mike McCarthy, an Australian light-weight champion, iiud ,emmie I5ar-lingb- ;),

the lo al light weigbl api-ra- nt

to hampi'.iibip lun-or- next I

jfiivit tlicir Iramilatton of tb art f j

iiarringbn made aI

pretty fair showing, considering thatlie is not iu trim, McCarthy was,however, by fur and away the best I

strapper and satisfied all presentthat lie is as pretty a boxer as onewould tvish to sc4!. lie carries his(inns raider high but his guard is al-

ways In the right place. It was apretty display nnd was voted to havebeen the best ever given in the city,Tbcy were loudly applauded. TheAustralians will tour the islands inconjunction with local sports,

the miTnimHi, J'atkk ks J'im,s are carefully

prepared from tlie best material andaccording to the most approved form-ula, ud are the moat perfect cuihiii--th- i

and liver pill that can be pro-duced. We sell them. Jictisoii,hmilli &. Co., agents,

JSiillriiiif; I'"tH For haly.OK sale Pour Cliolce Lot

TVrS sltmiled lii'twucii 'I hue'KJlUffiw. bin mid Hienei'i' iiveuues, ilMll

feel (lolitiigii by 201! feci deep, Kor lei nisapply lu I.KVKY.IW iw Cor, Fort A iieeu si reels,

.Mi l i:s nut kali; i

I I'AIUS of Finn III c.l Mule,ZiP ' In liiinds high, uud I years

r ' ""' mid well-broki- lo It nApply ut, Kiiwiilloii Itiiiu h, W

to W, A. Ill b K,2IJ Iw Miituiger,

lou h,i,i: tr lc.vsi:41 I1KSIDKNCK mi Luuiilllo

sli'i'i't priisi'iitly ucciiiIimIILSSmImB. hy Mr. .1. A. Ki niiitdv,

double purlins, four hi'dnioius,illiiliiu-iooii- i, biilhioiiiii, lingo illiilng-I'liiu- u,

kiiclu'ii uud pantry; sniviiiii'roolll, sliihllng, etc,, on nuil' ol liialiililillillug, tiniiiuds, ;i(Kx !0 feet, welllaid nut, Vai'iiiii mi Hill August Lots IjnIiiliiK lliiUklu.'i (i'l ! ma) lie purclutsiduu nuiMimiililti ii'i'iin!

It, I. MIMIC,Ills tf With Then II, Davie ,V t o.

UU ASCRIBE lor the Daily Hullciln.O 4(1 cent pel mouth.

t. . ,. . .

- t.. ... 41 " .'..I. ft . .' 'i V V fr'i 4'

4.,.. io . - i. i '. '... ,.( . , ,,,. j .,. : a

'i "--

Jl- - 1.

!,,,;" ,v,h .,ft I.,, i a 'iw - 'V '.

iiiiti Mi a

li. ('.' ,., .i. v ,,

lii: a Ci .1 I .., r wv.tA I if

I.W ., t 0, ' J ' iiU-

fl il I.,' - Ifl f".'a.

m ' j t'ia o- j i' , rl.

. i. w ',.

'li' .0,.oi.If - v .

leil anl 1.1 4.1

. a'.Ol,' '.tlM 1 1,. J '. 1 t J -

4t." . 'i. :Jh . u i ,.... .

4i,li f.. i.C ui 1 j4 --j I a --

iVi.iil, Mu,.'i,.a f44a.. 4ii4.a j.-a- t"a,J"4M i!J i.i, . tf d !ui 4,a ai.ai.pK'll I'.-a-'- aft.' a tJ Mali

liii- - i ai.ua I'. 1 4 .4 j. 44..- - '.

J, nii1 oil 4 4. Mai 01 I'-- ai! li.tt,4Mloej, t.irtlii'll.. .'O.J 4 it, '$'MI

at. L.J ) 'i , 1 .ii a ut f im

liiuiid. a'.ii l ,l-- . iaa ,ir,and liw.-.n- . J. ji,.- - ,t,jt Um Uirit"illill,). J,. t .Uif,'H iuIU.

i il )." - Iiii,,- - U. biif'rt ill li.l ,jliOjl,j, I'U.illlM lei.f UtI'M aU,iafrf.- - (In vliUAt,

J" f 'ti a 2itl. ai.d . 1.. i.--

mjU . . aO I., ifiu. ..- - i,. t.iel,U,ei.uni, ilw- - t i'.y, 4i,' t,,n,4l.- - ip

l.i! . thi- - Oiaori'.o l,i.,l.1 . jtiatMija4 jx'ijii, ii.it.' j,

OAlfl jrAM.tt'AV A C4

IJ. F, Dili. io 11 A a,J'7 2t i.'il (.,ii..r r,


'J lie jili,oii j),re m Hi'le4' piat Opel a JJou n

wbieli wa fa.riy Me,i jlLeo iedby I id 11 1, and '1 he featsof ai'tobai u- - niii,lil.-ii- e highly

youiigoi.es nd broughtforth p. ioiis of approbai.ioiifrom their elder. In the eveninganother performaiKie a given bythe tioope. The Dale Uros, laewd4.0 little laughter with their "inUdli-ge- nl

donkey ('?)." The 4'ne pro-gram, with this a theprevious uighl was gone through andoundof applaue gn irted the troupe

at ery ditlieult feat. The even-ing's performance wound up with theaerial act, which was gone throughwithout a mi,

evening the companywill give thir final performance amiail! introduce the itct, "A Night iuIfome,"



Is famous tbiougtiout the Unitedhlate for its promt cures of diarr-ho- a,

dysentery, colic and choleramorbus, ft is pleasant to take andran always be depended upon bothfor children ami hdults. 'J'i and M)cent (iitiles for fcttle by all dealers,I'.i noon. SniiHi 6l Co., agents.aa.lloya! IlawananOptM'allouse

JJ, , ,,,,l,i

Tuesday liint, Oct. son,Last and Fsrtwell Prformanc of

The Siibon CompanyThe Management beg to Inform their

patrons Unit fur this occasion they willpresent the lli'iilltlful Act, entitled;

"A Night in Rome,"OrMvliig picture of Marble Mutuary,

ulld Other Novelties!

tut" HeM'i'ved Heats can now heut the nlllue ol I,. ,1, Levey.

'l: 4t


& J'KIC KN'T GovcriiinentVWWW llonils at par. Apply

I' O Uox V." 217 M

Aiijiiiiriu H Annual Mot-ihig- .

'IIIK H'ljoiinii'il it ii itiil iiieellug of the1 stockholders of the Wuliuiue t'o.

mil he l uu MONDAY, October iiilli,at U o'clock I', ,M,,al the olllt'c of (J. O.Ki rgcr. C. t. HKKGKR,

2'li (It hecri'tiuy.


nlt.VKTv i WW, drawn either on

i a o.nrC lln'wi r it t'o. IiyMaki'ii Co, ol Keiillii, ImiuiiI, lu favor ofU.AIoliiu ui IS2 on and endorsed byhim. l'u l IMll e oi'ler No lwis.'i (o'r

no lu 1 .i Voii ho. Payment ofthe same li i ii n htn.ii il.

tfl.--s ;u WO.VO KO.


'PIIK llliilel'sluiied will not be !'i-- iiiil-- 1

slblK ii ti' my uli.V tici'ouiKH -d

wllliout his urlili'ii orniil'i'.

Al til STO F. HON SALVES.Honolulu, Oct. 15, IsUl, u:i lw

Spiced Beef, Pig's Head Cheese & Smoked Tongues to Order !

A Large Dry Air RefrigeratorAt this Market is always kept well-stock- with all of the above men-

tioned goods.

VriT l'arties wishing anything in this line ANY TIME will do well bycalling at the C'kstiui. Makkki.

Villi Again!'J'liis tiiiu- - with flu- - "Little

Woii'lYr" I.v Civam l'rt i'zer,th- - iiitktf( :iii1 hot

,iii s hi'iv. It will

fmf liiiiilis Miliil in seven

wcoii'ls or twt iitv-thr- ec 84'f-o- nl

ijuicki r tlitiii the best re-

cord ever inale. It nut only

fifezes it but luen it well.

Next Friday there will be

a free exhibition of its work-

ing. We have ii little ar-

rangement for pri'MTving

(California or any other roll

butter so that it will always

be sweet. Xo iee reijuired.


:o:- -



-- o-



Begs to notify tlie public that he has re-

ceived per S. Australia" uu .

elegant assortment of

Gent's, Ladies' & Children's

BOOTS & SHOES.213 lw

C1IR. GERTZTo. Ml Fort Htreet..

Has received per S. S. "Australia" alarge invoice of

Gent's, Ladies' & Children's

Boots, Shoes & Slippers.213 tin


Veterinary Surgeon.

r Ollice ut Club Stable. Fort street.Both Telephones 477. oct 15-9- 1


I II AVE civ.'U William F. AHeu myfull p wer of attorney to act for me

tliiriiiir my I om the Kluirdom.Mr. 11. A. Bacon will have charge of theKuieiprie Mill and all buildings andcontract PETER HIGH.

Honolulu, Oct. 1C, 1891. 215 2v


Mutual Tel. 362 -- :o:tear Bell Tel. 369.21.J 2m




Kastlake, Queen Anne, Renai-isain'e- , Gothic, luilhin, Classic, Noriniin,

IN STONE, BRICK, IRON OR WOOD.Beit Modern Designs in Residences! Cheap Arlistic Cottages a Specialty 1

Complete plans and specilications given ; also superintendence of Construction.

mr OFFICE Rnom 3. Sprocket's Block Homlulu. 218 tl

Tbe Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallions

to"Joe Daniels" & "King William"

Koi'lili'l-I- lie llr. .tolin Itnuli..to be seen at the staliles of the Wooil- - j

lawn Dairy Si Stock Co., Puliation.lay Those w ho want to purchase good I

Stallions should make early application, j

210 1 ut

VOlt SaLIJrETAI.UMA Incubator, lit. Ap- - '

J. ply ut tills ollice. 242 tf


I 7 ILL he given to anyone liudingaT T Diaiiiuiiil which was loit from

between roidencM of Mr. Rrnjeslu Niiiiuiiii Valley and I lit Cost HhYe onTuesday lust. 242 tf

8100 KKWAKO!

'I'llE above reward will lie paid to any1 one wlin will (uriii-- li inforiua-tlo- u

which will lead to tlie arrest andconviction of the person who placed ob-struction in tlie steam pump ut theElectric- Light Matimi on King street ouSaturday night or Mindav lat.

K. b. WHITE,Secretary Hawuiiiin Electric Co., I.'d.

Honolulu, Oct. 13, lS'Jl. ij jw

Page 4: r wax - University of HawaiiPAPER II ANCIG J GIVE J. L Mkvkb the I'ainter a call have your i'aper Hanging done promptly ami neatly, lat) Fort street. P. O. Box 887. Mutual Telephone

1 i. A SIDE MUE. pa! aci:i.ilfll ll II

J.IIOPP&CO.1 ! A 1 H, f . .ns r"4I LlilrLL

Tint; TAiu.n.Life insurance


Assets, : : Si 15,947,809.97

I oil "it Li I Li in :

III 'In; P. ( A ill H,i' 'li i'l'l. i

a I fnmi ' I :i In.ili," toiicliil fc;

'Hi II I'l'lll lot I f- - Ml llll' p,llH III-lii- 'l

Oil In till. In" " 1

III I illll , t li it t ll.Mk llll' H4 I'l- -

jk peculiarly appropi iate to the, Uon at llic pi! -- i nl lime.

inan" ii.f.,1 h,i lit thai thejHl'li'd M'llllM', iwillfll by iilnilitwixM difft'M'ht nt !((- nml Cini'ii 'L'

II pel ioil i f ll lilt' HI ceil, ill ','- -,

"Hilt Ml'.llllil d I" II"' jO'l--i llflll ll

It tt i it ii licinL't :l11 I nut imp licpinof.reitiUr-- ) to ileiiile hitt pnrlt to reami what were not inspned." "Lay- -

. . . . i i ... i i. .. i .... i

ARRIVAL OFAtllMMItll f IH W llllllltt,lti,'ll ! ' , (I,

li tit" iitij p,mil i" of


I.lt gaid in il' -- iK'i ittnl Hlili in make.A 1' i IK' Lint ol Ul.uk Silk i; n, ilint s

, ii 1 It j.in.t Mm k nl lH'H liotnl",Wllh II V, I Ala Ml H KIN'. I I "W I'lilllV

46-in- ch All-wo- ol Henrietta Cloth,,lu?.t opci.cil in nil tin' new IihiU';

Hid Novelties u Lace.s, MtoiFics, Fleming Etc.


KID (i LOVES!loT Aiu-it- fur "I'tiM i i;V

ranted aid lilted to tin' hatnl.




S. E11KL1CI1 & CO.,Corner Fort & Hotel Streets.


Engineers &Office & Works,


Sufi;ar Machinery, Steam EDgines,Plain or Automatic C utoff, lioilers for land and marine use,

Vacuum Pans up to 11 feet in diameter,Double, Triple or Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks for all purposes,

Cane Wsgons, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,Hoisting Machinery, Kice Mill Machinery and

Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Building.

A Large & Varied Assortment of Bar Iron always on hand !


Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.SOI.K MaNI KAC'I'I KKHS IN HAWAIIAN Lsl.ANDS KOIt


William's Patent Furnaces for burning tunc Hash.

William's Patent Cane Slicing Machines, the most successful and econo-

mical made.

Marsden & Rickard's Patent Evaporator, utilizing the waste heat in smoke-

stack Hie latest improvement,.

Mole Anon in ii. ilutvuiiun JnIuimIm tor the

Pelton AVater Wheel Co. of San Francisco.Bell's Asbestos Packing Co. of London, England.

Sheet Packing, Stuffing Box Packing,Manhole & Handhole Caskets, Steam Pipe & Boiler Coverings.

fjBT These Packings are used exclusively by the British Admiralty in

war vessels.



Kill (iittus, every 'uir war



Iron Founders,Queen Street, Honolulu.


-- Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


III en pi- - II I id It. Hnlrl Iri-rl-.

l lie mi Ii h.'iw ol'litiiii'il thf er- -ii i nf

IIS 7' CL'.SJ CONf ECH'JAj! iA 11. I ...I t I


Fancy Pasliy,

Ol llii! very bel quality ami in Hiiyquaintly.

Ice Cream Soda, Sherbet Soda,

Coffee & Chocoiite,


We have lilted up Elegant. .Stallsfor lite M'l viee of Ice Cream, anil atten-tive w aiters will he always in atlemlaiite.



J HAVE Kour Kine Kesidence .Sites,situated on'Piikui street, lor sale.

The Lots have a frontage of !J1 feet onPiikoi street and are 2IHI feet deep, arenicely laid out. in ft nil and shai'e treesand are nil covered with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthese Lots and the limited number makeit necessary that intending purchasersshould make early application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan be had. J AS. V. SIOKGAX.

203 tf


Carpenter & Builder.1)7 King street, mauka side, below

Maumtkea street,

1J gs to inform the public that he is wellprepared to contract ou all kinds ofBuildings ami to do General Jobbing.

tf ii Mixictlalt y !

fcj-- Muiuaf Telephone 385. 17;l ;ltn

CORCE lUCAS,Contractor hji'S1-- Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing Miltj, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Uraekets, Window Frames, Winds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of woodwork finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing, All kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.E' Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited. 1 -- 91

A. G. SILVA & CO.,55 A 57 Hotel Mtreet.


DliY GOODS,Gentlemen's Furnishings,

Carrjeta & Matting,FURNITURE.

Large Stock Always on Handaug -y


Estimates given on all kinds of Brick,Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Allkinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradeattended to Keeps for sale Brick, Lime,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings,Old and New Corrugated Iron, MintouTiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes andcolors; California and Monterey Sand,Granite Curbing and Blocks, Etc.

Aa? Oltlce and Yard :, Cor. King andSmith streets. OIHee Hours: 8 to 12A. m., and 1 to 4 i. m.

ttr Telephones: Bell, 351; Mutual,417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P. OBox, 117 129 ly


RESIDENCE onoccupiedLunalilo

hv Ml". J. A. kVnni'ilv.taining double parlors, four bedrooms,dining-roo- bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear of mainbuilding. Grounds, SOOxlOS feet, welllaid out. Vacant on 14th August Lotadjoining aooxlOo feet may he purchasedon reasouuhle terms,

R. I. LI LLIE,108 tf With Theo II. Davies & Co.

FOR SALEr-- r 11 V .... ,- impc cBi.uB Known as

Kahuku Ranch, Kau,Hawaii, with all its belong-ings. The Ranch contains1S4.000 T!nr la ,.,

the Ranch a lare and valiiiililn foi-oo- r

of Koa and Ohia. For further parti-culars, apply to KA11UKU,

tf Kau. Hawaii.


rpilE Brick Building atsent occupied by the

Union lee Oomnanv on IIihEsplanade. Size of buildinu- - 4tl vKn feefill the clear Up and down stairs con-nected by elevator. For particulars en-

quire ou the premises. aao tf


Arrive from Han Arrive from Ui.FtainlHco, Colonic,

MoniiHHi . . l. t 22 AlamedaNov 19 .Muriponit

ktiuliau Hail Service!


The New and Flue Al BUxri Sujauisblp

"ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu ltoin hydueyand Auckland ou or about

Oct. 22. 1891,And will leave for the above port with'

mails and passengers ou orabout that dale.

Mr For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm 0. IKWIH ft CO, L'd,Agents.

For Sjdney and Auckland I

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from banFrancisco on or about

Oct. 22, 1891 fAnd will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

tV For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm 0. IRWIK & CO.. L d,Agents.

liter's stfiaisliip Cs.'s

T191K TAllLKt


Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. m.,touching at Lahaiua, Maalaea Bayand Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaihae and Laupahoeboe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Tuesday Oct. i!0thReturning leaves Hilo, touching at

Laupahoeboe same day; Kawaihae,A. m. ; Mahukonu, 12 noon; Makena,6 v. M. ; Maalaea Buy, 8 p, m.; Lalia-in- a,

10 p. m. the following day ; arriv-ing at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Wednesday Oct. 28tUflT No Freight will be received

after 12 noon of day of sailing.


claudine:DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock P. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-huli- i.

Returning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.0F No Freight will be received

after 4 P. m. on day of sailing.Consignees must be at the landings

to receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.1



Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.' Will call at Honolulu on their

' way to the above ports,as follows:

Stmr. "China." Dec 15.

Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaand return, via San Francisco, 9360,For particulars apply to

H. HACKFELD A CO.,138 tf ' Agents.

IKing eltreet. Honolulu.

Excellent accommodation for patients.

DR. A. R. ROWAT, V. 8.Oltice Hours-7:3- 0to 10 a.m.; 12:30

to 2 p. m. ; 1 :30 to 6 p. m.

Telephones: Bell9. Mutual 188.P. O. Bos SiR. i:2tt

Scotch Splint Coal I

undersigned offer for tale 600THE of best Scotch Splint Coal, juutarrived per "Strathhlane" from Glas-gow. Tills Coal is equal to best WelchCoal, and especially suited (or steam,household and ploughing engine use.m tf Q. W. MACFARLANK 6 CO.

Chamber SuitsWin drobi'n,



1 taliy C 'tiri-iiir-

t orulce PoIcn,

PARLOR SETSKu Inn ..V- Weed 1M'-m- ,

Mitli.v Wuili iiitflOlllttffM,

fiol'.t lltitlM.

Chairs to Bent lor Balls and Parties.

S. El. CARTER,No. H King Mlrent,



Beprinre Bay Goal,


foir Delivered in any part of thetown.

187-B0- TH TELEPHONES-18-7.200 tf


lorpn & Hitclicocl

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good In transit to the oilier Islands.

Also, Black & White SandIn quantities to suit at loweit prices

tST Office: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual 19-- g Telephones s?" Bell 414

Mm LoceiroThe undersigned having been appointed

sole agents for the HawaiianIslands

For the Celebrated

fiiwii LonotimFrom the works of

Burkm, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Venn

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, ofsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents an t managers' with particularof same

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. tt. IRWIN & Co., Ld,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands

Atlas Assurance ConanyOF LONUOX.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


ALL shooting of game on the lands ofIlalawa, A lea ami Mau-nnlu- a,

I. land of Oalni, is strictly for-bidden without the necessary permit,which may be had on application to Mr,.1. M. Dowsett, at, the banking house ofBishop & Co., Honolulu, 11. I.


220 U

inan luiuier remains mai ur ununever known a Miij;le intain'e wherea patl)r or preui In-- had offered toinstruct hii Hot k on the vital ques-

tion, "How tame we by the Bible,ami hy what authority do we believeit as the inspired law and teachingsof the Divine Creator?"

That great question is one that, 1

venture to say, not one in a hundredchurch-goe- r knows anything about.We are supposed to know that a mannamed Mom's, a King Solomon,soniehody called Paul and fitly orsixty others write certain manu-

scripts under Hie inspiration of theUreal Creator of all things, and thatthese writings were collected to-

gether in a hook that we call theUibie, and we are taught to regardit with all the reverence due to aproduction alti iliulahle to the inspir-ation of Almighty (iod. '1 he

expression, "Thus saith theLord," used throughout the Scrip-

tures, is so accepted hy the majorityof Christians in all sincerity us to itsabsolute truth.

Would one of your more learnedreaders kindly tell us in what mannerthe scriptures reached us? I, withmany others, would like to know :

1st. In what form and in what locali-

ties they were first discovered and inw hat tongue were they writleu? 2nd.The dates (approximately) of suchdiscoveries? ."nl. Hy whom and atwhat date were the writings compos-ing the Bible selected from the massof literature submitted to them andpronounced to be of inspired origin?It woiihtiilso be interesting and in-

structive to know under whose orderand authority such investigation amiselection was made. Perhaps thereis some reliable historical work onthe subject obtainable in Honolulu?These are questions that every think-ing man or woman has a right toask, and shonht be desirous of know-

ing. "Layman," whose letter is re-

ferred to above, does not remembera single instance where a pastor orpreacher once offered to instruct hiscongregation on these points. Issuch instruction ever given? 1

think not, or if it is I have never,during twenty years of pretty regu-lar attendance at church, heard thesubject alluded to except perhaps inthe most vague manner.

Regarding the popular belief thatthe scriptures were really writtenunder Divine inspiration, grave, verygrave, doubts will arise in the mindsof thoughtful men on this point, andmore especially so when such passagesoccur that, , would be rejectedby any respectable publisher. Ithink that it is time that we shouldbe enlightened on these matters, andto know very clearly to whose humanjudgment we are indebted for theselection of ancient writings, pro-nouncing them as "divinely inspired"centuries after they were written.Perhaps Mr. Burgess, who has madethe scriptures so close a study andaccepts them to the letter with suchblind faith, can tell us who these menwere and by whose authority theyacted in this responsible task.




In reply to Dr. Hammond I re-

spectfully offer the following re-

marks. The Dr. states: "I do notchange that most solemn commandof God's, 'Keniember that thou keepholy the ISabbath day ;' that com-mand was not intended for Christiansbut for a definite class of people wholived prior to the Gospel dispensa-tion." We read in Matthew l'J : 10,of a young man asking Christ whatwas he to do to be saved? AndChrist answered, "Keep the com-mandments," which command hasever been recognized by all Christ-ian churches : therefore the TenCommandments are not a thing ofthe past as w ere other regulations ofthe Mosaic law. The Dr. slates thatthe Apostles taught the first Christ-ians the practice of keeping Sundayinstead of the Sabbath. The Apostleswere the heads of the church andtherefore we say that the churchtaught this practice. This is whatwe learn from tradition and traditionhas ever been accounted, "a rag ofpopery." My last question to theDr. was: "Will Dr. Hammondacknowledge that that church hadthe power lo so change God's ordi-

nance?" In his letter de imo factohe does so. I am content ami canwithdraw safely from the field.

A. M. L KiNtiSi.KV.Oct. 11, 1891.


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