******* OWE CENT«******g 1 There are just a few days left in i \u25a0 whkn you can sign initiative No. 1 % 28, the nonpartisan bill. Your 1 % name is needed. 1 Itimmiiinniiiiiiiiiniinnmntnnm^ 25c A MONTH. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT VOL. XIII. NO. 305. TACOMA. WASH. The Tacoma Times NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA. lc A COPY. Till.' ttSDAY. DE< !EM BKR 7. \HUi. 25c A MONTH. iiiiiiuhHlQHT EDITIOWmnmI I WEATHER I % Tacoma: Rain tonight and Fri- < I day. I g Washington: Same west por- 1 tion, probably rain or snow east 1 % portion. 1 TERROR REIGN! "An inch uiakes a whole lot of difference," they used to tell us, "especially on the end of a woman's nose." But we ask you to consider the greater differ- ence a few feet make. The difference in the, size of a dollar, for instance, between the pay-window and the grocery store 1 BEDSIDE TRIAL Wild Disorder in Rumania as German War Machine Smashes on Way; Many Children Are Dying. il nllrd Prraa Leased Wire.) BY CAUL W. ACKEHMAN. WITH THE GEHMAN AHMV AT URNKKAL YON FALKENHAY.VS HK A I>- QUARTERB IN RUMANIA, Doc. 4.— (Via wireless to the United Press.)— Every hun- dred yards there Ih something dead or dying ln Rumania. Tlie country Ih mad with ter- ror. Anarchy and chaos reign everywhere, and tho misery of the Inhabitants is terrible. It is to bring order out of this chaos that Gen. yon Tulff, former military administrator to Poland, before Warsaw's fall, has been named German governor-general of Rumania. The Rumanians, ordered from their homes by their government, clogged the roads, most of them with a few belongings packed on small ox cartß. The advancing Uernianß overtook these refugees. Wildest Anarchy. Then they turned back toward their homes, only to find ln thousands of instances that every- thing they had left behind had been plundered by other Ruma- nians. As we rode through Rammlcu and Walkla the wildest anarchy prevailed. The streets were lit- tered with household good*, pa- pers, window curtains, dead horses and dogs. Meanwhile bands of Rumanian gypsies went from house to house and shop to shop, smashing win- dows and again plundering the homes already half destroyed. These plundering bands -men, women and children- piled what they could not carry on their own backs on stolen horses or cows. Many Children Die, Because of deprivations and the roaming on muddy, cold Rumanian roads, the mortality of children among these miserable refugees has been very high. One can hardly sleep at night because of the constant barking of deserted dogs. Along the roads lay dead or dying horses. Starving dogs gnaw the flesh of these bod- ies and crows pick at their eyes. The terror that is apparent ererywhere Is In striking contrast to the maps which hung In every Rumanian home and which had been use.i as part of the propa- ganda to get the Rumanians to favor war. These mapc show a "greater Ru- mania," the boundaries of which extend far into Austria- Hungary. Instead of Rumania's ambitions being realized, Rumania herself has fallen before the invader. ADMIT FALL OF CITY ilniinlPrraa l.rmiil Wirt.) PARIS, Dec. 7.—The Ruma- nians evacuated Bucharest in good order, saving their army, it was authoritatively stated here today The Rumanian rear-guard was forced to fight strenuously to cover the retreat. The above is the first admis- sion from any allied source con- firming the German official state- ment late yesterday that Buchar- est had fallen Into the Teutons' hands. GERMANS PUSH AHEAD (tailed l'ri-ni l.rmiiil Wire.) BERLIN, via Sayville wireless. Relieved of Responsibility An administrator, a trustee, or a bonds- man can be relieved of his responsibility, to the extent of his deposit with this com- pany. pufjai Sound Bank I S Trust CamMm Dec. 7.—Occupation of Campina and Sinatra, in addition to the Rumanian capital of Buchartest, was announced as further ad- vance made by German troops In today's official statement. BUCHAREST NOT DEMOLISHKI> United I'rma I.eaard Wire.) AMSTERDAM, Dec. 7.—Bu- charest was almost deserted of civilians as well as of soldiers when the Rumanian capital city was captured by the Germans. Reports here today said the city was not demolished. RAID $600 CACHE OF LIQUORS In an unoccupied two-story frame house at 1724 Market st., the police Wednesday afternoon raided the biggest booze cache which has been rounded up in this city since the first of the year. They believe Ihey have unearth- ed the distributing center fori bootlegging "sperations in Tacoma. When, led b yCapt. Cornish, the police pounced down on Ihe oil house, they found it entirely jn- inli.tbiti'il. The only furniture consisted of a table and four chairs. The Illicitbooze was discovered piled up in the kitchen. The po- lice found five gunnysacks con- taining 120 quart bottles of whis- ky, two five-gallon and two 2%- --gallon demijohns filled with whisky, and 12 quarts of beer. The value is estimated al $(100. | No trace of the persons running,l the place could be obtained. The police have start?d an in- vestigation whicli they think may lead to the capture of the king pins In the Tacoma bootlegging industry. DEEP SNOW HELPS OUT MAIL BANDITS ii ii in-ii l'rraa I.rnard Wire.) TWIN FALLS, Ida., Dec. 7. Deep snow today prevented posses from hunting the two bandits who murdered F. Searcy, mail stage driver, at a lonely point 90 miles south of here and escaped with $3,000. U. W. COED BEATEN ON STREET, ROBBED ll'nil.-,I I"rr__» l.rniird Wire.) SEATTLE, Dec. 7.—Mlm Grace Peterson, a University of Wash- ington co-ed, was knocked down with a club and robbed of her handbag containing $6 by an un- known assailant on 17th a\enue, N. E., near 47th street early Wed- nesday evening. CONDEMN SUFFRAGE H nlt.-ii I'rm l.raaed Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7.— A "condemnation" message from C'ardlnal Gibbons, and denuncia- tion also of suffrage for women by Ellhu Root, marked this aft- ernoon's sessions of the National association opposed to woman suf- frage. WOMAN ACQUITTED d'ulted Preim Leaned Wire.) NEWARK, N. J., Dec. 7.—Mrs. Margaret Claire Beutinger was this afternoon acquitted of the charge of murder. The jury which tried her on a charge of murdering her husband brought in the verdict of not guilty after three hours' delibera- tion. THIS HAS By R. D. P. Last week I told Times readers of the happy, smooth- flowing life of Yacolt, as dis- closed by a copy of its week- ly News. A half dozen persons had the nerve to accuse me of be- ing a faker. They dared to say that there Is no such town, and that I made It all up. Well, they're another, that's all I've got to say. If they'll get out their state railroad commission map and I FLASHES \ (United Press Leased Wire.) TOKYO—Charges that Field Marshal Count Terauchl is "an unconstitutional premier" are be- ing hurled by Viscount Kato and his followers who are promoting a movement to overthrow the new head of the Japanese govern- ment. PARIS—A blockade of Greece as a reprisal for the riots ln Ath- ens in which French marines were fired upon will be officially announced tomorrow. SAN FRANCISCO Kidnaped in a high power touring car, Miss Josie Carmenllla, 18, was rescued by the police today at the home of Innocent Allrlo. WASHINGTON—The house to- day named Reps. Rucker, Garrett and McKlnley to make the house arrangements for the second In- auguration of President Wilson March 5. CHICAGO—Beef at $1.76 a pound, and on the hoof, too! This figure is making the H. C. L. ex- perts gasp today. The beof was grand champion steer of the In- ternational show in California. It was sold today for $1,960. SAN FRANCISCO —The nation- al retail grocers' association will boycott food packers who raise their wholesale prices, as one means of reducing the cost of liv- ing. WASHINGTON, D. C—An ap- propriation of $100,000 is asked in a resolution today calling for a joint senate and house Investi- gation of expenditures of money to Influence the recent national election. MINISTERS WILL ELECT OFFICERS The Ministerial Alliance will meet at 2 o'clock Monday at the Y. W. C. A. In addition to the regular business, officers will be elected. trace a railroad that runs north Into the foothills from Vancouver, Wash., to Its ter- minus, there, serene and un- disturbed, they will discover the village. This week, I discover, there has been much traveling to and- from the town. R. A. Mullenger, of Taco- ma, for Instance, has been there on I. O. O. F. affairs. "Richard Pyron and A. F. Forcia were seeing the sights and dodging autos ln Port- land a couple ot days last week," we read. More Important, howerer, it Is recorded that: "it F. Baatz, of Oregon City, moved his family here last week and expects to re- main here permanently. Mr. Baatz has rented the Case blacksmith shop. He Is a good workman and will endeavor to turn out first clans work and take care of all the black- smith trade formerly han- dled by Mr. Case." And still more important, the 12 M. B. ministers of the county psld Yacolt a visit. "We are glad that these \u25a0sWMßrrt-* I lift TVIPiYITI2} I llUftS -EeF^ 12 Ikm Ita H a.., __. it lb. out JL XIV JLC4.VyV_rJ.AI.CA. JL XJLAI.V>k^ W..kln P on I'll. Icggbt, brooir ol U. et.U war ud flw "nai \u25a0»-a_a» «»a• aa \u25a0 "»_r- \u25a0_____-. _ - •—\u25a0 —-- S wirntr aabil-it portion, Tim ilMuwq uln !W. ~SZ 1 TD OWLT ISDBPBNDEirr WBWEPAPEB IS TAOOMA. I Hnma I dly r"n °r mm w#sl ' """* ""* ________________M____a______________________B__________>X Month v'"- x'" N" " TACOMA. Wash, moniiav jam ah. ii ii.. | r_dlll<>n I I . i EBB SANDBAGGED) J . st.ti publi. iir.l.r .<in!n.iMioe ll»IMo fill '-oin i-_i4.-_lt It <v bo won If Oil moral Mippoit of tbl 'KOH TliflMA AND THE ST.AIK WITH A mUi/-. I'lfv Miiaf Tviornt pass <in_p.-ti> *ttk ibt lawnutt **mm*n* May pank" diteio-i invito* to see tul I'liEl'Kß* TfllO \jliy ITIUOI/ rIKII V SS** "jITO80 BIYNOI_D3 CAMETO THE TACOMA EMUL KNOCKEUOL'T I QvotnmWKinM^none Tiw ..» P l.._|i ii« in.- Of ..urn. .1 nu.j b* tSubthiibattle sta«.ameithmb sii '• n , ;, )T , „\u25a0„„„,„ bystem Which Keeps S^ \u0084M w JS^^A^wStSi Tourlit Trtvel From .^jfe^g^pj^^rf^ag^^-s,^.^ ,„,„*. Flowinc This Way— i-aW-s-STOBS°..u™ "iM ! «*t_«..j«w. .* M «« ltf!.W T"""JMi,he "J,,1"""dC0',,• 1 "JWIII(S XlllO TV ay „„ „., vM h llMytr , M^ dUcrtiniMtoll' ' THE TlMl'h 18 (IOINO IIQWS TUP: MM. -|i,!. V..i,,,u. i, i_il .l-il. iiliilu \u25a0!> "IJ ni«liii<^ Battle Can Be Woni i „.rr e t*t ** '. —~— ....... THISISAOALLTOABMSTOIVIEYIUH VVII6O YOU bIICH 9 I 1 Kirn.l MAS IN TAOOMA __. . _ _„„ „„, \ IT 18 A OHAHOt MS THE BEOSO AM BOSMT MHOS TSIXS HOW IT nil* \u25a0ZED TACOMA OOMMSBOIAL OCVB TO DO Oim OBKAT 810 THIMO rOE THE CITT MT TAOOMA rLATOBOUHD WTO ITS OWS. , ,• *$ B BM' »^^«^w.~*-~*~.~n~->. THIS IB THE TEAS Or rBOMIM ALSO OS \u25a0//='\u25a0 '-. «-. BBbSK vl ' \u25a0AMD WOBX. A»D WE MED TO OIT OS ..-_ \u25a0 - Wm\mW\' Ul\ Fm mn Tlcomi ill lb l.rl_l»Mt km \u25a0 __Wf *H__B _H _*I_________ I —l SKmBPSS first page oi Lhe I lines ol h.u Qa&d^ErajW January IT which launched the of «lk» bolciifod lo *^Bl^Bm*-^___________U__\ ' ' lout-ill from 111 ____.it *-\u25a0_\u25a0• (<> Clliforou, tint kJnBH.M BTh ' XT i.l i- brraiiM CnlilofaU'i rlauU Ii bcttti tboo Wiihlnf TWO'y"^^P _________1 I .li'llli' iN Ol't IIWCST. Inu'. no! ti-.ilV-rof finfi ni' t'.Ut, ICCOIII *tsJi*&i£** ______H __._*> __il^al ___________ '' > niodilK*.. DPT HECAVBE Or INFAIK. DIS W9^ _B Mr_t^m^MMMfßMM[. I<'ill-ll virtlll'V CJIIIIC 1 II- Wl'Ck > CRINATOKYRAILWAY TA»*EKOEn HaTIB _£<*) *I~B WW _B'*^_3 HnW fc"J \HM»I. i II com* tin-irii.'Ui M1.75 mort lo «o fiom Chi Wf^^^B ;P' .<H*aW^ .i j _\u0084-.i...j \u0084,. \u0084 \u0084 \u0084..i,, \u0084.s ri*n.».o rt. r_...,.i.ibm iidiMi u> IsL_ -. \u25a0?,.. *. when the interstate coiiiiiieii'C com (Inn Frni'lifp Ml N>w Hil.idi, Fl I'm-, nn.l Lnt t__r__e._M_W < -iijixt_AU___^,_. _m . . An,.l M ' AVII Till lilM'AMir o\ HI Till. jfilfclMUl Tl WWWHWlilfc I 111 U miuuWm I'lllcil tll'll t'l'lllll t IIS tllllc ] SOI'THERS Hull! IS pHKATES BY IM M%_\ _g»fg SM*l < llllr-MOtl HIM II 111.11 IIUUI 111 inuuiiri. «h»n iDot-ld lonriit rtlra Ira In if *eK7v^ '^^^^^^^^^Sbl S illl till" $17.50 '(111 I»' l't' 11 Ilil I. fi fi-i. ih. .litf.n'u.. ii. in w. ibf pii-i.il/iini ij'ni fajrJN'W*"***** <^^ .s__»»aa.«.»- I^-awaa.a.a, plain disi'riminat ion against Two- -f1,.l \u0084_!.,. Hi.- 11.i.1r, b«. nllliTi 111 MilUa. -_-#. ,_. \u0084, , \u0084 -, lngl_,.b.Ni.illi»,l!,oic_.m,.l»r,. n .«lt,r -i-.^ •*- _.*,-_*_-.*. __A lUttl tXAIili\ UC <'I ill) 11 lilt C(l. of li.Hil.l^lhf »ill tiki 111. hwutbrrn iiniti- "^.^2 S ** IT "* l*J___Tr____. \u25a0 I 4 Tkn Tirom. Will m/n mHa Xl "fi.VJT.~ . »«.— "k»^iC; JTtt^T-i S 'i-nl i-l iWu li-KlUnlltA "iniuii. i Hjuntl honnn \u0084 .v , a . i. _.-—•« •. ,ta,__l __, I_h> |M . S Tbil Piifct amnd itaimr moo nn mob \u25a0. \u25a0 ; * ;' H ' 'nn jiwl'.Opw CIIH 01 t'UII SBy UlflUU WII ' *'" rr____r -_-\u0084,_.._'" iiki. L »aa^vvv_>_.^a^^^^wv^-vaa*aa^vsa^^s_s^^vwvv^^^-v ill Ih. i.inimrr from toiirlil lutrininft | m-. ICUCCI A lUATIII/D ' t q Thil i..1 nrtolr ilnl.-ri -\,ret rill..l>, T LASntSJ it |l|l I|| r.lf I dcpirtuioni norn-io I_m iv.tj bm of bun- '—___—aaw__—_____na_nT tmaav m \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»» i mil mil ivory inlnii-UAI buiioia'iruln in thin eoitri-^—D^'\u25a0__*__*ft____^l.;_Li, §\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I fl a M^wr ..,-1,. nof iht Cmt«l Stili. it koine mo«> .'fftt.'Cr.i ilii ~ ..*.' IH I* MAX14 \u25a0*-lry )lli «_«,_.. .1 i_- .."\u25a0• •:"\u25a0•'• _\ ULI 1 IbH-IB Wilh lb» prolinulinlwipwl 001. «»«»» nun übo , a m_.i**^i*>. am n __.. . «_ -_-. «_ »_ i lif' 1 's^rr* k-»^"'». T"'<"«- «*> •;' *°« sTc^rs-,^___; aairu. -«?^ir*^r-.T" "^ r *»4 multiply h_ipiemnl nuiiniti pi-ofii by omtl liJJ^utl-jrLJ!"*** I ..^y^' WILL EXPORT ALL GRAIN IN PACIFIC N.W. A Spirit That Btuilds Cities (I nileil Press Leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 7.—A fleet of Hritisli merchantmen will soon call at Portland lo carry away every bushel of wheat avail- able for sale in tlie Pacific North- west, according to private advices received by dealers today. According to tllls* information, Hiitish agents In the United States who draw on the Bank of England for all purchases have been holding off, hoping that the price of wheat would decline. The time to buy heavily is near, It is believed. The new spirit drawing Tacoma together into a team-working community that is going to get some- where now exemplifies itself in the army post project. Allen & Lamborn, printing firm, has informed Mayor Fawcett that it willprint the ballots for the Jan. 6 bond election free of charge. A considerable number of other enthusiastic citi- zens have volunteered to give their services as elec- tion officials. These people feel, they told the mayor, that they want to do at least that much toward helping along the common good. A committee of public spirited business men had subscribed $3500 to meet the costs of the election. But the volunteer workers take the position they do not want their neighbors' money as pay for ad- vancing an enterprise that is going to do them as much good as it will the donors of the fund. In short, they want to show their public spirit, too. It is this sort of a feeling that makes communities go forward. A campaign that is waged between Thanksgiving and Christmas on the Year of Promise certainly is auspicious. Vessels will be sent hero to take the grain directly to Europe as transportation lines ai-ross Ihe continent are so congested that the shipments could move very slowly if forwarded by rail. CALL MEETING ON FEDERATION PLAN A meeting will be held at 7:4. r > p. m. Monday at the Y. M. C. A., for the further consideration of the proposed federation of Tacoma churches. NEW YORK Anglo-French loan sold at <) V* on the stock ex- change today, establishing a new low mark. IMPORTS DIRT FOR HIS GRAVE MONTCLAIR, N. J., Dec. 7.—Covered with earth he dug and brought to America in a trunk, from his home town of Kehdlg Bruch, Ger- many, 57 years ago, Chris- topher Hlnck was buried here Monday as he had ask- ed. BEEN A WEEK OF BUSTLE FOR YACOLT reverend gentlemen have had a glimpse of Yacolt and have met its people. Yacolt bids them God speed and ex- tends hearty Invitation to them to come this way again," commented the edi- tor. But let us not forget Ya- colt's neighboring towns. Chelstchie, for Instance, sends this news: "M. S. Allen sold 40 nice fat turkeys to Frost Bros, last Friday. He received Sic per pound." "Mr. Cast Moore, of Lewls- ville, was on Chelatchle Pral- rie Friday looking after some threshing bills due him." Peaceful Valley reports: "Cord wood may now be Included ln the high cost of living. Tbe producer gets a better price than at any time during the last six years and the consumer Is taxed accord- ingly. Blessed is he who ltv- eth ln the woods where he can get his fuel free." The Dole Items record: "We certainly have a fine school Id Dole." "Mr. Day Is filing donkey for Mr. Bunch." More next wesk. Ethel Waldron Faints for Fourth Time and Finishes Testimony Lying In Bed at Court House. Judge ('aril's rourt was in ses-i sion Thursday morning at the' bedside o| Ethel Waldron to hear her linal testimony in her ISO,-1 (MiO branch of promise case againr-t' Gleiiii Orr of .Stcilncnom. Completely exhausted after| Iwo days of grilling cross-cxam- inatioii, she was unable to con- tinue on the witness stand. At' the opening of the morning SSS-I sion she made an attempt to' complete her case before the jury. j but collapsed lor the fourth time' since the trial began. Slays in (iniilboiisc. The girl bus slept in the court - bouse for the last two nights, not having hii'ii able to go to her home. Her attorney, Ralph Woods, openly (barged defense attorneys of prolonging the ordeal of cross-' examination in an attempt to lull her case. Lying in bed. Ethel answered j the filial qUMtIOM put to her hy j tbe defetiM. concerning her most persi mil rolnttoai with Orr dur- ing the lime lie was aliened to have been engaged to her. Will lie Read to .liny. The qUSttloni with her answers were taken down by a rourl sten- ographer and later read to the jury in the courtroom. WOULD DOUBLE ACREAGE OF ISLAND PENITENTIARY WASHINGTON, I). ('., Dec. 1.1 —With a comment declaring It to relate to "the activities of aliens and foreign sympathising citi- zens," V. S. Attorney General T. W. Gregory in his annual report issued today recommends a law- making it a crime to interfere with or prevent the exportation Of artlclss from the United States to, foreign countries. Others among a long list of laws recommended, aflciting the neutrality and foreign relations or the United Stales, arc: Making it a Crime to set fire to j a vessel engaged in foreign com- merce, or to her cargo, or to tam- per with her machinery or instru- ments, or to place bombs aboard her, etc. Authorizing detention of ves- sels believed to be carrying am- munition, men. supplies or inlor- mation to belligerent vessels. With her case completed, ths defense Immediately moved for a dismissal on the ground that It had not been shown anywhere conclusively that Orr had mads a promise to marry her. The motion whs based on her' letter to him In 1113, which Eh* sent to liitn with a package con- taining the garments she had Bads for their wedding, and in which : in- expressed a willing- ness lo give him up If he no longer cured for her. The motion was denied. Si i | 'ii hit ion Introduced. The defenss contended that this letter abrogated all previ- ous rout rails or promises to marry whh Ii had been made pro- viously. The girl's testimony was that after lie recslvsd the package of wedding clothes, he immediately returned them to her, renewing liis promises of marriage. A slipti hit ion between the cou- ple, signed In December, 1915, when ghe consented to withdraw her first breach or promise suit against Orr, also was introduced. The girl explained she had sign- ed it with the undemanding that it would be necessary in or- der to permit tho marriage. Ihe attorney general makes the luggeatlon that the acreage belonging to the penitentiary at McNeils Island more than doubled, i v order to raise mom supplies for the institution. SAY HE URGED HER TO KILL Throwing additional safeguard! around passports; making false Statements therein perjury; mak- ing alteration, forgery or fraudu- lent obtaining, transfer or use ol passports a criminal offense. .Making it a crime to mint or print coin or POper money for in- surgents within a country with which the t'nited States is at peace. Making it a crime to conspire within the United States to injure or destroy property within a for- eign country. Talk o' the Times Greeting", has Ihe mayor put you on a coiniiiiMce? So far as we can recall, there have not yet been any shipyards placed at Sylvan, at Tltlow's Beach or at Magnolia Beach. Hint to s|Hirtjiii> cdiim-s— A young man named Oliphant Inc. been playing a pretty guoil in.mil of (milball. Why not dig up something about him and print It? How the local G. O. P. would be pointing with pride at rising prosperity now If only Hughes had carried California! We move that Ihe subject of midnight revues lie drop- ped. Wyman, the Minnesota full- back, hurled . forward passes 40 yards as accurately as if lie had only attempted to shoot Ihem ,~>o yards,—Cincinnati (O.) Enquirer. -Since lieing happy makes one r»i that's why It's hard 0 tor a fat person to g.-t thin. When they lose a few pound* Uiey're no happy they v M on \the weight they lost.—Dr. l/./y Rite. I lulled Ptl— l .-n.,.,1 Wire.) THOMPSON FALLS. Mont., Dec. 7. A. S. Ainsworth, news- paper publisher, was srheJuled to come to trial today on a charge of urging Miss Edith Colby to kill A. ('. Thomas, politician. Edith Colby, who was convicted of second degree murd'T, will be sentenced Saturday. The jury fixed the penalty as ten in twelvs years. Miss Colby said she would not mind going to prison If ihe man whom she alleges persuaded har to kill Thomas were also jailed. FAIRCHILD OUT FOR ARMY POST State Senator Wilburn Falrchlld announced Thursday that he Is strongly favoring the 0. 8. army division post for Tacoma. "I want to go on record as heartily endorsing the il_.n," hs said. Washington hasn't one cast on record of where a pet dogfish left its bowl to go out and dig holes in the yard? TO MISS JEANNETTE KANKIM Congrcsswomati from Montana I Social service worker, too), Far he It from me to pan a Girl like you. No. I voice my approbation: Favored female delegate, You're a tribute to the nation And your state. You're a proof of our improve* ment From the time when people spoke Of the Woman Suffrage Movement As a joke. Making men and women equal In the ruling of the land Ought to have a splendid sequel. Lady and Your election might have meant the Rise of faith and hops In me. If you didn't represent the O. O. P. —Gulliver, in N. Y. Tribune. DID YOU KNOW— The fisheries department at At last It Is disclosed Mm* the D. in D. Banker's u«| stands (or Dodlpher.

Transcript of I TERROR REIGN! BEDSIDE TRIAL - Chronicling...

*******OWE CENT«******g1 There are just a few days left in i

\u25a0 whkn you can sign initiative No. 1% 28, the nonpartisan bill. Your 1% name is needed. 1

Itimmiiinniiiiiiiiiniinnmntnnm^25c A MONTH. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT



Till.'ttSDAY. DE< !EM BKR 7. \HUi. 25c A MONTH.

iiiiiiuhHlQHT EDITIOWmnmII WEATHER I% Tacoma: Rain tonight and Fri- <I day. Ig Washington: Same west por- 1• tion, probably rain or snow east 1% portion. 1

TERROR REIGN!"An inch uiakes a whole lot of difference," they

used to tell us, "especially on the end of a woman'snose." But we ask you to consider the greater differ-ence a few feet make.

The difference in the, size of a dollar, for instance,between the pay-window and the grocery store 1 BEDSIDE TRIAL

Wild Disorder in Rumaniaas German War MachineSmashes on Way; ManyChildren Are Dying.

il nllrd Prraa Leased Wire.)


AHMV AT URNKKAL YONFALKENHAY.VS HKA I>-QUARTERB IN RUMANIA,Doc. 4.—(Via wireless to theUnited Press.)— Every hun-dred yards there Ih somethingdead or dying ln Rumania.Tlie country Ih mad with ter-ror. Anarchy and chaosreign everywhere, and thomisery of the Inhabitants isterrible.It is to bring order out of this

chaos that Gen. yon Tulff, formermilitary administrator to Poland,before Warsaw's fall, has beennamed German governor-generalof Rumania.

The Rumanians, ordered fromtheir homes by their government,clogged the roads, most of themwith a few belongings packed onsmall ox cartß. The advancingUernianß overtook these refugees.

Wildest Anarchy.Then they turned back toward

their homes, only to find lnthousands of instances that every-thing they had left behind hadbeen plundered by other Ruma-nians.

As we rode through Rammlcuand Walkla the wildest anarchy

prevailed. The streets were lit-tered with household good*, pa-pers, window curtains, dead horsesand dogs.

Meanwhile bands of Rumaniangypsies went from house to houseand shop to shop, smashing win-dows and again plundering thehomes already half destroyed.These plundering bands -men,women and children- piled whatthey could not carry on their ownbacks on stolen horses or cows.

Many Children Die,

Because of deprivations and theroaming on muddy, cold Rumanianroads, the mortality of childrenamong these miserable refugeeshas been very high.

One can hardly sleep at nightbecause of the constant barking ofdeserted dogs. Along the roadslay dead or dying horses. Starvingdogs gnaw the flesh of these bod-ies and crows pick at their eyes.

The terror that is apparentererywhere Is In striking contrastto the maps which hung In everyRumanian home and which hadbeen use.i as part of the propa-ganda to get the Rumanians tofavor war.

These mapc show a "greater Ru-mania," the boundaries ofwhich extend far into Austria-Hungary.

Instead of Rumania's ambitionsbeing realized, Rumania herselfhas fallen before the invader.

ADMIT FALL OF CITYilniinlPrraa l.rmiil Wirt.)

PARIS, Dec. 7.—The Ruma-nians evacuated Bucharest ingood order, saving their army, itwas authoritatively stated heretoday The Rumanian rear-guardwas forced to fight strenuously tocover the retreat.

The above is the first admis-sion from any allied source con-firming the German official state-ment late yesterday that Buchar-est had fallen Into the Teutons'hands.

GERMANS PUSH AHEAD(tailed l'ri-ni l.rmiiil Wire.)

BERLIN, via Sayville wireless.

Relieved ofResponsibility

An administrator, atrustee, or a bonds-man can be relievedof his responsibility,to the extent of hisdeposit with this com-pany.

pufjai Sound BankI S Trust CamMm

Dec. 7.—Occupation of Campinaand Sinatra, in addition to theRumanian capital of Buchartest,was announced as further ad-vance made by German troops Intoday's official statement.

BUCHAREST NOT DEMOLISHKI>United I'rma I.eaard Wire.)

AMSTERDAM, Dec. 7.—Bu-charest was almost deserted ofcivilians as well as of soldierswhen the Rumanian capital citywas captured by the Germans.Reports here today said the citywas not demolished.


In an unoccupied two-storyframe house at 1724 Market st.,the police Wednesday afternoonraided the biggest booze cachewhich has been rounded up in thiscity since the first of the year.

They believe Ihey have unearth-ed the distributing center foribootlegging "sperations in Tacoma.

When, led b yCapt. Cornish, thepolice pounced down on Ihe oilhouse, they found it entirely jn-

inli.tbiti'il. The only furnitureconsisted of a table and fourchairs.

The Illicitbooze was discoveredpiled up in the kitchen. The po-lice found five gunnysacks con-taining 120 quart bottles of whis-ky, two five-gallon and two 2%---gallon demijohns filled withwhisky, and 12 quarts of beer.The value is estimated al $(100. |

No trace of the persons running,lthe place could be obtained.

The police have start?d an in-vestigation whicli they think maylead to the capture of the kingpins In the Tacoma bootleggingindustry.

DEEP SNOW HELPSOUT MAIL BANDITSii iiin-ii l'rraa I.rnard Wire.)

TWIN FALLS, Ida., Dec. 7. —Deep snow today prevented possesfrom hunting the two bandits whomurdered F. Searcy, mail stagedriver, at a lonely point 90 milessouth of here and escaped with$3,000.

U. W. COED BEATENON STREET, ROBBEDll'nil.-,I I"rr__» l.rniird Wire.)

SEATTLE, Dec. 7.—Mlm GracePeterson, a University of Wash-ington co-ed, was knocked downwith a club and robbed of herhandbag containing $6 by an un-known assailant on 17th a\enue,N. E., near 47th street early Wed-nesday evening.

CONDEMN SUFFRAGEH nlt.-ii I'rm l.raaed Wire.)

WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7.—A "condemnation" message fromC'ardlnal Gibbons, and denuncia-tion also of suffrage for womenby Ellhu Root, marked this aft-ernoon's sessions of the Nationalassociation opposed to woman suf-frage.

WOMAN ACQUITTEDd'ulted Preim Leaned Wire.)

NEWARK, N. J., Dec. 7.—Mrs.Margaret Claire Beutinger wasthis afternoon acquitted of thecharge of murder.

The jury which tried her on acharge of murdering her husbandbrought in the verdict of notguilty after three hours' delibera-tion.


Last week I told Timesreaders of the happy, smooth-flowing life of Yacolt, as dis-closed by a copy of its week-ly News.

A half dozen persons hadthe nerve to accuse me of be-ing a faker. They dared tosay that there Is no suchtown, and that I made It allup.

Well, they're another,that's all I've got to say. Ifthey'll get out their staterailroad commission map and

I FLASHES \(United Press Leased Wire.)TOKYO—Charges that Field

Marshal Count Terauchl is "anunconstitutional premier" are be-ing hurled by Viscount Kato andhis followers who are promotinga movement to overthrow thenew head of the Japanese govern-ment.

PARIS—A blockade of Greeceas a reprisal for the riots ln Ath-ens in which French marineswere fired upon will be officiallyannounced tomorrow.

SAN FRANCISCO — Kidnapedin a high power touring car, MissJosie Carmenllla, 18, was rescuedby the police today at the homeof Innocent Allrlo.

WASHINGTON—The house to-day named Reps. Rucker, Garrettand McKlnley to make the housearrangements for the second In-auguration of President WilsonMarch 5.

CHICAGO—Beef at $1.76 apound, and on the hoof, too! Thisfigure is making the H. C. L. ex-perts gasp today. The beof wasgrand champion steer of the In-ternational show in California. Itwas sold today for $1,960.

SAN FRANCISCO —The nation-al retail grocers' association willboycott food packers who raisetheir wholesale prices, as onemeans of reducing the cost of liv-ing.

WASHINGTON, D. C—An ap-propriation of $100,000 is askedin a resolution today calling fora joint senate and house Investi-gation of expenditures of moneyto Influence the recent nationalelection.


The Ministerial Alliance willmeet at 2 o'clock Monday at theY. W. C. A. In addition to theregular business, officers will beelected.

trace a railroad that runsnorth Into the foothills fromVancouver, Wash., to Its ter-minus, there, serene and un-disturbed, they will discoverthe village.

This week, I discover, therehas been much traveling toand- from the town.

R. A. Mullenger, of Taco-ma, for Instance, has beenthere on I. O. O. F. affairs.

"Richard Pyron and A. F.Forcia were seeing the sightsand dodging autos ln Port-land a couple ot days lastweek," we read.

More Important, howerer,it Is recorded that:

"it F. Baatz, of OregonCity, moved his family herelast week and expects to re-main here permanently. Mr.Baatz has rented the Caseblacksmith shop. He Is a goodworkman and will endeavorto turn out first clans workand take care of all the black-smith trade formerly han-dled by Mr. Case."

And still more important,the 12 M. B. ministers of thecounty psld Yacolt a visit.

"We are glad that these

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A Spirit ThatBtuilds Cities (I nileil Press Leased Wire.)

PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 7.—Afleet of Hritisli merchantmen willsoon call at Portland lo carryaway every bushel of wheat avail-able for sale in tlie Pacific North-west, according to private advicesreceived by dealers today.

According to tllls* information,Hiitish agents In the UnitedStates who draw on the Bank ofEngland for all purchases havebeen holding off, hoping that theprice of wheat would decline.The time to buy heavily is near,It is believed.

The new spirit drawing Tacoma together into ateam-working community that is going to get some-where now exemplifies itself in the army post project.

Allen & Lamborn, printing firm, has informedMayor Fawcett that it willprint the ballots for theJan. 6 bond election free of charge.

A considerable number of other enthusiastic citi-zens have volunteered to give their services as elec-tion officials.

These people feel, they told the mayor, that theywant to do at least that much toward helping alongthe common good.

A committee of public spirited business men hadsubscribed $3500 to meet the costs of the election.

But the volunteer workers take the position theydo not want their neighbors' money as pay for ad-vancing an enterprise that is going to do them asmuch good as it will the donors of the fund. In short,they want to show their public spirit, too.

It is this sort of a feeling that makes communitiesgo forward.

A campaign that is waged between Thanksgivingand Christmas on the Year of Promise certainly isauspicious.

Vessels will be sent hero totake the grain directly to Europeas transportation lines ai-ross Ihecontinent are so congested thatthe shipments could move veryslowly if forwarded by rail.


A meeting will be held at 7:4.r >p. m. Monday at the Y. M. C. A.,for the further consideration ofthe proposed federation of Tacomachurches.

NEW YORK — Anglo-Frenchloan sold at <) V* on the stock ex-change today, establishing a newlow mark.


MONTCLAIR, N. J., Dec.7.—Covered with earth hedug and brought to Americain a trunk, from his hometown of Kehdlg Bruch, Ger-many, 57 years ago, Chris-topher Hlnck was buriedhere Monday as he had ask-ed.

BEEN A WEEK OF BUSTLE FOR YACOLTreverend gentlemen havehad a glimpse of Yacolt andhave met its people. Yacoltbids them God speed and ex-tends hearty Invitation tothem to come this wayagain," commented the edi-tor.

But let us not forget Ya-colt's neighboring towns.Chelstchie, for Instance,sends this news:

"M. S. Allen sold 40 nicefat turkeys to Frost Bros,last Friday. He received Sicper pound."

"Mr. Cast Moore, of Lewls-ville, was on Chelatchle Pral-

rie Friday looking after somethreshing bills due him."

Peaceful Valley reports:"Cord wood may now be

Included ln the high cost ofliving. Tbe producer gets abetter price than at any timeduring the last six years andthe consumer Is taxed accord-ingly. Blessed is he who ltv-eth ln the woods where hecan get his fuel free."

The Dole Items record:"We certainly have a fine

school Id Dole.""Mr. Day Is filing donkey

for Mr. Bunch."More next wesk.

Ethel Waldron Faints forFourth Time and FinishesTestimony Lying In Bedat Court House.

Judge ('aril's rourt was in ses-ision Thursday morning at the'bedside o| Ethel Waldron to hearher linal testimony in her ISO,-1(MiO branch of promise case againr-t'Gleiiii Orr of .Stcilncnom.

Completely exhausted after|Iwo days of grilling cross-cxam-inatioii, she was unable to con-tinue on the witness stand. At'the opening of the morning SSS-Ision she made an attempt to'complete her case before the jury. jbut collapsed lor the fourth time'since the trial began.

Slays in (iniilboiisc.

The girl bus slept in the court -bouse for the last two nights, nothaving hii'ii able to go to herhome.

Her attorney, Ralph Woods,openly (barged defense attorneys

of prolonging the ordeal of cross-'examination in an attempt to lullher case.

Lying in bed. Ethel answered jthe filial qUMtIOM put to her hy jtbe defetiM. concerning her mostpersi mil rolnttoai with Orr dur-ing the lime lie was aliened tohave been engaged to her.

Will lie Read to .liny.The qUSttloni with her answers

were taken down by a rourl sten-ographer and later read to thejury in the courtroom.


WASHINGTON, I). ('., Dec. 1.1—With a comment declaring It torelate to "the activities of aliensand foreign sympathising citi-zens," V. S. Attorney General T.W. Gregory in his annual reportissued today recommends a law-making it a crime to interferewith or prevent the exportation Ofartlclss from the United States to,

foreign countries.Others among a long list of

laws recommended, aflciting theneutrality and foreign relationsor the United Stales, arc:

Making it a Crime to set fire to ja vessel engaged in foreign com-merce, or to her cargo, or to tam-

per with her machinery or instru-ments, or to place bombs aboardher, etc.

Authorizing detention of ves-

sels believed to be carrying am-munition, men. supplies or inlor-mation to belligerent vessels.

With her case completed, thsdefense Immediately moved for adismissal on the ground that Ithad not been shown anywhereconclusively that Orr had mads apromise to marry her.

The motion whs based on her'letter to him In 1113, which Eh*sent to liitn with a package con-taining the garments she hadBads for their wedding, and inwhich : in- expressed a willing-ness lo give him up If he nolonger cured for her.

The motion was denied.

Si i | 'iihit ion Introduced.The defenss contended that

this letter abrogated all previ-ous rout rails or promises tomarry whh Ii had been made pro-viously.

The girl's testimony was thatafter lie recslvsd the package ofwedding clothes, he immediatelyreturned them to her, renewingliis promises of marriage.

A slipti hit ion between the cou-ple, signed In December, 1915,when ghe consented to withdrawher first breach or promise suitagainst Orr, also was introduced.The girl explained she had sign-ed it with the undemandingthat it would be necessary in or-der to permit tho marriage.

Ihe attorney general makesthe luggeatlon that the acreagebelonging to the penitentiary atMcNeils Island b« more thandoubled, iv order to raise momsupplies for the institution.


Throwing additional safeguard!around passports; making falseStatements therein perjury; mak-ing alteration, forgery or fraudu-lent obtaining, transfer or use olpassports a criminal offense.

.Making it a crime to mint orprint coin or POper money for in-surgents within a country withwhich the t'nited States is atpeace.

Making it a crime to conspirewithin the United States to injureor destroy property within a for-eign country.

Talk o' the TimesGreeting", has Ihe mayor

put you on a coiniiiiMce?

So far as we can recall, therehave not yet been any shipyardsplaced at Sylvan, at Tltlow'sBeach or at Magnolia Beach.

Hint to s|Hirtjiii> cdiim-s—A young man named OliphantInc. been playing a prettyguoil in.mil of (milball. Whynot dig up something abouthim and print It?

How the local G. O. P. wouldbe pointing with pride at risingprosperity now If only Hughes hadcarried California!

We move that Ihe subjectof midnight revues lie drop-ped.

Wyman, the Minnesota full-back, hurled . forward passes 40yards as accurately as if lie hadonly attempted to shoot Ihem ,~>oyards,—Cincinnati (O.) Enquirer.

-Since lieing happy makesone r»i that's why It's hard

0 tor a fat person to g.-t thin.When they lose a few pound*Uiey're no happy they v M on

\the weight they lost.—Dr.l/./y Rite.

I lulled Ptl— l .-n.,.,1 Wire.)

THOMPSON FALLS. Mont.,Dec. 7. A. S. Ainsworth, news-paper publisher, was srheJuled tocome to trial today on a charge ofurging Miss Edith Colby to killA. ('. Thomas, politician.

Edith Colby, who was convictedof second degree murd'T, will besentenced Saturday. The juryfixed the penalty as ten in twelvsyears.

Miss Colby said she would notmind going to prison If ihe manwhom she alleges persuaded harto kill Thomas were also jailed.


State Senator Wilburn Falrchlldannounced Thursday that he Isstrongly favoring the 0. 8. armydivision post for Tacoma.

"I want to go on record asheartily endorsing the il_.n," hssaid.

Washington hasn't one caston record of where a pet dogfishleft its bowl to go out and digholes in the yard?

TO MISS JEANNETTE KANKIMCongrcsswomati from Montana

ISocial service worker, too),Far he It from me to pan a

Girl like you.

No. I voice my approbation:Favored female delegate,

You're a tribute to the nationAnd your state.

You're a proof of our improve*ment

From the time when peoplespoke

Of the Woman Suffrage MovementAs a joke.

Making men and women equalIn the ruling of the land

Ought to have a splendid sequel.Lady and

Your election might have meantthe

Rise of faith and hops In me.If you didn't represent the

O. O. P.—Gulliver, in N. Y. Tribune.

DID YOU KNOW—The fisheries department at

At last It Is disclosed Mm*the D. in D. Banker's u«|stands (or Dodlpher.