Hummel Crocheted Collectibles

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  • 8/4/2019 Hummel Crocheted Collectibles


  • 8/4/2019 Hummel Crocheted Collectibles


    CR,QCH:ET COTTON INSTRUCT10NSThese be~tiful Croc~ c r Q ~ '

    lecti'bles ean easily be oollvertedinto smallee figurines. Simply - t ! l l o w the ~strp~,O!l'lS giyen ' C l O r{e ach n :s u :t J; n e '}lSlllij ,Knit,-Cn:i~Sheal l l i .n .s_tead q C 411iy yam. Thi'!~sttt-ch co~s 'mid nu.mber of. l :nunds, will remain tllecS8IIle. By~btllining Q Sm8110r gauge)rW'lJMW a smaller vBraion ofCrQqhm

    Cf)t~ibles.SIZE: Vi the ~ht I O f 4-ply6~.MATEJUAL!!h CO.iilts &Clark"Knit"Gr~Ml1" ol'crochGt eQkt0l1-2ii yds,.foT ewry oz. of4"pl~. for embnJider:p stitches

    USjl: 1 strana e m bl" lJ id ery flo ss _;when pre,paring bas.e 'you -willne.etl tnodieling chiy, and plastic

    w - : r : a : p , mnl.dclay to Ut; dimm.eter ofbase and ~)' thick, ~p withplastic wrap; cut ~ c,imfuoardpieces V : i the, given si~~ No. 7s , o ' ( . e e J [ erodu!tl:tOO'kor me nel. ' ;(l.e.dt I obtmn gw;tge,All at-her materialtl are aslisted,GAlJGE:~8 se sts = 1";10 BeN,W'S = Iii.

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    Apples &FlowersHutik:Q~

    . [ .Bril ':,fu1.rn Anoorson. ,fuza herhusband, Ma-ro[n, re.cently reio-@ea ~il Wi.lson,Nortl~ CQrolina,_J"wwl~8. how pop;ular figu:iuecQllectlng has he.cmne. Ba,rbamdf:cided to create a coUer:tiJ)rI; 0{h . e r "o'wn, Crochet CroJ.lectfble~.A n d : as usual; Barbara hasamuii:edus with her ability tocapture details. W' her yarnan d cr ochet h oo h .1 1 f 1 e ' 4 - , p l y yarrn to ma-ke the, lrJ , rgtr version h r , if ,YOU prefer.u se oC l'( )c he~ c a.tt9 n to m ak e a fig u.rine half the . e. Either wayyou'll get all that beautifuldetailing with the simples: ofcrochet stitches.So spend a f e r e t l e l ' : ! l i n g , s : making Of!,!! ofthese and you will trea-sure l, t fo r y eaTS ~Drome .

    SPE C IAL NO TE SSIZE: ll'~all.MA.TE~RlALS!'Coats &Clark

    "Wmtuk" o > { ' 4-ply .yarn- 2 OZS.each It. peach, camel, beig-e,brown, rust, redand off-white;beige embroidery floss; blackand red pe.rmBJIent ink marker;brush QU blush; tacky glue; 42"diameter plastic container with2 . ljdlsj m.odeling clay, polyesterfiberf.iiH; 22" 8qjnare and 7"square pieces cardboard; tapes-try andsofl.,sculpture.needles; Fcrochet hook Ill' size needed toobtain gange.GAUGE; 9 sc sts = 2 1 ' ; 9 l3iIlr01;';r8 '= 2".

    I N ST R U C T lQN SGIRLHeadNOTE: Do f ldJct join rudsunless othe'rwisa stated .. Markfirstst of each rod.Rnd 1: Starting at mouthw ith It. peach. c h 2 ,,'S B e in 2nd. chfrom hook (6}.

    Rnd 2: 2 BC ineach st areund(12).Rnd :1:'.2 se in each of first 281;1;, sc innext 8 ata, 2; se in each oflast 2 sts (16).B;Bd 4: Be infust 4 . sta, 2 B e ineach of next .9 sta B{: in Iest 4 ste(24\).

    iRnd 0: Sc in 6rst ,4 sts; ([01"cheek, 2 se ineach 'ofnext 4ats);se in'I!~ 8 sts; repeat between( ), last., sts (32).R in d ,6 : Sc inmst 4 sis, (se nex t2 sta: :w'g) ,~times~ :2 SC in each ofnext 8 8ts , (se next 2 st... tog 4time.s, s e in last 4 : sts.(32).Rmd '7 : He, (se next2sts t{l'!lO 2, sein next ffisis, (sa nex t 2 sts ~og) 2 : 'tlmes, soc

    in last 4 ate (28).Rnld:s' 8-11: Se in eflc.h staroUqd. .lbJd 1.2: S'c m Men of first, 2)!'it!'!, sfl next 2 sts t . ! l : g ; , (BC in nen4 sts,se n.ext 2 sts tog) areund(23).Bnd 13: Repeat rod8.Rnd 14; Se in frnst st, Benext2 sts tog, (se in each of next 3

    stS,BC next 2 B e e ; tog~ around(18).Rnd 15: (B e next 2 sf-a tog, se innext st) sraund (12).Stuff firroJy forming cheeksand forehead.Rod 16:: (Be next 2 st.a tog)around.jotn with I'llst in ftrst

    BC (6,)0.Stuff. Leaving 21~ forsewin,g, fasten off. Sew open-ing clcaed.For chin, make smallindent between rnds land 2below mouth, Puah ne:edJeth.rough to back, fOlf bddge'of Dose, make %" indentbetween rnds3 and 4. Tobudtd-np nose" make 3 stsnvez ee.nte r st s betweenmouth and bridge' of nose.With permanent ink marksr,draw faee according to diagram ..Brush on blush.

    FACE D. IAGRAMI, - . . . . ~.

    Neck &Dres$Rnd 1: Starting at neck, withIt. peach, cll 12, join with sl st inm'st cn to, finm ring, eh. I, se .ineach ch around, 1$ 1fit in f i l 1 i l t sc(12).Rod 2~ Ch 2, hdc in next st, scinnex t 6 : s ts , h dc ;i:n la st 4 S ots ,jo inwith sl st in top of eh 2..Fastenoff.Rnd 3 : : Work this rnd in backIps (see ill.). far dress. joineamel with so infuse ~c, B e insame st,8.C in each 2 sta,(2 ae in nex,t st, O leineach c if OeNi t2 sts) M 'O U ll i! li ( 1 6) . T h m D V ' e firstst, sc in first st.

    FRONT LOOP-kont Ip:BAC:KlOOP-back ip:

  • 8/4/2019 Hummel Crocheted Collectibles


    Rnd 4: Scm each offirst 3 sts;(for arm placement, 2 ae ineach o f next 2 stB); so innest 6!rts~repeat betWilen ( ),fie in eachoflas't 3 eta (20).Rnd Iii: Se ineach st around,Se in firElt st.Rnd.S: Sc in.eaeh st around.Rods 78~Repeatrnds 5 and6. At end o f l-ast rnd, join with slI3 t in first 1 9 < : .End 9: Work this rnd in backips, ch 1, (2 se in next st, B e innext st) around (30).Rnds lOU: Repeat mas 5 and6 . Rnd 12: (2 ~ein next st, ac innext 4 sts) around {36).

    R 1 lld .1 3: ( 2 5 , 1 : : ineach of.nrn 2Sits, se in neSt 4 BitS) arnund(48). itnds. 1.4.2' : Repeat mds 5and Balternat ly.lRnd 22; (2 . -c in next st, se innext 8 sts) 5 t:mes, sc in each oflast 3 fits (53).

    Rndl23: (2 sc in each of next 2sts, sc 8sts) 5times, se ineach ofi$9t 3 sts (6.3).Rnd 24: S < : : in each st around,join with. 81st In. fhst Be, Fastenoff.Rn:d25i: Work this rnd illback lpa, for slip, join off-white:with sc in last 8t before 81 at, sc insl st, (tiC next 2 ats tQg"sc in next8 sts, SiC next 2 " stsoog) 5 Urnes, 8Cin hmt s,t (53).Rnd 26; Se in first st, (scnext 2: St8 tog) around (271-Stuff.Rnd 27: Repeat rnd ~.R I ll! 2 8 :,8 k iip first st, (sc next:2stB tog) around (13) ,.Rnd29l Rapeat md - I i ! .Rnd SI:Repeat md 28. joinwith 5 1 at in .first Be (6), StuitLeaving 6" for sewing, fastenofi'.With fight cheek even with.right arm placement. sewrads 4-10 of head to rnd 1 9fneck.HairFor bangs, wrap rust around2W eardboard ! 3 tiMes" Slideloops o:ff,t1~ separate strand 6"long mound eeatee of all loops.Sew to center top of head f)l'l mel

    10 leaving fi strands loose on topback,For back, wrap l'1!!1!t around 7~cardboard 18 times ..Slide' loopsofT,sepaeata strands so they liefia t,,1 l1 n c8 . o n h a ck o fh e :a d b eh in dbangs down to Vi' [,om neck. .Forpart, lI!Bingseparate 8" strandyarn, place across center of allstrands. Secure ends.Forsides, on eaeh aidetia at 12"ler;l..gth about 1W ' from ends ofstrands and tack to head behindcheeks, then nm yarn. throughfolded ends and tighten. Knotanal run yarn ends inside, head.Clip Hny loose ends ofya:rn.:Ribbon Imake 2)With fled, ch 16, de in. 4th ehfrom hook, hdc in nextch, Blat innext 9 chs, hdc in ne:d'ch, (dc, cl:t3 , s~Bt) in e n d c h . L e ..J I'!'iDg 14 " fo rsewing, fasten off Run end downto center of rib bon ..\Vrap ribbonaround hail' ~verone side, nmto cheek, wrap around, twistfirmly and sew ribbon tog.Repeat on other side ..ApronRow 1: Starting at waistband,with red, ch 7'7"se ln2nd ch fromh o ok , s c i.n J i~ a eheh across, d.o notturn (76), Fasten off.Row 2: For,ends, skip first 25sc; for skirt, join red with BeinneKitst, se in next 24.sts; leavingremaining ~ unwoitked turn(Z5).RoiN 3: Ch 1,2 Bein first st, (soin ea ch ofueJ{ t 3 , sts, '2 So C in nexts t) a e re s s, turn (3.2).Row 4: Ch I, sc ill each . B taCTQ~iS, 1;11rIl.&w 5 :, C h 1, Be in fum 6, sts,(2 se in each of De:xi; 2 sts, Be in'next 4 sts) : 3 tnnss, 2 sc ineachof Ilet 2 sts, sc in lID3t 6 sts(40) .Rows 6-10: Repeat row 4.Bow Hi WOrk this rnd inbackIps, ch 1, raeinfirst 10 sts, sc next2 sts tog .... se fn next 6 sts" ( 1 : ! Cnext 2 ststog) 2 times; repeatfrom 8,Bein last 8 sUI (35). Fas-t en . o ff.Using Chain Stitches (seeIll.) and 3 strands floss, ern-broMer If.t circles at randcm on

    C H A IN S T IT C H

    apron.Bow 12 1 For bib; worlking on;,Jppositeside of starting ch, skipfirst 34 ehs on row 1, join redwith s(: in next e h , se in next 7cbs, Ieaving rematniag ensunwotked turn (8).RoWB :t315: Ch 1. sc in each 8tiacross, turn. At end of last row;for meek ban,d, ell 13.iRow 16: Scm 2nd ch fromhook, ee in ,eachch.and in eaehstacress row 15 (21). Leaving 6'"forsewing, fasten off . Pla.ce ne-ckband around neck, sew band tobib.Tie ends in bow 6!tonnd waist.Fo.Jldllast row ef apTOn undersliightly, !;lew-apron to skirt, creat-ing slight ripples in apvon..Thcl!;how:in place on skirt.Arm (make 2}RDd 1: Starting at shoulder.with. c,amel, eh 2;' 8 ;;C in2nd chfrom hook (S).Rnd 2~(2ee- in l'lle)tt. st. 5C illnext E;t)aronnd (12).Rnd3: Bcineaci1 st around.Bud 4: Sc 1:0.eaeh !'it around.Se infirat st.Rnds 5~6: Be in. eaeh staround. At e:-nd of last mel, jotnwith sl st inmst se, FaSten off.Rnd 7:Work this nrdinbackIps, join It,PI"_achy,"ithsein firststl se RtlX.t 2 B~ ' tqg" sc in next '1ste, se last 2 : at-a to'g (10) ..Scinfi:rst st..Bud. '8-9_;Repeat rnds 3and. 4. .Bud 10: Hdc ~neach of first 2sts, sc in: :n~ at, sl st In next 4sts, se in :next .st, hdc in each ofla st 2 13 ts ( lO).Rnd 111 Hd.c in each of first 2sts, sc in next st,sl st iinnext 4sts, Be in next st, hde in each of

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    last 2 BtS. Hdc in first st.Rnds 1213; Bepeatmds 10!l!Q.dill. Stuff. .Rnd 14~Sefust Z s ts 't og ; , s e .i n

    next '6 81.8, !'!I: Iast '2 sts tog(8.).Rnd 15: Be inBach st around.R n .d :!L6 ; (2 SC ' in next st, Be ineach of next : 3 ts) .areund n o ) .Stutlhand lig-hilly.Rnd 17:ReJPeRt rnd4.Rnd 18 1 Se in first 4 sts; forthumb, ~sc. ch 3, o J Bit) in !I1e'l;;;t-st;sc ru la s t 5 s te ; ,Rndl:9:Skipping thlitinb, iilcineaeh st around' {9'). Do not atufi'last' 2 tn:ds.Rnd ,2 10:Sc iq eooh. s t 9l '(J t i.nd . .Rnd 21: Sc in first st, (se n~ 2 -s ~r) g) m 'O u n d , ~Qin with 81 s 't infi:rst se (5), .Leaiing 14" fur sew-ing, fasten off.F1atten Iastrad,sec,,,opening do~ea..For fingers! with marker,draw ,3 lines R I T ? S S kip of hand.Matching sbbulders taarmpi acem ents , ~Iilw left aim at:;slight angle, sew right arm inplace, .

    BASKETRnd 1: Bti'l!rt1iIilgat bmttom,with br,owu,cb 2, 8 Be m 2nd ehfrom hook (81.Rnd ,2: 2 : 5G in each st araund(16),Rnd 3: {2se st. se inaea t st) around (24).Rnd 4~(2 I5C in n ex - ;s t, semeach o f n e x t 2 s ts ) I ll'O f inO .( S2 l 8 1st infit'st st.Rnd5: Work thisrndin.backlps. ~h2.hdoin ~acl lst Rr

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    Rnd 6:WOrkthis md inbackIps;, for l'ea, join beige withaein first, st, B e 1100 2 s ,ts tog ,lic' innex t 9 s ts , B e last 2ststog(12).Rod 7: Be in arum at around,Se mfitst Be.Rl'ld 8; Beif!each st around.Rnd 9! 2 Be in mst st, Be inn,ext10 sts, 2 scln last st (14).Bud Ill: Repeat rnd 7. Stufffirmly.Rnd 11: Be :m aaeh st sreund,join, with 8 1 8 l ! : inDrs t se, Fastienoff.Tack legs \\eg. Sew leglil to bot-tomofslip.Base TopNOTE: To prepare weight forbase, cut to section from eon-

    tamer t: a measure 1'"tall. Planeone , lid o n , OO t ~ om o f c o nt ain e r;Glue Iid in phlic.e. Place elay'inside container. Glue other lidto top. Let dry.Rnd 1: \Vith ofT-white, eh 2,7E C in 2nd c:h_fromhook (7).Rnd ,2: 2 lie in . each st around(14)-

    Rnd 3:: (2 se in next st, Be innext st) around (21).Rnd 4: (2 Be in next st " se iILe ac h e f;u ext ,2 !!ita ,)a ro un d (28 )..Rmd . Ii: (2 8e in n~ st, SoCneaehofnerl, 3 8 1 1 ; 9 0 ) around (35).Rnd 8: (2 se .i n next st, 5 C innext 4 sts around (42).Rnd 7: (2 ElC in next st, Be inn~t 5 sta) around (49).Bud g ,: (23e innex] st, Ii(: ' innext 5 sta) around (56).

    Rn,d 9: (2 B e in n ce xt 8 :1 :. , ,S IC in:next 7 sts) w:uw:td (63),and 10;:Be m each st"join with sl s t infirst :3C.

    Rad Ut WGrk this md in backIps;. ch 1. sc in each - s t around,.lom.Rnds 12-15: Ch 1. 5C in each staround, join, At end!of last rrrd,fasten off:BaseBottomRuds ].10: 'Repeat same rndaof base top. At end of last matfa ste n o ff.Smear container with glue.Insert eontabrer into base top.Sew bottom to top s tu ffin g w he ren ee de d be fo re c lo sin g.Center and sew shoes to top ofbase .

    -Feeding the Birds

    SPECIAL NOTES I SIZE; 8"tall.'MATERIALS: Coats & Clark"W in tU i k'" o r 4-ply yarn-2 ozs.l.!lchoff-white, camel, beige,brnwn, red, It. pooch & gold;beige & brown embrlidery floss',

    , 6 ' r diameter plastic containerwith 2llds; taclcy glue; black andred permaneot iJ,lk markers;brush on hlu~; .mo-deling cLay;2 Y i " square car~ard; PQ1~$teTf ib ed: il l; t apes try and. : sO'ft , scu1p,

    ture- noodles; F crochet hook OT:size needed to obtain gauge',GAUGE,: 9 sc sts = 2"; 9 BerOWEl, -= 2".

    INSTRUCTIONS,GIRLHeadW(llrk Mme as Apples &Flowers head I~mpg.3.Neck & DressRnd 1:.With It" peaea, eh 12, '51Bt in mst cb to form 1 .. scine a ch e n a rc un d 0[2 ).Rnds 2-3.: Scinfirst 4 - sts, sl 5tin n~ 4 - ,ats" Be inlast 4 sts. At.end o f l~st rnd, join with 81st in:first se. Fasten oft:Rnd 4: Jeio beige.with ~c, B.C in ea ch . at,around.Itnd 5,:(2 sc in . na-t st, se ineach ofneKt 3 I3b) a l"O ll1M (11)).Rna. 6: Sc in each st around.Rnd. '1: (2 ae in neiKt st, B e ineach Qfllext 2lrt;s) around ( :OW).Rnd 8. : Sc in each !lit around,Ih 'ld ,9:: (2 SiC in next st, sc inne st) around (30),Rnd 1(1.;Se ineach st around.Sc in first stStuff.RD.d! u: Se-in each st around,Rnd 12 1 S e in :f u: oBU ; s ts , : 2 sc in

    eaeh of next 18 sts, se in Isst 6 sts(48). Do not stuff afte.r this rnd,R'Dds 1314~Repeat ruds 10andURnd: 15: e S c l'lext .2 sts tog) 6tim es , a c i i I J . n ex t 24 6Ul, (se n ex t 2stsWg) E i tbnes (36),Rnd 16~e S G nen 2 sts tog} 3times; lor back indentiolll; ch 6,skip 'I:lext 24 mj {sc next 2 stsbog) .3 times, join with sl st ( 6) . F a st .e n 'o ff.Rnd 17=With back of'bod y fac-ing you" join beigew:ith se in 4thch of c h . n , 81 } in each ofn-exi 2 ehs,B e innext 24:n[lw

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    random on skirt.Nee:t1iimWcu," l r ingin fron t lpa of rnd : 3 ,with neek facing you, join beigewith sl st in,center back st, 1 3 1 stin, each It ~Qund.Faetell off.stuff neck firmly and saw rnds4~9of head to rnd Ion body.Bail'Wrap camel yam around 2Yl'cardboard 8 times" Slide Ips offcardboard,tnl'l sepa.rate strandaround, ~enter of a m . Ips and se wto rod 11on eenter top of head,'Sewends orlps to forehead.SnarlRow 1: With_red, e n 33, se in2nd ch from hollk, B e ineaeh chacroM,tmn (3:~nRaws 25: C h I,skip llrnt st, Beineach st acros~ to la!>t 2 sts,, B e i~ l a : l J t st, turn, endingWIth 24 sts m -l~t rOW'.Rows ,s;.g: t . 1, SCin. ' .- each. staCi"llSS,urn.Bow 9: Ch ' ,st m 'first 8 sis,(se next ,2 sts ' l ing) 4 times, 5C inIast B sts, turn (20),Rows, 1012: Repeat row 2 (18,16,14).Row 13,:Ok1, se in each offir.st2 : sta, ( i S l ; : next 2 s e s togJ 5 times,s in each oflast 2 sts, turn (9).Rows 14-16't Repeat row 2 (7,5,3).Row 17 1 Ch 1, skip first st, Belast 2 sts tog (1). Fasten of[Row 18: Working :i n ends; nft'il:Iws,.jt:linred with s e in row 7, ,8Cin rows 8-1B,8e inrows 17 - 7 , tl11'n-

    (23),Row )[9,: Work M u s rnd infMnt Ips, (sc next 2 : sts tog) 5times. sc in. next st, .sldp next st,aein ; n e x t st, (ee n~t :2 sts tog) 5ti:mI;!S, rom (12).Bow 20: Ch 1, 5 1 : : infirst 4 sw,(se next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sc inlast 4 8tS nO). Leaving 16 tl fQrs~iIl.gJ fasten off.With 3 st.1'Ilnds be.ige f1Q58,embroider Ml circles at randomonscm,Fold sta ofrow 20 inhalf, sewtog. ~w scarf' to head stuffi:n.gbefore closing. .For ties, with red, chID, (sl st,

    sc] in 2nd eh from hook, hde ineach of next 2 chs, Be innext ch, slst in n~t cit, Beinn.ext eh, bdc ineach (If next : 2 chs, (se, s] at,) inlast ch (Ll), Leaviag 6" for se.w-ing, fasten off: Ce.nter and sewu.n.der dun..Sew back indentation to,g.Stuff body and dress firmly.Shoe (make 2)Rnds 12: With brown, repeatsame rods of Apples & Flowersshoe OR pg. fi, At end of'Iast, r.nd(22), fasten offRow 3: Work this znd inbackIps. m u p first 3 sts, Join brownwithse in nett st. se m next n!;Its, l~ilIvinglAst .sts uuworkedi.turn (12).Row 4~Work ibis rnd infrontIps,!:'h I,s.c ill ifiriij,t st, ski, nextst. (scnext 2 sts tog) 4 times, skipnext st, ac in last st, turn ~6).Row 5: (Be fieri 2 sts tog) 3times, join. Leaving 8"for se w -ing, fasten of.Stuff and I:i'ewedges of rows3-5 tocenter front ofdress undersl ata,Base'Thp .Prepare base according toApples '& Flowers base onp:g. ,6.Rndsl,.9. Repeat same rnds ofApples &;Flowers base top (63).Rnds 10'-17:Repeat samernds '0.( Girl With Geese bass topon pg. 11 (19).Ba~BottomWor:keameas GiTl With Gee"ebase butt'!om(iU pg.l1~w skirtand.sboes to base,Ann. (make ,2,)Work same as Girl \\llth Geeseann on lPg. ! ; ! t .Sew ,sLeeves to a.r rnpla~ment~.DishRnd 1: Witltcamel, ch 2., 8 sein 2ndl,ch from hook (8).Rnd 2: , 2 . scln each st around(6).Rn.d 3: (2 S~: in next st, ae innext st) around. (24).Knits 45: Se in each 81areund,

    Bndl 6: 'Work this rnd infrontIps, soineach st around, join.Rn.d 7: ell 1,reverse Be(see ill.on pg. 5) ineach st around .o;.in.Fasten offDish CenterRnds, 1-3~With ofr-white,repeat same rods of dish. At endoflas.t rnd, [ein, Leaving 24"fors~, fasten off.Sew center to back Ips. on rod 5of di~ Tack: dish to dress and toright hand "With thumb on rim..BIRD ( : a u . a k e 3)Rn~ It Starting at head. withoff-wroteo, eh 2. 5 Sit) m 2:udchfrom hook (5).RDd 21 So in fu'St st. 2 Be ineach ofnex.t:3 st-a, se in Iastst (8).Bod. 8: Sc in.each !> t araun ItBe infirst at .Rnd 4; 2 sc in 'first st, Be innext 6 sts, :2 : S~ inlast st (10.),Rnd 5:: Be_in each of !first, 2ilts, {$I: neJ;t 2 ste tog) 3 times,s~ in each "x'last.2. sts (7). Se infirst st.Rn4 8: . 2 se in firs;t st, Be illnext 5 E j ts ,. 2 sc in las;t.1 S t o nRnd 7: '2 ,se in each of first 2sta, sc in each ofnext 2 ; sts, 2 : sc inn e:K t. s t, se in Bach of ne~:t/2 Ei l ts,2Be in each Qf]as1'i 2 sts (1 4). B e infrrstst,R :n d. 8 ::Sc ineach st around.Itnds 9-10:: Repetlt rods 3 and!8.Bndll: Be first 2f its tiog, Be innext 10 s.ts, s :c last .2 sts tog (12).Sc in first st. Stuff.Rml 1 : 2 ' : (Sc n~ 2 sts tog) .2times, se inneit st, 2 eachofn.ext 2 sts, Bc .mn e n st" (se n~xt 2sts 'bag) : 2 tirae.s (10).Rnd 13: (go next 2 sts tog) 2times, 2 Be in each ( l I f nest 2 . sts,(sc next2 sts tog) 2 ,times (8).Rll.ds 14~15:&next'2 sts tog,sc innext st,.2 se ineach of next 2sts, liein next. st, Benext 2 ate tQg(8). At 'end QflAst l"'nd,jomwith slst in fustsc. Do not stuff rod 15.Flat~en. last rnd turn back andtaek to rnds 13 and 1.4. .For be:ak" with or angie , eh 3 , s l!it in 2nd.m from hoek; iS C in. lastch, Leaving 6"for sewing" fastenoff

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    Sew sides of BestSOVCI' roa Lonhead,With black marker, draw eyeson end 2 on each sideefface.Closed. Wings (make 4)Row 1: With 2 strands off-whlte held tog , eh 2, 2 : se in 2ndch from hook, turn ~2)..Row 2: ,Ch 1, 2 ~ illMc.hofnext 2 sta, tum. (4). .Row ,3: Ch 1, 2 Bein fust st. Bein each of next 2 SES, 2 sc in Iastst, tum (6).

    H < J . w 4: Ch 1, sc in eaeh st

    SPEC IAL NOTES I 'SlZE= 12" tall.MATEllIALS~ Coats &; Clark'Wmtuk:" 01" 4~plyyarn-3 0

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    strands 0[' Ips down to form acurl and tack to head.FUr rl:gbt side, wrap beigeyarn around 2 Y 2 " cardboard 4,times ..Slide Ips offcardboard, tie]Qug length around! one end nf'lpsand tack to top of head on theright side next to the 1i:rst bang.Run yarn thtougb head down torod 9 01 1 the:side and tack all butYll"of e nd s to haad ,Ribbon.With red, eh 4, Be .in 2nd. chfrom hook, (cl11, liilst) insameen, sl i':!t in next eh, (sl st. ch 1, SC,8] at) mend! eh; working onopposite side.of ch, skip first eh,sl st in next eh. Leaving s , " ferrs aw ing , fasten: off..\V:ra~lyarnl around cur] onnght side of ~ead and sew tog.Run yarn ends to inssde ofhead.Scarf JRow]:' Wi n red" ch39,se in2nd chfromhbok, Be in.each eha c ros s ., t u rn (3~).Rows 2 :- 3: :Ob I , skip, t st, across to last 2 sts, skipnext st, ISC in last st, turn [36,34).At end ofJast row, fasten off.Row 4l Skip first 5 sts on . row3, join red!with so inne:xtst. se inn,ext .2 8 ses, leaving last stsunweeked turn (24).Rows 5-8::ChI, se in each staerass, turn.Row 9: C h 1, (sc next 2 sts to,g)a~t.O$S"urn (12).B : o ' W U:h Ch 1, (!;lC next 2 ststog) across (G ~ Leaving 12 " forsawing; fasten off. Sew ends ofT-.oWS 8-10 tog..Positicn scarf on head. cover-ing edges ofhair on top and sidesand 1 to head, Stuffscad' and pull both ends of rnds1-a'to the hack a n a. t ac k tog. TackE J , c t l r i " t , o head where needed.With off-white, using gtmightstitches, embroider small dots atrandom on scarf.Apron.Row 1: Willi gold, eb 4lji, sc in2nd eh from hook, B e in each cha cre ss , tu rn (4 4; l.F as 'OO n {)ff.Row 2: Florends. skip first 15Bts; join gold witb H e in next st, se

    in same st, 2 sc in each ofned 13S~, leaving last sts unworkedturn (28J.Row 3: Ch 1, se in each atacross, turn.Row 4; eh 1, (2 sc in next at, scill each ofnext 3 sits) across, tum(35),Row Ii:Repeat row 3.Row '6: Ch 1; (2 sc in each 2 sts, 8C.iO each of next 3 sts)across, turn (49).Rows 7-13: : Repeat row 3.Row ]4: Work this rnd inback Ips, ~c in first; st, se next 2s.ts tog, hdc next 2 sts tog, Be next2 sts tog, scin nextst, *(hdc next2 ets tog) 2 times, BC in each ofnext 3 stsj repeat from " 4 times,(Me next 2 ~tstog) 2 times, se ine ach of la st 2 sts (34). Fas te n off:With 3 strands fiDISS, ernbroi-der VillA crreles at random onapron.Tio snds in how around waist.Fold last row I O f apron underslightly, sew apron to skirt creat-ing slight ripples, in. apron ..Tackhow inplace on skirt,Arm (:make2)Rnd 1:With 'Off-white, elr 2, ,6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6).Rml 2: 2 scin each st around(12).Rnd ,3:Se in each s:tareund.Rod 4: Repeat rnd 2 (24).Hnd 0; Sc in each a t 6 il l. :o u n d l.Sc in first st.

    iRt).d I I B t R~peat rnd S.Rnd '7t (Sc next 2 ata tog)arou nd (12).Rnd 8: Repeat rod ::I"joinwith51at in first sc. Fasten off.B.nd 9: Work this rndm backl,s, join It. peach with 8C in.J:1rst, st, se in each around. Rnd 10: Se fust:2 sts ineach st across with 5C last 2 stBto g (10).Rnds n-22: Repeat lnds 10-21ofAp:ph~8&Flowersllrm on 1 1 ' 2 ' $ 0 .4aud51,'I}lck hands tog. Sew sleeves toann plao{!ments with : hands inback. Tack bands to skirt.

    Leg < {make 2)Rndl; Starting with.gtoc1cing.with off-white, ch 3,2 Be in Z'nd

    eh from hook, 4 se in end en;working O InopPQ s it e s id e of eh , 2 'Be in lest eh (8).Rnd 2: (2 se in next st, BC in! : lacbof n.~t 3 s ts ) a ro un d (10).Rnds 3~6,; So, in each staround,Rnd 7: Hdc in each of mgt Zsts, Beillnext st, sl st innext 4 -sts, se in next st, hdc in each oflast 2Bta.Rnd Iii:Hdc in each of first 2sts, sc innext st, 9 1 at in next 4 .sts, se: in next st, hde in each oflast 2 sts. Hde infirst st.Rnds.9'lO: Repeat rods 7 and8.Rnd U::Hde in each of first 2,s t~, sc in next 6 sts, hdcin each oflast 2 am. Stuff iinnly.Rnd.12: Se first 2 sts tog, sc ineach at across with B C last 2 ststog (8).Rnd 13:2 Be in eacll ,offirst 2sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2 8C in . eaeh oflast 2 sts, Sc in fir$f: st (12)..Rnd 14: Repeat md3,Rnd 1:5:Se ineach st aroundSe.irs first 1 S t .Rod 16: Work this rnd infront Ips:" hdc in. each of first 3. 9 . 1 : . ' 3 , sc in next st, 6 1 st in next 4 5t8, sc in next st, hdc in each oflast S sts, joir; with 81 st in top offirst, hde, ru~n off.Rnd 17; For leg. work inbackJps of null 15, join 1 1 ; , peach withse in . center back st, sc in each 1 S taround (12).Rod HI::Repeat rnd 15,Rod 19':2 B e i n each of first 2s ts , B ein nex t B sts, 2 Be inea ch of1as.t.2sts (16).Kml 20: (Se ll(!:X't, .2 sts tog) 2times, Bem ne:id 8 sts, (so l1ext 2s ts tog] 2 ttmes (12). Sc inOra , t st.Bnd 21; Se first 2 sts tog, !3C meach of next 2, sts, 2 se ineach ofnext 4 its,!'Ie in.each ofnext 2 sts,5C Last 2 sts tog(4)"Rnd 2 . 2 : : : Repeat znd 15.Rnd 23: 2 ~C in each I f fi.rst 2sts, Be in next st; fo'r knee, (senext 2 sts tog) 4 times; Bein nextst., 2 ,Scm eaeh oflast 2 eta (141.Rnd 2 < 1 : Sa ineach st around,join with 51st:in first se, Leaving12" for s fl ,w i 'l lg , fa :swn lo ,ff:Stufffirmly Sew legs sidle by side 01 1slip.

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    Shoe (make .2 )llnd 1: Starting at sole, withrust, ch 7, 2; Be in 2nd eh frombook, hde inBa c h ofnext SCM , dein lli~ eh, 5 de in end! ch; work-ing on oppMit.e side Q f eh, de innext ch, hde in each of next ;: 3 ehs,-3 ac in la s.t e h { 18).Bud 2: 2 se In eaeh of mst 2s ts , B e in nex t -I, s tEl , 2 se in B a .e h o fnex t 5 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2 B e ineach of nex:t2 sts, se ~n h:ast st(27). 81 sUn first st.Rnd 3:,Work this rod i1!lbackIps, eh 1, se ineach st around,join with 8 .1 st ion:first se, Fas tenoff.Row 4: For QPper shoe, workt h :W tow in babk Ips, skip first 5sts~join rut With se in next st, Sf:in next 13 eta, 'eaving remainingsta l il llw 'o rked t u : rn (14 ).Row 5:: C '1 , e c In each stacrosaturn.Row 8: Oh 1, se in first 4 sts,(se next 2 sts tog) a , times, sc inlast 4 sts (l.l),&w7': Ch il, se in each offil'st3 sts, se next 2 sts wg" skip nexts t, sC Ile xt 2 . ststog, scm each oflast 3 sts, jDin with 13 1 st in first !"IC(8). Leaving 12" for sewing. fas-tenof[For strap, with rust, c h 11, scm 2nd chirom hook. sefn each ch.across. Leaving B" for sewing,fasten {Iff. Sew ,s.traIl to top ofshoe.Sew shces to feet"

    GOOSE (make 2)Head[ &.BodyRnd 1: Starting at haad, withwhUe, eh 2, 7 Be in2nd ch . fremho@k(7 ) .Rnd 2: Be in each staround.Rmd B: each offirllt 2 sts,2 se ill. each of next a sts, Be ineach of last 2 ata a m .Bud 4: Be ineach offirst 3 sts,2, B e in each of 1l:!'lXt4 sts, se in.each of last 3 stili(14). &in firstst.Rnd,5: Repeatrnd 2..Rnd 6= S c i in.eachst around.Se Iuflrst st,Rn.d '7l Repf;lat md 2..RndS: Scin.tirst 4 sts, (sellen:2 ~ ts tog) 3 tim es , B e in last 4 sta11).

    Rnd 9: Scin first 5 s ra , s e n e:;!(t2 ats tog, scm last 4 sts (10).Rnd 10..Rep.eatmd 6. Stuff.Rnd 11: Repeat rod 2.Rnd 12: 2 sc .in first st, sc inaaeh at around (U).Rnds 18,15: ReIHlat rnds 6and 2 alternately,Rn.d 16: Repeat rnd 12 (12).Rod 17,:RepE! 'at rnd 6.Rnd.1S; 2 se in each of :first asts, se innext 6 sts, 2 sn ill each (Iflast 3,sts (18).Rnd 19:Bepeatmd 6,Rnd 20.:2 sc ineach of first 6sts , sc in next 6 Sits"2 B e i.n le ac h oflast 6 sts (,30).R nd s.2 1-2 "8: R ah 'n d! 2 .Rnd 29: (Sc next 2 sts tog, lit:in next st) 2 times, ee neJd2 ststog. Be in next 16 sts; repeatbetwoon ():2 times (251.Rnds 8@-S1: Repeat rnd 6,.Rnd32: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 3timErs, sc innext 13 sts, (Benext 2sts tGg) 8 I;im(;}S 0 1 . 9 ) .Rnd 33,: R epeat Tnd 6.Rnd 34:: Repeat rod 2,Rntl ,35: ('Sc next 2 gt-s tog) 3times, se innext 7 sts, (sc next :2sts tog) : 3 ( 1 3) , S tn fJ : :B nd 3 6 : CScrnext 2 s ts tog} .2times, Be in next [) s ts, (sc next 2sts tog) 2 times (9). Do not stuffafter this rna.Rnd37': Scin each of mst 2sta hde in next st, 2 de in each ofnext 3 szs, hdc in next st, sc ineach oflast.2 sts,jom with !IIst infirst at (12). Leaving 12" for sew-ing, 'fa e te n o ff.For tail, sew boUIllll 3 sts of'rnd S7 ta l top ,3 lilts nf rnd 36.

    BeakRnd 1: With B hook and, orange, ch 2,5 8C in 2nd rh from, hook (5). .Rnd Z: Bein each st around ..Bud 3: 2 se in first st, sc ineaeh stareuad ( O J .Rnd 4: Repeat rnd 2.Rnd 5: Sc in each offirst 2stg,2 se innext st, sc in leach of'Iast, 3sts (7). Do not stuff after thisrod."Rnd 6:: (2 81:; in next st, ae innext !it) 3 times, scm last st (10).Rnd7': Sc in eachst around,join 'with sl st in firstsc, Leaving

    10'/ fur sewing, fasten off. Sewover md 2 of h ead.For eyes, with black marker,dNJ iW , eyes oIn l rnds 4- 5 abo u t 1"a .p art a c co rd in g to d .:i.a gram .GIOOSE EYE D IJ \GRAM

    '. . . . . .Le,g;(m~k,e 2)Rno 1:Wrthwhite, chi2, 6 E> C in2nd cb iTOm hook (6).Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around(12).Rnd 3: Sc in each st around.Rnd 4: (Sc uex.t. 2 sis tog)around, join. with. 1 3 1 st in first se(6 1. F as te n off.Rnd 5: Workthisrnd inbackIps, join orange with B e in firstst, se in each st around, Stu:ff.Rnd 6: So in each at around.NOTE: Forpicot. ell 2, alst in2nd eh from hook.Rnd 7: Slat in each ef flrst 3sts, (se, hlle, picot! in . next st,Ihde, ~i'cot) in llittt st, (fide, pieot,

    Be) in IBSt. st, jam. Leave 6" fo rsewing, fasten off. Sew openingclosed.Sew TI lGa 1-3, of legs tcrnds28-31 ofbQdy a.bout 1 Y 1 " apart atslight angle.Wing (make 2)Row 1: With white., ch 3, 2 Bein 2nd ch from hook, 2 sc in lastcit, turn (4).Row 2: C lh 1,,2 Be inflret st. scin eaeh at across with 2 Be in lastst" turn (6).Row 3: Ch 1, se in each atac~'08B;turn.Rows 4-'7: Repea.t row .2and 3alternately (8, ]0).C R o . w ,8:Repeat row 3.Rows 9n:: Ch 1 sc first 2 ststog, B C in each st aero,"",With ! S i Clast 2 sts tog, tum. (8, 6,4).RGw ]2: ell 1, (se next 2 ststog) 2 times, turn (2).Row 13 ::C h 1, s e nex t 2 s ts " tog ,turn HRow 14: For mathel's,.,ch3, slst in same st; working inends ofraws, (sl st,!':h 3, ;s1gt) in. rlllw12"* sl: :it in ne xiro w: , (5 1st, ch 3 , s l st)

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    in next zow; repeat from. * 2times, slatfn.each ofnext2l"OW5,(al at; ch 2 , 91 st) in next row,Iaav in g remaining rowsnnwarksd, tum ..Fasten off.Plac.ewings at angle over rnds2131 (If body with rows 9-13 ofwings tog tit back of body.Base TopPrepare base according toApples &Flowers base on pg. 6.Rods 1-9: Repeat same rods of

    Apples, &Flowers base top (63),Rnd 10: (2 sc in next st. se innext 8 sts) around {7m.Rnd 11: (2 sc in next st. Be in

    next 9 13m) around (77).Rnd 12: : : (2 B e mnext st, B e innext 10 sts} around (84;.Rnd 13:::(2 Be innext st, sc in

    next 11sts)around (91),Rnd14; 1 3 1 at infirst st, eh l, sein each Ir t around. join. with 91stinfustsc.IlDds 15-1'7: Ch 1, sc in eeeh st

    Base BottomRnds 1-13: Repeat same mdsofbase top.Rnd 14: Be in each st around,join. Fasten off..Smear ecntaiaer with glue.Insert container into base top.Sew bottom to top stuffing whereneeded befor-e closing.Sew g,el'lse oppOsite g]rl. Tackgeese heads to apron . .,

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