HPC in healthcare

Confidential 1 Application of HPC in Healthcare Industry



Transcript of HPC in healthcare

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Application of HPC in Healthcare Industry

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Pathwork Diagnostics uses cloud-based HPC to diagnose Cancer

•Of the 1.4 million new cancer cases that occur each year in the United States, 90% are

diagnosed rapidly; however, the remaining 10% are difficult to identify using the best

traditional means. This is because cancer tumors may have mutated and/or spread to

multiple regions in the body, making the origin, and thus the type of tumor (e.g., lung,

pancreatic, skin, etc.) unknown

HPC is being used to quickly diagnose Cancer (1/2)

Why does this matter ?

•To address this crucial 10% of new cases, Pathwork Diagnostics has created its Tissue

of Origin Laboratory Developed Test (LDT).

•This unique application uses microarray technology to identify the unknown tumor by

genomically comparing it to the DNA profiles of known tumors.

•Once the sample has been analyzed, the physician receives a report with the profile

and recommended treatment.

According to recent studies, a patient’s response to treatment is significantly better when the tumor’s origin is known and patients can receive tumor-specific therapies

Pathwork Diagnostics Genomic Testing For Cancer

Source: Forrester

Source: Pathwork Diagnostics

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Pathwork Diagnostics uses cloud-based HPC to diagnose Cancer

Specifically, it takes large amounts of loosely coupled compute resources to develop a model to analyze the data and generate a result. The larger the compute capacity, the faster this product can be built; on the

flipside, the more resources, the higher the cost to achieve the result. If you are a large research university or government agency that can spread this investment across multiple HPC projects or can justify the

investment against one large project with a significant compute demand, you might be able to make the upfront investment necessary to drive fast results. But for Pathwork, a small biotech firm without access to this type of capital, and without a clear picture of the demand or volume of analyses needed by the medical

community, another answer was necessary

HPC is being used to quickly diagnose Cancer (2/2)

Is a classic high-performance

computing (HPC) problem

…Under the above constraints, Pathwork would have needed years to develop this model with its current resources, preventing cancer patients from getting much-needed answers now. To meet the market needs that it forecasts, Pathwork would need the compute capacity to develop this model in two to three months. Once the model has been developed, the company could then

analyze hundreds of samples per day.

Source: Forrester

Would take years to complete with traditional HPC


With the capital to access compute resources of this magnitude out of reach, Pathwork turned to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud computing, where it could leverage on-demand access to this volume of resources but keep its operating costs low by not having to pay for these resources (not to

mention the power, data center facility, and ongoing operating costs) when they’re not in use. Pathwork not only met its time-to-market objective, but the company said that the cost-avoidance of this model has

already saved Pathwork an estimated $160,000.

…but can be done on time and

cheaper with the cloud

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GNS Healthcare is using the power of HPC to accelerate drug discovery and treatment development process

Bringing the power of HPC to Drug Discovery (1/2)

Source: Council on Competitiveness High Performance Computing

•In medieval times, leeches were used to “cure” arthritis and a number of other ailments. Today, while these rather repulsive little creatures are making a medical

comeback of sorts, most people would rather treat creaky joints with less Draconian methods. Fortunately, there are companies like GNS Healthcare engaged in

research to find new drug therapies to treat arthritis and many other common ailments.

The National Institute of Health estimates that 20-30 percent of patients do not respond sufficiently to a given anti-TNF drug. Developing effective drugs

that will benefit this population is a major research opportunity

Colin Hill, CEO and president of GNS

•Accelerate the drug discovery and treatment development process•Find relief for disease sufferers that are not helped by standard therapies•Match the right treatment(s) to the right patient•Help meet the increasingly complex health needs of an aging population.•Deal with overwhelming amounts of data derived from the clinical studies, such as the Cancer Genome Atlas Project and DNA testing

Reverse Engineering/Forward Simulation (REFS)

•Apply the power of in-house and commercially available HPC resources to reverse-engineer data-

driven models of human disease progression and drug response

•Simulate these models to discover novel drug targets that can be used by GNS partners to

develop new drug programs for patients suffering from diseases such as cancer, diabetes and

rheumatoid arthritis.

•Automate aspects of the scientific method from the creation of hypotheses through the stages of

testing and validation



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GNS Healthcare is using the power of HPC to accelerate drug discovery and treatment development process

Bringing the power of HPC to Drug Discovery (2/2)

•As recently as eight years ago, the application of high performance computing (HPC) techniques to drug discovery efforts was problematic at best. Using the best

artificial intelligence platforms available at the time, even clusters composed of 40 or 50 processors could take up to 12 months to run through the DNA sequence

data and corresponding gene expression and clinical response data needed to identify the important genes in a tumor when compared to normal tissue. Today, due to

advances in supercomputing and software platforms from companies like GNS with its REFS computational environment, Wolfram Research with Mathematica, and

The MathWorks with MATLAB, results of this type can now be achieved in weeks—and, Hill adds, “much more comprehensively.”

REFS (Reverse Engineering/Forward Simulation) Data Driven Process

The REFS process begins with the creation of model building blocks, proceeds through the construction of an ensemble of models from the building blocks, and results in the simulation of the ensemble of models to extract quantitative outcome predictions accompanied by

confidence levels

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Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) applies advanced computer technology for pioneering healthcare delivery

Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (1/6)

Epidural Anesthesiology

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• The epidural is a common anesthetic for childbirth, back and hip surgeries.

But in inexperienced hands it poses serious risks. Residents traditionally

laern the delicate procedure on live patients. time-consuming and costly,

multiple human trials, always in the presence of a supervising doctor are


• Residents at the Ohio University College of Medicine and three other

university medical centers soon will be learning to administer epidural blocks

through virtual simulation techniques developed at the OSC-honing their skill

on supercomputers before attempting to work on patients.

• Three-dimensional graphics and force-reflecting "Cyberglove", which

realistically simulate appropriate patient anatomy and provide instant

feedback of errors, have been tested and approved for this purpose by

anesthesiology experts. This research is funded by the US Air force


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Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) applies advanced computer technology for pioneering healthcare delivery

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• Being able to provide sophisticated medical services to remote geographic

areas is an unanticipated benefit of high speed computer networking.

University-based supercomputer centers, credited with developing

networking technology, are now pioneers in applying it to health care.

• The Remote Medical Triage project is one example.

• The University of Hawaii, OSC and the Georgetown University Medical

center in Washington, D.C., are testing the feasibility of long distance

radiation treatment planning. Patient data, such as an MRI, is sent by

satellite from a medical site in Hawaii to Ohio for 3-D imaging, then to

Washington for expert consultation and back to Hawaii for treatment. Each

transmission takes only a few seconds.

• The speed of NASA's COMSAT and funds from the Advanced Research

Projects Agency make this project possible


Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (2/6)

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Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) applies advanced computer technology for pioneering healthcare delivery

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• Under a grant from the US Department of Education, OSC researchers are

using virtually reality to test the efficiency of various wheelchair designs and

to streamline architectural elements required for compliance with the

Americans With Disabilities Act.

• This research tracks power wheelchair users as they navigate through a

simulated architectural environments. The technique also enables disabled

individuals to gain the dexterity needed to operate power chairs, and allows

health care providers to fine-tune wheelchair operations on the basis of high

accuracy assessment of user proficiency.


Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (3/6)

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University of Colorado School of Medicine Initiative

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, have been working

with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to create the radiologic

and photographic definition of a male cadaver in three-dimensions, with details as

small as one millimeter resolved clearly

• Funded by the National Library of Medicine, the project provides the most

comprehensive computer image database of human anatomy ever available for

teaching and research.

• It consists of 1,878 full-color CT scans that define the entire human body at every

location in space. But the work is far from done. Funding is being sought to finish

segmenting and classifying this volume data into anatomical objects and to explore

the potential for biomedical research that will open up once this is complete

THE VISIBLE HUMAN PROJECT4Cryosection through the head of a human male

By studying the data set, researchers at Columbia University found several errors in anatomy textbooks, related to the shape of a muscle in the pelvic region and the

location of the urinary bladder and prostate


Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (4/6)

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University of Texas Initiative

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin Biomechanics Laboratory

are using high performance computing to create full dynamic simulations of

muscle interactions and multi-joint coordination of the human skeleton in


• These simulations, involving complex mathematical models of muscle-joint

dynamics and the forces induced by such everyday tasks as jumping,

running, walking and rising from a chair, are leading to improved diagnosis

and treatment of bone and joint disease.

• This project is funded by NASA's Office of Space Science Applications.


Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (5/6)

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University of Texas Initiative

Source: Coalition of Academic Supercomputing Centers (CASC)

• Researchers with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

at Cornell University are using advanced computers at the Cornell Theory

Center to study the efficacy of various bone-implant systems, with emphasis

on the hip.

• The models they produce of the stresses placed on normal bones and on the

artificial components of hip joints are leading to customized prostheses and

reducing the need for prosthesis replacement surgery


Improving Healthcare Delivery through HPC (6/6)

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Medical devices and services provider Medrad uses HPC for advancement of catheter technology

•When someone has a stroke, the faster they can be brought to the hospital, the better.

Doctors have a very small window in which to introduce drugs into the patients'

circulatory system in order to break up the clot-any delay can lead to paralysis or death.

HPC helps create new treatment for Stroke Victims (1/2)

Development work on Jell-O

•This work on interventional catheter technology came to the attention of Medrad, Inc

of Indianola, PA. Medrad is a leader in providing medical devices and services that

enable and enhance diagnostics and therapeutic imaging procedures in the human


•An affiliate of Bayer Schering Pharmaceutical AG, Germany, Medrad's diagnostic

products have captured 70 to 80% market share. the company wanted to expand its

business by moving into the interventional applications market

About 5 years ago, two engineers developed a prototype device that would speed up treatment by mechanically breaking up clots in the brain or elsewhere in the body. As

part of their research and development, they used Jell-O to simulate the physical properties of the brain.

“The patented prototype device seemed like a good fit with Medrad's growth objectives, so we purchased the rights to the technology”-John Kalafut, Principal research scientist at Medrad

But before commissioning expensive product development activity, Medrad needed to test its feasibility

Go-or-no-go decision

•Not only did Medrad need to understand the physics of how the device worked, it also wanted to explore different design and manufacturing approaches.

•It felt that doing this computationally would be more efficient and faster than building lots of different physical prototypes”

Business Case for HPC

However, the R&D group's high-end workstations lacked the horsepower to conduct the complex simulations. They also did not have the in-house expertise to develop the detailed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes. They needed access to HPC and software, and the expertise to help them harness its full potentialBusiness Case for


Source: Council on Competitiveness High Performance Computing

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Busting Blood Clots with High Performance Computing

•Breaking with a long tradition of building numerous physical prototypes to

research the potential of a new technology, Medrad turned to the NSF-funded

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, experts at the Carnegie Mellon University for

use of complex numerical simulations running on high performance computers to

determine if the catheter technology was worth pursuing.

•Medrad used HPC to simulate the process of the catheter destroying the clots,

adjusting the parameters again and again to ensure that the phenomenon was

repeatbale. This validated the science behind the patent's theory was solid and

that the device would do what its inventors claimed.

•Then HPC was used to mathematically refine the prototypes by simulating many

different combinations of cahnges -more than could be done physically in the

time frame or budget available - to arrive at the best design

HPC allows us to tackle projects that were otherwise beyond our reach and has streamlined and optimized our production processes in new ways that translate into lower costs and higher


Source: Medrad

Simulated flow field from the prototype device as computed by 3D CFD Software at PSC

John Kalafut, Principal research scientist at Medrad

HPC helps create new treatment for Stroke Victims (2/2)

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Researchers at the Salk Institute have been studying the ciliary ganglion of chickens with the help of high performance computing (HPC). The ciliary ganglion is a mass of neurons in the ciliary muscle-the muscle that opens and closes the iris in a human or animal eye. it acts like a circuit controlling the muscle's functions. Within the ganglion is a synapse-the communication junction point where nerve cells communicate with target cells like those in a muscle or gland. By studying the ciliary ganglion of a chicken and how the synapse controls neural communication, researchers like Sejnowski and Bartol are gaining new insights into the neural communication pathways of the human brain that could lead to new treatments for serious mental disordersTreatment of Neural Disorder

Compared to the tangled skin of synapses in the brain, the ciliary ganglion of a chicken is highly accessible, rather large and can be easily removed for study. The synapse within the ganglion has many communication release sites and every intricate geometry, allowing researchers to conduct experiments that would not be possible with the brain itself.

Most drugs for neurological disorders are targeted at these synapses and, to some extent, are able to rebalance these synapses Better Drugs for Better Living

While the synapse that controls the eye's ciliary muscle has been under study for many years, the Salk Institute became involved when its researchers described the shape of the synapse in three dimensions-and a very strange shape it was.

The researchers made an initial setting of the parameters, ran the model on in-house workstations and then looked to see what happened. “In a sense”, Bartol explains "we brought this little piece of tissue back to life inside the computer".Bringing tissue to Life

Breakthroughs in Brain Research with HPC (1/2)

•Researchers at the Salt Lake Institute are using supercomputers at the nearby NSF-funded San Diego Supercomputer Center to investigate how the synapses of the brain work. Their research has the potential to help people suffering from mental disorders such as Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and manic depressive disorders.

•In addition, the use of supercomputers is helping to change the very nature of biology-from a science that has relied primarily on observation to a science that relies on high performance computing to achieve previously impossible in-depth quantitative results

Source: Council on Competitiveness High Performance Computing

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Looking and Seeing with HPC

•The Salk Institute researchers did what is called a 'parameter sweep'. This

consists of making numerous adjustments to the numerical parameters used to

provide an approximate model of reality.

•The parameter sweeps and simulations executed on the SDSC high performance

computer had some surprises in store for the Salk investigators. The classic view

of how synapses work, derived from laboratory investigation, is that neural

transmissions occur primarily in dense protein rich areas called active zones. But

when the Salk team ran their models on the SDSC system, the results indicated

that neural communication was not confined to just the synaptic active zones,

but took place in peripheral areas as well outside of the synapses. this was highly

unexpected and exploded the traditional thinking of how synapses work.

The high performance supercomputer gives us a scientific instrument like none other that has ever existed and will lead to discoveries thatw e can't even contemplate now. It is changing the way we think about the brain and the way we think about the brain, and the

way we think about biology in general. We are entering a whole new era

Source: Salk Institute for Bilogical Studies

Realistic computer simulation of neurotransmission in a chick ciliary ganglion


Terry Sejnowski, Professor and head of the Computational Neurolobilogy Laboratory, Salk Institute for Bilogical Studies

“So, I have nine different parameters, and now I want to know what will happen to my model when I vary all nine of these parameters, let's say using five

different values, all independently of each other. That's nine to the fifth power-and now we are in major supercomputing territory". -Bartol

Breakthroughs in Brain Research with HPC (2/2)

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Lawrence Livermore and IBM creates simulation that aims to realistically mimic a beating human heart

•Developed by Laboratory scientists working with colleagues at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in New York, the code accurately simulates the activation of

each heart muscle cell and the cell-to-cell electric coupling . The new simulations are made possible by a highly scalable code, called Cardioid, that replicates the

electrophysiology of the human heart.

•On every heartbeat, electric signals normally traverse the entire heart in an orderly manner, resulting in a coordinated contraction that efficiently pumps blood

throughout the body. However, these signals can become disorganized and cause an arrhythmia, a dysfunctional mechanical response that disrupts the heart’s

pumping process and can reduce blood flow throughout the body.

Cardioid Heart Simulations through HPC

•The Cardioid code developed by a team of Livermore and IBM scientists divides the heart into a large number of manageable pieces, or subdomains.

•The development team used two approaches, called Voronoi (left) and grid (right), to break the enormous computing challenge into much smaller individual tasks

HPC helps create simulation of the Human Heart (1/2)

Without medical intervention, a serious arrhythmia can lead to sudden death and accounts for about 325,000 deaths every year in the U.S.

Source: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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Extended cardiac simulations are critical when investigating how specific medications affect heart rate

•Many drugs disrupt heart rhythm. In fact, even those designed to prevent

arrhythmias can be harmful to some patients. In most cases, however,

researchers do not fully understand the exact mechanisms producing these

negative side effects. With Cardioid, scientists can examine heart function as an

anti-arrhythmia medication is absorbed into the bloodstream and its

concentration changes

•Operating on Sequoia, the Cardioid code can simulate hundreds of times as

many heartbeats as previous codes. One minute of Sequoia processing time is

required to replicate nine human heartbeats at a nearly cellular spatial

resolution. Simulating an hour of heart activity, or several thousand heartbeats,

can be accomplished in seven hours when using the full Sequoia system. Less

sophisticated codes took up to 45 minutes to compute a single heartbeat,

making it impossible to model the heart’s response to a drug or an

electrocardiogram trace for a particular heart problem.

The Cardioid simulation has been named as a finalist in the 2012 Gordon Bell Prize competition, which annually recognizes the most important advances in HPC applications. The Livermore–IBM team hopes the code will grow into a product that is widely adopted by medical centers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device firms, helping them better understand the mechanisms that can lead

to heart ailments and the potential drug interactions that may occur during treatment

Snapshots from a Cardioid simulation show how a drug might affect heart function

“So, I have nine different territory". -Bartol

HPC helps create simulation of the Human Heart (2/2)

Source: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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Confocal Microscopy uses High Performance Computing for processing and visualizing neuro-anatomical information

Source: Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge

Improving Microscopy through HPC

• Confocal microscopy is an optical imaging technique

used to increase optical resolution and contrast of a

micrograph by using point illumination and a spatial

pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus light in specimens

that are thicker than the focal plane.

• HPC has enabled better reconstruction of three-

dimensional structures from the obtained images.

• Paras Prasad, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the

departments of Chemistry and Physics, and executive

director of the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and

Biophotonics, has used CCR's visualization resources

to create a fully immersive, three-dimensional image

of a human cell based on two-dimensional slices

obtained using confocal microscopy

Confocal Microscope

High definition, Multidimensional image


•Depth-z-stacks generate 3D data

•Time-time series of organelle migration

•Colour-differential fluorescence to identify location of molecules

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Histopathology yields higher throughput; quicker, more-consistent diagnoses

HPC–assisted diagnosis tools to aid pathologists

Tissue microarrays – hundreds of samples per



Robotic Image Scanner

Each sample scanned at high resolution

Source: Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge

• Researchers are leveraging Ohio Supercomputer Center resources to develop

computer-assisted diagnosis tools that will provide pathologists grading

Follicular Lymphoma samples with quicker, more consistently accurate


• The advent of digital whole-slide scanners in recent years has spurred a

revolution in imaging technology for histopathology


• The large multi-gigapixel images

produced by these scanners

contain a wealth of information

potentially useful for computer-

assisted disease diagnosis, grading

and prognosis


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Bionic Proteins could play an important role in innovating pharmaceutical research

•Physicists of the University of Vienna together with researchers from the

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna developed nano-

machines which recreate principal activities of proteins. They present the first

versatile and modular example of a fully artificial protein-mimetic model system.

•Using computer simulations, they reverse engineered proteins by focusing on

the key elements that give them the ability to execute the program written in the

genetic code. The computationally very intensive simulations have been made

possible by access to the powerful Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), a high

performance computing infrastructure operated jointly by the University of

Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Natural

Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.

The team now works on realizing such artificial proteins in the laboratory using specially functionalized nano-particles. The particles will then be connected into chains following the sequence determined by the computer simulations, such that the artificial proteins fold into the desired shapes. Such knotted nanostructures could be used as new stable drug delivery vehicles and as enzyme-like, but more

stable, catalysts.

Self-knotted structure of the bionic protein

“Imitating the astonishing bio-mechanical properties of proteins and transferring them to a fully artificial system is our long term objective”-Ivan Coluzza

HPC helps create Nano Machines for Bionic Proteins

Source: University of Vienna

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Healthcare HPC in Developing Countries

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Supercomputing Telemedicine Platforms

Bio-molecular Simulation

Genome Analysis

•Brazilian Supercomputer epigeal, purchased by Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LCC) is speeding up research on metabolism and genome analysis.•India’s own Computational Research Laboratories (CRL), have developed a tool for parallel Denovo assembly of eukaryotic genomes which makes the assembly process faster and cheaper. The laboratory provide an automated pipeline in its HPC Cloud for the analysis of next generation sequencing data covering De Novo assembly, resequencing, analysis and annotation


•South Africa-India-Tanzania is involved ina tripartite collaboration on telemedicine initiative for high impact service delivery .•The Tanzanian HPC facility is a two teraflops machine developed through the India-Tanzania Centre of Excellence in ICT •Elsewhere, The Medical Informatics Group (MIG) of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune has successfully completed the rollout phase of Odisha Telemedicine Network (Phase-III) program


•School of Computational & Integrative Sciences at JNU is working on application of computer simulation to biological phenomena using supercomputers•South Africa’s CHPC (Centre for High Performance Computing) , in partnership with the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), is working on Biomolecular Simulations using AMBER Software


Live demonstration of endoscopy at the Prince of Wales Hospital in the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, connecting Xian and Shanghai in China, and Fukuoka, Japan

Application/Trends in Developing Countries

Screenshot of a sample Biomolecular simulation being conducted at South Africa’s CHPC using AMBER Software

Screenshot of a sample research on Denovo assembly of eukaryotic genomes from India’s CRL Laboratory

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Advanced Functional Visualization

Cloud HPC based Hospital Information System

Sample Screenshots from Cura’s HPC-based Medical Imaging Devices

•Leading Developer of Supercomputing Functional Visualization Ziosoft has recently partnered with Advanced Medical Systems of APAC to address needs of rapidly Growing Healthcare Market in India, Malaysia and Singapore. The company's sophisticated, 3D-5D advanced visualization software provides a wide array of diagnostic tools at any chosen location.•Chennai-based Cura Healthcare is also working on high performance medical imaging equipment for the developing world. The company is currently also working on a collimator algorithm using HPC platform


•India's Narayana Hrudayalaya is using cloud-based HPC for its Hospital Information Systems (HIS) application.•It has tied up with HCL Infosystems for this unique initiative. •HCL blu Enterprise Cloud's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution is being deployed across 22 NH hospitals and has been already rolled out in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Jamshedpur and Jaipur. •The high performance cloud computing services are backed by a strong infrastructure backbone and HCL's national support network to ensure business continuity. The HCL IaaS includes components from Cisco, EMC, Net App and VMware.


Application/Trends in Developing Countries

Dr. Devi Shetty, Founder, Narayana Hrudayalaya signing the agreement on HPC with Harsh Chitale, CEO, HCL Infosystems

The tie up is the result of a rigorous evaluation and a painstaking proof of concept exercise which took almost a year to come to fruition.

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Disruptive Innovation or Trend

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$100 Genome : Personalized Medicine Revolution

Disruptive Innovation/Trend in Healthcare HPC


DNA is the blue print of life, telling our cells what to become and when to become it. While even 5 years back, it cost roughly $60,000 to sequence a human

genome, with advancement in technology, especially high performance computers, several companies are trying to create an inexpensive sequencing technology.

it is widely believed that affordable and accurate reads of the entire genome will open the door to a whole new level of diagnostic and therapeutic discovery

If doctors could know and use the full genetic sequence of every patient, the potential would be enormous. It would turn doctors into little prophets. Diseases and disorders could be caught and diagnosed early. Medicine could be radically personalized. Doctors would be working with a kind of super-

X-Ray into the latent and not-so-latent illnesses of their patients.

Learning to sequence DNA fast and cheap might be the most important challenge in health technology. Understanding each patient's full genetic sequencing would give doctors X-Ray vision into their patients' unique makeup and future diseases. There's one big catch. Gene sequencing costs tens of thousands of


This would work sort of like a DNA View-Master on the smallest conceivable level. Scientists drill a nano-sized hole -- 3,000 times slimmer than a human hair -- through a silicon computer chip and thread a DNA strands through it. As the molecule is passed through the nanopore, it is ratcheted one unit of DNA at a

time. Click, click, click, and the long sequence of DNA would be sequenced.

Two companies, Complete Genomics and BioNanomatrix, are collaborating to create a novel approach that would

sequence our genome for less than the price of a nice pair of jeans–and the technology could read the complete genome in

a single workday. IBM is also building a "DNA Transistor" that would be the world's cheapest genetic reader

The Problem

The Idea

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When Medicine and Machine meet Eye to Eye

Disruptive Innovation/Trend in Healthcare HPC


Recently, the USFDA approved a device that can restore sight to

the blind. the bionic device, made by California-based Second

Sight called Argus II, helps people with retinitis pigmentosa, a

genetic condition that damages light sensitive cells and can lead

to blindness.

One day, blind people fitted with artificial retinas will not only get sight, but like a smart phone, a range of apps will emerge that will allow recording, zooming and augmented reality. Eventually you reach the point where you can start doing things that normal people can't do

-Dr Anders Sandberg, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford

The project leveraged Livermore National Laboratories supercomputing facility to create simulations for the artificial retinal prosthesis

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Analysis of Human Rhinovirus

Disruptive Innovation/Trend in Healthcare HPC


A cross-organizational team comprising researchers from St. Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research,

Victorian Infectious Disease Research Laboratories, IBM Research Collaboratory for Life Sciences –

Melbourne, and Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative developed a method to simulate

the 3D atomic motion of the complete human rhinovirus on Australia’s fastest supercomputer,

paving the way for new drug development. This research is the first time that the atomic motion

of a complete human rhinovirus has been simulated on a computer

St. Vincent's Institute of Medical Research (AUSTRALIA)

Understanding how anti-viral drugs work on rhinoviruses and related viruses can potentially speed up the development of new treatments, and could produce savings in development costs. The research has the potential to produce savings in drug discovery and pre-clinical development of up to $1,000,000 per year

Why is it Disruptive ?

Barcelona Supercomputing Center developed a first of its kind, in-house, end-to-end biomechanical

model including numerical methods, parallel implementation, mesh generation, and visualization.

The Alya System is a computational mechanics code with two main features. First, it is specially

designed for running with high efficiency in large-scale supercomputing facilities. Secondly, it is

capable of solving different physics tasks in a coupled way, each one with its own modeling

characteristics: fluids, solids, electrical activity, species concentration, free surface, etc. The long

term vision of Alya Red Project is to create an IT infrastructure of hardware and software that can

help medical doctors, clinical researchers, and the pharmacological industry to use HPC to

positively impact healthcare

ALYA RED (Barcelona)

The Alya Red biomechanical model can help bring drugs to market faster through HPC simulation driven testing. This could result in tens of millions of dollars in potential savings

Why is it Disruptive ?

Biomechanical Modeling4

Source: Both of them has been featured in the IDC HPC Innovation Excellence Awards declared on Nov, 2012

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