How to Get Rich Without Winning the Lottery - Marcello Lisi


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The Secret Income of Multi-Millionaires

Transcript of How to Get Rich Without Winning the Lottery - Marcello Lisi

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The Secret Income

of Multi-Millionaires

Produced by “Team Dream Builders”

Excerpt from “The Freedom Magazine”

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The Secret Income of Multi-Millionaires “There are two types of people in the world,” shared a multi-millionaire friend of mine, “but only

one will give you freedom. Only one will let you own your life” My friend smiled, leaned over and whispered, “Let me share a story with you.” A few minutes later,

I’d learned “The Secret Income of Multi-Millionaires” and knew exactly what had to happen for me to “Own my life.” You might be thinking, what was the story? Well, here’s what he shared. “The first type of income is linear income,” he shared, “It’s when you trade time for money. If you

are like most people, you have to work for a living. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid.” “When a school bus driver drives a school bus, he gets paid. When his shift is over at 5PM, he stops

getting paid.” “When a surgeon performs surgery, she gets paid. When her shift is over at 5PM, she stops getting


What he told me next really opened my eyes.

“Even though the surgeon gets padi a lot more, ultimately both the school bus driver and the surgeon

are in the exact same boat. They are both trading time for money. That’s how linear income works. You receive income when you work. When you stop working,

your income stops. Linear income continues only as long as you continue to work.” The second type of income is a lot different. He called it Royalty Income. Some people know it as

passive, recurring or residual income. Multi-millionaires know the secret to creating true wealth is in creating Royalty Income. That’s

when you do the work right one time and get paid over and over again for work you did.

“Have you heard of Michael Jordan?” he asked. “Of course!” I replied. “Michael did the work right one time by winning six championships and inking a Nike contract.

Today, Michael collects a ‘Royalty Check’ every month from Nike for all the Air Jordan related sales. He never has to dunk another ball. Whether Michael’s flying in a private jet or playing a casual round of golf, he’s still making money! He makes money 24 hours a day, regardless of what he’s doing. That’s Royalty Income.”

“Have you heard of Elvis Presley?” “Sure!” I replied, “Who hasn’t!”

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“Elvis did the work right one time by writing numerous hit albums. Today when his songs are played on the radio or get downloaded from iTunes, his daughter, Lisa Marie, collects a ‘Royalty Check’ from the record company. She never has to write a hit album. While Lisa Marie shops in Beverly Hills or drinks a cool drink on South Beach, she’s still making money! That’s Royalty Income”

“Are you familiar with Harry Potter?”

“Everybody’s heard of Harry Potter!” I exclaimed. “Well, J.K. Rowling did the work right one time by writing the Harry Potter series, and today she

collects a ‘Royalty Check’ from her publishing company every single month. She never has to write another book. Fact is, she even makes money while she sleeps. That’s Royalty Income.”

He then used me as an example.

“Imagine if you had a million dollars sitting in your savings account. And imagine you knew exactly

how to invest the money without losing it all. You did the work right one time and today you’d collect a dividend check for $5,000 every month. Even after you quit your job, you’re still making money. That’s Royalty Income.” I started getting really excited! I clearly saw why Royalty Income was “The Secret Income of Multi-

Millionaires.” It was exactly the type of income I needed in my life. If I had “Royalty Income”, I could wake up when I was done sleeping rather than to the buzz of an

alarm clock. I could fire my boss. I could spend much more time with my children. I could do more charity work. I could travel without having to ask for time off at work. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, with whom I wanted. I would “Own my Life”.

And just as I go excited, I got really depressed.

Royalty Income is great for the Jordans, Elvises and J.K. Rowlings of the world. But what about

me? I can’t jump like Michael Jordans, shake my hips like Elvis Presley or write a best-seller like J.K. Rowling. And I sure didn’t have a few million dollars just sitting in my savings account. All I had was linear income. And linear income wasn’t getting me any closer to “owning my life,” it

was only getting me depressed, frustrated and angry. And that’s when my friend turned to me and said, “There’s good news for people with little or no

talent like you. There is hope.” “There another way to develop royalty income. There’s a way to get monthly checks for thousands

of dollars so you can do the things you want in life, so you can achieve your dreams. And best of all, almost anyone can develop this Royalty Income.” He proceeded to show me, step-by-step, how thousands of people have created Royalty Incomes

ranging from a few hundred dollars a month to over $100,000 a month. And the best part, after seeing the steps, I knew I could be one of them. I was on my way to “owning my life!”

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When are you financially free? You’re financially free when you’re living your dream lifestyle without having to work or rely on

anyone else for money. It’s when you are free to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.

1. When would you like to be financially free?

In one year In two years

In five years In ten years

Great! What’s your plan to achieve this goal?

2. How much money do you need monthly to be financially free?

$ 1,000 $ 2,000

$ 5,000 $ 10,000 or more

Great! What’s your plan to receive this monthly income?

3. Multiply your answer from Question #2 by 200.*

This is the amount you need to invest at 6%

interest to receive your desired monthly income.

$ _________________ x 200 = $ _________________

Great! What’s your plan to accumulate this money?

*Example: For $5,000 in monthly income, you would need to invest $1 million ($5,000 x 200). $1 million at 6% interest creates $60,000 a year in income. Divided by 12 months = $5,000 a month.

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So, what’s your Freedom Factor? It’s your answer to Question #3. It’s the Factor that allows you to “Own Your Life.” In this case,

your Freedom Factor is the amount of money you would need invested in real estate, in the bank, in the stock market, etc. in order for you to become financially free.


How much money would you need to save every month, over the next 5 years, to save $1 million?

A) $ 160 C) $ 1,600

B) $ 16,000 D) $ 160,000

The answer is “B.” That’s saving $16,000 a month after you pay for food, gas, utilities, and credit cards. After you pay your mortgage or rent, car payment, insurance, etc. The $1 million you saved would give you a royalty income of $5,000 a month ($60,000 a year). Whether you went to work or not, you’d get that money. Here’s the good news. Some people have found an easier way to create $5,000 a month ($60,000 a year) in royalty income. (See Mailbox Money to learn how they do it.)

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Mailbox Money Imagine this. You walk to your mailbox, pull out your mail and you notice an unfamiliar envelope.

You rip it open, look inside and there’s a royalty check with your name on it. Wait a minute…you’re not a rock star! You’re not a famous novelist! And still you got a royalty

check. What would you do with the money after you cashed your check? Would you spend it on a nice

dinner? Pay your debts? Apply it towards your rent or mortgage payment? Go shopping? And what if you knew another check just like it would arrive in your mailbox next week, and the

week after that, and the week after that…for many years to come? How would you spend all that extra money? Well, thousands of everyday people who aren’t rock stars or actors get royalty checks every

week…and you could be one of them. It’s really not as hard as you may think. Here’s the best part: Anybody can get a royalty check, every week! It’s like getting an extra

paycheck – without having to get an additional part-time job or begging your boss for a raise. What if you could get a royalty check, the Secret Income of Multi-millionaires, from things that you

do every day? If you would like to find out what it is then continue reading this report…

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Most people do interactive referrals every day, but they just don’t just get paid for it.

You see, interactive referrals are nothing more than recommending and promoting what you like.

If you’re like most, you recommend and promote:

• Sports teams

• Babysitters

• Brands of beer

• Pediatricians

• Places to shop for clothes

• Someone who mows your lawn

• Movies

• Restaurants

• Places to go on vacation

• Funny jokes you’ve heard

• Car mechanics, etc.

Since you recommend and promote daily, why not get paid for it, right? Or, you can continue recommending and promoting for free. Free isn’t bad. Charity work makes

the world a better place. But if you’re tired of working for free, and want to join some smart entrepreneurs who get a Royalty Income in their mailbox every week, you’ll want to check out how you can get paid for your interactive referrals. Hundreds of companies will pay you a Royalty Income for what you do naturally every day. These companies will actually pay you for recommending and promoting their goods or services.

Instead of spending money on television advertising or newspaper ads, these companies rely on word-of-mouth promotion. Think about it. Which long distance service would you try? 1. The long distance service promoted on television by an actor you didn’t like? 2. Or, the long distance service recommended by your mother or your best friend?

Or which multi-vitamin promoted would you try?

1. The multi-vitamin promoted on television by the mega-pharmaceutical conglomerate? 2. Or, the multi-vitamin product recommended by your classmate who now claims to feel ten

years younger? Thousands of different goods and services are promoted through interactive referrals. Word-of-

mouth advertising is powerful. Traditional media doesn’t stand a chance against a trusted friend’s recommendation.

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So how does the “Royalty Income” principle fit into interactive referrals? Think of interactive referrals as a family tree or genealogy. Companies that use interactive referrals

to distribute their goods and services not only pay you for telling other people, but also when the people you tell go out and tell other people, etc., etc., etc. In other words, you could tell “A” who tells “B” who tells “C” who tells “D” and so on, and you could earn a weekly Royalty Income on all of their usage sales. That’s how average people like you and me can create “The Secret Income of Multi-Millionaires”.

It’s not who you know, it’s who you don’t know

that could end up making you a lot of money. Let’s say for example that you start using a natural product, from a company that uses interactive

referrals for distribution, which helps you have more energy and improves your overall well being. It almost feels like you are 18 years old all over again, but with better judgment. But think about it. Are you the only person in the world who wants to feel better? Who wants more

productive hours every day? Who wants to wake up in the morning feeling great rather than rolling over and wanting to sleep for five more hours? Obviously not! You are not alone. Many people want those results! Because you can’t help mentioning how great the product make you feel, a co-worker becomes a

steady user of the product. And your co-worker has an aunt who not only loves the product, but also raves about some of the

other products the company has. And the aunt has a friend who wants to lose weight. She switches from her sugary daily snacks to

the company’s diet snacks. And she loses weight! And she can’t stop talking about it. Her enthusiasm is contagious. And soon 23 of her friends become excited users of the company’s diet products. Here’s how the math works:

1 + 1 + 23 = 25

1 (your coworker) + 1 (his aunt) + 23 (her friends) = 25. You have 25 happy users of the company’s

products and you don’t even know 24 of them. You didn’t know who they were before this process happened. You leveraged your effort. That’s called Millionaire Math. J. Paul Getty, the first billionaire in the United States stated:

“I would rather have 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own effort.”

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Millionaires don’t do everything themselves. They understand leverage. Instead of finding 25 individual users, millionaires find one user, who finds another, who finds another, etc. There isn’t enough time in a day for you to build a millionaire income all by yourself. Leverage is

the key to achieving freedom. The Interactive Referral business model is made for people who understand leverage. It is made for

people who want to be millionaires, who want to have freedom. Think like a millionaire. We are paid on results. That’s how life works. If we provide great results,

our employers pay us more. If we are in business, we earn more money by getting more people to use our products and services. It’s really that simple. The following is just a simple example. It illustrates the power of leveraging your efforts by creating

product users. Let’s say the average product user adds $200 a year to your income. A user can be a customer or

someone like you, who thinks like a millionaire, and chooses to get paid for his interactive referrals within your team. How many product users would you need on your team to replace the income from your job? Use

this handy table to get your answer:

What is your annual income?

$ _________________

How many product users would you need to replace your income?

_________________ (see table below)

Your Annual Income # Product Users to

replace your job

$ 20,000 100

$ 30,000 150

$ 40,000 200

$ 50,000 250

$ 60,000 300

$ 70,000 350

$ 80,000 400

$ 90,000 450

$ 100,000 500

$ 250,000 1,250

$ 500,000 2,500

$ 1,000,000 5,000

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How to Enjoy “7-Day Weekends” For the Rest of Your Life.

Tonight, as your head hits the pillow, ask yourself,

“While I’m sleeping, will I be making money?

You Freedom Factor Revisited

What is going to be easier for you to do in the next 5 years?

1. Save $1 million (see page 4 & 5) or 2. Create 300 product users with an Interactive Referral business?

Both would generate $5,000 a month ($60,000 a year) in royalty income for you. But most people choose option #2.

Let’s imagine that you earn $60,000 a year. To earn that $60,000 you have to give up 5 days out of

every week. Five days you go to work for the boss. Then you get 2 days for you. And you have to do this almost every week of you life until age 65. Then you can retire on 2/3 pay,

if you’re lucky. That’s your life. That’s the life for most people. Or, you could choose this path. You learn how to use leverage, the efforts of you and others. You

accumulate 300 average product users somewhere on your team. You would still earn $60,000 a year but now you would have time to enjoy it! Now you would have 7 days all for you. You would own your life. You’d have freedom. No more

looking forward to those rare ‘3-day weekends.’ You would have ‘7-day weekends’ for the rest of your life!

You would have a Millionaire Income! The choice is yours. So here you are, you just finished reading this report and you might be thinking… What is the next step?

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Obviously, you took the time to read to this point and you are one of the millions of people in North America that are wondering how to improve their financial situation and secure a better future. Well, you just learned that there might be a different way to approach the situation, it might work for you, and it might not! Whether this report makes sense to you or not, I suggest you contact the person who shared this

report with you and explore how you can create a Royalty Income. To your success, Marcello Lisi “Team Dream Builders – Live your Dreams and Enjoy Life” (514) 769-5452