How effective is the combination of my main

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1. 2. The main product for the media coursework is the video, this is followed by two other products, magazine advert/s and digi-pak/s. When we were making the digi-paks and magazine adverts I knew that we had to focus on consistency because this would give us a better theme and a chance to link all our products together which looks better on the final outcome. The colour scheme of the video was quite dark and so I thought we needed a digi-pak which displayed the portrayal of the song, however not all the album would be containing songs which are sad and have a dark theme and so we still needed to consider a colour scheme which would show versatility as well as consistency throughout. This was when I created my ideas for digi-paks which you have previously seen on the blog, my final idea for the digi-pak was a sky theme, on the first panel it was bright morning sky in the background and on the last panel it was dark, at night, I thought this showed versatility as well as keeping the theme of the dark colour scheme running through and therefore helped link the video with my product of digi-pak. 3. . This is me editing the magazine adverts and creating ideas of my own, my input into the final magazine advert involved me positioning the text and choosing the font and colour to match the rest of our products. 4. The artist HAD to be seen in a three major products because this was a debut album in which promotion was key, if we are trying to sell an artist we need them all over the products... So, my magazine advert ideas contained shots of the artist which were also seen in the digi-pak, however the colour scheme of my magazine adverts differed from my media oaks in terms of brightness and font, son after I got this feedback from peers and audience reviews of the paper or computer designed generated products I helped the team to create the final magazine advert which also ties in our artist from the video and still links in with the digi-pak. 5. This is me editing the digi-pak and to do this I used Photoshop and helped create the track listing as well as editing the text again to match the other 6. All the products link with each other through colour, character and styles as well as using the same font, intertextual references and patterns/theme, they all look to fit in the R&B genre and they all link together with their designs as a whole. We decided on the conventions of R&B to be included in all our practical production work because then it would relate to our target audience as most 16-10 year olds like the R&B genre - I think as well using the same design programmes for both the digi-pak and magazine helped me to create a theme as I was familiar with what tools to use. So if I created something on the digi-pak which would clearly link well with the advert, I could easily return using the same tool to create the same effect or whatever convention I wanted to include could be implicated easily using the same software to create most of my final practical production portfolio.