How Do i Begin to Disciple Someone

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  • 8/11/2019 How Do i Begin to Disciple Someone


    What DoesIt Mean to

    be a

    Disciple ofJesus?

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    Make Disciples

    Jesus came and told his disciples, Ihave been given all authority in heavenand on earth. Therefore, go and makedisciples of all the nations, baptizing

    them in the name of the Father and theSon and the Holy Spirit. Teach thesenew disciples to obey all the commands

    I have given you. And be sure of this: Iam with you always, even to the end ofthe age.

    Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)

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    How Do I Begin

    to Disciple


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    Before You Start

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    Thinker Statue

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    Model Jesus

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    Looking throughBinoculars

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    And you should imitate me, just as I

    imitate Christ.

    1 Corinthians 11:1 (NLT)

    Model Jesus

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    Whatever you have learned or

    received or heard from me, or seenin meput it into practice. And theGod of peace will be with you.

    Philippians 4:9 (NIV)

    Model Jesus

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    1.You watch me and I ask you questions

    2. You help me and we debrief

    3. I help you and make suggestions

    4. I watch you and give feedback

    5. You do alone and I give advice when you ask

    How to Actively Model

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    Danger Sign

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    For some members of Chloes householdhave told me about your quarrels, my dearbrothers and sisters. Some of you aresaying, I am a follower of Paul. Others

    are saying, I follow Apollos, or I followPeter, or I follow only Christ. Has Christbeen divided into factions? Was I, Paul,crucified for you? Were any of you

    baptized in the name of Paul? Of coursenot!

    1 Corinthians 1:11-13 (NLT)


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    Magnifying Glass

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    1. ?

    2. Rebellion

    3. Rescue

    4. Restoration

    5. Renewal

    Outline of the Gospel

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    Relationships = Love

    But when the Pharisees heard that hehad silenced the Sadducees with hisreply, they met together to question him

    again. One of them, an expert inreligious law, tried to trap him with thisquestion: Teacher, which is the most

    important commandment in the law ofMoses?

    Matthew 22:34-36 (NLT)

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    Love is the Main Focus

    Jesus replied, You must love the Lordyour God with all your heart, all yoursoul, and all your mind. This is the first

    and greatest commandment. A secondis equally important: Love yourneighbor as yourself. The entire lawand all the demands of the prophets arebased on these two commandments.

    Matthew 22:37-40 (NLT)

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    Jesus Hugging Guy

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    Danger Sign

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    Treating the person you arediscipling as a project.


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    1. Be growing as a disciple yourself.

    2. Be honest and transparent.

    3. Pray all the time.

    4. Open your life up to those you disciple.

    5. Understand that discipleship is messy.

    6. Realize that you will probably get hurt.

    7. Remember there is a spiritual battlegoing on at all times.

    Other Considerations

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    What is theGoal?

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    My dear children, for whom I am again

    in the pains of childbirth until Christ isformed in you,

    Galatians 4:19 (NIV)

    The Goal of Discipling

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    For those God foreknew he also

    predestined to be conformed tothe image of his Son

    Romans 8:29 (NIV)

    The Goal of Discipling

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    And we all, who with unveiled facescontemplate the Lords glory, are

    being transformed into his imagewith ever-increasing glory, whichcomes from the Lord, who is the

    Spirit.2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

    The Goal of Discipling

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    1. To have the heart of Jesus.

    2. To have the character of Jesus.

    3. To love like Jesus.

    4. To obey like Jesus.5. To live like Jesus.

    What is Christlikeness?

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    What is Christlikeness?




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    How Do I Begin

    to Disciple


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    1. Pray.

    2. Spend time together and develop afriendship.

    3. Understand where they are atspiritually.

    4. Help them to understand the basics.

    5. Baptize them and have them partakeof the Lords supper.

    To Begin

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    1. Confess your weakness and needfor help.

    2. Ask Jesus to give you His heartfor who you are discipling.

    3. Ask for wisdom, guidance anddiscernment.


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    1. Go out and do things together.

    2. Find out what their likes, interestsand passions are (music, TV, movies,sports, hobbies, etc.)

    3. Open up your house and life to them.


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    1. Have them tell you why and howthey became a Christian.

    2. Have them explain the gospel to you.

    3. Ask them what they think it means to

    be a disciple of Jesus.

    Spiritual State

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    1. The gospel

    2. Being a disciple of Jesus

    3. Baptism and Lords Supper

    Understand the Basics

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    Basics - The Gospel

    1. Why do we need Jesus?

    Sin, spiritual death, judgement and hell.

    2. What did Jesus do to rescue us?Born of a virgin and became a man, lived asinless life and died a sacrificial death on cross.

    3. How do we receive salvation through Jesus?

    Repentance and faith.

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    Being a Disciple of Jesus

    Matthew 28:18-20Mark 8:34-35

    Luke 6:40, 14:25-27, 33

    John 8:31-32, 13:35, 14:15-16, 15:7-8

    1 Peter 3:15

    1 Corinthians 6:19-202 Corinthians 5:15

    Galatians 2:20 (memorize)

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    Basics - Baptism

    1. Why be baptized?Go and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father

    and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mt. 28:19Peter replied, Repent and be baptized,every one of you, in the name of Jesus

    Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.And you will receive the gift of the HolySpirit. Acts 2:38

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    Basics - Baptism

    2. What is baptism?A public testimony that you have repentedand are now a disciple of Jesus.

    We are those who have died to sin; how canwe live in it any longer? Or dont you knowthat all of us who were baptized into ChristJesus were baptized into his death? We were

    therefore buried with him through baptisminto death in order that, just as Christ wasraised from the dead through the glory of theFather, we too may live a new life. Ro 6:2-4

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    Basics - Lords Supper

    Matthew 26:26-29

    Mark 14:22-25Luke 22:14-20

    1 Corinthians 11:23-34

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    Jordan River

    Baptism & the Lords

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    Baptism & the LordsSu er

    1. Share testimony

    2. Recite Disciples Creed

    Bible verse - Galatians 2:20

    3. Be baptized

    4. Partake of first communion

    5. Celebrate - have a party

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    Question Mark