How CIOs Can Build A Mobility Strategy

How CIOs Can Build A Mobility Strategy Whitepaper by Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst, ZK Research #FutureOfMobilit y


A whitepaper by Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst, ZK Research The paper discusses: Mobile workspace strategies as imperatives for organizations Overcoming challenges of a mobility strategy How CIOs can use best practices to implement a comprehensive mobility strategy to drive business transformation Full whitepaper available here:

Transcript of How CIOs Can Build A Mobility Strategy

  • 1. How CIOs Can Build AMobility StrategyWhitepaper by Zeus Kerravala,Principal Analyst, ZK Research

2. 3. Click this button to tweet theinformation on the slide. 4. The evolution from business connectivity to businessmobility is unlike previous compute transitions becauseit redefines how people work. 5. 6. Mobility is evolving from just being about the device tobeing about delivering a powerful work environmentthat any device can access. 7. Key Challenges of a Mobility Strategy forthe CIO:1. Build a business case for mobility beyond justtraditional ROI by improving specific keyperformance indicators.2. Prioritize which business processes tomobilize. Its critical to work with LOBs to redesignprocesses. 8. Mobility Improves Productivity74%of organizations citeincreased workerproductivity as a driver ofmobile strategySource: 2014 ZK Research Consumerization Survey 9. Best Practices for Implementing a Mobility Strategy:1. Organize the IT mobility team to represent both LOB and ITpriorities.2. Build the business case on business opportunity rather thanpurely ROI.3. Identify partners that align best to your mobility strategy.4. Everyone works differently support a broad set of workstyles.5. Implement an IT self-service model.6. Leverage both cloud-based and on-premises solutions.7. Create policies that protect the business and meetcompliance without eliminating mobility benefits.8. Use mobility as a platform for innovation. 10. The era of mobility is here.Mobile computing represents the most significant shift inIT since the birth of computing.Organizations that embrace this shift cangain a significant advantageover the competition.