Host Training Guide




Transcript of Host Training Guide

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LifeGroup Host Best PracticesWhen it comes to LifeGroups, simplicity is. By eliminating distractions, we enable our LifeGroups to experience real community and life-change. Here are the 4 best practices for LifeGroups.

Connection is key!LifeGroups are built on a foundation of community and connection. Without that piece, life change won’t be easy to come by and the effects won’t be as lasting. Don’t feel a ton of pressure to get through 25 questions and 5 chapters of the Bible. Just a verse or 2 and a few questions can go a long way. Content is important, but connection is critical. Remember, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

When it comes to content, less is more.As a host of a LifeGroup, we want you to stay focused on connection. That’s why we partner with Right Now Media to use their content during our groups. This frees hosts up from spending hours preparing to teach and focuses attention on connection and discussion. Simple stories of faith in action can go a long way, especially when tied to scripture. 20-30 minutes of discussion is more than enough. Leave people wanting more instead of offering too much.

Share the highs and lows from the week.Celebrating wins and working through struggles is a great way to get the conversation started. As a host, come prepared with one or two things you can share to get people talking. If this part is going well, there may even be weeks where this, and some scripture/prayer, is all that will happen in the group. That’s ok! This is a win!

Food or coffee can put people at ease.It doesn’t have to be a lot, but having some simple snacks or coffee can go a long way to helping people feel at home. It’s hard to know why, but when people share a meal or a cup of coffee, it helps establish a connection and puts people at ease. Don’t feel a need to create a full-scale Pinterestproject every time you meet, but have a little something for people to enjoy when you host.

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LifeGroup Host FAQ’s

At New Hope Church, LifeGroups are all about connection and going deeper in your faith. When it comes to sensitive issues, it’s important to know your limits. When you encounter individuals who may need more support, it’s time to refer them to our Pastoral Care Team who can get them connected with people to help them on their journey.

What do I do when a theological controversy arises?

How do I handle sensitive issues?

We like to keep the main thing the main thing. For us there are few things that are at the core of what we believe. •  We believe that the Bible is true and is the foundation of our faith. •  We believe there is one true God. •  We believe that God wants to have a relationship with everyone. •  We believe that Jesus was God’s perfect Son. •  We believe the Holy Spirit is here to guide us through our journey. •  We believe that everyone will stand before God to answer for their faith in Him. •  We believe that The Church is the hope of the world. •  We believe that scripture is the final authority on all matters. All participating members and regular attenders of LifeGroups should refrain from advocating doctrines that are not included in this Statement of Faith in such a way as to cause dissension. We desire the local expression of Christ’s body at New Hope Church to be a radiant example of love, grace, and unity. Check out for more info on what we believe.

We like to keep things simple for our LifeGroups. However, from time to time, you may encounter a challenging scenario. Here are some solutions to a few situations that you might encounter. Remember, you are not alone on this journey and our LifeGroup staff is ready to assist.

How do I handle political discussions? LifeGroups are not the place to debate or campaign for particular political issues. At no time, should politics or hot-button social topics drive discussion. The primary function of LifeGroups is for people to feel needed and known.

What do we do with our kids when our LifeGroup meets? Each group can determine their best course of action. However, safety is the primary concern for children of LifeGroup parents. If you choose to use childcare, only use qualified and experienced childcare providers. For groups with significant amounts of children, more providers may be necessary. Only providers with approved background checks should be used. Children should never be left alone and should always have supervision.