Hope and Healing

Joyful and fun-filled community singing


Candle week commenced in 2006.  AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','248','height','248','hspace','5','vspace','5','align','right','src','candleweek promo','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movie','candleweek promo' ); //end AC code The idea emerged from the pastoral council in the parish who wanted to organise an event that includes as many people as possible in the parish, an event that gathers people together so that they can enjoy a sacred space, a spiritual time and an opportunity to reflect and pray in a good humoured and inclusive way.  All are welcome, no exceptions, no matter what your story is or whatever your background, please know that there is a warm welcome awaiting you at Candle Week.

Transcript of Hope and Healing

Page 1: Hope and Healing

• Joyful and fun-filled community singing

Page 2: Hope and Healing

• Healing services including annointing

with holy oils

Page 3: Hope and Healing

• Listening generously to God’s word

Page 4: Hope and Healing

Practical Preaching on issues relevant to our daily lives

Page 5: Hope and Healing

• Humour and even jokes at the

right moment

Page 6: Hope and Healing

• Listening to eachother’s stories

Page 7: Hope and Healing

• Celebrating the gift of God’s forgiveness

Page 8: Hope and Healing

• Ritual whereby we touch and feel

God’s grace and goodness

Page 9: Hope and Healing

• Praying with candles

Page 10: Hope and Healing

• Spreading the Light

Page 11: Hope and Healing

• Sharing the.........

.....experienced as we meet Christ

Page 12: Hope and Healing

• Joyful and fun-filled community singing

Page 13: Hope and Healing

• Healing services including annointing

with holy oils

Page 14: Hope and Healing

• Listening generously to God’s word

Page 15: Hope and Healing

Practical Preaching on issues relevant to our daily lives

Page 16: Hope and Healing

• Humour and even jokes at the

right moment

Page 17: Hope and Healing

• Listening to eachother’s stories

Page 18: Hope and Healing

• Celebrating the gift of God’s forgiveness

Page 19: Hope and Healing

• Ritual whereby we touch and feel

God’s grace and goodness

Page 20: Hope and Healing

• Praying with candles

Page 21: Hope and Healing

• Spreading the Light

Page 22: Hope and Healing

• Sharing the.........

.....experienced as we meet Christ