Home Care and Family Physician




Transcript of Home Care and Family Physician

  • a qualified medical practitioner who provides personal, primary, comprehensive and continuing health care of the individual in relation to his family, community and his environmentFamily Physician

  • PersonalPrimaryContinuing Comprehensive

  • The Principles

  • Case

  • HOSPICE CAREActive total care of patients and their families by a multi-professional team when the patients disease is no longer responsive to curative treatmentperawatan pasien terminal (stadium akhir) dimana pengobatan terhadap penyakitnya tidak diperlukan lagi meringankan penderitaan dan rasa tidak nyaman dari pasien, berlandaskan pada aspek bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual

  • Hospice Home Care


  • GoalsAffirms life and regards dying as a normal processNeither hastens nor postpone death

  • Goals

  • By the clockBy the ladderBy the mouthGeneral principles for pain control


  • Patient-centeredComfort of patientImportant for understanding the basis of symptoms and assess the prognosis

  • Family-centeredPatient is an integral part of a larger unit CRISIS- strained Family Dynamicsdistinguish - patients vs. discomforts experienced by other members of the family

  • Comprehensive Care attends to bio-psycho-social-spiritualAddress Fear and AnxietyContinues...right through the bereavement period

  • CoordinatedIndividuals and agencies providing careSpecialistsGeneral practitionersDistrict Nurses/Community nurseDomiciliary servicesHospitalsSelf help group/NGOsSpiritual organizationsFamilies and Friends

  • Regular review..Situation may change quicklyregime providing comfort today maybe inadequate tomorrowassessment of comfort & other therapy should be carried out OFTEN & REGULARLY

  • Role of Physician management of medical problemsidentification of home-care needs of the patientestablishment/approval of a plan of treatment with identification of both short- and long-term goalsevaluation of new, acute or emergent medical problems based on information supplied by other team membersprovision for continuity of care to and from all settings (institution, home and community)

  • communication with the patient and other team membersparticipation, as needed, in home-care/family conferencesreassessments of care plan and outcomes of careevaluation of quality of caredocumentation in appropriate medical records; andprovision of 24-hour on-call coverage by a physician

  • Physician failure to follow patients through the continuum of care from hospital to home is described by Bernstein in compelling terms as "moral abandonment"

  • Hospice Care Approach

  • Case

  • Dapat dirawat di rumahPerlu kerjasama timTindakan medis oleh perawat/ dokterKeluarga akan dilatih untuk perawatan sederhanaDengan perawatan paliatif di rumah, penderita akan lebih banyak bertemu dengan orang-orang yang dia cintai, berkumpul dengan keluarga yang akan sangat membantu baik secara psikologis, sosial maupun spiritual bagi penderita dalam menghadapi saat-saat akhir hidupnya.

  • Best quality of lifeTerima kasih
