HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF GREATER … HSA Newsletter.pdf · George Thompson, Grados Mayor...

HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF GREATER MIAMI ADVENTIST ACADEMY 2016 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR, ISSUE 1, OCTOBER CONNECTING PARENTS AND TEACHERS Greater Miami Adventist Academy HSA Newsletter 1 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear GMAA Families, Although the 2016/2017 school year is well under- way the GMAA Home and School Association (HSA) would like to wel- come back our return- ing families and extend a warm welcome to the new families joining us. We are already 8 weeks into the school year and the staff, students and parents have been going full throttle since day one. Just around the corner will be the beginning of the IOWA testing (Oct 4 – 7, Grds 3-11), Red Ribbon week in the Ele- mentary school, the College Fair spon- sored by the Library and school counselor, Ms. Rosi, Volley Ball tournament at Union College, S.A. Track & Field day, Hispanic Heritage week and so many more that our school will need your help in making a success. With your support, we can continue to make Greater Miami Adventist Acad- emy a Distinguished School for our chil- dren. GMAA is a school based on vibrant parent involvement. Your contribution, whether it is your time, knowledge, or re- sources make a HUGE difference. We in- vite you to become an involved parent member at GMAA HSA. We as parents are admonished in Deuter- onomy 11:19 to be actively involved on a daily basis in our children’s education. God advises, “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Through God’s matchless grace I and the HSA executive council are here to help you fulfill the task of uniting the HOME and SCHOOL Thank you for helping in any way you can. Again, welcome to GMA. God bless, Jennifer Amodeo NEW OFFICERS FOR 2016-2017 PRESIDENT Jennifer Amodeo 11 th Grade Parent VICE-PRESIDENT,ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Arlene Montello 2 nd Grade Parent VICE-PRESIDENT, MIDDLE SCHOOL Chikina Williams 7 th and 9 th Grade Parent VICE-PRESIDENTS, HIGH SCHOOL George Thompson, Upper Classes 10 th and 12 th Grade Parent Canute Anderson, Lower Classes 10 th Grade Parent SECRETARY/TREASURER Adrienne Cordoba 2 nd Grade Parent COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Karen Aponte 3 rd Grade Parent WHAT IS HSA? HSA stands for Home and School Association (HSA). The purpose of the HSA is to provide parent education and to unite the home, the school, and the church in their endeavors to provide Seventh-day Adventist Christian education for the children. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE HSA? EDUCATE parents in cooperation with the church and school in their work of fostering the development of the whole child. PROMOTE cooperation between parents and teachers in the educational process. GUIDANCE for establishing in the home an atmosphere of love and discipline in which Seventh-day Adventist Christian values can be instilled in children through Bible study, prayer, family worship, and the example of the parents. PROVIDE an opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a positive relationship in their work for the children. SUPPORT the church school in its effort to more fully harmonize the principles of Christian education in philosophy, content, and methodology. STRENGTHEN the relationship between home and school by promoting school activities.

Transcript of HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF GREATER … HSA Newsletter.pdf · George Thompson, Grados Mayor...


2016 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR, ISSUE 1, OCTOBERConneCting Parents and teaChers

Greater Miami Adventist Academy HSA Newsletter 1


Dear GMAA Families,Although the 2016/2017 school year is well under-way the GMAA Home and School Association (HSA) would like to wel-come back our return-ing families and extend a warm welcome to the

new families joining us.We are already 8 weeks into the school year and the staff, students and parents have been going full throttle since day one. Just around the corner will be the beginning of the IOWA testing (Oct 4 – 7, Grds 3-11), Red Ribbon week in the Ele-mentary school, the College Fair spon-sored by the Library and school counselor, Ms. Rosi, Volley Ball tournament at Union College, S.A. Track & Field day, Hispanic Heritage week and so many more that our school will need your help in making a success. With your support, we can continue to make Greater Miami Adventist Acad-emy a Distinguished School for our chil-dren. GMAA is a school based on vibrant parent involvement. Your contribution, whether it is your time, knowledge, or re-sources make a HUGE difference. We in-vite you to become an involved parent member at GMAA HSA. We as parents are admonished in Deuter-onomy 11:19 to be actively involved on a daily basis in our children’s education. God advises, “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”Through God’s matchless grace I and the HSA executive council are here to help you fulfill the task of uniting the HOME and SCHOOLThank you for helping in any way you can.Again, welcome to GMA.God bless,

Jennifer Amodeo


PRESIDENTJennifer Amodeo11th Grade Parent


VICE-PRESIDENT, MIDDLE SCHOOLChikina Williams7th and 9th Grade Parent

VICE-PRESIDENTS, HIGH SCHOOLGeorge Thompson, Upper Classes10th and 12th Grade ParentCanute Anderson, Lower Classes10th Grade Parent

SECRETARY/TREASURERAdrienne Cordoba2nd Grade Parent


WHAT IS HSA?HSA stands for Home and School Association (HSA). The purpose of the HSA is to provide parent education and to unite the home, the school, and the church in their endeavors to provide Seventh-day Adventist Christian education for the children.

WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE HSA?EDUCATE parents in cooperation with the church and school in their work of fostering the development of the whole child.

PROMOTE cooperation between parents and teachers in the educational process.

GUIDANCE for establishing in the home an atmosphere of love and discipline in which Seventh-day Adventist Christian values can be instilled in children through Bible study, prayer, family worship, and the example of the parents.

PROVIDE an opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a positive relationship in their work for the children.

SUPPORT the church school in its effort to more fully harmonize the principles of Christian education in philosophy, content, and methodology.

STRENGTHEN the relationship between home and school by promoting school activities.

Greater Miami Adventist Academy HSA Newsletter 2

Oct. 2Middle School Field TripOct. 3Picture RetakesOct. 4 - 7IOWA TestOct. 7End of 1st QuarterOct. 9SAT TestOct. 10Beginning of 2nd QuarterOct. 10 - 14Red Ribbon Week Oct. 17Teachers Prof. Development DayNoon DismissalOct. 19PSAT TestOct. 20 - 23Girls Volleyball Tournament - Union CollegeOct. 21College FairOct. 23ACT TestOct. 24S.A. Track and Field - Jr. High and High SchoolOct. 24 - 28Hisp. Heritage WeekOct. 25Parent-Teacher Conference Noon DismissalOct. 28Hispanic Heritage Luncheon ElementaryPiano RecitalOct. 31 - Nov. 4Fall Week Of Prayer


October is a BUSY month and we have lots of EXCITING events planned for our students!!The Home and School Association (HSA) is partnering with GMAA and would like to call on all Parents and Guardians to participate in ensuring successful events to benefit our students. Our teachers need help!

In order for GMAA to achieve excellence we are asking that each parent give of your talent and time to support any of our school programs listed below. Listed below are some of the ways we need your help.• CLASSROOM PARENT K - 8th Grade

• FUNDRAISERS Spirit Store Sales Family Fall Festival Chocolate Sales Box Top Education Book Fair

• SCHOOL EVENTS Christmas Program Valentine Banquet Acro Americas Homeshow Yearbook Release Chaperone for Class Trips

• SPORTS/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Basketball Volleyball Soccer Flag Football Music Homework help/Tutoring Computer Graphics Arts & Crafts


• Peppermint (helps the child have a clear mind)

• #2 Pencils• Please send a items to school

with your child


• Red Ribbon• Red Cups• Please send ribbon and cups

to school with your child or deliver directly to 2nd grade classroom

• Volunteers to tie ribbons around campus columns, trees, gazebo, on Friday October 07.


• Set-up Volunteers• Clean-up Volunteers• Decorating Volunteers• Servers


• Volunteers to cut out materials. (May be done at home)

HSA Officers Contact Information:Jennifer Amodeo ........................................ [email protected] Anderson........................................anderson.canute@yahoo.comKaren Aponte .............................................................. [email protected] Cordoba ...........................................................................................Arlene Montello ..................................................gmamom2016@gmail.comGeorge Thompson ..................................................... [email protected] Williams ............................................................kina1297@gmail.com


2016 - 2017 AÑO ESCOLAR, BOLETÍN 1, OCTUBREConeCtando Padres y Maestros

Academia Adventista de Miami Revista del HSA 3

CARTA DEL PRESIDENTEEstimadas familias de GMAA,A pesar de que el año escolar 2016/2017 está en marcha, la Asociación de Hogar y Escuela de GMAA (HSA) le gustaría darles la bienvenida a nuestras familias que regresan y

extender una cálida bienvenida a las nuevas familias que nos acompañan.Ya tenemos 8 semanas de este año escolar. El personal, estudiantes y padres han estado trabajando a toda velocidad desde el primer día. A la vuelta de la esquina será el comienzo de la prueba IOWA (oct 4 - 7, grados 3-11), la Semana del Listón Rojo (contra las drogas) en la escuela primaria, la Feria de Universidades patrocinado por la Bibliotecaria y Consejera de la escuela, Sra. Rosi. También tenemos el torneo de Voleibol en la Universidad de Union College, el día de deportes para los estudiantes en secundaria. Tenemos la semana de Hispanidad y muchas otras actividades más que nuestra escuela necesita su ayuda para que sean un éxito.Con su ayuda, podemos continuar haciendo la Academia de Miami una escuela excepcional para nuestros hijos. GMAA es una escuela basada en la participación de padres animados. Su contribución, puede ser de su tiempo, conocimientos o recursos, hacen una diferencia enorme. Les invitamos a convertirse en un padre involucrado en la HSA de GMAA.Nosotros como padres somos amonestados en Deuteronomio 11:19 a participar activamente en la educación de nuestros hijos. Dios aconseja: “Y enseñadlas a vuestros hijos, hablando de ellas cuando te sientes en tu casa y cuando andes por el camino, cuando te acuestes y cuando te levantes.”A través de la gracia sin de Dios y el consejo ejecutivo del HSA, nosotros estamos aquí para ayudarles a cumplir la tarea de unir el HOGAR y la ESCUELA.Gracias por ayudar en cualquier forma que usted pueda. Una vez más, la bienvenidos a GMAA.Dios los bendiga,

Jennifer Amodeo


PRESIDENTEJennifer AmodeoPadre de estudiante en Grado 11

VICEPRESIDENTE, PRIMARIAArlene MontelloPadre de estudiante en Grado 2

VICEPRESIDENTE, NIVEL INTERMEDIOChikina WilliamsPadre de estudiante en Grado 7 y 9

VICEPRESIDENTSE, SECUNDARIAGeorge Thompson, Grados MayorPadre de estudiante en Grado 10 y 12

Canute Anderson, Grados MenorPadre de estudiante en Grado 10

SECRETARIA/TESORERAAdrienne CordobaPadre de estudiante en Grado 2

DIRECTORA DE COMUNICACIONESKaren ApontePadre de estudiante en Grado 3

¿QUÉ ES EL HSA?El HSA significa la Asociación de Hogar y Escuela (HSA). El propósito de la HSA es educar a los padres y para unir el hogar, la escuela y la iglesia en los esfuerzos para proporcionar educación cristiana, Adventista del Séptimo Día, para todo niño y adolescente.

¿CUÁLES SON LOS OBJETIVOS DE LA HSA?EDUCAR a los padres en cooperación con la iglesia y la escuela en su labor de promover el desarrollo integral del estudiante.

PROMOVER la cooperación entre los padres y los profesores en el proceso educativo.

GUIAR de cómo establecer en el hogar una atmósfera de amor y disciplina en la que los valores de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día pueden ser inculcados en los niños/adolescentes a través del estudio de la Biblia, la oración, el culto familiar, y el ejemplo de los padres.

PROVEER una oportunidad para que los padres y profesores desarrollen una relación positiva en el trabajo por ayudar a los estudiantes.

APOYAR a la escuela de la iglesia en su esfuerzo de armonizar más plenamente los principios de la educación cristiana filosóficamente, en el contenido y el método de la educación.

FORTALEZER la relación entre el hogar y la escuela mediante la promoción de actividades de la escuela.

Aparte la Fecha

Academia Adventista de Miami Revista del HSA 4

Oct. 2Paseo de Grados 6-8Oct. 3Retomar fotos para el anuarioOct. 4 - 7Examen de IOWAOct. 7Fin del primer trimestreOct. 9Examen de SATOct. 10Principio del segundo trimestreOct. 10 - 14Semana del Listón Rojo (contra las drogas)Oct. 17Día del desarollo profesional del Maestro Estudiantes salen a las 12:00 p.m. Oct. 19Examen de PSATOct. 20 - 23Torneo de Voleibol Femenino - Union CollegeOct. 21Feria de UniversidadesOct. 23Examen de ACTOct. 24Día de Atletismo - Intermedio y SecundariaOct. 24 - 28Semana de la HispanidadOct. 25Reuniones de Padres y MaestrosEstudiantes salen a las 12:00 p.m.Oct. 28Almuerzo de la Hispanidad - PrimariaConcierto de PianoOct. 31 - Nov. 4Semana de Oración del Otoño


¡Octubre es un mes MUY OCUPADO y tenemos muchos eventos emocionantes planificados para nuestros estudiantes !La Asociación Hogar y Escuela (HSA) esta ayudando a la Academia y nos gustaría hacer un llamado a todos los padres a participar en asegurar que los eventos sean de éxito en beneficio de nuestros estudiantes. ¡Nuestros maestros necesitan ayuda!

Para que la Academia pueda alcanzar la excelencia estamos pidiendo que cada padre done de su talento y tiempo para apoyar a los programas de nuestros estudiantes listados a continuación. Estos son algunas de las formas que necesitamos su ayuda.• PADRES DE SALÓN Kinder - 8to Grado

• RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS Ventas de las camisetas Festival de Otoño de la Familia Ventas de Chocolate Cupones de Box Top Education Feria del Libro

• EVENTOS DE LA ESCUELA Programa de Navidad Banquete del día de la Amistad Programa de Acro Americas Programa de entrega del Anuario Chaperón para viajes de clase

• DEPORTES / PROGRAMA DESPUÉS DE CLASES Baloncesto Voleibol Fútbol Fútbol Américano Música Ayuda con tareas / Tutoría Gráficos de computadora Artes y Manualidades

EXAMEN DE IOWANecesitamos:

• Mentas (ayuda al niño a tener una mente clara)

• Lápices #2 • Por favor envíe los artículos a

la escuela con su hijo


• Listón rojos• Vasos plasticos rojos• Por favor envíe la cinta y

vasos a la escuela con su hijo o entregar directamente a la clase de 2º grado

• Voluntarios para atar cintas alrededor de la escuela. En las columnas, árboles, comedor, el viernes 07 de Octubre.


• Voluntarios para arreglar• Voluntarios para regojer• Voluntarios para decorar• Servidores de la comida


• Voluntarios para cortar materiales. (Puede ser hecho en casa)

HSA Officiales Información de Contacto:Jennifer Amodeo ........................................ [email protected] Anderson........................................anderson.canute@yahoo.comKaren Aponte .............................................................. [email protected] Cordoba ...........................................................................................Arlene Montello ..................................................gmamom2016@gmail.comGeorge Thompson ..................................................... [email protected] Williams ............................................................kina1297@gmail.com