Holy Year of Grace - container.parishesonline.com

H ly Y ar rac haring Christ’s Love since 1

Transcript of Holy Year of Grace - container.parishesonline.com

Page 1: Holy Year of Grace - container.parishesonline.com

Holy Year of Grace

Sharing Christ’s Love since 1960

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This year has been unconventional in many different

ways, but the liturgical year has continued giving us

a sense of normalcy. Whether you come to Mass in

church, attend Mass in the parking lot, or watch Mass

|at home, we have been walking together spiritually

to the end of the liturgical year. This is the last weekend

of the liturgical year. Next Sunday we will celebrate

the First Sunday of Advent. On the last Sunday of

Ordinary Time, the Church celebrates the Solemnity

of Christ the King. What is the Solemnity of Christ the

King? What does it mean for us Christians to celebrate

it every year?

Christians identify Jesus as the Messiah, which means

“Christ” or the “anointed one.” The anointed one was

also a king, the king who was supposed to deliver the

people of God from the hands of the enemy. So, since

the beginning of the Church Jesus was identified as the

King. The King not in a worldly sense but in a heavenly

sense: the King of kings and the Lord of lords. This is

the foundation of what is celebrated at the end of the

liturgical year. The Solemnity of Christ the King was

instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, by his encyclical

Quas Primas. This feast was established in response

to the increase of secularism in the world. Since Christ

seems to be denied as king by many people in the

world, our faith should reaffirm to the world the

authority of Christ as King of the Universe.

By celebrating the solemnity of Christ the King, we

attest to the world our alliance to Christ as the king of

our lives. Especially in the rise of a non-Christian world,

we need to be the witnesses of the supremacy of God

above all things. Through this feast, Pope Pius XI

wanted all nations to see and respect Christ as the

ultimate divine ruler of the world. He also wanted the

faithful to gain strength and courage to let Christ reign

in our hearts, minds, wills, and bodies.

I know that when we hear the word king, we are a

little skeptical, since kings who belong to this world

have often disappointed their people and abused

their power due to their own greed. But a good king,

a true king looks after his subjects and even fights if

necessary for the well-being of his kingdom. A good

king, a true king governs with justice and safeguards

the fairness of the laws. A good king, a true king

unifies his kingdom and ensures there is peace among

his people. A good king, a true king even offers his

own life for the sake of his kingdom.

Christ is that kind of king. He is a good king, he is a

true king, he is a perfect king. The rulers of this world

often control their people with force and violence and

personal gain whereas Christ’s rule is characterized

by peace, love, and reconciliation. If we let Christ be

the king of the world, then He can rule with peace and

justice. If we let Christ reign in the world, then He can

govern with love and forgiveness.

Happy Feast of Christ the King

Fr. Lara

Special note: Celebrate Thanksgiving Day Mass with us at

9:00am in church (reserve your place in SignUp Genius),

in the parking lot (tune your car radio to 87.9 FM and

receive communion after Mass), or at home (via SCL’s

YouTube page). Let us give thanks to the Lord together!

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Títulos y privilegios, palacios y guardias, banquetes y

beneficios, sirvientes y la buena vida, son todo lo que la

gente terrenal asocia con los reyes y la realeza. Estos no tienen

lugar en Cristo. Para comprender el reino de Cristo y lo que

significa tener a Cristo como nuestro rey, uno debe estar dispuesto

y ser capaz de comprender la transformación, el compromiso y el

empoderamiento. Para vivir en el reinado de Cristo, tenemos que

vivir profunda y contemplativamente; permitiendo que Dios cambie

no solo cómo actuamos, sino cómo nos sentimos, pensamos y vemos.

No es un viaje fácil o uno que siempre es bienvenido. A veces, es

más fácil y seguro vivir como si Cristo fuera nuestro rey terrenal.

Es un mundo más blanco y negro. Pero el reino de Cristo existe en

un mundo gris donde los hambrientos, los sedientos, los extraños,

desnudos, enfermos y encarcelados encuentran un hogar acogedor.

Es un reino que no siempre tiene sentido, donde los últimos son los

primeros y los más débiles son los más fuertes. A la economía

mundial y la filosofía secular no les gusta este tipo de rey. Quizás

por eso lo crucificaron la primera vez y continúan haciéndolo.

Cualquier cosa que hagamos al menor de los hijos de Dios, se lo

hacemos a Dios. ¿De verdad quieres heredar el reino?

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Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/Ps 23/

1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46

Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Ps 24/Lk 21:1-4

Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19/Ps 96/Lk 21:5-11

Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4/Ps 98/Lk 21:12-19

Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/

Ps 100/Lk 21:20-28

Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11-21:2/Ps 84/

Lk 21:29-33

Saturday: Rv 22:1-7/Ps 95/Lk 21:34-36

Next Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/

Ps 80/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37



Care for parishioners who are sick

is always important to us. Please notify the Parish

Center, 847-729-1414, to ask for prayers for

yourself or anyone in need. If hospitalized, tell

the hospital staff the religious affiliation and

parish of the patient. Also, you can contact the

hospital's Pastoral Care Office at any time.

During the current pandemic, unfortunately, our

Ministers of Care cannot bring communion to

hospitals or homes. Designated priests from our

vicariate will minister to the needs of the dying.

Call the Parish Center if last rites are needed.

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Titles and privileges, palaces and guards,

banquets and benefits, servants and fine

living, are all things earthly folks associate with

kings and royalty. These have no place in Christ.

To understand the kingdom of Christ and what it

means to have Christ as our king, one must be

willing and able to understand transformation,

engagement and empowerment. To live in the

kingship of Christ, we have to live deeply and

contemplatively; allowing God to change not

only how we act, but how we feel, think, and see.

It is not an easy journey or one that is always

welcomed. Sometimes, it is easier and safer to

live as if Christ were our earthly king. It’s a more

black and white world. But the kingdom of Christ

exists in a world of gray where the hungry, thirsty,

those who are strangers, naked, ill, and impris-

oned find a welcome home. It is a kingdom that

doesn’t always make sense, where the last are

first and the weakest are most strong. World

economics and secular philosophy doesn’t like this

kind of king. Maybe that is why they crucified him

the first time and continue to. Whatever we do to

the least of God’s children, we do to God. Do you

really want to inherit the kingdom?

Joseph Agee

Edward Atchu

James Backstop

Ruth Balmes

Bonny Barezky

Marie Barnes

Bruce Belzer

Joyce Bergman

Nancy Blochberger

Bryan Blocher

Gerri Blusha

Rob Boemmel

Diana Bonkowski

Joe Bosowski

Jack Breden

Peggy Breden

Mike Bretz

Jean Bruneau

John Bucher

Robert Budzik

Juan Paolo Claridad

Mary Anne Collins

Donna Connelly

Arnel Cordero

John Crawford

Denis Daleiden

Lorenza de los Reyes

Dorothy Delgado

Jan Doetsch

Matt Doetsch

Charlene Drew

Albert Dru

Carol DuBois

Dolores Falato-Funk

Engracia Flores

Hermini Hildo Flores

Jose Mario Flores

Jennifer Gabriel

Martha Galvez

Joe Giancola

Ken Gotcsh

Hallna Grajny

Samantha Greenberg

Hope Gutierrez Cruz

Marian Haas

Karen Harnish

Amanda Harvey

Mary Hauser

Jessica Heaton

Jenny Heber

Fred Hermes

Melin Sanchez


Anna Marie Herrold

Ruth Hilbert

Patricia Hoffman

Bert Houle

Cecilia Jara

Loretta Karnik

Teddy Kasia

Nancy Kelly

Gina LaCassa-Pistorio

Nancy Lattores

Cosmas Liu

Ben Lugtu

Fe Lugtu

Fr. Bob Mair

Romano Manlubatan

Betsy Marcus

Dick Matthews

Wendy Matthys

June McArthur

Molly Anne McKenna

Donna Rae Mercado

Juan Papo Mercado

Fr. Mike Michelini

Mary Mills

Carole Molitor

Charles Molitor

Mary Moro

Brandon Mueller

Claudine Mulhern

Jim Mulhern

Maria Nuñez

Debra O’Connor

Vi Orr

Patrick Orr-Lange

Kathy O’Shea

Mike Palmer

Brian Peck

Helene Pizics

Gerry Ploshay

Judy Ploshay

Ron Ploshay

Judy Polasek

Jim Polerecky

Veronika Pulasevich

David Pullega

Fred Radzialowski

Lori (Mathews) Reeves

Julia Rodriguez

Diane Russell

Ron Sacluti

Brendan Sage

John Sage

Anna Scott

David Seipp

Hank Seipp

Elizabeth Sharp

Joshua Sharp

Adrian Slade

Jeanne Slade

John Snow

Mary Snow

Carmen Sosa

Thomas Speck

Anni Stimmler

Mercedes Sulieman

Kim Sunko

Diana Szorc

Gretchen Tayne

Ben Tchaou

Marge Theriault

James Totin

George Troike

Robert Troike

Joyce Valdez

Kapil Vij

Len Waldman

Clare Westley

Tim Whalen

James White

Page 5: Holy Year of Grace - container.parishesonline.com



The week of Veteran’s Day, SCL school featured and

honored our loved ones who have served. SCL loves

our Veterans and are proud to celebrate those who are near and

dear to our hearts. One Veteran we honored is Ryan Fontillas, a

Combat Medic in the Illinois National Guard.

My name is Ryan Fontillas and I graduated from SCL in 2011 and

went on to Glenbrook South High School where I played football

and was on the men’s gymnastic team. After graduating from GBS

I went to University of Illinois Chicago where I am currently studying


I think my favorite memories of SCL were in the Library where

Ms. Toft read hundreds of stories to us and really ignited the

imagination and creativity that I have today. SCL taught me that

it's not enough just to be Catholic but to live and serve as a Catholic.

I wore a pendant to St. Michael on my dog tags during my 8 months

in Afghanistan and when times were hard it made it easier knowing

that the Lord was beside me.

I am three years into my six-year contract as a Combat Medic in

the Illinois National Guard with plans to go Officer Candidate

School after graduating from UIC. I chose the National Guard

because it would allow me to get my feet wet in a profession

I admired while being able to complete my degree and

college education.

To the current students of SCL, keep working hard, always strive

to be a little better than yesterday and know that when you

walk the path of love, you walk with God and that will make

you indomitable.

To Ryan and to all past and present military personnel, thank you

for your service.


Discover Catholic Schools

SCL students celebrated “Discover

Catholic Schools Week 2020.” Throughout the

week of November 8-14, we celebrated what

makes Catholic schools the BEST choice when

families are looking to find the right school.

St. Catherine Laboure parish was celebrated

during Sunday’s theme, Discover Your Parish, as

the school invited people to join the live-stream

masses of SCL. Catholic schools like St. Catherine

Labouré School benefit all year long from the

religious guidance, prayers, and support parishes

provide. Our parish serves a diverse community

of 1,300 families and is what made Cardinal

Cupich say, "You truly are a Parish of United

Nations!" Students, parents, faculty, staff, and

volunteers were all celebrated and even

Fr. Lara had his own special feature!


The Book of Life remains in church until

Saturday, November 28 and all those

listed in it will be continue to be remembered in

prayer each day. Call the rectory to add names

of recently deceased family members or friends.


Our gift card fundraiser includes more

places than those listed on our order

form and more dollar amounts for those that are

listed there. Please check out all your options at

https://www.shopwithscrip.com/. On the order

form, write in the store, the denomination, and

number of cards you would like us to order for

you. There are two more order dates for this

year: November 30 and December 14. For your

convenience, an order form has been included on

Page 6.

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