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Volume 17, Issue 10 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 October 2017 1 The Holton Community Center asks all churches in the Holton Area to donate particular foods for the food pantry each month. Holton United Methodist Church is asked to donate the following for each month: January Toiletries February Saltine Crackers March Hamburger Helper April Store-bought Jelly/Jam May Cereal June Canned Veggies July Canned Chicken August Boxed Macaroni and Cheese September Condiments October Peanut Butter November Canned Tomato Products December Canned Tuna To make a food donation to the Holton Community Center please place your non-perishable food for the month in the clear container, marked “HCC Donations”, near the Information Desk in the Narthex. It’s that time of year again. The Holton United Methodist Church Charge Conference will be held on Saturday, October 15 at Montague United Methodist Church. Gathering will begin at 1:30 PM; Worship will begin at 2:00 PM; Charge Conferences will begin at 3:00 PM. The next potluck and movie night will be on Friday, October 13. The potluck theme is Soup and Salad and begins at 6:00 PM. The film begins at 7:00 PM. Sully is the title of the October movie. Please bring a dish to share and your own table settings. The movie, popcorn and a beverage are free. Child care is provided.

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Volume 17, Issue 10

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

October 2017


The Holton Community Center asks all churches in the

Holton Area to donate particular foods for the food

pantry each month. Holton United Methodist Church is

asked to donate the following for each month:

January Toiletries

February Saltine Crackers

March Hamburger Helper

April Store-bought Jelly/Jam

May Cereal

June Canned Veggies

July Canned Chicken

August Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

September Condiments

October Peanut Butter

November Canned Tomato Products

December Canned Tuna

To make a food donation to the Holton Community

Center please place your non-perishable food for the

month in the clear container, marked “HCC Donations”,

near the Information Desk in the Narthex.

It’s that time of year again. The Holton United

Methodist Church Charge Conference will be held

on Saturday, October 15 at Montague United

Methodist Church. Gathering will begin at

1:30 PM; Worship will begin at 2:00 PM; Charge

Conferences will begin at 3:00 PM.

The next potluck and movie night will be on Friday, October 13. The potluck theme is Soup and Salad and begins at 6:00 PM. The film begins at 7:00 PM. Sully is the title of the October movie. Please bring a dish to share and your own table settings. The movie, popcorn and a beverage are free. Child care is provided.

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The next Young at Heart event will take place on Tuesday, October 10 at 12:30 PM. A cabbage casserole lunch will be provided in the fellowship hall with the movie “God’s Not Dead” to follow in the sanctuary. Please bring a veggie, salad, or dessert to share. Please also bring your own place settings. A $1.00 donation toward the main dish is appreciated. A sign-up sheet is located on the information desk in the narthex. For more information, please contact Ruth Benovic at (231) 288-4060.

The extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed) that we use in cooking has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties with traces of Vitamin E and K that fights inflammation inside and out. Use for sore throat, stomach, rash, or skin irritations. The higher quality the oil is; the more powerful it is...be willing to spend $10 or more; you're worth it. (google) When using the oil topically or internally as medication, always pray: Father, Bless and Magnify this oil to heal me from the inside out in Jesus Name. Submitted by Sue Zuwerink

"There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." Corrie TenBoom The power of Jesus Christ is much greater than any bondage, sickness, sorrow or pain. "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Five Keys to develop a heart filled with joy that promotes good health: 1. Practice forgiveness. It overcomes deadly emotions of anger, resentment, and bitterness. “...forgive and be forgiven" Mt 6:14; "...forgive others from your heart" Mt 18:35 "...be at peace with each other" Mark 9:50 2. Control your tongue. "death and life are in the power of the tongue" Proverbs 18:21; “your heart determines what you say" Matthew 12:34; "Kind words are healthy for the body" Proverbs 16:24 3. Surround yourself with positive friends. "Let your conversation be gracious and effective... have the right answer for everyone." Colossians 4:6 4. Feed your mind healthy thoughts. Monitor what you listen to and watch. "...guard your heart, for it effects everything you do" Proverbs 4:23 "Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8 5. Meditate on God's Word. When your heart is filled with scripture there's not much room for doubt or fear. Commit the Word to memory. Pray the Word, thanking God for it's truth in your life...God's Word alive in you...your armor, protection, faith, hope, love. Speak God- inspired words and think God-inspired thoughts. "Life and health" Proverbs 4:20-23 "...bring every thought captive to Christ" II Corinthians 10:5 We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father Your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 1:2,3 Breath Prayer -- Jesus in me / Jesus out to others God--Moment Blessings, Sue Zuwerink

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Keeping the ‘Cross’ Alive

My hands trembled as I laid one hand on my unconscious son and one hand reaching upward as to grasp my father’s hand out of the sky and beg for his mercy. I pleaded, “Please Dear God, push the thought of losing my son out of my mind”. Your children aren’t supposed to die before you do, are they God? Now my lifeless son was 15 minutes into unconsciousness, pulse fading, and still no ambulance. I have never been able to handle stressful situations with my children and just kind of fall apart. With heart pounding; I tried to make sense of it all. I still had so much to say to my son, and now understanding more than ever that

effectiveness in our relationships is directly tied to your own understanding of the cross.

Oh my God! How Mary must have felt when her son was being dragged away and murdered. Pain so real it was if Jesus had died only yesterday; crucified so that sinners would be submissive to God and forgiven by God. But what was the reasoning that my son may die? So many questions and I couldn’t even think clearly enough to just fully hand it over to God and trust him. My son was flown by helicopter to Butterworth. He had a traumatic brain injury with blooding on his brain causing memory loss. But obviously God wasn’t done with him yet and is healing his brain, thanks to a merciful savior.

I pray that the cross feels closer to my son now; it surely does to me. The cross centered life starts with biblical thinking. Just like the blazing bonfire my son and I sat around the night before; I compare it to the cross. If we want the flame in our heart to be kept alive, we have to keep coming back to the source. “The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled.” We have to get near enough to the fire for it’s sparks to fall on us. A flame so bright, that in the drizzle and scary events of real life, it will shine through the darkness. We have to memorize, pray, sing, review, and study the gospel and ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and bring the gospel alive to us again. I hope for my son, whom I love dearly, and for everyone, that if God can do this in my life, he can do the same for you. Draw near the blaze every day and remember the cross is still in the center of the fire.

In that moment of suffering, thinking my son was going to die and questioning evidence of God’s love, I could not escape my visual of the cross. “He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). When we suffer there will sometimes be mystery. Will there also be faith? Yes. If our attention is focused more on the cross and on the God of the cross than on the suffering itself. In real life, things do not always go just as we would like, so let us draw our hope and comfort from the cross. Amen

Submitted by Evelyn Slater


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The last West Michigan UMW Conference will be held on October 21, with speaker Devon Herren of Ferris State Wesley Foundation. The meeting will take place at Mt. Pleasant UMC at 8:30 a.m. The day will be filled with singing, special music, spiritual centering and memorial service; honoring our departed members. It will also include Communion, hearing from our Missionaries and installation of officers. The day will be filled with inspiration, knowledge, renewing of old friendships and maybe a touch of history. The Kalamazoo District are the winners of the 2016 women division mission project. They designed and sewed simple Kimono gowns for layette kits. They were collected at the September meeting at Lowell UMC and will be sent to UMCOR. The next GR UMW District event will be held at Marne UMC, Evening Apart on November 9. 2017. Submitted by Zee Kiszkan for GR District UMW

Claudia Selleck will be hosting Women’s Fellowship and Study Groups taking place Sundays from 2:00-3:30 PM and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 PM. The groups will meet through December 6, 2017. All women of the church are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Claudia at 821-0374.

The Holton United Methodist Church Helping Hands group will be postponing baking birthday cakes for the Cedar Creek Home until further notice. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Marian Drake at 821-2659.

The Holton Community Center will be hosting their Annual Harvest Dinner on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at the Blue Lake Community Church (10981 Blue Lake Road, Holton) from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. The menu includes Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Vegetable or Apple Sauce, Cup of Soup, and Dessert. In addition there will be a craft sale, door prizes and dinner music. Adults are $8.00 and Children 11 and under are $5.00. Tickets can be purchased through Char Hollowell at 286-6490. All proceeds will go toward the Holton Community Center Food Pantry.

Here we are in what it is called Ordinary time, from Pentecost to Advent. Though it is not at all an "Ordinary time,” since during this time we should be growing in faith and following the teaching of Jesus Christ. The colors on the altar are coordinating with nature; as the light green changes to deeper hues—harvest colors. Later on we will also celebrate All Saints Day, remembering those who "passed on". Also we stop and give thanks during the Thanksgiving Day celebration. The altar represents these special times, before we embark and enter the Advent season. Now the colors will change from green to blue, to prepare us for the coming birth of our Lord Jesus. Submitted by Zee Kiszkan, Worship Committee

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Program Team Holton United Methodist Church August 15, 2017 Present: Rosemary Johnson, Carole Vandenberg, Paulette LaMie, Dave Wisniewski, Dana LaMadline, Art Stevens, Mick Noble, Terri Dodson-Seadorf, and Pastor Jerry Selleck. Attending: Dale Seadorf Absent: Jim Eskew and Bruce Zerlaut, Deb Eskew, Stacy Wright Pastor opened with Prayer Discussion of good things in the Church: Yard Sale is in full swing Movie Night, Youth Group, and Women’s Thursday Groups have started again. Holton Community Center is busy. The Bible Study group is studying James and Volunteers are building a barn/shed soon. Community Center is hosting a dinner on October 7 at Blue Lake 4:30 – 6:30. MEETING MINUTES: August minutes discussed. Paulette moved for approval with change. Art seconded. Passed with correction of Treasurer’s Report of $3200 to be sent next month (September-not monthly). TREASURER’S REPORT: Dave presented Treasurer’s report. Highlights include: The General Fund is less than $3000 due to the giving is not keeping up with the expenses. If this drops further, we may need to hold paying bills. Expenses are much less than anticipated but donations are very low. Currently, worship is down. If people stop coming, then giving seems to stop as well. Donations have been lower than anticipated consistently this year, except for the month of April. We would like to get back on track by the end of the calendar year because January & February we historically see less giving with people staying home in bad weather and our costs are significantly higher (utility bills, snow plowing is costly, etc). Other highlights include

The Bake Sale raised $1200 for Kid’s Camp. The scholarship fund has a negative balance due six scholarships. Sports Ministries increased by about $2400 primarily due to the Chicken BBQ. We would like to use the Save-A-Lot Education fund to pay for the Sunday School Materials. The Youth Building now is shown separately on the budget as this is held at Waddell & Reed.

Beginning balance is $41899 and $4500 has been invested for a total of $46,399. Art moved to accept the report as written. Paulette seconded. Passed. OLD BUSINESS: ACH and electronic is set up for the yard sale if a volunteer comes forward to run it. Pastor discussed the website for donations & currently encountering glitches. We will be able to manage electronic donations for fundraisers, yard sale, etc. soon. Kitchen Use policy is being updated.

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COMMITTEE REPORTS: Fellowship: Sports Ministries: We received $1700 from Chicken Dinner & intend to repair the ice rink, paint the walls & we have already power-washed the rink. Memorial Committee is looking into buying a few new hymnals. Coffee hour is doing good. Kids Camp: We will be making pies for Thanksgiving on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and we will

need help. Anyone with a special pie request should contact Kathy VanTreese at 231.821.0025. Yard Sale: Full force the week of Sept 21-23. The committee will look into needs of the church as well as a donation to the general fund. Young at Heart: 22 people attended this past month. The next meeting in October will be a cabbage roll dinner with salads and desserts and we will watch the movie “God’s Not Dead”. Linda said that the Kitchen is going well. People are cleaning up appropriately. Movie night last Friday and watched “I am Not Ashamed” which went well after a glitch with the video. Church Camp: no report. Staff Parish Relations Committee: Staff Relations: We have had a few meetings in anticipation of the Charge Conference. The paperwork just needs to be typed up and signed. SPR Committee: Reviewed resume of and we hired Ms. Slater. She has been doing the duties in the interim. Other: We have decided that the Pastor’s Salary will receive a 2% increase for this year. Worship: Teen Challenge will be filling the pulpit on October 8. Kay Kooistra has resigned from Worship Committee (but will continue with Praise Team). Evelyn Slater will step in for the open position on the Worship Committee. We have received very positive feedback on the combined service, Becky’s testimony and Community Picnic. Many kudos and congratulations to all involved. We will be recognizing World Communion Day on October 1. Outreach: Art reports he has been busy visiting people. Pastor Jerry Announcements: Trustees have done some repairs/replacement of a door on the parsonage and repairs to the secretary’s desk. We have been asked to do the music at the Charge Conference. Finance Committee has finalized the budget for 2018. Bruce will have it to us in November. Due to the lower donations we have received this year, it will be lower than the current budget. The Charge Conference is scheduled for October 15. It will be joint this year, combining with other churches at Montague UMC. We gather at 1:30, worship at 2:00, and then split off to individual Charge Conference at 3:00. Discipleship: No Report. Finance: No Report. Trustees: No Report. Witness: No Report. Adjourned @ 7:30 pm. Next meeting is October 17 @ 6:30. Respectfully Submitted by Terri Dodson-Seadorf


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10/1 Margie Vanderboegh

10/3 Eva Zeldenrust

10/6 Rosey Mayes, Brittney Younts,

Bob Beckman

10/7 Lauri Eskew, Tom Bennett

10/9 Levi Beckman, Gavin LaMadline

Tom LaMadline

10/10 Alena Follett

10/11 Mark Addison

10/12 Claire Conzemius, Todd Kirchenbauer

10/14 Duane Kooistra

10/15 Tim Zeldenrust

10/18 Ethan Frens

10/19 Kim Buckner, Julie Betka

10/20 Mary Ann Henry, Jack Vanderboegh

10/23 Brandon Beattie, Bill Hornof

10/25 Colleen Hawkins, Clieve Young,

Connie Zerlaut

10/29 Rachel Younts

10/30 Arlene Jackson, Chip Wright

10/31 John Mayes

10/2 Jerry and Claudia Selleck

10/6 Bob and Robin Busch

Dick and Jan Smith

10/12 Bob and Rose Beckman

10/14 Brent and Lauri Eskew

10/21 Roman and Karen Scheidel

10/24 Travis and Gussy Pell

10/31 Bill and Kendra Swarts


Please contact the church office at 821-2323 with any Birthday or Anniversary corrections or additions

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GREETERS 9:00 AM Service 10:45 AM Service

10/1 Charlene Hollowell Orv and Marie Hawk

10/8 Paulette LaMie Bob and Jeanie Schuitema

10/15 Roman and Karen Scheidel Tony and Dianne Travis

10/22 Kirk and Amy Younts Marilyn Cheskie

10/29 Brian and Cyndi Norton Dan and Judy Schooley

Please contact Marie Hawk at 821-2618 if you would like to volunteer as a greeter.


MONTHLY 9:00 AM Service 10:45 AM Service

Shirley Schnick and Dale Seadorf Telissa Hawk and Alax Hawk

Please contact Shirley Schnick at 924-0446 if you would like to volunteer as an usher.

NURSERY 9:00 AM Service 10:45 AM Service

10/1 Sarah Rasmussen Susan Thompsen

10/8 Elizabeth Langan Sarah Rasmussen

10/15 Emma Conzemius Carol Kochans

10/22 Todd Conzemius Dianne Travis

10/29 Kristi Conzemius Amy Younts

Please contact Susan Thompsen at 821-7310 if you would like to volunteer for nursery.


LECTORS Worship Leader/

Children’s Message (9:00 AM) Lector (10:45 AM)

10/1 Chris Thompsen John Kochans

10/8 Tom LaMadline Tom LaMadline

10/15 Brian Norton Art Stevens

10/22 Mike Guerne Tony Travis

10/29 Chris Thompsen Bruce Zerlaut

Please contact Tom or Dana LaMadline at 225-5379 if you would like to volunteer as a leader in


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TECHNOLOGY Administrators:

Claudia Selleck

Eric Rothoff

Roger Knapp

Stacey Smith

Please contact Claudia Selleck at 821-0374 if you are interested in joining the Technology Team.


8:30 AM Set Up Clean Up

10/1 Paulette LaMie, Carol Vandenberg Tony and Dianne Travis

10/8 Brian and Cyndi Norton Tony and Dianne Travis

10/15 Bob and Rosemary Beckman Tony and Dianne Travis

10/22 Dick and Jan Smith Tony and Dianne Travis

10/29 Butch Yager and Mary Follett Tony and Dianne Travis

Please contact Janet Howard at 557-7801 if you would like to volunteer to set up before Coffee Hour

or Louise Vermilyea at 821-2300 if you would like to volunteer to clean up after Coffee Hour.

ALTAR FLOWERS 10/1 Dave and Sue Devowe for Eva Zeldenrust’s birthday

10/8 Paulette LaMie in memory of her mother


10/22 Roman and Karen Scheidel for their 17th Wedding Anniversary


If you are interested in donating altar flowers in memory or honor of a loved one or occasion, please

sign the calendar in the narthex. Cost is $10.00. Please place your payment in the offering plate with

a note that indicates the date as well as that the money is for Altar Flowers.


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If you’ve never seen one of these squiggly things, let me introduce you to our QR Code. You can ‘scan’ this code with your smart phone, and make donations to our Church from ANYWHERE. Further, you can make a donation to a variety of funds (General, Missions, Youth, UMCOR, etc…), for a one time donation, or a recurring donation. Here’s how to get started. 1) Get a scan app for your phone. There are many available through your phone’s ‘app store.’ They are free. I prefer ‘Scan Life,’ but any will work. 2) Scan our QR code, and you will be directed to our Church’s special giving page. 3) First, make a profile. They will ask you to make a username (usually e-mail) and password (more than 8 characters). That way, you can make future donations much easier. 4) From there, you can make a ‘transaction,’ with your credit/debit card. They will ask for your card information, whether a one-time or recurring donation, e-mail, and the amount. The final button will be to process the donation. You should receive a receipt through your e-mail. Yes, I know this seems complicated, but it’s no more difficult than shopping online. If you need help, let us know! Pastor Jerry will even walk you through it on a Sunday morning. Thanks!


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HOLTON, MI 49425

Holton United Methodist Church

9530 Holton Duck Lake Road

Holton, MI 49425

Return Service Requested

Our Mission Statement:

To help people know Jesus Christ personally,

and to live daily lives in light of that relationship.

Our Purpose Statement:

We help people to know Jesus Christ

and to live daily lives for Him as we:

tell them about the grace of God,

invite them into the presence of God,

lead them into membership in the kingdom of God,

help them to mature into the image of God,

send them out to serve in the name of God.

Sunday Worship:

9:00 AM - Contemporary ● 10:45 AM - Traditional

Church Office Staff

Pastor: Jerry Selleck ● Secretary: Lori Wisniewski

Office Hours

September - May

Monday—Friday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

June - August

Monday—Thursday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Contact Information

Church Office

(231) 821-2323


[email protected]
