History of gaming finished one


Transcript of History of gaming finished one

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By Jake Phillips

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In 1951 a man called Christopher Strachey, a British computer scientist came up with the first gaming programming which was checkers, this was created to run on the pilot ace computers. Also in 1951 the nimrod computer was created, the idea for this computer was to be the gaming computer created. In 1952 a gaming program called tic-tac-toe was created by Alexander Douglas oxo was the first digital graphical simulation game. in 1958 the first historic video game, was a game called Tennis ball, which was a little beam of light that biped when the ball bounced off of it. In 1959 a collection of graphical programs were created to play on the TX-O this was created to have a better game experience.

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In 1961 a group of students at MIT made a game called spacewar which was made for the DEC PDP-1, the game involved two players against each other, they were in control of a space ship that could fire missiles. In 1966 a man called Ralph Bear came up with an idea called interactive video game machine, he put all his ideas in two a four page document and in this he had all his game ideas also bear came up with the first home gaming console called the “brown box” this was the first video game set that could be on a standard television. In 1967 Bill Harrison created the first light gun and developed several video games, also he made the first playable video game on a t.v. set “the chase game” the game is two squares chasing each other. In 1968 the first video console game prototype was completed that was actually run several different games.

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In 1971 Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney came up with the first video arcade game version of spacewar called computer space, this gaming platform was unsuccessful due to the people finding it hard to learn the controls but it was a breakthrough in history. In 1972 a gaming platforms called “pong” was the first successful 2D arcade game in history, pong was developed by Atari and founded in June 1972 by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, three months after pond was created they wanted to add realistic features and sound effects. The arcade game pong was such a successful game that in 1973 it had filled over 2500 orders and in 1974 it had sold more than 8000 consoles. The golden era saw the development and experimentation with the new gaming software and human interface devices (HID) this made the new games faster, better displays. In 1974 Atari introduced the first gaming wheel for Gran Trak 10. In 1978 Atari came with some add on which are light gun. In 1980 the release of Pac-man, Pac-man is made by Namco Pac-man was so successful and caused such a sensation that the game itself entered into the gaming culture and created what we know as Pac-mania.

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In 1982 a gaming platform called coleckovision change the arcade game quality by its graphics and gaming style also with the means to expand the systems basic hardware.

Also in 1982 a gaming platform called vectrex video game console was developed by Western Technologies/Smith Engineering, the vector gaming displays were the most popular graphics in the world. Also in 1982 a gaming platform called Atari 5200 was a video game console that was introduced by Atari and was made to compete with the Intellivision. In 1986 a gaming platform called saga master system was the first sega to feature 3D. In 1988 the sega genesis video game console was developed and produced by sega it was the thrid console that had backward compatibility when the separately sold power base converter is installed. In 1989 the Atari lynx game console was created to be the first handheld game console with colour LCD it had advanced graphics. In 1989 the game console Gameboy, it was a handheld platform which was created by Nintendo the Gameboy and Gameboy colour were a tremendous success selling over118.69millon units Worlwide.

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In 1991 a game console called CD I is an interactive CD player developed by Royal Philips Electronics, which was created to be a more functional CD player but a lower price. In 1993 a gaming platform called Amiga CD32 is based on commodores advanced graphics. In 1994 a gaming platform called PlayStation was created by Sony it was the first of the PlayStation series of consoles. The PlayStation was the first gaming console was to ship 100 million units. In 1995 a gaming platform called sega saturn is the fifth generation video game console was the first to sell 9.5 million units worldwide. In 1996 a handheld gaming platform called Gameboy pocket was created by Nintendo which is a smaller and lighter version and requires fewer batteries, the Gameboy pocket is the same just smaller. In 1996 a gaming platform called Nintendo 64 was created to be the last home console with ROM cartridges. In 1998 was created to be a better version of the Gameboy pocket and it was a success. In 2000 a game console called the ps2 was created and was the best console of its eva in my opinion and the views of many more.

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In 2001 the game console Xbox was created and was the first American company after the Atari jaguar that was offered in stores. In 2001 a game console called game cube was created to be one of the first Nintendo platforms that had connectivity to the internet. In 2004 a game console called DS was a portable gamine platform that the newest graphics and games and sold millions all over the world. In 2005 a gaming platform called Xbox 360 was created and it was the best creation of its era because it had the best graphics and the best gaming software. In 2005 the best portable device in my opinion is the PSP, the PSP had the best graphics it could have and the best game controls. In 2006 the Nintendo Wii was created and was the first console that was completely interactive and the Wii was the first console that was made for the family. In 2006 a gaming console called PS3 was the Sony creation that was connected to the internet and had the new brand Blu-ray in the PS3. In 2009 a portable game console called the PSP go is just an updated version of the PSP but it has a top screen and the bottom of the platform has all different controls. In 2011 the portable gaming platform called the Nintendo 3ds was the first gaming platform with 3D installed which made it one of the best gaming platforms in this era.