History of film


Transcript of History of film

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FIRST PUBLIC SCREENING Workers Leaving The Lumiere Factory Basement café shop in Paris December 28,1895 By lumiere brother Using cinematographe lumiere It started to give audience a new way to relax and enjoy a film.

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THE HAUNTED CASTLE (1896) Using jump cut to create disappear and re appear effect Using fade in fade out, overlapping dissolves and stop motion photography It push the media of film and become more and more professional By Georges Melies

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GEORGE MELIES (1861-1938) He have a Star Film company which made 500 film He is the first person introduce “cutting” He is attributed with the first use of dissolves, superimposition ,time lapse

photography, art direction and artificial lighting effects. The most famous being the thirty-scene A trip to the Moon(1902). Though the time gone,Pathé Freres bought out Melies in 1911 they were the

major force in production, distribution and exhibition worldwide. At last,Meliles retired in 1915.

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FIRST WORLD WAR Virtually to decimate European film production for five years. Governments show to appreciate the value of propaganda and morale-

boosting escapism, many studio was closed down. Only the film industrials of neutral Scandinavia continued to prosper.

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THE AMERICAN FILM INDUSTRY(1900-1915) Existence as long as they has been American film. By 1894,the exhibition of moving pictures had been established in New

York City with the introduction of the box-like kinetoscope.Which means thry allowed an individual customer to watch a 50-foot strip of film.

In 1895,a projector called Pantopticon demonstrated more than one person could watch the same moving images simultaneously. So it starts more and more small high street stores and restaurants were being converted into small-scale cinemas.

It start pushing the film industry to the people who are not professional but they still can have a small scale and put it on their restaurants and shops for attracts and promotes people

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By 1905 there were estimated 1000 of these theatres and by 1908 there were 6000 in America. As film industry expanded, exhibitors had a growing commercial need. By 1907,there were 125-150 film exchanges covering the whole of the USA

It means film became more and more common and longer.

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THREE MAJOR COMPANIES DOMINATED PRODUCTION IN THE US Edison ,Biograph and Vitagraph As early as 1893 the world first 'kinetographic theatre' or film studio was in

operation. It was built by Edison Company and called 'Black Maria'. After 1900,film started to get longer, and by 1903,films of 300 to 600 feet The great train robbery was over 1000 feet long.It is an example TV early

cinema utilizing increased running time and primitive continuity editing to tell.

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By this time there were several major film producers in USA include Selig,Kalem,Essanay and Lubin.

Until 1907,it has been referred to as the 'cameraman' system of production, they would be respond for planning ,writing ,filming and editing.

By 1907 the American film industry was already organized into three main divisions: exhibition, distribution and production.

It is very important in film industry became more organized,they have their own name of position which means film became more importance

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WARNER BROTHERS It origins as a small production company in the mid-1920. They was the first of the majors to establish the commercial viability of

sound in film. The Great Depression seriously weakened Warner's financial base,after

1930 they start lose money and had difficulty meeting it's loan commitments.Warner was show a profit again until 1935.Up until mid-1930 the company concentrated on low budget contemporary urban genes such as gangster cycle.

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FIRST WOMAN DIRECTOR• In the early years no job are for a women, people

thinks women show stay at home and men should go out work,until late nineteen it came up the first woman director, Alice Guy Blache.

• She begins in 1896 with a one minute short called The Good Fairy in the Cabbage Patch.

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Gone with the Wind 1930s,produced by David O Record setting cost of $4 million Seen as a culmination of conventions associated

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Charlie Chaplin began his professional career in the nineteenth century and achieved world fame in the second decade of the twentieth century.

He start acting when he was 8 years old His first feature as a director - The Kid (1921)

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REFERENCE (BOOK) Introduction to film studies edited by Jill nelmes Historical film Stubbs History of film David Parkinson Chaplin genius of the cinema Jeffrey Vance