Hist2 12 us expansion in the phil

Significance of the Philippine Revolution

Transcript of Hist2 12 us expansion in the phil

Significance of the Philippine Revolution

Birth of Filipino

Nation and the Phil. Republic

Founding of the Filipino

National Church

Power Struggle and the

Triumph of the Filipino

End of Spanish

Rule in the Philippines

Rationale of American Expansionism in the Philippines

Rationale of American Expansionism in the Philippines

Manifest Destiny

Economic Factors




Manifest Destiny Americans believed that it is their duty

to bring benefits of the civilization to ignorant people abroad either conversion or conquest.

Proponents of Manifest Destiny anchored their arguments on Charles Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” to support the racial superiority of the Americans

Economic Factors The last decades of the 19th century saw a

phenomenal growth in American industries and agriculture.

New outlets for American capital and fresh opportunities for their business interests had to be found and developed outside US

For a strong economic presence in Asia, the US needed a base from where it could expand trade and commerce.

Political US wanted to play a role in the power

politics in the Pacific. Americans desired colonies for power

and glory and the Philippines would be the first apple of their American colonialism

Religious Protestants saw the Philippines as fertile

ground for spreading religion. An opportunity for US to perform “humanitarian and evangelistic work” and also extend the “the blessings of the government”

Philippines could be a jumping board for missionary activities in Asia, especially in China

American Catholic Church also wanted to protect its economic interests in the islands.

MilitaryPhilippines would be a base for

American operations in Asia to protect their economic and political interests

The Military Rule After Manila fell into the hands of Americans, President

McKinley ordered that the country be administered through the military

The military governors: General Wesley Merrit (1898-1899) General Elwell Otis (1900) General Arthur McArthur (1901)

The military governors exercised executive, legislative and judicial powers

Meritt Otis McArthur

Pacification Measures First Philippine Commission

Headed by Jacob Schurman, recommended the establishment of a civil government

Second Philippine Commission Headed by William Howard Taft,

embodied the principles and ideals that would guide American policy in the colony

Met severe oppositions from the Filipinos, US undertook pacification measures. William Howard Taft

Pacification Measures

Sedition Law (1901)

• Advocating for Philippine independence means death or long imprisonment

Brigandage Act (1902)

• Classified guerrilla fighters as brigands or ladrones

Recon-centration Act (1903)

• Forced residents of towns infested with bandits and brigands to live in designated military zones

Flag Law (1907)

• Prohibited the display of Filipino flags, banners, symbols, and other paraphernalia

Pacification Measures Military Campaigns

Brigadier General Jacob Smith ordered that Samar should be turned into a “howling wilderness” and persons from 10 y.o and up bearing arms were to be killed

Gen. Franklin Bell in Batangas ordered the burning of towns where guerrillas operated as well as starving the unarmed/armed hostile civilians if they continue to remain outside the reconcentration camps

Barotac Viejo, Iloilo was razed to the ground Occupation army also committed abuses and

atrocities like the water cure

Pacification Measures The government deported uncompromising

nationalitists like Apolinario Mabini and Artemio Ricarte

Political parties like Nacionalista Party, who advocated independence was banned opposite to the advocacy of the Federal Party

Public education system with English as the medium of instruction was one of the best ways of pacification

Americans also suppressed nationalistic journalism and literature.

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