Highlights of Discussions - RDR Peel...Report preparation and revision: Nafeesa Jalal, RDR Project...

The Regional Diversity Roundtable (RDR) Moving Beyond Peel 150: Deepening Conversations, Identifying Priorities & Planning for Action (Part 2) Report preparation and revision: Nafeesa Jalal, RDR Project Coordinator Report format and final revision: Varsha Naik, RDR Executive Director Date printed: March 2018 Highlights of Discussions RDR Report 3.indd 1 3/20/2018 7:44:09 PM

Transcript of Highlights of Discussions - RDR Peel...Report preparation and revision: Nafeesa Jalal, RDR Project...

Page 1: Highlights of Discussions - RDR Peel...Report preparation and revision: Nafeesa Jalal, RDR Project Coordinator Report format and final revision: Varsha Naik, RDR Executive Director

The Regional Diversity Roundtable (RDR)Moving Beyond Peel 150:

Deepening Conversations, Identifying Priorities &Planning for Action (Part 2)

Report preparation and revision: Nafeesa Jalal, RDR Project CoordinatorReport format and final revision: Varsha Naik, RDR Executive Director

Date printed: March 2018

Highlights of Discussions

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Our MissionThe Regional Diversity Roundtable is committed to being a leader in supporting organizations and institutions to be diverse and equitable in order to provide services that are fair, inclusive, respectful and culturally appropriate.

Our VisionTo promote respect and equity within organizations and institutions for an inclusive and harmonious community.

We encourage stakeholders to recognize, respect, and embrace each individual’s diversity and believe that by working together we can move from the acknowledgment of diversity to the institutionalization of diversity in our respective core values, structures, workforce, procedures and guidelines enabling an environment that is supportive, accessible, and equitable in its practices.

Our Values

What is Regional Diversity Roundtable?The Regional Diversity Roundtable is a network of organizations and institutions committed to building inclusion and diversity competence that results in the institutionalization of equity in their core values, structures, workforce, policies and services.

The Regional Diversity Roundtable is comprised of a group of individuals within organizations with a commitment to inclusion, equity and diversity competence in the Region of Peel. This network is working to increase the capacity of individuals and organizations to provide appropriate services and meet the needs of diverse stakeholders and people from various social and cultural background.

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On November 24th, 2017 the Regional Diversity Roundtable (RDR) held a Symposium titledPeel 150 & Ontario 150: Celebrating & Empowering Diverse Communities. The intent of the event was to reflect on the past 150 years, highlighting its remarkable successes and disappointing challenges. It was also purposed to plan for the next 150 years, discussing concrete ideas on what and how individual and collective actions need to be prioritized in order to achieve the proposed goals. A professional facilitator guided the overall collective discussions, and individual facilitators supported discussions which were had in smaller groups.

In an effort to continue, deepen and strengthen the conversations started at the symposium, a meeting was held on January 10th, 2018 with cross-sector representatives with DEI portfolios in their organizations. The purpose of this meeting was two-fold. First, it was to focus on identifying individual and collective DEI (diversity equity and inclusion) priorities for the upcoming years in the Peel region. Secondly, it was to begin thinking about concrete plans of action to achieve the identified priorities. A professional facilitator was again present to guide the overall collective discussions, and individual groups had a volunteer to document their group discussions.

On February 9, 2018 RDR held Part 2 of their Moving Beyond Peel 150 - Deepening Conversations, Identifying Priorities and Planning for Action meeting. The meeting was intentioned to deepen the conversations which had taken place at the January meeting, and build on the conversations which started at the November Symposium. At this meeting, the conversation was focused on collectively identifying three priorities, and discussing concrete ideas on what and how individual and collective actions need to be prioritized in order to achieve the proposed goals.

This step of active planning has been essential to RDR, as the organization strives for action-driven results for progress in DEI initiatives. A professional facilitator guided the discussions, both individual and collective. The same facilitator was brought back from the Symposium in November, and RDR brought her back for this meeting to maintain continuity in the facilitation of the discussions, as she was familiar with the on-going conversations. Community members, project donors and member organizations were invited. The meeting took place at a venue in the City of Mississauga. Each meeting and report has built on the previous one, and this third and final report is dedicated to documenting the February 9, 2018 meeting.


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Process of Discussions & Framework

The context and content of the day’s discussions were set by the RDR in collaboration with the program’s facilitator. In the morning, the two reports encapsulating the process and priorities established at the last two 150 events were shared with the participants. Each participant was encouraged to reflect on the items on the list, and also to add any they found missing and important. In a plenary format, the facilitator guided the participants through the listed points. The participants separated themselves into groups, and discussed the priority points. Following this, they collectively within their group came up with 3 priorities (one from each category of DEI) for which they began to think about implementation and actualization plans.

In the afternoon, the groups came together to collectively agree on 3 Mississauga-focused priorities for the day that they committed to actively taking forward. The priorities are listed further in the report. Using a lens of diversity, equity and inclusion was encouraged for the participants as they did their planning in their respective groups. A framework which focused on adhering to DEI principles, methods of collaboration and active, interactive participant engagement was used at all three (3) meetings.


RDR members were invited to this meeting, as were funders, guests from past events and other key individuals in the region. Everyone’s insights were solicited through conversations, as it tied to their personal and professional responsibilities and experiences. The number of individuals who registered for the meeting was 33, and 19 people were in attendance. The winter weather was a deterrent for a number of registrants. This included 4 RDR staff and the facilitator. The small group size allowed for a more intimate, engaging and participatory session.

Funding RDR acknowledges the support of its funders, without which this overall project would not be possible. This meeting was funded by the Community Foundation of Mississauga..

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During the morning session of the day, in individual groups the following priorities were identified. The aim of the session was to narrow the list down to the 3 top priorities.

ALL identified priorities (from the 3 groups at the meeting):

• Racial and Cultural Equity (discrimination)• Transformative shift around DEI-from ideology- “polity” (political, social and civic engagement) • Employment Equity - opportunities, foreign credentials recognition • Collaboration around DEI-money/funding, infrastructure, systems• Cultural Competency-increased capacity of community, dedicated space for both employment and

policy as well as authentic social spaces• Training and Evaluation - evidence-informed• Building Social Capital for all people - networks are needed and people must co-exist• Diversity Conversations that are broader than race. Example: economic diversity, employed and those

working in unpaid role (care giving); seniors and children• Inclusive Spaces that reflect the diversity of the region - street signs, school names etc

The top 3 collectively chosen priorities were:

1. Economic Participation 2. Transformative Shift3. Equity for Marginalized Communities

The collective agreement was that all of the priorities would be overlaid with anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks.

The visuals below list the top 3 priorities, and include questions and comments which were discussed around them.

• Who is the target audience – Systems or Individuals? • Let us remember our demographic reality. • We need BOTH short and long term activities and goals. • Also to remember, we are a Host Community, recognizing Indigenous roots and newcomers calling

Mississauga home.

Documenting Selected Priorities & Actualziation Plans

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Lens of RACE and Intersecting Oppression

Priority #1Economic Participation

Priority #2Transformative Shift

Priority #3Equity for Marginalized


• Employment equity• Unemployment• Unpaid work• Healthcare-social

determinants of health• Homelessness• Seniors and children• Participation• Opportunity• Foreign credential recognition• Living wage• Broader• Social capital

• Education• Training• Cultural competency• Evidence-informed• Inclusive spaces• Build social capital and

networks (exist in groups)• Collaboration around DEI

• Representation of minorities in municipal government and positions of power

• Overrepresentation of racialized/marginalized communities in systemic issues

• Access to equal opportunities for all groups within the community

*All community members are contributing members to the economy and acceptance of differing definitions of prosperity exist

The Empathy Tool from Tamarack Institute was adapted to meet the needs of this session, and was intro-duced to all participants. The top 3 wants/desires, and the top 3 obstacles to those desires was discussed by each group.

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Feeling? Doing? Seeing? Saying?Thinking? Thinking? Hearing?

• Blame• Resentment• Defeat• No

distribution of responsibility

• Stigma• Isolation• Loneliness• Aggravated• Disconnected

• Nothing• Stuck• Disengaged

• Inter-generational conflict

• Lack of• Opportunity• Gender

challenge• Caregiver

challenge• Un-intended

consequences: making things worse

• Lack of leadership

• Luck-chance

• What about me?

• It is NOT fair• How do I

succeed?• Where is the

funding?• Who is

representing us at leadership tables?

• I am giving up

• No hope• “I have to

fend for myself”

• No, you are not qualified

• It is your fault

• You are the problem, not the system

Empathy Tool Discussion: What are the community members, in relation to DEI, with the lived experience.

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The second half of the day focused on collective action planning. The highlights of the conversations are list-ed below in point form.

Priority #1: Economic Participation

• Continued challenges requiring urgent actions, which will lead to success ◊ Foreign credentials are still not being recognized in many sectors ◊ Poverty and social assistance continues to be high◊ (ONT Works)-moving from poverty to paid work is essential ◊ Decrease poverty and unemployment, especially for racialized youth

• Accountability and Measurement - What and How? ◊ Rate of newcomer graduates in desired field◊ Quality of educational programs◊ Engagement with Region of Peel◊ Number of partnerships◊ Increased research on indicated gaps◊ Add qualitative research and community voice

• Partners needed? Yes!◊ Businesses/corporate sector◊ Not-For-Profits, and their increased capacity◊ Unions and labor councils

• Timeline? ◊ Short term: youth summer employment and placements◊ Medium term: internships and placements◊ Long term: overall employment/employer and employee collaborations

• Accountability

RDR role: Facilitate; partnership; convene; host; disseminate info; evaluation; development of tools; research

Community organization role: Civic participation; be part of the solution; include unpaid workers; share knowledge; advocate; lead; sign the Peel Youth Charter Resident role: Participate; parent councils in public schools; leadership; board participation

Systems role: Ontario Human Rights Commission and CODE; Resources/funds; commitment.

Lens of Anti - RACISM and Intersecting Oppression

RDR Action Plan 2018

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Process to track impact: • Research; compile all research but recognize that in spite of it all, there continues to be large and urgent

priorities to successfully implement • Inventory of existing data has to include what is going well (ex. awards and recognition)• May need surveys or other evaluation tools to include asset-based questions to identify where we are doing

well• State hard facts• Tell community story• Messaging to get buy in, and know that language we use needs to change to include all• Race based data• Disaggregated data, which has pushed systems like schools and police

Priority #2: Transformative Shift

• Continued challenges requiring urgent actions, which will lead to success◊ Need for increased voter turnout and civic participation ◊ Pro-active involvement and engagement ◊ Conversations re: definitions, language, terminology for common and inclusive understanding◊ Partner with organizations and schools; economic development offices◊ Streamlining and popularizing ideas and language which are inclusive and accurate

• Accountability and Measurement - What and How? ◊ Add qualitative research and community voice◊ Track voter data (nuanced around years and regions)◊ Include more schools or partnerships◊ Create surveys and other data collection tools◊ What percentage of our municipal budget is going towards investment in inclusive spaces,

grassroots initiatives and programs? ◊ Increase in the number of diversely named spaces◊ Decreased inequity rates as a result of connected neighborhoods, thus potentially shrinking the gap

• Partners needed?◊ All sectors, including faith-based organizations

• Timeline? ◊ Short term: June 2018◊ Medium Term: Conversation and systems to determine buy-in is crucial for all parties involved, in

order to accomplish goals in given timelines. Look at what is already happening ex. PDSB report◊ Long term: Ongoing engagement-it is dynamic and always evolving

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• Accountability

RDR role: Measurement tools; curriculum tools; be the author of the vocabulary

Community organization role: Co-lead (needs defining); ambassadors; champions; convene; share knowledge

Resident role: Ambassadors; champions; teach others and support those who need it.

Systems role: • Buy-in from systems and all stakeholders, for ensuring the needed shift • Resources/funds• Allow conversations, but step back and do not control the process• Need systems which further human-centered design and approaches• Process to track impact: Yet to be determined

Priority #3: Equity for Marginalized Communities

• Continued challenges requiring urgent actions, which will lead to success ◊ Pay equity, especially for women and other marginalized groups◊ Diverse representation in leadership and public spheres◊ Focus on priority # 1 and #2

• Accountability and Measurement - What and How? ◊ Focus on succeeding on indicators for priority #1 and #2

• Partners needed?◊ Advocacy groups; ethno-cultural groups; disability communities; youth; indigenous communities;

seniors; LGBTQ; faith; Chambers of Commerce◊ Gatekeeper organizations and government bodies

• Timeline? ◊ Short term: acknowledge that inequity exists◊ Middle term: Collaborations must be prioritized; various marginalized groups must be included in the

process of collaboration◊ Long term: start with #1 and #2

• Accountability

RDR role: See #1 and #2Community organization role: Ensure diverse representation in all public spheres

Resident role: To serve as champions

Systems role: To change mandates, legislations and to open doors to diverse groups

Process to track impact: Yet to be determined

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The points presented above have been compiled from the notes taken at the meeting. This meeting has been the last of a series of three for RDR’s 150 project. Each event provided a platform for structured and open-ended conversations pertaining to identifying priorities for the upcoming years in the Peel region, and also planning for how to materialize the chosen priorities. While only one event – the initial Symposium in November – was planned for within the context of this Peel & Ontario 150 project funding, RDR recognized a benefit in furthering and deepening these conversations to yet another level and has hence successfully held three events.

As next steps, it is RDR’s hope that all those who engaged in the conversations with us throughout the events, and even those who were not able to attend but also strive to see similar priorities actualized, continue to take the initiatives required to make positive and tangible changes within their workplaces, their communities, in the Region of Peel and beyond. It is hoped that future funders will continue to support this work, and be willing to encourage new and innovate ways of addressing local issues.

RDR would like to thank meeting participants for freely engaging and contributing to the conversation; it is hoped that these conversations will continue, and concrete actions will follow.

Next Steps

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The Regional Diversity Roundtable28 Village Centre Place, Suite 107

Mississauga, OntarioL4Z 1V9

[email protected]


DI Charter: www.dicharter.rdrpeel.org/charter-endorse




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