HIGHLIGHTS in Stormwater Excellence

Kim Ford, PE, CFM Addendum to Resume [email protected] HIGHLIGHTS OF A CAREER IN STORMWATER EXCELLENCE Customer Service – Cost Savings – Compliance The work of Kim Ford is characterized by his all out effort to provide the best Customer Service – Cost Savings – Compliance possible. From years of regulatory expertise, Kim communicates with others to identify their needs, establish time frames, and agree on expectations. In the course of doing business, where there’s a way, Kim will look for and recommend design alternatives to provide cost savings. When you receive project approval, Kim wants you and others to know that the rules are met and your project is in compliance. Excellence in Planning, Developing, Implementing, Designing, Computer Modeling and Inspecting Hydraulic Drainage Projects while with Hillsborough County PGMD Design Exceptions Problem: Many stormwater and transportation system designs submitted for approval do not meet County Standards. Such submittals may have compelling reasons for such deviations. Design Exceptions are required to approve the design alternatives. The process requires the Engineer of Record to identify each exception and request approval. Such requests must be supported by sound engineering justification and a compelling reason. The Engineer of Record must remain responsible for the design and for addressing public safety. Action: In 2005, Kim Ford reinstituted the Design Exception Process to address alternative designs that do not meet the County’s design standards. Kim processed more than 100 stormwater and transportation related design exceptions, resolving issues such as: spread of flow, attenuation in right-of-way, reduction in roadway ditch dimensions, underdrain design, peak sensitive criteria for discharge to roadway ditches, FDOT inlets for County roads, curb & gutter in rural areas, on-site attenuation for off-site improvements, sidewalks in drainage easements, pond berm width, V-swales, lane width, clear zone, end treatments, traversable inlets with slots, reduction in freeboard, crushed concrete base, use of ditch blocks in right-of-way, and large site design criteria for small sites. Results: Project quality is improved. Improved procedures are established and rule revisions are provided for future submittals. Ladera Subdivision, Wetlands, Floodplain Van Dyke Road Widening and Simmons Road Drainage



Transcript of HIGHLIGHTS in Stormwater Excellence

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Kim Ford, PE, CFMAddendum to Resume [email protected]


Customer Service – Cost Savings – Compliance

The work of Kim Ford is characterized by his all out effort to provide the best Customer Service – Cost Savings – Compliance possible. From years of regulatory expertise, Kim communicates with others to identify their needs, establish time frames, and agree on expectations. In the course of doing business, where there’s a way, Kim will look for and recommend design alternatives to provide cost savings. When you receive project approval, Kim wants you and others to know that the rules are met and your project is in compliance.

Excellence in Planning, Developing, Implementing, Designing, Computer Modeling and Inspecting Hydraulic Drainage Projects while with Hillsborough County PGMD

Design Exceptions

Problem: Many stormwater and transportation system designs submitted for approval do not meet County Standards. Such submittals may have compelling reasons for such deviations. Design Exceptions are required to approve the design alternatives. The process requires the Engineer of Record to identify each exception and request approval. Such requests must be supported by sound engineering justification and a compelling reason. The Engineer of Record must remain responsible for the design and for addressing public safety. Action: In 2005, Kim Ford reinstituted the Design Exception Process to address alternative designs that do not meet the County’s design standards. Kim processed more than 100 stormwater and transportation related design exceptions, resolving issues such as: spread of flow, attenuation in right-of-way, reduction in roadway ditch dimensions, underdrain design, peak sensitive criteria for discharge to roadway ditches, FDOT inlets for County roads, curb & gutter in rural areas, on-site attenuation for off-site improvements, sidewalks in drainage easements, pond berm width, V-swales, lane width, clear zone, end treatments, traversable inlets with slots, reduction in freeboard, crushed concrete base, use of ditch blocks in right-of-way, and large site design criteria for small sites. Results: Project quality is improved. Improved procedures are established and rule revisions are provided for future submittals.

Ladera Subdivision, Wetlands, FloodplainVan Dyke Road Widening and Simmons Road Drainage

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Signed & Sealed Responses

Problem: There are multiple submittals by the consultants without the Engineer of Record providing responses. Such responses without the Engineer of Record lack proper accountability. Proper justification for engineering design decisions must be provided by the Engineer of Record. Action: In 2005, Kim Ford required all response letters with reasons for engineering decisions to be prepared by the Engineer of Record, signed and sealed. Kim communicates with the Engineer of Record, coaching and negotiating changes. Results: The Engineer of Record provides responses signed and sealed, and the number of resubmittals is reduced. The developers understand the expectation and appreciate the initiative to resolve the issues with the consultant. The responsibility for the project design remains with the Engineer of Record and reasons for the engineering decisions by the Engineer of Record are found in the responses kept in County files. Project quality is improved and project approvals are provided in less time.


Problem: Many consultants and applicants are not aware of Hillsborough County’s strict and comprehensive stormwater design standards. In some cases the technical manuals have been considered as a “guide” rather than the “rule”. Many stormwater and transportation designs are insufficient. The insufficient designs lead to unnecessary delays. Clarification of the rules and expectations must be clearly expressed. Action: In 2005, Kim Ford pursued clarification of policies and rules. In collaboration with consultants and staff, Kim provided clarification for more than 40 stormwater and transportation related rules including: floodplain compensation, datum, treatment & attenuation for roadway improvements, pond berm construction, underdrain design, geotechnical data, pond recovery criteria, outfall analysis, 100-year storm analysis, and reducing the potential for adverse impacts. Results: Customer Service is improved by eliminating multiple interpretations of rules. A Reviewers’ Checklist is produced for stormwater and transportation designs. The Stormwater Management Technical Manual is reduced and revised. The time needed to resubmit projects is reduced. Project quality is improved and project approvals are provided in less time.

Wilsky Professional Park, Wilsky Road and Linebaugh Avenue improvementsPeak & Volume Sensitive design criteria, FEMA designated Floodplain, WetlandsRoadway Widening on Wilsky Road and Linebaugh Avenue

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Problem: Many consultants and applicants submit designs without adequate supporting documents. Since the burden of proof is upon the designer (Engineer of Record) to demonstrate reasonable assurance for compliance, there is need for a list of items that must be addressed as part of the initial submittal to support the design. Action: In 2006, Kim Ford created Checklists for Off-site Roadway Improvements, Large Site Developments, and Masterplans. These Checklists were distributed to Consultants at Pre-application Meetings and presented in part at the annual developers’ forum. Results: Consultants and applicants expressed appreciation for the consistent and reasonable expectations clearly expressed.


Problem: Underdrain is a predominate component of local roads in subdivisions. The higher drier land has been developed leaving the lower wetter areas with high seasonal high water tables. Although many local roads within subdivisions are expected to be maintained by private entities, during tough economics times there are inadequate resources remaining for repairs. All County local roads in subdivisions should be expected to last 20 years or more, even where there is a high water table. Underdrain must be designed properly. Action: In 2006, Kim Ford noticed the increased use of underdrain and researched the design issues. In collaboration with consultants and staff, concerns were identified and design methodologies were established. Calculations provided by consultants confirmed the need for more robust underdrain designs. Results: Underdrain design details evolved depicting more frequent use of coarse aggregate underdrain designs needed for moderate to high drainage. With proper design, project approvals are provided in less time.

Application Form

Problem: With increasing development of lower wetter lands, there it is greater potential for adverse impacts. It is incumbent upon all to continue to improve project quality. Due to the complex nature of stormwater impacts, expectations must be consistently and clearly expressed. For consultants and applicants submitting for project approval by Hillsborough County, there is no stormwater application form for the submittals. Action: In 2008, Kim Ford identified the most common reasons for stormwater permitting delays. With improved Customer Service in mind, Kim took the checklists and created the Stormwater Management Facility Application Form. Results: The County has an application form ready to address stormwater issues. Such an application form serves to provide the best Customer Service – Cost Savings – Compliance possible.

Strawberry Crest High School, Bailey Elementary School, Gallagher RoadPeak & Volume Sensitive design criteria, FEMA designated Floodplain, Gallagher Road Replacement

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Road G

Problem: Road G is an unimproved segment of roadway linking a highly developed area to a County collector, Big Bend Road. Although Road G was not designed or constructed as a local road, many continue to use it in its unimproved condition. Action: In 2009, Kim Ford became aware of the need for stormwater related design expertise and immediately volunteered to assist the County’s Design & Engineering Support Section. Working in a team with staff, Kim investigated the project site, met with affected property owners, identified flooding conditions, researched SWFWMD records, identified the outfall design criteria, met with SWFWMD, reached agreement, and designed the stormwater facility with interconnected ponds using ICPR. Results: The County has a stormwater facility design for Road G that can be easily permitted in compliance with regulatory standards.

Road G DesignLimited Outfall, Limited Right-of-WayInterconnected Wet Pond Design, ICPR, Treatment in shallow roadway swales, Ditch Blocks

Disaster Planning

Problem: Hillsborough County is vulnerable to potentially devastating impacts from Hurricanes. Such impacts are caused by increased Rainfall (up to 20 inches in only a few days) and by Storm Surge. Action: In 2009, Kim Ford heard of two planning initiatives underway by Hillsborough County’s Hazard Mitigation Section: the Local Mitigation Strategy and the Post Disaster Redevelopment Plan. Kim joined in to represent the Vice-Chair of the Infrastructure Technical Advisory Committee for the Post Disaster Redevelopment Plan, and as the Co-Vice Chair of the Local Mitigation Strategy. Working in teams with top managers from other county departments, agencies and business entities including the EPCHC, Tampa Port Authority, City of Tampa, TECO and many others, Kim provided leadership and assistance in preparing these plans and the related public meetings. Kim provided geotechnical support to other staff in evaluating repetitive loss structures. Kim provided engineering design and project management for the Storm Surge Signs. Results: The Local Mitigation Strategy and the Post Disaster Redevelopment Plans are posted on-line and recognized statewide and nationally. The County continues to assess repetitive loss structures and gaining funds for structure replacements. The Storm Surge Signs are completed; and with the signs installed throughout the most vulnerable coastal areas in Hillsborough County, the project is presented on-line and noted as a highly recognized Public Safety and Transportation related accomplishment.