High Notes #15 - 27th October 2014

Vol. 50 Issue #15 27th October 2014 CHANEL PINK CUPCAKE DAY


Marist College North Shore newsletter

Transcript of High Notes #15 - 27th October 2014

Vol. 50 Issue #15 27th October 2014




Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

In Sunday morning’s Gospel, Matthew refers to Jesus’ direction that the most important thing in life is to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: you must love your neighbour as yourself.’

This should be our driving purpose in building community, in doing Solidarity, in going on Immersion and in our teaching and learning at Marist North Shore. St. Marcellin had a well-known expression which is at the fore of all Marist schools. He wanted his students to ‘know and love Jesus Christ’.

These statements must be at the core of our mission as a College. They should determine the way that we respond to each other, the way that we include each other and the way that we show respect for all.


Recently the College Executive, House Coordinators and teachers met with the Year 7, 2015 and their parents and guardians. I really enjoy these meetings. There is the excitement of beginning a new journey. The newness is obvious for the students. It is their first experience of high school. It is also a good experience for the teachers because they get to meet their future students. These will be the young boys at the heart of our work. Our partnership with parents will see us forming independent men, men of faith and men who will make a difference.

It is always challenging for us in schools to be meeting the next group of students as we are saying goodbye to our current HSC students. I believe that we have made our commitment to these current students.


The new Houses of MacKillop and Montagne have been received very positively. Mr David Forrester and the House Coordinators are putting in the long hours working together to create the new Houses of students. As I mentioned in my letter to parents prior, we are using the method suggested by the students of moving whole Tutor

Groups from existing houses to form the basis of the new Houses. This method recognises the importance that we place on the relationships developed with the Tutors and their students. We are working to ensure that after moving Tutor Groups, that we still have brothers in the same House. Considering the number of brothers in the College, this has been quite a challenge. We are hoping that the outcome of these changes remains as exciting for the students as it has begun to be in its first weeks. The MacKillop House will be coordinated by Mrs Milena Vuckovic and the Montagne House by Mr Stephen Versteegh.


Last Friday evening, our Year 11 boys met up with the girls from Mount St. Benedict’s College for the Year 11 Social. This appeared to be a very positive outing. Great to see our boys being young gentlemen. Before the start there were more than a few nervous students from both schools and after a full fifteen minutes, the dance floor was full.


This week I will email parents a draft copy of the College’s new Strategic Plan. We are consulting the community at this stage of the process. If you have any observations or additions that you think should be included, we ask that you email them to [email protected]. We are looking to finalise this plan in the next fortnight.


We will be asking parents, students and staff to complete a brief satisfaction survey to inform the College’s Annual Report to the Community. This report is made public next year as per the government requirements.

Tony DuncanHeadmaster



I spoke to all students at an assembly last week in regards to all students needing to use the College school bag. I have noticed recently that too many students have taken the liberty to use another bag. The bag is a part of the school uniform. We have spent some time to ensure that the bags are of a good sturdy quality and are supportive. Students have been asked to attend to this matter of using the College school bag by the end of Week 5 (Friday 7th November).

Our uniform expectations in the diary states:School Bags: A College backpack or carry

bag is to be used by students in Years 7-12. The College backpack is COMPULSORY. Bags are to be kept clean and free of markings, drawings,

or graffiti. A small black carry bag may be used for carrying sports gear.


At Marist North Shore, we are proud of the family spirit that exists within our community. It is the attention to detail in the formation of relationships. The significance and meaning of our family in our lives can be at times taken for granted. The Extraordinary Synod of the Family called upon by Pope Francis from 5-19th October looked at the many ways family serves the good of the human person. The following quote I share with you from Pope Francis symbolises the commitment we need to foster within families to build a sense of openness, love, care and respect for an individual.

“The family… is the place where one learns to love, it is the natural centre of human life. It is made up of faces, of people who love

dialogue, make self sacrifices for one another and defend life, especially of the most

vulnerable and the weakest. One could say, without exaggeration, that the family is the driving force of the world and of

history”(Pope Francis)

David ForresterDeputy Headmaster


Congratulations to all of the Year 11 students who received their Academic Excellence and Commitment Awards on Wednesday 22nd October. Award receipents can viewed on the next page. Just a reminder that there is no rush for students to drop their HSC subjects at this point. This process of dropping courses can continue well into next year, so I have been advising some students who are performing well in various subjects to adopt a “wait and see” policy for at least this term. If in doubt, please ask your teacher for advice before making a rash decision. If any student did not receive their Assessment Booklet or Board of Studies guidelines from me on Wednesday night, please see me as soon as possible.


Congratulations to the following students who were also recognised at the Prize-giving evening with the following major awards:

The Grahame Smollett Award for Academic Excellence:

Finnan Mullally-MuschinskiThe Lillian Muir Award for

Excellence in Cultural Pursuits: Samuel How

The Brother Ludovic Award for Spirit and Service:

Hamish BuchananThe Brother Martial Lampard Award for

Sportsman of the Year: Patrick Bezzi & Thomas Criniti


The College is offering students in Year 9, 10 and 11, 2015 (current Years 8, 9 and 10) an opportunity to travel to France during the September holidays next year to visit Paris, the war-fields of World War I and II in France and Belgium and also the birthplace of the Marist Brothers in St. Chamond. Initial details and a draft itinerary were emailed to parents last week. Thank you to those parents who have already shown interest in the trip. Payment deadlines and other documentation will be sent out via email within the week.

Ann McGovernDirector of Teaching and Learning



EXCELLENCEDavid Arnold Music = 1st

Thomas AtkinsonAncient History = 1stHospitality

Andrew Barker EconomicsAustin Beins Catholic StudiesJordan Biñas Geography

Hamish BuchananBiologyBusiness StudiesStudies of Religion I

Tiernan ByrneChemistry = 1stEnglish Advanced = 1st

Matthew Chheou MathematicsTobias Davidson English Extension IAndrew Fulwood Industrial Technology -


Christopher FungHSC MathematicsPhysics

Luke GallenChemistry = 1stEnglish Advanced = 1st

Branden Garratt Sports, Lifestyle & Recreation

James Heather DramaBenjamin Hough Mathematics General

Harry LawsonDesign & TechnologyInformation Processes & Technology

Kentaro MoritaEnglish StandardMusic = 1st

Finnan Mullally-Muschinski

Ancient History = 1stModern HistoryStudies of Religion IIVisual Arts

James O’Connell Mathematics Extension ILuke Shallvey PDHPEAlexander Walton Legal Studies


Charlie AspinallDramaEnglish Standard

Thomas Atkinson Modern History

Austin BeinsAncient HistoryGeography

Nathan Booth Mathematics GeneralHamish Buchanan Chemistry


Tiernan Byrne

Mathematics Extension IPhysicsStudies of Religion I

Harrison Chant English StandardTobias Davidson Studies of Religion IBenjamin Davy HospitalityBrad Falconer Mathematics

Daniel FarnhamEnglish AdvancedMathematics General

Callum Ferguson MusicAlexander Fraser Business StudiesLuke Gallen BiologyNathan Gambi HSC Mathematics

Charles GeevesModern HistoryStudies of Religion I

David Gribben Business StudiesJoshua Hortinela Visual ArtsHarry Lawson GeographyBenjamin Luck Legal Studies

Alexander McQuarrieDesign & TechnologyIndustrial Technology - Timber

Jack Rogers Mathematics

Matthew SalesBusiness StudiesEconomicsPDHPE

Luke ShallveyEnglish AdvancedStudies of Religion II

Mark SingcaInformation Processes & TechnologyCatholic Studies

Luke Stacey English Extension I

Jack StapelfeldtEnglish StandardMathematics

Jordan Veitch English StandardKaspers Walker Mathematics GeneralIsaac West Studies of Religion II

Mark YeongPDHPESports, Lifestyle & Recreation

Samuel Zanardo Ancient History




Mother Teresa once wrote:

“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the

person nearest you”.

This is what Marist Solidarity is all about; our students standing side by side and working with those on the margins of life. Whether it be at the Matthew Talbot Hostel, the Street Level Café or on Immersion, Marist College North Shore’s young men stand in Solidarity. I would encourage you to read the article below by Luke Gallen on his first experience of Night Patrol.

Every night up to hundred thousand people in Australia sleep rough or in places that they don’t belong to; these people are the homeless. It’s hard to imagine sleeping on the streets of Sydney every night, but for some it’s a reality. Age, race, gender, sexuality or religion are not discriminators as to who sleeps on the streets. It’s a daily free for all, everyone trying their hardest to become better, to change their life.

The opportunity to interact with these people is available through Night Patrol. Students going into Year 12 are given the chance to join St. Vincent de Paul’s and travelling in their trucks that go out to serve sandwiches and coffee, allowing us boys a once in a lifetime experience. After only one night, you quickly learn that the sandwiches and coffee are nothing compared to your presence. Just being with the people, having conversations about the Opal card or why Apple are the greatest innovators of all time, means more than the food. The conversations and human contact are the most important thing to them. The worst factor about being on the streets is not the cold nights, the constant fear of being mugged or the feeling of an empty stomach, but it’s the loneliness that comes with it. Night Patrol is a gateway into connecting with these people those willing to help, to give them a meal on a cold night and give them an ear to listen to them.

- Luke Gallen (11 Moore)College Captain


As we enter into the month of November and start to think about the Christmas shopping that is going to be upon us soon, I ask you to spare a thought for those who will not have a Christmas where they are able to provide a present for their child or even put a roof over their head. Last year, as a College community, we provided over 70 Christmas hampers to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and I hope we can do the same this year. Below is what each house has been asked to donate each week during the Appeal. An email will be sent out later this week further explaining the Christmas Appeal.

Christmas Appeal 2014 Roster of ItemsHelp Make A Christmas Wish Come True

Week beginning 27th October:Chanel House: Toiletry itemsKelly House: Canned food itemsMoore House: Christmas goodsSalta House: Packet goods and drinks

Week beginning 3rd November: Chanel House: Christmas goodsKelly House: Toiletry itemsMoore House: Packed goods and drinksSalta House: Canned food items

Week beginning 10th NovemberChanel House: Packed goods and drinksKelly House: Christmas goodsMoore House: Canned food itemsSalta House: Toiletry items

Week beginning 17th November:Chanel House: Canned food itemsKelly House: Packed goods and drinks Moore House: Toiletry itemsSalta House: Christmas goods

Stephen VersteeghSolidarity Coordinator




At the end of Term 3, the House Cup 2014 came to a tremendous close after fierce competiton in the final weeks. All students must be commended on their effort displayed throughout the year, whether they achieved points through team or individual efforts or by simply supporting their fellow students.

It was the most competitive House Cup competition the College has seen so far in its history with Chanel, Moore and Salta all holding first place at some stage of the competition. Furthermore, students ensured that each House accumulated over 2000 points each which is an outstanding effort.

It came down to the wire, with only 3rd and 4th position being decided on the very last day of competition and only forty-six points separating first and second.

The staff and students are most certainly looking forward to commencing House Cup next year especially with two more Houses in the mix. Special thanks goes to Mr Jeff Davidson and the student leaders who involve themselves in preparing and promoting many of the House Cup events and also to Miss Julia Heaton, our chief points counter.

HOUSE CUP TALLY1st Salta 2633pts2nd Chanel 2587pts3rd Kelly 2359pts4th Moore 2319pts

TOP TUTOR GROUP RANKING1st Salta 1 353pts2nd Chanel 7 348pts3rd Salta 8 317pts4th Kelly 2 311pts5th Moore 7 284pts

TOP INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS PER HOUSEChanel Joe Burgess (Year 12)Kelly Michael Gribben (Year 8)

Moore Kaiya Melbourne (Year 8) & Alexander Coyle (Year 12)

Salta James Appleton (Year 7)

James Appleton was recognised as the top student overall at the College this year which is an outstanding achievement for a Year 7 student. Congratulations James!




On Tuesday 14th October, the Year 9 boys who are studying Visual Arts and PDM went on an Artists’ Journey to Cockatoo Island. The aim of the excursion was to experience a fascinating location and to capture images to create their own Body of Work for their final assessment for the year.

Armed with cameras, lenses, tripods, sketch books and lunch, they captured outstanding images of the rusted patina of the buildings, the soft light in the warehouses and some rather aggressive seagulls. The hard work now begins where they plan their vision and work towards a highly resolved Body of Work.

The boys were outstanding on the day and their enthusiasm for taking photos and exploring interesting view points was clearly evident. Thank you to Ms McGrath who mentored the Art students on the day.

Carolyn O’BrienLeader of Learning - Creative & Performing Arts




On Friday 17th October, the yard at Marist College North Shore was awash with boys dressed in pink and many with a pink cupcake in their hand. The Chanel House’s annual Pink Cupcake Day once again proved a roaring success. Students were spoilt for choice with the vast array of cupcakes on display, and various merchandise was available for purchase, all contributing to raising money for Breast Cancer Research.

The money aims to continue to fund research for the disease which affects 1 in 8 women in Australia. It was fantastic to see so many boys so eager to support such an important cause. In particular, the Year 11 boys who engaged with full spirit adorning themselves in various pink outfits to sell the cakes and badges. However, all boys in the Chanel House must be thanked for their support by baking the hundreds of cakes that were sold on the day. It was a testament to the spirit of the House. Furthermore, our thanks must be extended to the parents who gave up there time to help on the day and set up the stall.

The event however would not be possible without the passion and dedication of the Chanel House Coordinator Ms. McGrath, who organised the event. Her committed spirit in organising the event led to an incredibly successful day resulting in $1279.45 being raised. The support from all the students on the day was incredible to see and it is hoped this event continues long into the future.

Samuel How11 Chanel




On Friday 17th October some of our Year 10 and 11 students were selected to attend the Lower North Shore Youth Forum. Students from several local schools heard from a range speakers about wellbeing, resilience and mental health. We were encouraged to think about what we could do to make our school a better place. Removing the stigma of mental health, and how to get students talking about what is going on in their lives was the focus of the day.

Dawn RussellCollege Counsellor


Learning a second language has so many obvious benefits, but did you also know that “multilingualism has a whole slew of incredible side effects: Multi-linguals tend to score better on standardized tests, especially in math, reading, and vocabulary; they are better at remembering lists or sequences, likely from learning grammatical rules and vocabulary; they are more perceptive to their surroundings and therefore better at focusing in on important information while weeding out misleading information (it’s no surprise Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot are skilled polyglots).” To read more about the advantages of language learning, see the recent story published by SBS is available at the link below:


Madame Jensen & Mademoiselle BucknoleFrench


Congratulations to Alexander Bernes (10 Salta) who has successfully auditioned for a role in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat which will run at The Concourse, Chatswood from 9th - 24th January 2015.

Alexander will be will be performing alongside Sam Moran (The Wiggles, Play Along with Sam), Harmony Lovegrove (The Voice Kids, Schools Spectacular) along with a cast comprised of some of Sydney’s most talented performers under twenty years of age.

Tickets are on sale now. See the flyer on the other page for more details.

Break a leg Alex!




Varun Mehrotra (7 Salta) competed at the International Sports Karate Association World Cup on Saturday 18th October. Varun participated in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 13-15 year olds, 46kgs division and was crowned champion. Congratulations Varun on this outstanding achievement!

Varun holding his trophy


On the 9th - 12th October, several of our students were selected to compete at the NSW All Schools Championships. We had a number of great results from students, some who record new Championship and College records. These boys now have the opportunity to go to the National Championships. Below are some of the individual results:

Austin Hake (9 Kelly)2nd U/15 400m (51.91) (College record)

Juan Rasines Mazo (9 Kelly)5th U/15 200m hurdles (28.44)7th U/15 100m hurdles (14.82)

Joshua Phillips (9 Chanel)1st U/15 3000m (9:09.69)1st U/15 2000m steeplechase (6:20.51)

Matthew Crowe (12 Kelly)1st U/17 400m hurdles (53.57) (Championship record)

Joe Burgess (12 Chanel)2nd U/19 5000m (16:06.38)

Congratulations to these students on this fantastic result.

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS LOOKING AHEAD29 Oct: Year 11 RYDA Day31 Oct: Year 7/2015 Orientation & Testing Day Year 12, 2013 - 1 Year Reunion3>7 Nov: Year 10 Assessment Week3 Nov: St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal Solidarity - Night Patrol (Moore)7 Nov: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Chanel)10>14 Nov: HSC Hospitality Work Placement17>21 Nov: Year 9 Assessment Week17 Nov: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta)21 Nov: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)24>28 Nov: Year 7 & 8 Assessment Week4 Dec: Year 10 & 11 Champagnat Gold5 Dec: TERM 4 CONCLUDES FOR YEAR 10 & 11 Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)10 Dec: Year 7, 8 & 9 Chamagnat Gold11 Dec: TERM 4 CONCLUDES FOR YEARS 7, 8 & 9 15 Dec: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)18 Dec: COLLEGE CLOSES FOR 201419 Dec: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)19 Jan: COLLEGE OPENS FOR 201528 Jan: Year 7 Orientation Day Uniform Shop open29 Jan: ALL STUDENTS RETURN FOR 201530 Jan: SWIMMING CARNIVAL Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)9>11 Feb: YEAR 7 CAMP9 Feb: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)13 Feb: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)18 Feb: Ash Wednesday20 Feb: COMMENCEMENT MASS Year 7 Marist Induction & Laptop Rollout P&F Welcome Drinks23 Feb: Kelly House Mass, 6pm Chanel House Mass, 7.15pm Solidarity - Night Patrol (Moore)24 Feb: Salta House Mass, 6pm Moore House Mass, 7.15pm25 Feb: Vaccinations - Year 7 HPV & Year 8 HPV Catch up Montagne House Mass, 6pm MacKillop House Mass, 7.15pm27 Feb: CSDA Public Speaking (Round 1) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Chanel)6 Mar: CSDA Public Speaking (Round 2)7 Mar: COLLEGE EXPO DAY9 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta)10 Mar: Year 9 Reflection Day11>19 Mar: YEAR 12 HALF-YEARLY ASSESSMENT WEEK12 Mar: MCC Tennis MCC Golf13 Mar: CSDA Public Speaking (Final) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)16>20 Mar: YEAR 9 CAMP19 Mar: MCC Swimming23 Mar: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel)26 Mar: MCC Cross Country27 Mar: CSDA Debating (Round 1) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)2 Apr: LAST DAY OF TERM 13>19 Apr: SCHOOL HOLIDAYS

CANTEEN27 Oct: Louise Burton, Cathy Kinsella, Jennifer Sheldon, Leonie Siutz, Tara Smith, Christina Young28 Oct: Katherine Borkowski, Sandra Fitzgerald, Kirsty Hudson, Melanie Sanchez29 Oct: Amanda Gallen, Meg Neuhaus, Sarah Panozzo, Ruth Scholes, Sue Van Twest30 Oct: Rosina Aloe, Barbara Doll, Catherine Dovgan, Liz Parr31 Oct: France Booth, Fiona Lucas, Jane O’Shea3 Nov: Linda Fung, Debbie Jenkins, Liz McGuire, Izabel Silva-Lindsey, Veronica Valderas4 Nov: Cathy Criniti, Maria Pagano, Colin Wilson5 Nov: Sam Adderton, Erica Keri, Robyn Mathôt-Gwozdecky6 Nov: Lizzy Chant, Leanne O’Grady, Antoniette Raynal, Jenny Winter7 Nov: Karen Ferguson, Suzanne Fraser, Zarli French, Sandra Garratt, Lisa James, Kim Walker

UNIFORM SHOP29 Oct: Talin Boghossian, Maria Failla, Kirsten O’Reilly, Meg Neuhaus, Kendra McKenzie5 Nov: Donalda Brown, Mandy Arnold, Debbie Jenkins, Taleen Avedissian




We have a number of containers left over from the Chanel Cupcake Day sale that have been unclaimed. Many have names on them, so please remind your sons to check by Lost Property:

• Kershaw• Solway• Carah• Adderton• Mouat